
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

Federal Court Orders FEC To Take Action Against The NRA

The FEC has been ordered to take action on complaints made against the NRA within 30 days.

Jen Psaki Goes Off After NYT Suggests Biden Is Like Trump

A New York Times reporter tried to push the claim that Biden is pulling from Trump's playbook and Jen Psaki unloaded.

Inspector General Finds Damning ‘Widespread’ FISA Failure After FBI Director Dismissed Concerns

Horowitz's report chastised the FBI for 'widespread' violations in the agency's applications filed through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Manchin Reveals Surprising Proof He Told Schumer What Would Get Him To Vote Yes On Reconciliation

In a document obtained by Politico, Manchin outlined his conditions for joining the Democrats in passing the White House's pricey spending plan.

Police Chiefs Says Republicans Killed Police Reform Bill That Would Have Strengthened Police Departments

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) said that the police reform bill that Republicans rejected would have strengthened police departments.

House Progressives Vow To Deliver President Biden’s Agenda

Progressive Caucus Chair, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) that progressives are willing to negotiate with the moderates and deliver President Biden's agenda.

Politico Bureau Chief Mask Shames Family Of Fallen Marine

A Politico bureau chief berated a group of maskless Capitol tourists who turned out to be the family of fallen Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee.

Liz Cheney, House Democrats Target Americans For Exercising Right To Protest

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Jan. 6 select committee is targeting private citizens over the free exercise to petition and protest.

Conservative Group Heritage Action is Urging GOP to Vote Against Infrastructure Bill

The conservative group Heritage Action for America is urging Republican members of Congress to vote against the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, charging that to do so would allow Democrats to successfully pass their $3.5 trillion spending package.    “Not only is the deal bad policy, but it is also a bad process, as it is … Continue reading "Conservative Group Heritage Action is Urging GOP to Vote Against Infrastructure Bill"

Charles Blow’s Self-Obsession Is Pathetic But I Can’t Look Away

There is no possible way to capture the comic self-obsession of New York Times writer Charles Blow without reading firsthand any one of his desperately overwrought, twice-weekly columns.

How The Radical Social Justice Agenda Is Devastating Mental Health Care

Dr. Sally Satel discusses her article 'When Therapists Become Activists' and explains how radical social justice is infiltrating mental health care.

The Best Fall 2021 Beers To Pick Up For Your Oktoberfest

Since you and I can’t head to Bavaria for the world’s greatest party, here’s how you can celebrate beer’s most famous festival wherever you are.

Distrust Of Their Political Opposites Is Surging Among The Most-Educated Americans

Research is showing that college-educated Americans are quietly experiencing a surge in distrust in ways that may be dramatically affecting the body politic.

Apple TV Hopes To Make The Next ‘Game Of Thrones’ Out Of Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’

Isaac Asimov's 'Foundation' remains a seminal sci-fi creative property, but there's a reason it took so long to bring this saga to the big screen.

Republicans Are Falling Into A Trap As Employees Aren’t Quitting Over Vaccine Mandates

New research shows that while people say that they will quit their jobs over vaccine mandates, very few actually do.

How Turning Christianity Into A ‘Nice People Club’ Is Destroying The Church

After so much dialogue, tolerance, and compromise, the majority of faithful people now lack the capacity to defend themselves against oppressive systems.

Britney Spears Freed From Father’s Oversight Under Conservatorship

While Britney is now free of her father's rule, she is not free of the 13-year legal arrangement that's prohibited her from making her own personal or financial decisions.

After Banning Conservative Book From Its Shelves, Big Bookstore Hypes ‘Banned Books Week’

After refusing to carry Andy Ngo's book in its store, one of the world's largest bookstores is asking customers to 'celebrate Banned Books Week.'

No, Women Don’t Need To Kill Their Own Children To Pursue A Career

The pro-abortion crowd presupposes that equality is only achieved if a woman’s reproductive life is functionally the same as a man’s.

Socialist Left Demanding Congress Raid Medicare To Pay For Obamacare Again

For all their talk about protecting seniors and Medicare, the progressive left views the program as a slush fund they can raid to pay for their big government scheme du jour.

1/6 Committee Drops The Subpoena Hammer On 11 Trump Rally Organizers

The 1/6 Committee has issued 11 new subpoenas targeting people who organized the Trump rally and promoted the 1/6 rally.

Soon To Be Indicted Child Sex Trafficker Matt Gaetz Demands Gen. Milley Resign

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is preparing to face criminal charges on child sex trafficking, but as waits to be indicted, Gaetz called on Gen. Milley to resign.

Pelosi Echoes White House Lie That Democrats’ Tax Spending Spree Costs ‘Zero’

'It's not about a dollar amount,' Pelosi told reporters on Wednesday. 'The dollar amount, as the president said, is zero.'

Left-Wing Media Borg Orchestrates Yet Another Bogus Hit On Tucker Carlson

This is a common technique of moral blackmail, regularly used by the left to silence opposition to progressivism's march through American institutions.

Jen Psaki Shatters The Media Claims of Democrats In Disarray

The media has decided that Democrats are in disarray, but Jen Psaki shattered their storyline with the facts.

CNN Rewarded With Emmy For Downplaying Violence Of Floyd Riots

CNN landed an Emmy Tuesday in the breaking news category, one of seven the network captured on night one of the News and Documentary Emmy Awards.

Ryan Holiday: Courage In A Postmodern Culture

Podcast host Ryan Holiday joins Emily Jashinsky and Madeline Osburn to discuss his new book 'Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave.'

Former Bush Chief Strategist Matthew Dowd Is Running For Texas Lt. Gov. As A Democrat

George W. Bush's former chief strategist Matthew Dowd is running against Dan "kill seniors with COVID for the economy" Patrick as a Democrat.

Speaker Pelosi Isn’t Putting Up With Any BS On The Debt Limit

Speaker Pelosi made it clear that she has no patience for any Democrat who might vote against raising the debt limit.

Hilarious New Babylon Bee Sketch Mocks FBI Role In Terror Plots

Conservative satirical website The Babylon Bee published a video on Monday mocking the federal government's use of FBI informants at the Capitol riot.

Terry McAuliffe Says Parents Shouldn’t Be Telling Schools What To Teach Their Kids

Virginia's Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe says he doesn't think parents should be telling schools what to teach their kids in class.

Tom Cotton Goes Off On Deranged Rant And Claims Senate Shadow Docket Is A Conspiracy

Sen. Tom Cotton wants to run for president in 2024, so he claimed that a Senate hearing on the Supreme Court's shadow docket is a conspiracy.

Hugh Hewitt To Fauci: Should You Step Down For Destroying Trust In Public Health Officials?

Hugh Hewitt pushed Anthony Fauci on whether he should step down from his post as the most prevalent face of the pandemic for undermining public health.

New York Governor Confirms Covidianism Is A Pagan Cult

Self-appointed pope of all New Yorkers Kathy Hochul appeared at a megachurch to preach her COVID doctrines, saying 'I need you to be my apostles' for preaching universal vaccination to the unsaved.

Netflix’s ‘Clickbait’ Unfortunately Lives Up To Its Name

Alluring and exciting at first, it is ultimately not worth the time expended. It lacks focus and is overreliant on shock value.

Social Conservatives Were Right About Sex, New York Times Columnist Admits

After decades of tearing down manners and norms, self-proclaimed social progressives are now frantically trying to reconstitute some sense of public decency.

Is ‘The View’ Actually Serious About Presenting More Than One ‘View’?

Why isn't 'The View' auditioning more conservative women? Some of those women are fantastic, but some of them are not remotely conservative.

This Is The Instagram Crisis That No One Is Talking About

Social media can damage kids' self-esteem, but the solution isn't so much hyper-focusing on better self-image as it is not obsessing over self-image at all.

Biden’s Doubled-Down Lies About Border Whips Are More Proof He’s Unfit To Lead

The president’s treatment of Border Patrol is only his latest failure of leadership. He blame others for his own mistakes and lacks moral courage.

Democrats Decry Gerrymandering While Using It To Gain Power

While Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is carrying on about Republicans, Democrats’ plans for New York and Oregon show they are part of the problem, not the solution.

EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel, A Trump Staffer Who Exposed The Russia Hoax, Aiming New Fire At Deep State

Kashyap 'Kash' Patel, who helped dismantle Democrats' Russia collusion hoax, will join the Center for Renewing America as a senior fellow for national security and intelligence.

How The House Reconciliation Bill Would Further Injure Curb-Stomped U.S. Small Businesses

COVID-19 and the lockdowns devastated small businesses. Now the reconciliation bill could increase their pain.

Democrats’ Latest $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree Includes $1.3 Billion Media Bailout

A relatively unheralded program in the $3.5 trillion Democrat spending spree would provide well more than $1 billion in bailout funds to media organizations.

Sen. Roy Blunt Blasted For Absurd Lie That Infrastructure Bill Costs $3.5 Trillion A Year

Sen. Roy Blunt lied and tried to tell reporters that the infrastructure will cost $3.5 trillion in one year when the cost is spread out over a decade.

House Democrats Use January 6 Inquisition To Provoke Major Court Battle Over Executive Privilege

Democrats on the January 6 inquisition are setting up a massive and murky legal fight over executive privilege, legal experts and insiders told The Federalist.

Can Government Keep Up With Big Tech?

Neil Chilson joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his book 'Getting Out Of Control: Emergent Leadership in a Complex World.'

Matt James Leaves ‘Bachelor’ Struggle Session Pics Out Of Birthday Photo Tribute To Now-Ally Girlfriend

Matt James can post whatever photos he'd like on Instagram, but let's not forget all that he and the social justice mob destroyed to get here.

Federal Judge Says Some 1/6 Defendants “Morphed Into Terrorists”

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan said that some of the defendants in the Capitol attack "morphed into terrorists."

New York Times Retroactively Scrubs Whipping Lie From Border Article

The New York Times scrubbed the false Border Patrol 'whipping' narrative from its article after the photographer said he never saw agents whip anyone.

Watch Elizabeth Warren Rip The Heart Out Of Republican Criticisms Of Biden On Afghanistan

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) used her questions during a Senate hearing on Afghanistan to gut the main Republican criticisms of Biden.

To Hide Biden’s Border Crisis, Twitter Censored My 2017 Video Journalism On Horse Patrol Units

Twitter censored fact-based, conservative content about Border Patrol horses while opting not to correct harmful misinformation about Joe Biden's border crisis.

These Americans Are Protesting, Suing, And Resigning Over Draconian COVID-19 Vaccine Demands

Despite an avalanche of new requirements that compel people to get the shot or lose their jobs, Americans are using the power of protest to send a message.

Ted Cruz Plans To Nuke The Economy By Blocking Debt Limit Hike

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is planning to object to a unanimous consent request that would allow Democrats to raise the debt limit with no Republican votes.

Americans Are Over Biden’s Pandemic Incompetence

Most Americans have apparently grown tired of Joe Biden's COVID con. It’s time for them to leave the pandemic life behind and to leave Biden with it.

New Hampshire Denied White Man Vaccine Due To His Skin Color, New Complaint Says

A white man with 'elevated medical risk to COVID-19' was denied a vaccine in New Hampshire due to the color of his skin, says a new civil rights complaint.

Pompeo On Assange Assassination Allegation: ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Read In Yahoo News’

'They assert that was me who was trying to kill Julian Assange,' Pompeo said. 'You should know: Don’t believe Michael Isikoff, OK? Don’t believe everything you read in Yahoo News.'

Indiana Attorney General Calls On State Lawmakers To End School Mask, Quarantine Circus

'The concerns raised by a group of parents and shared by thousands of others should be heeded voluntarily in favor of individual liberty and educational freedom,' says Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita.

New York Vaccine Mandate Ejects Badly Needed Workers From Hospitals

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is leaving old and sick people without top-quality care due to her demand for vaccines that medical professionals in America's hardest-COVID-hit city don't believe they need.

The Texas Heartbeat Act Is Saving 100 Babies’ Lives Every Single Day

The pro-life movement is tired of district attorneys refusing to enforce pro-life laws and activist federal judges holding pro-life policies up in court for years on end. A new approach is working. No wonder those who promote abortion are so up in arms over its ingenuity.

Loudoun County Teacher Vows To Keep Critical Race Theory In Classroom Despite District’s Assurances To The Contrary

'The best thing about the summer is that I can spend all my time planning how to incorporate Critical Race Theory into my lessons,' tweeted a Loudoun County middle school teacher.

Mayim Bialik Steps In As ‘Jeopardy!’ Host, Again

On Monday’s program, Bialik was introduced as 'the host of Jeopardy!' — not the guest host — and she made no reference to the change in emcees.

50 ‘Back To Normal’ Things I Didn’t Wait For Permission From The COVID ‘Experts’ To Do, And Neither Should You

'Within a year, I think we will be able to come back to normal life,' the pharma executive said, as if we've been holding our breath for his permission to go on living.

Senate Republicans Carry Out Act Of Political Terrorism And Vote To Blow Up The US Economy

In an act of political terrorism, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans unanimously voted in favor of blowing up the US economy.

Both Louisiana Sens. Cassidy And Kennedy Vote Against Disaster Relief For Their Own State

Republican Louisiana Senators Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy both voted against disaster relief for their own state.

