
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

Don’t Make Me Throw Away Your Christmas Card

Greeting cards mailed out without personalized messages say, 'Tell me how festive I am for doing this and by the way, isn't my family adorable?'

EXCLUSIVE: McCarthy Demands J6 Committee Preserve Records

Kevin McCarthy demanded Democrats running the Select Committee on Jan. 6 preserve all records as the investigation concludes.

Republicans’ Christmas Gift To Voters Is Helping Democrats Pass A Major Omnibus Spending Bill

Congressional Republican leaders are working with their Democrat cohorts to pass a taxpayer-funded spending bill before the end of the year.

Healthy Is Hot, The ‘Liver King’ Is Not

The 'Liver King' presented a mirage of health and fitness to his millions of followers across social media.

How The FDA’s Abortion Pill Mill Enables Domestic Abusers

Abusers in homes across the nation and worldwide have utilized chemical abortion pills in the same way that Herring allegedly did.

How Christians Can Push Back On The Commercialized Christmas Season

Even amid the hedonistic holiday mania, people are still eager to have a fulfilling and joyful Christmas. Christians can help.

If Marriage Can Mean Anything, It Will Soon Mean Nothing

The Respect for Marriage Act lets the government establish a permanent presence in your personal life while redefining your relationships.

GOP Senators, It’s Your Last Chance To Stop The Roe v. Wade Of Marriage

Twelve Republicans seem poised to make a terrible mistake and leap into the mire of a societal argument about marriage. Here's why they shouldn't.

After 3 Years And Deaths By Despots, Chinese Protesters Have Zero Tolerance For Xi’s ‘Zero Covid’

'These people have been languishing under Covid Zero policies ... for almost three years now and they're tired of it.'

Biden Energy Dept. Won’t Say If It Will Fire Cross-Dresser Charged With Felony For Allegedly Stealing Lady’s Luggage

Sam Brinton is on leave from his position in the Energy Department after he allegedly stole a suitcase full of women’s clothing.

Marc Morano: ‘The UN Climate Summit Was Actually The China Empowerment Summit’

'The West will be more reliant on China as we go forward with this UN Green New Deal agenda.'

Western Liberalism Is Doomed Without A Shared Understanding Of Reality

Without a shared understanding of fundamental principles, what can we expect besides hostility and resentment?

J6 Democrats Sour On ‘Cheney 2024’

Liz Cheney was always using the House Jan. 6 Select Committee as her vehicle for the White House.

‘The Banshees Of Inisherin’ Masterfully Depicts How Self-Love Kills Friendship

In 'The Banshees of Inisherin,' we see an intimate account of what happens when someone places self-love above all else.

How Will Anyone Trust The Georgia Runoff Results When There’s Enough Illegal Voting To Tip The Scales?

When the final tally comes in for the Georgia runoff, the country should expect the candidate behind in the count to take to the courts.

Wisconsin Children’s Hospital Is Stacking Its Bench Of Chaplains With Trans Activists

Children's Wisconsin's recent chaplain hires are full-fledged left-wing activists who twist religion to advance their preferred social Marxist policies.

The Case For Observing A Quiet Advent Season This Year

Infusing more silence in our lives, especially during such a consumeristic and gluttonous few weeks, can do wonders for our souls.

If Senators Care At All About Their Constituents’ Religious Freedom, They Must Amend The Anti-Marriage Bill

Without amendment, the so-called 'Respect for Marriage Act' will unleash lawfare against ordinary citizens and faith-based service providers.

If You’re An Advent Newbie, Here’s How To Embrace The Glorious Tradition

Advent draws us away from the spirit-stifling societal frenzy and into the quiet, where we can commune with God. 

YouTube Censored User After He Published Democrats’ 2016 ‘Stolen Election’ Claims

YouTube deleted the video comparing Trump's statements questioning the 2020 election results to Democrats questioning the 2016 contest.

The New-England Boy’s Song About Thanksgiving Day

Over the river, and through the wood, to grandfather's house we go; The horse knows the way, to carry the sleigh, through the white and drifted snow.

A Poet’s Reflection On Why We Can Thank God For Worry And Trouble

American poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poem 'Thanksgiving' acknowledges that 'Full many a blessing wears the guise / Of worry or of trouble.'

