
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

Report: Trump’s Allies Are Pleading With Him to Not Defend Matt Gaetz

Donald Trump has shown a willingness to defend almost anyone who is willing to defend him. When it comes to the Capitol insurrectionists, he went as far as saying that rather than attacking the police officers, they were hugging and kissing them. Matt Gaetz, though, presents a new challenge. Few are more sycophantic towards Trump. … Continue reading "Report: Trump’s Allies Are Pleading With Him to Not Defend Matt Gaetz"

WATCH: Former WH Lawyer Neal Katyal Explains Why Capitol Police Suit Could Spell Significant Trouble for Trump

When Donald Trump was sitting in the White House, he was protected from all kinds of legal jeopardy. But now that he lives in Mar-a-Lago, lawsuits are coming from all over the place. On Tuesday a judge declared that former Apprentice contestant Summer Zhervos could go ahead with her defamation suit. And later on Tuesday, … Continue reading "WATCH: Former WH Lawyer Neal Katyal Explains Why Capitol Police Suit Could Spell Significant Trouble for Trump"

Major Trump Supporter Sarah Palin is Encouraging Mask Use After Catching COVID-19

For the last year, Donald Trump has minimized the risk of contracting COVID-19. The former president even fell ill with the virus in October of 2020. Trump had a bad case of the illness, much worse than his Doctors revealed to the public. Still the former president has refused to suggest wearing masks or even … Continue reading "Major Trump Supporter Sarah Palin is Encouraging Mask Use After Catching COVID-19"

Marjorie Taylor Greene Defends Matt Gaetz Amid Child Sex Trafficking Scandal

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is a devoted subscriber to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims Democrats are trafficking children and protecting a secret global pedophile cabal while conspiring against former President Donald Trump. But when faced with the news that the Department of Justice is investigating Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) on potential sex trafficking … Continue reading "Marjorie Taylor Greene Defends Matt Gaetz Amid Child Sex Trafficking Scandal"

Two Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump for Injuries Sustained During Capitol Riot

Former President Donald Trump has been sued by two Capitol Police officers over injuries they sustained during the Capitol riot on January 6. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. district court for the District of Columbia by James Blassingame, a 17-year veteran of the force, and Sidney Hemby, an 11-year veteran. The men seek damages … Continue reading "Two Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump for Injuries Sustained During Capitol Riot"

Rep. Chris Stewart Claims Democrats Are Shutting Republicans Out of the Legislative Process

Representative Chris Stewart (R-Utah) claimed Democrats are shutting Republicans out of the legislative process, saying the level of partisanship in Washington is among the worst he’s ever seen. None of these bills are bipartisan. The Democratic leadership made zero effort to include any Republican ideas,” Stewart said at a tele-town hall last night. “Every one … Continue reading "Rep. Chris Stewart Claims Democrats Are Shutting Republicans Out of the Legislative Process"

House Ethics Committee: Gohmert Must Pay $5,000 Fine for Not Submitting to Full Security Screening

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) must pay a $5,000 fine for not submitting to a full security screening when entering the House floor last month, according to the House Ethics Committee, which upheld the fine after Gohmert contested. Gohmert has refused to abide by a House rule that states lawmakers who refuse to walk through metal detectors … Continue reading "House Ethics Committee: Gohmert Must Pay $5,000 Fine for Not Submitting to Full Security Screening"

Lara Trump Exposes Facebook For Allegedly Banning Content Featuring Former President Trump

Lara Trump reported on Tuesday evening that Facebook banned video from her account featuring the former president and threatened to remove any further content posted "in the voice of Donald Trump."

Opinion: Trump And SCOTUS Conservatives Have Americans’ Blood On Their Hands

The six conservative Justices on the Supreme Court are just as guilty as Trump and deserve to be severely punished for deliberately aiding the virus’ spread unimpeded because they believe a tiny minority’s religious liberty trumps myriad American lives.

A Migrant Girl Drowns In The Rio Grande And Corporate Media Shrug

The border crisis is turning deadly. On March 20, a nine-year-old girl drowned in the Rio Grande. Why aren’t major media outlets more interested?

It’s Important To Be Honest About What Today’s Media Actually Are

The term for people who lobby for Democrat policies in this clumsy of a manner is 'Democrat activists in the propaganda field,' certainly not reporters or journalists.

This Russiagate FBI Analyst Couldn’t Verify Anything In The Steele Dossier Yet Said Nothing For Years

It’s the first time anybody from the FBI has acknowledged headquarters failed to verify any of the dossier evidence supporting its surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Corrupt Monopolies Are A Constitutional Loophole For Fascism

While Twitter trolls ridicule Republicans for coining 'corporate communism,' state actors are letting companies decide the limits of your freedom through vaccine passports.

We Have The Power To Say No To Unending ‘COVID Passports’ — And Hold Elites Accountable For The Lockdown Disaster

Remember, they're afraid of your 'variant-infected' breath. Expose them for the cowardly frauds they are.

Addison Rae’s New Single ‘Obsessed’ Highlights Self-Love Culture’s Decline Into Toxic Self-Obsession

Rae’s song is simply the natural next step for self-love culture, since in 'Obsessed' Rae explicitly admits to her own narcissism in an even more brash way than Grande and Lizzo.

Rachel Levine’s Only Qualification Was Punching The Diversity Ticket

Being transgender shouldn’t bar one from office, but neither should it be a reason to give an incompetent and corrupt medical official a job.

Pentagon ‘Diversity Chief’ Who Compared Trump To Hitler ‘Reassigned’ Amidst Investigation

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said Richard Torres-Estrada has the support of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. 'Obviously, we take the need to promote diversity and inclusion seriously,' Kirby said.

CNN Claims There’s No Way To Tell If A Baby Is A Boy Or A Girl

CNN alleged Tuesday that 'it's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.'

Chrissy Teigen Helped Make Twitter A Dumpster Fire Then Left The Rest Of Us In The Wreckage

Chrissy Teigen deactivated her ultra-popular Twitter account last week, ending Americans' swirling love-hate relationship with her stream of consciousness.

Buttigieg’s Idea To Tax How Much You Drive Isn’t About Revenue, It’s About Control

After facing immediate backlash, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg quickly backed off the idea in public. But that doesn't mean it's not far off, and it's worth digging into.

The China Summit Proved Leftist Politics Are A National Security Threat

Rather than dismiss the CCP official's argument as absurd on its face, Secretary of State Antony Blinken retreated into a partial agreement with their premise.

Watch Comedian Ryan Long Perfectly Explain Why ‘Stimulus’ Is Disastrous

'Put a rock through this window, put a rock on my wife’s hand' works in theory, but such destruction actually takes money out of the economy.

Matt Gaetz Might Have Gotten Himself Sent To Prison With Bonkers Tucker Carlson Interview

Rep. Matt Gaetz volunteered allegations of himself with child prostitutes in an interview that gave the DOJ more leads in the investigation against him.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Bristles After Matt Gaetz Brings Up Sexual Assault Allegations Levied Against the Fox Host

When people are accused of a serious crime, lawyers typically encourage them to stay silent about the matter. On Tuesday night, it was revealed that Matt Gaetz is being investigated for serious sex trafficking charges. Rather than staying silent about the matter, though, Gaetz came out swinging and making wild accusations. The Florida Rep. attempted … Continue reading "WATCH: Tucker Carlson Bristles After Matt Gaetz Brings Up Sexual Assault Allegations Levied Against the Fox Host"

Congressman Ted Lieu Calls for Matt Gaetz to be Removed From House Judiciary Committee

It has been a wild day for Florida Representative Matt Gaetz. Earlier in they day, many were surprised by rumors that the Trump sycophant could be leaving his post to go serve as a political commentator on Newsmax. But later in the day, Americans got a hint as to why he could be leaving. In … Continue reading "Congressman Ted Lieu Calls for Matt Gaetz to be Removed From House Judiciary Committee"

Donald Trump Set to Get Around His Facebook Ban by Appearing on His Daughter-in-Law’s Page

Donald Trump has a lot of thoughts about Joe Biden and how he’s handling things. This was made clear this weekend. The former president called into Fox News on multiple occasions this weekend to whine about his successor. Unfortunately for Trump, the only people who heard his complaints were Fox News viewers. Following the January … Continue reading "Donald Trump Set to Get Around His Facebook Ban by Appearing on His Daughter-in-Law’s Page"

Hemingway: Democrats Haven’t Gained So Much From A Crisis Since The Great Depression

Biden says it's not political, but "this deadly virus has been the greatest political gift to the Democratic Party since the Great Depression," Hemingway said.

Morally Bankrupt Left Wants You To Forget About The Summer Of Antifa, BLM Riots

Anyone with two eyes knows what went down last summer in response to the death of George Floyd. The left's gaslighting doesn't change that.

The Biden Administration’s Mileage Tax Idea Is Not Just Stupid, It’s Elitist

Biking Buttigieg can get out of a mileage tax, but that's not how most of America works. If the administration cared about working families, they'd know that.

Romney Says He Won’t Support Gun Reform

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) announced he would not support gun reform and will not vote for new federal gun laws. “I made that commitment when I ran for office, and I intend to honor that commitment,” he said during a meeting with The Salt Lake Tribune’s editorial board. “So I will not be voting for … Continue reading "Romney Says He Won’t Support Gun Reform"

Mother of Officer Injured in Capitol Attack Says She’s Outraged By Trump’s Lies

Speaking to CNN, Terry Fanone, the mother of Officer Michael Fanone, who was beaten with a flagpole by a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters when they stormed the United States Capitol on January 6, says she is outraged by Trump’s claim that his supporters were “hugging and kissing” officers during the attack. “What … Continue reading "Mother of Officer Injured in Capitol Attack Says She’s Outraged By Trump’s Lies"

Nike Files Lawsuit To Exorcise Lil Nas X’s Satan Shoes From Tainting Its Brand

The company that made Lil Nas X's new 666 Satan shoes that have sparked controversy is being sued by Nike for trademark infringement.

Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp Viciously Slanders Gina Carano As ‘Nazi’ Who ‘Hangs With White Supremacists’

Heitkamp smeared Gina Carano as a "Nazi" who "does hang with white supremacists" on national television on Monday, an accusation Carano quickly condemned.

Trump Rails At Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx As ‘Self-Promoters Trying To Reinvent History’

Trump's statement comes after Anthony Fauci falsely claimed total credit for the coronavirus vaccine, saying it 'may have been the best decision that I've ever made.'

Biden Nominates Historic Judicial Slate Of 9 Women To Federal Bench

Nine of President Biden's first slate of eleven judicial nominees are women including three African-Americans, one AAPI, and one Muslim American, and one Mexican American woman.

Pete Buttigieg Flip-Flops On Mileage And Gas Tax After Getting Roasted

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has said that his floated gas or mileage tax will not be included in the $3 trillion Biden infrastructure plan.

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. It's time to clean house.

Biden’s Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous

While the left may control the media narrative, it's not fooling Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin into thinking President Joe Biden is strong.

Meet The Real-Life Ron Swanson

John Swartzwelder is a reclusive libertarian comedy writer. He isn't just the funniest writer you've never heard of—he might just be the funniest writer ever.

Fauci Has No Idea What’s Going On In America, And That’s Just How We Might Beat Him

Just as the accusations and meltdowns of unstable people will grow louder as fewer of their neighbors live by their fears, so too will the warnings from Fauci and his allies grow in severity as fewer Americans live by their words.

Left’s Biggest Gun-Control Activist Silent On Hunter Biden’s Reckless Firearm Scandal

It's time to investigate Hunter Biden for breaking gun laws, and powerful, left-wing gun-control activists should say so.

GLAAD: You’re A Bigot If You Don’t Eat Gay French Fries And Like It

Rather than defend its positions, GLAAD is more than happy to simply duck the challenge and put you on a public list as punishment for defying them.

WHO Investigator Admitted A Year Ago That Chinese Labs Manipulated Coronaviruses, Now Denies That Happened With COVID-19

In a recently uncovered February 2020 TV interview with World Health Organization (WHO) investigator Marion Koopmans, Koopmans states labs in China were manipulating coronaviruses before the pandemic Read More

Heroin, Crack, You Name It — Washington State Supreme Court Just Legalized All Drug Possession

Under the guise of 'fixing' a dubious court ruling, Washington Democrats are poised to get the result they wanted all along: drug legalization.

