
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2022

Ted Cruz Hits A New Low With Claim Biden Insults Black Women With SCOTUS Nomination

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that it is an insult to black women that Joe Biden would put one on the Supreme Court.

Rachel Maddow To Take A Break From Her Show To Work On Other Projects

Rachel Maddow is expected to announce to her audience that she will be taking a weeks-long break from her show to work on other projects.

Ex-Wife Of Oath Keepers Leader Warns Trump Is Trying To Weaponize His Supporters

Tasha Adams, the ex-wife of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes, says that Trump is trying to weaponize his supporters for civil war.

Biden Saves Kids By Reversing Trump’s Pro-Mercury Pollution Rules

The Biden administration reversed Trump's weakening of mercury pollution rules which will help protect kids from poisoning.

Jen Psaki Calls Out Republican SCOTUS Hypocrites

Jen Psaki said that Republicans who are complaining about Biden promising to nominate a black woman were silent when Trump promised to nominate a woman.

Corrupt Media’s Smear Of NYT’s David Leonhardt Over Covid Reminds Us Why They Can’t Be Trusted

Leonhardt is a useful reminder that the people we're told incessantly to listen to and trust are in no way forthcoming or honest.

Gavin Newsom’s Latest COVID Hypocrisy Came With The Voters’ Blessing

While California schoolchildren remain muzzled, Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is going maskless.

Pennsylvania Court Strikes Down Mail-In Voting Law As Unconstitutional

Although the law now awaits a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision, the lower court is correct, as a matter of constitutional analysis and precedent.

Penzey’s Spice Company Called All Republicans Racist, Then Lost 40,000 Customers in Two Weeks

Republicans ‘raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person,’ Penzey’s Spices CEO wrote in a customer email.

Voracious Lawyers Are Wildly Abusing Federal Disability Law To Run People Out Of Business

The American Disabilities Act created a new regulatory weapon to be used against any small business with a web presence.

In Opposing War With Russia, Tucker Carlson Champions The Hard-Won Truths Of Putting American Interests First

Reaction to Tucker Carlson’s monologue on Ukraine proves neither liberalism nor its cousin progressivism is compatible with the United States’ national interest.

In Response To Covid, Broadway Got Woke And Went Broke

In March 2020, the Broadway League announced theaters would close for a month. Broadway wouldn’t open its doors again for 510 days.

Canada’s Truckers Inspire Global Convoys Protesting Against Covid Fascism

What started out as a protest ignored by legacy media has now devolved into a worldwide demonstration against Covid fascism.

Susan Collins Humiliates Herself And Botches History While Criticizing Biden

Sen. Susan Collins embarrassed herself by getting history wrong while trying to criticize Biden's SCOTUS nomination process.

Lindsey Graham Tells Trump That He Hopes His Supporters Go To Jail

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) responded to Trump wanting pardons for his 1/6 attackers by saying that he hopes they go to jail.

Trump Is So Scared Of Criminal Charges That He Threatened America

Trump scripted a threat of mass protests and unrests in America if he criminally charged.

James Carville Says Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s Not Going To Win A Democratic Primary

Democratic strategist James Carville said that he would personally volunteer to Rep. Reuben Gallego beat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and that she will never win a Democratic primary.

Swing State Courts Strengthen Election Integrity In Major Rulings Ahead Of 2022 Midterms

Several state courts issued major election integrity rulings that could have a profound effect in swing states ahead of the 2022 midterms.

President Biden Visits Site Of Pittsburgh Bridge Collapse

President Biden visited the site of the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh and met with local officials before delivering a speech on infrastructure.

Nebraska Becomes 17th State To Call For Article V Convention Of States

The Nebraska legislature passed a resolution on Friday calling for an Article V convention of states, making it the 17th state to do so.

Brianna Keilar Slams Sen. Ron Johnson for Gross Lie Regarding Athletes Dying Due to Vax

People in the usual "anti-vax" community, namely the strong MAGA-types, have started inaccurately talking about professional athletes dying on the field, the court.

Lauren Boebert Claims Joe Biden is Helping “Illegals In the Dead of Night”

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) was criticized after she claimed that President Joe Biden is helping undocumented Americans “in the dead of night,” in yet another example of how she has evoked images of a crisis at the nation’s southern border to score political points with her base. “Even Joe Biden understands that what he’s doing … Continue reading "Lauren Boebert Claims Joe Biden is Helping “Illegals In the Dead of Night”"

This Virginia AG Legal Opinion Shreds University COVID Jab Mandates

Virginia AG Jason Miyares argued on Friday that state universities don't have the authority to require students to get the COVID jab.

Top Prolife Group Demands Romney Stop Supporting Abortion Advocate To Head FDA

Earlier this month, Romney was one of four Republicans who voted to advance Robert Califf's nomination to lead the FDA.

Putin Propagandist Tucker Carlson Has His Viewers Demanding That Congress Support Putin

If Tucker Carlson was asked to prove that he was a Russian asset - openly, perhaps if Russia had run a commercial on Fox News requesting that Tucker Carlson act as Russia's spokesperson to the American people, he could hardly have been more efficient.

Biden’s Border Circus Surpassed 2 Million Arrests In 2021 — And He’s Going For A Second Record-Breaking Year

Just because the corporate media and White House are ignoring President Joe Biden's border circus doesn't mean the crisis has disappeared.

