
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Opinion: By Opposing Minimum Wage Increase, Republicans Scam Taxpayers and Endorse Poverty

While Republicans love to falsely claim that tax cuts for the wealthy pay for themselves through increased economic activity, in the case of increasing the minimum wage, it’s actually true.

As He Faces Possible Criminal Indictment, Trump Attacks The Supreme Court

Trump, who is potentially facing multiple criminal indictments, attacked the Supreme Court for not overturning the election.

Trump’s Big Comeback Flops As TV Networks Ignore CPAC Speech

Trump thought that his speech at CPAC would be his big comeback, but outside of Fox News, other major networks have not shown the speech.

Trump Just Delighted Democrats By Threatening To Run For President Again

At his CPAC speech, Trump pushed the Big Lie that he really won the election, and threatened to run for president again in 2024.

A CNN Anchor Just Basically Called Trump And CPAC Losers

CNN anchor Ana Cabrera laid out that Republicans at CPAC are celebrating a loser with their worship of Donald Trump.

The FBI Is Using Cellphone Data To Investigate Republicans In Congress For Capitol Attack

The FBI has the cellphone records of members of Congress and staff, and they are using them in part to investigate Republicans in Congress who may have participated in the Capitol attack.

Gov. Kristi Noem At CPAC: ‘Dr. Fauci Is Wrong A Lot’

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem called out the corporate media and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday, who are incensed that she never locked down her state in response to COVID.

Rob Portman Falls Apart When Confronted With His Reconciliation Hypocrisy

Sen. Rob Portman had no way of defending himself when confronted with his flip-flop on the use of reconciliation to pass the stimulus.

Media Hypocrite Dana Bash Complains Because Biden Won’t Cave To Republicans On Stimulus

CNN's Dana Bash thinks that cooperating with Republicans means that President Biden and Democrats cave on the stimulus.

Devin Nunes Attacks Kamala Harris With New Racist Conspiracy Theory

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) claimed that the nation's first African-American female vice president is eliminating the white male governors of New York and California.

Gov. Kristi Noem Gets Standing Ovation For Going Full Death Cult And Criticizing Fauci

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) got a standing ovation at CPAC for criticizing Dr. Fauci while leading a state where COVID ran wild.

Brainwashed Republicans Destroy Themselves By Refusing To Vote For Anyone Who Criticizes Trump

The Republican Party's self-destruction is accelerating as a new poll reveals that 66% of Republicans refuse to vote for anyone who criticizes Trump.

Opinion: Republicans Support Theocratic Dominance Over Constitutional Equality

They cannot violate the Constitution and deprive any other American’s equal protection of the law;

Gov. Kristi Noem Slams Corrupt Leftist Media In CPAC Speech

In her 26-minute speech, Noem focused on government and media malfeasance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The crowd was electric.

Opinion: To Save Democracy And Achieve Unity, Senate Democrats Must Kill The Filibuster

If Democrats want to save democracy and work toward unity, they must remove the obstacle of the filibuster.

Ted Lieu Says GOP Poses A Security Threat As Long As It Refuses To Acknowledge Biden’s Victory

Lieu blasted the GOP for encouraging political violence by refusing to accept that Joe Biden legitimately won last November's election.

Kamala Harris Inspires While Paying Tribute To Black Frontline Workers

During her remarks at the White House marking Black History Month, Vice President Harris paid tribute to those African-Americans who risk their lives for us.

Biden Refuses To Let GOP Obstructionists Delay His Historically Popular COVID Relief Bill

The GOP is trying to slow down or completely derail Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, but he isn't letting them get away with it.

Devin Nunes Has CPAC Meltdown And Claims Barack Obama Stole The 2020 Election

Nunes said that Obama and the Democrats were the masterminds of a conspiracy that started in the spring of 2020 to steal the election.

GOP Lawmaker Claims He’s Not Racist After Getting Busted Attending White Supremacist Event

Rep. Paul Gosar said that he's totally not a racist, despite the fact that he spoke at an event that was organized by a white supremacist.

Ron DeSantis At CPAC: ‘Florida Got It Right And The Locked-Down States Got It Wrong’

The crowd in Orlando roared in response to Gov. Ron DeSantis's declaration that Florida is a free state that has replaced initial lockdown restrictions with a policy of focused protection.

Ex-GOP Congresswoman Says The Republican Party Is Effectively A Trump-Worshipping Ponzi Scheme

The GOP is doubling down on Trumpism because campaign contributions are more important to them than truth and democracy.

Biden Tells Senate To ‘Act Now’ After House Passes His Popular American Rescue Plan

The House passed President Joe Biden's COVID relief package overnight, and now Biden is urging the Senate to do the same.

Sen. Bob Casey Calls The Republican Party A ‘Joke’ For Opposing COVID Relief

Sen. Bob Casey called the GOP a joke for opposing COVID relief now after they passed a massive tax cut for the wealthy in 2017.

CPAC Cesspool Is Proof That There’s Nothing Conservative About The Republican Party

It may be called the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), but there's nothing conservative about the Orlando event.

House Republicans Doom Themselves In 2022 By Voting Against Biden Stimulus Bill

House Republicans rejected helping the American people and doomed themselves in 2022 by voting against the Biden stimulus.

The American People Are Identifying Trump Terrorists And Having Them Arrested

Federal law enforcement has been getting help from the American people in identifying Trump terrorists who attacked the Capitol.

Snapchat Is A Transgender Propaganda And Grooming Machine

Snapchat is the transgender lobby’s greatest ally for indoctrinating and recruiting young people, away from the watchful eyes of their parents.

Vox Peddles Fake News That Dolly Parton Has A ‘Dark Side’ For Rejecting The Progressive-Or-Bigot Binary

Vox charged legendary sweetheart country star Dolly Parton as possessed with a 'dark side' Friday for her refusal to engage in divisive politics.

Donald Trump Jr. Loses It And Claims The Left Banned The Muppets

Donald Trump Jr. is struggling with his father no longer being in the White House, as his mental decline continued with a claim that the left banned the Muppets.

