
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2023

Why Are Conservatives Talking About 2024 Instead Of The Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Next Week?

Prominent conservative figures should be using their platforms to shed a national spotlight on the Wisconsin Supreme Court race.

Twitter Officially Joined The Censorship Regime When It Silenced ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ Reporting

This week, Twitter sided with the censorship regime when it banned journalists, a sitting member of Congress, and Federalist CEO Sean Davis.

If ‘No One Is Above The Law,’ Democrats And Their Partisan Pawns Would Be Arraigned, Not Trump

If Democrats truly valued rule of law, they would pursue cases against many more people before even considering indicting Trump.

Unexpected Final Four Harks Back To North Carolina State’s Cinderella Story

The 1982-83 N.C. State Wolfpack taught fans important lessons about life — and revolutionized college basketball in the process.

Left Smears Ron DeSantis For Pointing Out The Truth About George Soros

For Democrats, 'antisemitism' is just another cynical political tool.

I Couldn’t Believe What I Saw At Biden’s Lawless Open Border

People of unknown identity, from anywhere in the world, can simply walk up and come in. It is that easy.

America’s Banana Republic Era Is Here: Manhattan Grand Jury Votes To Indict Trump

Trump denounced the grand jury's decision as 'weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent.'

Shouldn’t ‘Transitioning’ Have Filled The Nashville Shooter With Joy And Happiness?

We're living in a moment where all of America's culture influencers insist that transgenderism is nothing more than an expression of identity — one that we're all expected to accommodate — but it's not.

Here’s Where Every GOP Senator Stands On The Risky Covid Shots

The Federalist reached out to every U.S. Senate Republican to find out whether they're concerned about the Covid jab's documented risks.

More Mail-In Ballots Were Rejected Than Margin Of Victory In Nevada Senate Race

With 1.2 million midterm ballots still missing, Nevada is a warning sign to other states considering the switch to all-mail elections.

A Bill Banning ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ In Georgia Elections Is Headed To Gov. Brian Kemp’s Desk

Georgia Republicans passed a bill prohibiting local election offices from working around state law to use private funding to conduct elections.

Ruby-Red Indiana Seeks Public Health Power Grab Despite Massive Covid Failures

The gargantuan post-Covid plan seems like something that might come out of California or Illinois, not a solid red state such as Indiana.

Voter Suppression Is Real And It’s Not What You Were Told

Pennsylvania residents have filed a lawsuit against Luzerne County after being denied their constitutional right to vote in the 2022 midterms.

There Are No Banned Books

Books are banned in Tennessee in much the same way a person can’t say the word 'gay' in Florida. It’s a myth.

Democrats’ Knee-Jerk Gun-Control Demands Ignore The Most Basic Facts About Human Nature

The difficult truth is, stopping these shootings is not just a matter of policy — it's a matter of the heart.

D.C.’s Cherry Blossoms Illustrate The Beauty And Fragility Of Spring

D.C.'s cherry blossoms serve as both a harbinger of spring and a reminder that spring, as with all seasons of life, does not last forever.

Twitter Bans Federalist CEO Sean Davis For Reporting On ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ Following Nashville Shooting

Federalist CEO Sean Davis was locked out of his Twitter account Tuesday night for factually reporting on the 'Trans Day Of Vengeance.'

Stop Calling My Miscarriage An Abortion

I had a miscarriage, not an abortion, and here’s why I’m angry about those who aren’t making that distinction.

House Republicans Highlight Luzerne County’s Voter Suppression In The 2022 Midterms

House Republicans held a hearing on Tuesday, highlighting the failures of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, election officials in managing the locality's 2022 election.

Nashville Heroes Expose The Lies Of Uvalde Cowards

If Uvalde cops had shown any of the urgency or bravery of Nashville cops, many, if not all, of the 19 children and 2 teachers would be alive.

Nashville Tragedy Shows Why It Isn’t Compassionate To Fuel Mental Illness

Behind all the partisanship of the shooting story is an unavoidable reality: Our modern mental-health crisis is out of control.

Transgender Shooter Kills Six At Nashville Christian School, Just Days Ahead Of Planned ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’

Audrey Hale’s shooting rampage occurred mere days ahead of a 'Day of Vengeance' hosted by transgender activists.

Why Conservative Outpost King’s College In Manhattan Must Be Saved

King’s College in New York can influence culture in ways many schools cannot, but it is on the brink of financial failure.

6 Shows To Check Out During Spring Downtime With Family And Friends

Got kids out of school and seeking indoor spring break options? Consider these standout TV series to stop endless channel-surfing.

