
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2023

Fauci And EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak Silenced Lab Leak ‘Conspiracy Theory.’ Congress Shouldn’t Let Them Forget It

The lab leak was dismissed as a 'conspiracy theory,' thanks to two men who worked to silence debate: EcoHealth's Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci.

Big Businesses Like KitchenAid Display Hatred For Women By Hiring Men In Costumes For Ads

No business would advertise using a white guy in blackface. Yet many major brands are fine with paying a delusional male to sell to real women.

The Only Thing Conspiratorial About The Covid Lab-Leak Theory Was Media’s Coordinated Dismissal Of It

The media's dutiful narrative-shifting on the Covid lab-leak theory is just another reminder that today's 'journalists' are Democrat Party activists who specialize in gaslighting.

Supreme Court’s Student Loan Forgiveness Ruling Could Be Bigger Than Biden’s $400 Billion Bailout

It's not merely a $400 billion question, but one of grave constitutional dimension that hides beneath the cryptically named 'major questions doctrine.'

Meet The Partisans Who Wove The Censorship Complex’s Vast And Tangled Web

While federal funding is not solely responsible for the rapid expansion of the Censorship Complex, it is the most troubling because our government is using our money to censor our speech. 

Media’s Racialized Coverage Of The East Palestine Train Wreck Is Yet Another Toxic Disaster

What makes the East Palestine example so interesting is that the media bemoan racialization while making everything about race.

With A Split Congress, Democrats Are Taking Their Election Takeover Scheme To The States

Democrat-controlled state governments are working to advance election bills that would dramatically overhaul state election administration.

In A Just World, ‘Cocaine Bear’ Would Sweep The Oscars

I’m not even joking a little in saying that.

How Bad Is Your State At Managing Voter Rolls? Find Out With This New Database

The Public Interest Legal Foundation has launched a new interactive tool for concerned citizens to monitor their states' voter rolls.

To Make Reading Great Again, Schools Must Go Back To Teaching Phonics

Truly reforming reading instruction would have to involve reforming teacher training and promoting a completely different pedagogy.

Lawsuit Forces Los Angeles County To Remove 1.2 Million Ineligible Voters From Rolls

'This long overdue voter roll clean-up of 1.2 million registrations in Los Angeles County is a historic victory,' Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

How A Pregnancy Center Saved Me From Homelessness, Addiction, And Despair

Pro-abortion fanatics are attacking the crisis pregnancy centers that have worked to help many mothers break away from homelessness and despair.

Hollywood Studios Like Marvel Use Themes Of Revolution To Radicalize Viewers

Popular culture is an apparatus used by corporate studios to launder leftist beliefs into the mainstream; everything we consume is a psy-op.

In East Palestine And Everywhere, Biden Is Putting America Last

The Biden administration is placing the well-being of the American people last, and nowhere is that clearer than in East Palestine, Ohio. 

Tree Of Life Families Contradict Pennsylvania Governor’s Claims They Oppose The Death Penalty

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro claims he now opposes the death penalty after talking to families of victims of the Tree of Life mass shooting, but many of them support the death penalty.

Alabama Secretary Of State Discovers Popular Leftist Voter-Roll Group’s Address Is Bogus

'A lot of personal data and taxpayer money has been transferred to ERIC. Where is that data? Where are the employees? Where are the offices?'

Calls Grow For Georgia Officials To Investigate DeKalb County’s Acceptance Of Shady Election Funding

The Honest Elections Project is requesting Georgia officials investigate DeKalb County for accepting $2 million from CTCL.

New York Times Uses Groupthink, Not Evidence, To Claim ‘DEI’ Works

The New York Times runs interference for the 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' narrative by pushing shoddy evidence of its benefits.

Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains To Bless Putting Male Soldiers In Female Showers And Bedrooms

Why should a tank commander at Fort Hood have to deal with pronouns instead of training his troops to fight an enemy force?

In New Anti-Capitalism Documentary, PBS Gets Monopoly All Wrong

While Monopoly has a lot to do with competition, it has very little to do with capitalism.

3 Things Anti-America Agitator Angela Davis Can Learn From Her Pilgrim Ancestors 

There's a lot she can learn.

How The Media Successfully Programs Democrats

The media's hyperfocus on guns has led liberals to overestimate the danger.

Team DeSantis Shows The Only Way To Beat The Lying Media Is To Cut Them Off

DeSantis' spokesman called out NBC for being 'maliciously intent on deceiving people' and threatened to cut off the network.