Biden Says U.S. “Will Never Recognize Russia’s Purported Annexation” of Crimea

On the seventh anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, a move that Ukraine and the global community largely consider a violation of international law, President Joe Biden condemned Russian aggression, saying the United States does not consider Russia’s intervention legitimate. “The United States does not and will never recognize Russia’s purported annexation of the peninsula, … Continue reading "Biden Says U.S. “Will Never Recognize Russia’s Purported Annexation” of Crimea"

Former GOP Rep Carlos Curbelo: Republican Party Has Become “Engulfed in Lies and Fear”

Former Republican representative Carlos Curbelo, who served as the U.S. representative for Florida’s 26th congressional district from 2015 to 2019, has criticized his party for pushing former president Donald Trump’s fictions about the elections, saying that his colleagues have become “engulfed in lies and fear.” “Here we only have two [political parties] and in order for one to be … Continue reading "Former GOP Rep Carlos Curbelo: Republican Party Has Become “Engulfed in Lies and Fear”"

Pompeo on Biden’s Syria Airstrikes: “I Hope They Really Went After Something That Threatened the United States of America”

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” to remark on the news that President Joe Biden’s administration had ordered airstrikes against Iranian-backed fighters in Syria. “You’ve got to protect your force, you’ve got to establish deterrence,” Pompeo told host Laura Ingraham. “We did this a couple of times, it … Continue reading "Pompeo on Biden’s Syria Airstrikes: “I Hope They Really Went After Something That Threatened the United States of America”"

The Border Surge Is Underway, And The Biden Administration Is Unprepared

The number of unaccompanied minors in federal custody is already overwhelming border facilities. Border officials expect to have 13,000 unaccompanied children cross the border in May.

Big Business Sides With Leftists In Pushing Highly Destructive ‘Equality Act’

Corporate elites are rendering everyday Americans powerless, colluding to enforce new, radical cultural norms by disempowering the working class to speak up.

How Baby Boomers Ushered In Our Narcissistic Age

Helen Andrews' book, 'Boomers: The Men and Women Who Promised Freedom and Delivered Disaster,' offers a penetrating and damning look at a generation that put America on a path to ruin.

How This Famous ‘Slave Song’ Reached Presidents And Royalty

'Steal Away' pairs the pathos of backbreaking, heart-crushing slavery – the startling realization that a slave has to 'steal' his own self away to be free – with the promise of ultimate deliverance in Jesus.

5 Things You Need To Know About The Extremist ‘Equality Act’ House Democrats Just Passed

Adding ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to the list of protected classes may seem straightforward enough, but the proposed law does more—much more.

In Final Days, Trump Gave Up On Releasing Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says

The House Intelligence Committee's Kash Patel said senior intelligence officials 'continuously impeded' the documents' release – usually by slow-walking their reviews of the material.

‘Minari’ Shares One Family’s American Dream Of Yearning To Belong

Director Isaac Lee Chung and co-star Yuh-Jung Youn discuss 'Minari,' a drama that shows the importance of family ties and faith in the American experience.

Estimates: George Floyd Riots To Cost 66 Times More Than Capitol Damage

The Capitol architect told lawmakers the price tag for the January riots stood around $30 million. The George Floyd riots cost an estimated $2 billion.

Tennessee Bill Would Ban Government From Forcing People Into Vaccines Derived From Aborted Babies

At its essence, Tennesee House Bill 10 promotes foundational conservative policies and should be a no-brainer for Republicans in the red stronghold.

How Leftists Captured Big Business

Stephen R. Soukup’s 'The Dictatorship of Woke Capital' helps explain Wall Street and corporate CEOs becoming woke and dissing the system that made them rich.

Joe Biden’s Cabinet Nominees Prove His Unity Claims Are A Lie

It may very well be a 'time to heal,' but Biden's cabinet appointees and nominees make one thing very clear. Unity to the left means playing God and governing like kings and queens. 

New York Legalizes Buying Babies And Selling Pregnancy

By defining parenthood by intention instead of biology, legalized surrogacy becomes a vicious process that is destructive of human life.

Leftist Tokenism Destroys Genuine Knowledge Of America’s Amazing Black History

Instead of honoring those who truly made black history into American history, leftist media, corporations, and the left have appropriated this tradition into a vehicle for virtual signaling.

Cardinal Robert Sarah’s Vatican Resignation Is A Loss For The Church In Africa And Beyond

Cardinal Robert Sarah’s departure invites suspicions of a continuing purge by Pope Francis of opponents to his project.

Joe Biden Has Ordered Retaliatory Airstrikes Against Iranian-Backed Militias in Syria

International relations were quite different under Donald Trump. The 45th president was happy to cozy up to enemies of the United States like Russia. And Trump often had frosty relationships with long-time allies like France, Canada and Germany. Joe Biden’s ascension to the presidency has excited allies. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau went as far as … Continue reading "Joe Biden Has Ordered Retaliatory Airstrikes Against Iranian-Backed Militias in Syria"

WATCH: Former CIA Director Brennan Expresses Disgust in Cruz, Hawley and Ron Johnson

The January 6th attack on the Capitol was one of the most disgraceful moments in United States history. Those behind the attack, though, don’t seem to be chastened by the fallout. The acting chief of the Capitol Police, Yogananda Pittman revealed on Thursday that there is a plot for more violence. She told the House … Continue reading "WATCH: Former CIA Director Brennan Expresses Disgust in Cruz, Hawley and Ron Johnson"

Xavier Becerra’s Pro-Abortion Track Record And The Uphill Battle For Life

Democrats "have promoted Becerra as being sort of a moderate, kind of line worker in the Democrat Party," said Dannenfelser. "That is absolutely wrong. ... He is an excellent and effective pro-abortion advocate."

“History Will be Kind to Trump” Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld Has Delusional Take on Trump’s COVID Response

This week, the United States hit a grim milestone. The country has now experienced 500,000 deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, Joe Biden’s response to the virus has been much more aggressive than Trump’s was. According to Axios, America is now averaging 1.7 million vaccines a day. And with many doses being administered, both cases … Continue reading "“History Will be Kind to Trump” Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld Has Delusional Take on Trump’s COVID Response"

The Equality Act Was Just The Start As House Democrats Move To Ban Muslim Bans

House Democrats passed The Equality Act then introduced a bill to ban any future Muslim ban-type presidential actions.