Nikki Haley Demands Biden and Harris Resign Over Handling of Russian Threat to Ukraine

Nikki Haley, the former United States ambassador to the United Nations, claimed that if President Joe Biden “loved our country,” then he and Vice President Kamala Harris would turn in their resignations, criticizing the United States’ handling of the Russian threat to Ukraine. “And, you know, when you don’t have a strong America, you don’t … Continue reading "Nikki Haley Demands Biden and Harris Resign Over Handling of Russian Threat to Ukraine"

J6 Staffer Drops Out Of Liz Cheney Fundraiser Following Conflict Of Interest Allegations

Former Rep. Denver Riggleman dropped his name from a fundraiser for Rep. Liz Cheney following conflicts of interest allegations.

Mitt Romney To Fundraise For Liz Cheney At Vaccine-Mandated Event

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney will fundraise for endangered Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney at a Virginia event in March.

Biden Gets To Nominate His First Supreme Court Justice As Stephen Breyer To Retire

President Biden will get a chance to nominate his first Supreme Court Justice as Justice Stephen Breyer to retire.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Gives In To Democrats’ Demands That He Retire

Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire from his position on the U.S. Supreme Court at the end of its current term.

More Than 80 House And Senate Democrats Demand That Biden Cancel Student Loan Debt

A group of House and Senate Democrats, led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are demanding that Biden cancel $50,000 in student loan debt for each borrower.

Fairfax Schools Suspend Maskless Kids Despite Youngkin’s Ban On Forced Masking

Despite Youngkin's ban on school mask mandates, Fairfax County Public Schools is suspending students who don't cover their faces.

Jen Psaki Calls Ron DeSantis Crazy For Fighting To Use COVID Treatments That Don’t Work

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called Gov. Ron DeSantis fighting to use monoclonal antibody treatments that FDA said don't work crazy.

CNN Outdoes Itself With Cringe Propagandist Segment On ‘Suburban Women’ Who Don’t Mind School Closures

These women aren't among the throngs of parents fuming at their local leaders for shutting down schools and kicking out healthy kids.

Trump Coup Co-Conspirator, Rep. Jim Banks, Claims Biden Is Attacking The Free Press

Trump coup co-conspirator, Rep. Jim Banks said that Biden is attacking the free press in a way that has never been seen. Apparently, Banks forgot about Donald Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Records Over Capitol Police Surveillance Of Constituents

House Republicans sent a letter to the Capitol Police on Tuesday demanding answers over the agency's new surveillance apparatus.

Bill Barr’s Testimony Represents a Massive Threat To Trump for Many Reasons

If Barr testified to the Select Committee live on television - as we've been told to expect this spring - it would be utterly devastating to Trump.

Biden’s Border Crisis Worsens As December Apprehensions Reach Nearly 179,000

CBP encountered a record-breaking 178,840 illegal aliens at the southern border in December, foreshadowing another year of surging crossings.

Chasten Buttigeig Slams Florida Measure That Would Ban Discussions About Sexual Orientation and Gender in Classrooms

Chasten Buttigieg criticized a Florida bill that would ban discussions about sexual orientation and gender in classrooms, telling CNN’s John Berman that the measure is “essentially pushing kids back into the closet.” Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill was passed in the House Education and Employment Committee late last week. The bill, colloquially known as the … Continue reading "Chasten Buttigeig Slams Florida Measure That Would Ban Discussions About Sexual Orientation and Gender in Classrooms"

Matt Gaetz Thinks That He Is Going To Be In Charge Of Congress Instead Of In Federal Prison

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said that if Republicans win back the House, it will be the time of Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, but Gaetz is more likely to be in federal prison than House leadership.

Anti-Vaxxer Sarah Palin Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) has tested positive for COVID-19 again, this time ahead of her defamation trial against The New York Times, in which she will state that the newspaper and its editor, James Bennett, defamed her in an opinion piece. Palin tested positive after a rapid antigen test on Monday and “is … Continue reading "Anti-Vaxxer Sarah Palin Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again"

Failing At Home, Biden Tries To Distract Americans With Yet Another Inevitably Deadly Conflict Overseas

While his own border is suffering, Biden wants to ship Americans off to defend a country that is near and dear to his family's pocketbooks

Senator Rick Scott Dares To Criticize Our Military As The Woke Military

It sounds to me like Rick Scott had some time to spend on Fox and really wasn't prepared to talk about an actual problem.

Group of House Lawmakers Urge Pelosi to Make Stock Trading Ban for Members of Congress a Priority

A group of House lawmakers led by Representative Jared Golden (D-Maine) has urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to make a bill banning stock trading among members of Congress a priority. The Ban Conflicted Trading Act would prohibit members of Congress and their immediate family members from trading stocks. Meanwhile, the TRUST in Congress Act … Continue reading "Group of House Lawmakers Urge Pelosi to Make Stock Trading Ban for Members of Congress a Priority"

Australian Open Censors Fans’ ‘Where Is Peng Shuai?’ Shirts, Raising Questions About Tournament’s Chinese Sponsorship

In 2018, Chinese liquor company Luzhou Laojiao signed 'one of the biggest sponsorship deals in the Australian Open's history.'

Carl Bernstein Labels Trump An Unprecedented Criminal Seditious President

Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein labeled Trump a historic criminally seditious president who is unprecedented in the country's history.

Newt Gingrich Wants 1/6 Committee Members Jailed For Investigating Trump

Newt Gingrich thinks that the 1/6 Committee members can be put in jail by House Republicans, but the House doesn't have the power to jail people.

Bennie Thompson Suggests There Is Evidence That Trump Used Military Assets In His Coup

1/6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson suggested that the committee has proof that Trump used Department of Defense assets in his coup.

Trump Enters New Week a Shattered Man After 7 Days Of Terrible News

For now, the media and everyone else, for that matter, are merely absorbing the horrific revelations from last week. But the real damage will come if and when they begin to be linked and reinforce each other.

