
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2024

Anti-Israel Anarchists Rob Covid Students Of Their Second Graduation Ceremony

By refusing to punish the unlawful acts committed by anti-Israel anarchists, colleges are robbing graduating students of their commencement.

Smash The State-Backed Higher Education Racket!

Taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize extremism.

In Defense Of Dog-Killer Kristi Noem

There’s a great deal more going on here than meets the eye.

Republican Weakness Taught Democrats Power Works Better Than Persuasion

Leftist mobs' demonstrations depend upon the acquiescence of those in official positions of authority.

Lara Trump Parties With The People Trying To Bankrupt And Imprison Her Father-In-Law

Lara Trump attended the White House Correspondents' Association dinner to mingle with the DC establishment that hates her family.

Biden Admin Making It Harder For U.S. Gun Businesses To Sell Abroad

The new rule burdens American gun companies with regulations that will entrench “significant losses” they suffered after the October 2023 halt.

Study: Religious School Kids Are Way More Tolerant And Informed Than Public Schoolers

Is it any wonder Americans no longer share a hope for the future and a sense of the common good?

DOD Prompts Gender Dysphoria In Military Kids And Hides Health Records From Parents

Military parents will need to be their own advocates as they appeal to Congress to restore their parental rights in this federal health care system.

Associated Press Admits New Indictments Are ‘Campaign’ To ‘Deter’ GOP From Questioning Elections

The AP admitted Friday that the indictment of 18 Arizona Republicans is 'part of a campaign' to 'deter' election challenges from the GOP.

Last Week In Lawfare Land: Witness Testimony, Another SCOTUS Case, And A New Indictment Drop

Here’s the latest information you need to know about each prosecution Democrats are waging against the Republican presidential candidate.

College Activists Postpone Anti-Israel Encampment Because Students Are Too White

Students at the University of Washington canceled an encampment because too many of the students who signed up are white.

Alito: Criminalizing Close Election Contests Would Destabilize Entire Foundation Of American Democracy

Alito implied democratic norms could be decimated if 'bitter' politicians could weaponize the justice system to target their opponents.

Utah GOP Gov. Spencer Cox’s Reelection Campaign Is Bankrolled By Far-Left Democrats

The self-styled Republican governor of Utah has spent the last few years endorsing a litany of left-wing social causes.

Sotomayor Hijacks Trump Immunity Hearing To Push Democrats’ Debunked ‘Fake Electors’ Smear

Contrary to Sotomayor's web of dishonesty, the naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 election was neither unprecedented nor unlawful.

Biden Admin’s Top Lawyer Can’t Explain To SCOTUS How A 1986 Law Suddenly Mandates Abortion

Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett had some questions about the Biden administration's attempt to force states to permit abortions.

Human Trafficking Czar Ignores Democrat-Invited Human Trafficking Over U.S. Border

Instead of addressing the root cause of U.S. trafficking problems — a compromised border — Dyer is focused on promoting 'equity' abroad.

Exclusive: Pennsylvania Lawmakers Appeal To Supreme Court In Case Challenging ‘Bidenbucks’

Plaintiffs want the court to weigh in on the critical question of standing: whether individual lawmakers can stand up to Biden's overreach.

We’re So Sorry, Uncle Bosie: Biden’s Latest Trip Down Dementia Lane Is A Doozy

Biden's whopper about his war hero uncle eaten by cannibals exposes bigger problems than his longtime trouble with the truth.

To Celebrate Earth Day, The White House Locks Off More Alaskan Earth From American Use

Alaska has suffered from more environmental meddling from Washington bureaucrats than any other state in the country.

Media Suddenly Concerned About Embryos Because They’re Palestinian

Until now, corporate media haven’t blinked an eye over the destruction of hundreds of millions of innocent embryos.

Here’s Just Some Of The Historical Evidence For The Biblical Exodus

While some depict the Bible’s Passover meal and Jews’ Exodus from Egypt as a fable, archeological and other evidence squares with the Bible’s account.

SCOTUS Deliberates Over Homeless Camps And A Fictional ‘Right To Housing’

There is nothing in the text or history of the cruel and unusual punishments clause that remotely grants anyone a right to public housing.

Two Years And $113 Billion Later, D.C.’s ‘America Last’ Crew Has No Plan For Ending The Russia-Ukraine War

You don't have to be a Putin stooge to see that dumping endless U.S. funds into Kyiv without proper oversight is a terrible idea.

Trump’s Jury Trial Will Be As ‘Fair’ As The Russia Hoax And 2020 Election

New York County, which encompasses Manhattan, voted for Biden over Trump 87 percent to 12 percent in 2020.

America Ignores Major Military Infrastructure Problems At Its Peril

With Biden's weakness inviting aggression from America's rivals, the infrastructure problems plaguing the U.S. military cannot be ignored.

Columbia President Suggests Faculty ‘Don’t Know How To Spell’ To Avoid Scrutiny Of DEI

It appeared to be an attempt to distance herself from nonsensical woke materials distributed to Columbia students under her leadership.

Biden Won’t Condemn Hamas Supporters Because He Needs Them

Even if the media suddenly shed their desire to protect Democrats, it’s clear that Democrats have chosen to side with Hamas supporters.