WHO Announces It Will Give Press Only 30 Minutes To Review COVID Origins Report Before Taking Questions

 The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Chinese experts had received the English version of the WHO report two days prior and said its release 'depends on discussions between Chinese & international experts.'

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Biden Wants To ‘Make Central America Great Again’

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz slammed the Biden administration for the ongoing border crisis and putting other nations ahead of U.S. interests.

3 Ways Culture-Hating Activists Could Push To Change The Game Of Monopoly

In recent years, Hasbro has attempted to introduce woke politics into Monopoly. With leftists feeling empowered, it's only going to get worse.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Smears George Floyd as a Chronically Unemployed Drug Addict

On May 25th of 2020, George Floyd died of injuries he suffered during an arrest. And the arrest was caught on video. Officer Derek Chauvin became infamous as America saw video of him casually kneeling on Floyd’s neck with his hand in his pocket. The killing led to mass protests around the country. And Americans … Continue reading "WATCH: Tucker Carlson Smears George Floyd as a Chronically Unemployed Drug Addict"

Trump Releases a Ridiculous Statement Slamming Birx and Fauci

The COVID-19 pandemic has now been raging in the United States for more than a year. For most of that year, Donald Trump attempted to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic and give terrible advice to his supporters. On Sunday night, CNN aired a town hall with many of the Doctors who had advised Trump. … Continue reading "Trump Releases a Ridiculous Statement Slamming Birx and Fauci"

Fauci Doubted The Swift Development Of A Vaccine. Now He’s Trying To Take Credit For It

Fauci is pretending that he didn't spend the last year casting doubt on the Trump administration's vaccine efforts and goals.

Coalition Of Major Organizations Demands Kristi Noem Reverse Course On Trans Sports Bill

A coalition of conservative groups signed an open letter to Gov. Kristi Noem Monday with demands she reverse course on her state's transgender sports bill.

A Leaked Call Catches Mitch McConnell And The Kochs Freaking Out Over Election Reform

A leaked phone call featuring Mitch McConnell's policy adviser and the Kochs revealed that they are freaking out over the popularity of election reform.

Once Praised For Appeal To Kids, Lil Nas X Doubles Down On Raunchy, Satanic Messaging

Lil Nas X made headlines when he announced the release of 666 pairs of "Satan shoes," featuring a pentagram, a verse about Satan, and a drop of human blood.

Woke Corporations Try To Blackmail Georgia For Passing Mild Election Security Reforms

Activists are pressuring corporations, businesses, and sports leagues to boycott Georgia after Gov. Brian Kemp signed select election reforms into law.

Government, Big Tech Team Up To Make You Prove You’re Not Unclean With ‘Vaccine Passport’

The White House is reportedly working on a vaccine passport for citizens to carry to show proof that they have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Trump Complained About Biden While Toasting a Newly-Married Couple at Mar-a-Lago

Former President Donald Trump complained about President Joe Biden’s policies regarding Iran and China while toasting a newly-married couple at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend. “Y’know, I just got, I turned off the news, I get all these flash reports, and they’re telling me about the border, they’re telling me about China, they’re telling me about … Continue reading "Trump Complained About Biden While Toasting a Newly-Married Couple at Mar-a-Lago"

Trump Could Still Face a Lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems

Former President Donald Trump could still face a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems for spreading fraudulent claims about the 2020 general election, according to Stephen Shackelford, an attorney for the voting company. “We have not ruled out any potential defendants who participated in this defamation campaign,” Shackelford said to CNN. The news comes after Dominion filed a … Continue reading "Trump Could Still Face a Lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems"

Dr. Birx Admits That She Lied And Killed Americans To Save Her Job

Dr. Deborah Birx said that she wasn't allowed to nationally give people the truth on COVID, but instead of resigning, she lied to save her job.

Sanders: Bezos is Afraid of Workers Unionizing Because They Would “Take on His Greed”

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is afraid of his workers unionzing because they would “take on his greed.” Sanders’s statements come amid the news surrounding the union drive at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama and today’s deadline for handing ballots over to the regional National Labor Relations Board office. “Jeff … Continue reading "Sanders: Bezos is Afraid of Workers Unionizing Because They Would “Take on His Greed”"

Meet The New Pentagon ‘Diversity Chief’ Who Compared Trump To Hitler

The first "diversity chief" of U.S. Special Forces, Richard Torres-Estrada, compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, among other wildly partisan posts.

Amazon’s Weak Attempts To Correct Dangerous Labor Conditions Shows Its Dedication To Exploiting Blue-Collar Workers

Amazon uses leftist politicking to provide damage control for its clear pattern of dangerous and derogatory working conditions in its facilities all around the world.

‘Moderate’ Joe Biden Just Elevated A Transgender Man Who Supports Child Mutilation

By embracing transgenderism, doctors have abandoned patients to their symptoms, affirming distortions of reality instead of helping them see the truth.

China’s ‘Hostage’ Diplomacy Exposes Its False Paeans To Human Rights

China's hostage diplomacy and the trials of Kovrig and Spavor are the latest proof an emboldened CCP is willing to endanger the citizens of other countries.

How And Where Did The Original Holy Week Happen?

The days of Holy Week can be reconciled by careful accounting of events and by recognizing alternative ways that ancients used to mark time.

How Georgia Republicans’ Election Bill Fails To Address Major Causes Of Electoral Chaos

A Republican election bill signed by Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia leaves out two provisions intended to secure elections in the state.

Right Voters Will No Longer Allow Bowing To Corporate Bullies In Georgia Or Anywhere Else

Despite their pressure on Georgia and other states, woke business, big tech, corporate media, and sports leagues do not hold veto power over legislation any more.

The Right Isn’t Serious About Stopping Big Tech Censorship Until It Starts Taking Action

Conservative thinkers need to move beyond bromides about the free market and start doing real research on the landscape of new technology and communications media.

An Identity Politics-Obsessed Military Will Eventually Put Pregnant Women In War Zones

It costs $5 to $11 million to train a military pilot. About 10 percent of female Air Force pilots are pregnant at any given time. How does this best serve taxpayers and American defense?

Hemingway: If Biden Is A Moderate Seeking Unity, Why Is He Ramming Through Leftist Extremism?

President Joe Biden continues to masquerade as a moderate while endorsing the unprecedented demise of the Senate filibuster to ram through an extremist agenda.

Earmark Vote Showcases House Republican Support For Big Government

The earmark vote shows that far too many purportedly conservative lawmakers want to partake in the big-government excesses of the Biden era.

Who Wants to Be the Next ‘Jeopardy!’ Host: Dr. Mehmet Oz

Between his New York-ish accent and his up-front demeanor, Oz came off brash — a shot of espresso instead of a more appropriate 'Jeopardy!' decaf.

Hulu’s ‘Boss Level’ Succeeds As A ‘Pure Enjoyment’ Streaming Blockbuster

Although it underuses Mel Gibson, 'Boss Level' shows it’s still possible to make movies with the simple goal of giving viewers some escape and enjoyment.

Eric Trump Nearly Bursts In Tears On Fox Over His Family Potentially Going To Prison

Eric Trump sounded like he was going to cry on Fox News as he talked about his belief that Democrats have "weaponized the legal system" against his family.

Corporate Media Issue Dishonest ‘Fact Checks’ Of Trump-Era CDC Director Who Says COVID May Have Escaped From Wuhan Lab

'I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped,' Robert Redfield told CNN.

Pat Toomey Whines That Democrats Are Ruining The Senate By Trying To Prevent Mass Shootings

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) complained that Democrats are ruining the Senate by potentially gutting the filibuster to stop mass shootings.

Maine Republican Party Refuses To Censure Susan Collins For Voting To Convict Trump

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) voted to convict Trump of inciting the January 6th insurrection, and the Maine Republican Party rejected censuring her.

Chris Wallace Falsely Claims New Georgia Law Bans Drinking Water While In Line For Voting

Fox News' Chris Wallace wrongly claimed Sunday Georgia voters are prohibited from being given water while in line at the polls.

CNN Describes Horrific Murder Of UberEats Driver As An ‘Accident’

The Metropolitan Police Department declared in a press release Wednesday the two girls were charged with felony murder and armed carjacking.

Sen. Raphael Warnock Says Republicans Are Running Scared

Sen. Warnock (D-GA) explained that the huge voter turnout of 2020 has Republicans running scared because they fear democracy.

Trump’s Pardon Is Worthless As Steve Bannon Is Under Investigation For Fraud In NY

New York prosecutors are investigating former Trump advisor Steve Bannon for fraud, as Trump's pardon does not apply to state and local cases.

Jen Psaki Slays The Fox News Lie On The Immigration Crisis That Isn’t

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took out the Fox News lie that there is an immigration crisis on the southern border.

Opinion: Georgia’s Severe Voter Restrictions Are Prelude To Trump Inspired Fascism

It is about voter suppression and it is, as President Biden said, “sick and un-American.” But it is also a direct result of Trump and his fascist attempt at not keeping, but seizing power at any cost

Lindsey Graham Sickly Accuses Biden Of Racism On Voting Rights

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said that President Biden was "playing the race card" by trying to protect voting rights.

Opinion: Biden Takes On Billionaire Class In Supporting American Workers And Democracy

Biden has thrown down the gauntlet, showing he will fight against corporate autocracy and for workers’ democracy and welfare.

From COVID Response to Infrastructure Bill, Biden Is De-Criminalizing Government to Support American Lives

Building back better, which is how Biden characterizes his agenda of running government to address American’s needs, is, indeed, an effort to de-criminalize government itself.

Prosecutors Are Lining Up Witnesses To Criminally Convict Trump

Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance has reached the point in his investigation where he is lining up witnesses who can explain why should be convicted.

Fox News Enters Day 3 Of Their Embarrassing Peter Doocy Martyrdom

Ever since Dominion Voting Systems sued them for $1.6 billion, Fox News has, on a nearly hourly basis, been trying to martyr Peter Doocy. Andrew Feinberg tweeted that we have entered day three of The Passion Of The Doocy: Fox is on day three of trying to make the 33-year-old who went straight from college … Continue reading "Fox News Enters Day 3 Of Their Embarrassing Peter Doocy Martyrdom"

Republican Lawyer Nailed For Fraud For Filing Bogus Election Challenges

A Trump-supporting Minnesota lawyer was sanctioned for fraud after she duped people into signing affidavits in bogus election challenge lawsuits.

GOP Senator Makes Border Trip Fiasco Worse By Appearing To Demand Americans Buy Local Meth

While visiting the border, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) bemoaned that Mexico is beating the United States in the meth market.

California Democrat Changes Bill That Would Have Prohibited Christians, Conservatives From Serving In Law Enforcement

California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra eliminated language in his proposed bill AB 655, the California Law Enforcement Accountability Reform Act, that could have banned conservatives and Read More

Lindsey Graham And Ted Cruz Mocked As GOP Armed Border Tour Backfires

Sens. Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, and other Republicans thought it would be a good photo-op to tour the border in an armed boat. They were wrong.

Michigan GOP Chair Busted Calling States Elected Democrats Witches And Suggesting Assassinations

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser was caught on video calling Michigan's governor, attorney general, and secretary of state witches and suggesting assassinations

Sen. Raphael Warnock Just Mobilized An Army Of Patriots Against GOP Voter Suppression

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) organized the same patriots who stood up to beat Trump with compelling remarks about voter suppression on Rachel Maddow.

Al Franken Predicts Democrats Will Pass Voting Rights Bills In Response To Georgia Jim Crow 2.0

Former Sen. Al Franken said that he has been talking to his former colleagues and he predicts that Democrats will pass new voting rights bills in response to Georgia voter suppression.

Democrats Are Ready To Hand Biden Another Big Win With Quick Infrastructure Bill

Democrats across the party in Congress are all jumping on board to quickly pass a massive infrastructure bill for Biden.

Nancy Pelosi On Trying To Steal Iowa House Seat: I Am The House

Nancy Pelosi maintained that the speaker has the unilateral authority to choose whether members who win their races are seated.

Biden Tries Snagging Swing Sen. Joe Manchin’s Loyalty By Picking His Wife For Key Administration Role

If confirmed, former president of the West Virginia Board of Education Gayle Conelly Manchin will act as co-chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission.

READ: The Gun Background Check Form Where Hunter Biden Claimed He Wasn’t Using Drugs

Hunter Biden might have lied on the federal forms he filled out to buy the gun at the center of a bizarre new story, forms The Federalist has now obtained.