Bernie Sanders Says Manchin And Sinema Are Working With Republicans To Sabotage Biden

On Sunday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that Democratic Sens. Manchin and Sinema are working with Republicans to sabotage Biden.

Opinion: If America’s Headed In Wrong Direction, Biden Is the One Trying To Right The Ship

While Biden is trying to fix problems and steer the ship of state in the right direction, these substantial Republican counterforces continue to undermine the U.S. economy and put Americans’ lives and health at risk.

Jim Acosta Tells Ron DeSantis To Send His Election Police Force Over To Mar-a-Lago

CNN's Jim Acosta told Ron DeSantis to send his election police force over to Mar-a-Lago to ask about an attempted coup.

Kyrsten Sinema May Be On Her Way Out As Arizona Democrats Censure Her

The Arizona Democratic Party has censured Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for refusing to vote to change the filibuster to pass voting rights.

#MeToo Could Kill Hookup Culture If We Let It

The woes of West Elm Caleb teach us something about how the #MeToo movement can help the dating world and how it can't.

When Masks Become A Religious Talisman

No small part of the population became addicted to signaling their moral superiority even preceding the pandemic.

The Smoking Gun Of Trump Treason Is The Voting Machine Seizure Executive Order

Trump's draft executive order ordering the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines is evidence of his coup.

Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement Of Biden’s Federal Employee Vaxx Mandate

A federal judge in Texas blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its Covid-19 jab mandate for federal employees on Friday.

Mitch McConnell Says Calling Out His Racism Hurts His Feelings

After being criticized for a statement that suggested that African-Americans aren't Americans, Mitch McConnell said that calling him racist is hurtful.

Trump Melts Down Over Being Criminally Investigated In Georgia

Trump released a statement that read like a meltdown as he tried to claim that other criminals in Georgia should be investigated, instead of him.

DOJ Arrests Trump Supporter Who Threatened To Kill Election Officials

A Texas man has been arrested for threatening to kill election officials the day before Trump's coup attempt on 1/6.

Kyle Rittenhouse Went to Court to Ask for the Rifle Used in Wisconsin Killings Back

Kyle Rittenhouse, who last year was acquitted on all charges related to the fatal shootings of two men and the injuring of another during the Kenosha unrest, asked a court to return the rifle he used in the killings. Rittenhouse’s attorney said Rittenhouse would like the rifle back so he can destroy it. His attorney … Continue reading "Kyle Rittenhouse Went to Court to Ask for the Rifle Used in Wisconsin Killings Back"

71 Percent Of Americans Want More Restrictions On Abortion, Not Fewer

A large majority of Americans say they support restrictions on abortion, a new poll from the Knights of Columbus and Marist Poll suggests.

Jordan Peterson Resigns University Post, Says ‘Radical Leftist Trinity’ Is ‘Destroying Us’

Peterson resigned from his position at the University of Toronto in protest of the institution's rapid embrace of faulty leftist ideologies.

Joe Biden Says He Is Ready To Help You Understand How Great Things Are

Biden is trying to explain that because of him, you're doing fine, thriving even.

Harris Issues Stark Warning to Russia Amid Fears It Will Attack Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris issued a stark warning to Russia amid fears that it will take military action against Ukraine and usher in a violent new chapter in the ongoing separatist conflict in Donbas. “If Putin takes aggressive action, we are prepared to levy serious and severe costs, period,” Harris said during an interview with … Continue reading "Harris Issues Stark Warning to Russia Amid Fears It Will Attack Ukraine"

So It’s OK To Question Election Legitimacy Now As Long As You’re Not Trump?

Biden's 'illegitimate' election comments are setting the stage for Democrats, who have a history of contesting elections, to blame the system when they lose.

Hypocrite Matt Gaetz Calls Jim Clyburn an “Insurrectionist” for Being Concerned About Voting Rights Bills

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) branded House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (R-S.C.) an “insurrectionist” after Clyburn expressed concern that the lack of comprehensive voting rights legislation will ultimately place the results of next election in doubt. Insurrectionist! — Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) January 20, 2022 Clyburn’s remarks came after the Senate failed to approve two voting … Continue reading "Hypocrite Matt Gaetz Calls Jim Clyburn an “Insurrectionist” for Being Concerned About Voting Rights Bills"

Mark Kelly Wants To Kill The Filibuster So He Can Vote To Put Pelosi And Schumer In Charge Of Elections

Arizona Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly announced his support for eliminating the filibuster to enable Pelosi to take over elections.

Senate Democrats Demand Investigation into COVID-19 Test Price Gouging

In a letter to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Klain, Senators  Ed Markey (Mass.) and Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) demanded an investigation into reports that COVID-19 home tests have been subject to price gouging. “As media reports continue to reveal price gouging and scams related to at-home test kits, we strongly urge the FTC to … Continue reading "Senate Democrats Demand Investigation into COVID-19 Test Price Gouging"

Ahead Of His First Presser In Months, Biden’s Approval Rating Drops To Record Lows

A Politico/Morning Consult poll signaled that Biden only garnered a 40 percent job approval rate with U.S. adults, a record low for him.

West Virginia Legislature Introduces Bill to Ban Abortion at 15 Weeks

A proposal nearly identical to the Mississippi law currently under review by the United States Supreme Court to ban abortion at 15 weeks has been introduced in the West Virginia legislature. The bill has cleared the state’s House health committee and will go to the judiciary committee. It will go to the full House if … Continue reading "West Virginia Legislature Introduces Bill to Ban Abortion at 15 Weeks"

How This Mom Took Back Her Kids’ Education From A Far-Left School Board

Julie Gunlock joined Ben Domenech to talk about how parents can win back their children's education from far-left school boards.