Newsweek Dusts Off Long-Debunked Conspiracy Theory To Smear Tom Massie

Find a new story.

Instead Of Debates With Rigged Moderators, Trump Should Challenge Biden To Lincoln-Douglas Contests

Trump should challenge Biden to a series of Lincoln-Douglas style debates this summer, before voters go to the polls.

Trevor Bauer Accuser Criminally Indicted On Fraud, Extortion Charges

'At what point do I get to go back to work and continue earning a living?' asks former MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer.

Mike Johnson Promised To Fix The Border Before Funneling Money Overseas. He’s Doing The Opposite

The battle this ‘wartime speaker’ is ready to fight isn’t at home for his voters but nearly 5,000 miles and an ocean away.

Unofficial Voter Registration Site Collects Pennsylvanians’ Info For ‘Political Activities’

A left-wing website has been using a near-identical domain name as the Pennsylvania State Department to register new voters.

California Sues Huntington Beach To Overturn Voter ID Measure Approved By Voters

California AG Rob Bonta sued Huntington Beach on Monday in an effort to prevent a voter ID law passed by city voters from taking effect.

Trump Will Be In Court Instead Of Campaigning For 8 Weeks Thanks To Democrats’ New York Lawfare

Each day spent in a courthouse is a day spent off the campaign trail

SCOTUS Gives Idaho The Go-Ahead To Enforce Law Criminalizing Child Sterilization, Mutilation

Tucked into the justices’ order allowing enforcement was a warning to lower courts against weaponizing universal injunctions.

GOP Governor Vetoes Rule Requiring Wyomingites To Prove Residency To Register To Vote

Wyoming law requires voters to be state residents, but would-be voters are currently just required to provide proof of identity, according to the secretary of state.

Colorado County Sues State For Banning Local Enforcement Of Immigration Laws

Colorado's Douglas County is suing the state over laws prohibiting local governments from helping enforce federal immigration laws.

Kansas Republicans ‘Stand Ready’ To Override Veto Of Bill Banning Trans Experiments On Kids

Legislators need a two-thirds majority in both chambers to quash Kelly’s rejection of their protections for children.

‘Bidenbucks’ Make ‘Zuckbucks’ Look Like Chump Change

Election integrity watchdogs say private funds in elections pale in comparison to what Biden has wrought through the power of his pen.

Leftists Who Insisted Covid Health Care Was ‘Racist’ Test Positive For Confirmation Bias

The view that systemic racism contributed to Covid-19 misery continues to hold sway in medical articles today — but it's false.

Trump’s Strongest New York Defense Has Nothing To Do With Alvin Bragg Or Judge Merchan

Much of the commentary on the case has consisted of accusations against Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan, but Trump has a strong defense on the merits — and his supporters should use it.

Two-Time Bone Cancer Survivor Debunks Biden’s ‘Affordable’ Health Care Policies

If regulators wanted to crack down on 'junk insurance' plans, they should do something about Obamacare itself.

New York Times Writer Doesn’t See Race— When The Alleged Criminal Is Black

A New York Times writer showed no interest in the race of men in New York randomly assaulting women, but she did care about the race of Rockettes.

Alvin Bragg Kicks Off Another Frenzied Lawfare Trial With Weakest Case Against Trump Yet

No reasonable jury in America would convict anyone of the charges laid out against Trump, but this is New York City.

House Speaker Kills Effort To Stop The Feds From Spying On Americans Without A Warrant

Speaker Mike Johnson cast the tie vote to defeat an amendment requiring the feds to obtain a warrant to surveil Americans.

Why Can’t Deep-Red Ohio Accomplish Anything For Conservatives?

With a supermajority Republican trifecta, it is stunning how little Ohio Republicans get done and how often they lose consequential battles.

Youngkin Vetoes ‘Disastrous’ Bill Expanding Ranked-Choice Voting In Virginia

'A heightened risk of mistakenly erroneous ballot submissions raises concerns about disenfranchisement and an increased lack of voter confidence in election results.'

Jury Acquits Massachusetts Man Charged For Protecting Himself And Others From Anti-GOP Attacker

A Massachusetts jury acquitted Kevin Mackie on all charges related to his efforts to protect himself and others from an anti-Republican attacker.

Prominent U.K. Doctor’s Independent Review Finds ‘No Good Evidence’ Supports Chemically Castrating Kids

'The current evidence base suggests that children who present with gender incongruence at a young age are most likely to desist before puberty.

After Promising Not To, The IRS Army Democrats Expanded Is Targeting The Middle Class

The Internal Revenue Service is deploying its expanded army of federal tax collectors on the middle class, contrary to Democrat promises.

Could Democrat Hubris And Incompetence Cost Biden Ballot Access In These States?

Joe Biden is at risk of losing ballot access in Alabama and Ohio due to a scheduling error by the Democratic National Committee.

GOP County Prepares To Sue New York Over Law Hitching Local Elections To State Dems’ Coattails

'Democrats in Albany see this as an opportunity to expand their power by tying in local elections to those years,' said Dutchess County Legislature Chair Will Truitt.