Georgia Sued by Civil Rights Groups Over Voting Restrictions

The state of Georgia has made headlines in recent days after GOP lawmakers passed legislation that significantly curbs voting rights, including stricter identification requirements and a measure that makes it a misdemeanor to offer food and water to voters waiting in line. “These provisions lack any justification for their burdensome and discriminatory effects on voting,” … Continue reading "Georgia Sued by Civil Rights Groups Over Voting Restrictions"

Trump Accuses Biden of Bias Against Fox News, Claims His Supporters Posed “Zero Threat” During Capital Riot

Former President Donald Trump appeared on Fox News’s “The Ingraham Angle” last night to criticize President Joe Biden for what he claims is his bias against Fox News after Biden did not take questions from Fox News despite taking questions from all the major networks during his first major press conference this week. “It’s very … Continue reading "Trump Accuses Biden of Bias Against Fox News, Claims His Supporters Posed “Zero Threat” During Capital Riot"

Dominion Voting Systems Sues Fox News for $1.6 Billion Over Bogus Election Claims

Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, citing the network’s continued news coverage that has spread the baseless claim that the 2020 general election was fraudulent, lies that contributed to the storming of the United States Capitol by a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters on January 6. Dominion … Continue reading "Dominion Voting Systems Sues Fox News for $1.6 Billion Over Bogus Election Claims"

When The Powerful Say Truth Is A Lie And Lies Are The Truth, No One Will Stand Up For America But You

In an age when Americans have grown used to casually shrugging away their freedoms at the whim of TV pundits, this kind of propaganda is seriously dangerous.

The Worst Thing About Kristi Noem’s Sports Capitulation Is Her Lies

While Gov. Kristi Noem understandably prefers to avoid facing the economic brunt of a showdown with the NCAA, if she led, others would follow. That is what conservatives want.

Inside The Global Race To Build Killer Robot Armies

There are AI-assisted weapons already in use, but they still require a human operator to confirm targets and order the kill. That is changing rapidly.

Humility Is Where Conservatives And Libertarians Can Still Find Fusion

Conservatives and libertarians must both check their pride to work toward a new fusionism. Their common ground begins with humility.

Blaming The Biden Border Surge On ‘Pent-Up Demand’ Is Misleading And False

The Washington Post plays fast and loose with federal data to advance a spurious argument that there is no border crisis.

Mr. President, Most Gun Owners Aren’t As Reckless As Hunter Biden

Most gun owners aren't lying on background check forms and dumping our firearms willy-nilly in trash cans by schools. Even if we were, none of Biden's anti-gun pipe dreams would stop us.

Canadian Father Jailed For Talking About Court-Ordered Transgendering Of His Teenage Daughter

Robert Hoogland’s arrest has garnered significant attention, nationally and internationally. Canada’s version of the Equality Act has put him in jail for saying what he thinks about transgendering children.

Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson Signs Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed a new law Thursday that prohibits biological males from competing in female sports.

Will Democrats Hold The Debt Limit Hostage For Even More Spending?

On August 1, the debt limit will reset at its new level, likely north of $28 trillion, at which point the Treasury Department will use extraordinary measures to remain below the new limit.

A Sleepy Joe Biden Hosts The Most Awkward Press Conference Of All Time

In his first-ever solo press conference as president of the United States, Joe Biden performed as lethargically as would be expected.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Is Unconstitutional

'With or without a bump stock, a semiautomatic firearm is capable of firing only a single shot for each pull of the trigger,' the opinion notes.

NASCAR Returns To The Dirt With Sold-Out Sunday Race

The dirt track spectacle hearkens back to the origins of NASCAR — moonshine runners attempting to outrun the law in rural Appalachia.

Rachel Maddow Is Joe Manchin’s Worst Nightmare As She Takes Apart His Opposition To The For The People Act

Rachel Maddow exposed the logical flaw in Sen. Manchin's demand for ten Senate Republicans to support HR 1, while the GOP is destroying voting rights.

WATCH: Martin Luther King III Denounces New Georgia Voting Laws as “A Form of Racism”

In 2020, Democrats were able to regain control of the White House and the Senate. It would have been impossible to do so without the state of Georgia. The long time red state turned purple in the last calendar year. In November, Joe Biden secured the state’s 16 electoral votes. In January, Raphael Warnock and … Continue reading "WATCH: Martin Luther King III Denounces New Georgia Voting Laws as “A Form of Racism”"

Biden Holds First Presser, Kayleigh McEnany Lies About How He Was Treated Compared to Trump

There was nothing usual about the presidency of Donald Trump. The 45th president stormed into office promising to break norms, and that he did. The people around him celebrated the fact that Trump’s reign wasn’t par for the course. The same people, though, furiously reacted to any perceived slight against Trump. Trump may have spit … Continue reading "Biden Holds First Presser, Kayleigh McEnany Lies About How He Was Treated Compared to Trump"

Kamala Harris To Speak At Summit With Ties To Antisemitic Former Women’s March Leader

Tamika Mallory, a left-wing activist, was forced to step down as the national chair of the Women's March in 2019 over accusations of antisemitism.

Democrats Call for DOJ to Investigate Florida Senate Races

The Miami Herald reported today that Florida Democrats are calling for the Department of Justice to investigate state Senate races. 11 of Florida’s Democratic U.S. House members sent a letter to United States Attorney General Merrick Garland saying that  “a cloud of corruption hangs over Florida’s 2020 election cycle, which thus far, has received only … Continue reading "Democrats Call for DOJ to Investigate Florida Senate Races"

Secret Service Tried To Clean Up Biden Family Mess In Hunter’s Missing Gun Incident

Secret Service reportedly tried to interfere in an investigation into Hunter Biden's gun, which went missing in 2018 after his girlfriend threw it away.

Agriculture Secretary: Only 0.1% of Coronavirus Relief Set Aside by Trump Administration Went to Black Farmers

Speaking to The Washington Post, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said only 0.1% of Covid-19 relief funds the Trump administration set aside for farmers went to Black farmers, aggravating existing economic gaps. “We saw 99 percent of the money going to White farmers and 1 percent going to socially disadvantaged farmers and if you break that … Continue reading "Agriculture Secretary: Only 0.1% of Coronavirus Relief Set Aside by Trump Administration Went to Black Farmers"

Texas AG Ken Paxton Attempting to Withhold Messages He Sent or Received During Capitol Insurrection

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is attempting to withhold all messages he sent or received during the Capitol riot on January 6. The Texas Public Information Act gives the public the right to review government records; several Texas news outlets have requested copies of his internal communications only to be rebuffed. Paxton’s refusal to cooperate … Continue reading "Texas AG Ken Paxton Attempting to Withhold Messages He Sent or Received During Capitol Insurrection"

Dick Durbin Annihilates Senate Republicans For Their Baseless Objections To Vanita Gupta’s Nomination

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) hammered Senate Republicans for a series of baseless objections to the nomination of Vanita Gupita to be Associate Attorney General. Rachel Maddow broke down the reason why Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is trying to block Gupita’s nomination: Here is the background on Vanita Gupta and Sen. John … Continue reading "Dick Durbin Annihilates Senate Republicans For Their Baseless Objections To Vanita Gupta’s Nomination"

Gov. Cuomo Gave Special COVID Treatment To Brother Chris And ‘Well-Connected Figures’ While New Yorkers Perished

While people around New York struggled to get COVID testing, Cuomo and his administration organized special access to state testing for those close to him.

America’s Skyrocketing Debt: Real Problem, or Just A Republican Excuse to Oppose Everything?

Over the course of 2020, the federal government spent a massive amount trying to deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. Republicans and Democrats agreed that in the face of crisis, America needed to put the fire out first, worry about all the water they were using later. But in 2021, people are beginning … Continue reading "America’s Skyrocketing Debt: Real Problem, or Just A Republican Excuse to Oppose Everything?"

Dear Kristi Noem: GOP Voters Are Done Supporting Politicians Who Turn On Their Interests

Girls in South Dakota may have to wait for a leader who will resist woke corporate power, but all GOP politicians should learn from Gov. Kristi Noem’s failure.

Once Held Hostage By Teachers’ Unions, West Virginia Just Passed The Nation’s Broadest School Choice Law

For a state that couldn’t pass a modest measure on Education Savings Accounts just two years ago, it’s a breathtaking turnaround. What changed?

Here’s Your Primer On Critical Race Theory, Now In A Town Near You

For those who subscribe to critical race theory, understanding 'whiteness' and all its problems is key to understanding all races in America.

19 Questions For Kristi Noem About Her Failure To Protect Female Sports

It’s been shocking to see a Republican governor with a paid advisor who also lobbies for a child-mutilating hospital try to cast her refusal to sign a female-protection bill as principled and pragmatic.

California Officials Accepted 99.4 Percent Of Mail-In Ballots In 2020. With Newsom Recall, It’s A Completely Different Story

When it comes to leftists protecting their own from accountability, it appears that only the strictest of scrutiny will do.

Top-Tier Illinois High School Hosting Critical Race Theory Indoctrination Week

Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Ill. is rounding up students for an 'anti-racism and inclusivity week,' complete with struggle sessions.

No, Trump Didn’t Create The Border Crisis. Democrats Did

Whether you agree with Trump’s immigration policies or not, Joe Biden and his team own this current border crisis — no one else.

Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested For Child Porn, Still Living With His Adopted Kids

When the adoptive judge is a Democrat darling his arrest on seven counts of possession of child pornography receives nary a whisper from the lefty adoption police.

Bethany Christian Services Decided To Feed Foster Children To The Leftist Mob

Bethany may renew their federal contracts by deciding to abandon Christianity in foster-care placements. But in the bigger picture, more abandoned children will run the streets.

Leftists Consolidate Their Power In Washington By Killing Federalism

With federalism out of the way, elites in Washington can more easily put in place their leftist ideas while crushing people in red states.

Charlottesville Mayor Posts Deranged Rant Comparing City To Being Raped

Charlottesville, Virginia Mayor Nikuyah Walker compared her city to being raped in a poem she published to her Facebook and Twitter accounts on Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Rubio Introduces Bill Cracking Down On Federal Contractors’ Silent Ties To Communist China

'Previously undisclosed relationships between federal contractors and CCP-related entities may pose serious institutional conflicts of interest,' Rubio said.

Lindsey Graham is Daring Joe Biden to Bring an Assault Weapon Bill to Senate Floor

On Monday, the United States suffered yet another mass shooting. The gunman in the Boulder, Colorado incident was armed with a Ruger AR-556. As is the norm when a mass shooting occurs, Democrats called for common sense gun reform. Like the stimulus bill, gun control is not only popular with Democratic voters. Polls regularly show … Continue reading "Lindsey Graham is Daring Joe Biden to Bring an Assault Weapon Bill to Senate Floor"

Ari Melber Reacts to Joe Manchin’s Commitment to Bi-Partisanship: “I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills”

During the 4 years of Donald Trump’s presidency, Republicans held control of the senate. They used this power to their advantage, pushing through 3 Supreme Court Justices and essentially laughing at Democrats. Joe Biden stormed into office in control of the House, Senate and White House. The opportunity is there for Democrats to push through … Continue reading "Ari Melber Reacts to Joe Manchin’s Commitment to Bi-Partisanship: “I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills”"

Eric Holder Uses History To Trash Mitch McConnell’s Filibuster Lies

Former Attorney General Eric Holder explained the filibuster's long and racist recent history as a tool for denying African-American voting rights.

John Daniel Davidson: Border Crisis Is Going To Be ‘Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Had’

"The surge is a direct result of policies and messaging from the Biden administration before the election," Davidson said.

Pompeo: People Are Dying For Strong US Leadership But Biden Is Blowing It On China And The Border

"I don't believe for a moment that we're in second place, but there's a real risk of that," Pompeo warned in a virtual forum on Wednesday.

Roger Stone Scrutinized for Links to Oath Keepers and Proud Boys Who Participated in Capitol Riot

Roger Stone, the former political adviser to former President Donald Trump, is being scrutinized for his links to members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys who participated in the Capitol riots of January 6. Stone did not participate in the storming of the United States Capitol, which took place after Trump urged a mob … Continue reading "Roger Stone Scrutinized for Links to Oath Keepers and Proud Boys Who Participated in Capitol Riot"

Kamala Harris Says No One Is Taking Away Guns While Biden And Democrats Gear Up To Do Just That

Vice President Kamala Harris said no one is "trying to come after your guns" as President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats prepare to do exactly that.

