
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2023

NPR Moves Its Goal Posts On Senility From Trashing Trump’s Age To Defending Biden’s Decline

NPR tried to reassure Americans that Biden using the short stairs to board Air Force One is a normal precaution to avoid 'bad optics.'

Study Shows Journalism Is ‘Most Regretted’ College Major As Trust In Corporate Media Sinks

At a time when most Americans recognize the corporate media are dishonest, journalism tops the list of most regretted college degrees.

West Virginia Resident Pleads Guilty To Casting A Second, Illegal Vote In The 2020 Election

A West Virginia resident pled guilty to illegally voting in the 2020 election, the state's top election official announced on Wednesday.

Yes, Washington Is A Gerontocracy. No, We Don’t Need Age Limits. Here Is A Better Plan

It's not a mystery why Washington is teeming with septuagenarians and octogenarians. Voters put them there.

Don’t Tread On Your Own Children

Jaiden's mom has exposed one reality of raising based children: It involves our own form of political indoctrination.

New Financial Disclosures Contradict ProPublica Smear Operation Against Clarence Thomas

The new financial disclosure filed by Justice Thomas Thursday delivers a rebuke to activists' smear campaign.

Did Weiss’s Office Ignore Pretrial Diversion Policy To Cut Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal? DOJ Is Hiding The Answer

Weiss cannot be trusted after his office negotiated Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal that included the pretrial diversion 'get-out-of-jail-free' agreement.

If The Media Insisted On Calling Trump A Liar, That Standard Must Be Applied To Biden’s Corruption Lies

One of the distinguishing features of Trump's presidency was an aggressive press corps that felt obligated to call out Trump's 'lies' -- so why won't they apply this same standard to Biden who is inarguably a world-class liar?

Jim Jordan Subpoenas Anti-Free Speech Group Over Censorship Collusion With Biden Regime

The CCDH previously refused to hand over any information detailing its relationship with censors and the federal government.

The Jocks Are Going To Save The Republic, One Defiant Grin At A Time

Women will want them; androgynous gender studies majors will want to be them.

How Embracing DEI Is Causing Classical Music To DIE

In Philadelphia, one of the country’s most progressive arts companies is on the brink of collapse — a decline accelerated by an allegiance to 'diversity, equity, and inclusion.'

Media Use Racist Shooting To Smear Ron DeSantis — And Chill Debate

Insinuating the governor is partially responsible for racial violence is vile. It's also meant to shut you up.

Half Of Male Inmates Pretending To Be Female Are Guilty Of Sex Crimes, State Data Shows

According to Wisconsin data, 81 of the 161 male inmates who claim to be transgender have been convicted of sexual assault or sexual abuse.

This Is Just A Preview Of How The Dishonest Media Will Lie And Mislead About Trump’s Show Trials

Quotes and summaries reported by the media are always either half wrong or deliberately misleading. The Trump trials will be the same.

Viktor Shokin Interview Shows No Amount Of Biden Corruption Evidence Will Make Corporate Media Tell The Truth

A cursory internet search shows corporate media largely ignored Shokin’s further confirmation of the Bidens’ Burisma corruption.

Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

The judge in Trump’s Jan. 6 case didn’t just pick a March 4 trial date at random. The aim is to get Trump off the ballot.

‘Joe The Plumber’ Was Right About Barack Obama

Many of our political problems can be traced back to his imperial presidency.

Divorce Is Hardest On The Kids, Even When They’re All Grown Up

As divorce over the age of 50 increases, we are learning that the effects of divorce are not unique to young children.

University Of Alabama Dean: Identity Politics Is ‘The Whole Purpose Of The University’

A recent report provides chapter and verse on just how badly DEI has colonized Alabama’s system of public higher education.

‘Jury Duty’ TV Series Transforms Civic Drudgery Into Insightful Comedy 

Far from confirming the audience’s cynicism about today’s courts, the show offers reasons to hope justice will be served. 

Jen Psaki Admits Democrats Everywhere Want To Legalize Abortions Until Birth

‘Are most Democrats in favor of legislation that allows for this? Yes. For all the reasons I just outlined,’ Psaki said.

Samantha Power Wrote The Book On Genocide, So Why Is She Ignoring It?

If she wanted to, Samantha Power could make genocide prevention a priority for the Biden administration.

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney Weiss Colluded With DOJ To Thwart Congressional Questioning, Emails Show

Emails show the DOJ repeatedly intervened on behalf of the Delaware U.S. attorney to respond to Hunter Biden-related congressional inquiries.

