
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Trevor Noah Brilliantly Made The Media Squirm At The WHCD

Trevor Noah made plenty of jokes about Joe Biden, but his strongest message was reserved for the media in attendance.

Trevor Noah Delivers The Ultimate Takedown Of Peter Doocy

Trevor Noah called out Peter Doocy for asking about Hunter Biden all of the time while he used his dad's name to get his job.

Joe Biden Just Destroyed Fox News At The White House Correspondents Dinner

Joe Biden said that everyone at the White House Correspondents Dinner had to prove that they were vaccinated and boosted, and every Fox News reporter was there. Video: Biden drills Fox News at #WHCD " Everyone had to prove they are fully vaccinated and boosted and So if you are at home watching this, and … Continue reading "Joe Biden Just Destroyed Fox News At The White House Correspondents Dinner"

John Eastman Trump Attorney with Alternate Elector Theory Turns Over 10,000 Emails to Committee

0,000 pages of communication from Eastman to Trump's team will go to the Committee, and the information found within will help fill in the remaining holes in the structural framework.

The Scary Thing About Fox: The Audience Demands More Tucker Carlson Racism

The perception has been that Tucker Carlson is leading Fox News viewers to more racism, but it turns out that it is the viewers leading Carlson.

Fulton County Prosecutor Empanels Special Grand Jury to Consider Indicting Donald Trump

Impaneling a grand jury is the first step. It is a secretive process. Do not expect headlines.

White House Reporters Complain That Jen Psaki Is Too Good At Her Job As They Yearn For Trump

White House reporters are complaining that Biden has made covering the White House boring and Jen Psaki is too good at her job.

Biden New Brilliant Move To Cripple Putin Is To Waive Certain Visa Requirement For Highly Educated Russians

President Biden will relax US visa requirements for highly educated Russians who want to leave, thus taking away innovators from Putin.

Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Taylor Greene Got Into A Fight And Had To Be Separated As The GOP Falls Apart

Reps. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene had a confrontation over Greene attending a white supremacist event that was so intense they had to be separated. Politico reported: Republicans say Boebert (R-Colo.) — who’s seen as more of a party team player than Greene — detests being tied to her Georgia colleague. And when the … Continue reading "Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Taylor Greene Got Into A Fight And Had To Be Separated As The GOP Falls Apart"

Sean Hannity’s Texts Blow Fox’s Claim To Be News To Bits

A newly published batch of text messages between Mark Meadows on Sean Hannity reveals that the Fox News host was closely advising the Trump administration.

Pelosi Calls Out Hypocrite Kevin McCarthy And Suggests Madison Cawthorn Should Have Been Arrested

At her weekly press conference, Speaker Pelosi called out the hypocrisy of Kevin McCarthy while suggesting that people get arrested for bringing guns into airports as Rep. Madison Cawthorn did.

Governors Recall Trump Sounding As Though He Was Having A Nervous Breakdown During George Floyd Protests Call

Some governors thought Trump was having a panic attack during the George Floyd protests and did not sound well.

What Has Murkowski’s Vote For Deb Haaland Done For Alaska?

Murkowski might have been hoping for favors in return for her vote on Haaland. All Alaskans got, though, were restrictions and higher taxes.

Rachel Maddow Perfectly Explains The Democracy Destroying Tactics Of Republicans

Rachel Maddow explained the tactics that Republicans are using to try to destroy American democracy.

Billboards Are Going Up All Over Kevin McCarthy’s District Telling Him To Stop Lying About 1/6

Billboards have gone up all over Kevin McCarthy's district telling him that we've all heard the tapes and he needs to stop lying about 1/6.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Incriminates Herself During Confrontation With Jim Acosta

CNN's Jim Acosta confronted Marjorie Taylor Greene over her martial law text, and Greene exploded and ended up suddenly remembering the text.

Rep. Jamie Raskin Shreds Marjorie Taylor Greene On The House Floor For Being A Putin Cheerleader

1/6 Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) called Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene a Putin cheerleader on the House floor.

Republicans Jump To 10-Point Lead In Generic Ballot Test, New FDRLST/Susquehanna Poll Shows

The GOP now has a double-digit generic ballot lead ahead of November's midterm election, according to a new poll from FDRLST/Susquehanna.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Begs For Her Twitter Account Back So She Can Raise Money For Her Legal Defense

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held a press conference to demand that her Twitter account be given back to her so that she can raise money for her legal defense.

Far-Left Congressional Black Caucus Uses Liz Cheney To Fundraise

It's unclear whether Cheney is behind the ad or whether she even approved of her name being used to raise cash for left-wing Democrats.

Jen Psaki Gives Reporters A Reality Check On Trump’s Disrespect

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki reminded reporters that, unlike Trump, Biden is attending the White House Correspondents Dinner because he supports press freedom.