Spineless Mitch McConnell Says He Would Support Trump In 2024

Not only did Mitch McConnell reject the 1/6 Commission, but he also is saying that he would support Trump in 2024.

Criminal Charges Could Be Coming Soon As The Manhattan DA Now Has Trump’s Tax Returns

Trump has tried to hide his tax returns for years, but now the Manhattan DA has millions of pages of Trump's tax returns.

Republicans Tell 19 Million Jobless Americans To Starve By Opposing Stimulus

Republicans in Congress are telling the 19 million Americans who are getting some form of government check for lost wages to deal with it as they oppose more stimulus.

Marco Rubio Leads GOP Senators In Going After CEO Jeff Bezos For Amazon’s Digital Book Burning

The Republicans posed several questions to Bezos, notably asking what specific policy scholar Ryan T. Anderson's book violated that justified its removal.

Moron Trump Terrorist Texted His Ex Evidence Of Attack, So She Turned Him In

A Trump terrorist was arrested and charged after fighting with his ex while attacking democracy, and she turned him in.

It’s a Trap! Is Using Reconciliation to Pass the Dem Agenda a Giant Mistake?

The Senate is about to use a trick called “reconciliation” to pass Joe Biden’s Covid relief bill.  Many Democrats want to go further and use this arcane rule to pass all kinds of policies that would never otherwise make it through – a rise in the minimum wage, climate policies, infrastructure, etc. But Tori Gorman, a … Continue reading "It’s a Trap! Is Using Reconciliation to Pass the Dem Agenda a Giant Mistake?"

‘Blessings Of Liberty’: How ‘The Equality Act’ Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You

According to the Equality Act, religious nurses, doctors, and hospitals unwilling to kill an unborn child or perform a sex-change surgery could be legally discriminating.

Your Kids Would Be Better Off Feral Than Going To Schools That Make Them Anti-American Racists

State-sponsored instruction that makes your child a dogmatic racist relativist is not worth any benefit you feel schools give in return. Not a single one. Being Mowgli would be better.

The Right Can Do Better Than Freeing Markets To Sell Human Flesh

Conservative economic policy must be dedicated to the concrete well-being of families and communities, rather than abstract ideals of economic liberty and market efficiency.

How To Start A Ladies’ Discussion Group To Build Vibrant Relationships

Nowadays, forming relationships with other women often must be done on purpose if it’s to happen at all. Why not use a discussion group?

Prepare For A Deluge Of Dishonest CPAC Coverage

The corporate press will try to cast the annual conference as a gathering of fringe lunatics who are splitting the GOP. Don’t believe them.

VOA Exec Fired For Reports Of Misconduct, Fraud, And False Credentials Quickly Rehired Under Biden

More than 60 percent of VOA Persian employees under Setareh Derakhshesh Sieg said in a federal report that partisanship, favoritism, and 'widespread corruption' were the norm at the agency.

To Prevent Blackouts From Happening Again, Texas Should Go Nuclear

No outage would have occurred if a fraction of the total Texas wind capacity had instead been a combination of properly winterized natural gas turbines and nuclear plants.

Identity Politics Is Just A Mask For The Left’s Utter Ineptitude At Solving Real Problems

What American leftists like to describe as their commitment to greater fairness and equality almost always turns out to be a superficial rebranding of permanent dysfunction.

Biden Associate AG Nominee Vanita Gupta Wants To Ban Police From All Schools

Gupta's radical interest group has played a major hand in trying to defund the police through ineffective 'community policing.'

‘Erasing Family’ Documentary Illuminates The Unbearable Suffering Divorce Causes Kids

Divorce is not just the end of a marriage, it’s most often the beginning of a tragic, life-long, evolving fallout for the entire family.

Joe Biden Wants To Make You Pay Off Rich People’s College Debt

At a CNN town hall last week, Joe Biden emphasized that he is considering making taxpayers pay off $10,000 of every person’s outstanding student debt. This is a giveaway to the rich.

No More Bailouts: If My State Can Save For Emergencies Like COVID, So Can Others

There is no reason states that were unwilling to make the hard calls and trim spending before the pandemic can't make the right decisions now.

Domenech: Biden Administration Incentivizing Open Borders Run By Mexican Drug Cartels

'How quickly we go back to 'compassionate human holding facilities'' as a term for what were called 'cages' and 'human rights violations' when Donald Trump did it.

Mike Pence: Me and Donald Trump are Still Close Friends

Donald Trump doesn’t have much use for friends. His two closest friends were a bodyguard who worked in his administration and Michael Cohen, a lawyer who went to jail for him. Once the usefulness of the friendship has come to pass, Trump is quick to take the exit ramp. And when Mike Pence decided not … Continue reading "Mike Pence: Me and Donald Trump are Still Close Friends"

MSNBC Panel: Josh Hawley is Attempting to Appeal to the Trumpiest Part of the Base

Donald Trump may or may not be the future of the Republican party. There are plenty of reasons why he might not be. Especially after the Supreme Court ruled that the state of New York can look at Trump’s tax returns. And if the Republican nominee isn’t Trump, the field for the 2024 candidate is … Continue reading "MSNBC Panel: Josh Hawley is Attempting to Appeal to the Trumpiest Part of the Base"

WATCH: Dem. Rep. Gerry Connolly Smacks Down Trump Sycophant Jim Jordan

Donald Trump has now been out of office for over a month. That does not mean, however, that the people who enabled him over the last four years are going to stop now. Ohio Senator Jim Jordan might be Trump’s Chief sycophant. And in a nod to those duties, Jordan attempted to protect USPS evil-doer … Continue reading "WATCH: Dem. Rep. Gerry Connolly Smacks Down Trump Sycophant Jim Jordan"

Conservative Author Whose Book Was Banned By Amazon Discusses Big Tech Censorship, Digital Book-Burning, And Cancel Culture

Ryan T. Anderson joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss Amazon's recent attempt to deplatform his book "When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment."

Twitter Blocked Links To CPAC’s Website. It Now Claims It Was Just An ‘Error’

Twitter appears to be blocking the website for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) as the group of activists gathers this week.