Biden All But Admits He’s Never Letting The U.S. Return To A Pre-COVID Normal

President Joe Biden indicated that it will take 97 to 98 percent of Americans receiving the COVID-19 jab before he lets the nation move on from the pandemic.

‘Blood On My Hands’ Mourns Americans Who Died Because Of Biden’s Bungled Afghanistan Withdrawal

John Ondrasik debuted a new song that mourns the Americans who died or were left behind in Afghanistan due to the Biden administration's incompetence.

Mitch McConnell Just Doomed Senate Republicans By Leading Them Off The Default Cliff

On Monday, Senate Minority Leader McConnell said that there will be no Senate Republicans voting to raise the debt limit.

All Of The Ways That The Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie Police Stop Went Wrong

Moab police were under fire when they released the body camera footage of their August 12 stop with Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito for missing clear signs of domestic violence red flags and for ignoring a 911 caller's report that Brian hit Gabby multiple times. Lots of excuses were thrown out, some blaming the dispatcher, but now there's confirmation of the dispatcher relaying the report to the responding officers.

The Sussmann Indictment Is A Window Into Establishment Corruption

Tom Fitton discusses his book 'A Republic Under Assault' and how the deep state used corruption to attack former President Donald Trump.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Calls For Investigation Of Big Tech For Violating Election Laws

'If this new report is true, Facebook has violated Florida law to put its thumb on the scale of numerous state and local races,' DeSantis said.

Obama-Era Intelligence Officials Tried To Classify Journalists, WikiLeaks As ‘Information Brokers’ To Surveil Them

Obama-era intelligence officials tried to use their power to surveil journalists they didn't agree with, a new report from Yahoo News states.

New Season Of ‘Survivor’ Caves To The Woke Requirements Of Modern Reality Television

From removing the triggering word, "guys" to a storyline of a "transgender pregnant man," "Survivor" has fallen into the identity politics trap.

Occupy Democrats Endorses Liz Cheney

Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney drew another big-name endorsement last week: Occupy Democrats.

Lauren Boebert Thinks Tylenol And COVID Vaccines Work The Same Way

Rep. Lauren Boebert was trying to spread misinformation about COVID vaccines and instead used Tylenol to show her lack of intelligence.

Matt Gaetz Is Preparing For A Criminal Trial As Prosecutors Weigh Grave Charges

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) hasn't been criminally charged yet, because prosecutors are weighing a wide range of charges, but Gaetz is preparing for trial.

Liz Cheney Endorses Radical Transgender Agenda

Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney endorsed the radical transgender agenda Sunday in an interview with CBS's '60 Minutes.'

Amid Left-Wing Push To ‘Defund The Police,’ Murders Skyrocket By Nearly 30 Percent

Amid a left-wing campaign to 'defund the police,' murder rates in the United States skyrocketed in 2020 by nearly 30 percent.

New Details Confirm Biden Hijacked Regulatory Process To Benefit Planned Parenthood

New details confirm that the Biden administration prejudged a massive regulatory change that would benefit Planned Parenthood and increase user fees on the Obamacare exchange rates.

New Yorker Amplifies Calls For Pipeline Bombings To Save The Planet

The New Yorker amplified calls for eco-terrorism last week by inviting Andreas Malm, the Swedish author of 'How To Blow Up A Pipeline,' onto its podcast.

Senate Republicans Are Preparing to Block Bill That Would Keep The Government Funded

Senate Republicans are preparing to block a bill that would keep the government funded, provide billions of dollars in hurricane relief and keep the United States from defaulting on its debts. The vote, expected later today, is sure to deal a “death blow” to the bill, according to The Washington Post, and will force Democrats … Continue reading "Senate Republicans Are Preparing to Block Bill That Would Keep The Government Funded"

Universities Are Fueling Prolonged COVID-19 Despotism

U.S. universities are browbeating their students into following a rigid COVID-19 regime or risk losing their academic progress.

Here Is The Proof That Republicans Are Killing Their Own Voters With COVID

In counties where Trump won 70% of the vote, the COVID death rate is 4.7 times higher than counties where he won 32%.

The Trump Administration Considered Kidnapping and Assassinating Julian Assange

Senior officials inside the CIA and the Trump administration considered kidnapping WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2017, even weighing whether or not to assassinate him to prevent him from making an escape. This information comes from a report published by Yahoo! News, which cited conversations with over 30 former U.S. intelligence and security officials. These conversations revealed that … Continue reading "The Trump Administration Considered Kidnapping and Assassinating Julian Assange"

Walensky Doing Biden’s Booster-Shot Bidding Shows It’s Never Been About ‘The Science’

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky overruled one of her agency's panels on Friday to align herself with Biden's goals for COVID-19 booster shots.

Indiana Parents Sue Governor Over COVID Rules: ‘These Are Healthy Kids They’re Quarantining…And We’re Just Done’

‘Just the psychological pressure these kids are facing, they don’t have that ability to really fight for themselves, so that’s why we, as parents, I feel like we don’t have any other choice,’ says father Mike Bell.

Arizona 2020 Vote Audit Finds Potentially Election-Shifting Numbers Of Illegal Ballots

While the reports made several significant findings supporting former President Trump’s complaints about the 2020 election, the corporate media ignored those aspects of the audit.

All House Democrats But One Vote For Ghastly Abortion Bill

All House Democrats except one voted to support a bill to mandate virtually unlimited abortions until the moment of birth nationwide.

The Long-Awaited End To Roe v. Wade Will Be Just The Beginning

Just as we must continue the political and legal fight to protect innocent human life after Roe is gone, pro-lifers must continue to show that there is a better option than abortion’s culture of death.

Of All The Third-World Cities I’ve Lived In, Baltimore Was The Worst

In South Africa, citizens learned to do without mismanaged public services or developed workarounds, something Baltimore residents haven't learned yet. 

Report: Survey Reveals 21 Million Americans Say Trump Should Be Restored By Violence

Researchers reported that the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on January 6 represent a far more mainstream movement than any earlier instances of violent right-wing extremism.

The Kryptonite For The Cultural Appropriation Shamefest Is In Your Kitchen

To avoid the adoption of other cultural tastes, practices, and ideas would make the great American culinary potluck impossible.

New York Times Invents Yet Another False Story To Smear Trump Administration

Because they failed so miserably in finding any damning evidence against the administration in this litigation, the Times had to invent a false ‘gotcha’ story about me.

Corporate Press Makes No Outcry Over Antifa Routinely Assaulting Journalists

Antifa deliberately focuses on attacking reporters, both from the left and right, and yet condemnation of these attacks are few and far between.

Here’s Proof People Who Don’t Go To The Ivy Leagues Are Smarter Than Those Who Do

'The bill itself will not cost 3.5 trillion dollars, in the sense that it will be entirely or at least partly paid for.' If you believe this, I've got a Senate seat to sell you.

Not Even The Jedi Are Good Enough For Social Justice Warriors

Tortured academics who destroy our heroes and misrepresent the moral contradictions of Star Wars seem to believe they are the only moral authority left standing.

Watch Speaker Pelosi Destroy The Media Myth Of Divided Democrats

The corporate media loves to claim that Democrats are divided, but on Sunday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) put this false claim to rest.

Chuck Todd Hits A New Low By Featuring Megan McCain On Meet The Press

Chuck Todd took Meet The Press to a new low on Sunday by featuring Megan McCain as a panelist.

Greg Abbott Falls Apart When Asked How He Will Eliminate All Rape In Texas

Gov. Greg Abbott didn't have an answer for how he would eliminate all rape in Texas, but he did say that he wouldn't sign an abortion exemption for rape or incest.

Chris Wallace Demands That Biden Build A Wall In 9 Months After Trump Couldn’t Build One In 4 Years

Chris Wallace demanded that President Biden build a wall to keep Haitian immigrants out while ignoring that Trump couldn't build one in four years.

Devin Nunes Claims Joe Biden Framed Donald Trump On Russia

Russian asset Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) that it really Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, who is involved with Russia.

Sidney Powell Implicates Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Justice Alito In Plot To Overturn The Election

Sidney Powell suggested that the purpose of the 1/6 attack was to give time to Supreme Court Justice Alito to intervene and overturn the election.

Ongoing War on Women Highlights Extremism’s Roots in Mainstream U.S. Culture and Politics

Most disturbing about this evidence is the way it highlights just how widespread the acceptance of sexism, and of violence against women, is.

Special Report – Backers of Trump’s false fraud claims seek to control next elections

The Republican secretary-of-state candidates are part of a much larger party effort to exert more control over election administration following Trump’s false fraud claims.

Newspaper Refuses To Call Republican Fraudits Audits

The Philadelphia Inquirer is refusing to call the fraudit efforts by Pennsylvania Republicans an audit.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Face Investigation After Continued Attack On Debbie Dingell

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene continued her attack on Rep. Debbie Dingell as she is cruising to be investigated.

Voter Suppression Laws Backfire And Make It Harder For White Republicans To Vote

Many Republicans are slowly realizing that their talk of fraud and new voter suppression laws are causing fewer Republicans to vote.

Politico ‘Scoop’ On Biden Laptop Proves The Dangers Of ‘Disinformation’ Police

Politico thought it broke a major story this week, claiming it confirmed the authenticity of emails found on Hunter Biden's laptop.

Steve Schmidt Warns That We Must Confront The Republican Attack On Democracy

Steve Schmidt laid out the Republican authoritarian movement's attack on democracy and urged Americans to confront the threat.

Biden Drops The Hammer On Trump And Won’t Block Any 1/6 Documents

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made it official. Biden will not assert executive privilege to block Trump documents from the 1/6 Committee.

Discovering The ‘Unseen’ Story Of Rural Maine

Gigi Georges joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss her book 'Downeast: Five Maine Girls and the Unseen Story of Rural America.'

Biden Isn’t Facing ‘Challenges.’ Biden Is The Challenge

The media want Biden to look like a victim of circumstances out of his control. He’s not. He’s the perpetrator of nearly every disaster we're seeing.

Hawley: Biden Exchanged American Lives In Afghanistan For Wokeness

'Joe Biden and his team were more interested in advancing their phony culture war than they were protecting American lives,' Hawley told The Federalist.

Pelosi Slams Supreme Court Cowards As House Passes Women’s Health Protection Act

Speaker Pelosi slammed the cowards of the Supreme Court for the dark of night Texas abortion law decision, as the House passed the Women's Health Protection Act.

Fox News And OANN Ignore AZ Audit That Shows Bigger Biden Margin Of Victory

Newsmax is only covering Donald Trump's election lies, while Fox News and One America News Network are ignoring the results of the Arizona audit.

Democrats Get In Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Face After She Heckles Them On Capitol Steps

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene heckled House Democrats after they passed the Women's Health Protection Act, and Democrats got in her face.

Insurrectionist House Republicans Have Received $10 Million From Corporations Since 1/6

Corporations have given $10 million to the 138 Republican members of Congress who voted to overturn the election.

Rudy Giuliani Is So Toxic That Even Fox News Banned Him

Rudy Giuliani has gone from being Donald Trump's lawyer to banned from Fox News, as the network will not have him on.

Here Are The Conspiracy Theorists Who Spread The Lie That Mounted Border Agents ‘Whipped’ Illegal Aliens

Despite viral claims, the idea that Border Patrol agents were 'whipping' Haitian migrants at the Southern U.S. border turned out to be a lie.

Ana Navarro And Sunny Hostin Spread COVID On Stage While Complaining About Unvaccinated

The View co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro were escorted offstage after testing positive for the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

Colorado Web Designer Petitions Supreme Court After Being Compelled To Celebrate What She Believes Is Wrong

Lorie Smith lost a 2-1 ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit that mandates she create custom graphics and websites for LGBT customers.

Biden Ramps Up Border Patrol Whipping Lie: ‘It’s Outrageous’ And ‘Horrible’

Biden deepened his administration's lies that mounted Border Patrol agents used 'whips' against Haitian migrants at the southern U.S. border on Friday.

The Bishops’ Misapplication Of Catholic Charity, And The Evil On Our Southern Border

More than any other religious group, it is America’s Catholic bishops who lend moral support and cover to the current border situation.

Recovering Our Common Sense Means Rediscovering The Divine

A recently translated book by French theologian Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, 'Thomistic Common Sense,' argues that modernity has made a lot of life's basic questions more complicated than they need to be.

House Republicans Just Voted To Draft Our Daughters – And GOP Senators Will Too

Forcing our daughters to sign up for mandatory conscription in an environment where they may now be sent directly to the frontlines is an appalling breach of the oath by these Republicans.

ESPN Showing College Games Because Of Players’ Skin Color Is Divisive And Wrong

ESPN's new partnership with historically black colleges is being praised, but the new broadcasts are dividing the sport of football by race.

Most People Support Women-Only Sports. Why Won’t Corporate Media Admit It?

Corporate media have shamelessly hailed instances of men edging out women as a great achievement in human rights, in contradiction to public opinion.

EPA Dismisses Congressional Oversight Request On Appointee’s Chinese Ties

A spokesman in New Mexico Rep. Yvette Herrell's office confirmed to The Federalist Thursday the agency has so far dismissed the request with no response.