Disney Says Ron DeSantis Will Have To Pay $1Billion To Cancel Special District

Disney responded to Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Republican legislative majority passing a bill to cancel their special district by telling them that they will have to pay off all existing district debt.

Powerful Former Fed. Appellate Judge Outlines Exactly How GOP Will Steal 2024 Election: Hint, Not Winning the Vote

n other words, next time that the Republicans scream fraud and rigged, the state legislatures will just take over, and the state supreme courts cannot do a thing, and our U.S. Supreme Court will be more than accomodating.

Trump Facing Total Humiliation In Georgia Republican Primary

A new Georgia poll shows Gov. Brian Kemp is crushing Trump's chosen candidate David Perdue in GOP gubernatorial primary, which will mean humiliation for Trump.

Madison Cawthorn Accuses “The Establishment” of Launching a Political Smear Campaign Against Him

Representative Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) claimed he is the victim of a political smear campaign orchestrated by "the establishment," saying that his opponents have set up a “coordinated drip campaign” against him.

NYC Theater Censors Abortion Exposé While Running Play About Sexualized Young Girls And Hitler

Theatre Row calls itself a 'lively, accessible venue for diverse audiences' but McAleer said the venue's penchant for artistic censorship suggests otherwise.

Madison Cawthorn Crime Spree Now Includes Implications Of Illegal Insider Trading

Rep. Madison Cawthorn has been implicated in an illegal cryptocurrency insider trading scheme.

Massive News As Biden Is Looking At Forgiving Most Or All Student Loan Debt

President Biden has told congressional lawmakers that he is looking at options to forgive most or all student loan debt.

One Man Crime Wave Madison Cawthorn Caught With A Gun At Charlotte Airport

It is being reported that Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-CA) was cited on Tuesday morning for having a firearm in the Charlotte airport.

Evan McMullin Is The Democrats’ Utah Senate Candidate

Utah Democrats endorsed failed independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin's Senate bid last weekend.

Rand Paul Busted For Using Russian Talking Points In Senate Hearing

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) echoed the Russian talking point that Ukraine is a part of Russia and was shut down by Sec. of State Blinken.

Exclusive: 16 GOP Governors Oppose Biden’s Executive Order Creating Monopoly On Federal Construction Contracts

Biden's policy "will undermine taxpayer investment in billions of dollars of forthcoming public works projects," the governors write.

DOJ Called On To Open A Sedition Investigation Into Trump And His Staff

The thousands of texts obtained by CNN from the 1/6 attack period are leading to calls for Trump and his staff to be investigated for sedition.

Proof Of Guilt: Trump Allies Immediately Cooked Up Conspiracies To Blame The Left For 1/6 Attack

Instead of working on stopping the attack on the Capitol. the White House and their allies immediately cooked up Antifa conspiracies to spread.

Biden Dodged Blame For Lying About Hunter’s Foreign Dealings For Years Because Corporate Media Let Him

The corporate media gladly ignored Joe's role in the Biden family business and subdued any evidence suggesting otherwise.

Leaked Text Reveals Marjorie Taylor Greene Wanted Trump To Declare Martial Law And “Go After” Biden

In a leaked text to Mark Meadows, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wanted Trump to declare martial law as Republicans wanted to "go after" Biden.

Left-Wing Group Demands Apple Preemptively Nuke Truth Social

Not a single post from the entire platform was cited to justify mass censorship in the form of complete removal from the App Store.

Pelosi on Having COVID: “All I Did Was Stay Home and Raise Money” For Democrats

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, remarking on what it was like to test positive for COVID-19 and being forced to quarantine, said she had a very productive time.

Washington DC Picasso Exhibit Shows Off The Artist’s Early, Tender Years

'Picasso, Painting the Blue Period,' is a rare opportunity to view the work of an iconic artist at his genesis.

Republicans Are Being Busted By Their Own Staff Narcing To The 1/6 Committee

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said that the 1/6 Committee is getting information from Republican staffers who are reporting to the committee.

Putin Loses As Macron Beats Le Pen To Win Reelection In France

Based on preliminary vote counts, Putin ally Marine Le Pen has lost to Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election runoff.

Trump Throws A Fit And Really Hates Being Called Stupid

Trump claims that he is not stupid because he passed a dementia screening administered by his doctor with a drinking problem.

Calls Are Growing And Getting Louder For Kevin McCarthy To Resign

A sitting US Senator called him a traitor, and a newspaper has called on Rep. McCarthy to resign from the House.

Democrats Need To Listen To Elizabeth Warren And Call Kevin McCarthy A Traitor

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) nailed it and Democrats should follow her lead in calling Kevin McCarthy a traitor.

Opinion: Will Inflation Worries Push Americans Toward Authoritarianism to Economic Detriment?