Former Federal Prosecutor Says Trump Could Be Criminally Charged In Weeks

Former federal prosecutor Jennifer Rodgers said that criminal charges could come against Trump in weeks now that the Manhattan DA will officially have his tax returns.

Washington Post Journalists Need To Protest Deplatforming From Jeff Bezos

This oligarchical manipulation of speech norms should be especially irksome to members of the fourth estate whose paychecks ultimately come from Bezos. 

Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Obama All Over Again: Empowering Our Enemies At Our Expense

President Biden seems determined to go down the same path as his former boss, which will no doubt strengthen America's foes to the detriment of the country.

Here Are The 4 Most Woke Films Nominated For The 2021 Golden Globes This Sunday

2020 wasn't the greatest year in film, but it turned out to be a Godsend in light of the leftist propagandizing films nominated for The Golden Globes in 2021.

It’s Not Just ‘The Mandalorian’ That Needs A Way, It’s Everyone

The enforcers of modern leftism’s 'anti-way' use their cultural and economic power to suppress dissent, even if doing so flies in the face of pluralism.

After Its Threats To Australia, It’s Clear We’ve Got To ‘Unfriend’ Facebook

It seems now the only way we can escape Facebook's control and reject its power over us and our society is to expunge it from our lives.

Democrats Don’t Need Congress To Pass Amnesty. Biden Has Already Opened The Borders

Biden’s amnesty agenda will likely not pass Congress, but orders halting enforcement are creating a new border surge and humanitarian crisis that will come back to haunt him.

In Report Affirming Nearly No Transmission In Schools, CDC Slips In Shocking Data About Asymptomatic Spread

If the contagiousness of people without symptoms does not drive the spread of SARS-COV-2, then restrictions like lockdowns and mask mandates on the general public don't make sense.

Joe Biden’s HHS Nominee Plans To Make You Pay The Health Bills For Open Borders

Xavier Becerra has had one health-care cause near and dear to his heart during his three decades in public life: making taxpayers pay for health coverage to illegally present foreign workers.

Why Canceling Fox News Would Be Terrible For America

Some House Democrats have urged cable companies to cancel Fox News, Newsmax TV, and One America News Network ahead of a Wednesday hearing on extremism in the press.

MSNBC Contributor Who Encouraged ISIS To Bomb Trump Tower Will Testify On Domestic Terrorism

Malcolm Nance, a left-wing Navy veteran accused of exaggerating his military accomplishments while in the service, will join lawmakers Wednesday.

Facebook Hosts Far More Extremism, But Apple Still Won’t Reinstate Parler In App Store

Apple continues to carry Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube on its App Store, all of which have been the platform for Antifa to broadcast violence.

COVID Bill Would Give Federal Employees Nearly Four Months Of Paid Leave To Homeschool Kids While Teachers Do Nothing

After nearly a year of uninterrupted paychecks while millions of Americans struggled to make ends meet during government-mandated lockdowns, bureaucrats would have access to a $570 million fund.

5 Ways Help Your Child Not Grow Up To Be A Socialist

According to a study last year, 70 percent of millennials and 64 percent of Zoomers say they would vote for a socialist candidate. Good job, America.

Rachel Maddow Unloads On GOP Senators For Inventing New Standards For Biden’s Cabinet Picks

Rachel Maddow ripped into the Republican double standard being used to evaluate Joe Biden's Cabinet picks.

Beto O’Rourke Is Still Helping Texans Recover As Ted Cruz Slinks Into The Background

Beto O'Rourke is still on the ground in Texas distributing clean water to those who haven't had access to it for more than a week.

WATCH: Gaslight King Tucker Carlson Says There is No Evidence QAnon Even Exists

QAnon played a major role in the January 6th insurrection on the Capitol. More than a few of the mob members could be seen wearing QAnon paraphernalia. Other insurrectionists could be seen waving QAnon flags. But Tucker Carlson has made a commitment to gaslighting his viewers, even if the evidence is right there in front … Continue reading "WATCH: Gaslight King Tucker Carlson Says There is No Evidence QAnon Even Exists"

Trump Shows More Urgency Responding To Tiger Woods’ Car Crash Than The U.S. Capitol Attack

Donald Trump quickly crawled out from under his Mar-a-Lago rock on Tuesday when the news broke of Tiger Woods' car accident.

68% of Americans Support Biden’s $1.9T Plan But Susan Collins Says 0% of Republican Senators Will Vote For It

The Coronavirus pandemic has not only killed over 500,000 Americans, it has devastated millions more financially. That is why one of Joe Biden’s early hopes is to get money out to these struggling people. And the plan Biden has put forward is very popular. Polling shows that 68% of people asked are behind the plan … Continue reading "68% of Americans Support Biden’s $1.9T Plan But Susan Collins Says 0% of Republican Senators Will Vote For It"

Stacey Abrams Launches New Campaign To Stop GOP Election Rigging In Its Tracks

Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight Action is launching a new ad campaign to combat recent efforts by Republicans in Georgia to restrict voting rights.

Former Senator Al Franken Explains Why Ron Johnson is Clearly an Antifa Plant

Al Franken was, at one time, one of the most popular Democratic lawmakers in the country. Franken, though, stepped down from his position after being accused of sexual misconduct in January of 2019. The former Minnesota senator now hosts a weekend political show on Sirius XM radio. But before he was a politician, Franken spent … Continue reading "Former Senator Al Franken Explains Why Ron Johnson is Clearly an Antifa Plant"

Fox News Accuses Democrats of “Capitalizing” on Texas Weather Disaster

Last week, the state of Texas experienced massive power outages due to a winter storm. The leaders of the state, many of them Republicans, didn’t seem to be interested in helping their constituents. Ted Cruz famously took off for Cancun. Little was heard from Senator John Cornyn and Governor Greg Abbott mostly seemed interested in … Continue reading "Fox News Accuses Democrats of “Capitalizing” on Texas Weather Disaster"

With The Biden Administration In Full Swing, Normalcy Continues To Elude Us

Madeline Osburn and Emily Jashinsky break down how Biden's nominees, executive orders, and other political actions are anything but moderate.