Biden’s Empty Suit Presidency Is Resetting The World Order, And Not In A Good Way

With Biden in office, Xi Jinping smells an opportunity to further Red China's global ambitions.

EXCLUSIVE: GOP To Combat Biden’s War On Religious Student Orgs With Protections Bill

'It is an alarming admission that the Department would rather allow discrimination against religious student organizations than ensure compliance with First Amendment protections as a condition of receiving grants.'

No, America Should Not Ditch Strategic Ambiguity For Reckless Hawkishness On Taiwan

Keeping China guessing about America’s response has kept the peace. America and the world cannot afford to abandon the one-China policy.

With His First Veto, Biden Puts Woke Capitalism Before American Workers And Retirees

The Biden administration forced a new ESG rule down Americans’ throats as a backlash against ESG investments grows.

DeSantis-Hating Sports Writer Tries To Ruin Baseball With Identity Politics

People from all walks of life, regardless of their race, sex, or religion, just want to support their favorite sports teams.

Mounting Evidence Shows ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ May Be More Than A Mantra

'Most diaper companies support Planned Parenthood. Regardless of where you stand on the abortion issue, if you’re a diaper company, you want more babies, not fewer babies.'

New Mexico School Boards Association Administrator: Parents Have No Rights In Public Education

A New Mexico School Boards Association instructor sees no role for parents in guiding their children's public education.

Black Lives Matter Activists Executed A Shocking $83 Billion Shakedown Of American Corporations

Our database tracking contributions and pledges made to the BLM movement shows a historic transfer of wealth to divisive leftwing causes.

Every State Should Pass Florida’s Digital Bill Of Rights To Protect Citizens From 24/7 Surveillance

All states should follow Florida’s example and put citizens back in control of their increasingly digitized lives.

The Three Biggest Revelations From The TikTok Hearing That Explain Why The App Has Got To Go 

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew confirmed his mega-popular app is effectively Chinese Communist Party spyware during his testimony today. 

House Republicans Dispel Democrats’ Lie Smearing GOP Poll Watchers As Threats To Democracy

House Republicans used a Thursday committee hearing to dispel Democrat claims that GOP poll watchers are a threat to democracy.

Washington Post Found A Lot Of Happy Transgender People, If You Don’t Count Those Who’ve Committed Suicide

Like every other one of the media's new 'findings' that fly in the face of common sense and reality, it's nonsense.

Newsmax Returns To DirecTV After Months-Long Dispute

DirecTV and Newsmax reached a deal to stream the conservative news network on its satellite service once again

Fairfax Public Schools Violate Executive Orders By Hiding ‘White Guilt’ Lesson Plans From Parents

Fairfax County Public Schools likely violated Executive Order One and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment.

The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine

As I learned through my painful experience, 'gender affirming treatment' is medical fraud and malpractice.

Virginia Democrats Attack Hindu Immigrant For Supporting The ‘Remarkable’ U.S. Constitution

They falsely claimed the Virginia Board of Education’s revised standards that Suparna Dutta helped draft would 'whitewash' education.

ChatGPT 2.0 Is More Powerful And Still Woke, But It Doesn’t Have To Control Us

When asked to write a script about why communism is good, GPT-4 generated a short play and a glowing report of communism’s virtues while never mentioning communism’s intimate connections with authoritarianism, discrimination, and oppression.

Biden Admin Plans To Raze Native American Religious Site To Benefit Foreign Mining Group

A group of Apache sued the government, arguing that the destruction of their worship site violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Where Republicans Stand On Transgender Insanity Should Be A Litmus Test For Their Political Futures

Banning the butchering of children is a litmus test for the GOP and several Republicans including the Wyoming governor have failed it.

Cornyn Attacks Federalist CEO For Criticizing Cornyn’s War Propaganda

Texas GOP Sen. John Cornyn took time out of his Tuesday to attack The Federalist's CEO for criticizing his embarrassing Ukraine obsession.

The Silicon Valley Bank Bailout Sends Exactly The Wrong Message And Endangers The Economy

Normal people should be furious. Once again, the government changed the rules everyone lives by for a small, extremely wealthy, and politically connected group of people.

‘It’s A Pandemic Of Fear’: D.C. Man Shuts Down Fauci’s Vaccine Lies

America needs more people who are as clear-sighted and brave as the man in the video.