Harris Tells GOP to Stop Pushing “False Choice” That Dems Are Coming For People’s Guns

Vice President Kamala Harris criticized the Republican Party and politicians who’ve refused to consider gun reform in the wake of mass shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, and Boulder, Colorado, that have left a total of 18 people dead in the last week. “I believe it is possible–it has to be possible–that people agree that these slaughters … Continue reading "Harris Tells GOP to Stop Pushing “False Choice” That Dems Are Coming For People’s Guns"

Senator Chris Murphy on Mass Shootings: “Congress Has Become Complicit in These Crimes”

Senator Chris Murphy criticized his colleagues for their inaction on gun reform measures just two days after a gunman killed 10 people at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. “I have just come to the conclusion that Congress has become complicit in these crimes,” Murphy (D-Conn.) told MSNBC. “When Congress doesn’t act, it sends an unintentional … Continue reading "Senator Chris Murphy on Mass Shootings: “Congress Has Become Complicit in These Crimes”"

Opinion: The NRA Celebrated “Victory” After Judge Blocked Boulder Ban On Assault Weapons

The one “normal” that never left is the NRA celebration at striking down a sensible gun law and implication that having a humane reaction to a preventable atrocity is nothing more than “emotional sensationalism.”

After 15 Years Of ‘Real Housewives,’ Bravo’s Wokest Fans Are Unintentionally Canceling The Network

Fifteen years after the first "Real Housewives" franchise appeared on March 21, 2006, some of Bravo's biggest fans are rendering the network's brash reality fare impossible.

Kristi Noem Running The Mike Pence Play To Help Leftists Control The Culture

It appears Gov. Kristi Noem is hoping to use the goodwill she earned through her COVID courage to hide her cowardly and deceptive choices about transgender politics. Recent history shows this goes badly.

The Biden Border Crisis Is Real, And It’s About To Get Much Worse

The Biden administration still refuses to acknowledge the crisis, even as it spirals out of control and record numbers of children are in federal custody.

Wanted: Republicans Willing To Betray The Ruling Class

The GOP needs people who put a Harvard or Yale diploma in a cheap frame in the basement and then go stick it to their former classmates.

A Federal Judge Has Hidden 200 Hours Of Undercover Footage About Abortion Atrocities For 5 Years

District Judge William Orrick has ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation every step of the way. Can he continue to do so?

‘Science Is Back’ With Joe Biden? Here Are 7 Things That Say It’s Not

From transgender policy and double masking to school closures and late-term abortion, the Biden administration has denied science at every turn.

Nancy Pelosi Needs Another House Seat, So She’s Stealing It

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to have found an easy solution to expand her narrow majority in the lower chamber: steal a seat.

After Atlanta, Left Claims To Care About Asian-Americans While Systemically Discriminating Against Them In Schools

While the left virtue-signals about Asian discrimination, it has categorically discriminated against Asian Americans for decades through affirmative action policies.

Will The GOP Stand Up To Democrats Embracing Sex Changes For Kids?

If Republicans can’t bring themselves to mount serious opposition to the mutilation of children, it’s hard to see the GOP conserving anything of value.

SCOTUS Set To Rule If States Can Protect The Integrity Of Their Votes

The efforts of state legislatures to enact new voting protections are in jeopardy if the Supreme Court fails to overturn the latest Ninth Circuit decision.

Hemingway: Pentagon’s Problem Isn’t Money, It’s Woke Ideology And Weak Generals

'Our military has turned into something that thinks its job is to push social justice instead of defending the country from foreign adversaries,' she said. 'No amount of money will fix that.'

Biden’s Search For ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Isn’t Going Anywhere Good

Shifting a massive amount of U.S. national security resources to focus on America’s own citizens should alarm everyone, and here's why.

Rachel Maddow Tears Apart Sen. Joe Manchin For Opposing Background Checks Bill

Rachel Maddow lit into Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and shredded him for opposing expanded background checks after his "bipartisan" way already flopped.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says “Racial Arsonist” Obama is Attempting to Divide America by Releasing Statement on Mass Shooting

Mass shootings have sadly become a part of everyday life. They certainly were when Barack Obama was in office. And since Obama has been out of office, shootings have continued at a rapid pace. And with another shooting happening Monday, Obama felt the need to weigh in on the situation. And doing so, Tucker Carlson … Continue reading "WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says “Racial Arsonist” Obama is Attempting to Divide America by Releasing Statement on Mass Shooting"

WATCH: Jake Tapper Left Speechless By The Stupidity Of Sen. John Kennedy’s Anti-Gun Control Argument

After playing a clip of the comments, CNN's Jake Tapper remarked, "I don’t even know what to say to that, it’s so stupid."

WATCH: Mike Lindell Blasts Fox News, Wonders if “They’re In On It”

Fox News has long had an advertiser problem. Thanks to hosts like Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and Jeanine Pirro, sponsors can at time leave the network in droves. And for the last four or five years, there has always been one company that was willing to fill the gap. It seemed sometimes that My Pillow … Continue reading "WATCH: Mike Lindell Blasts Fox News, Wonders if “They’re In On It”"

Mitch McConnell Spouts More Bogus Threats About Senate Filibuster Reform

Speaking to the Ruthless podcast in an episode released earlier this morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) claimed reforming the filibuster would lead to a “nuclear winter” in the Senate, hampering bipartisan coordination. “I think if they destroy the essence of the Senate, the legislative filibuster, they will find a Senate that will not function,” he … Continue reading "Mitch McConnell Spouts More Bogus Threats About Senate Filibuster Reform"

Leftist Use Soros-Style Fundraising In Small Wisconsin Superintendent Race To Indoctrinate Kids

George Soros has pushed the left’s agenda by investing in small elections, and now leftist groups are using his strategy to infiltrate public education.

Is Social Distancing Over Or Is It Just Beginning?

Chris Bedford and Emily Jashinsky discuss how a year of irrational lockdowns and strict mandates has divided Americans.

Evanston, Illinois Becomes First US City To Pay Reparations To Black Residents

Evanston, Illinois is paying black residents hundreds of thousands of dollars over discrimination against their ancestors.

Colorado Congressman Jason Crow Calls for Gun Control in Wake of Mass Shooting

Representative Jason Crow (D-Co.) is calling for comprehensive gun control measures in the wake of yesterday’s mass shooting in Boulder, which resulted in ten deaths. “There are common sense laws and legislation that we can pass that will help make our communities safer. We just have to get them done. It’s that simple,” he told … Continue reading "Colorado Congressman Jason Crow Calls for Gun Control in Wake of Mass Shooting"

Boebert Sent Email Encouraging Supporters to Say “Hell No” to Gun Control After Boulder Mass Shooting

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) sent an email blast to her supporters in the wake of yesterday’s mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, encouraging them to say “hell no” to gun control.” “I told Beto ‘HELL NO’ to taking our guns. Now we need to tell [President] Joe Biden,” Boebert said in the subject line of the … Continue reading "Boebert Sent Email Encouraging Supporters to Say “Hell No” to Gun Control After Boulder Mass Shooting"

New York Lawmaker Lambastes Cuomo At Nursing Home Death Memorial: ‘His Reign Of Abuse Of Power Will End Soon’

The speech by Ron Kim comes nearly a month after the assemblyman accused Cuomo of threatening Kim in a phone call that he would "face his wrath."

Opinion: Former Justice Department Investigator Brings Bad News For Trump

Although many Americans demand that justice, swift justice, be inflicted on criminals, no matter their crime, America’s justice system is purposely slow, methodical and eventually effective.

The Cultural Populist’s Agenda

We're running an experiment on human psychology in real time, and in a political and media environment that's disproportionately responsive to wealthy interests, the policy discussion has yet to catch up.

How The Equality Act Would Legalize Religious Bigotry

The Equality Act explicitly targets the Bible, calling it a bigoted document filled with discriminatory stereotypes. It would also ban observant Jews from religious ceremonies.

3 Key Takeaways From The U.S.-China Summit In Alaska

Biden's China policy amounts to promising to 'work with allies,' but the American people deserve to know exactly what was accomplished by his administration at the Alaska summit.

Media Exploit Atlanta Shooter’s Sex Addiction To Dunk On Christianity And Sexual Ethics

The corporate media is using the Atlanta shooter's faith background to malign what Christians have believed about human sexuality for 2,000 years.

LGBT Activists Haul Jack Phillips Into Court Again, This Time Over Transgender And Satan Cakes

Hearings began in a new case against Masterpiece Cakeshop over a Colorado baker's refusal to bake a cake celebrating a man's decision to become transgender.

The Trans Agenda Uses Exactly The Same Tactics As Woman Abusers

Women are being silenced and threatened by a false ideology wearing feminist clothes forcing feminists to destroy opportunities for girls and women.

On Tucker Carlson, Kristi Noem Stages Act Two Of Political Theater Over Transgender Sports Bill

On Fox News Monday night, South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem gave a performative defense on her decision to essentially veto a trans sports bill at the behest of big corporate.

EXCLUSIVE: Marc Morano Talks His New Book ‘Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think’

'Essentially, they're talking about how we're going to go from the COVID lockdowns to the climate lockdowns,' Marc Morano said of the left. So you'd better be thinking ahead.

State Legislatures Must Step Up And End The Mask Tyranny

Instead of waiting around for governors and bureaucrats to allow people to breathe freely again, state legislatures should do away with oppressive and scientifically unsupported mask mandates.

Why States Should Reject Democrats’ Bailout Funds

Given the rebound in tax revenues across much of the country, conservative states should take the opportunity to tell Washington: ‘You can keep your bailouts, and we’ll keep our control.’

Kamala Harris Laughs When Asked If She Plans To Tour Overwhelmed Southern Border

Vice President Kamala Harris laughed when asked Monday whether she had any plans to visit the southern U.S.-Mexico border being overwhelmed with illegal migrants.

Dear Joe Biden: I Don’t Need Your Permission To Celebrate Independence Day

It’s time to declare our independence from busybodies bent on micromanaging our lives from cradle to grave. Joe Biden, get off my lawn.

Former ATF Special Agent Rips Open Carry Laws After Boulder, CO Mass Shooting

On The Rachel Maddow Show retired ATF Special Agent In Charge, Jim Cavanaugh ripped open carry laws that allowed a mass shooter to carry his gun into a Boulder, CO supermarket.

Arizona Man Arrested For Attempting to Hijack National Guard Caravan Transporting Vaccines

When Joe Biden was elected to the White House, he promised 100 million vaccine shots in his first 100 days. He has already exceed 100 million shots with more than a month to spare. Americans who want to get vaccines are getting them in record numbers. But there are still plenty of people, many of … Continue reading "Arizona Man Arrested For Attempting to Hijack National Guard Caravan Transporting Vaccines"

Rep. Mo Brooks, an Important Figure in Trump’s Insurrection, Is Running For a Senate Seat

Donald Trump did plenty to incite an insurrection on the US Capitol on January 6th. But that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have help. The former President’s biggest allies in the Senate were Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. Trump’s top enabler in the House of Representatives was Alabama congressman Mo Brooks. And Brooks is betting … Continue reading "Rep. Mo Brooks, an Important Figure in Trump’s Insurrection, Is Running For a Senate Seat"

CBP Tells Overwhelmed Border Patrol To Release Illegal Immigrants Without Issuing Court Dates

Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley is releasing illegal aliens without issuing a return court date due to limited space in overwhelmed facilities.

Study: Majority Of Americans Grossly Overestimated COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates

A new study revealed a majority of voters on both sides of the political aisle believed exaggerated claims about COVID-19 and its effects.