David Perdue Announces He Won’t Run for Senate Seat in Georgia in 2022

Despite speculation that he would run against Senator Jon Ossoff (D) in 2022 after losing his Senate seat to Ossoff during the most recent election, former Senator David Perdue (R) announced that he would not run for a Senate seat in Georgia in 2022. Because Senator Raphael Warnock (D) defeated former Senator Kelly Loeffler (R) … Continue reading "David Perdue Announces He Won’t Run for Senate Seat in Georgia in 2022"

Cruz Says His Wife is “Pissed” Over Leaked Texts About Cancún Trip

Speaking to the Ruthless podcast, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said that his wife Heidi is “pissed” over the leaked text messages that revealed they were flying to Cancún even as millions went without water and power as a result of the Texas energy disaster. “Heidi’s pretty pissed at that,” Cruz said of the leaked texts. “She … Continue reading "Cruz Says His Wife is “Pissed” Over Leaked Texts About Cancún Trip"

Cruz Unrepentant, Blames Criticism for Cancún Trip on “Trump Withdrawal”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has pushed back against criticism he’s received for flying to Cancún while millions of people went without food and water as a result of the Texas power disaster. Speaking to conservative radio host Dana Loesch, Cruz blamed criticism on “Trump withdrawal,” implying that attacks against him are only taking place because … Continue reading "Cruz Unrepentant, Blames Criticism for Cancún Trip on “Trump Withdrawal”"

Supreme Court Denial Of 2020 Election Cases Invites ‘Erosion Of Voter Confidence’

The Supreme Court’s abdication of its authority to answer important constitutional questions threatens even more chaotic federal elections.

Stop Smearing Christians As ‘Christian Nationalists’ Just Because They Value Both Faith And Freedom

Don't confuse true believers who rightly fight for both faith and freedom as Christian nationalists. That's just the Christian life.

As Americans Turn Left, We Should Remember Socialism Killed 36 Million Chinese

Chinese whistleblower Yang Jisheng's book, 'Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine 1958-1962,' is a powerful reminder that collectivism is evil.

5 Times Anthony Fauci Proved He ‘Understands Science’ As A Tool To Lie To Americans

Meghan McCain is right: Fauci should be fired. He should have been a long, long time ago. He is a liar, and he even admits it. So why is he still on TV?

Media Botch Hit On Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis While Trying To Cover Blue State Failures

No governor's story is as emblematic of the media malpractice in the era of coronavirus than that of Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

How To Survive For Three Days With No Water Or Power On $200

Thanks to experience with numerous hurricanes, we were prepared for the Texas power outage and no one slept in the cold at our house. When you are prepared, three days is not that bad.

Digital Book-Burning: Amazon Bans Heritage Scholar Ryan T. Anderson’s Book On Transgenderism

With the removal of Ryan T. Anderson's 2018 book 'When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,' Amazon openly signaled the end of dialogue.

We Need To Have A National Conversation About Offensive Muppets

It's about time we have a conversation about these muppets who, in their ignorance, have perpetuated harmful stereotypes through their puppet privilege.

Newsom’s Recall Proves Lockdown Rage Is A Growing Bipartisan Force

While the California recall may have been started by Trump supporters, it isn’t about Donald Trump or partisan politics. It’s about holding Gavin Newsom accountable.

No, The Lack Of ‘Diversity’ Among Political Cartoonists Isn’t A Crisis

Apparently, you should feel outraged over the lack of 'diversity' in a subset of a profession that, across the country, is held by fewer than 30 people.

Facebook Targets The Federalist With Myopic ‘Fact Check’ On Green Energy

When demand for energy goes up and 40 percent of the total supply malfunctions, in significant part because solar energy doesn't work in the dark or when wind turbines are iced stiff, you get blackouts. 

‘To All the Boys: Always and Forever’ Gives A Sweet Ending To A Successful Teen Rom-Com

The storyline and issues 'To All the Boys: Always and Forever' touches on maintains its universal appeal for people from all cultural backgrounds.

Despite Corporate Threats, Republicans Raise $3 Million More Than Democrats In January

The money raised by the Republican Party will prove to be tremendously important in the 2022 midterm elections, as the GOP attempts to win back the House and Senate. 

Rachel Maddow Tells Trump To Brace For A Criminal Trial After Supreme Court Tax Return Ruling

The Supreme Court's decision to allow the release of the ex-president's tax returns means a criminal trial could be coming for Trump.

John Fetterman Crushes The GOP’s Big Lie By Pointing Out That Trump Won 100% Of Dead Voters In PA

Trump and his loyalists like to claim that so-called dead voters cast their ballots for Democrats, but the opposite appears to be true.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says That Post-COVID, Bill Gates Controls What We Can Do With Our Bodies

When he was coming into office, Joe Biden said that his goal was for the US to average 1 million vaccines a day. A month into office, the country is shattering that goal and the average is up to 1.6 million shots a day. The cases are also going down around the country. Data has … Continue reading "WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says That Post-COVID, Bill Gates Controls What We Can Do With Our Bodies"

Michael Cohen Predicts A Trump Indictment Is Coming Soon

Michael Cohen predicted on Monday night that a Trump indictment is coming soon based on recent actions from the Manhattan DA's Office.

Lindsey Graham Says He and Trump are Strategizing on 2022 Mid-Terms

Donald Trump would very much like to be the future of the Republican party. He certainly has a lot of support. 43 senators just voted to acquit him during his impeachment trial. Over 150 congresspeople decided to join in on his election fight. But there are those that don’t want to see Trump be the … Continue reading "Lindsey Graham Says He and Trump are Strategizing on 2022 Mid-Terms"

Biden Honors 500K COVID Deaths On The Same WH Balcony Where Trump Staged Maskless Photo Op

The contrast between Joe Biden's presidency and that of his predecessor could not have been clearer on Monday night at the White House.

Embattled Texas AG Ken Paxton Also Skipped Town During Weather Disaster

When a state faces a weather disaster, it is a good time for elected politicians to show leadership. Sure, there’s not much they can do to stop a blizzard or a hurricane, but they can get on the phone and secure help for their constituents. Ted Cruz decided against doing any of this. The Texas … Continue reading "Embattled Texas AG Ken Paxton Also Skipped Town During Weather Disaster"

Merrick Garland May Hide Durham Report From Public

When questioned by GOP senators, President Biden's nominee for attorney general Merrick Garland said he wouldn't commit to releasing the Durham report.