Conservatives Must Understand Where They Went Wrong Before They Can Go Right

In Claes Ryn's latest book, The Failure of American Conservatism And the Road Not Taken , the esteemed professor chronicles how conservative intellectuals denigrated history and tradition to America's detriment.

What If Our Ruling Class Has Women’s Workforce Participation And GDP All Wrong?

Leading economists are blinded by the GDP numbers game and fail to see the human drama that undergirds all of human society.

If Democrats Criminalize Opposition And Cripple The Court, Democracy Is Dead

Only if a critical mass of Americans 'know what time it is' will there be any hope of combating this onslaught.

Report: Library Association’s President Wants To Stock Kids’ Shelves With LGBT Propaganda And Porn

Libraries are 'good places that do all kinds of things that people on the right don’t like,' ALA President Emily Drabinski said.

Nikki Haley Says Trump Is The Most ‘Disliked Politician’ In America, Polling Shows It’s Mitch McConnell

Nikki Haley is mistaken. Mitch McConnell, not Donald Trump, is the most disliked politician in America. The polling is not even close.

The Best Trump Mugshot Memes Mocking Democrats’ Indictment Frenzy As The Joke It Is

Democrats and the propaganda press intended for Trump’s booking photo to publicly humiliate him. Instead, people can't get enough of him.

‘Vanderpump Rules’ Star Tom Sandoval Paid For Fame With His Humanity

After a decade of constant filming that incentivized promiscuity and duplicity, a life documented rather than lived, there’s not much humanity left.

Do Gun-Control Groups Care What Really Causes Mass Shootings? Everytown Lawsuit Says No

The lessons from the Buffalo shooting are right in the killer’s manifesto, but gun-control groups like Everytown don't care.

Gender Studies Professor Blasts Fight Against Obesity As ‘Fatphobic’

A Canadian gender studies professor claims new drugs deployed in the fight against obesity are fatphobic.

GOP Primary Debate Was A Dud For Americans Worried About Leftist Destruction Of The Nation

Americans don’t want to hedge their 2024 bets on performative politicians. They want to elect problem-solvers who will solve problems.

Pro Tip For Logan Paul: Don’t Marry A Woman With A Massive Body Count

News flash: Promiscuity is bad.

Tucker To Trump: Indictments Aren’t Working So Does The Deep State ‘Have To Kill You Now’?

Carlson asked Trump point blank if the only way for the deep state to end his political influence is to permanently incapacitate him.

Trump To Tucker: ‘I Think It Was A Terrible Move Getting Rid Of You’

Former President Donald Trump condemned Fox News' decision to fire Tucker Carlson in an interview that aired Wednesday night on X.

The AMA Wants To Rip Your Womb From Your Dead Body And Stuff It Between A Delusional Man’s Legs

Doctors could easily pocket their scalpels and think about the implications of giving men female-specific organs. They don’t because they have a profit to make and an agenda to advance.

Woke Hiring Isn’t Just Killing American Competence, It Might Kill You

Who do you want in charge of decisions that might save or cost your life?

If Biden Wants A ‘Secure’ Border, Why Is He Auctioning Off The Wall?

Senate Republicans are demanding the Department of Defense immediately halt all sales of existing border wall materials.

There Is Something Demented About Biden’s Lies

The need to inject yourself into everyone else’s tragedies -- often with lies -- isn’t empathy, it is narcissism.

North Carolina Republicans Hijack Their Own Election Integrity Bill To Eliminate Closed Primaries

N.C. Republicans passed an elections bill, but added a provision barring parties from closing their primary elections to unaffiliated voters.

Schools That Teach The Classics Instead Of Marxism See Exponential Growth

Some of these school networks have seen increases of 5,000 percent in a few decades.

Our Cultural Surrender To Screens Has Bred An Entirely Unserious Generation

One gauge of our decline is the vanishing of public intellectuals and a swelling number of wired celebrities, influencers, and pitchmen.

Pro-Lifers Could Face 11 Years In Prison For Trying To Protect Innocents From Harm

Disproportion and immoderation are par for the course for a Justice Department that’s excessively punitive toward pro-life Americans.

Columbia Journalism Review Smears Cowboy State Daily As ‘Dehumanizing’ For Accurate Pronoun Use

The Columbia Journalism Review relied on claims from far-left activists to smear the Cowboy State Daily as a 'dehumanizing' paper.

Leftists Hate The Minutemen Mascot Because They Love Tyranny

Radicals will never be content to tear down just the 'Redskins' and 'Chiefs' mascots. They'll always come for the proverbial Minutemen.