Trump Endorses Primary Challenger of GA Secretary of State Who Refused to Swing Election for Him

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Representative Jody Hice (R-Ga.) earlier this morning; Hice is running against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who refused to swing the 2020 election results in his state in Trump’s favor. “Jody has been a steadfast fighter for conservative Georgia values and is a staunch ally of the America First … Continue reading "Trump Endorses Primary Challenger of GA Secretary of State Who Refused to Swing Election for Him"

John Cornyn Criticized After Complaining That Biden Treats Immigrants “Humanely”

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) is being criticized after complaining that President Joe Biden and his administration treat immigrants “humanely” amid a nationwide conversation about border security. “Bill Clinton ran for re-election on a platform that said, ‘We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it,'” Cornyn said, recalling the former president’s platform. Bill Clinton … Continue reading "John Cornyn Criticized After Complaining That Biden Treats Immigrants “Humanely”"

Trump Says Ending the Filibuster Would Be “Catastrophic” for Republicans

Former President Donald Trump said ending the filibuster would be “catastrophic” for the GOP, voicing his support as Democrats continue to face calls to scrap it entirely. “Look, he’s hanging by a thread right now with respect to the filibuster,” Trump said of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) during an interview on the podcast … Continue reading "Trump Says Ending the Filibuster Would Be “Catastrophic” for Republicans"

Poll: Majority of Americans Support D.C. Statehood

According to a poll conducted by Data for Progress and the progressive advocacy coalition Democracy for All 2021 Action and shared first with CBS News, 54% of likely voters think Washington, D.C. should be a state. 4% of Democratic respondents approve of statehood for D.C. Little more than a third (34%) of Republicans also support … Continue reading "Poll: Majority of Americans Support D.C. Statehood"

ADF: Noem Should Sign The Bill To Protect Women’s Sports, Not Attempt Damage Control

The Alliance Defending Freedom rebuked South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem for caving to "woke corporate ideology" by refusing to sign a bill protecting women's sports.

Opinion: 21 GOP States Claim The COVID Stimulus Is Unconstitutional

To claim not being allowed to steal taxpayer money intended to help struggling American taxpayers is unconstitutional is beyond comprehension - but so typically Republican.

Illegal Immigrant Says He Crossed The Border Because Biden, Not Trump, Was President

This illegal immigrant is one of many who flooded across the border shortly after Biden assumed office and eradicated many of Trump's immigration and border security policies.

Federal Judge: ‘One-Party Control Of The Press And Media Is A Threat To A Viable Democracy’

In a blistering dissent, Judge Laurence Silberman said The New York Times and Washington Post are 'Democratic Party broadsheets.'

Bowing To Corporate Demands For Watered-Down Bill, Gov. Kristi Noem Sells Out Women’s Sports

Given the reality of the NCAA’s policy, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s proffered explanation for excluding women collegiate athletes from the protections of H.B. 1217 is beyond misleading.

Leaked Docs Show Obama FTC Gave Google Its Monopoly After Google Execs Helped Obama Get Re-Elected

Leaked documents from the FTC's 2012 investigation of Google show exactly what is wrong with the state of American antitrust enforcement.

Why Muslim Politicians Vote For Gay Marriage

While Islam has receded from the public mind, Islamic ambitions remain intact. President Biden is poised to facilitate those objectives by reviving the Iran nuclear deal.

Yes, There Is A Border Crisis, And Democrats Created It

Even when he was a presidential candidate, Joe Biden promised the United States would accept all asylum seekers, although U.S. asylum has been studded with fraud and abuse for a long time.

Project Veritas Wins Early Round In Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times

A New York judge criticized The New York Times for blurring lines between news and opinion in its news articles.

Illinois School District Pays Speaker $175 A Minute To Criticize White People

Naperville School District 203 paid a diversity consultant, Dena Nicole Simmons, $10,500 for a 60-minute Zoom ‘keynote’ address last month – at a rate of $175 per minute.

It’s No Surprise China Employs The Anti-American Propaganda Of Systemic Racism

The Chinese side knows that wielding the same self-loathing ideas the ruling class teaches in American universities will hurt Americans most.

There’s No Evidence Yet That Atlanta Spa Killings Were About Race, So Why Is That The Narrative?

It’s clear the left is trying to create a false narrative around these horrible murders in order to fit their political agenda.

Why Some Are Paying Millions For Viral Video Clips And Cat Memes 

Forget cryptocurrencies — there's a whole brave new world out there of crypto art, where 'original' copies of internet memes are selling for millions.

Florida Vaccination Campaign Marks Further Vindication For Ron DeSantis

Florida has routinely led the country in vaccinating seniors, prioritizing group eligibility by age over occupation, as seen in others.

Bob Dylan’s ‘Bringing It All Back Home’ Still Sticks It To The Man

Sprinkled in Bob Dylan's folk-rock protest music are examples of quiet responses to the establishment’s reasonless rules. It may be more apt today than it was when he wrote it.

Trump Rails Against Biden For Engineering Border Crisis Just Two Months Into Office

Former President Donald Trump railed against his Democratic White House successor Sunday for his aggressive pursuit of open borders.

Matthew McConaughey Hosts Virtual Benefit Concert For Texas Snowstorm Victims As He Flirts With Gubernatorial Bid

Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey hosted a virtual fundraising concert Sunday to benefit victims harmed by the February snowstorm in Texas.

Trump Is Holed Up In The Mar-a-Lago Bridal Suite Designing His Own Social Media Platform

Trump is going to be launching is his own social media network in two to three months, even though he hasn't hired anyone to design the platform.

The Controversy Over Eliminating The Filibuster Makes A Joke Of Democracy

The filibuster is another way Republicans turn reality and democracy and their heads to install a tyranny of the minority.

5 Lessons For Overcoming Political Polarization From James Madison

James Madison lived through one of the worst epochs of American partisanship but helped lead the country past that period and into greater harmony.

Hundreds in Atlanta rally to support Asian Americans after fatal shootings

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta in support of the Asian American community after a shooting at three local day spas this week left eight people dead, six of them Asian women.

Republicans Are Refusing To Support An Asian-American Hate Crimes Bill

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) said that not a single Republican is supporting new legislation against Asian-American hate crimes.

Grace Meng Sounds Battle Cry for New Ideal of American Justice and Democracy

Meng’s insistence that “We will not let you take our voice” encapsulates the impetus behind the multiple but absolutely connected struggles for democracy and against repression.

‘Justice League’ Is Zack Snyder’s Trimphant Return To Big Screens And Big Heroes

In a way, the fans were Zack Snyder’s own Justice League who brought him back like Superman to vanquish Joss Whedon’s evil spawn.

Opinion: Trump Rips Off The RNC And Republicans Still “Kiss His Ring”

After costing the GOP control of Congress and the White House, Trump is now costing the RNC campaign contributions and Republicans still embrace him as if he is a demigod.

Analysis: Donald Trump’s Terrible, Very Bad, No Good 2021

That this investigation is headed by Cy Vance means that New York is anticipating putting someone in jail.

Sen. Chris Murphy Went To The Border And Found Out Who Caused The Crisis (Hint: It Wasn’t Biden)

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) made a trip to the border and what he found was the Biden administration trying to fix the crisis that was caused by Trump.

Susan Collins Is Running A Cooperation Scam, But Democrats Aren’t Buying It

Sen. Susan Collins complained that Democrats are alienating her and that she really wants to cooperate, except she doesn't.

Tony Blinken And America Get Pantsed By Communist Chinese Official At Alaska Summit

The Chinese diplomat monologued for more than 15 minutes, invoking propaganda about why the U.S. should stay out of China's business, especially concerning human rights.

Schumer on McConnell: “I’m Not Going to Give This Blustery Threat Any Credence”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) dismissed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) threat to employ “scorched earth” tactics if Democrats successfully get rid of the filibuster. “We used to call the Senate, when he was in charge, the legislative graveyard,” Schumer told Stephen Colbert during an interview on The Late Show. “The House would send … Continue reading "Schumer on McConnell: “I’m Not Going to Give This Blustery Threat Any Credence”"

Ted Lieu Celebrates Rise in Asian American Voters, Rebukes Trump’s “China Virus” Rhetoric

Representative Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) pointed to a new study published in The American Journal of Public Health that found former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric led to a rise of anti-Asian sentiment online to suggest that Asian voters cost him the presidency. “Asian Americans are the fastest increasing group in America, with eligible voters more than doubling … Continue reading "Ted Lieu Celebrates Rise in Asian American Voters, Rebukes Trump’s “China Virus” Rhetoric"

Opinion: Republicans Opposed The VAWA To Satisfy The NRA And Right Wing Religious Bigots

This issue is absent any gray area. Republicans either oppose violence against women or they support it.

McCarthy Furious After Attempt to Kick Swalwell Off Intel Committee Fails

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) expressed his anger after the House of Representatives voted against his resolution to remove Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) from the House Intelligence Committee over Swalwell’s relationship with an alleged Chinese spy. Every Democrat is now on the record,” McCarthy wrote on Twitter. “They just voted to keep Eric Swalwell … Continue reading "McCarthy Furious After Attempt to Kick Swalwell Off Intel Committee Fails"

Socialist Filmmaker Michael Moore Says Republicans Are ‘Trying To Kill As Many Americans As Possible’

Michael Moore is at it again, vilifying all Republicans as racist bigots. This time he accused the GOP of "trying to kill" millions of Americans.

Kids Are Flooding The Border Again, But Beto O’Rourke Is Nowhere To Be Found

Other than interdicting the flow of children entering the country illegally, solutions to this crisis are hard to come by.

When Transgenderism Discards My Daughter, I Will Still Be Here For Her

As crippling as it is, my grief at the loss of our relationship isn’t the hardest pain to bear. Far beyond that, I'm terrified for her. But no matter how gender dysphoria hurts her, I am willing to help.

In Abortion Case, The Supreme Court Can Stop Biden From Pushing Extreme Rules In Secret Deals

The Biden administration has abandoned the legally mandated rulemaking process to establish its preferred policies through closed-door settlements with political allies.

A Prescription For Fixing American Family Life

Professor Scott Yenor's book, 'The Recovery of Family Life,' offers valuable insight into how feminism and other post-modern ideologies are radically reshaping society, as well as some suggestions for what to do about it.

Corporate Media Don’t Want To Talk About The Atlanta Gunman’s Real Motivation

If the Atlanta shootings aren't about race but sexual pathology, it's an indictment not of racism but prevailing sexual attitudes among our elite.

WaPo Writer Makes False Claim About Ryan Anderson, Refuses To Correct It

Called out on her false reporting, Boorstein engaged in a lengthy back-and-forth with critics—including Anderson—but refused to concede any misrepresentation of the quote.

Democrats Ban White Farmers From Federal COVID Relief Program

This provision Democrats specifically wrote into the American Rescue Plan pushes a blurred vision of ‘social equity’ by providing relief for farmers based on the color of their skin.

How Writing A Federalist Article Put Me On Chardonnay Antifa’s Cancel List

Cancel culture is coming for you, whether you know it or not. It’s not about your worldview. It’s about radicalizing everyday people whose inner turmoil will be directed at you.

5 Times Pastor Don Lemon Preached Garbage Theology From The TV Pulpit

We can all hope and pray Don Lemon meets the true God — not gxd or a fake Jesus who wasn't perfect — but until then, don't take your theology tips from him.

John Kerry Gets To Take Off His Mask In A Plane, But Not These 12 Toddlers

The fact that Kerry was allowed to fly while airlines have kicked off toddlers, including autistic children with medical mask exemptions, exposes the performative hypocrisy of the mask police.

Ben Domenech: Vaccinated Politicians Send Wrong Message Wearing Face Masks

'Virtually all of them that you see on your TV cameras have been vaccinated. They are not going to be transmitting this disease, they are not going to be vulnerable to it anymore.' But they still wear masks.

Backed By $10 Million From Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance Considering Ohio Senate Bid

A super PAC that is seeking to elect author J.D. Vance to the Senate from Ohio received $10 million this week from billionaire Peter Thiel.

John Fetterman Confirms If He Wins PA Senate Race The Filibuster Is Toast

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman confirmed that if he wins the open US Senate race in Pennsylvania, Democrats will kill the filibuster.

Rachel Maddow Just Reminded America That Devin Nunes Is A Russian Asset

Rachel Maddow took the discussion of Rep. Devin Nunes being a Russian asset national and made the congressman's problems worse.

WATCH: Former Top Mueller Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Explains Why Michael Cohen Has Been Interviewed 8 Times

Right now, it feels like Georgia and New York are in a race to indict Donald Trump first. New York’s prosecution team has been talking to plenty of people within Trump’s orbit about his behavior. Michael Cohen went to jail over deeds he performed on behalf of Trump. And the former lawyer is now eager … Continue reading "WATCH: Former Top Mueller Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Explains Why Michael Cohen Has Been Interviewed 8 Times"

House Democrats Reject Removing Swalwell From Intelligence Committee Over Ties To Chinese Spy

Lawmakers voted on whether to remove Rep. Eric Swalwell from his position on the House Intelligence Committee over his relationship with a Chinese spy.