West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore Drops BlackRock Over Woke Capitalism

Moore announced the state's Board of Treasury Investments would no longer use BlackRock for banking transactions.

CNN Hires Convicted Thief, Viral Purveyor Of Misinformation Rex Chapman

CNN hired convicted thief Rex Chapman, who uses his popularity on Twitter to spread misinformation, this week to host a new CNN+ show.

Chuck Schumer Bluntly Tells America That Republicans Are Taking Away Voting Rights

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Republicans are trying to take away voting rights from young people, minorities, and the poor.

Our Country Is Being Destroyed By Leftists’ Unwillingness To Punish Murderers, Looters, And Street-Poopers

Until prosecutors start being tough on crime or progressive district attorneys are recalled, crime in our country will continue to skyrocket.

Legal Group Sues New York For Prioritizing COVID Treatment Based On Skin Color

The state's prioritization scheme singles out skin color as an element in a person's qualification for treatment when resources are scarce.

‘Encanto’ Is About Forgiveness, Not Romance, But It’s Still A Love Story

Encanto's narrative arc models a countercultural belief in the possibility of real forgiveness and reconciliation — even in the face of serious wrongdoing.

Martin Luther King III Calls Out Manchin And Sinema’s Filibuster Hypocrisy

The King family held a press conference to call for the passage of voting rights legislation as Martin Luther King III called out Manchin and Sinema's filibuster hypocrisy.

Like The NBA, Golden State Warriors Co-Owner ‘Doesn’t Care’ About Uyghur Suffering

Palihapitiya can turn a blind eye to Uyghur suffering in Xinjiang because he knows the China-sympathetic NBA will defend him.

CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater

Mask mandates have always been more about showing compliance than keeping people safe, and the CDC's latest embarrassing disclosure further proves it.

Vice President Calls Out Republicans For Election Interference In MLK Day Address

Vice President Kamala Harris said that Republicans are not only trying to take away the right to vote, they are also interfering in elections.

This MLK Day, Remember How The FBI Targeted Him

The FBI paid tribute to civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday after it spent a decade trying to destroy him.

Trump Spends MLK Day Taunting Joe Scarborough And Attacking Joy Reid

Trump's real point seemed to be to attack the most prominent black woman in cable media, the only black woman to host her own primetime weeknight cable news show, one that often focuses on the type of racial justice for which King fought.

George Mason University Mandated COVID Boosters For Its Upcoming Semester. Now The Students Are Fighting Back

Amid their best attempts to mandate the COVID boosters, the university has witnessed a growing wave of backlash from its student body.

Introducing Poetic Justice, Sane Advice For Sane Readers

Welcome to Poetic Justice, a new advice column for the advice columnists who fail their readers. This is not a typical blog that harnesses the personal conundrums of its audience to opine. Rather, this is a project to highlight the increasing radicalism of newsroom elites exposed by their own advice often as equally as extreme […]

Jim Acosta Labels Drowning Trump The “Lord Of The Lies”

CNN's Jim Acosta referred to Trump as the "lord of the lies" and said that Trump's swamp of lies is sinking conservative media, Republicans in Congress, and the former president.

Jim Jordan Went On Fox And Virtually Admitted A 1/6 Cover-Up For Trump

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said that no one with common sense would talk to the 1/6 Committee and accused the committee of being out to get Trump.

Chuck Todd Blames Biden For Republicans Refusing To Work With Him

NBC's Chuck Todd made it sound like it is President Biden's fault that Republicans are refusing to work with him.

Opinion: Why Labor Organization Should Be The Focus In The Fight For Democracy

We need to tell the story of unionization and collective action at least as much as we tell the story of resignation.

Virginia’s New Attorney General Launches Probe Into Loudoun County Schools Over Sexual Assault Cover-Ups

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares announced on Saturday that his office has opened an investigation into Loudoun County Public Schools.

Greg Abbott Attacks Biden During Texas Synagogue Hostage Crisis

As four worshippers are being held hostage at a synagogue in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott was attacking President Biden.

Gov. Youngkin Bans CRT, School Mask Mandates, And State Vaxx Coercion On Day One

Youngkin moved to ban critical race theory and mask mandates in Virginia schools, as well as prohibit vaccine mandates for state employees.

Trump Will Hold A Stale Rally Saturday Night In An Entirely Changed World

The floodgates are necessarily opened now. Trump's pre-January 6th crimes, the pressure on states, the conspiracies, the phone calls, they are now in Garland's lap whether he wanted to deal with them or not.

What Adele’s Shockingly Biblical ‘Oh My God’ Music Video Teaches Us About Sin And Ourselves

It's in that sense that 'Oh My God' is biblical, not because Adele illumines a path that is holy or righteous but because she shows us how sin so often works.

New York Times Writer Worried About Lack Of Pandemic Drama In TV Shows

Don't tell me these people haven't enjoyed waking up daily thinking about what fun they can denounce for not being COVID-sensitive enough.

Federal Court Won’t Back Down After Sanctioning Russia Hoax Lawyer Marc Elias For Deceiving Judges

A federal court refused a request by Elias, the Democrat operative who helped run the Russia hoax, to rescind their sanctions against him.

Report: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Has Suspicious Ties To 5 Companies That Were Investigated By Feds

Nancy Pelosi's son is linked to criminal-run companies which had multiple near-misses with the law, according to a new report.

Big Surprise! Wisconsin Records Request Reveals No Data On Dane County Mask Mandate Efficacy

'We made a diligent search for records responsive to your request within our agency,' replied the public health supervisor. But there were none.

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand HHS Inspector General Launch Criminal Probe Into Anthony Fauci

The referral stems from Anthony Fauci's calls for Fox News anchor Jesse Watters to be fired.