El Paso Bridge Rush Is What Losing ‘Operational Control’ Of Our Border Looks Like

Scenes at the Paso Del Norte bridge linking Mexico to El Paso, Texas offered a blunt illustration of failed border policy.

Politico’s Coverage Of Republican States Ditching A Leftist Voter Roll Operation Is Democrat Propaganda, Not News

Politico is attempting to cast GOP states' departure from the Electronic Registration Information Center as a bid to 'upend' U.S. elections.

Ending Poverty Starts With Increasing Work And Paychecks, Not Government Budgets

Policymakers must look for ways to expand prosperity, rather than just attempting to spend our way out of the problem.

Ohio, Iowa Withdraw From Democrat Operative-Controlled Voter Roll ‘Maintenance’ Group ERIC

Ohio and Iowa became the sixth and seventh states to drop the leftist-controlled group after it failed to deliver on their requested reforms.

Arresting Trump: An End-Of-America Watch Party

Even if Democrats really were concerned about our convoluted election regulations, no serious person thinks New York's district attorney has a case against Trump.

Neocons Accidentally Endorse Ron DeSantis’s Foreign Policy Prudence

It is difficult for me to think of a better endorsement for DeSantis’ foreign policy than being denounced by the people I most regret having heeded 20 years ago.

I’m Breaking Up With Barnes And Noble

One day, they stopped selling their cinnamon scones. Then I started noticing an uptick in crystals, tarot cards, and astronomy books.

Federal Family Leave Would Make Parents Pay More To Get Less Help

A one-size-fits-all, federal paid family leave program would be ineffective, disruptive, and costly. 

Thanks To Neo-Atheists, New Zealand Teaches Primitive Pagan Nonsense As Equal To ‘Western’ Science

Atheist Richard Dawkins may wash his hands of New Zealand’s pagan nonsense, but he is the useful idiot who made this all possible.

Why Is The New York Times Urging America To Buddy Up With Communist China?

The editorial board’s pro-CCP bias has many causes, but most revolve around profit.

San Francisco Moves Forward With $5 Million-Per-Person ‘Reparations’ Handouts While City Falls Apart

San Francisco moved forward Tuesday with a plan to pay $5 million per person in 'reparations' to residents who were never slaves.

Florida Arrests Two Residents For Illegally Voting In Previous Elections

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced two residents have been arrested on charges related to illegal voting in prior elections.

Corporate Media Disguise Spike In Border Arrests As ‘Drop’ To Prevent Accountability For Biden

Corporate media dishonestly touts ‘sharp drop’ in border crossings in February to save Biden from border crisis criticism.

Video Games Are Getting Re-Scripted By Leftist Translators

The world of gaming is facing censorship in the name of modern sensibilities.

DOD Pays Media-Rating Scammers To Create Propaganda And Censorship Tech For U.S. Government

Our tax dollars are funding the development of media-monitoring products that can be deployed to censor ordinary Americans via Big Tech.

PolitiFact Tries To ‘Fact-Check’ A Federalist Article On Democrats’ Dark Money Election Takeover And Fails Miserably

Politifact issued a phony 'fact-check' of a Federalist article exploring leftist nonprofits' ploy to use private money to change local election operations to benefit Democrats.

Here Are All The Problems With California’s Expert Witness Testimony In Gun Ban Case

If the judge in Rupp v. Bonta follows the Supreme Court's Bruen decision, she will overturn California’s ban.

Sorry, Media Nerds, The War In Ukraine Is Literally A ‘Territorial Dispute’

Ron DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a dispute over territory.

How ‘Terrorists Of The Mind’ Weaponize Section 230 and ‘Islamophobia’ For Character Assassination

Muslim radicals wage a war to discredit Muslim reformers and the right as ‘Islamophobes,’ using Section 230 as a shield for their propaganda.

How The False Promises Of The Sexual Revolution Created A New Religion

Mary Eberstadt’s new book, 'Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited,' shows how the sexual revolution became a destructive cultural movement.

Kamala Harris’ Husband: The Holocaust And Going To A School Board Meeting Are ‘Interconnected’

As a frequent visitor of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Emhoff should know that 'Holocaust Analogies Are Dangerous.'

Democrat Activist To Resign From Voter Roll Operation After Pressure From GOP States

While Becker's departure from ERIC is a welcome development, his influence still looms large, as CEIR and ERIC are intricately linked.

Records: Missouri County Used Taxpayer Money To Join Democrats’ Private Election Takeover Scheme

Newly obtained records reveal that Boone County, Missouri, used taxpayer dollars to join the left-wing U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.