Dem Sen. Martin Heinrich Calls For the Filibuster to Be Abolished or Reformed

Republicans have grown very leery about the fact that the Democrats have control of the House, Senate and White House. Mitch McConnell threw a bit of a fit the other day making demands and threats about what the Republicans would do when they’re back in power. The Democrats were able to pass their major stimulus … Continue reading "Dem Sen. Martin Heinrich Calls For the Filibuster to Be Abolished or Reformed"

Senate Confirms Pro-Abortion ‘Extremist’ Xavier Becerra As HHS Secretary

The Senate confirmed President Joe Biden's nominee for Health and Human Services secretary, Xavier Becerra, on Thursday in a slim 50-49 vote.

Biden Makes More History As Xavier Becerra Confirmed As HHS Secretary

Xavier Becerra, the Attorney General of California, was confirmed by the US Senate to be the first Latino HHS Secretary in history.

Representative Grace Meng Says Trump’s Behavior Led to Increase in Anti-Asian Violence

Former President Donald Trump was often criticized over the last year for his use of the phrase “China virus” to refer to the novel coronavirus, the virus that causes Covid-19. Trump would often employ the phrase in official communications via his Twitter account. It was also picked up by right-wing news outlets like Fox News, … Continue reading "Representative Grace Meng Says Trump’s Behavior Led to Increase in Anti-Asian Violence"

Eric Swalwell Blasts Bogus GOP Resolution To Remove Him From Committee

The House Republican resolution to remove Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) from the Intel Committee leaves out multiple FBI statements that did nothing wrong.

Swalwell Criticizes McCarthy for Requesting Swalwell Be Removed from Intelligence Committee

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) criticized House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) after McCarthy requested Swalwell be removed from the House Intelligence Committee after Fox News reported about Swalwell’s relationship with an alleged Chinese spy named Fang Fang who helped raise money for Swalwell’s campaign and placed at least one intern in his office. #FoxNews has … Continue reading "Swalwell Criticizes McCarthy for Requesting Swalwell Be Removed from Intelligence Committee"

The Left’s Culture War Is A Dangerous Distraction That Warrants Total Resistance

Ignoring and conceding small battles like six Dr. Seuss books or Mr. Potato Head is what empowers the left's culture warriors to take control of everything.

Putin on Biden Calling Him a “Killer”: “It Takes One to Know One”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said “it takes one to know one” in response to a television interview President Joe Biden gave yesterday calling him a “killer.” “I remember in my childhood, when we argued in the courtyard we used to say: it takes one to know one. And that’s not a coincidence, not just a … Continue reading "Putin on Biden Calling Him a “Killer”: “It Takes One to Know One”"

House Will Vote Today On Two Immigration Bills Amid Concerns About Border Crisis

The House of Representatives will vote today on two immigration bills amid concerns about the humanitarian crisis at the nation’s southern border.  The American Dream and Promise Act would create a pathway to citizenship for millions for “Dreamers”––undocumented youths brought to the United States as children––as well as others who’ve been granted temporary protection from … Continue reading "House Will Vote Today On Two Immigration Bills Amid Concerns About Border Crisis"

How to Fix the Filibuster Without Breaking Congress‬

The filibuster is a historical accident. Many experts believe that it is ruining Congress and hurting democracy.  It allows a small political minority to run roughshod over the majority and stop things that the American people need and want. But Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says that if Democrats get rid of it, Republicans will … Continue reading "How to Fix the Filibuster Without Breaking Congress‬"

The Biden Administration Is Imposing A Media Blackout At The Border

The Biden administration is trying to hide the border crisis, issuing an unofficial gag order on Border Patrol agents and withholding information.

One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest Casualties Could Be Science

Politicians, journalists, and scientists have transferred the disease burden onto the working class. They’ve also dangerously undermined scientific inquiry.

Why The Left Is Helping Make America Racist Again

Self-styled anti-racists and social justice activists are seething with hate, but it is only upon love that we can move beyond racial tension and division.

Congress Should Probe The Military’s Investment In Anti-White Extremism

Adm. Michael Gilday has refused to pull anti-white books from the U.S. Navy reading list, reports Fox News, despite pressure from House Republicans.

Elliot Page’s Rapid Transformation Looks Like An Alarming Cry For Help

Presenting Page's swift transformation as something that is harmless, easy, and the key to instant happiness is a dangerous message to send young people.

How Joe Biden’s New Health Official Caused Thousands Of Extra Deaths In Pennsylvania

It well past time for a full investigation into Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's awful handling of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities at the behest of a new Biden administration official.

Report: Americans’ Obsession With Careers Is Contributing To Our Dangerous Lack Of Babies

'Highly work-focused values and social attitudes among both men and women are strongly associated with lower birth rates in wealthy countries,' finds a new study.

Joy Reid And Julián Castro Say It’s Racist To Ask White House About Failed Immigration Policies

The majority of girls drug cartels traffic over the border are raped on the journey, and untold numbers of these trafficked minors die. Joy Reid says it's racist to try to reduce this.

Netflix’s ‘Yes Day’ Is For Parents Who Want To Raise Resilient, Independent Kids

More important than saying 'no' or 'yes' is to teach kids how to be responsible for themselves, how to make good decisions, and learn that actions have consequences.

You Can Link COVID With Any Country — Except China

Across the entire corporate media landscape, readers can learn all about the 'U.K. variant,' the 'Brazilian variant,' and the 'South African variants.' But mention China, and you're a racist.

Lawsuit: Maryland County Is Letting Sixth Graders Vote For School Board

A lawsuit in a Maryland county is fighting back against minors having the 'right' to run for school board and be elected only by other minors.

Rachel Maddow Shows How Republicans Will Have More Blood On Their Hands From White Supremacist Domestic Terror

Rachel Maddow put it all together and revealed how Republicans allowing Trump to continue to push his big lie would inspire more white supremacist domestic terror.

Tucker Carlson: Immigrants Are Turning the US Into an Ugly, Unhappy Country

Things were not so good for Fox News close to the last election. After 20 years of ratings dominance, Fox began to fall behind MSNBC and CNN. Even worse, Conservative challengers like OAN and Newsmax were coming out of the woodwork. In response, the network decided to double down on conspiracy theories and racism. No … Continue reading "Tucker Carlson: Immigrants Are Turning the US Into an Ugly, Unhappy Country"

Nicolle Wallace: Calling Nunes and Giuliani Idiots is “An Insult to Idiots”

The United States and Russia have had a tense relationship for as long as any living American could remember. But that relationship took a strange turn during Donald Trump’s presidency. Rather than seeing Vladimir Putin as an adversary, the 45th President seemed to look up to the Russian President. And some within his immediate circle … Continue reading "Nicolle Wallace: Calling Nunes and Giuliani Idiots is “An Insult to Idiots”"

Pelosi Slams Republicans for Response to Capitol Insurrection

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) criticized Republicans for their response to the storming of the United States Capitol, saying there have been disagreements over how an investigation into the event would proceed. Video of Speaker Pelosi: Speaker Pelosi slams Republicans for trying to include Black Lives Matter in … Continue reading "Pelosi Slams Republicans for Response to Capitol Insurrection"

Democrats: When Trump Pauses Funds, It’s Illegal. When Biden Does It, It’s Fine

GAO has no option other than to find that President Biden’s pause of the border wall funds is unlawful and should issue an opinion stating the Biden administration has broken the law.

McConnell Makes Big Promises, But The Filibuster Was Never The Real Reason He Ignored Conservatives

When McConnell cares about something — actually cares about it — we see how quickly his tune changes.

Opinion: Eric Trump’s Grifter Wife Funneled Dog Rescue Charity Funds To Trump

Grifting is not solely familial, but in Trump’s case, it always leads back to the biggest grifter in American history – Donald Trump.

Suspected Terrorists Arrested At Southern Border One Day After Corporate Media Smeared Republicans For ‘Lying’ About It

CBP has arrested at least four people at the U.S.-Mexico border matching names listed in the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database since Oct. 1 of last year.

Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes

The fake quotes, bad as they were, are just one of many ways the media have done a horrible job of covering election disputes in the state.

Celebrating One Year Of Rebellion Against Dr. Fauci And The Government’s Arbitrary Tyranny

We've watched as Americans across the country have surrendered their freedoms and informed on their neighbors in exchange for delusions of security. But here in this house, we won't surrender.

Jordan Peterson’s ‘Beyond Order’ Calls For Balance And Gratitude

'Beyond Order,' Jordan B. Peterson's long-awaited new book, is an insightful, all-too-needed prescription for an anxious, angry, and divided world.

How Democrats’ Open Borders Cause Children To Suffer And Die

Democrats and leftist Christians who were outraged over 'family separation' are now silent about the record number of migrant children trafficked across the border.

Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Employs Blatant Double Standard To Refuse Investigation Into Whitmer

Michigan Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel refused requests from state lawmakers to launch an investigation into Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's orders putting COVID-positive patients into nursing homes.

The Equality Act Would Make Protecting Your Child An Act Of Bigotry

Protecting children from confusion or from harmful experimental 'treatments' is neither abuse nor neglect, but under the Equality Act, it would be treated as such.

How COVID Bailouts Are Bribing Red States To Do Joe Biden’s Bidding

Money has a way of making us lose focus. It's great at first, but then you realize what you've lost by taking it.

If The U.S. Military Can’t Handle Criticism From A Pundit, They’ve Got Big Problems

The solution to women in the military and combat is simple: One standard for everyone based on mission requirements.

Another Round Of New Baseball Rules Threaten The Game’s Rich History

Baseball reflects an older version of America, one with a few rules and a lot of space to live.

Biden Echoes ‘Believe All Women’ In ABC Interview, But What About Tara Reade?

In an exclusive ABC interview on Tuesday, President Biden contradicted himself by taking a 'believe all women' stance on the Cuomo allegations.

Harry And Meghan Are Only The Latest Villains To Emerge From The House Of Windsor

Harry and Meghan’s egotistical, rebellious, and reckless behavior suggests an intriguing House of Windsor myth from ‘The Crown’ may have been more than just clever script writing.

Trump Recommends Public Take Coronavirus Vaccines

Former President Donald Trump encouraged Americans to get vaccinated against the novel Wuhan coronavirus on Fox News Tuesday.

Bernie Sanders Praises Biden For Making The Government Work For Middle Class Americans

Sanders praised Biden for signing the American Rescue Plan into law and making government work for the middle class.

Ron DeSantis Says Rick Scott’s Call to Return Stimulus Money “Doesn’t Make Any Sense”

Within weeks of being in office, Joe Biden passed a massive stimulus package. The legislation will put money in the pockets of millions of Americans and also aid countless small businesses. The measure is favored by over 2/3’s of Americans and more than half of the country’s Republicans. GOP lawmakers are now in the unenviable … Continue reading "Ron DeSantis Says Rick Scott’s Call to Return Stimulus Money “Doesn’t Make Any Sense”"

John Fetterman Calls GOP A Disgrace For Voting To Overturn The Election But Opposing COVID Relief

The Democrat called the GOP in his state a disgrace for voting to overturn the election but opposing life-changing COVID relief.

People Are Being Poisoned: Nicolle Wallace Rips Tucker Carlson For Spreading Misinformation About Vaccines

Fox News can’t seem to make up their minds about vaccines. The anchors on the channel certainly want Donald Trump to get out sized credit for his role in developing the vaccine. At the same time, they are not willing to tell their viewers they should get inoculated. Leading the misinformation charge is Tucker Carlson. … Continue reading "People Are Being Poisoned: Nicolle Wallace Rips Tucker Carlson For Spreading Misinformation About Vaccines"

Trump Tower Chicago Is Under Investigation For Using Vaccines Meant For Minority Communities

Trump Tower in Chicago is under investigation for vaccinating employees at the hotel through a program intended to help minority communities.

WATCH: Trump Calls Into Fox to Whine That He’s the One Who “Came Up With the Vaccine”

Donald Trump had very few accomplishments when he was in office. He passed a tax cut, but that didn’t really help anyone outside of the very wealthy. He also placed 3 new Supreme Court Justices, though those were all controversial. The last accomplishment while he was in office while COVID vaccines were developed. And while … Continue reading "WATCH: Trump Calls Into Fox to Whine That He’s the One Who “Came Up With the Vaccine”"

Trump Administration’s Covid-19 Czar Urges Trump, Pence to Encourage Vaccinations

Admiral Brett Giroir, the Trump administration’s Covid-19 czar, is urging former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence to encourage more Americans to get vaccinated as the country embarks on the largest vaccination campaign in its history. “I think it’s very important for former President Trump as well as the vice president, to … Continue reading "Trump Administration’s Covid-19 Czar Urges Trump, Pence to Encourage Vaccinations"

5 Other Totally Bogus Stories Designed To Hurt Trump The Media Got Away With

The recent Washington Post story is not an anomoly. Here are five stories of major significance that the corrupt media botched.