Public School District Pays $57k For ‘Woke Kindergarten’ To ‘Disrupt Whiteness’

See your tax dollars at work indoctrinating children in California public schools.

Self Magazine Pitches Obesity As ‘Future Of Fitness’ While COVID Kills Obese People

If the 'Future of Fitness' is the fetishization of obesity, the next pandemic will be far worse.

Why Fighting Divisive Racial Narratives Is A Patriotic Necessity

Charles Love's book, 'Race Crazy,' warns that the racialist narratives of the radical left are an existential threat to the American creed.

NIH Study Shows Covid Shots Affect Women’s Periods After Media Insisted The Opposite For Months

Headlines downplay the latest evidence as 'small' and 'temporary,' as if that makes vaccine side effects insignificant to a woman's overall health.

One Year Ago, I Started Attending The Traditional Latin Mass And Haven’t Looked Back

Pope Francis claims to promote a message of unity and 'come as you are' -- except if you are a traditional Catholic.

Nicolle Wallace Shreds Lindsey Graham For Telling McConnell To Kiss And Make Up With Trump

Nicolle Wallace didn't hold back as she accused Sen. Lindsey Graham of bending and worshipping Trump, and throwing Mitch McConnell under the bus.

Supreme Court Cites Biden Chief Of Staff Ron Klain’s Twitter Feed In Smackdown Of Illegal Vaxx Mandate

The ruling cites Klain's Twitter as evidence that the government was seeking to circumvent normal regulation powers to force COVID-19 shots.

Republican National Committee Ditches Presidential Debates After Commission Refuses To Fix System That Favor Democrats

The RNC announced that GOP candidates will no longer be required to participate in presidential debates hosted by the 'partisan' CPD.

Gov. Kristi Noem Releases Ad Falsely Claiming She ‘Never Backed Down’ From Protecting Women’s Sports

Noem is claiming she has 'never backed down' from defending women's sports despite rejecting a bill that would've done just that.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Private Sector OSHA Vaccine Mandate

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration's vaccine mandate demanding private companies require the COVID-19 shot.

Rep. Ted Lieu Calls For Matt Gaetz To Be Removed From Judiciary Committee

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) has called for the removal of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) from the House Judiciary Committee.

Kayleigh McEnany Turns On Trump And Appears Before The 1/6 Committee

Former White House Press Secretary/Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany has appeared before the 1/6 Committee.

The 1/6 Committee Has Dropped The Hammer On Kevin McCarthy

The 1/6 Committee not only wants information from House Minority Leader McCarthy about his actions on and before 1/6. They also want to talk to him about what he did after the attack.

Mitch McConnell Has A Senate Floor Meltdown Over Biden’s Voting Rights Speech

Mitch McConnell went on a nearly ten-minute rant/tantrum on the Senate floor in response to President Biden's voting rights speech.

The End Is Near For Matt Gaetz As He Is Being Federally Investigated For 3 Crimes

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is under federal criminal investigation for sex trafficking, violating the Mann Act, and obstruction of justice.

Legal Group Targets Jan. 6 Committee In SCOTUS Appeal Over Executive Privilege

In December, former President Donald Trump petitioned the high court to keep White House records away from Pelosi's partisan probe.

Trump Finally Gets Pressed By A Journalist And He Runs Away From NPR

Trump finally got pressed by an objective journalist, and he responded by running away from NPR.

Jim Jordan’s Letter Excusing Himself from Testifying Batted Away by CNN Fact-Checker

Jim Jordan's letter explaining why he doesn't have to cooperate with the 1/6 Committee falls apart during a fact check.

New Jan. 6 Documentary Sheds Light On Democrats’ War On Domestic Political Opponents

A new documentary on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot peels back the curtain on the Democrats' domestic war on their political opponents.

The 1/6 Committee Eyes Donald Trump Jr. With New Subpoenas

The 1/6 Committee has issued three new subpoenas for planners of Trump's 1/6 rally including two advisers to Donald Trump Jr.

University of Chicago Students Slam ‘Unethical’ Booster Mandate: ‘We Are Not Lab Rats’

Students at the University of Chicago are speaking out against their school's recent decision to mandate COVID-19 boosters for students.

Video: Kids In Fairfax, Va. Forced To ‘Learn’ Outdoors In 24 Degree Weather

'She is reading a story to all these kids sitting outside in hats and coats and gloves. It is 24 degrees outside.'

Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Commissioned NSBA Letter Smearing Parents As Domestic Terrorists

Cardona asked the NSBA to write its letter demanding the Biden administration use domestic terrorism laws to target concerned parents.

Mourning Betty White In A High Tech World

White is a symbol of everything we're losing, from popular sitcoms to water cooler conversations to the shared experiences those reinforced.

President Biden Just Accused Trump Of An Attempted Coup

During his voting rights speech in Georgia, President Biden accused Trump of an attempted coup in 2020.

Fauci Is A Corrupt, Arrogant Tyrant Who Deserves To Be Fired Into The Sun

Fauci's unruly, power-hungry behavior has done the American people no favors. Nor has it stopped the spread of COVID-19.

Madison Cawthorn Claims That Rachel Maddow Is Afraid To Have Him On Her Show

Congressman/suspected domestic terrorist, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) is suggesting that Rachel Maddow is afraid to have him on her show.

FBI Refuses To Say How Many Informants Were Involved In Jan. 6 Violence

The FBI refused to answer questions about its possible provocative involvement with the Jan. 6 Capitol riots during a Tuesday hearing.

AOC Got Sick. She Owes Us An Apology For Being A Bad Person

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owes us a public apology for her egregious lack of care and respect. Where is it?