Lawsuit Could Force The FDA To Rescind Approval Of Abortion Pills That Endanger Mom And Baby Alike

Thanks to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, pro-life protections in states around the country have led dozens of abortion facilities to close their doors. But the pro-abortion industry is working overtime to fill the gap with another version of the deadly atrocity: the abortion pill. Even though the abortion […]

Maricopa County Made Arizona’s Elections Even More Of A Disaster Than People Realize

'This was a horrible thing to experience. Poll workers conveyed a shocking lack of competence — it actually looked like willful incompetence,' a Maricopa poll observer said.

Does Biden Have Anything To Say About The Idaho Student Murders — Or Only Tragedies Involving Guns And Gays?

The Idaho college students' deaths won’t help congressional Democrats push gun laws or score points with minorities or LGBT Americans.

Trans Ideologues Who Cheer Cutting Off Healthy Genitals Shouldn’t Set Federal Medical Standards

Along the new frontier of ‘transgender health,’ destructive ‘standards of care’ are being set by ideologues — with the government’s blessing.

There’s Something About Women, And Emily Blunt Knows It

It's the complex, beautiful, powerful, gentle, unyielding nature that we often try to capture with the word 'femininity.'

Weary Taxpayers Can Thank This Legal Doctrine For The Death Of Biden’s Student Bailout Scheme

President Biden doesn't have the legal authority to forgive people's student loans, and the courts are making sure he knows it.

Kevin McCarthy Demands DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Resign, Threatens Impeachment

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy called on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign.

Raphael Warnock’s Phony Church Wants To End U.S. Fossil Fuel Production And Sic Climate Colonists On Africa

Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock belongs to a coalition that has openly called for the U.S. to “end all financing of fossil fuel production,” newly unearthed documents from last year show. Warnock — who is gearing up for a runoff election against Republican challenger Herschel Walker on Dec. 6 — is pastor to the Atlanta-based Ebenezer […]

Republicans’ Hunter Biden Probe Is Legit Even If Biden Family Apologists Don’t Like It

There is a lot more substantiation for Biden wrongdoing than there ever was for Russia 'collusion.'

The Anti-Thanksgiving Activism Dividing America Is Rooted In Ungratefulness

Only in America are anti-American activists given such liberty to express their disdain for everything our nation represents.

Scrutinizing Arizona’s Election Administration Does Not Make Kari Lake An ‘Election Denier’

The media's 'election denier' smear is an attempt to silence Americans concerned about election integrity.

Biden Uses Your Tax Dollars To Deal Abortions To Pro-Life Countries That Don’t Want Them

Given the state of play in the U.S., it is incongruous and inappropriate for the U.S. to lead the charge on global abortion promotion.

John Fetterman Is The New Normal

Unimpressive candidates like John Fetterman are the new normal within America's mail-in ballot apparatus.

Republicans Lose Because They’re Fake Populists With No Real Policy Plans

Republicans are running either like the clock is set back 20 years or as performative populists without substance.

To Prevent Tragedies Like The UVA Murders, Focus On Broken Families Not Firearms

As they argue for gun control, pundits leave out parts of the story that point to other deeper crises in our American social fabric.

Garland Moves To Transform J6 Inquisition Into A Permanent Prosecution

Trump officially declared his presidential candidacy to reclaim the White House three days before the appointment of a special counsel.

Georgia Democrats Cry ‘Voter Suppression’ Over A Law That Will Restrict Ballot Harvesting Plans

As Georgia gears up for a runoff between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and his Republican challenger Herschel Walker, Democrats in the state are once again crying wolf — aka, voter suppression — over a state law that prohibits early voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Democratic Party of Georgia — along with Warnock’s campaign […]

The Real Victims Of Sam Bankman-Fried’s Ponzi Scheme Are Not Celebrities Or Institutional Partners, But Everyday Investors

Retail customers who held assets on FTX are learning a hard lesson on the importance of taking custody of their own wealth.

Instead Of Caving To Haters, Candace Cameron Bure Just Used Their Attacks To Share The Gospel

The Christmas movie queen responded to haters with an unapologetic message about the sacrificial love of Christ, just in time for Christmas.