Biden Shoveled $36 Billion In Taxpayer Funds To Bail Out Teamsters For Mismanaged Pensions

'The largest private pension bailout in American history' gave each beneficiary of the Central States Pension Fund nearly $100,000.

Banning My Son From Doodling A Gun Is Not A Solution To School Shootings

The only thing more predictable than boys being fascinated with weapons is them eventually sketching one in class. But that's not allowed anymore.

Idaho Republican Introduces Bill To Prevent Ranked-Choice Voting From Rigging His State’s Elections

A Republican state representative in Idaho introduced a bill on Tuesday seeking to ban the use of ranked-choice voting in the state.

Walgreens Says It Won’t Sell Abortion Pills In Kansas After State AG Threatens Legal Action

Walgreens said it does not plan to dispense abortion pills in Kansas after the AG threatened legal action if it proceeds with Biden's scheme.

Harry and Meghan Learn The Hard Way That Comedy Is Still Legal In America

If Harry and Meghan want to stay in America, they need to learn how to take a joke.

Kansas Republicans Aim To Secure Elections With Fewer Ballot Drop Boxes, More Oversight

On Tuesday, a Kansas Senate committee advanced an election-integrity bill that aims to restrict the use of ballot drop boxes.

Oops! Georgia’s ‘Get-Trump’ Grand Jury Forewoman Accidentally Confirms The Recommended Charges Are Bunk

The grand jury's conclusions flowed from what the DA presented to the Fulton County jurors — a case built on lies about a telephone call.

No, Biden’s Push For Red-Flag Laws Won’t Keep Anyone Safer

Red-flag laws do nothing but put innocent people at risk and make it easier to disarm opponents for political purposes.

How Georgia Became Democrats’ Test Site For Their 2024 Private Takeover Of Election Offices

DeKalb County recently announced it had received a $2 million grant from the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.

How Focusing On Prayer This Lent Could Lead You To Redemption

Focusing on prayer this Lent could lead us to happiness and help us form a closer relationship with God.

Biden Declares U.S. Will Sustain War In Eastern Europe Indefinitely, Against Americans’ Wishes

Biden falsely claimed Americans 'are united in our resolve' to sponsor the Zelensky regime 'for as long as it takes.'

Doctors Sue FDA For Prohibiting Ivermectin To Treat Covid-19

"For two weeks, all you heard was 'horse dewormer,' and the effects were massive."

We Don’t Need A ‘National Divorce,’ We Need More Federalism

Get real.

The Censorship Of Roald Dahl Shows The Left’s ‘Book Banning’ Accusations Are Utterly Disingenuous

The same people who say it's OK to expose young children to sexually explicit material also think kids' books need to be censored to stop calling people 'fat'?

Who Is The Vivek Ramaswamy Primary Voter?

According to the polls, voters either don't know or don't care who Ramaswamy is. Maybe announcing his presidential candidacy could fix this.

Should SCOTUS Dismiss The Consequential Section 230 Case, Gonzales v. Google?

In light of the stakes involved and strange litigation moves, the court should dismiss the consequential Section 230 case.

California Democrat Arrested, Charged With Mail-In Ballot Fraud

California politician Shakir Khan was arrested for multiple election fraud charges, including allegedly filling out 41 mail-in ballots.

Biden’s New ‘Equity’ Executive Order Is Systemic Racism In Disguise

In a newly signed executive order on 'equity,' Biden admitted his administration is collaborating with a neo-Marxist environmental group.

Larry Hogan’s Authoritarian Covid Response Proves He’s Not The ‘Small Government’ Republican He Pretends To Be

Hogan expanded his state’s bureaucratic powers in the face of adversity instead of preserving Americans’ rights.

Why Artificial Intelligence Can Never Outpace Humans

The truth is that there are dimensions to humans that no AI, no matter how advanced, will ever be able to replicate.

CBO Report Exposes How Democrats Made A Bad Budget Situation Worse

The Congressional Budget Office demolished lies about the nation's fiscal health that Biden tried to peddle in his State of the Union address.

By Accusing Pregnancy Centers Of False Advertising, Pro-Abortion Politicians Prove They Can’t Handle The Truth

It should be easy to recognize that those seeking new 'deceptive advertising' laws are trying to protect Big Abortion profits.

Amid Personal Loss, Washington And Lincoln Became Fathers Of Their Country

We raise a glass of remembrance to Washington and Lincoln: good fathers of a great country.

Ted Cruz Diagnoses D.C.’s Problems, But Can He Solve them?

Sen. Ted Cruz's latest book, 'Justice Corrupted,' insightfully describes a corrupt political system but trusts in the same system to reform itself.