The surest way to secure a strong economy that works for the majority of Americans is to support—and vote—for democracy, not right-wing autocracy,

If Mark Meadows Was Warned About 1/6 Violence, So Was Trump

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was warned about the possibility that Trump's 1/6 rally could turn violent, which means that Trump also knew.

New Evidence Busts Marjorie Taylor Greene For Plotting Coup

New evidence reveals that Marjorie Taylor Greene was plotting Trump's coup with the White House.

Republican Leader In North Carolina Threatened To Fire Election Official If He Wasn’t Given Illegal Access To Voting Machines

A local Republican leader in North Carolina threatened to get an elections director fired if he wasn't given illegal access to voting equipment.

1/6 Committee Proves That Matt Gaetz And Jim Jordan Were Heavily Involved In Coup

In a court filing, the 1/6 Committee provided evidence that members of Congress including Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan were heavily involved in Trump's coup.

Ron DeSantis May Not Legally Be Able To Strip Disney Of Special District

Gov. DeSantis and Republicans in the Florida legislature were in such a hurry to punish Disney that they didn't give themselves the authority to take away the special district.

Lawyer for Greene Says Her Attempts to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Victory Count Are “Legitimate Political Speech”

An attorney for Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has argued that her alignment with the far right's attempts to overturn President Joe Biden's legitimate electoral victory in 2020 count as "legitimate political speech."

Biden’s Open Border Policies Are Deadly

A Texas National Guard soldier tragically drowned in the Rio Grande River this week while trying to rescue illegal immigrants from the water.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Changes Her 1/6 Story In Disastrous Court Hearing

While under oath and facing the possibility of being kicked off of the ballot, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is changing her story about 1/6.

L.A. Leftists Embrace Permanent Pandemic With New Mask Mandate

While the masks come off on nationwide public transit, L.A. liberals rejected the pandemic restriction-era's end.

New Tape Busts Kevin McCarthy Saying Trump Took Responsibility For 1/6

Rep. Kevin McCarthy is caught on a new tape telling House Republicans that Trump took responsibility for the 1/6 attack.

Putin Reeling As Ukraine Now Has More Tanks Than Russia

Thanks to the west, Ukraine now has more tanks in their country to defend themselves with than the invading Russians.

These Tweets Are The Eulogy CNN Plus Deserved And We All Needed

Here are some of the best reactions on Twitter today to CNN's latest embarrassment.

CNN Plus Falling Apart After One Month Is A Symptom Of The Network’s Identity Crisis

Where the network will really go remains an open question, but CNN Plus's part in that future is nothing more than a $300 million blunder.

Trump Mocked Veterans. Biden Reduced Their Unemployment Rate To A Historic Low

Donald Trump called troops suckers and losers. President  Biden has shown his respect for vets by reducing their unemployment rate to a historic low.

The White House Is Lying To You About The Irreversible Damage Chemical Castration Causes

Forcing transgenderism, radical experimentation, and genital mutilation on children is not reversible.

Kevin McCarthy Disgraces Himself After Report Claims He Said He Had It With Trump

An embarrassingly groveling Kevin McCarthy denied a report that he said that he was done with Trump after 1/6.

Flailing Trump Is Trying To Fight A $10,000/Day Fine For Not Turning Over Documents

New York Attorney General Letitia James has asked for Trump to be fined $10,000 a day for not turning over documents, but Trump is trying to dodge the fine.

Texas School Defends Pressuring 6th-Graders To ‘Protest’ As Part Of ‘Queer Week’

The district said the school has received parent complaints but defended the activities because they are 'not part of the instructional day.'

Jen Psaki Drops The Hammer On Putin By Reaffirming The Strategic Goal Of Defeating Russia

Jen Psaki made it clear that the goal of the Biden administration is to strategically defeat Putin in Ukraine.

Taylor Lorenz Attacked Libs Of Tik Tok Because Corrupt Media’s Main Function Now Is To Destroy The Right, Not Understand Its Appeal

The media would much rather destroy their enemies than admit the self-inflicted loss of their credibility. Taylor Lorenz is no exception.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down Over Lawsuit To Kick Her Off Of The Ballot

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) raged during an interview about having to defend herself against a lawsuit to potentially remove her from the ballot.

4 Takeaways From Spygate Colluders’ Mad Rush To Hide Their Tracks In Court

They hope to prevent prosecutors from accessing a few dozen documents that might further reveal their role in peddling the massive Russia collusion hoax.

Mask Nazis Who Terrorized Americans For Years Are Worried They Might Get Mocked For Mask Obsession

Those who forced babies off airplanes, froze kids at school, and refused service to customers who wouldn't mask are now worried about mask harassment.

Biden Administration Wants To Force Nurses To Murder Babies Even If It Terrorizes Their Souls

The rule would force workers 'to perform medical procedures that directly violate their religious beliefs or risk losing their jobs.'

