
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

Pelosi Pledges That Congress Will Provide Ukraine with Any Economic Assistance It Needs

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced that Congress will provide Ukraine with any economic assistance it needs to defend itself amid the ongoing invasion. “We’ll have to see what the need is and whatever it is, we’ll support it,” Pelosi told reporters. “We’ll see what the president sends down.” “We can’t vote until we have … Continue reading "Pelosi Pledges That Congress Will Provide Ukraine with Any Economic Assistance It Needs"

The Right ‘Loves Putin’ And Other Lies The Media Tell About Trump And Russia

That right-wingers are cozying up to Putin is a myth generated by a news media that seemingly can't do anything regarding Russia but lie.

Ukraine Proves Our Ruling Class Only Cares About ‘Misinformation’ When It’s Politically Convenient

The same people who justify censorship in America are suddenly unbothered by clear misinformation being pumped out of Ukraine and Russia.

It Is All Going Wrong For Putin As Zelensky Signs Application For Ukraine EU Membership

Putin invaded Ukraine to keep Europe out. Instead, Zelensky has signed Ukraine's application to join the EU.

Democrats Who Won’t Build Border Wall Build Border Fence Around US Capitol

After years of opposition to a southern border wall, congressional Democrats have become fond of physical barriers for their own security.

Russia’s Top Banker Can’t Hide His Despair During Meeting With Putin

One picture tells the story as Russian Central Bank head Nabiullina had his head in his hand as he met with Putin.

Adam Schiff Nails Trump For Getting Ukrainians Killed By Withholding Military Aid

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) drilled Trump by pointing out that the former president got Ukrainians killed by withholding military aid.

Neutral Switzerland Poised To Join EU Sanctions Against Russia

Switzerland is poised to take the unprecedented step of joining the EU sanctions against Russia.

The Backlash Grows Against Putin As BP Dumps Ownership In Russian Oil Firm Rosneft

BP is selling its 19.75% stake in Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil company due to the Ukraine invasion.

Donald Trump Jr. Tries To Convince America That Putin Feared Trump

Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Putin didn't invade Ukraine when his dad was president because he was afraid of him.

Tom Cotton Falls Apart And Repeatedly Refuses To Condemn Trump’s Putin Praise

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) was asked multiple times on Sunday to condemn Trump's praise of Putin and he refused.

Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Is Bogged Down And Experiencing Shortages

Putin's invasion of Ukraine is not going as planned, as the Russian forces are bogged down and experiencing shortages of ammo and fuel.

Mike Lindell Completely Loses It When Asked To Name The Lawyers Behind Trump Martial Law Papers

Mike Lindell was asked to name the lawyers who drafted the martial law papers he carried into a meeting with Trump, and he responded with a meltdown.

Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine Appears To Have Backfired

Former CIA Chief of Russia Operations Steve Hall said that Putin has managed to alienate Ukraine, and his invasion has initially backfired.

Liz Cheney Slams Greene And Gosar And Tells Republicans To Reject The Putin GOP

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) called out Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar for speaking a pro-Putin white supremacy event and told Republicans to reject the Putin GOP.

The Lincoln Project Devastates Fox, Steve Bannon, And The GOP For Supporting Putin

In a new video, The Lincoln Project called out Fox News, Steve Bannon, and the Republican Party for supporting Putin.

Biden Eyes A Devastating Sanction Against Putin’s Cash Reserves

The United States is eyeing a sanction of Russia's central bank that would cut off $643 billion of cash reserves. The US wants to move in unison with Europe for maximum impact.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Declines To Evacuate: ‘I Need Ammunition, Not A Ride’

The Russian assault on Ukraine is now going on three days of fighting in the capital city and yet, Kyiv still stands.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks At White Nationalist Conference That Cheers Putin

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at a white nationalist conference where Putin got a round of cheers for invading Ukraine.

Biden’s Approval Sinks Further As Russia-Ukraine Crisis Heightens

New polling indicates only 39 percent of Americans approve of Biden's job as president, while 56 percent think his first year was a failure.

Donald Trump Jr’s Fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Is Talking To The 1/6 Committee

Kimberly Guilfoyle is the person closest to the Trump family who sat down for an interview with the 1/6 Committee.