Iran Cements Its Advantage While Biden Sleeps

Iran’s leaders recognize the pain that results from sanctions do not pose an existential threat to a regime willing to rule through hard power.

Andrew Cuomo’s Replacement Is Just As Feckless As He Was

Hochul has extended eviction moratoriums, is trying to force some New Yorkers to get vaccinated, and is seeking COVID-19 testing of public school employees.

EXCLUSIVE: Crenshaw Bill Would Take Down National Archives’ ‘Harmful’ Warning On Founding Documents

'The left is engaging in a Marxist cultural revolution, attempting to undermine our founding and our history and our sense of what it means to be an American,' Crenshaw told The Federalist.

Steve Bannon And Mark Meadows Subpoenas Show 1/6 Committee Is Coming For Trump

The subpoenas issued for Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, and two others show that the 1/6 Committee wants information from those talking to Trump.

1/6 Committee Says Trump Has No Executive Privilege To Block Documents

Members of the 1/6 Committee are challenging the idea that Trump has any ability to block documents related to the Capitol attack.

Terrified Kevin McCarthy Refuses To Answer When Asked How He Will Respond To 1/6 Committee Subpoena

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ducked and dodged and refused to answer how he would respond to a 1/6 Committee subpoena.

Biden To Ignore Trump And Turn Over All Info To 1/6 Committee

The Biden White House is leaning toward turning over all information about the Trump administration and the 1/6 attack even if Trump objects.

The Squad Tries To Shoot Down Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ Defense System

The Iron Dome funding is a good litmus test that proves that for the leftist Squad and their ilk, the "security for both sides” talk is pure fabrication.

Ohio Republicans Sued For Illegal Gerrymandered Map

The ACLU has sued the Republican-dominated Ohio redistricting commission for drawing a gerrymandered map that violates the state constitution.

Tucker Carlson Slams His Publisher Simon & Schuster For Censorship That ‘Mirrors The Decline Of America’

Tucker Carlson slammed his publisher Simon & Schuster in his new book for engaging in censorship that he said 'mirrors the decline of America.'

Left-Wing Journos Whine About Gabby Petito Coverage After Obsessing Over George Floyd For Months

Don’t tell me there aren’t other stories with black victims that get the exact same treatment as Gabby Petito, if not even more so.

Jen Psaki Takes Down Fox News As Peter Doocy Hysterically Claims Pregnant Women At Lying At The Border

Fox News's Peter Doocy tried to whip up anti-immigrant sentiment and weirdly attacked pregnant women but was shot down by Jen Psaki.

It Gets Worse In Florida As Republicans Want To Review Vaccine Mandates For Measles And Mumps

Florida Republicans aren't satisfied with an anti-COVID vaccine mandate, they are now calling for all vaccine mandates to be reviewed.

Marco Rubio Proposes Bill To Help Shareholders Curb Unchecked Corporate Wokeism

The Mind Your Own Business Act shifts the burden of proof in cases where shareholders take legal action against corporate executives over their political activism.

The Culture War Is The Big Tent

Standing against the excesses of cultural leftism and actually fighting back will bring voters into the GOP, not repel them.

How ‘Woke Communism’ Attacks American Justice

Tom Klingenstein joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his article 'Winning the Cold Civil War' and the problems with 'woke communism.'

Lauren Boebert Gets Harshly Criticized for Absurd Tweet Complaining About “Government Control”

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) is being harshly criticized after complaining about “government control” in a tweet. “Good morning to everyone except those who believe the government should have more control of our daily lives,” she wrote this morning. Good morning to everyone except those who believe the government should have more control of our daily … Continue reading "Lauren Boebert Gets Harshly Criticized for Absurd Tweet Complaining About “Government Control”"

Pelosi Will Not Move $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill Through House Without a Senate Deal

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made clear to her colleagues that she will not move a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill seen as key to codifying much of the Democratic agenda into law through the House without an assurance that it will pass the evenly-split Senate. “I have promised members that we would not … Continue reading "Pelosi Will Not Move $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill Through House Without a Senate Deal"

Are we headed for an epic climate-related financial meltdown? Not if we do these things…

An under-discussed problem is that the frequency and severity of extreme weather events threatens to shake our financial system to its core.

Psaki Won’t Say If President Biden Has Visited The Border In His Life

Press Secretary Jen Psaki deflected questions from Fox News's Peter Doocy about whether President Joe Biden has 'ever been to the southern border?'

The Labor Shortage Isn’t Just Closing Small Businesses, But Shattering Entire Retirement Plans

Though this business-owning couple is unique, a big part of their story is all too commonplace: They're victims of the debilitating worker shortage.

‘Our Kids Carpooled Together’: How Old Friends In High Places Assembled The Russia Collusion Hoax

Not just anyone can call up the FBI general counsel with claims of conspiratorial criminality by a presidential candidate and get a private sit-down. And yet that is exactly what happened.

Interior Department Misses Promised Deadline To Deliver Federal Oil And Gas Report

Wednesday marked the first day of autumn. It also marked the Interior Department's promised public deadline to release an interim report on oil and gas.

‘Climate Night’ Was Just As Condescendingly Cringey As Expected

Eight late-night comedy shows teamed up Wednesday to dedicate entire portions of their programs to climate change.

Codevilla’s Final Work: Stopping The Decay Of Western Civilization Begins With A Great Educational Reset

Problems with education bespeak civilizational ones, of which the phenomenon of Davos Man is but one manifestation.

Packed College Football Stadiums Will End The Pandemic

It’s time for Americans to stop living in suspicion of our fellow citizens and to remember that there is no spike more powerful than the spiking the ball.

ACLU Rewrites Ruth Bader Ginsburg Quote To Erase Women

The ACLU replaced RBG's words about women with “person’s,” while removing “her” in favor of “their” and replacing “she” with “they.” 

Voting Rights Expert Crushes Ted Cruz By Telling Him Texas Voting Laws Are Racist

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked during a Senate hearing, which voter ID laws are racist, and the witness told him Texas.

Brian Stelter Calls Durham Probe A ‘Bust,’ Despite Ample Evidence Of Incompetence In The Industry He’s Paid To Cover

Stelter’s rant comes shortly after Michael Sussmann was charged with lying to the FBI about his relationship with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Michael Flynn Claims The Government Will Put COVID Vaccine In Salad Dressing

Trump pardoned convicted felon Mike Flynn claims that the "Deep State" is going to put COVID vaccine in salad dressing.

How Our Ailing Culture Fuels The ‘Cartel’ Of Family Law

Actor, producer, and director Greg Ellis joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his book 'The Respondent: Exposing the Cartel of Family Law.'

Mitch McConnell To Use The Filibuster To Blow Up The Economy With Default

Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Mitch McConnell, plan to use the filibuster to block Democrats from preventing a default.

The White House And Media’s Border Lies Are Collapsing Live On TV

The Biden administration and the corporate media's lies about the border are collapsing and neither institution is prepared to do damage control.

Bipartisan Police Reform Is Dead Because Republicans Insisted On Protecting Bad Cops

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) rejected the Democrats' final offer on police reform because Republicans wouldn't change immunity for cops.Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) rejected the Democrats' final offer on police reform because Republicans wouldn't change immunity for cops.

Black Lives Matter Is Threatening An ‘Uprising’ Against ‘Racist’ Vaccine Mandates

It’s a rule in the media that vaccine hesitancy is worthy of scorn, right up until it collides with their precious cause, the Black Lives Matter movement.

Republican Treasury Secretaries Are Try To Talk Mitch McConnell Out Of Destroying The Economy

Former Republican Treasury Secretaries have been meeting with Mitch McConnell to convince him that destroying the US economy is a really bad move.

Biden Administration Jeopardizes US National Security By Buying Chinese Surveillance Drones

Federal law enforcement agencies in the Biden administration are reportedly purchasing numerous surveillance drones from a Chinese company the Pentagon has cited as a potential national security risk.

Report: Federal Authorities Releasing Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Into US

Federal authorities are releasing thousands of illegal aliens into the U.S. as an influx of Haitian migrants overwhelms officials in Del Rio.

Opinion: It Is Time to Take Action to Stop Anti-Vaxxer Attacks on Americans and Health Care Workers.

These brutish bullies are taking their savagery a step farther and infringing on other Americans' personal freedom to protect themselves, their families, and communities from a deadly disease.

Obama-Appointed Judge Wrongly Dismisses Defamation Suit Against Twitter In Hunter Biden Laptop Case

In an attempt to obtain some semblance of justice, The Mac Shop owner sued Twitter for defamation. Now his business is closed, his case is thrown out, and Twitter wants him to pay the attorney fees.

By The Left’s Standards, The Pro-Fat Movement Is Institutional Racism

As obesity rates are highest among African-Americans and Hispanics, one would think a campaign for social justice would be a campaign against obesity.

Trump Doubles Down On Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, As Former Intelligence Chief Pushes For Declassification

Former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reaffirmed that they believe COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the former Director of National Intelligence said the time is right for declassifying more evidence.

American Investors Are At Risk If Congress Continues To Give Fraudulent Chinese Companies A Pass

Beijing’s refusal to comply with the U.S. law while continuing to access our capital markets has subjected U.S. investors to the risk of enormous financial losses.

Remote Learning Killed The Myth That Homeschooled Children Are The Ones Who Lack Socialization

For decades, the education establishment has used the need for socialization to argue that kids are better off in government-run schools than being taught at home.

University Threatens Action Against Students For ‘Pronoun Misuse’

Point Park University in Pittsburgh is threatening to take disciplinary action against students who don't use their classmates' preferred pronouns. 

Lawmakers Demand National Archives Remove ‘Harmful Content’ Warnings On Founding Documents

Republican lawmakers said the National Archives' "harmful content" warnings are politicizing governing documents in a way that “obscures the truth."

Ken Burns’ New Docuseries Follows Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fights, Both Inside And Outside The Ring

Cassius Clay, 'The People's Champion,' left a legacy that athletes can, or should, have an impact on politics and culture.

Philadelphia’s Campaign To Prop Up Opioid Use Under The Guise Of Safety Is A Terrible Idea

A year after the U.S. hit its deadliest drug overdose record, a Philadelphia group is trying to allow people to inject themselves at 'harm reduction' centers.

Kurt Warner Biopic ‘American Underdog’ Brings The Quarterback’s Faith Story To The Big Screen

“American Underdog” straddles the line between two genres: an inspirational sports biopic and a small-town love story where local church and personal beliefs play a significant role.

Can A Generation Swamped With Wokeness Turn To Free Thought?

Gen Z YouTuber Daniel Idfresne explains how his parents, his church, his teachers, and his own personal interests inoculated him against the woke politics of his peers. 

The 1/6 Committee May Be Coming For Ted Cruz And Rand Paul

Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA) said that Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul should have to testify before the 1/6 Committee about their role in Trump's coup.

Meet The Maskless Elites Whose COVID Hierarchy Profits Them And Punishes You

These leftist elites don't truly believe in the 'science' they so dutifully preach, because they won't suffer the consequences for breaking the rules.

As Inflation And National Debt Grow, JMU Educates Future Accountants About Incest

Students in the accounting class were asked to reflect on a scenario where a biological brother and sister engage in an incestuous relationship for a night.

Democrats Reject Default Terrorist Mitch McConnell And Say Blood Will Be On GOP Hands

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said that Democrats have no plan B, and if Mitch McConnell causes a default, the blood will be on the GOP's hands.

Watch Josh Hawley Fall Flat On His Face As He Questions DHS Secretary

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) kept trying to put words in the Homeland Security Secretary's mouth, and he failed.

Trump’s Sedition Proven By Eastman Memo Laying Out Plan To Overturn The Election

Trump went beyond wanting Pence to overturn the election. His lawyer, John Eastman, drafted a six-point sedition plan for Pence to follow.

The Biden Admin Is Now Flat-Out Denying Reality Of The Border Crisis

The only reasonable explanation for what the White House is doing and saying about the grotesque scenes at the southern border is that they simply don't think enough voters care.

Chuck Schumer Vows Democrats Will Pass Voting Rights Bill On Their Own

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on the Senate floor that Republicans block the Freedom to Vote Act, Democrats will pass it on their own.

Portland Quietly Walks Back Boycott Of Texas Over Pro-Life Law

The city of Portland quietly abandoned its pledge to ban goods and services from Texas in protest of the Lone Star State's new pro-life law.

How Massachusetts Annihilated Private Property Rights In The Name Of COVID Restrictions

Upholding draconian restrictions, the Massachusetts Supreme Court took away its citizens' essential private property rights and gave them to the governor.

Fox Host Rachel Campos-Duffy Reaches New Peak of Absurdity After She Criticizes Biden for Riding a Bike

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy criticized President Joe Biden for riding a bike, calling the activity a “senior break” while showing footage of Biden exercising. “You teased the segment by saying the world is falling apart, and I think Joe Biden is falling apart,” she told host Harris Faulkner. “Being the leader of the free world … Continue reading "Fox Host Rachel Campos-Duffy Reaches New Peak of Absurdity After She Criticizes Biden for Riding a Bike"

Former Rand Paul And Mitch McConnell Staffer Charged With Funneling Russian Money To Trump

Jesse Benton, a campaign staffer for Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, has been charged with trying to funnel Russian money to Trump and the RNC.