Black Leaders Tell Ron DeSantis They Will Not Stand Down After He Unveils Racist Florida Map

Gov. Ron DeSantis's proposed Florida congressional map has been labeled racist as it eliminates majority-black districts in the state.

WaPo Peddles Anti-Semitic Trope In Doxxing Attack On ‘Libs Of TikTok’

Taylor Lorenz's attack is so clearly agenda-driven that it would be laughable if it wasn't so dangerous and appalling.

Biden Is Telling Everybody That He’s Running Again In 2024

One of the worst kept secrets in American politics was let out of the bag as President Biden is making it clear that he is running for reelection.

More Than 221K Migrants Were Caught Illegally Crossing U.S. Border In March As Biden’s Crisis Escalates

In March alone, border officials apprehended 221,303 illegal border-crossers, the highest number in 22 years.

Trump Attorney John Eastman Claims Attorney-Client Privilege Over 37,000 Emails Sought by Committee

John Eastman is back claiming attorney-client privilege protects him from the House Select Committee's investigation.

DeSantis Ups The Ante In Disney’s War On Families By Announcing Efforts To Nuke Mickey Mouse’s Special Privileges

On Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the state legislature would consider dismantling special protections for Disney.

Jen Psaki Annihilates Kevin McCarthy For Ukraine Hypocrisy

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called out House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for supporting the withholding of aid to Ukraine when Trump was president.

Sen. Ron Johnson Loses Votes In Wisconsin By Defending Tax Cuts For The Rich

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) claimed that he was cutting taxes for the many when he voted to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations.

Federal Judge Nukes Biden’s ‘Unlawful’ Mask Mandate That’s Muzzled Travelers For More Than A Year

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle determined that the government agency grossly exceeded its power by muzzling Americans for more than a year.

Trump Judge Rated Unqualified Vacates Airport Mask Mandate

A Trump judge that was rated unqualified by the American Bar Association has overturned the CDC's federal mask mandate in airports.

Tax Day Throwdown: Biden Rips Republicans For Planning To Raise Taxes On The Middle Class

President Biden used Tax Day to contrast his plan to cut taxes for people making less than $400,000 versus the GOP plan to raise taxes on the middle class.

Virtue-Signaling Elites Who Don’t Care About China’s Abuses Don’t Really Care About Human Rights

The choice among America's ruling class to remain silent over the human rights abuses in Shanghai has nothing to do with ignorance and everything to do with agreement.

Donald Trump Is The Least Unpopular Leader In The Country

Donald Trump is more popular than Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Kevin McCarthy.

These 4 Riveting Spring TV Series Prove Great Storytelling Isn’t Dead Yet 

With an overwhelming glut of new series out this spring, here are a Hollywood handful worth considering for family viewing.

Supporters Of Wind Farms Over Nuclear Power Are Eagle Killers, Not Conservationists

Hundreds of hypocritical nonprofits implicitly endorse eagle elimination because they oppose nuclear energy and promote wind turbines.

Profile In Spinelessness: Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Condemn Putin GOP For Not Supporting NATO

Kevin McCarthy was asked if 63 House Republicans were wrong to vote against a resolution supporting NATO, and he dodged the question. Video: Asked on Fox News about 63 House Republicans voting against a resolution supporting NATO, Kevin McCarthy channels Trump by talking about how NATO countries need to ramp up their military spending … Continue reading "Profile In Spinelessness: Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Condemn Putin GOP For Not Supporting NATO"

With No Evidence, Darrell Issa Calls For A Special Prosecutor To Investigate Joe Biden

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate President Biden, with no evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Praises Biden’s True Leadership In Helping Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba praised Biden for his great leadership during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Beto O’Rourke Unleashes A Damning Indictment Of Greg Abbott

Texas gubernatorial candidate, Beto O'Rourke unloaded and showed why Greg Abbott is failing in the Lone Star State.

Trump Says He’s a ‘Gambler’ Endorsing JD Vance in Ohio Primary: Gambling Away a GOP Senate?

Congratulations to J.D. Vance, the next highly risky pick that, should Trump "win" with Vance, McConnell may end up losing in November, which is the ultimate test of Trump's power.

Tucker Carlson Announces A Potentially Biographical Documentary About The Collapse Of Testosterone In American Men

Tucker Carlson is promoting a new documentary about right-wing American men like himself and their projections about low testosterone.

Trump Helps Democrats Flip Ohio Senate Seat Blue By Endorsing J.D. Vance

Donald Trump and his ability to pick Senate candidates that help Democrats has struck again with his endorsement of J.D. Vance in Ohio.

After Being Nationally Humiliated Greg Abbott Repeals Border Clogging Truck Inspection Order

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) tried to save face, but after being exposed and nationally humiliated, he reversed his border truck inspection order.