Trump-Hating Media Boost Chris Christie While Giving Biden’s Primary Rivals The Shaft

Despite his low poll numbers, the media -- hungry for anti-Trump soundbites -- remain eager to feature former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

No, Appointing A ‘Special Counsel’ Is Not A License For DOJ To Obstruct Congress

Capitol Hill should resist this lie with every constitutional power it can muster.

I Rented A Tesla For A Week And Am Totally Sold On Gas-Powered Cars

After test-driving one for an entire week, we learned we will never buy a Tesla or any electric vehicle as long as we have the option of gas-powered cars or even hybrids.

Lawsuit Against New College Of Florida Is About Maintaining Leftist Domination Of Academia

A lot is riding on Gov. Ron DeSantis’ effort to transform a single, small state college into one that is not a bastion of leftist orthodoxy.

Survey Shows ‘Bidenomics’ Means Americans Can’t Pay Their Bills

In Biden’s America, more than 1 in 3 households are struggling to pay their bills.

Regime Media Launder Dirty Details Of Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal And His Dad’s Filthy DOJ

The corruption has reached new depths, and impeachment inquiries are the only acceptable path forward.

Everyone Knows Why Joe Biden Used A Pseudonym: Corruption

It’s not some big mystery. The Bidens were selling access and taking bribes — and not even trying very hard to hide it.

If GOP Contenders Can’t Condemn Get-Trump Lawfare During The Debate, Their 2024 Chances Are Dead

Statements are powerless in the face of a power-hungry regime. Americans need to know GOP candidates' plans to take down the corrupt DOJ.

‘Snow White’s’ Rachel Zegler Needs A Lesson From The Little Women School Of Being A Female Role Model

Zegler would benefit from listening to the classics rather than jumping to critique them, starting with Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. 

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

If C40 Cities' climate aims are carried out, people will die.

Democrats Want Their Private Security Looking Over GOP Poll Watchers’ Shoulders

Value the Vote is a new Democrat-backed nonprofit aimed at providing 'private security' to election offices and fighting so-called 'disinformation.'

Comer Demands National Archives Fork Over Info On Biden’s Business Pseudonyms

There is a coordinated effort within the deep state to protect Joe Biden.

‘Justified: City Primeval’ Is Worse Than Bad. It’s Boring.

The drab sequel to 'Justified' completely misses the point.

The Poll Results Are In: Everyone Hates Chris Christie

2024 presidential candidate Christie is viewed rather unfavorably by every political, racial, and economic demographic.

Wanted: A Single Republican Who Will Actually Fight For Religious Freedom

Have we reached a time in American politics where even conservative leaders feel comfortable attacking Christianity? Apparently.

Wyoming Secretary Of State Warns Election Officials To Repel Dems’ ‘Blatantly Partisan’ Dark Money Election Scheme

Secretary of State Chuck Gray is warning Wyoming officials about left-wing groups using private money to influence election administration.

Federal Court Upholds Abortion Pill Restrictions In ‘Significant’ Pro-Life Victory

'This is a significant victory for the doctors and medical associations we represent and, more importantly, the health and safety of women.'

Letting Grizzlies Terrorize Ranchers Is Climate Crazies’ Next Anti-Civilization Crusade

By maintaining endangered species protections on the growing bear population, lawmakers are enabling grizzlies to threaten communities.

Johnny Manziel’s Talent Couldn’t Outrun His Greed. In ‘Untold,’ His Legacy Can’t Either

'Untold: Johnny Football' ultimately shows Manziel has few to no regrets about how his quarterback career abruptly ended.

Extensive Edits To Hunter Biden’s Wikipedia Page Prove Site’s Extreme Bias

Wikipedia is a cesspool of partisans that enables outside sources to retroactively scrub its pages and lace its articles with propaganda.

The Case For Casey DeSantis

Casey DeSantis is a picture of classy conservatism and therefore a popular target of corporate media and the radical left.

If ProPublica’s Looking For A Corrupt Sellout, It Should Pivot From Clarence Thomas To The Mirror

Democrats and their media allies say Clarence Thomas is corrupt, but ProPublica is the real sellout to power.

Russia Hoaxer Hillary Clinton Should Be Indicted For Election ‘Conspiracy,’ Not Invited To Cheer Trump’s Charges On TV

After trying to rig the 2016 election and then denying she lost, Hillary Clinton is cheering on Trump's indictment for challenging the 2020 election.

Meet The Tax-Exempt ‘Charity’ Secretly Bankrolling Democrats’ Get-Out-The-Vote Operations

A new report details how the Voter Registration Project uses millions of dollars from left-wing billionaires to register likely-Democrat voters.

The Purpose Of The Trump Indictments Is To Demonstrate The Left’s Power

Once again, this isn’t hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy. And it amounts to a threat: Imagine what we can do to you.