Yellen Defends Stimulus Payments: “It’s the Right Thing to Do”

Speaking at a virtual event hosted by The New York Times, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said a proposal to send $1,400 direct payments to Americans will help those who are struggling, particularly those who are not receiving other targeted forms of assistance. That really helps to make sure that pockets of misery that we know … Continue reading "Yellen Defends Stimulus Payments: “It’s the Right Thing to Do”"

Mike Lee Tried To Use Merrick Garland To Scare Gun Owners And Totally Failed

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) broke out the NRA talking points to try to scare gun owners during Merrick Garland's confirmation hearing and failed.

UK Calls On United Nations To Probe Communist China’s Uighur Camps

United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is asking the United Nations to investigate communist China's human rights abuses against the Uighur people, a minority Muslim population, located in the Xinjiang province in China.

Manhattan DA Terrifies Trump With Three Word Tweet

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance responded to the Supreme Court denying Trump's latest bid to hide his tax returns with a three-word tweet.

Fauci on Coronavirus Death Toll: “We’ve Done Worse Than Most Any Other Country”

Speaking on Good Morning America, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading Covid-19 expert, said the high death toll in the United States did not have to happen, though he did not directly assign blame to former President Donald Trump or the Trump administration. “Five hundred thousand Americans — families grieving all across the country,” said Good Morning … Continue reading "Fauci on Coronavirus Death Toll: “We’ve Done Worse Than Most Any Other Country”"

Dominion Voting Systems Sues MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for $1.3 Billion

Dominion Voting Systems has sued MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for $1.3 billion, arguing that Lindell defamed the company by promoting the baseless conspiracy theory that falsely claimed Dominion conspired with foreign powers to rig voting machines to stop former President Donald Trump from winning the 2020 general election. The company seeks more than $651 million … Continue reading "Dominion Voting Systems Sues MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for $1.3 Billion"

The Supreme Court Shoots Down Trump’s Final Pennsylvania Election Challenge

The Supreme Court has denied a final challenge brought by Donald Trump to the Pennsylvania 2020 election process.

Capitol Police Officer Says Trump Supporters Beat Officers with Blue Lives Matter Flags During Capitol Insurrection

Speaking to ABC News, Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn said groups of former President Donald Trump’s supporters yelled racial slurs at him and beat his fellow officers with Blue Lives Matter flags during last month’s Capitol insurrection, which left five people, including Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, dead. “I got called a [N-word] a couple … Continue reading "Capitol Police Officer Says Trump Supporters Beat Officers with Blue Lives Matter Flags During Capitol Insurrection"

Supreme Court Rules Trump’s Tax Returns Must Be Turned Over to NY Prosecutor

The Supreme Court has rejected former President Donald Trump’s final bid to shield his financial documents from view, ruling that his tax returns must be turned over to a New York state prosecutor. The ruling is “the apparent culmination of a lengthy legal battle that had already reached the high court once before,” according to … Continue reading "Supreme Court Rules Trump’s Tax Returns Must Be Turned Over to NY Prosecutor"

Rep. Charlie Crist Asks DOJ To Investigate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) has requested that the Department of Justice launch an investigation into Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Kelly Loeffler Launches Group To Rig Georgia Elections For Republicans

Former Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) is launching her conservative group, dubbed Unfair Fight by critics, to rig Georgia elections for Republicans.

By Offering Amnesty Now, Democrats Are Setting Up A Massive Immigration Crisis

Democrats unveiled an immigration bill last week that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants as conditions worsen on the border.

Harry And Meghan Don’t Have A Clue What It Means To Be Aristocracy

By seeking to keep the positive publicity and public platform of royal celebrities while rejecting the responsibilities of monarchy, Harry and Meghan are missing the point of their station.

In Major Speech, Biden Reveals His Deep Misunderstanding Of Foreign Policy

Turning great-power competition into a simplistic struggle between good and evil defies basic realism. Naturally, Biden chose to do so in his first major foreign policy speech.

Court Docs Show Facebook Played Much Bigger Part In Capitol Riot Than Parler, Yet No Consequences

If any single platform can be fingered as the favorite of the rioters, it appears to be Facebook. Yet Facebook remains unmolested by app stores and untargeted by opportunistic politicians.

3 Top Democrats Who Celebrated Or Denied Leftist Street Violence Get Big Bucks From Hypocrites In Corporate America

If these sanctimonious businesses truly believe in law and order, why did they not announce they're pulling the funding of Democrats who openly supported disturbing violence?

Why The ‘Equality Act’ Democrats Want To Pass This Week Should Really Be Called The ‘Destroy Our Daughters Act’

While Democrats present the Equality Act as legislation designed to protect LGTBQ people from discrimination, if passed the law would prove devasting to girls and women.

PolitiFact’s Angie Holan Denies Cuomo Guilt On Nursing Home Deaths, Blames Care Employees

'When the state was asking nursing homes to take in COVID patients...We don't see hard evidence that that made a significant difference in COVID deaths."

Why Democrats’ Equality Act Is Dangerous To Women, Children, And Gay People Like Me

It’s not fundamentalist Christians trying to erase lesbians and chop off children’s genitals, it’s self-described progressive Democrats. Don’t let them.

In Wake Of His Death, Media Smears Rush Limbaugh For ‘AIDS Update’ He Repeatedly Apologized For

It seems that rather than attempt to hold Rush Limbaugh eternally accountable for his sins, this one in particular, what should matter most is the context and his apology.

Will Merrick Garland Recuse Himself From DOJ Probes On Hunter Biden, Russia Hoax?

Hearings for president Joe Biden's attorney general nominee, former federal Judge Merrick Garland, will launch Monday. He has some conflicts of interest.

Pennsylvania GOP Prepares Censure Vote Against Sen. Pat Toomey For Voting To Impeach Trump

Toomey was one of seven GOP senators who joined Democrats to vote yes on conviction, which ultimately fell flat at 57 to 43 in favor of acquittal for Trump.

White House Refuses To Condemn Cuomo’s Fatal Decision To Put COVID-Positive Patients In Nursing Homes

'The president is focused on his goals, his objectives as president of the United States. He’s going to continue to work with Gov. Cuomo, just like he’ll continue to work with governors across the country.'