DHS Secretary “Horrified” By Images of U.S. Border Patrol Agents on Horseback Confronting Haitian Migrants

Speaking to CNN, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, says he is “horrified” by images of United States Border Patrol agents on horseback confronting Haitian migrants. Agents could be seen on video whipping migrants with a cord. “I was horrified by what I saw,” Mayorkas told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on “New Day.” “I’m going … Continue reading "DHS Secretary “Horrified” By Images of U.S. Border Patrol Agents on Horseback Confronting Haitian Migrants"

How Did We Lose Afghanistan? Our Leaders Were Never Willing To Win

We failed to take several steps required to win an armed conflict: identifying an achievable end-state, defining the resources we are willing to expend, and considering the lengths we are willing to go to.

Hormonal Birth Control Is Killing Women. Why Won’t The FDA Talk About It?

Many women are realizing the synthetic hormones in most methods of contraception come with side effects and risks that are annoying and sometimes dangerous.

Senate Rules Didn’t Dash Dems’ Mass Amnesty, They Did (But Amnesty Might Still Survive)

The sweeping change would grant permanent status and legal residency to an estimated 8 million people at a cost estimated at $140 billion.

Cheney Family BFF Tapped As Top Investigator On Cheney’s January 6 Committee

A close friend of the Cheney family, John F. Wood, will serve as the investigation's top legal adviser.

Tucker Carlson Claims Vaccine Mandates Are A Biden Plot To Get Christians Out Of The Military

Tucker Carlson is trying to get the troops to refuse to get vaccinated by claiming vaccine mandates are a plot to kick Christians out of the military.

Only Nine Months In And The Biden Presidency Has Failed Spectacularly

It's tough to maintain the illusion that you're the answer to America's ills when everything you touch crumbles. Biden's learning this lesson the hard way.

Opinion: Religious Leaders Concur – No Religious Exemption For COVID-19 Vaccine

The problem for the growing anti-vaxxer cult, however, is that nearly all major religions, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), do not call for or support a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pelosi And Schumer Turn The Heat Up On Mitch McConnell With Debt Limit CR

Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer announced a continuing resolution that will suspend the debt ceiling through December 2022.

Debating America’s ‘Tech Panic’ With Skeptic Robby Soave

Reason Senior Editor Robby Soave joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his new book 'Tech Panic: Why We Shouldn't Fear Facebook and the Future.'

The COVID Hierarchy Is A Power Hierarchy And Everyone Knows It

At Sunday's Emmys, the only masks in sight seemed to be fixed on non-famous faces, again projecting a ludicrous class dynamic that lets powerful people opt out of standards they seek to enforce on everyone else.

Hypocrisy: Two More Politicians Flout Their Own COVID Restrictions In San Francisco, Palm Beach

The San Francisco mayor and a school board member in Palm Beach were just exposed flouting their own COVID restrictions, attending gatherings without masks.

Scott Gottlieb Embodies The Sheer Incompetence Of The COVID ‘Experts’

To get a true sense of how grossly incompetent the COVID 'experts' we’ve entrusted with our lives really are, look no further than Gottlieb’s book tour.

If Brian Laundrie Had Done Any Of These 5 Things, He’d Already Be In FBI Custody

We can hope the FBI succeeds in bringing justice to families like Petito's, instead of looking more like a political appendage to sic on partisan threats. 

Watch Jen Psaki Do Her Thing And Wreck Peter Doocy’s Haitians/COVID False Equivalency

Jen Psaki saw what Peter Doocy was trying to do with a question about Haitian migrants and vaccine cards and was having none of it.

Psaki: Foreigners Entering The U.S. Must Prove Vaccination, Except Illegal Aliens

Psaki admitted that illegal aliens pouring across the border are not subject to the same COVID-19 restrictions as foreign travelers coming into the states.

Republicans Busted In Text Messages Admitting Election Laws Have Nothing To Do With Fraud

Text messages obtained in a lawsuit related to Florida's election reform law revealed that the new law had nothing to do with fraud.

More Criminal Charges Expected Against Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg

Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg's attorneys are expecting that more criminal charges will be filed against him.

The White House Does Booster Shot Damage Control After Failing To Get FDA Support

An FDA panel overwhelmingly voted against Biden's plan to implement booster shots of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to people as young as 16 years old.

Media Hyped ‘Justice For J6’ Rally As The Next ‘Insurrection’ But It Was Another Corrupt Press Dud

For weeks, corporate media hyped up the 'Justice for J6' rally as a right-wing plot to attack the Capitol, but their predictions were way off.

Texas Abortion Law Backfires On Republicans As SCOTUS Has A Negative Approval Rating

The American people overwhelmingly oppose the Texas abortion law, and the Supreme Court now has a negative approval rating.S

Federal Court Expected To Address Constitutionality Of Vaccine Mandates In Puerto Rico Case

The case heard Tuesday on the extreme government measure is one of the most advanced of the cases in litigation, and may well be the landmark case that reaffirms or overrules Jacobson.

Former White House Counsel Richard Painter Calls for a Special Prosecutor to Hold Trump Accountable for 1/6

Writing in a column for MSNBC, former White House Counsel Richard Painter called for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to appoint a special prosecutor to hold former President Donald Trump accountable for the events of January 6, the day a group of Trump’s supporters attacked the United States Capitol on the false premise that the … Continue reading "Former White House Counsel Richard Painter Calls for a Special Prosecutor to Hold Trump Accountable for 1/6"

New Book Alleges Zuckerberg Agreed Not to Fact Check Trump’s Political Posts As Part of Deal with Trump Administration

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a deal with former President Donald Trump’s administration not to fact check Trump’s political posts in exchange for the administration’s word that it would not impose regulations that would affect the company. The information comes way of excerpts from The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power published by New York Magazine. … Continue reading "New Book Alleges Zuckerberg Agreed Not to Fact Check Trump’s Political Posts As Part of Deal with Trump Administration"

Biden Administration Will Ease Travel Restrictions for Vaccinated Foreign Travelers

The Biden administration announced it will ease travel restrictions for vaccinated foreign travelers in November. According to White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, all foreign visitors must be fully vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination before boarding flights bound for the United States. They will also be required to provide a negative test no later … Continue reading "Biden Administration Will Ease Travel Restrictions for Vaccinated Foreign Travelers"

Chuck Todd Has Only Booked 19 Elected Democrats On Meet The Press Since January 6

 Chuck Todd has virtually banned elected Democrats from Meet The Press with just 19 on the show and 21 appearances total since the 1/6 attacks.

An Ad Critical Of Greg Abbott Suddenly Disappeared In Texas, And The Lincoln Project Demands Answers

The Lincoln Project had a deal to run an ad pointing out Greg Abbott's COVID failures during the University of Texas football game, but the deal was nixed ten minutes before kickoff.

‘Rick And Morty’ Season Five Finale Finally Answers Fan Theories About Rick’s Emotional Backstory

The last two episodes of 'Rick and Morty' season five take a somber turn at times as the pair plumbs some emotional depths across multiple universes.

As Biden Helps The Border Collapse, Texas Mobilizes To Build A Wall

Legislation has been passed in Texas to help secure America’s southern border and fill the gap due to the federal government’s lack of law enforcement.

The Biden Administration Is Still Banning White Farmers From Federal Aid

President Biden’s farm loan forgiveness program is unconstitutional, discriminating against white farmers. One court case may bring its end.

Democrats Plan Tax Giveaway To The Rich, Bailout To Blue States

Democrats want working-class families in red states like Florida and Texas to subsidize residents making $200,000, $400,000, or more in places like New York and New Jersey.

‘Jeopardy!’ Viewers Watch Now-Fired Host On Pretaped Episodes As Hosting Gig Remains In Limbo

Perhaps the weirdest week of episodes in 'Jeopardy!' history just concluded, but one constant remained — Matt Amodio kept winning.

CBS Should Have Canceled ‘The Activist,’ But For Far Better Reasons

After the new show was panned for being a competitive woke-off designed to reward shilling for retweets, CBS yanked the series altogether.

Ted Cruz Claims Biden Vaccine Mandate Is A Conspiracy

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that the Biden vaccine mandate is a conspiracy to distract from Afghanistan.

Trump Humiliated As Senate Republicans Reject His Plot To Oust Mitch McConnell

Trump hatched a plot to oust Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), but he was rejected by Senate Republicans.

Gov. Tate Reeves Crumbles As Jake Tapper Confronts Him With Mississippi’s US Leading COVID Death Rate

Gov. Tate Reeves (R-MS) didn't have an answer as CNN's Jake Tapper confronted him over and over again about his state's COVID death rate.

Eric Trump Has An Epic Meltdown On Fox Over Being Criminally Investigated

Eric Trump lost it on Fox News on Sunday as he ranted about the Trumps being under constant investigation and getting subpoenaed.

Mary Trump Tells The Democratic Party To Take The GOP Threat To Democracy Seriously

Mary Trump issued a wake-up call to the Democratic Party and told them to take the Republican threat to democracy seriously.

Ted Cruz Begs Manchin And Sinema To Block Infrastructure Bill

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) pleaded for Democratic Senators Manchin and Sinema to block the infrastructure bill.

Far from “Jaw-Dropping,” Will Facebook Revelation Make Us Face Our Serious Systemic Sickness?

So, Facebook’s behavior is a symptom of alienation, and it shouldn’t be any kind of “jaw-dropping” surprise.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Reels Her Bureaucracy Back Into The Swamp

Former Bureau of Land Management officials from the Trump administration see the decision to split the headquarters as a vindication of their choice to move the agency.

Eric Swalwell Suggests Justice For J6 Flop Shows Trump May Be Fading

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) suggested that Donald Trump may be fading after the Justice for J6 flop.

Rep. Ted Lieu Says Justice For J6 Attendees Are Traitors

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said that the 1/6 attackers are traitors and the people at the Justice for J6 rally share their mindset. Rep. Ted Lieu: Justice For J6 Attendees Share A Mindset With Traitors Video: Rep. Ted Lieu says #JusticeforJ6 rally are traitors, "The people who showed up on January 6th and assaulted our Capitol, … Continue reading "Rep. Ted Lieu Says Justice For J6 Attendees Are Traitors"

There Are Reportedly More Press Than Protesters At Justice For J6 Rally

The rally to support the 1/6 attackers appears to have drawn more members of the press than actual protesters.

The Vaccinated Are Paying For The Unvaccinated As COVID Hospitalizations Cost Medicare $24,000 Each

98% of all hospitalizations for COVID are unvaccinated, and it is the vaccinated who are paying for the hospital stays of the unvaccinated.

Former HHS Secretary Tells Madison Cawthorn Transportation Is Not A Right

Former HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius had a newsflash for Rep. Madison Cawthorn and unvaccinated Republicans that transportation is not a right.

Denver Nursing Student Kicked From Program After School Reneged On Religious Exemption For COVID Vaccine

A Denver nursing student was kicked from her school's medical program after the university reneged on its offer for a religious exemption.

Democrats Aim To Choke Off Arctic Drilling With Provision Tucked Into Reconciliation Package

House Democrats are seeking to exploit the reconciliation process with a $3.5 trillion dollar package in pursuit of high priority progressive programs.

McAuliffe, Youngkin Clash On Vaccine Mandates, Abortion In First Debate For Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin faced off in their first debate for Virginia's gubernatorial race on Thursday night.

North Carolina Court Permanently Blocks State’s Racist Voter ID Law

A three-judge North Carolina Superior Court panel has ruled 2-1 to permanently block the state's voter ID law because it targets African-Americans.

Nicolle Wallace Dismantles Tucker Carlson’s 1/6 Lies With Brutal Fact Check

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace took down Tucker Carlson's 1/6 lies while discussing the dangerous spread of Capitol attack propaganda.

Is This What Global Respect Looks Like? France Recalls Ambassadors From U.S.

France announced on Friday that the country will pull its ambassadors from the U.S. and Australia following a failed submarine deal.

FDA Panel Overwhelmingly Rejects Biden’s Booster Shot Plan For All Americans

The FDA panel overwhelmingly voted against the Biden administration's plan to implement booster shots of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans.

Pentagon Admits Drone Strike Against ‘High Profile’ ISIS-K Operatives Actually Killed Family, Children

The Pentagon admitted that a drone strike in Afghanistan did not kill any 'high-profile' ISIS-K terrorists as the administration claimed but killed at least 10 civilians.

Democrats Hammer Mitch McConnell For Sabotaging The Economy To Stop Joe Biden

Senate Democrats are calling out Mitch McConnell for using debt ceiling sabotage to stop President Biden.

The Death Panels Have Arrived And They Are In Deep Red Idaho

A decade ago, Republicans warned that Obamacare would result in death panels, but it is the deep red state of Idaho where the death panels have arrived.

Picking Sides In A Stupid Controversy: A Guide For The Right

We don't have to wade into every stupid battle just because a prominent person stumbled onto our side.

Ted Cruz Slams Biden For ‘Manmade’ Border Crisis As Thousands Overwhelm Del Rio

Other Texas politicians also expressed their outrage at the swelling border crisis and the Biden administration's silence.

Rep. Ted Lieu Tells Clarence Thomas To Stop Gaslighting America

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) has a message for Justice Clarence Thomas. He told Thomas to stop gaslighting the American people and hiding behind the shadow docket.