Rep. Chip Roy Warps The Constitution to Defend His Efforts To Overthrow An Election

Roy's texts do not read like someone seeking truth, they read like a request to manufacture some fraud claims

Apple’s Earth Day Initiative Demonizes Carbon-Free Nuclear Power

Apple launched its 2022 Earth Day initiative with $1 for every Apple Pay transaction until the environmental holiday going to WWF.

Biden Shatters Republicans By Taking Credit For Low Unemployment

President Biden took credit for the low levels of state unemployment by reminding Republicans that his policies made it happen.

Greg Abbott Is Essentially Kidnapping Migrants And Busing Them To D.C.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) is taking migrants who have scheduled immigration appearances without their consent or the knowledge of the federal government and busing them to Washington, DC.

Viewers Flock Back To MSNBC For Rachel Maddow’s Return

MSNBC has seen its 9 PM hour viewership nearly double in Rachel Maddow's first week back.

John Fetterman’s Support Grows 13 Points In A Month In PA Senate Primary

Lt. Gov. Fetterman has opened up a 41%-17% lead over Rep. Conor Lamb in the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary.

If Free Speech Depends On Which Oligarchs Are In Control, The Country Is Doomed

Dedication to free speech requires broad support beyond the billionaire class.

The RNC Throws A Tantrum And Withdraws From The Commission On Presidential Debates

Trump has been threatening to do it for years, and now the RNC has withdrawn from the Commission on Presidential Debates while crying about fairness.

RNC Withdraws From Commission On Presidential Debates Over ‘Biased’ Commission’s Refusal To Play Fair

'To be clear: we are not walking away from debates. We are walking away from the CPD,' the RNC said.

Putin Is Losing It As NATO To Expedite Sweden And Finland’s Applications

Putin is threatening Sweden and Finland with nuclear weapons because NATO is expediting their applications for membership.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Bid Proves The ‘Private Business Can Do What It Wants’ Censorship Defense Was Always Garbage

Now that their grip over the channels of discourse is threatened, censorship advocates are suddenly worried about 'private sector' freedom.

The Left Is Freaking Out Over Elon Musk Because Twitter Rigs The Game For Democrats

Musk's bid to take over Twitter is threatening because it damages the Big Tech company's ability to rig the narrative.

Texas Tech Health School Hosts ‘All Ages’ Drag Queen Show Raising Money To Defend Mutilating Children

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center promoted the drag queen show in Lubbock as appropriate for 'all ages.'

Biden Tells Zelenskyy He Is Sending Him $800 Million In Weapons

President Biden told President Zelenskyy in a call that the US would be providing an additional $800 million in weapons.

Federal Judge Refuses To Toss Russiagate Charges Against Former Clinton/DNC Lawyer

Michael Sussmann, a Washington attorney and former federal prosecutor, was indicted by a grand jury in September.

Tony Dungy Responds Unapologetically To Leftist Outrage Over His Fatherhood Comments: ‘Obama Said The Same Things’

Dungy appeared alongside Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis to support the governor's 'Responsible Fatherhood Initiative.'

Two Florida Republicans Plead Guilty To Committing Voter Fraud For Trump

Two Republicans have copped a plea to submitting multiple ballots for Donald Trump during the 2020 election.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Refuses To Investigate Potential Cases Of Infanticide In The Nation’s Capital

Bowser is ignoring the potentially-illegal abortions that led to five pre-born babies being placed in buckets and treated as waste products.

Biden Pushes Putin Closer To Defeat With Massive Weapons Package For Ukraine

Everything from attack helicopters to armed Humvees and more are set to be delivered to Ukraine by the Biden administration.

Biden Goes There And Accuses Putin Of Ukraine Genocide

During a speech in Iowa, President Biden accused Vladimir Putin of committing genocide in Ukraine.

1/6 Defendant Completely Trashes Trump At Trial

A 1/6 defendant mounted a defense that called Trump an abuser who used him to attack the Capitol.

Lauren Boebert Embarrasses Herself While Trying To Discuss Fentanyl

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) thinks that lowering the penalties for Fentanyl possession will make life easier for drug dealers.

Republicans Are Trying To Defund Efforts To Fight Gun Crimes

The White House wants to know why Republicans are trying to defund federal efforts to fight gun crimes.

If Democrats Cared About Ending Crime, They Would Punish Criminals Not Target Law-Abiding Gun Owners

Instead of trampling on the Second Amendment, Democrats like Biden should toughen up on the offenders who use guns to facilitate illicit activity.

GOP Pollster Frank Luntz Says Republicans Are Sick of Trump’s Election Lies

Frank Luntz, the prominent Republican communications consultant and pollster, says members of the Republican Party are sick of former President Donald Trump constantly "rehashing" the 2020 general election.