Boebert Suggests Trump’s Attitude was a “Deterrent” to War in Ukraine, Other Conflicts

Writing on Twitter, Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) suggested that former President Donald Trump’s free-wheeling style was “in itself a deterrent” to United States involvement in Ukraine and elsewhere. “Anyone arguing the attitude Trump projected onto the rest of the world WASN’T in itself a deterrent is completely blinded by their own partisanship,” she wrote. Anyone … Continue reading "Boebert Suggests Trump’s Attitude was a “Deterrent” to War in Ukraine, Other Conflicts"

American Intelligence Legend James Clapper: Putin May Be Mentally Unstable

Clapper jumped right on the word "crazy," and said; "I think there's some question about his mental state, frankly,"

If Ukraine Survives, It Won’t Be Thanks To Biden’s Sanctions

Biden’s sanctions will have had nothing to do with Putin's demise. All credit will go to the sacrifices and strength of the Ukrainian people.

Obama Tells Every American They Should Support Biden On Ukraine

Former President Obama said that people around the world and every American should support Biden on Ukraine.

Mike Flynn Outs Himself As A Russian Asset While Blaming Biden For Ukraine Invasion

Mike Flynn used the Kremlin's talking points as he tried to blame President Biden for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Biden Totally Shuts Down Peter Doocy’s Claim That He Underestimated Putin

Fox News's Peter Doocy tried to suggest that Biden underestimated Putin, but the President shut him down.

Has Putin Miscalculated His Ability To Take Ukraine Swiftly?

Every day Zelenskyy remains in office is another day that adds to Ukrainian national confidence to resist Putin's attacks.

Thousands Of Russians Defy Putin With Anti-War Protest

Putin tried to suppress reporting about his invasion of Ukraine, but that hasn't stopped thousands of Russians from holding an anti-war protest.

Dallas County DA Hits Back, Will Not Prosecute Families Whose Children Receive Transgender Youth Care

Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot (D), joining four other district attorneys in the state, announced that his office will not prosecute families whose children receive transgender youth care, in direct opposition to a recent announcement from Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) and state Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) that the state will open child abuse … Continue reading "Dallas County DA Hits Back, Will Not Prosecute Families Whose Children Receive Transgender Youth Care"

Ukraine Is One More Problem Biden Tells Americans To Bear

There aren't enough problems in our lives right now, so we're supposed to stress over one that other people are having 5,000 miles away.

2 Manhattan Prosecutors Resign As DA Has Doubts About Case Against Trump

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has expressed doubts about moving forward with a criminal case against Trump so two prosecutors have resigned.

Watchdog Sues DOJ For Withholding Documents On Hiring Of Russia Truther Susan Hennessey

A government watchdog is suing the Department of Justice over the agency's refusal to comply with a pair of records requests.

Biden Turns Up The Pressure On Putin With Nord Stream 2 Sanctions

President Biden announced that not only is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline stopped, but Nord Stream 2 and its corporate officers have been sanctioned.

Republicans Lose In Pennsylvania As Supreme Court Picks Fair Map

In a 4-3 decision, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court picked the map that was put forward by some Democratically aligned voters that divides the state 8-8 with one swing district.

No Matter How Peaceful The American Freedom Convoy Is, Our Corrupt Regime Will Demonize It

Like the many people who only peacefully protested at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the truckers will be smeared as domestic terrorists by the Biden administration and media.

Amid Geopolitical Strife, US Corporate Giant McKinsey Has Deep Business Ties In Russia And China 

McKinsey's deep ties with Russian and Chinese leaders built over decades of lucrative deals raise the specter of conflicts of interest.

MSNBC And Andrea Mitchell Give John Bolton A Platform To Criticize Biden on Russia

MSNBC gave a platform to John Bolton, the neo-con who got Iraq wrong, to criticize Biden on Russia.MSNBC gave a platform to John Bolton, the neo-con who got Iraq wrong, to criticize Biden on Russia.

After Midterms, All Democrats Need To Restart Pandemic Panic Are ‘New Variants’ And ‘Waning Immunity’

There's always a reason to pressure the public to remain in a panic and give Democrats, plus 'the experts,' a reason to re-tighten the noose.

The Ukraine Crisis Is A Direct Result Of Biden’s Weak Foreign Policy

The time for pressuring Putin and imposing sanctions to deter Moscow’s designs on Ukraine has passed, and Biden is entirely to blame.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Says Gender-Affirming Health Care for Transgender Youth is “Abuse”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said in a statement that some types of gender-affirming health care for transgender youth is “abuse.” Paxton said that hormone therapy, puberty blockers and sex reassignment procedures “are ‘abuse’ under Texas law, and thus must be halted.” He said that “there is no scientific consensus that these sterilizing … Continue reading "Texas AG Ken Paxton Says Gender-Affirming Health Care for Transgender Youth is “Abuse”"

Once Again, Joe Biden Has Failed A Basic Foreign Policy Test

The Russian tanks roll westward.

For Crisis-Riddled Biden, Russia Is The Foreign Distraction He’s Been Waiting For

Biden is using Russia’s conflict with Ukraine to deflect from the fact that his administration is failing on the homefront.