Corrupt New York Times Freaks Out Over Gas Stoves, Downplays Poisonous Chemical Spill In Ohio  

According to the press, gas stoves are deeply hazardous, but a chemical spill equivalent to a World War I-era bioweapon is perfectly safe.

North Dakota Republicans Are One Step Closer To Banning Ranked-Choice Voting In State Elections

On Wednesday, Republicans in the North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill banning the use of ranked-choice voting in elections.

It’s A Shame Nikki Haley Has To Rely On ‘Stale’ Gimmicks

So much for fresh ideas.

After Propping Up Biden’s Staged Border Visit, NPR Frames McCarthy’s Trip As A ‘Photo Op’

After propping up Biden's staged border visit, NPR is now framing Speaker Kevin McCarthy's border trip as a 'photo op.'

In Presser, Biden Can’t Explain Why He’s Softer On Chinese Spying Than On Weather Balloons

The Pentagon said these UFOs weren’t a threat to national security, but then shot them down anyway. Yet they waited days to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon.

McConnell’s Ukraine Obsession Further Illustrates His Disregard For The Plights Of Everyday Americans

While appearing on Fox News, McConnell claimed 'defeating the Russians in Ukraine is the single most important event' in the world.

Biden’s Supersized IRS Will Spread Out More Audits For White People, Incoming Commissioner Promises

The only way to balance out this supposed injustice is for IRS agents to consciously target more non-blacks for audits.

Hawley Slams Uniparty’s ‘Blank Check’ Foreign Policy And Ukraine ‘Proxy War,’ Urges Focus On No. 1 Threat Red China

‘Deterring China from seizing Taiwan should be America's top foreign policy priority,’ Hawley said.

Poll: Less Than Half Of Americans Support Shipping Our Weapons To Ukraine

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears its one-year anniversary on Feb. 24, many Americans' patience is wearing thin.

If You Don’t Buy Conservative Art, Ruthless Leftists Will Ensure Nobody Can

Conservatives must put their money where their mouths are and support conservative artists so leftists can't ruin their lives.

How Churches Mobilized To Rescue Selma After A Tornado Devastated The Historic City

First Baptist Church was joined by congregations all over the city in a volunteer effort to serve the shocked community.

D.C. Public Schools’ New Curriculum Turns Social Studies Into Social Justice, Sexual Perversion

Elementary schoolchildren in Washington, D.C., will be taught not tradition but gender identity, systemic racism, and white privilege.

How A Terrorist Victim Can Help The Supreme Court Address Section 230

Big Tech takes a big interpretation of Section 230. The statute and the Constitution, however, suggest Big Tech has overplayed its hand.

U.S. Bishops Silent After FBI Claims Conservative Catholics Are ‘White Supremacists’

What has the Catholic Church hierarchy had to say in the seven days since the slanderous FBI report leaked? Nothing.

It’s Getting Harder To Live Without A Smartphone, And That’s A Massive Problem

The infrastructure for living without a smartphone in the West is slowly disappearing.

Get Married. Have Kids. Stay Together. Mind Your Own Business.

A defense of Bourgeois ethics.

Everything You Need To Know About Democrat Gov. Tony Evers’ Bid To Overhaul Wisconsin Elections

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers proposed a series of Democrat-friendly changes to the state's election laws on Monday.

I Don’t Know What’s Going On With These UFOs, But I Know We Won’t Get The Truth

Even if the Pentagon and Biden administration release information about these objects, will Americans even believe it?

Daily Caller’s ‘Damaged’ Documentary Highlights The Danger Of Discovery’s ‘Generation Drag’

The Daily Caller debuted a new documentary on the contemporary transgender craze last week.

The U.S. Left Has Become So Authoritarian, Even This North Korean Refugee Is Concerned

In her new book, Yeonmi Park issues a stark warning about the increasing danger leftism poses to the American way of life.

James Clapper Can’t Stop Lying

He knew exactly what he was doing.

Zuckbucks 2.0 Recipients Turn Down Money After Leftist Nonprofit Fails Transparency Test

Unless more localities reject these private funds and membership, CTCL will once again undermine election integrity in 2024 and beyond.

To Distract From GOP’s Biden Family Business Investigation, Media Dredge Up More ‘But Trump’ Excuses

Corporate media are trying to distract from the Biden family scandals by conflating that corruption with the Trump family's conduct.

Republicans Who Want War ‘To the Hilt’ Against Russia Forget The Lessons Of Iraq

Republicans who want an endless war between Ukraine and Russia think they can buy ‘victory’ over Putin, but they are wrong.