Opinion: Why Biden’s Agenda To Make America OK Is More Ambitious Than Making America Great Again

It may not sound that catchy to say, “Let’s make American Ok.” In reality, though, it’s an incredibly ambitious and humane goal, and it’s absolutely visionary.

Biden Is Sending More Feds To The Border… To Help Welcome Illegals

The Biden administration is sending federal employees to assist unaccompanied migrant children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS announced on Saturday.

Backlash Against His Criticism Of Military Identity Politics Proves Tucker Carlson’s Point

The U.S. military is being weakened by leftist identity politics, so it's no surprise their own war games show China able to beat us in open combat over Taiwan. Exposed, they doubled down.

Washington Post Accuses Trump Of A Crime Based On Fabricated Quotes

The Washington Post anonymously printed fabricated quotes, attributed them to a sitting president, and used those quotes as a basis to speculate the president committed a crime.

Sorry, Democrats, You Can’t Blame The Border Crisis On Trump

The reason children and families are now flocking to the U.S.-Mexico border is because of the Biden administration, plain and simple.

Never Trumpers Illustrate Why Loyalty Is An Important Political Virtue

Julie Kelly's book, 'Disloyal Opposition,' ably documents just how tedious and unprincipled Donald Trump's allegedly conservative critics turned out to be.

Chris Harrison Is Done. The Lesson? Never Apologize

Cancel culture feeds on apologies. The only way to stop it is to resist it, and longtime 'Bachelor' host Chris Harrison failed.

Naperville, Ill. Superintendent Tries To Silence Community Over Critical Race Theory Training

A wealthy school district in Naperville, Illinois once more backs its systemic racism and equity training institute, while forcing educators to read neoracist works.

Why It’s Impossible For Christianity To Ever Endorse Transsexuality

Christianity has a deeply grounded, beautiful understanding of what it means to be human — whether uniquely male or uniquely female.

How Chicago Developed The World’s Best Saint Patrick’s Day Celebration

No matter how they identify the other 364 days of the year, on March 17, everyone within the city limits of Chicago considers himself Chirish.

Senate Confirms Trojan Horse Picks For Biden’s Radical Energy Agenda

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland's activist history, which includes standing with protestors against the South Dakota Access Pipeline Project, spells bad news for American energy.

How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters

Upper-class whites have alienated African Americans and Hispanics from the Democratic coalition. That’s why Democrats have gone berserk—they’re expecting to lose in 2022 and 2024.

Here’s How Biden Can Get Tough On China’s Muslim Genocide

America's determination that genocide is ongoing in China is a call to action. The U.S. government must live up to the promise of 'Never Again.'

Trump Calls Out Left-Wing Media For ‘Outright Lies’ After WaPo Admits It Falsely Accused Him Of Crimes

The former president slammed the leftist corporate media for peddling in lies, after The Washington Post corrected its story on a Trump-Georgia call.

‘Bachelor’ Finale Host Emmanuel Acho Said The Same Thing Chris Harrison Got Canceled For

Emmanuel Acho's remarks on the racial controversy were basically the same as Harrison's, so why is Acho still allowed to host "The Bachelor"?

Biden Administration Is Quietly Scrubbing Every Bit Of Trump Misinformation Out Of The CDC

The Biden administration is quietly and quickly doing a massive cleanup effort to scrub the CDC of all Trump's anti-science junk.

Anderson Cooper: If Trump’s Main Accomplishment is Developing Vaccines, Why Won’t He Promote Them

The first two months of Joe Biden’s presidency have gone pretty well. He was able to pass a massive stimulus bill that is already putting money in American pockets. And millions of people are getting vaccinated each day. Americans have appreciated Biden’s performance as his approval rating is now above 60%. One could only image … Continue reading "Anderson Cooper: If Trump’s Main Accomplishment is Developing Vaccines, Why Won’t He Promote Them"

‘Stay Tuned’: Elizabeth Warren Says Democrats Are Actively Plotting Filibuster Changes

Democrats in the Senate are actively discussing plans to prevent Republicans from using the filibuster to thwart Joe Biden's popular agenda.

WATCH: Fox’s Bartiromo Argues The Best Way to Stimulate the Economy is More Tax Cuts For the Wealthy

Donald Trump was unlike any politician that America had ever seen. When he took office, though, he made a move that was very traditionally Republican. Trump passed a major tax cut for the wealthy. Like Ronald Reagan and the Bushes before him, Trump said that the cuts would stimulate the economy and benefit the average … Continue reading "WATCH: Fox’s Bartiromo Argues The Best Way to Stimulate the Economy is More Tax Cuts For the Wealthy"

Online Interest In Trump Crashes To All-Time Low As Biden Leads America Toward Recovery

As Biden leads America toward recovery, online interest in disgraced former President Donald Trump has crashed to an all-time low.

History Won’t Smile Well on Him: Watch as GOP Rep. Kinzinger Blasts Ron Johnson

Over the last few months, Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson has become one of the most talked about lawmakers in America. He recently said that he won’t be getting the COVID-19 vaccine because he already has the illness. But more striking has been his attempts to gaslight people on the January 6th insurrection. The Wisconsin senator recently … Continue reading "History Won’t Smile Well on Him: Watch as GOP Rep. Kinzinger Blasts Ron Johnson"

Sarah Silverman Is Right: Democrats Are The Party Of Absolutism

"It's so f-cking elitist," Silverman said of the Democratic Party. "For something called progressive, it allows for zero progress. It's all or nothing."

Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor Just Torched Sen. Ron Johnson For His Racism

Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes (D) said that Sen. Ron Johnson wants credit for his racism and that Republicans can't win without racism.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s Office Was Warned On Nursing Home Policy: ‘Patients Will Die’

New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy's office ignored objections raised by public health officials last year who opposed putting COVID patients in nursing homes.

Who Wants to Be the Next ‘Jeopardy!’ Host: Katie Couric

Beyond the political controversy that went unspoken on-air, 'Jeopardy!' viewers saw the bubbly persona that made Couric a fixture on NBC’s 'Today' show.

Two Arrests in Assault of Officer Brian Sicknick, Who Died Following Capitol Riot

Authorities have arrested Julian Elie Khater, of Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, of Morgantown, West Virginia, in connection with the assault of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died after sustaining injuries during the Capitol riot on January 6. “Khater and Tanios are charged with nine counts including assaulting Sicknick, a U.S. Capitol Police officer … Continue reading "Two Arrests in Assault of Officer Brian Sicknick, Who Died Following Capitol Riot"

Senate Set to Confirm Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary

The Senate is set to confirm Representative Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) as Interior Secretary, filling one of the few remaining vacancies in President Joe Biden’s Cabinet. Haaland is expected to garner enough bipartisan support. Haaland’s confirmation would be a boon for progressives and activists who’ve championed protecting Native American lands and moving the United States toward … Continue reading "Senate Set to Confirm Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary"

Last Night’s Grammy Awards Doubled-Down On Social Justice Activism

Much like 2020, the Grammys were all about COVID-19 safety, 'equity', and 'social justice.'

Democratic Women’s Caucus Introduces Bill to Erect Monument of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Capitol Grounds

Members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus have introduced a bill to erect a monument of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the grounds of the United States Capitol. “This is an effort to highlight an extraordinary person in American history,” said Representative Jackie Spier (Calif.), one of the bill’s co-sponsors. “You know … Continue reading "Democratic Women’s Caucus Introduces Bill to Erect Monument of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Capitol Grounds"

John Oliver Exposes Tucker Carlson As America’s Most Powerful White Supremacist In Must Watch Show

John Oliver dedicated his entire show to tearing apart and exposing Tucker Carlson as a vessel for white supremacy.

Kushner Praises Biden on Iran: “A Smart Diplomatic Move”

Jared Kushner, who served as a senior adviser in the White House to his father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, praised President Joe Biden for his actions toward Iran as the United States continues to push Tehran to re-enter the historic 2015 nuclear deal. “In Mr. Trump’s final deal before leaving office, he brokered the end … Continue reading "Kushner Praises Biden on Iran: “A Smart Diplomatic Move”"

Opinion: Sleazy Republican Takes Credit For Biden-Democrats COVID Aid Package

Despite every Republican in Congress voting against President Biden’s COVID-19 relief package, some of them twice, they are claiming credit because the aid package enjoys broad support.

The U.S. Military Just Became A Political Attack Machine Against Joe Biden’s Opponents

The federal government just used its publicly employed career professionals to target a working journalist for destruction.

5 Ways To Use ‘Stimulus’ Hush Money To Fight Democrats’ Plans For Your Serfdom

Democrats want to use stimulus money to make you into the people populating Disney's cartoon 'Wall-E.' Instead, turn it into a weapon for antifragility.

It’s Time For Americans To Refuse To Trade With Slaveholders

Strikingly, despite our national obsession with the historical slavery that occurred in America’s past, we hesitate to mention the offense happening in China right now for all the world to see.

‘Uprooted’ Protests The Amazon-ification Of The World

Grace Olmstead's new book 'Uprooted' reclaims localism and community interdependence as the conservative causes they are.

Billie Eilish Rejects The Conventional Destructive Path Of Teen Stars In New Documentary

Like average American teenagers, Eilish battles depression, boyfriend problems, driver's license exams, and anxiety over social media comments. She also loves her mom and dad.

Seventh Circuit Ban On Parental Consent For Underage Abortions Tees Up Supreme Court Review

The Seventh Circuit’s decision in Planned Parenthood v. Box II is wrong, but also providential because it provides a perfect vehicle for the Supreme Court to revisit its abortion jurisprudence.

Most Child Predators Receive Only Probation In Minnesota

Voters currently unaware of Minnesota's record on these crimes would likely find the state's actions and inactions extremely troubling.

Leftists Are Pushing Asian Americans Out Of The Democratic Party

The words of diversity ring hollow, as hard-working Asians from every socio-economic background, with stable family structure and strong disciplined work ethic, face discrimination.

Biden’s Plan For Promoting ‘Democracy’ Abroad Will Wreck U.S. Foreign Policy

Tucker Carlson is correct about utopian ideas from the national security blob resulting in flawed and destructive policies.

Why Reform Conservatives Should Embrace Capitalism, Not Shun It

Both sides in the debate assume free-market capitalism can be reduced to tax cuts, deregulation, and free trade. That assumption is false.

Why March Madness Is A Necessary And Timely Cultural Event

March Madness can help alleviate the deeper madness that our politicians and we Americans have plunged ourselves into with lockdowns.

There’s A Lot More To Saint Patrick Than Shamrocks And Guinness

This St. Patrick's Day, we must not just reflect on Irish culture, but the need to trust God for everything, letting His love inspire us to live for others.

Ted Cruz Throws A Fit An Accuses Biden Of Intimidating Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson attacked women in the military. The military responded by disagreeing with Carlson. Ted Cruz is claiming Biden is trying to intimidate Carlson.

Pelosi Defends Push To Overturn Iowa House Race GOP Won: ‘Well, It Was Six Votes’

'What my opponent wants to do is to violate Iowa law and go against the representation of the voters of Iowa, and disenfranchise 400,000 voters.'

Corporate Media Tantrum About Biden Working For The American People Instead Of Holding Press Conferences

The corporate media is complaining that Joe Biden has held a press conference yet, but ignoring his work for the American people.

New Project Seeks To Honor 4,000 Fallen Heroes In Arlington National Cemetery On Memorial Day

The Honor Project will place flags on the graves of at least 4,000 fallen heroes buried in Arlington National Cemetery whose loved ones are unable to visit on Memorial Day weekend.

Biden And Harris Are Going To Coast To Coast To Become Republicans’ Worst Nightmare

White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Republicans are going to have to explain why they voted against the stimulus.

Chris Christie Demands We Give Trump Credit For COVID Vaccine He Had Nothing To Do With

Chris Christie demanded that America give Trump credit for the COVID vaccine that Trump's Operation Warp Speed had nothing to do with.

Pelosi Eats Republicans For Lunch By Bringing Up Their Tax Cuts For The Rich Hypocrisy

Speaker Pelosi pointed out that Republicans are the last people in the world who have any credibility on the debt after their tax cuts for the rich.