Against Pelosi’s Wishes, Legislators Move To Ban Congress From Trading Stocks

Democrat and Republican legislators are moving to curb members of Congress from trading and holding stocks while in office

Manchin Expresses Support for Filibuster Even as Biden Publicly Pushes Change to Senate Rules

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, one of the Senate’s two moderate Democrats, expressed his support for the filibuster, doubling down even as President Joe Biden heads to Georgia to publicly push for a change to Senate rules. “We need some good rules changes to make the place work better. But getting rid of the filibuster … Continue reading "Manchin Expresses Support for Filibuster Even as Biden Publicly Pushes Change to Senate Rules"

GOP Leaders Demand Fauci Answer For Emails Admitting Possible Lab Leak, Intentional Genetic Manipulation

Would this information have changed the U.S. response to the pandemic? Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan demand answers from Fauci.

In California, Hospitals Can Force COVID-Infected Staff To Work, But Unvaxxed Workers Get Fired

California would rather have COVID-positive people staffing their hospitals than COVID-free people who object to the vaccine.

Chicago Teachers Union ‘Proud’ Of Fight To Keep Kids Out Of School

Already, teachers who refuse to show up for class have kept Chicago Public Schools students out of school for four days this January.

Kevin McCarthy Is Already Planning To Strip Committee Assignments From Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, And Eric Swalwell If Republicans Win The House

Kevin McCarthy doesn't have an agenda for governing. He plans to use the House to get even with the enemies of Trump.

Jen Psaki Just Shredded Mitch McConnell’s Voting Rights Hypocrisy

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded to Mitch McConnell calling the push for voting rights hysteria by using his own words against him.

2022 Is The Year To Stop Letting Fear Control Us And Hold Tight To Hope

As we start off a new year, let's reject the fear being pushed on us at every turn, and let America be the land of hope once again.

Virginia’s Incoming Republican Leaders To Challenge Biden’s Illegal Vaxx Mandate

Virginia's incoming Republican leadership have announced plans to challenge Biden's vaccine mandate in court once sworn into office later this month.

‘Don’t Look Up’ Is The ‘Armageddon’ Reboot That None Of Us Needed

If you care about the future of the planet, heroism, and a father’s love for his children, you’ll look to the skies of ‘Armageddon,’ and not down to ‘Don’t Look Up.’

Jim Acosta Challenges Tucker Carlson To Tell His Viewers That He Is Vaccinated And Boosted

CNN's Jim Acosta challenged Fox's Tucker Carlson to tell his viewers the truth that he is vaccinated and boosted.

Nancy Pelosi Says The 1/6 Attack Is Ongoing As She Calls For The Senate To Pass Voting Rights

Speaker Pelosi warned that the Republican 1/6 attack is ongoing in the states through voter suppression bills.

Staff Have Turned On Trump And Are Giving Evidence Against Him

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who serves on the 1/6 Committee, said that members of Trump's staff have come forward and are giving evidence.

Opinion: Liz Cheney’s End Game Is To Make Republican Authoritarianism Palatable

Liz Cheney does not oppose the authoritarianism and anti-democratic impulses of the Republican Party.

Jim Acosta Says What The Rest Of The Media Won’t: Trump’s Coup Attempt Was A Crime

CNN's Jim Acosta said what the rest of the mainstream media refused to say. Acosta said that it is obvious that crimes were committed at a high level during Trump's coup attempt.

Mike Pence To Be Asked To Appear Before The 1/6 Committee

1/6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson said that the committee will ask for former VP Mike Pence's testimony before the end of the month.

4 Million More Americans Have Health Insurance Because Biden Is President

President Biden has improved the lives of millions of Americans as 4 million have gained health insurance coverage during his presidency.

Texas Republicans Hit A New Low By Praising Long Lines To Vote

Texas Republicans are marketing long voting lines in the state as a good thing and comparing it to COVID testing.

Pelosi Invites Biden To Deliver State Of The Union On March 1

Speaker Pelosi has formally invited President Biden to deliver the State Of The Union on March 1.

Trump Blasts Dems’ Jan. 6 Theatrics: ‘Last Gasps Of A Corrupt And Discredited’ Left-Wing Establishment

Former President Donald Trump slammed Democrats for using the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as theater to accomplish their political goals.

Two Lawyers Arguing Against Biden Vaccine Mandate At SCOTUS Get COVID

Two of the lawyers arguing against President Biden's vaccine mandate at the Supreme Court have tested positive for COVID.

Top Takeaways From The SCOTUS Arguments Over Biden’s Vaxx Mandate For Healthcare Workers

Kagan, Breyer, and the pro-mandate counsel continued to spew misinformation about COVID-19 and the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

CNN’s Legal Analyst Offers Overlooked Means To Hold Trump Legally Accountable For 1/6

Avlon discussed a crime that few people consider; Conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Left-Wing SCOTUS Justices Spew COVID Misinformation To Defend Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaxx Mandate

SCOTUS liberals lied that 'hospitals are almost all full capacity' and that more than 100,000 kids are hospitalized on ventilators with COVID.

Dick And Liz Cheney Were The Only Republicans On The House Floor For 1/6 Moment Of Silence

Former VP Dick Cheney and his daughter Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) were the only two Republicans to show up for the 1/6 moment of silence.

15 Former Trump Officials Are Meeting Next Week On Plan To Stop Him In 2024

According to Stephanie Grisham, a group of 15 former Trump White House officials will be meeting next week to stop Trump in 2024.

Mass. Gov. Blames Trump For Black Nationalist Murder Of Capitol Policeman Killed Last April

Baker blamed Trump and the Jan. 6 rioters for the death of a Capitol police officer who died at the hands of a black nationalist in April.