Tucker Carlson Could Cost Republicans A Senate Seat In Ohio

The Ukrainian-American population in Ohio is very unhappy with Tucker Carlson's anti-Ukraine/pro-Putin stance, and it could cost Republicans in November.

Comrade Marge: Marjorie Taylor Greene Outs Herself As A Putin Puppet

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) showed her support for Putin by lying and saying that Ukraine was the top donor to Hillary Clinton.

The Republican Party Disrespects Biden On Presidents’ Day

The Republican Party put out a Presidents' Day tweet that disrespected the current president, Joe Biden.

The Russians Are Frustrated Because Biden And The West Are Stopping Their Propaganda

Russia's propagandists are frustrated that without Donald Trump, Biden and the West are calling out their lies.

After Slandering Loudoun Parents, CNN Is Trapped By San Francisco Recalls

CNN has been tripped up by the successful recall of three far-left school board members in deep-blue San Francisco.

New York Times: Consider Firing Your Unvaccinated Babysitter

The New York Times' ethicist columnist counseled a reader last week who wrote concerned about the family babysitter's vaccine status.

Report Finds Scant Evidence That Trump Endorsements Carry Any Value

Trump's endorsement has had little to no effect on fundraising or momentum.

Exclusive: ‘American Freedom Convoy’ Set To Launch On March 1

'The American people need to have their rights restored, protected and preserved.'

J. Lo Rom-Com ‘Marry Me’ Is A Distracting, Movie-Length TikTok

Every scene is no longer Kat or Charlie’s love story, but the world’s collective Snapchat and Instagram stories.

The Ruling Class’s Inflationary Policies Hurt America’s Working Class The Most

The Biden administration continues to advocate for its tax-and-spend agenda, ignoring the fact that massive money-printing has left many Americans worse off.

What Made Abraham Lincoln Grow Stronger In Adversity

Let us remember something truly great about old, honest Abe.

Like George Washington, We’re In A Great Battle, Outcome Unknown

George Washington’s cause was the establishment of a regime of civil and religious liberty, not an imaginary republic but one in fact, enduring in the course of human events.

1/6 Committee Outs Why Republicans Are Trying To Hide Their Phone Records

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said the 1/6 Committee is seeking phone records because those records connect the web of Trump's conspiracy.

Republicans Could Be Headed For Disaster In Wisconsin As State GOP Implodes

The weight of Donald Trump's conspiracy theories and lunacy has destabilized the Wisconsin Republican Party.

Chuck Todd Gets Totally Shut Down As He Tries To Blame Democrats For Russia/Ukraine Crisis

Chuck Todd tried to claim that Ukraine was frustrated with the United States, and former Ukraine Ambassador William Taylor shut him down.

Ted Cruz Blames Joe Biden For Russia Preparing To Invade Ukraine

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that Biden becoming president was the best thing to happen to Putin.

Judge Rules Trump Has No Presidential Immunity From 1/6 Lawsuits

A federal judge has ruled that Donald Trump was not acting in his official capacity as president at his 1/6 rally and has no presidential immunity.

AOC Calls Out Tucker Carlson For Endangering Libelous Harassment

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wants to know why Tucker Carlson is getting paid and a platform for libelous harassment.

Congressman Warns Trump Has Real Legal Jeopardy Over Classified Docs Theft

Rep. Gerry Connolly said that Trump has real legal jeopardy over stealing classified info, and not protecting documents.

Congressman Warns Trump Has Real Legal Jeopardy Over Classified Docs Theft

Rep. Gerry Connolly said that Trump has real legal jeopardy over stealing classified info, and not protecting documents.

Lawmakers Say Stocktrading Ban Should Also Apply to Politicians’ Spouses

Representatives Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Chip Roy (R-Texas), the authors of a stock trading ban proposal, say that any legislation to prevent lawmakers from trading stocks should also apply to their immediate family members, such as spouses. “To put forth a stock ban that only applies to members would be, as I would perceive it as an … Continue reading "Lawmakers Say Stocktrading Ban Should Also Apply to Politicians’ Spouses"

Dear Prudence: Dump Your Therapist If She’s Not Hysterical About Climate Change

If your therapist isn't a climate change hysteric, Slate's advice columnist suggests it's time to let her go.

Bad News For Trump: 1/6 Rally Organizer Katrina Pierson Testified And Didn’t Plead The Fifth

Katrina Pierson was the organizer of Trump's 1/6 rally. Not only did she speak to the 1/6 Committee, but she also didn't plead the Fifth.

Twitter Claims GiveSendGo Hacker And Doxxers Didn’t Break Any Rules

If Twitter cared about protecting people from malicious hacks, it would stop the circulation of Freedom Convoy donors' information.