Republicans Reeling As Nearly 2/3 Of Voters Support Biden’s Build Back Better Plan

A new poll reveals that 62% of voters support President Biden's Build Back Better plan.

The Arc Of Cultural Leftism Bends Towards Dystopia

On this episode, author David Marcus joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his article 'NYC is failing its homeless residents.'

My Husband’s A Vaccinated Doctor. Here’s Why I’m Not Getting A COVID Shot

It's quite clear major health institutions might not have my unborn daughter's best interests at heart, and may give advice accordingly.

A Republican Vote To Raise The Debt Limit Is A Vote For Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree

If Republican lawmakers vote for a debt limit increase, they own the reconciliation bill — all of it.

In Soft Power Battles, Taiwan Should Take A Page Out Of China’s Hollywood Playbook

China plays both soft power offense and defense, with Hollywood a key front in the battle. In the fight for democracy, Taiwan should try a similar tactic.

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Blatantly Unconstitutional

There’s a reason no president in American history has ever issued a national vaccine mandate like Biden's: It's flatly unconstitutional.

If ‘Cry Macho’ Is Clint Eastwood’s Farewell, It’s A Charming Letdown

The gentle, coming of age story is hard to get mad about and even tougher to praise unconditionally.

The NFL Should Not Be Playing One Anthem For Black Americans And Another For Everyone Else

If you divide the anthem, the purpose of it is defeated. And what good is our national anthem if we cannot unify around it? 

Contemptuous Don Lemon Calls For Shaming Americans Who Don’t Make The Medical Choices He Wants

Don Lemon recently called for shaming those who haven't taken a COVID shot, putting on full display the contempt he holds for so many Americans.

How The Newsom Recall Cemented California As A Sanctuary State For Leftism

Tristan Justice and Jordan Davidson break down how the failed recall of California Gov. Gavin Newsom cemented the state as a leftist paradise.

Newsmax Exposes The Trump Cult While Blowing A Gasket And Tossing A Vet Off The Air

A Newsmax host completely lost it and screamed cut him off and yelled, that Trump won't be blamed for Afghanistan on his show as he tossed a vet off the air.

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted For Role In Peddling Bogus Russiagate Hoax To FBI

A grand jury on Thursday returned the second indictment sought by John Durham in the more than two-year probe investigating the origins of the Russia hoax.

GOP Senators Demand NIH Quit Stonewalling Congress On Deletion Of COVID Data

A trio of Republican senators are demanding answers from the NIH over the deletion of genetic data with possible clues about COVID-19's origin.

Growing Horde Of GOP Lawmakers Calls For Milley To Be Investigated And Fired

Since news broke that Gen. Mark Milley might have committed treason, the chorus of GOP leaders calling for an investigation or termination is growing.

Trump Tries To Incite More Violence By Siding With Terrorists On Justice For J6 Rally

Trump released a statement of solidarity with the people who are jailed for attacking the Capitol on 1/6.

Retired General, 26 Other GOP Representatives Call For Military Probe Of Mark Milley For Treason

Rep. Perry, a retired brigadier general, and 26 other Republicans asked the defense secretary to conduct an Article 15-6 investigation into Gen. Milley.

Biden Administration Cuts Back Highly Effective COVID-19 Therapy From Red States

Biden is cutting back on sending free doses of monoclonal antibodies to red, southern states where they were used as a highly effective COVID-19 treatment.

Biden Just Put Vaccine Mandate Hypocrite Governors On Blast

President Biden called out Republican governors for their hypocrisy on vaccine mandates during a White House speech.

States Where A Third Of People Are Obese Rise To 16, Nearly Doubling In Two Years

America's underlying pandemic is getting worse. 

Justice For J6 Rally May Be Empty As Domestic Terrorists Are Too Scared To Show Up

The same domestic extremist groups that showed up for the Capitol attack are warning supporters to stay away from the Justice for J6 rally.

Terry McAuliffe Snaps At Virginia Sheriff For Asking About His Ties To ‘Defund The Police’ Group

McAuliffe snapped at a Virginia sheriff who brought up the former governor's acceptance of endorsements from leftist groups that want to defund the police.

The ‘Drunk Driver’ Analogy For The Unvaccinated Is Dumb And Here’s Why

The analogy only works if they ignore that individual risk assessment and personal responsibility are the overriding factors.

Sen. Rick Scott: If Milley Quote Is Accurate, Read Him His Rights

Scott said that if the reports implicating Milley for making secret calls to his communist Chinese counterpart are true, he 'needs to be read his rights.'

In Exclusive Interview, Trump Calls Sept. 18 Rally A ‘Setup,’ Says GOP Senate Should Fire ‘Disaster’ McConnell

Trump called Mitch McConnell a 'disaster,' said George W. Bush was one of the 'worst presidents in history,' and riffed on who exactly is running Biden's White House.

Stepping Down From The Crown Is Proving To Be Quite Lucrative For Prince Harry And Meghan Markle

They can rake in millions; they can say and do whatever they please with no one holding them to account; and, at the end of the day, they can still claim to be victims.

Inside Democrats’ Plan To Indoctrinate Your Toddlers In Preschool

Parents disgusted with public schools’ failures should reject the idea of putting the government in charge of daycare and preschool.

The Left’s Stubborn Refusal To Listen To The Other Side Is Anti-Intellectualism

It turns out that silencing discourse, stopping thought, and brainwashing the population with propaganda has serious consequences.

No, It’s Not Racist To Use The Word ‘Curry’

Race baiters are stewing over the use of the word ‘curry,’ arguing that it is rooted in colonialism.

If The Weddings Boom Keeps Going, It Could Solve A Lot Of The World’s Problems

A recent uptick in birthrates could be a blip, or the beginning of achieving population balance that will bring an economic, emotional, and even physical healing and restoration to our nation.

Is Postmodernism Wiping Out Human Adaptability?

Biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying discuss their book 'A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life.'

Sen. Angus King Hints That Changes Are Coming To The Filibuster

Sen. Angus King (I-ME) said while discussing the new voting rights bill that he thinks changes are coming to the filibuster.

AG Josh Shapiro Calls PA GOP Fraudit BS And Refuses To Turn Over Voter Personal Info

Pennsylvania Republicans wanted voter personal data for their 2020 fraudit, but Attorney General Josh Shapiro called BS and told them no.

Local Blob Creature John Bolton Says Traitor Milley Is A-Okay

Instead of clearing Milley's name, Bolton's defense is a further indictment of just how far into the highest levels of government the corruption has spread.

Victims Demand Justice After FBI Ignored Nassar’s Serial Abuse, Sexual Assault

'All we needed was for one adult to do the right thing,' said gold medalist Aly Raisman, who was abused by Nassar for years.

Trump Defense Secretary Says Milley Went Rogue, Had No Authority To Pass Secret Intel To Communist China

Miller said that Gen. Mark Milley had no authority to make 'secret' calls to his counterpart in communist China and needs to resign 'immediately.'

Texas Abortion Ruling Causes SCOTUS Approval To Hit An All Time Low

National approval of the conservative-led Supreme Court has reached the lowest point in the history of the Quinnipiac Poll. The Supreme Court Is Very Unpopular According to the Quinnipiac Poll: Americans give the Supreme Court a negative job approval rating, as 37 percent approve of the way it is handling its job, and 49 percent … Continue reading "Texas Abortion Ruling Causes SCOTUS Approval To Hit An All Time Low"

Opinion: Women And Girls Deserve Better Than To Be Ruled By Rapists And Their Criminal Enablers

Women and girls deserve so much better than this. We deserve better than to be ruled by rapists and their criminal enablers.

General Kellogg: Milley Must Resign Or Be Removed

Milley's alleged behavior directly contradicts his role as an adviser to the president and undermines the uniform code of military justice, Kellogg added.

Grassley: FBI Refuses To Answer To Elected Representatives About Illegal Leaks And Botched Investigations

'This is a serious problem at the heart of the FBI, not a case of a few errant agents,' Grassley said in a hearing on the botched Nassar investigation.

The Real Result Of The California Recall Is A Green Light For Tyranny

California voters recommitted their state as a leftist paradise this week, where restrictions on freedom are celebrated and elite hypocrisy is ignored.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Presses FBI Director On Sham Brett Kavanaugh Investigation

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse demanded to know from FBI Director Wray when he and Sen. Coons would finally get documents from the FBI on their bogus Brett Kavanaugh investigation.

10 Of The Most Hilarious Norm Macdonald Moments

The best way to honor Norm is to bask in the jokes he left us. Here are some of his most hilarious appearances.

AOC’s Dress Wasn’t About Hypocrisy, It Was About America’s New Social Hierarchy

The 'tax the rich' dress wasn’t merely a display of hypocrisy. It was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reinforcing the new hierarchy.

There Will Never Be Another Norm Macdonald

There is no line he would not cross, there was nowhere he would not go for a joke he believed in.

Just Like Brett Kavanaugh The FBI Lied And Covered Up Larry Nassar’s Abuse Of US Gymnasts

US gymnasts are testifying before the US Senate and detailing, how just like in the Brett Kavanaugh case, the FBI lied to cover up sexual abuse by Larry Nassar.

Terry McAuliffe Caught Flouting Federal Masking Orders On Amtrak Train

Virginia's Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe was caught maskless on an Amtrak train in violation of federal and Amtrak rules.

Democrats Prepare Biggest Tax Hike In A Generation For Environmentalist Scare Agenda

While targeting the rich, the series of tax increases run the risk of stressing consumers already choked by inflation. Prices are already up more than 5 percent from August last year.

‘Jeopardy’s’ Weirdest Week Ever Begins. Will Audiences Stay For It?

The show's new host departed the day after he taped the first five episodes of 'Jeopardy's' 38th season, leading to what will likely stand as its most awkward week ever.

Winners And Losers In The California Recall

Democrats showed up in huge numbers to vote no on recalling California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Here are the winners and losers.

Dave Wasserman Calls California Recall For Gavin Newsom

According to The Cook Political Report's Dave Wasserman, the Republican effort to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom has failed.

The State Of Comedy And A World Without Norm Macdonald

Josh Denny, host of 'Next Week Tonight,' reflects on the state of comedy and how Norm Macdonald's passing will affect comics around the globe.

Milley’s Alleged Secret Calls To China Are Just Another Reason Americans Believe The System Is Rigged

Under the guise of “saving democracy from Trump” our media, intelligence services, government bureaucrats, and corporate overlords have kamikazed faith in every one of our institutions.

Sen. Rubio Demands Biden Fire Gen. Milley Over Secret Calls With Communist China

Rubio demanded Milley be fired after the general reportedly 'contemplated a treasonous leak of classified information to the Chinese Communist Party.'

Democratic Combat Vet Running Against Madison Cawthorn Calls Him A Traitor

Josh Remillard, a combat veteran and Democrat running against Rep. Madison Cawthorn, called insurrection inciter a traitor.

Traitor Josh Hawley Threatens To Block Every Defense And State Nominee Unless Blinken And Austin Resign

Domestic terrorism inciter Sen. Josh Hawley has jeopardized national security by threatening to block every State and Defense nominee unless the Sec. of State and Sec. of Defense resign.

One Story Shows How Biden Doesn’t Put Up With Joe Manchin’s BS

President Biden sees right through the political game-playing of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and uses the presidency to cut to the chase.

NRA: Blocking Chipman Is A Win But Any Nominee Will Continue Biden’s War On The Second Amendment

The National Rifle Association tells The Federalist any Biden nominee, like Chipman, will not respect the constitutional rights of Americans.

West Virginia State Soccer Player Takes Action To Protect Women’s Sports

Lainey Armistead is seeking to join a lawsuit to support a state law that protects equal opportunity in women’s sports. 

Jared Kushner Heckled By Protester As America Hasn’t Forgotten Trump Crimes

Jared Kushner was giving a speech in New York on the Abraham Accords when he was disrupted by a Code Pink protester.

Greg Abbott Gets The Constitution Wrong And Claims He’s More Powerful Than Biden

Gov. Greg Abbott is claiming that he is more powerful than President Biden, but the Constitution says federal law is the law of the land.

Tucker Carlson Has A Moment Of Truth Where He Admits That His Show Is A Lie

Tucker Carlson admitted that he lies on his Fox News show when he feels cornered, but Carlson appears to feel "cornered" a lot of the time.

Why The Expert Class Is Incapable Of Persuading People To Get Vaccinated

It should go without saying that force and condescension are not persuasive.

Who Keeps Cutting Biden’s Mic? Blinken Won’t Give Sen. Risch, Or America, A Real Answer

Risch grilled Blinken during a line of questioning about who is actually in charge of making decisions: the president or somebody else.

Kim Kardashian’s Met Gala Look Was Way More Transgressive Than AOC’s

When Kim finally passes the Bar exam, it's over for basics like AOC.

Treason?: Gen. Milley Undermined Trump White House With Secret Calls, Promising To Alert China Of Potential U.S. Attacks

Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made secret calls to his Chinese counterpart in the final days of the Trump administration.

Gen. Milley Went Behind Trump’s Back To Prevent Him From Starting A War

Gen. Mark Milley called his Chinese counterpart twice to prevent Trump from starting a war.