Bad News For Trump As Merrick Garland Vows To Prosecute White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists

Biden Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland has promised to oversee the prosecution of white supremacists like those who attacked the Capitol.

Ted Cruz Violates Quarantine For Desperate Photo-Op

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is supposed to quarantining after his trip to Cancun, but he is violating quarantine to stage desperate photo-ops.

Joe Biden Has Been In Office For 32 Days And Spent 0 Taxpayer Dollars Playing Golf

Joe Biden has been president for 32 days and has spent 0 taxpayer dollars going to golf, but he does go to church every weekend.

Republicans Are Dumping Trump As Gov. Asa Hutchinson Says He Won’t Support A 2024 Run

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) became the latest high-profile Republican to announce that he will not be supporting Trump if he runs in 2024.

Rep. Steve Scalise Refuses To Say That The Election Wasn’t Stolen

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) the second-ranking Republican in the House refused to say that the election wasn't stolen in 2020.

Donald Trump Jr. Looks Like A Terrorist By Attacking Teachers While Posing With Automatic Weapons

Donald Trump Jr. attacked teachers and blamed them for keeping schools closed while posing with automatic weapons.

Opinion: Texans Are Reaping What Republicans Have Sown

The current Republican-caused disaster began long ago and will likely never be resolved because the GOP will continue unabated putting the “interests of the wealthy elite and energy companies far above the welfare of the people of Texas.”

Opinion: Texas Fiasco Highlights Need for What Biden Calls Unity: Mutual Care Modeled by Government Leaders

In a small sentence, Biden made a huge point. Let’s serve people, not presidents or politics.

Trump’s Financial Crimes Are Unraveling As The Manhattan DA Subpoenas NYC Tax Agency

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office continues to ramp up its fraud investigation into Donald Trump's company.

AOC Raises $3.2M And Volunteers At Texas Food Bank As Ted Cruz Goes On Cancun Apology Tour

AOC is busy raising millions of dollars for struggling Texans while volunteering on the ground in Houston.

Whistleblower: Coca-Cola Uses Antiracist Training That Tells Employees ‘Try To Be Less White’

The 49-minute training video by DiAngelo, author of the book 'White Fragility,' is titled 'Confronting Racism.' It claims all white people are born racist.

There Is No GOP Civil War

The supposed schism in the Republican Party is a media fantasy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. Liz Cheney's hopes that voters would abandon Trump have been dashed on the cliffs of reality.

Newsmax Calls It A Scandal That The Bidens Brought A 12-Year-Old Dog Into The White House

If Donald Trump brought a 12-year-old canine into the White House, MAGA media would have swooned. With Joe Biden, it's a global scandal.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Hangs Out At Mar-a-Lago As He Bungles The State’s Vaccine Rollout

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) traveled to Mar-a-Lago on Friday night to visit disgraced ex-president Donald Trump.

Biden Approves More Emergency Resources For Texas To Clean Up GOP-Caused Humanitarian Crisis

Republican leadership completely failed Texas this week, and President Joe Biden is stepping in to clean up the mess.

PolitiFact Is Ticked That We Fact-Checked Their False Fact-Check Of Our Fact-Check Of Their Fact-Check

PolitiFact has still not published a fact-check of Harris's erroneous assertion the Biden White House had to start 'from scratch' with vaccine distribution.

31 Days In, Democrats Haven’t Accomplished A Single COVID Promise To The American Worker

Biden told Wisconsin brewer Tim Eichinger, a Democrat who is struggling to keep his employees on and his business afloat, to give White House staff his address so they could mail him their COVID plan.

Failed Impeachment Saga Was An Embarrassment For Democrats

The case for impeaching Trump was so weak that the Democrats fabricated evidence to secure a conviction that still never came.

The Truth Behind The Texas Blackouts: It’s Basic Math

Founder and Executive Director of Power The Future Daniel Turner joins Chris Bedford to discuss how failures in the government-induced wind sector of the Texas energy grid contributed to the state's unfurling power crisis.

Ted Cruz Self-Destructs And Claims He Was Taking Care Of His Family With Cancun Vacation

At a moment when many Texas families don't have food, water, or heat, Sen. Ted Cruz said that he was only taking care of his family by going to Cancun.

Donald Trump Jr. Goes On Insane Rant Blaming Democratic Governors For Texas Crisis

Donald Trump Jr. tried to defend Ted Cruz by blaming "Democrat governors" when the governor of Texas is a Republican.

Trumpism Is On The Run In Pennsylvania As Another Strong Democrat Jumps Into The Senate Race

State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta announced he would be running for the U.S. Senate to replace outgoing PA Republican Sen. Pat Toomey.

How Cancel Culture Is Empowering Alternatives To Corrupt Legacy Institutions

Cancel culture is empowering a new infrastructure that will challenge the dominance of legacy cultural institutions. 

Biden Administration’s Obvious Politics-Playing On Opening Schools Is Alienating Even Progressive Parents

Leftist media seeks to obfuscate the difference on this issue between the two political parties to protect Democrats and teachers’ unions. It won’t work.

This Art Exhibit Sends You To Spain On American Soil

While it may not be as good as being there, the exhibition and the accompanying catalog help us to eagerly look forward to when we can go back to Spain.

Biden Administration Prepares Way For Banks To Refuse Service To Democrats’ Enemies

By abusing the powers of federal regulators, Operation Choke Point 2.0 would stifle the bipartisanship, unity, and healing President Biden claims to desire.

Wisconsin’s Capitol City Is Trying To Ban White People From Police Oversight Board

Heralded as a serious effort at 'equity' and 'inclusion,' Madison’s Police Civilian Oversight Board openly states that white people need not apply and are not welcome.

Leftists Want America To Be Like Europe — Except On Reopening Schools

For once, conservatives are saying we should follow Europe. School boards should listen to the rest of the civilized world and return American kids to school.

Stop Being Ridiculous: A Green New Deal Would Make Snowstorms And Blackouts Worse

Citing climate change for Texas’s current weather or casting the Green New Deal as a realistic response to such weather is completely unscientific and unhelpful.