Border Czar Kamala Harris Heads To Secure Ukraine’s Border But Won’t Protect Her Own Country’s

Kamala Harris is parading around Europe calling attention to the problems of other nations while she ignores her own.

Democrats’ 2022 Slogan: Enjoy This Small Break From Covid Mandates We’re Bestowing Upon You

It apparently needs to be said in 2022 that freedom in this country is not (yet!) a reward. It's a right.

Washington Post Slurs Best American Jurist Ever For ‘Thinking Like A White Man’

Clarence Thomas's influence must not be reduced to his race because that characterization inherently contradicts everything he stands for.

Judge Rules Trump, Ivanka Trump, And Donald Trump Jr. All Must Testify In NY Fraud Investigation

Trump and his two adult children, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., all must sit for depositions within three weeks in the NY fraud investigation.

Special Counsel John Durham Is Opening Up About His Spygate Investigation, But Why?

Durham is going public with more details of his investigation into the Russia Collusion Hoax, but will the courts will stop him?

The FBI’s Trump Cyber Spy Has A Long History Of Shady Deals And Democrat Dirty Tricks

Rodney Joffe, despite being subpoenaed, does not appear to be actively cooperating with John Durham’s investigation.

Kanye West Is Testing The Business Of Celebrity

What on earth was Kanye doing with Julia Fox? 

Democrats Blast Tom Cotton For Holding 8 US Attorney Nominees Hostage

Majority Leader Schumer and Sen. Amy Klobuchar called out Sen. Tom Cotton for blocking eight Biden US Attorney nominees.

It’s Time For Americans To Rescue U.S. Cities From Greedy Leftists’ Crime-Infested, Drug-Riddled Chokehold

Urban areas need to use upcoming elections to force out the hypocritical politicians whose policies are ruining the nation.

Ted Cruz Gets Schooled By Biden Judicial Nominee During Hearing

Biden judicial nominee Nina Morrison took Sen. Ted Cruz to school when he tried to blame her for rising homicide rates.

East Coast, West Coast, It Turned Out Everyone Was Mad

The parents are restless and they must be crushed.

DeSantis Blocks Biden Admin’s International Child-Trafficking Scheme In Florida

For some Catholic leaders, Biden's open border and trafficking of children is a lucrative business that awards them millions in federal cash.

Select Committee Will Soon Review WH Visitor Logs for Jan. 6th As Biden Denies Trump’s Privilege Claim

Within a short period of time, perhaps a month at most, the House Select Committee will know who was in and around the White House and Trump in the time leading up to the riot until the hours afterward.

America Is Back As Schumer And McConnell Send Bipartisan Warning To Putin

Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell released a joint Senate statement of solidarity with Ukraine.

Biden Tells Putin What Trump Never Would: The US Will Defend Every Inch Of NATO Territory

President Biden delivered a dire warning to Putin that if he invades Ukraine, the US will rally the world and defend NATO territory.

Let’s Talk About Mekhi Speed, Amir Locke’s ‘Violent’ Cousin Who Is Directly Related To Locke’s Death

Is it possible that Locke knew what he was getting into when he chose to stay at the home of his cousin, whose brother was wanted for murder?

Senate Republicans Block 6 Biden FED Nominees In Biggest Obstruction In Years

Senate Republicans want Sarah Bloom Raskin dropped as a nominee, so they are blocking Biden’s slate of nominees for Federal Reserve positions. The blockade is being led by Sen. Pat Toomey wants Bloom Raskin’s nomination dropped: Sherrod Brown says Dems still moving ahead with markup. “Senator Toomey needs to do his job and show up. … Continue reading "Senate Republicans Block 6 Biden FED Nominees In Biggest Obstruction In Years"

Illinois High Schoolers Segregated And Shunned For Refusing To Participate In Mask Theater

'We're basically segregated at the school and locked in rooms all day,' Emma Rausch, a junior at DGNHS, told The Federalist.

Press Calls Trump A Fascist For Opposing Violent Riots, But Trudeau’s A Hero For Treating Peaceful Protesters Like Terrorists

There is no shortage of double standards when it comes to corporate media and Democrats' conduct related to 2020's summer of rage.

Rudy Giuliani Might Be Using The 1/6 Committee To Get Trump To Pay His Legal Bills

There is speculation from the legal community that Rudy Giuliani might be using the threat of 1/6 Committee cooperation to get Trump to pay his legal bills.

8 More Intrigues Inside John Durham’s Latest Special Counsel Filings

Beyond the blockbuster news from Friday’s special counsel filing in the Spygate investigation, there were several interesting points of note.