Ron Johnson Shows Why He Is A National Embarrassment At Afghanistan Hearing

Sen. Ron Johnson claimed that he was worried about detachment from reality and then refused to hear facts on Afghanistan from Sec. of State Blinken.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Hospitals Are Not Running Out of Beds as Covid Rages. She is Wrong.

According to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), hospitals are not running out of beds as Covid-19 continues to spread around the country. She is wrong: The highly transmissible Delta variant has only exacerbated an existing problem. “We are not running out of hospital beds, we are running out of nurses to care for people,” Greene … Continue reading "Marjorie Taylor Greene: Hospitals Are Not Running Out of Beds as Covid Rages. She is Wrong."

US Archivist Blows Off Senate Inquiry Into Joe Biden’s Use Of Private Email

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration has so far dismissed a Senate inquiry into Joe Biden's use of private email as vice president.

What’s Liberating About 2 Million Mothers Quitting Work In The Last Year

The pandemic has turned many things upside down. If it also re-sizes our expectations of ourselves as women and mothers, it will have delivered an unexpected gift.

Joe Biden Is The Reason Millions Of Americans Don’t Want Anything To Do With A COVID Shot

Everything the administration does and says absolutely destroys all confidence in the shot. 

If Truckers Like Me Won’t Comply, Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Could Tank The Economy

Forcing all truck drivers to take injections against COVID-19 poses significant challenges to an already struggling U.S. transportation industry, on which the nation’s commerce depends.

What The Campaign To Suppress The Hunter Biden Story Tells Us About Joe Biden, Media Corruption, And American Politics

Ben Domenech was joined by Miranda Devine to talk about what the corporate media won't cover, lessons since 9/11, and her new book 'Laptop From Hell.'

If You Aren’t Mobilizing For Action Right Now, You’re Going To Get Boiled Alive

What country are we living in? Are we really prepared to allow the executive branch of the federal government to run roughshod over the other two branches as well as all the states?

Post-Pandemic Kids Don’t Need Teachers To Go Easy. They Need Structure And High Expectations

There is no easy or gentle way to break bad habits that have formed, and any attempt to do so is only stalling. The kids have already had their dessert. It’s time to eat their vegetables.

AOC Dons ‘Tax The Rich’ Dress To Party With The 1 Percent At $30,000-Per-Person Celebrity Bash

Ocasio-Cortez's shining moment among Hollywood elites grabbed Twitter's attention Monday night, as people slammed the politician for her naked display of power.

How Their Vanity Made Never Trumpers Completely Obsolete

Constantly pillorying the right over their support or tolerance of populism ends up creating the same sort of absurdist caricatures they claim to avoid.

‘Champion Of Freedom’ Mollie Hemingway Accepts Bradley Prize

Hemingway's outstanding achievements 'reflect The Bradley Foundation’s mission to restore, strengthen, and protect the principles and institutions of American exceptionalism.'

Biden Lays It Out For California Recall: Keep Gavin Newsom, Or Get Trump

While campaigning for Gov. Newsom in California, President Biden said that voters could keep Gavin Newsom, or they'll get Trump.

Podcast: Dispelling Misconceptions About Alaskan Drilling, Mining, And Caribou

Environmentalists stifle projects to protect the wildlife, but others say development is necessary to forward Alaska's oil, gas, and mining industries.

Republicans Tantrum After FEC Rules Twitter Didn’t Break Election Law With Block Of Unsubstantiated Hunter Biden Article

Republicans reacted with a tantrum after the FEC dismissed their complaint that Twitter violated election law by blocking an unsubstituted Hunter Biden article.

Watch Joe “You Lie” Wilson Get Destroyed By House Democrat For Afghanistan Lies

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) got destroyed by Rep. Gerald Connelly (D-VA) for spreading lies about Afghanistan during the testimony of Sec. State Blinkin.

Bad News For Republicans: Biden Mandate To Increase Vaccinations And Grow The Economy

A new forecast by Goldman Sachs of the impact of President Biden's vaccine mandate found that vaccinations will increase by 12 million and the economy will grow.

Chris Christie Is Liz Cheney In A Sumo Suit

Christie's political career has long been dead and that's why he now spends his days brown-nosing TV news anchors and lecturing right-wingers.

Biden FEC Claims Fraudulent Pro-Democrat Electioneering By Corrupt Big Tech Companies Is Totally Legal

The Federal Election Commission has exonerated Twitter for its brazen election meddling, according to new reporting from The New York Times.

Republican Governors Just Got Called Out Big Time For Killing People With COVID

Hawaii Lt. Gov. Josh Green (D) said that Republican governors are killing their constituents with COVID by discouraging vaccinations.

EXCLUSIVE: Media Matters’ Electioneering Against Larry Elder Broke IRS Rules, Complaint Says

The conservative watchdog group Patriots Foundation filed an IRS complaint against Media Matters for America alleging abuse of its tax-exempt status.

WATCH: Santa Monica Demonstrators Debate COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

SANTA MONICA, CA—Rivaled only by New York, the Golden State has endured some of our country’s most draconian lockdown and masking policies. With Los Angeles inching Read More

Media’s Lack Of Pro-Life Representation Reveals Class And Cultural Bias, Distorts Debate

There is almost no representation of the pro-life perspective in major media.

The 1/6 Committee Closes In On Trump By Requesting Mark Meadows’ Phone Records

The  1/6 Committee is zeroing in on Trump and his White House by requesting the phone records of White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Politico’s Nothingburger Shows The Media Still Can’t Get Over Melania Trump

The corporate media want to hate Melania so badly they're hyping a non-story, proving how right she was never to give their gossip the time of day.

The Hosts of “Fox and Friends” Are Pushing Bogus Voter Fraud Claims Ahead of California’s Recall Election

The hosts of “Fox and Friends” are pushing unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud ahead of California’s recall election, which will determine whether incumbent Governor Gavin Newsom will remain in office amid conservative backlash against Covid-19 restrictions. “The degradation of that state under his [Newsom’s] leadership is really quite apparent,” one of the hosts said during … Continue reading "The Hosts of “Fox and Friends” Are Pushing Bogus Voter Fraud Claims Ahead of California’s Recall Election"

Arkansas GOP Governor Absurdly Insists Biden’s Vaccine Mandate “Hardens Resistance” to Vaccines

Even though Covid-19 has surged across Arkansas in recent weeks, the state’s Republican Governor, Asa Hutchinson, insisted that President Joe Biden’s recent vaccine mandate for employers will only “harden resistance” among those who have refused to get vaccinated against the virus in the first place. “We have to overcome resistance,” Hutchinson said during an interview … Continue reading "Arkansas GOP Governor Absurdly Insists Biden’s Vaccine Mandate “Hardens Resistance” to Vaccines"

Barnard College Bureaucrat Apologizes After Using COVID-19 Protocols To Target Jewish Students

A COVID bureaucrat implied the religious practices of Jews on campus are all 'in the past,' and that despite their beliefs, their convictions, their faith, they need to abide by a system that negates all of it.

How Rural Colorado Parents Created A ‘No Politics’ Public School In Just One Year

Their local school board denied these parents' application to open a classical school in their mountain town. These parents would not take no for an answer.

The Revolution Will Be Bureaucratized

As Joe Biden's federal vaccine mandate shows, the growing federal bureaucracy is a vehicle for cultural revolution, not a distraction from it. 

Why Picture Books Matter So Much To Children And How To Judge If One’s Good

I’m glad to find another story that will help feed my kiddo’s appetite for stories while also balancing out this decade’s obsession with the self.

In California, Red Counties Drift Back To Normal While LA Remains Frozen In Hysteria

Orange County, California is slowly making its way back to normal but Gov. Gavin Newsom's COVID-19 tyranny reigns supreme in Los Angeles County.

If Junior Officers Had Botched Afghanistan, They’d All Be Fired Right Now

A private will suffer greater consequences for losing a rifle than a general will for losing a war.

A Comparison Of The 2017 Inauguration Riot, 2020 George Floyd Riots, And 2021 Capitol Riot

Many say the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot is one of America’s darkest episodes. Others say the nationwide protests last summer over George Floyd’s murder were worse. Here's data about both -- you decide.

Here’s How I Found Out How Deep Critical Race Theory Goes In The U.S. Government

The first thing I recall was the sheer volume of material. A single agency produced nearly 1,000 pages of documents on 'unconscious bias' training alone.

The Supreme Court Needs To Stop Unelected Bureaucrats From Making Up Laws

The Supreme Court has allowed Congress to delegate unchecked power to unelected agency officials, but that may change soon.

Why Are Teachers Unions Pushing For School Masks? To Make Life Easier For Teachers

People have played up the threat of the virus, using it as an excuse to lift all possible professional and personal burdens that come with being human.

Biden Promised He Wouldn’t Increase Taxes On Small Businesses. Well, He’s About To

The owners of 1.5 million S-corporations could become subject to a 3.8 percent tax increase as part of Democrats’ cash grab to fund their welfare state expansion.

DeSantis Blasts Biden Over Vaccine Mandate: ‘We Don’t Live With A One-Person Rule In This Country’

'People should not be cast aside because they make a medical decision for themselves. They should not lose their job,' said Gov. Ron DeSantis.

‘Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City’ Premiere Propels Bravo’s True Crime Trend

The long-awaited return of Bravo's 'Real Housewives of Salt Lake City' underscores the creeping true-crimeification of the network's popular reality fare.

House Democrats expected to propose hike to corporate tax rate, surtax on wealthy

House Democrats are expected to propose raising the U.S. corporate tax rate to 26.5% from 21%,

The Senate Has A New Voting Right Bill That Is Supported By Every Democrat

Senate Democrats are close to unveiling a new voting rights bill that has the support of every single Democrat.

Republican Campaign Of Civil Disobedience Over Vaccine Mandates Totally Flops

After President Biden imposed some vaccine mandates, Republicans called for civil disobedience, but the campaign is not going well.

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Backs Up Biden On Vaccine Mandate

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said that President Biden's vaccine mandate would save lives and called out his own party for playing politics with vaccinations.

A Possibly Trashed Rudy Giuliani Implicates Himself In The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

At the 9/11 dinner, Rudy Giuliani insulted the Queen of England and then claimed that he never was with Prince Andrew and underage girls.

Trump Could Be Toast As Support For His Comeback Plummets 24%

A new poll revealed that support for Donald Trump to be the Republican presidential nominee has plunged by 24% since 2019.

Watch CNN’s Dana Bash Call Out Joe Manchin’s Infrastructure Game

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said that he would not vote for a $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill but backpedaled when asked to name his number on CNN.

Afghanistan Shows Athlete Supremacy Reigns King

While all lives saved are a victory, the situation in Afghanistan with athletes exemplifies America’s culture of athlete supremacy.

Opinion: Banning Mask and Vaccine Mandates is About Projecting Unchallenged Power and Satisfying MAGA Devotees

If any American was curious about how far afield from reality Republicans will go to placate the MAGA crowd and reinforce their authoritarian worldview, they need look no farther than Florida and Texas.

Barack Obama Honors Extraordinary Americans On 9/11

Former President Obama paid tribute to the 9/11 fallen and also honored those extraordinary Americans who risk their lives daily in the pandemic.

Republican Claim That Troops Are Going AWOL/Resigning Over Vaccine Mandate Destroyed By Fact Check

It turns out that the troops are not going AWOL to protest the COVID vaccine mandate according to a fact check.

George W. Bush Compares Republican Domestic Terrorists To 9/11 Hijackers

George W. Bush made it clear that the domestic terrorists that some Republicans love are like the 9/11 hijackers.

VP Kamala Harris Pushes Back On GOP Death Cult Dividing America In Powerful 9/11 Remarks

Vice President Kamala Harris honored the heroes of Flight 93 and used their story to deliver a powerful message about unity, as Republicans divide America with COVID.

How Much Is Gavin Newsom To Blame For California’s Wildfires?

California is headed for its most destructive season yet, two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom divested from prevention efforts.

What I Saw Near The White House On September 11, 2001

A 9:03 a.m., we all saw it happen. We saw, live on TV, what turned out to be Flight 175 fly directly into the South Tower.

Opinion: Greg Abbott’s Rape Remarks Epitomize Misogynistic Republicans

If Abbot wasn’t a liar, he would man up, stand up, and tell women on national television that he believes they do not have the right to control their own bodies, much less their reproductive health.

Larry Elder: In Snubbing Me, Democrats And Leftist Media Expose Their Racial Double Standard

'If I were a Democrat and some white woman wearing a gorilla mask threw an egg at me, they'd be talking about systemic racism,' Elder said.

Florida Gets Even More Deadly As Appeals Court Blocks School Mask Mandates

A Florida appeals court has ruled in favor of Gov. Ron DeSantis and blocked schools from enacting mask mandates.

The Horrific Afghanistan Withdrawal Re-Opened Our Nation’s 9/11 Wounds

After 20 years, I plan to rededicate myself to reminding others that with all the problems in the world, America and her founding is not one of them.

What It Was Like To Work For The Vice President On 9/11

Neil Patel, Co-Founder and Publisher at The Daily Caller, recounts how he responded to 9/11 as the then-chief policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Republicans Turned Mississippi Schools Into A COVID Factory As 18,000 Kids Get Sick In A Month

Mississippi schools were open for one month and 18,000 kids got COVID and another 15,000 had to quarantine.