Americans Are Turned Off By Disney’s Groomer Crusade, According To New Poll

Americans are turned off by the Walt Disney Corporation's crusade to indoctrinate children with explicit concepts about sex and sexuality.

Public Fatigue Becomes a Concern in Trump Investigations but Former Prosecutor Says It Will Not Deter Feds

But Joyce Vance, MSNBC's "go-to" prosecutor when in need of complex but common sense legal analysis, says don't worry about it.

Rachel Maddow Announces The End Of Her Nightly MSNBC Show

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow announced that starting next month she will only anchor her show on Monday nights.

It Sure Looks Like Jared Kushner Sold US Foreign Policy To Saudi Arabia

Trump changed his position as soon as he was sworn into office on Saudi Arabia, and now Jared Kushner got a $2 billion investment from the Saudis.

Jim Jordan Humiliates Himself With Hysterical Biden Allegations

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is humiliating himself as he is making bonkers accusations about the Bidens.

President Biden Essentially Just Declared War On The NRA

Biden declared war on the NRA by calling for an assault weapons ban and other common-sense gun laws.

Jen Psaki Isn’t Playing The Media’s Game Of Making Democrats Cater To Republicans

Jen Psaki didn't play along with the media narrative that it is the job of Democrats to cater to Republicans.

Did Elon Musk Just Bend A Knee To Twitter Or Is He Planning Something Bigger?

Elon Musk is no longer joining Twitter's board of directors but that doesn't mean he's giving up on reforming the tyrannical tech giant.

Democrat Candidate For Arizona Governor Supports Abortion Until Birth

Arizona candidate Katie Hobbs refused to say where she draws the line on abortion. That's because she doesn't draw a line.

Chris Pine Elevates The Plight Of Veterans In Patriotic Thriller ‘The Contractor’

Chris Pine is indispensable, but what really elevates this routine action thriller is its message about how the nation abandons its veterans.

The Current Biggest Threat to Classic Western Liberalism and NATO Is in France

Imagine a president who is openly pro-Putin and seems to yearn for a government structured more like Russia’s than the current democratic system that goes back centuries. The president has shocked the public with xenophobic statements that belie an uncertain and dangerous future for the many new immigrants. This same president harbors such nativism and … Continue reading "The Current Biggest Threat to Classic Western Liberalism and NATO Is in France"

Jim Acosta Nails Tucker Carlson For Using Russian Talking Points

Jim Acosta nailed Tucker Carlson for making comments similar to Putin's spokesman about Russian atrocities in Ukraine.

Herschel Walker Skips US Senate Debate Then Faceplants On Fox

Maria Bartiromo did her propagandistic best, but not even she could save Herschel Walker from changing his story on graduating college and claiming people are jealous of him.

Ivanka Trump May Have Sold Out Her Dad As Liz Cheney Calls Testimony Helpful

1/6 Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) described Ivanka Trump's testimony as helpful, which can't be good news for her dad.

Opinion: Obama’s White House Visit Underlines Story Democrats Need To Tell About Themselves And GOP

Democrats need to focus intensely on loudly telling the story of what life in America will really be like if Republicans rule.

Hypocrite Mitch McConnell Tells People With Student Loans To Pay Up

Mitch McConnell blew up the national debt with tax cuts for the rich but tells student borrowers they have to pay their debts.

Jen Psaki Storms Fox News And Shows Democrats How It’s Done

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki went on Fox News Sunday and showed Democrats everywhere how to handle Fox.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says House Republicans Will Impeach Biden And Harris Next Year

Rep., Marjorie Taylor Greene said that House will Republicans will impeach President Biden and Vice President Harris if they win the majority.

A Family Took Their Little Boy To The Trump Rally And It Totally Backfired

A family was excited to be at their first Trump rally in North Carolina until their youngest announced that he was excited to see Joe Biden.

Former Federal Prosecutor Says It Was Always Trump’s Plan To Overturn The Election

Former federal prosecutor and CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said that Donald Trump Jr.'s texts show that the plan was always to overturn the election.

The FBI Investigating Trump For Theft Of Top Secret Documents

Classified documents ended up at Donald Trump's private club, and the FBI is investigating how they got there.

Donald Trump Jr.’s Text Outlining Coup Is Critically Valuable on Another Level: It Functionally Admits They Lost The Election

The fact that Donald Trump Junior mentioned alternative state electors exposes Junior to devastating legal consequences.

Trump And White House Officials Appear To Have Stolen Gifts From Foreign Leaders

Trump and former administration officials did not report gifts from foreign leaders before they left office, which is illegal.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is One Step Closer To Being Disqualified From Office

A federal judge signaled that the lawsuit seeking to disqualify Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene from the ballot will be allowed to go forward.