Conservative Attorney Believes Trump Faces Most Realistic Criminal Charge in His Life

Trump committed a crime that was at least as obvious, one that was much more serious, one that could have already caused considerable damage, and one that makes him look like a foreign asset more than a patriotic American.

Hemingway: Durham Reveals Spying On Trump Was Worse Than Watergate

'They were also spying on White House servers [and] Trump tower while he was president,' Hemingway said.

Elites Party Maskless At Super Bowl On Sunday, Kids Suffer Mask Mandates At California Schools On Monday

California's phony little tyrants pushed Covid rules when it was convenient for them but ditched the same rules when it wasn't.

Special Counsel: Democrats Framed And Spied On Trump While He Was President

The details John Durham sprinkled throughout his filings suggest even more bombshells are to come.

The Freedom Convoy To End Covid Tyranny Is Getting Results All Over The World

That even two MPs from Trudeau’s party would openly criticize him is unprecedented, revealing that opinion is souring on his leadership.

Gun Control Groups Target JR-15 Rifle Designed To Teach Kids Safety

Aimed at helping children become better, safer, and more responsible gun owners, the JR-15 has become gun-control advocates’ nightmare.

In Creepy Super Bowl Ad, Meta Peddles Big Tech Dystopia

During Super Bowl 2022, Meta released its creepiest ad yet to push Americans into abiding into big tech's ideology.

Kafkaesque ‘A Hero’ Delights Critics And Frustrates Normal Audiences

'A Hero' is often a tedious affair that will automatically receive the benefit of the doubt because it’s an independent foreign film.

Republican Trucker Super Bowl Blockade Completely Flops

Republicans were urging truckers to blockade the Super Bowl, but the truckers didn't show up in LA after getting kicked out of Canada.

US TV Networks Are Using Russian Propaganda In Ukraine Coverage

Corporate US television networks are using Russian propaganda video of their troop buildup in their Ukraine coverage.

Lindsey Graham Warns Trump That He Is Hurting The Republican Party

Sen. Lindsey Graham warned that Trump is hurting himself and the Republican Party by staying stuck on 2020.

Nancy Pelosi Calls Out Joe Manchin’s False Statements On Inflation

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took Sen. Joe Manchin to school by explaining why the rise in inflation has nothing to do with Build Back Better.

Opinion: NFL’s Hidden Hate Practices Help Explain Why It’s So Hard To End US Racism

The NFL that publicizes ending racism, presumably to sell its product, also deeply believes in the intellectual inferiority of Black players,

Rand Paul Tells Truckers Who Were Kicked Out Of Canada To Blockade Super Bowl

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wants the truckers who have since been kicked out of Canada to blockade the Super Bowl.

Jim Acosta Urges The American People To Save Democracy And Flush Trump

CNN's Jim Acosta used Trump flushing documents to urge the American people to flush Trump to save democracy.

Biden Warns Putin That Russia Will Suffer If They Invade Ukraine

Biden told Putin that Russia would be diminished and suffer under a severe Western response if they invaded Ukraine.

Leftist Media Falsely Frames RNC’s Defense Of Jan. 6 Free Speech As A Defense Of Rioting

Legacy media falsely framed Republicans as defenders of the Capitol chaos, rather than of the Constitution-protected rights to free speech and peaceable assembly.

Former Homeland Security Official Calls Trump Mind Numbingly Incompetent With Classified Info

Former Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor described Trump as mind-numbingly incompetent with classified info.

Virginia Deputy AG Says She Was Forced Out, Denies Resignation Claims By Miyares’ Office And Washington Post

Monique Miles told The Federalist that claims by The Washington Post and AG Jason Miyares' office that she resigned are false.

Why Do 15% Of Voters Still Believe The Corrupt Corporate Media Tells The Truth?

Fake news outlets have given the people zero reasons to believe their drivel, so why isn't trust in corporate media even lower?

Adam Kinzinger Shreds Madison Cawthorn With Just 8 Words

As Rep. Madison Cawthorn tweeted a not-so-subtle attack on the federal law enforcement agencies that could be investigating him, Rep. Adam Kinzinger shot him down.

Bombshell Text Messages Reveal Ron Johnson Trying To Rig Wisconsin

Text messages show that Sen. Ron Johnson met with Wisconsin state legislative Republican leaders to discuss getting rid of the state election commission and giving control of federal elections to the Republican-controlled state legislature.

Falls Church Superintendent Segregates Students Whose Parents Opt Out Of Masking

Kids whose parents object to masking, like most of the country has been doing all school year, will be physically set apart from their peers.