Republicans Are Trying To Get The Troops To Go AWOL Over Vaccine Mandate

Republicans are circulating unsubstantiated claims as part of a campaign to get the troops to go AWOL over the vaccine mandate.

Would You Have Stormed The Cockpit?

As we near another anniversary of that dark September day, don't just remember the heroes of Flight 93. Strive to be like them.

What Those Who Sacrificed For 9/11 Deserve From Americans Now

We have been a decadent, woke, rump kowtower to a gulag state. Instead, we must be America again — cultivating excellence, instilling confidence, and creating patriots.

The 9/11 Attacks Ultimately Proved A Lesser Threat To America Than The Totalitarian Left

The left hates America and ordinary Americans at least as much as the 9/11 hijackers did, and for some of the same reasons.

Biden Administration Orders Ideological Purge Of U.S. Military Academies

There is no greater danger to the country than this effort to politicize the military by ensuring that all officers hew to the political party line of this administration.

The GOP Civil War Liz Cheney Waged Is Here, And It Just Might Throw Her Out Of Congress

Wyoming Republican congresswoman and Trump resistance leader Liz Cheney drew a new primary challenger Thursday who came with a big endorsement.

In Kylie’s Pregnancy And 10 More, The Kardashians Model Motherhood. Why Not Marriage, Too?

In an age of plummeting marriage and birth rates, the Kardashian-Jenner clan is surprisingly counter-cultural about having babies, but not so much in committing to their babies' daddies.

Politico Published 20 Stories About Trump’s Taxes And Only 1 About Joe Biden’s

By using a questionable tax loophole, Joe Biden and his wife Jill dodged nearly $395,000 in Medicare taxes, along with more than $122,000 in taxes that fund Obamacare.

Here’s An Essential Book For Anyone Dealing With Critical Illness

Dr. Wes Ely's 'Every Deep-Drawn Breath' outlines a groundbreaking strategy for helping health care workers and ordinary Americans manage life-threatening illnesses and end-of-life care better.

Where Was God On 9/11? A Pentagon Chaplain Who Was There Can Tell You

Remembering Gen. Charlie Baldwin's story of God’s provision and presence is a fitting tribute on the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.

Stop Calling Your Basic Friends ‘Queens’ On Social Media

Not once in the many examples of pronounced internet 'yas queens' has there been even the suggestion of a beheading or war council taking place, let alone a coronation.

Vaccinated Sean Hannity Melts Down Because Biden Won’t Let Him Kill His Viewers With COVID

Vaccinated Sean Hannity accused Biden of smearing the unvaccinated and engaging in "medical tyranny."

Rachel Maddow Explains To Hysterical Republicans That Biden’s COVID Plan Is Legal

Rachel  Maddow showed Republicans that President Biden does have the legal authority to enact his COVID policy because presidents have done this for hundreds of years.

Katie Porter Rips Joe Manchin A New One For Opposing IRS Funding

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) spoke her mind and called Joe Manchin out for refusing to fully fund the IRS while denying American families what they need.

Biden Vows To Use His Presidential Power To Take Out DeSantis And Abbott On COVID

President Biden said that he will use his presidential power to get COVID super spreaders like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott out of the way so that schools can be safe.

Behind The Incredible Rescue Efforts Of ‘Digital Dunkirk’

Digital Dunkirk's Alex Plitsas discusses how he's helping American citizens and other at-risk Afghans escape the grasp of the Taliban.

Biden’s Justice Department Is Suing Texas Over Pro-Life Law

President Biden's Justice Department is suing Texas over its newest pro-life law, which prohibits the abortion of babies who have a detectable heartbeat.

In Fascist Move, Biden Administration To Force Vaccine Mandates On Private Companies

The Biden administration will force private-sector employers to mandate all of their workers either get the COVID-19 shot or produce a negative test weekly.

Top Democrats Beg California Voters To Spare Newsom, But Will It Be Enough?

Even former President Obama jumped on the bandwagon to gaslight voters to defend Newsom and frame the recall election as a Republican effort to hurt Democrats.

Liz Cheney Tells Trump To Bring It After He Endorses Her Primary Challenger

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) told Trump to bring it after he endorsed her Republican primary challenger.

Woman In Gorilla Mask Hurls Eggs At Larry Elder, Punches Security Detail On His Recall Newsom Tour

Shortly after the scuffle, the Republican tweeted that, in addition to being 'physically assaulted,' his security detail was also 'shot with a pellet gun.'

Trump Backs Wyoming Attorney Harriet Hageman In Race Against Liz Cheney

Former President Donald Trump officially endorsed Wyoming attorney Harriet Hageman in a crowded Republican primary against Rep. Liz Cheney.

Biden’s ‘Major’ COVID Speech Is Supposed To Distract You From His Dismal Pandemic Performance

Whenever things aren’t going so hot under the president’s watch, the White House schedules a speech or something 'major' in response, and then the media act like it means something.

‘Angels From The Sky’: How Americans Are Rescuing The People Biden Left Behind In Afghanistan

'After six days, somehow these people, like angels, they fall from the sky and say 'we will do our best to get to your family here because they're the family of the U.S. citizen.''

What American Children Are Taught About 9/11 Can Be Dangerous

The American education system will school the children of the tens of thousands of largely unvetted Afghan nationals who filled flights out of Kabul.

Will China Move On Taiwan Now And Risk War With America?

History suggests an answer as to when China might quash Taiwan and if it will embark on a wider conflict involving the United States, Japan, and other nations.

AR-15s Are Why Leftists Can’t Commit Taliban Atrocities Here

Taliban executions remind Americans to never give up arms they need for the primary reason the Constitution guarantees their right to have them.

Is There Any Hope For The Great American Work Ethic?

We should cultivate in ourselves an ethic that sees work as part of a bigger picture rather than an end itself, and values work more highly because of it.

Comedian Patton Oswalt Shows More Concern For The Health Of The People Of Florida Than Ron DeSantis

Comedian Patton Oswalt canceled Florida and Salt Lake City tour dates after venues would not comply with his vaccine mandate/negative COVID test request.

Exclusive: Ohio State University Paid ‘White Fragility’ Author $12,000 For Zoom Talk

DiAngelo was funneled $12,000 in taxpayer dollars by Ohio State University to lecture on white privilege, while contractually concealing her work and avoiding dialogue.

Here’s How To Fight Back Against America’s Emergent Social Credit System

Authentic communities are the only way conservatives can defend themselves against cancel culture and hope to upend America's emergent social credit system.

Pursuing ‘COVID Zero’ Has Turned Australia Into An Authoritarian State

Australia offers a cautionary tale of how an open and free society will quickly become dystopian because of fear.

Democrats Push Vaccine Mandates That Will Discriminate Against Minorities

Disparate-impact arguments help the left label voting laws as racist. But vaccine mandates will enact a Jim Crow rule that will ban most black people from the public square.

Students Born After 9/11 Prepare Flag Memorials Nationwide

A new generation of students with no firsthand recollection of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks prepare nationwide flag memorials at more than 200 schools.

Resumed Oil And Gas Leases Bring Cautious Relief To New Mexico

The resumption of federal oil and gas leases is a relief to New Mexico, although the industry remains cautiously optimistic.

New Survey Finds Modern American Workers Want Unions To Stop Playing Politics

A new survey from The American Compass found that labor unions were viewed more positively by upper and middle-class Democrats than by working class people.

West Virginia GOP Gov. Jim Justice Goes Off On The Unvaccinated

Gov. Jim Justice blew up at vaccine conspiracy theorists and the unvaccinated, and in frustration asked, "How difficult is this to understand?"

Emails Show Biden’s CDC Caved To Teachers Union Pressure To Mask Students

The Biden administration bowed to the nation's largest teachers union and changed its masking guidance for schools in May, newly discovered emails indicate.

Biden Boots Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, and HR McMaster From Military Academy Advisory Boards

Biden kicked 11 Trump appointees to the military academy advisory boards, including Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, and HR McMaster, to the curb. Biden Cleans Out The Trumpers From The Military Academy Advisory Board CNN reported: The Biden administration has told 11 officials appointed to military service academy advisory boards by former President Donald Trump to … Continue reading "Biden Boots Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, and HR McMaster From Military Academy Advisory Boards"

Jen Psaki Turns The Tables And Leaves Peter Doocy Speechless On Afghanistan

Peter Doocy was trying to criticize Biden for talking to the Taliban when Jen Psaki asked him if he was suggesting that we leave Americans in Afghanistan.

Under Biden, Hundreds Of Children Hospitalized With COVID In All-Time High

Corporate media have found no story angles that call into question Biden’s leadership as we watch scores of children fall sick and in need of critical care.

Jim Jordan Says Real America Is Done With COVID Which Explains Why Democrats Aren’t Getting Sick

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) proclaimed that "Real America" is done with COVID, which must make vaccinated Democrats the real Americans.

Americans’ Approval Of Biden Plunges Below 40 Percent In New Poll

Approximately 50 percent of the 1,500 Americans surveyed disapprove of Biden's White House track record while only 39 percent approve.

Biden Just Gave The Most Pro-Union Presidential Speech Of The Last 50 Years

In remarks at the White House, President Biden went beyond defending unions by saying that every American should have the right to join a union.

Pelosi Stops Republican Hypocrites Dead In Their Tracks On The Debt Ceiling

At her weekly press conference, Speaker Pelosi reminded Republicans that the debt ceiling increasing they are opposing is to pay off the $7 trillion in debt that Trump ran up.

Under The Rule Of Our Managerial Elites, There Will Be No Resignations

It doesn’t matter how badly they botch their jobs, or how much misery they cause, our ruling class is immune from accountability.

Ammo Alone Won’t Keep You Safe. Here’s What To Do When It’s Hard To Find

The Biden administration’s decision to stop the importation of ammunition from Russia has some supporters of the right to arms chafing, but its effect can easily be minimized.

This Dissent Over Mask Mandates Explains Why Tyranny Wins When Judges Won’t Act

Another day, another mask in Dane County thanks to a bureaucratic mandate and a Wisconsin Supreme Court that refused to do anything about it.

The Texas Heartbeat Bill Will Protect The Unborn, But Damage Our Justice System

Texas's new abortion bill will overrun courts with amateur prosecutors avenging wrongs that have not caused them any particularized harm.

How To Honor The 9/11 Generation Of American Veterans

To our 9/11 generation of veterans: Thank you for hearing your nation’s call to service and keeping us safe. We didn't forget you.

Britney Spears’ Father Files To End 13-Year Conservatorship

In a surprise move Tuesday, Britney Spears' father filed to end his 39-year-old daughter's 13-year conservatorship.

Our ‘Devoutly Catholic’ President Is Neither Devout Nor Really Catholic

President Biden’s reaction to Texas’s law protecting unborn lives shows that his Catholicism is little more than cynical political theater.

The Supreme Court Should Let States Protect Unborn Special-Needs Children Like Mine

As we give thanks for the treasures our daughter has brought into our lives, we also hope the Supreme Court will allow states to protect unborn cystic fibrosis sufferers like her.

Georgia Criminal Investigation Into Trump Election Tampering Moves Forward

The criminal investigation into whether Trump violated state and local laws in Georgia when tried to tamper with the election results has moved forward.

What’s Joe Manchin Doing Flying To Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky?

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) took a private flight to Kentucky, where he made a brief afternoon stop in Mitch McConnell's home state. What is Manchin up to?

Ted Cruz Tells Millions Of Unemployed Americans To Get A Job

Sen. Ted Cruz reacted to the federal extension of COVID unemployment benefits ending by telling the unemployed to get a job.

How The Corporate Media Is Indoctrinating Americans With Fear And Lies

Federalist D.C. Columnist Eddie Scarry discusses his article 'Corporate Media Once Again Target Ron DeSantis While Democrats Ruin Everything.'

New Details Of Fauci Funding Chinese Gain-Of-Function Research Vindicate Rand Paul

New details from The Intercept offer further vindication of Sen. Rand Paul's accusation that NIAID Director Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research overseas.

Texas Republicans Immediately Sued Over New Election Rigging Law

A new voter suppression law that is meant to steal elections for Texas Republicans for years to come has been contested in federal court.

Corrupt Corporate Media Spreads Disinformation On Ivermectin Patients Overwhelming Hospital

Crisis actors in the media contributed to the hysteria, uncritically sharing a story with a claim so facially outrageous and thinly sourced that it should never have made it to print.

Washington Post Feeds Into The Delusions Of ‘Racial Justice’ Activists

Conveniently, the author of the story in the Post (literally an intern) didn’t bother getting into the details of what actually happened that night.

In Latest Election Meddling, Twitter Suspends J.D. Vance’s Campaign Press Account With ‘No Warning’

'No explanation of what rules I allegedly broke. But this is what happens when we allow five companies to control what we’re allowed to say,' Vance tweeted.

American Greatness Is Defined By Men Like Navy SEAL Adam Brown, Not By Biden’s Afghanistan Failure

While the tragic end to the War in Afghanistan is an insult to the ultimate sacrifice of American soldiers like Adam Brown, we cannot lose hope. 