Why Are Democrats Ignoring The Failures By Capitol Police On Jan. 6?

Capitol Police played a large role on Jan. 6, but most on the left are not addressing it.

The Institutionally Corrupt Left Still Can’t Understand Why Republicans Continue To Prefer Trump

The problems with Trump, in the eyes of Republican lawmakers and voters, pale in comparison to the problems with our entire establishment.

The Jan. 6 Select Committee Is Exploitative Theater And Must End Now

The Jan. 6 investigation is clearly a politically motivated fishing expedition, not a serious search for the truth.

Jan. 6 And The Curse Of Whataboutism

The importance of learning nothing and forgetting nothing.

Over 150 Pro-Democracy Groups Urge Schumer To Change The Filibuster And Pass Voting Rights

More than 150 pro-democracy groups are calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to change the filibuster rules and pass voting rights.

Romney Warns That “Democracy is Fragile” on 1/6 Anniversary

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) warned that “democracy is fragile” one year after the attack on the United States Capitol and called on Republicans to heed the lessons of that day, saying democracy cannot survive without “leaders of integrity” who can rise above the fold. “We ignore the lessons of January 6 at our own peril. … Continue reading "Romney Warns That “Democracy is Fragile” on 1/6 Anniversary"

Cheney Rebukes GOP for Backing Trump’s Big Lie: “That’s How Democracies Die”

During an appearance on The TODAY Show, Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) stressed that "the threat" to American democracy continues one year after the attack on the United States Capitol continues and rebuked members of her own party for backing former President Donald Trump's lies that the 2020 general election was stolen.

Trump Lashes Out After Biden’s Speech and Continues to Push The Big Lie

Former President Donald Trump lashed out after President Joe Biden’s speech on the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, calling it “political theater” and “a distraction from the fact that Biden has completely and totally failed.” “Biden used my name today to try to further divide America,” the former President said, adding that Biden “is destroying our … Continue reading "Trump Lashes Out After Biden’s Speech and Continues to Push The Big Lie"

Democrats Cling To J6 Mania Because They Can’t Appeal To Facts Or Their Failed Policies

If the truth supported the narrative, why not charge the accused with insurrection, sedition, and/or terrorism?

Lindsey Graham Throws A Fit And Accuses Biden Of “Politicizing” Trump Coup Attempt

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is throwing a fit and claiming that Biden politicized 1/6 by telling the truth about Trump's coup.

Democrats’ Extremist Policies Keep Losing In Court

The judicial system remains the country’s best hope for restoring national sanity and safeguarding the constitutional rights of every American.

Actual Democracy, And 4 Other Things The Left Called A ‘Threat To Democracy’ Besides Jan. 6

If you think the Jan. 6 rioters are the only target Democrats want to destroy, you haven't been paying attention.

New Book Argues that the U.S. Has Already Entered Second Civil War But Refuses to Recognize It: Opinion, Perhaps a Pullback Is Near

So, while we're still well aware of the fact that we're amidst a Cold Civil War, it is not at all apparent to us that the situation must end in a fascist state where the Constitution exists but is ignored

Enes Kanter Freedom: People Should Have ‘Freedom To Choose’ Whether To Get COVID Jab

'People should have freedom to choose if they want to get a vaccine,' Enes Kanter Freedom said on The Will Cain Podcast on Wednesday.

Aaron Rodgers Calls Out Those Who Won’t Vote For Him For MVP Over Vaccination Status

Hub Arkush said he will not cast a vote for Rodgers, despite his outstanding season, due to the quarterback's vaccination controversy.

Jan. 6 Committee Going After Hannity Texts Exposes Probe’s True Purpose

Sean Hannity became the latest target of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 when the committee sought information about his text messages Tuesday.

Kevin McCarthy’s Worst Nightmare Comes True As 1/6 Committee Eyes Primetime Hearings

The Trump coup and House Republican participation in it could get huge as the 1/6 Committee weighs holding primetime hearings.

Merrick Garland Sends A Warning To Trump That Nobody Is Off Limits In 1/6 Investigation

Attorney General Merrick Garland didn't get specific at his press conference, but he sent a clear message to those at the top of the 1/6 plot.

Another Likely Trump Supporter Nailed For Voter Fraud At The Villages

Charles Barnes was charged with voter fraud in Florida after it was found that the resident of The Villages voted twice in the 2020 election.

The Fatal Flaw Of ‘Don’t Look Up’

Where smugness is somewhat absent from the jokes, it's embedded in the film's premise.

Is The FBI Ever Going To Get Around To Finding The Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber, Or Nah?

One year after the Jan. 6 chaos, we still want answers about who placed pipe bombs in front of the RNC and DNC. The FBI and Democrats don't care.

Deranged Hawley Insists Democrats Are “Using” 1/6 to “Consolidate Power”

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) insisted that Democrats are “using” the January 6 insurrection, whose 1-year anniversary is tomorrow, to “consolidate power.” “The politics of fear that the Democratic Party has been pushing on this country for a whole year, it’s the only thing they have to offer the country,” Hawley said during an appearance on … Continue reading "Deranged Hawley Insists Democrats Are “Using” 1/6 to “Consolidate Power”"

Trump’s Former Deputy Assistant Sues 1/6 Committee to Block Lawmakers From Obtaining His Phone Records

Conservative pundit Sebastian Gorka, who previously served as a Deputy Assistant to the President in the administration of Donald Trump, has sued the House Select Committee tasked with investigating the January 6 insurrection in an effort to block lawmakers from obtaining his phone records from Verizon. “The Select Committee’s aimless rifling through the communications records of an … Continue reading "Trump’s Former Deputy Assistant Sues 1/6 Committee to Block Lawmakers From Obtaining His Phone Records"

Dinesh D’Souza Claims Extraordinary Abuse Against 1/6 Protesters While Implicating Them In Massive Conspiracy

D'Souza is so busy creating a distraction from the fact that January 6th was an attempted coup and government takeover that he doesn't seem to realize that he's on national television admitting that January 6th was an attempted coup and government takeover.