Pro-Lifers Have Always Wanted National Protections For Unborn Babies And Their Mothers

For pro-lifers motivated to live out their principles, the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling was only the beginning.

Voters — And One Alleged Signature Gatherer — Say Their Names Were Forged For Arizona Candidate

At least four voters say their signatures were forged, and now a man listed as one of the signature gatherers claims his name was also forged.

Wall Street Journal Embraces ‘Book Ban’ Hoax

The Wall Street Journal hopped on the Democrat conspiracy train by pushing the baseless claim that conservatives are 'banning' books.

PBS’s William F. Buckley Documentary Highlights The Conservative Crusader’s Faith

Bill's faith enabled him to speak boldly, unapologetically, and ultimately prophetically, about the issues of his time.

Trump’s Mixed Messaging On Abortion And IVF Plays Right Into Democrats’ Electoral Strategy

Republicans must choose their words carefully and affirm the majority of Americans’ desire to limit abortion to at least the first trimester — not just on the state level but nationally.

Media Tacitly Admit Mail-In Balloting Is Not As Secure And Reliable As They Claim

Since the chaotic 2020 election and coincident expansion of mail-in balloting, America’s corrupt media have gone full throttle to convince the country that this unsupervised system is 1,000 percent safe and never produces fraud. The same consensus also accuses Americans concerned about the risks associated with mass mail-in voting of being conspiracy theorists and so-called […]

30-Year Naval Academy Teacher Details Depth Of DEI Rot In America’s Military Institutions

'The Naval Academy tries to square the circle by both bragging about its standards and letting in half the class to lower standards.'

D.C. Cherry Blossoms Aren’t Safe Around Climate Activists — And Neither Are We

The Borg is determined to control our lives through fear. This is why, in the eyes of the elites, beauty itself is too dangerous.

Judge Who Gagged Trump To Hide Rabid Pro-Democrat Bias Must Recuse Immediately

This judicial overreach not only threatens the former president’s First Amendment rights but also interferes with the election.

In Opposite Day Logic, USA Today Breathlessly Defends ‘Zuckerbucks’

The accomplice media want you to believe that banning Mark Zuckerberg's money in elections is an attack on democracy.

Madison Spent ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ Funds Right Before Wisconsinites Outlawed Them

A Madison official admitted the decision to spend a 'Zuckbucks' grant was based on the chance that voters would vote against such funds.

‘Disinfo’ Guru To Voters: Trust Corporate Media Instead Of ‘Doing Your Own Research’

Schwanke suggested Pennsylvanians should not do their 'own research' when it comes to elections and instead rely on 'trusted' sources.

Celebrity Chef José Andrés Is An Anti-Israel Dupe

Israel does not target aid workers, engage in genocide, or cause famine. It fights Hamas.

The Ruling Class Screwed Over Manufacturing Towns Like East Palestine Long Before A Train Derailed

Even with all the attention it has recently received, East Palestine is easy to miss.

Professor Banned From Christian Campus For Criticizing Identity Politics Settles Case

Dr. Greg Schulz and Concordia University Wisconsin have come to a confidential settlement after the university kicked Schulz off campus.

Mike Johnson And Trump Can Cut The Bait-And-Switch ‘Loan For Ukraine’ Talk

Republicans are trying to con voters by calling more Ukraine welfare a 'loan.' It's a lie because Ukraine will never be able to repay it.

Mike Johnson’s ‘Ukraine First’ Agenda Shows He’s No Different Than Mitch McConnell

Mike Johnson is just a biblically literate Mitch McConnell.

Florida Supreme Court Rules To Allow Deceptive Abortion Amendment On November Ballot

If the proposed amendment passes, abortionists in Florida could deem abortion at any stage of pregnancy necessary for a woman’s ‘health.’

As Christianity Declines, We Must Confront The Threat Of Pagan America

Federalist Senior Editor John Daniel Davidson's new book, Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come , offers a sobering assessment of the threats to the American way of life as religiosity declines.

Farmers’ Revolt Over Radical Green Agenda Could Reshape Europe Ahead Of EU Elections

European farmers are reshaping the political landscape across the Atlantic just months before the EU's parliamentary elections.

Biden’s Anti-Christian Easter Stunt Leaves No Doubt About Democrats’ Descent Into Paganism

The modern Democrat Party champions all the pagan impulses of leftism.

Federal Judge Orders Release Of Illegal Border Crossers Who Stormed Texas National Guard

Acosta justified the decision by blaming the local District Attorney’s office for failing to adequately prepare for detention hearings.

Leftists Waste No Time In Attacking Legacy Of Francis Scott Key After Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Activists have already started a baseless smear campaign in demanding Francis Scott Key's name be dropped from any rebuilt bridge.

Can Turning Point Action’s ‘Chase The Vote’ Offset Democrats’ Election Machine?

Turning Point Action held its first series of trainings for hired activists to chase Republican-favorable ballots in the lead up to the 2024 election.

Supreme Court Justices Purposely Ignore The Main Issue In Abortion Pill Arguments

It looks like the justices will rule in favor of the FDA, making Jackson’s scenario of a viral murderous trend a government-endorsed reality.