Jump Around! College Football Is Back And Dr. Fauci Can’t Stop It

After seeing sports from the NBA to the NFL to the Olympics so politicized, many also expressed relief at the patriotism on display at college games.

One Year Later, Biden Squanders Trump’s Historic Kosovo-Serbia Negotiations

A year ago, Serbia and Kosovo signed a normalization agreement in the Oval Office. Now, those terms are expiring and Biden could care less.

Greg Abbott Tells Rape Victims Not To Worry About Abortion Because He’s Getting Rid Of All The Rapists

Gov. Greg Abbott's solution to rape victims being denied an abortion in Texas is to promise to get rid of all the rapists.

Report: US Funded Dangerous Coronavirus Research In Wuhan Shortly Before COVID-19 Outbreak

Documents show that the U.S. government funded dangerous research in Wuhan involving coronaviruses leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Intercept reported.

Portland, Oregon To Vote on Emergency Resolution Banning Trade with Texas in Response to Abortion Law

The city of Portland, Oregon will vote on an emergency resolution banning trade with the state of Texas in response to the state’s abortion law. The law prohibits virtually all abortions after a heartbeat is detected, which is typically after six weeks of pregnancy. It also essentially deputizes citizens by empowering them to file lawsuits … Continue reading "Portland, Oregon To Vote on Emergency Resolution Banning Trade with Texas in Response to Abortion Law"

State Department: US Powerless To Stop Taliban From Grounding Planes

Despite its promises to evacuate all Americans from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, the State Department said it can do little to help stranded citizens.

José Díaz-Balart Makes History As He Will Take Over Weekdays At 10 AM On MSNBC

José Díaz-Balart will be the only anchor to host newscasts in both English and Spanish on broadcast and cable when he takes over the 10 AM weekday slot on MSNBC.

Fauci Slams DeSantis for Being “Completely Incorrect” About Vaccines

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, slammed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for being “completely wrong” about Covid-19 vaccines. Fauci’s comments came after DeSantis insisted that whether or not a person gets a Covid-19 vaccine comes down to “personal choice.” “It’s about your health and whether you want … Continue reading "Fauci Slams DeSantis for Being “Completely Incorrect” About Vaccines"

Miami Herald Takes DeSantis to Task Over Covid Vaccine Comments

On Friday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) insisted that whether or not a person gets a Covid-19 vaccine comes down to “personal choice.” “It’s about your health and whether you want that protection or not. It really doesn’t impact me or anyone else,” he said at the time. DeSantis’s remarks opened him up to harsh … Continue reading "Miami Herald Takes DeSantis to Task Over Covid Vaccine Comments"

Gaming Company CEO Ousted After Tweeting Support For Texas Law Protecting Unborn Babies

Video game development company Tripwire announced on Monday that its CEO Josh Gibson 'stepped down' due to pro-life comments on his personal Twitter.

Unions Are Growing As Organized Labor Is Making A Comeback

For decades, the story has been the decline in labor unions, but unions are growing again and have reached their highest level since 2015.

Republicans In Free Fall As Majority Of Americans Want Vaccine Mandates

A new Gallup poll reveals that majorities of Americans want vaccine mandates for people to go to work, eat in a restaurant, or fly.

Afghanistan Was A Bipartisan Disaster, And We Must React Accordingly

There’s no nice way to say this, but somebody has to: There have been a lot of bad reactions on the right to the Afghanistan calamity.

How The Amazon Web Hosting Crackdown Threatens Patreon, Substack, And You

If servers like Amazon Web Services will shut you down, that inherently threatens the economic independence of anyone who dares have different ideas than their speech monitors.

Quentin Tarantino’s Deeply Personal Examination Of Hollywood Legends Is Now A Book

In the novelization of his most recent film, 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,' the famed director entertains and offers some surprisingly intimate and unguarded commentary on his love of movies.

Yes, Pro-Lifers Should Cheer For Texas’s Winning New Unborn Protection Law

Texas’s law will still be challenged in court, but abortion facilities in Texas may be closed or restricted during the legal battle.

Can Republicans Play Hardball On Impeaching Biden?

Say what you will, but Democrats are not afraid to fight. Yet after four years of scorched-earth, Republicans apparently still don’t get it. Why would anyone vote for that?

Biden’s Ammunition Ban Is Part Of The Left’s Plot To Disarm Americans

The gun prohibition lobbies have discovered that even if they can’t ban guns, choking off ammunition is an effective way to prevent people from using them.

Why You Only Hear One Side Of The Debate Over Life’s Origin

When academia, public schools, and Big Tech suppress scientific information challenging evolution, it's no wonder public support for evolution is growing.

Why You Should Join People All Over The World In Reading Dante From Now To Easter

'For me, it's not just a matter of filling in a major blank in my classics education,' emailed a friend who is participating. 'It's about getting spiritual sustenance in these dark times!'

World Ignores Investigation Finding France Was Complicit In The Rwandan Genocide

It turns out that the Hutu leaders who orchestrated the last genocide of the 20th century had ample assistance from the government of France.

Australia’s COVID Police State Is What Happens When You Give Up Your Guns

Since the outset of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Australia has instituted some of the strictest lockdown measures in the western world.

Opinion: Why The Texas Abortion Ban Is Really Unconstitutional

It is time for the clever legal maneuvers to stop and for advocates for women’s rights to target the source of these barbaric control measures – religion as defined by the extremist and fanatical religious right.

Opinion: On Labor Day, Let’s Recognize that Our Market Economy Does Not Properly Value Labor

The chief value-driving economic behavior, the U.S. economy itself, is not the meeting of human need, and thus it is designed to fail when it comes to working for Americans’ collective well-being.

In Italy, You Now Must Have A Vaccine Card To Fly, Take A Train, Or Go To University

Even amid less active coronavirus cases, Italy has mandated vaccine passports for all domestic flights and trains, as well as universities.

Fentanyl Claims Three More Lives As It Pours Over The Southern Border

Three comedians died from a fentanyl-laced batch of cocaine on Sunday. Meanwhile, thousands of pounds of fentanyl are surging over the southern border.

President Biden Gets 4 More Americans Out Of Afghanistan

Four more Americans left Afghanistan via overland route and were met by State Department officials at the border.

America’s Most Hated First Lady, Melania Trump Doesn’t Want To Come Back To The White House

Melania Trump is the least popular first lady in history, and she doesn't want to ever come back to the White House.

What Oregon’s Political Divisions Can Tell Us About The Rural-Urban Divide In The US

Tristan Justice joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss how the political divisions in Oregon speak to the rural-urban divide in the United States.

Archbishop Cordileone: It’s Not Political, Catholics Must Fight Abortion Like They Fought Segregation

When the 'blood of 60 million innocent American children cries out for justice,' pastors cannot speak quietly, reducing the murder of babies to a 'culture of choice,' Cordileone said.

Dr. Fauci Calls Tucker Carlson’s COVID Disinformation An Enemy Of Public Health

Dr. Anthony Fauci called COVID disinformation that is being spread by the likes of Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, an enemy of public health.

Republicans Are Trying To Get Rachel Maddow Banned From Twitter

Republicans are falsely claiming that Rachel Maddow pushed "fake news" on ivermectin and are trying to get her banned from Twitter.

Republicans Turn On Greg Abbott As His Texas Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low

A new poll in Texas found that Gov. Greg Abbott's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low due to his response to COVID.

Chris Christie Tried To Defend The Texas Abortion Law And It Was A Disaster

Chris Christie tried to defend the illegal Texas abortion law and had his head handed to him by former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp.

Calls Grow For The Supreme Court To Be Expanded To Stop Activist SCOTUS Majority

Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) said that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court is an activist court and SCOTUS needs to be expanded.

More Signs That Trump Is Broke: He Is Selling His DC Hotel

Trump's Washington, DC hotel was a great source of corruption and cash for his business while he was in office, but now he is selling it.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tucker Carlson, And Madison Cawthorn the American Taliban

CNN's Jim Acosta deemed Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Madison Cawthorn the American Taliban for resorting to intimidation and violence to get what they want.

Lauren Boebert To Be Moved To Democratic District In Proposed Colorado Map

If the proposed non-partisan redistricting map is approved in Colorado, say goodbye to Rep. Lauren Boebert's current district.

Opinion: What the 1/6 Insurrection, Texas Anti-Abortion Law Reveal About GOP “Law and Order” ideology

For Republicans, freedom means they also get to impose their belief systems, their version of “law and order” on everybody else.

Judge Rules Donald Trump Jr. Can Be Sued For Defamation

A judge has ruled that Donald Trump Jr. can be sued for defamation after he tweeted information that he likely knew was false.

Trump Tower Is Failing, As Key Tenants Can’t Pay Rent And Are Moving Out

Trump Tower is losing key tenants who are unable to pay their rent as Trump is being kept afloat by his super PAC.

On His Way Out The Door, Sen. Pat Toomey Tells Republicans Don’t Nominate Trump In 2024

Retiring Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) said that Trump has departed from conservatism and the party should not nominate him in 2024.

Ron DeSantis Is Killing Republicans As 79% Of Florida COVID Deaths Are Seniors

There are staggering new numbers of COVID deaths in Florida as people over 65 accounted for 63% of the deaths which suggested Gov. DeSantis is killing older Republicans.

Joni Ernst Busted For Massive Lie About Biden Not Showing Gratitude To The Troops

Sen. Joni Ernst was hit with a  blistering fact check after she tried to claim that President Biden hasn't shown gratitude to the troops.

Sweetgreen Controversy Is Another Bizarre Case Of Hostility Towards Health And Fitness

If the COVID crisis taught us anything, it's that an America addicted to carbs, sugar, and Netflix could maybe use a bit more so-called fat-phobia.

DeSantis And Abbott Approval Ratings Plunge As Warning Signs Grow For GOP

Gov. Ron DeSantis has seen his net approval rating fall fourteen points in Florida, while in Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is down a net seven points.

Abortion-Seekers Fleeing Texas Are Getting A Taste Of What Anti-Lockdowners Have Felt For A Year And A Half

If Texas women are looking for people who understand coping with rules they dislike, millions have spent all of the pandemic becoming the authority on that.

Pro-Abortionists Want To Codify Late-Term Baby-Killing In The Vermont Constitution

Pro-abortion activists and Democrats in Vermont are boosting their efforts to overhaul the state's constitution and make late-term baby-killing permanent.

Trump Operative Plans A New Pro-Terrorist Capitol Rally

Matt Braynard, a former Trump campaign operative, is planning a rally demanding justice for the domestic terrorists who attacked the Capitol. The Washington Post reported: Look Ahead America, a nonprofit group founded and led by Matt Braynard, a former Trump campaign operative, is planning a “Justice for J6” rally on Sept. 18 to bring their … Continue reading "Trump Operative Plans A New Pro-Terrorist Capitol Rally"

Podcast: Afghanistan And The Future Of War

Bedford and Jashinsky discuss how Biden will try to sweep the Afghanistan crisis under the rug and refocus on progressive domestic policy.

125 House Democrats Introduce Bill To Lower The Medicare Age To 60

Members from all parts of the Democratic House caucus have introduced a bill that would lower the eligibility age for Medicare to 60.

Hospitals And Ambulances Are Overflowing In Oklahoma With People OD’ing On Horse De-Wormer

Rural Oklahoma has been hit with a new drug epidemic. It's not opioids or heroin. People are overdosing on ivermectin.

Biden Nails Unvaccinated Republicans For Sabotaging The Recovery

President Biden made it clear that the economic recovery is being held back by Republicans who refuse to get vaccinated.

Arizona Needs Real Leaders On Election Reform, Not Passive Politicians Like Attorney General Mark Brnovich

Mark Brnovich, when in a position of power and able to actually do something, is not the kind of true fighter the people of Arizona deserve.

Joe Biden’s Senate Friends Are Not Impressed With His Afghanistan Spin

President Joe Biden's friends in the U.S. Senate are more than unimpressed with his administration's spin on the disaster in Afghanistan.

California Wildfire Devastation Was Entirely Preventable Through Proper Land Management

The apocalyptic wildfires wreaking havoc across California on an annual basis are entirely preventable. They're killing people because government land managers are incompetent.

Another Reason Schools Can’t Force Masks On Kids: Their Rights To Free Speech

Students who consider the mask political commentary have the right not to wear one, because political speech on public school grounds is considered protected.

With New Campaign, Michelob Says Women Should Be Seen, Not Heard

Against an overwhelming cultural tide of transgender ideology, female athletes are being sidelined, silenced, and demoralized.

Pro-Choice People Paralyze Texas Abortion Tip Line With Thousands Of Fake Reports

Texas's anonymous tip line where people who receive or assist an abortion can be reported has been hammered with pro-choice fake reports.

Zoom Should Go The Way Of Lockdowns: Out Of Our Daily Lives For Good

Chat buttons do not substitute messages, emojis do not substitute emotions, and video chats do not substitute in-person interactions that foster nuance.

When Abortion Access Is At Stake, Suddenly The Left Remembers Men And Women Are Different

For the left, men and women don't exist, biology is a myth, and transgender persons are whatever they say they are – except for abortion access.

The Same CDC That Can’t Figure Out What A Man Is Now Wants To ‘Study Guns’

Since committing a crime is a behavior and not a disease, it’s hard to see where the CDC is going to recommend a prophylactic regimen to stop it.