Therapist: Yes, Post-Abortive Women Suffer From ‘Trauma’ and ‘Complicated Grief’

In both anecdotes and data analysis, it's clear abortion doesn't liberate women -- it traumatizes and grieves them.

Check Out The Elites Tied Up With FTX Con Artist And Mega-Democrat Donor Sam Bankman-Fried

It's worth taking a glance at the numerous figures, especially Democrats, who buddied up to the former crypto tycoon over the years.

Buckle Up For Lame-Duck Congressional Democrats’ Holiday Spending Spree

Just because Democrats no longer have complete control of the federal government, that doesn't mean they can't still waste your money.

What To Know About Mega Democrat Donor Sam Bankman-Fried And His Busted Crypto Scam

Here are the basics you should know about the FTX head and mega Democrat donor, and how his multibillion-dollar operation fell apart.

Here’s How Democrats Broke Congress And How Republicans Can Fix It

The rules of the House should reflect the will of the political majority -- not whatever deal a Republican speaker can cut with Democrats.

Biden Can’t Even Escape Mockery On TikTok In Hilarious New Trend

Biden's cognitive decline is no joke.

Senate Republicans Keep Showing Us Why They Never Deserved A Majority

If Senate Republicans were looking for anyone to blame for their disastrous performance in the midterms, they need only look in the mirror.

The DeSantis Model For Tackling Woke Bureaucracy Is A Non-Negotiable For The Next Republican Administration

Unless there is a massive defunding of our bureaucracies, there is no chance of rebuilding or establishing a conservative government.

Here’s Everything Republicans Should Do Now That They Control The House

House Republicans must follow through on the promises they made to voters and punish Democrats for creating endless crises.

Big Tech Is Furious Andrew Tate Is Exposing The Great Reset

The matrix didn't like millions of young people listening to Andrew Tate's red-pilled takes, so it struck back.

Corrupt Media Have Created A Hilarious Problem For Themselves In Time For Trump’s 2024 Campaign

No matter which way they turn, it's a dead end. That is, unless they're fully prepared to say each time that they just don't want voters — their audiences — to see him.

Democrats Abused Gen Z With Covid Insanity For Years And GOP Leaders Refused To Campaign on It

McConnell and McCarthy handed Gen Z to Democrats on a silver platter. Had they not done so, Republicans might have won several key races.

Gen Z Can Do Everything From Home. If That Becomes The Voting Norm, There’s No Going Back

If Republicans in office ever want to go back to Election Day as they know it, they'd better work now to make sure Gen Z knows 'Election Day' at all.

Rick Scott Launches Leadership Challenge To McConnell

Scott's run to rival McConnell comes after the incumbent leader tasked with reclaiming the Senate undermined GOP chances for the majority.

GOP Senators’ Top Priority After Failed Midterms Is Helping Democrats Trample The Meaning Of Marriage

The 'Respect for Marriage Act' would open the floodgates for leftists to wage an all-out legal assault against any American obeying the Word of God.

Michigan Parents Sue School Board For Allowing Pornographic Books In Schools

"We pay you and you're not listening to us."

The ‘Whiteness’ Smear Is Really An Attack On Private Life, Relationships, And Universal Values

Identity politics aims to humiliate 'whites' by constantly accusing them of their presumed ancestors’ role in things they didn't do themselves.

Now Is The Time To Boot Failed GOP Leaders, Not Bicker About Trump Vs. DeSantis

After a colossal failure in the midterms, the Republican Party desperately needs to overhaul its leadership. We can worry about 2024 later.

Where Was All The Right-Wing Political Violence Democrats Warned Would Plague The Midterms?

Democrat operatives and the corporate media tried to scare voters by insisting the 2022 midterms would be plagued by right-wing violence.

The Fight For Educational Freedom Is Just Warming Up

With many recent victories for educational freedom, the opportunity for more reform has greater potential than in decades past.

Republican Leaders Have A Choice: Roll Back Early Voting And Mail-In Ballots Or Learn To Take Advantage Of Them

There isn't just one reason for the midterm shortcomings but none are more important than the party's neglect in adapting to our new jungle of an election process.

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

In the 2022 midterms, single women voted Democrat by 37 points. Marriage detachment needs to be addressed because it's not going away.