Stacey Abrams Calls GOP ‘Domestic Enemies’ Trying To Bring Back Jim Crow, Chuck Todd Says Nothing

There is nothing normal or stable about Democrats recklessly accusing their Republican counterparts of being 'domestic enemies' eager to revive Jim Crow.

Stacey Abrams Just Used The Constitution To Burn The Filibuster To The Ground

Stacey Abrams explained to Democrats and everyone else why Senate Democrats have the constitutional power to exempt voting rights bills from the filibuster.

Opinion: Biden And Democrats Are Leading America Beyond Beltway Partisanship

Biden made many promises. First and foremost were those of leading us out of the pandemic and improving the lives of Americans. He is doing that by choosing to see the plight of Americans rather than negotiating with a mean and greedy blindness.

Opinion: H.R.1 Has A Hidden Gem That Will Rein In Conservative SCOTUS Justices

If passed and enacted, H.R.1 would allow Congress to create a commission to determine a "code of conduct" for justices on the Supreme Court.

Ted Cruz Is Furious That Biden Is Fulfilling Campaign Promises Instead Of Tweeting All Day

Ted Cruz is furious that Biden is spending his days fulfilling campaign promises instead of making noise on Twitter and cable news.

Iraq War Vet Rep. Seth Moulton Torches Tucker Carlson For Insulting The U.S. Military

Tucker Carlson is the least qualified person to be opining about who should and shouldn't be serving in the United States military. 

Biden Is Making Government Efficient Again As Americans Already Start To Receive Rescue Checks

Less than 48 hours after Biden signed his historic American Rescue Plan into law, Americans are already starting to receive rescue checks.

Trump Showed Up At A Charity Event In Golf Clothes And Urged Daughter-In-Law To Run For Senate

Lara Trump has been helping funnel money from the dog rescue charity organization to Donald Trump's properties.

Trump Should Be Terrified As Michael Cohen Leads Manhattan DA Toward A Criminal Indictment

What's happening at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has all the makings of a coming criminal indictment.

NBC: Wear A Mask While Exercising And Showering. Maybe Even Two

Capitalizing on people's fear and impulse to control others, NBC offers suggestions that take absurd CDC guidelines and crank them up to a zany extreme.

Lara Trump Busted For Funneling Nearly $2 Million From A Dog Charity To Trump Properties

The former president's daughter-in-law reportedly helped funnel nearly $2 million from a rescue dog charity to Donald Trump's properties.

Pelosi Threatens To Disenfranchise Iowa Voters With Contested House Race

Failed Democratic congressional candidate Rita Hart is pushing onward with a challenge to her lost election last fall with the help of caucus Democrats.

Lapdog Corrupt Media Coverage Of Biden’s Carteresque Speech Is Embarrassing

Biden's speech without the media filter was unmemorable at best, and depressing at worst. With the media filter, however, it was the best speech you've ever heard.

Eric Swalwell Obliterates Republicans For Using Him As A Distraction

Rep. Eric Swalwell responded to Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's attack against him by highlighting what the GOP doesn't want to talk about.

Rachel Maddow Slams Sen. Ron Johnson’s Racist Defense Of Trump Terrorists

Rachel Maddow called out the racism behind Sen. Ron Johnson's claims that the Trump terrorists who attacked the Capitol were good people.

Here Are The Facts: Trump Deserves No Credit For The COVID Vaccine

The media and Republicans are trying to give Trump credit for the coronavirus vaccine, but the truth is the vaccines were in development months before Operation Warp Speed.

Sens. Chuck Schumer And Kristen Gillibrand Call For Cuomo’s Resignation After Sexual Harassment Allegations

On Tuesday, a sixth accuser came forward alleging that Gov. Andrew Cuomo, "reached under her blouse and began to fondle her."

Tales From The Frontlines Of The Woke Revolution

On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, DePaul Professor Jason Hill talks hostility towards free speech and expression in academia.

Trump Jr. Claims There is No “Better Visual” Than Biden’s Dog Biting a Staff Member to Explain His Presidency

Donald Trump Jr. claimed there is no “better visual” than President Joe Biden’s dog biting a White House staff member, becoming the latest right-wing figure to criticize the president for the incident. Can anyone come up with a better visual to explain the Biden Presidency than his dog attacking a Federal Law Enforcement Officer??? Here … Continue reading "Trump Jr. Claims There is No “Better Visual” Than Biden’s Dog Biting a Staff Member to Explain His Presidency"

Right Wing Criticized for Promoting Conspiracy Theory About Biden After #DementiaJoe Starts to Trend Online

#DementiaJoe is the latest hashtag attacking President Joe Biden, promoted by individuals who continue make assumptions and promote conspiracies about his mental health. The hashtag began to trend after President Biden signed a $1.9 trillion stimulus package, injecting sorely needed aid into a country battered by the financial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some suggested … Continue reading "Right Wing Criticized for Promoting Conspiracy Theory About Biden After #DementiaJoe Starts to Trend Online"

If This Week You Learned Biden is ‘Hopeful’ And Tucker Carlson Is Evil, Congratulations, You’ve Been Lied To

More and more, we all have to take a step back, throw some water on our faces, and look around in disbelief at the state of our corporate media.

Republicans Won’t Tell You That The Biden Stimulus Is A Massive Working Class Tax Cut

The Biden stimulus (American Rescue Plan) is an average tax cut of $3,000 for the low and middle class and $6,000 for families.

Opinion: Republicans Claim Allowing All Eligible Americans To Vote Is An Assault On Democracy

The concept of voter equality is anathema to Republicans who would not control large areas of the country without voter suppression in all its variations.

Democrats Are Sacrificing American Kids’ Lives To Get More Power

Democrats lied, and children died. According to Joe Biden's lockdown speech Thursday, they're not done, either.

States Need To Protect Children From Trans Abuse By Investigating Planned Parenthood Now

The Biden administration will not investigate the abortion giant’s transgender profiteering. State departments of health, medical boards, attorneys general, and legislatures must fill the void.

Artificial Intelligence Expert Explains How Big Tech Manipulates What You Think

An Oxford University-trained artificial intelligence expert explains the machinery behind Big Tech's thought suppression, AI speech police, and groupthink on campus.

In Philadelphia, Explore How Old Masters Influenced These Expressionist Painters

Some art exhibitions are enjoyable because what is on display is intrinsically beautiful — challenging exhibits, however, yield their own rewards.

It’s Not ‘Insurrectionists’ Destroying Our Norms. It’s The New Authoritarian Left

Democrats’ idyllic version of freedom is actually hedonism – the natural result of what happens when an entire movement becomes radically secularized.

Let’s Not Assume ‘Christian Vaccine Refusal’ Is A ‘Spiritual Problem’

Human beings have lots of spiritual problems, but let's stop assuming a Christian's hesitancy to vaccinate is necessarily one of them.

Did The Shutdowns Save Lives? A Year Later, Statistical Analysis Suggests Not

There is no evidence shutdowns did anything but deepen the economic suffering, increase suicides, and prevent lifesaving medical tests and treatments.

Russiagate Figure Svetlana Lokhova Presses Defamation Case Against Corporate Media

Lokhova alleged Stefan Halper peddled false claims that she was a Russian spy and a paramour of Michael Flynn, with various media outlets then pushing that narrative

Kentucky’s Berea College Event Says ‘Trumpism’ Is ‘Terrorism At Its Core’

It's not clear how a university can say it 'accepts students of all...political leanings' while hosting an event charging half the country with being terrorists due to the color of their skin.

Democrats Want To Take California’s Freelance Job Destruction National

The PRO Act would sharply limit who is legally allowed to work independently or as a freelance worker, destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs during a recession.

Biden: Obey Dr. Fauci Or You’ll Be Locked Down Past July 4

'We will issue guidance on what you can and cannot do when fully vaccinated,' Joe Biden said in a lockdown anniversary speech promising no reliable end one year later.

House Passes Two Gun Control Bills To Delay Gun Sales, Create National Gun Registry

'These bills would have not stopped a single mass shooting -- not Newtown, not Charleston, not Parkland, not Las Vegas, not Sutherland Springs.'

Reps. Jim Jordan, Ken Buck Demand Amazon Release Censorship Docs

The congressmen demand Jeff Bezos produce documents and communications pertaining to Amazon's censorship decisions by March 25.

Hemingway: Biden Was ‘Ungracious’ In Dark, Threatening Speech

'The White House told reporters that they wanted them to say that this speech was uplifting and hopeful and so these propaganda outlets did that, when in fact it was anything but.'

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Calls Out GOP on Sexual Misconduct Double Standard

Andrew Cuomo is facing numerous and serious claims of sexual misconduct. At this point, the New York Governor has refused to resign from his post and has said he will only leave office if he is impeached. The accusations against Cuomo have given Conservative media plenty to talk about. And hosts on Fox News have … Continue reading "Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Calls Out GOP on Sexual Misconduct Double Standard"

F*ck Tucker Carlson: Tammy Duckworth Absolutely Destroys Tucker Carlson Over Women in the Military Comments

Over the last few years, a number of females who have courageously served their country have been elected to the House and Senate. Martha McSally, who served in Arizona, spent 22 years in the Air Force. Mikie Sherrill, recently elected to the House of Representatives, spent 9 years in the Navy. And Tammy Duckworth, a … Continue reading "F*ck Tucker Carlson: Tammy Duckworth Absolutely Destroys Tucker Carlson Over Women in the Military Comments"

Joe Biden Dazzles In First Primetime Address To The Nation

Joe Biden offered America hope, a path for the future, and hailed the success of his plan to combat COVID in his first primetime address to the nation.

Ben Shapiro Says Relief Checks Are Pointless Because the Pandemic is Already Over

On Thursday, Joe Biden signed his stimulus plan into law. The bill will bring relief to millions of Americans. It also has enormous support. Polls have shown that the legislation is very popular with over 70% of people saying they support it. And it is likely to be seen as a major accomplishment for Joe … Continue reading "Ben Shapiro Says Relief Checks Are Pointless Because the Pandemic is Already Over"

‘Militant-Style Group’ Still Occupies George Floyd Autonomous Zone In Minneapolis

One person was shot and killed in the autonomous zone last weekend, which might have been avoided if law enforcement had been able to enter the zone.

One Year Ago: Fox Business Host Trish Regan Accused Democrats of Politicizing the Coronavirus

A year ago, Trish Regan, then a host on Fox Business, accused Democrats of politicizing Covid-19, which at the time was responsible for just 26 deaths across the United States. Now, as the nation engages in the largest global vaccination effort in modern history, Regan’s remarks look even more foolish––and dangerous. According to data from … Continue reading "One Year Ago: Fox Business Host Trish Regan Accused Democrats of Politicizing the Coronavirus"

House Set to Pass Measures to Expand Background Checks on All Firearms Purchases

The Democrat-led House of Representatives is set to pass two measures to expand background checks on all firearms purchases and transfers. It would also expand the review time for gun purchases to 10 days. The bills will advance to the Senate, though they require significant bipartisan support to pass. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said … Continue reading "House Set to Pass Measures to Expand Background Checks on All Firearms Purchases"

Michael Cohen Meets With Manhattan DA For A 7th Time As Trump’s Nightmare Is Coming True

Michael Cohen's meetings with the Manhattan DA are increasing, which is a sign that the criminal investigation into Trump is accelerating.

Trump Reminds Americans COVID Vaccine Created Under His Leadership

'If I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all,' Trump said in a statement.

Congress Will Stall on Climate. There’s Still Hope.

Researchers say that global temperatures will continue to rise for centuries, no matter what we do today…and prospects for getting things done in Congress are not that bright. But climate policy expert Sam Ricketts says there is a lot of important action outside federal government that is making a big difference. 

The Story Of George Floyd Isn’t A Story Of Good And Evil, But Does America Know That?

It's a story of hard streets, difficult decisions, heightened tempers, and hard drugs. It's a story about human beings, our duties, our failings, and our weaknesses.

Courts Repeatedly Refused To Consider Trump’s Election Claims On The Merits

The losing side needed to know that a fair shake was given, and that justice prevailed, even if it wasn't the outcome they wanted. That did not happen after Nov. 3.

‘Nomadland’ Is A Vivid Picture Of American Decline And Its Lingering Antidote

'Nomadland' is not an exceptional case study. It's proof that erecting artistic barriers against cross-cultural exploration will cost us beautiful work.