Trump Haters Impeached Him For ‘Inciting A Riot.’ Now They’re Claiming The Riot Was Premeditated

The idea of a coordinated assault undermines the narrative Donald Trump was responsible for spontaneously inciting an 'insurrection.'

Fox News’s Will Cain: ‘Disney Is Turning Your Kids Gay’

Fox News's Will Cain pointed directly to Disney content as on proximate cause of what some of us see as evolution, while the Right sees nothing but dissolution in all they ever thought to believe.

Rachel Maddow Returns To MSNBC On April 11

Rachel Maddow is returning to her MSNBC show on April 11, but for how long remains unclear, as she is expected to exit for a reduced schedule.

Donald Trump Jr. Busted Plotting A Coup Months Before 1/6

Newly released texts reveal that Donald Trump Jr. was floating ideas for a coup in November before the election was called for Biden.

Jury Refuses To Convict Men Entrapped By FBI In Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

The FBI's plot draws strong parallels to the agency's attempts to charge and convict the Bundy group for occupying federal land in 2016.

Potential Gamechanger As 1/6 Committee Has Evidence That Capitol Attackers Were In Contact With Trump’s Campaign

The 1/6 Committee has evidence that the far-right militias that attacked the Capitol were in contact with Trump's rally.

Biden Blasts Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, And Other Senate GOP For Vile Attacks On Judge Jackson

President Biden didn't forget what Senate Republicans like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz did to his Supreme Court nominee at Judge Jackson's confirmation celebration.

5 Reasons The Biden Budget’s Supposed ‘Deficit Reduction’ Is A Fraud

Under the fiscal policies we already have, Joe Biden’s performance is nearly $2.3 trillion worse than last year.

Lauren Boebert Melts Down On Fox News Over Being Called A Racist

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) ranted about being called a racist and a bigot while ignoring the fact that she acts like a racist and a bigot.

Mitch McConnell Shows How Very Low He Is Willing To Go

Mitch McConnell was asked where his moral red lines are, and he made it clear that he has none.

History Is Made As Ketanji Brown Jackson Is Confirmed To The Supreme Court

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson because the first African-American woman to be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Matt Gaetz Refuses To Answer When Asked Why He Voted Against Punishing Russia

Matt Gaetz voted against ending Russia's preferred trade status with the US, and when asked why, he refused to answer.

Russia Booted Off Of The UN Human Rights Council For War Crimes

Russia was voted off of the UN Human Rights Council for crimes and atrocities that its soldiers have committed in Ukraine.

Deep State Operatives Are Lying To Americans And The Press About Intelligence Because They Can

U.S. deep-state operatives are lying about the legitimacy of sensitive national security intelligence to secure political outcomes.

Federal Judge Finds J6 Defendant Not Guilty, Nuking DOJ Charges That Walking Through An Open Door Is A Crime

Martin said he entered the Capitol when he was 'let in' by two U.S. Capitol Police officers who waved him through a doorway.

Did Biden Funnel $3.5 Billion Payout Away From Terror Victims And Toward Ex-Staff? Republicans Demand Answer

Republicans are investigating whether the Biden administration improperly steered funds to a Biden official's own post-employment coffers.

Biden Gets Standing Ovation As He Puts Bezos On Notice That The Union Is Coming

Biden got a standing ovation at the North America’s Building Trades Union Legislative Conference when he was talking about unions and said Amazon, here we come.

Marriage Makes You Happier, Better, And More Successful But Fewer Americans Are Even Willing To Date

In addition to bringing lovers together, marriage offers a wide range of physical, mental, financial, and spiritual health benefits.

5 Takeaways From The Newly Filed Motions In The Special Counsel’s Sussmann Case

Evidentiary rules govern whether evidence, such as testimony or documents, may be admitted in court and presented to the jury.

Every Single House Judiciary Committee Republican Votes Against Bill To Fight Domestic Terrorism

Even after the 1/6 attack, every single Republican on the House Judiciary Committee voted against enhancing the government's ability to fight domestic terrorism.

Breaking: Trump To Address Heritage Foundation Conference In April

'We need bold leaders who speak candidly, and President Trump is unafraid to do so—even as Big Tech and the media attempt to silence him,' Heritage President Kevin Roberts said.

Seattle Museum Plans ‘Drag-tastic Summer Camp’ To Teach Kids ‘Art Of The Drag’

The five-day workshop, which teaches kids how to cross-dress, will end with a 'private showcase' to allow adolescents to 'celebrate your new drag personas.'

Obama Shines In His Return To The White House To Celebrate The ACA

President Obama's return to the White House was a memorable moment as he, President Biden, and Vice President Harris discussed steps to strengthen the ACA.

A Fed Up Adam Kinzinger Goes Off On Kevin McCarthy, Putin Sympathizers, And Republicans Being Children

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) called out Kevin McCarthy, GOP Putin sympathizers, and Republicans acting like children.