GOP Surges To 6-Point Generic Ballot Lead In New FDRLST/Susquehanna Poll

The new poll found that 52 percent of voters disapprove of the job Biden is doing as president.

Hillary Clinton Will Speak at New York State Democratic Party Convention

Hillary Clinton will speak at the Democratic Party Convention in New York State. Her appearance could fuel speculation that she will run for executive office again. Jay Jacobs, chairman of the New York State Democratic Party, did not confirm Clinton would speak during an interview but did not outright deny it either. Clinton will appear … Continue reading "Hillary Clinton Will Speak at New York State Democratic Party Convention"

DOJ To Be Alerted That Trump Stole Classified Materials

The National Archives had found that Donald Trump stole classified materials when he left the White House, and by law, they are required to alert the DOJ.

Democrats Are Conveniently ‘Done’ With Covid Just In Time For The 2022 Midterms

Democrats are relaxing the Covid restrictions noose in hopes that after November, they can tighten it all over again.

Liz Cheney Called Electoral Objections Unconstitutional And Then Sided With Democrats Who’d Done It For Years

In 2017, Democrats objected to more states attempting to certify their electoral votes than Republicans did last year.

“Fairly Shocking”: Michigan County Prosecutor Says Rudy Giuliani Asked Him to Seize Voting Machines

On November 20, 2020, Rudy Giuliani and "others around him," contacted the Antrim County, Michigan, prosecutor James Rossiter and asked him to seize the county's voting machines.

Adele ‘Loves Being A Woman,’ Just Like Other Females Whose Spaces Are Being Erased For ‘Inclusivity’

When cultural influences ditch sex-specific prestige, they take away the honor that comes with being an accomplished woman.

Record-High Inflation Could Deal Biden And Democrats A Fatal Blow In The 2022 Midterms

These new inflation highs are problematic not only for suffering Americans but also for an already unpopular Biden and vulnerable Democrats.

The 1/6 Committee Moves On Trump’s Inner Circle With Peter Navarro Subpoena

The 1/6 Committee has subpoenaed Peter Navarro for documents and information related to his participation in Trump's coup.

Rep. Thomas Massie Falsely Suggests That Medicare Kills COVID Patients

Rep. Thomas Massie suggested that COVID patients would still be alive if they were not on Medicare.

Pelosi Tells Kevin McCarthy The He Can Run But He Can’t Hide From 1/6

Speaker Pelosi had a message for Kevin McCarthy that he can run, but he can't hide from the 1/6 attack.

Liz Cheney Snubs Voters To Mingle With Reporters Instead, Calling Constituents ‘Crazies’

Liz Cheney mingled with reporters and media executives over attending an annual grassroots event last weekend on a rare trip to her home state.

Pelosi Throws Support Behind Ban on Stock Trading in Congress

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is backing a ban on stock trading in Congress and has directed House Democrats to draft a bill addressing the matter. Such a proposal also has bipartisan support in the Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has signaled he would back it. “I have asked our members to … Continue reading "Pelosi Throws Support Behind Ban on Stock Trading in Congress"

Why Is Stacey Abrams Apologizing For Maskless Photos If Her Critics Are All Just Racist Republicans?

When is Stacey Abrams going to apologize for smearing her critics as racist?

Former RNC Chairman Says McConnell, Pence, Graham, Others Distancing from Trump

Michael Steele, former RNC Chairman laid out reality on Morning Joe today and it sure sounds like he is aware of impending developments.

Kevin McCarthy Runs Away From Reporter When Asked If 1/6 Was Legitimate Political Discourse

Kevin McCarthy broke into a sprint and ran down the hallway when he was asked if 1/6 was legitimate political discourse.

Was Amir Locke Helping A Murder Suspect? Leftists In Media Won’t Like That Critical Question

The media are again ready to push a narrative about cops gunning down innocent black men without giving the facts a second to see daylight.

GOP In Disarray As Mitch McConnell Goes After The RNC And Calls 1/6 A Violent Insurrection

The chaos and division are growing in the Republican Party as Mitch McConnell expressed his disagreement with the RNC on 1/6 and censuring Cheney and Kinzinger.

Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Agenda Is Setting Republicans Up To Win Big In November

Biden's inability to get things done is unfortunate for Democrats, but a big win for Republicans who hope for a red wave in the 2022 midterms.

Emails Show New York Times Doing PR For Biden’s Interior Department After Harassing Trump’s

Emails between the Times and the Interior Department, obtained by The Federalist through a FOIA request, reveal a stark contrast in coverage between Biden and Trump.