Ron Johnson Tries To Kill More Republicans With Attack On COVID Vaccine

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) launched an attack on the COVID vaccine by invoking God that should be seen as an argument to kill more Republicans.

Producer Resigns Over CBC’s 18-Month Spiral From Public Broadcasting To Pushing ‘Radical Political Agenda’

The CBC is 'less adversarial to government and corporations and more hostile to ordinary people with ideas that Twitter doesn’t like.'

Rushed Out with His VP Brother on Jan. 6th, Greg Pence Saw It All: Will the Dream Witness Cooperate?

Greg Pence might be able to testify as to whether his brother feared a plot to clear him from the building, a conspiracy, one in which the Secret Service would be taking orders from Trump, not Pence.

Justice: Jan. 6 Has Become A New National Holiday For Democrats

Democrats have adopted the Capitol riot as a new national holiday after justifying inner-city carnage from left-wing anarchists, Justice said.

Cruz Claims GOP Will Have “Multiple Grounds to Consider” Biden Impeachment If It Takes Back the House

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) claimed that the Republican Party will have “multiple grounds to consider” impeaching President Joe Biden if the GOP takes back the House during the 2022 midterm elections. “If we take the House, which I said is overwhelmingly likely, then I think we will see serious investigations of the Biden administration,” he … Continue reading "Cruz Claims GOP Will Have “Multiple Grounds to Consider” Biden Impeachment If It Takes Back the House"

Democrats Took Control And COVID Got Worse

As we head into the second year of having handed Democrats the keys to drive us through COVID, let’s take stock: Wow, this sucks!

Trump Terrorists Are Crying As Judges Send Them To Jail

Judges are sending the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol to jail as they are unmoved by their tearful displays.

7 Ways The Left Has Flipped On COVID Since Omicron Surfaced

Democrats, the Biden administration, and health bureaucrats have often flipped their messaging to suit their political agendas.

Mike Pence’s “Advocacy” Group Files SCOTUS Brief Opposing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Former Vice President Mike Pence announced that his advocacy group Advancing American Freedom has filed an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to reject the Biden administration’s proposed vaccine mandate for large businesses. The brief argues that the mandate is unconstitutional and exceeds previous examples of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) use of emergency … Continue reading "Mike Pence’s “Advocacy” Group Files SCOTUS Brief Opposing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate"

Peaceful Demands For Secure Elections Do Not Constitute ‘Insurrection’

To corrupt media, Democrats, and Big Tech, anyone who protested the 2020 election is no different than the fools who stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Twitter Shows More Guts Than Kevin McCarthy In Taking Action On Marjorie Taylor Greene

By booting Marjorie Taylor Greene off of her personal account, Twitter did what Kevin McCarthy has been terrified to do.

Justice: J6 Committee Is Pelosi’s Vehicle For 2022 Midterms

'They're entirely focused on Donald Trump because it's just a vehicle for re-election,' Tristan Justice said.

Chuck Schumer To Trigger Move On The Filibuster In Effort To Pass Voting Rights

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will put the Freedom To Vote Act up for a vote to trigger the steps towards filibuster reform.

1 Million Americans Fled To Red States In 2021, But What Are Those States Doing For Them?

Rather than seeking to be places of excellence, often red states simply congratulate themselves that they 'Aren't Illinois or California.'

U.S. Military Uses Religious Test Against Service Members To Enforce Vaccine Mandate

The military is denying requests for religious exemptions because officials disagree with the theological views of service members.

Why The Omicron Variant Is Good News

We must learn to live with the possibility of infection, rather than imagining a world without this virus.

Far-Left District Attorneys Have Unleashed Murder In Cities Like Philadelphia

Even before COVID or BLM riots, crime rates began to rise under leftist district attorneys who refuse to put criminals in jail.

Actress Betty White Was Also A Game Show Icon

Betty White served as perhaps the greatest game show panelist, earning the moniker, 'The First Lady of Game Shows.'

1/6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson Nails House Republicans For Being Involved In Capitol Attack

1/6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson said that they have found evidence of House Republican involvement in the Capitol attack.

Adam Schiff Says Trump Is The Focal Point Of The 1/6 Investigation

1/6 Committee member, Rep. Adam Schiff, said that the role of Trump and his advisors in the 1/6 attack is the focal point of the investigation.

Liz Cheney Seems To Be Trying To Get Trump Criminally Charged For 1/6

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) chose her words carefully and intentionally while laying out the case for potentially criminally charging Trump for 1/6.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down And Declares Twitter An Enemy Of America After They Ban Her

Marjorie Taylor Greene declared Twitter an enemy of America after they banned her account for COVID misinformation.

House Democrats Delivered For The American People With 12 Important Bills Signed Into Law In 2021

Beyond the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the American Rescue Plan, House Democrats passed 10 more major pieces of legislation that became law.

Marco Rubio Gaslights America By Calling Omicron A Sore Throat And Accuses COVID Patients Of Being Hysterical

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) rang in the New Year with some anti-COVID pandering as he called Omicron "a sore throat."

Biden Goes There And Makes Putin Miss Trump Even More

While talking to reporters, President Biden threatened the one thing that Putin does not want, an increased NATO presence in Europe.