GOP Is In Big Trouble As Eric Greitens’s Ex-Wife Says She Has Photo Evidence Of Domestic Violence

The ex-wife of former Missouri Governor turned Republican Senate candidate Eric Greitens says she has evidence documenting domestic violence.

Investigators Are Closing In as Ivanka Trump is Scheduled to Meet with 1/6 Panel

Ivanka Trump will meet with the House Select Committee tasked with investigating the January 6 insurrection and respond to questions about the attack.

Election Denialism Turned Loser Stacey Abrams Into A Multi-Millionaire

Stacey Abrams' miraculous journey from debtor to multi-millionaire only happened because Democrats gave her a platform for election denialism.

The Alfa Bank Hoax Is Looking A Lot Like Crossfire Hurricane

If cybersecurity experts could trigger an investigation into Trump for political reasons, they can prompt an investigation of anyone, for any reason.

Unlike The Artists Chasing TikTok Trends, The Lumineers Are Keeping Their Original Sound

The Lumineers' latest album feels more like a familiar cup of tea rather than a quick shot of some new espresso. 

10 Songs To Listen To Ahead Of Folk-Rock Songwriter Father John Misty’s New Album

A sinner, a lover, a cynic, a searcher – the latest chapter of the mysterious Father John Misty odyssey is now here.

Here’s Some Of The Garbage Democrats Funded As ‘Covid Relief’

As the nation’s debt has passed $30 trillion and inflation continues to skyrocket, federal funds are being used to fund four-star hotels and bailouts for deadbeat dads.

Jared Kushner Answered Questions From The 1/6 Committee And Gave Them Info

Jared Kushner sat with the 1/6 Committee and answered their questions and gave them information, according to Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

Hillary Clinton Shuts Down Chuck Todd’s Effort To Blame Biden For Ukraine

Chuck Todd tried to suggest that Biden wasn’t doing enough to stop Russia in Ukraine, but Hillary Clinton shut him down. Video: Transcript via Meet The Press: CHUCK TODD: I want to pick up on — I know you were listening to the interview with Masha Gessen. I want to pick up on Masha’s last … Continue reading "Hillary Clinton Shuts Down Chuck Todd’s Effort To Blame Biden For Ukraine"

GOP Gov. Larry Hogan Calls Out The Hypocrisy Of Ron DeSantis

Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) called Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the hypocrisy surrounding his attack on Disney.

Jamie Raskin Explains The Connection The 1/6 Committee Is Looking For That Would Nail Trump

1/6 Committee member, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) explained that the committee is looking to connect the Capitol attack to Trump's coup.

Trump Appears To Not Remember Jen Psaki’s Name During Michigan Fiasco

At a rally in Michigan, Trump gave more reason for concern about his cognitive abilities when he appeared not to know Jen Psaki's name.

Mike Lindell Is Being Put Out Of Business As Dozens Of TV Affiliates Refuse To Air His Commercials

Mike Lindell ranted and raved outside the Trump rally as dozens of local television affiliates have refused to air his commercials.

Biden Wants Merrick Garland To Prosecute Trump

As late as last year, President Biden privately said that he would like Attorney General Garland to prosecute Trump.

Trump Stopped Providing Details Of His Calls And Activities To Record Keepers The Day Before 1/6 Attack

The Trump White House stopped providing details of Trump's calls and activities to record keepers just before the 1/6 attack.

Conor Lamb Gets Ugly On John Fetterman In PA Democratic Senate Primary

Rep. Conor Lamb accused Lt. Gov. John Fetterman of skipping an upcoming debate because he is avoiding questions about a 2013 incident in Braddock.

Biden Adds More Jobs In 14 Months Than Trump’s Entire 4 Years

Trump called himself a "jobs president," but Biden has added more jobs in 14 months than Trump did in four years.

Florida’s New Law Is Only Bad For People Who Believe Parents Have No Rights Over Their Children

If you haven't read the law, read it right now.

Supporting Your Husband Is Empowering For Women And Clarence Thomas Reminds Us Why

In our individualist society, both sexes are bombarded with the lie that living for your own pleasure is the most fulfilling thing you can do.

Biden Hammers Trump And Republicans For Blowing Up The Deficit

President Biden called out Trump and the Republicans for blowing up the deficit with tax cuts for the rich.

April Fools! Gap In Trump’s Jan. 6 Phone Records Was A Big Media-Fabricated Nothingburger

No small constituency of Twitter's blue check marks was eager to raise hysteria over the apparent gap in records.

AOC Ditched Amazon Workers’ Rally Over ‘Security’ Fears Weeks Before Parading At 600-Person Met Gala

'They said they canceled all her in-person meetings for the rest of the month but then a couple weeks later she was at the Met Gala.'