Elise Stefanik Insists RNC Has “Every Right” to Censure Cheney and Kinzinger

Elise Stefanik, the House GOP Conference Chairwoman (N.Y.) insisted that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has “every right” to censure Representatives Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) for their participation in the investigation into the events of January 6, the day a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters attacked the United States Capitol … Continue reading "Elise Stefanik Insists RNC Has “Every Right” to Censure Cheney and Kinzinger"

Trump Urges His Supporters to Boycott DirecTV If They Drop OAN

Former President Donald Trump urged his supporters to boycott the digital satellite service DirecTV amid reports of the company’s plans to drop the far-right One America News (OAN), which typically features coverage favorable to him and the Trump administration and has been known to traffic in conspiracy theories. Trump suggested the news would lead to … Continue reading "Trump Urges His Supporters to Boycott DirecTV If They Drop OAN"

When It Comes To Joe Rogan, The Real N-Word That Matters Is ‘No’

The playbook they're running against Joe Rogan is obvious, recognizable, and requires new defensive weapons.

Tucker Carlson’s Putin Propaganda Flops As Americans Back Biden On Ukraine Crisis

Tucker Carlson and Senators like Josh Hawley have been pushing Putin propaganda on Ukraine, but new polling shows the American people aren't buying it.

Angry, Defiant Stacey Abrams Is The ‘New Normal’

The new normal lets Abrams do as she pleases, while you should only be grateful that she showed up for a picture with your muzzled children.

GOP Staring Down a New Nightmare: Pence World About to War with Trump World

Consider the possibility that the biggest bomb of all is not testimony about Trump's criminality behind the scenes, no - consider the possibility that the easiest and quickest way for Pence to win his battle with Trump is to just say that the election wasn't rigged and anyone saying it was is just deranged.

GoFundMe’s Grab For Trucker Convoy Donations Proves Just How Evil Tech Companies Can Be

GoFundMe proved what we knew to be true about tech companies: They will gladly collude with governments to silence dissenters and smear peaceful protesters as extremists.

Of Course Kanye West Is Right Not To Want His 8-Year-Old On TikTok

The real issue here is Kim's suggestion that healthy parenting means letting children do whatever 'brings them happiness.'

It’s Past Time To End The Campus Covid Craze

It's been two years, but at the rate they’re going, none of these stupid restrictions will be removed anytime soon — they’ll only get worse.

How The Supreme Court Could Give Parents Relief From Overbearing School Boards

The U.S. Supreme Court may open legal doors to state programs that provide many parents access to better schooling for their children.

Rep. Charlie Crist Requests Merrick Garland Investigate Florida Republican Voter Registration Fraud

Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) has requested that the DOJ investigate reports of Republicans changing the voter registration of seniors without their consent in Florida.

Ted Cruz Labels Biden And Democrats Supporters Of Racial Discrimination

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is now claiming that President Biden and members of the Democratic Party support racial discrimination.

Chris Christie Flees The Sinking Ship And Trashes Trump

Chris Christie can see that the Trump ship is sinking, which is why he fled for political lifeboats and trashed the former president.

Coward Marco Rubio Refuses To Say That Trump’s Coup Was Wrong

Sen. Marco Rubio was asked numerous times if he agreed with Mike Pence's repudiation of Trump's coup, and he refused to answer.

Kevin McCarthy Is Getting Scared As His Red Wave Turns Blue

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has gone from predicting a 2010 style red wave to claiming that Democrats are rigging the midterm election.

Florida Judge Rejects “Stand Your Ground” Defense in Gay Attack

Circuit Judge Ariana Fajardo Orshan declined to dismiss the battery charges. These four men were not just "standing their ground.

Opinion: Right-Wing Week In Review Reveals GOP Politics Of Racism Toward African Americans

The past week has telescoped America’s history of racism and genocide in the intensest of ways, highlighting too that it’s the highest governing offices in the land that are promulgating the most virulent racism and leading the genocidal charge.

Jim Acosta Labels The Republican Party A National Emergency

CNN's Jim Acosta said that the Republican Party is now a national emergency for the nation.

Tensions within GOP Increase as “Loyalty” Overtakes Ideology

It certainly feels as though the Republican Party is only beginning to wrestle with the problems it created for itself by attaching itself wholly to one man.

Democrats Score Big Court Wins That May Help Them Keep The House

Democrats are scoring big court wins against Republican gerrymandered maps that are leveling the playing field for the midterm election.

The Feds Are Coming For Steve Bannon With 3 Prosecutors And 4 FBI Agents On The Case

The Department of Justice is not messing around with Steve Bannon as three prosecutors and four FBI agents are working his contempt of Congress case.

In Russia Crisis, Ukraine Should Be Prepared To Trade Land For Independence

In its current borders, Ukraine can’t have both territorial integrity and political independence. It knows that and has already chosen the latter.

Georgia District Attorney Investigating Trump Increases Security After Receiving Racist Threats

Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, who is Black, has confirmed that she has increased her security at work and at home after receiving racist threats. Willis is investigating former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 general election in her state. “What I’ll tell you is that conversations have begun,” she told The Atlanta … Continue reading "Georgia District Attorney Investigating Trump Increases Security After Receiving Racist Threats"

When It Comes To China’s Human Rights Abuses, US Athletes Should Ignore Pelosi’s Orders To Shut Up And Play Ball

Telling athletes to be scared of China's power is exactly what the communist government wants to hear.

Republican Senators Humiliate Tucker Carlson And Put Him In His Place

Republican Senators rolled their eyes at Tucker Carlson's Russian propaganda and let him know that he doesn't make any decisions.

9 Responses You Should Use When The Mask Police Come For You

Democrats dismissing their own rules don't face the same consequences of their subjects. Here are some of their excuses you may use.

Biden Requests $300 Million For Police That Trump Tried To Defund

Donald Trump and the Republican Party spent years trying to defund federal programs to help local police departments. Joe Biden is requesting an additional $300 million.

We Need More Suave Conservatives Who Can And Will Call Out Corrupt Media’s B.S.

The corporate press needs to be held accountable for its lack of transparency and integrity and conservative politicians should do just that.

The Washington ‘Commanders’ Name Is Even More Offensive Than ‘Redskins’

The former Washington Redskins unveiled its long-awaited rebranding, with the team now identifying as the Washington Commanders. How ignorant.

25% Of All African-American Women On The Federal Bench Were Nominated By Biden

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor that 25% of all the African-American women who are federal judges were nominated by Biden.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Decries “Toxic Politics” in Final State of the State Address

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) decried “toxic politics” in his final State of the State address, noting that the United States is “bitterly divided” while criticizing a new congressional map that offers Democrats significant advantages for Maryland’s for its 188 General Assembly seats, suggesting that they ultimately undermine democracy. “We need to restore trust and … Continue reading "Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Decries “Toxic Politics” in Final State of the State Address"

Biden Announces U.S. Forces Completed Operation to Eliminate Head of Islamic State “ISIS”

U.S. Special Forces conducted an operation that led to the killing of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, the leader of the Islamic State terrorist group

Durbin: Loudest Critics of Biden SCOTUS Pick “Have Never Voted for a Black Nominee”

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, hit back at critics of President Joe Biden’s potential nominee to replace the retiring Associate Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, saying that the harshest and loudest critics “have never voted for a Black nominee.” During his presidential campaign, Biden promised to nominate a … Continue reading "Durbin: Loudest Critics of Biden SCOTUS Pick “Have Never Voted for a Black Nominee”"

Kinzinger: Dems Should Form “Uneasy Alliance” with Anti-Trump Republicans in Primaries Against Trump-Endorsed Candidates

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), one of former President Donald Trump’s most prominent critics within the Republican Party, called on Democrats to form an “uneasy alliance” with anti-Trump Republicans in primaries against candidates who’ve been endorsed by the former President. Kinzinger told The Associated Press that Americans need to prepare for the “real possibility” of “a … Continue reading "Kinzinger: Dems Should Form “Uneasy Alliance” with Anti-Trump Republicans in Primaries Against Trump-Endorsed Candidates"

Traitor Trump Claims Graham is “Wrong” to Call Pardoning Insurrectionists “Inappropriate”

Former President Donald Trump attacked Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), saying Graham is “wrong” to say that pardoning individuals who participated in the January 6 insurrection was “inappropriate.” “You talked about the potential, if it’s appropriate, of pardoning some of the January 6ers,” Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt asked Trump in an interview. “Lindsey Graham said a couple … Continue reading "Traitor Trump Claims Graham is “Wrong” to Call Pardoning Insurrectionists “Inappropriate”"

Will The Money Raised For Black Lives Matter Actually Go To Black Lives?

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is operating with no apparent leadership or oversight.

Select Committee Member Accuses Trump of Witness Tampering

Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) of the Select Committee, told CNN that Trump was absolutely tampering with witnesses by dangling pardons for Jan. 6 defendants.

Harry And Meghan’s ‘Concerns’ About Joe Rogan Could Drive Anti-Speech Aspen Institute Project

The couple released a statement from the Archewell Foundation founded by the pair in 2020 raising alarm over 'hundreds of millions of people.'

Jen Psaki Just Schooled SCOTUS Hypocrite Ted Cruz

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki used Ted Cruz's comments during Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing to turn the tables on his criticism of Biden's pledge to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court. 

Elite Panic In The Cathedral!

The Eppur si muove problem.