Why Catholic Leaders Say The Faithful Have A Duty To Go Back To Church In Person

The physical contact created with God through worship is vital to following him and cannot be met through virtual means. For those who are not at high risk from COVID, it's time.

70 Percent Of American Adults Are Now Overweight, A New High

The American public wasn't healthy going into the coronavirus pandemic, and it's not getting any healthier during lockdown.

How Listening To Rush Limbaugh As A Democrat Taught Me To Be A Better Person

Rush Limbaugh was part of that messy American world I grew up in. Ignoring him would have been easy. Dealing with him made me a better person.

5 Reasons To Enjoy ‘The Muppet Show’ Now That It’s Finally Streaming

As all five seasons of ‘The Muppet Show’ premiere on Disney Plus, let’s rewind the clips to understand why fans are excited about the classic variety comedy.

Americans Deserve True Black History, Not Lies From The 1619 Project

The pedagogy of ethnic pride comes with responsibility currently being abdicated for radicalism. That’s why it’s a shame when curricula simply revises history for political gain.

Texas Is A Warning To America That GOP Policies Could Have Deadly Consequences

Denying climate change and promoting deregulation might play well on Fox News, but it has clearly failed millions of Texans this week.

Report: Trump To Start Fundraising Again in an Effort To Defeat McConnell

Mitch McConnell doesn’t want Donald Trump to have anything to do with his party anymore. Trump was useful for a while. Wealthy people got a huge tax break and there are 3 new Conservative Supreme Court Justices. But in the Senate Minority Leaders’ mind, Trump just cost Republicans the Georgia runoffs. And McConnell is reportedly … Continue reading "Report: Trump To Start Fundraising Again in an Effort To Defeat McConnell"

QAnon Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Responds to Criticism Over Her Assault Weapon Zoom Set-Up

Over the last year, people have done a large amount of their communicating over Zoom. And part of the fun of Zoom is getting an inside look at what is happening in other people’s houses and apartments. This goes for lawmakers too. On Wednesday, a Congressional hearing was held concerning the trading platform, Robinhood. Colorado … Continue reading "QAnon Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Responds to Criticism Over Her Assault Weapon Zoom Set-Up"

‘Height Of Arrogance’: Ex-RNC Chair Shreds Ted Cruz For Fleeing Texas In The Middle Of A Crisis

Steele said Cruz's attempted vacation in the middle of a winter emergency shows just how detached from reality the senator is.

WATCH: Rudy Giuliani Eulogizes Rush Limbaugh With a Pervy Golf Story

People from all corners of the political world came out to mourn Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday. Donald Trump broke his media silence by calling into Fox News, OAN and Newsmax. Mike Pence remained silent after news broke that Donald Trump didn’t care about his or his family’s safety. But Pence used his Twitter account to … Continue reading "WATCH: Rudy Giuliani Eulogizes Rush Limbaugh With a Pervy Golf Story"

Ted Cruz’s Cancun Cover Story Falls Apart After Texts From His Wife Leak To The New York Times

Ted Cruz would be lounging on the beach in Cancun right now if he didn't get caught fleeing his state in the middle of a humanitarian crisis.

Record-Breaking Temperatures Strip Texans Of Heat And Water: ‘We Were Not Prepared For This’

Even with limited water and power, many Texans looked for ways to serve their neighbors and entertain their kids.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Criticizes Governor Cuomo, Calls for Probe to Investigate Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio criticized Governor Andrew Cuomo amid reports that Cuomo threatened a lawmaker who opposed the state’s decision not to immediately release data on Covid-19-related deaths in nursing homes. “It’s a sad thing to say, Mika, but that’s classic Andrew Cuomo. A lot of people in New York state have … Continue reading "NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Criticizes Governor Cuomo, Calls for Probe to Investigate Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths"

Backlash Grows As Ted Cruz Vacations In Cancun While Texans Freeze To Death

Sen. Ted Cruz is facing a growing backlash as he fled to Cancun while millions of Texans are freezing and without power.

Confirmed: Ted Cruz Flew to Cancun Amid Texas Power Disaster

A source has confirmed to Fox News that Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) flew to Cancun for a family getaway as his state contends with the consequences of a winter storm that has left millions without electricity or running water. “The photos speak for themselves,” the source said, referring to photos that circulated on social media … Continue reading "Confirmed: Ted Cruz Flew to Cancun Amid Texas Power Disaster"

This Basic Math Shows How Wind Energy Failures Contributed To Texas’s Deadly Power Loss

We can learn from what happened in Texas if we have a serious and necessary conversation about renewable energy. But will we?

Pelosi’s Pick To Lead Capitol Security Investigation Thinks Hawley Is A ‘Little Piece Of Sh-t’ Who Should Lose His Job

Nancy Pelosi's pick to lead a Capitol security investigation in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot hurled multiple partisan insults at congressional Republicans.

Tennessee Lawmakers Propose Bill That Would Grant Fathers Veto Power Over Abortion Without Pregnant Woman’s Consent

Senator Mark Pody and Representative Jerry Sexton (R-Tenn.) have proposed a measure that would grant fathers veto power over abortion without a pregnant woman’s consent. The bill, SB494/HB1079, is the latest push to restrict abortion in the state of Tennessee. The measure, if passed, “permits a person to petition a court for an injunction to … Continue reading "Tennessee Lawmakers Propose Bill That Would Grant Fathers Veto Power Over Abortion Without Pregnant Woman’s Consent"

The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything

The weakness and stupidity of America’s right has allowed false narratives to cement in the minds of the public. It’s killing our freedoms. It’s killing our jobs. It’s killing our families.

Andrew Cuomo Didn’t Create The Myth Of Andrew Cuomo, Corporate Media Did

The myth of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Master of Pandemics, Destroyer of Trump, Boyfriend of America didn't create itself: It was the creation of U.S. media.

Nick Sandmann Documentary ‘Rush To Judgment’ Chronicles Disturbing Covington Catholic Media Smear

A new film does a deep-dive into the 2019 Covington Catholic event that was a media creation, and it's worth your time.

How A U.S. President And A Former Slave Who Sometimes Disagreed Became Friends

One was born in a one-room cabin in Kentucky. The other, born into slavery in Maryland. In time, they became two of America's best leaders.

The Failure Of The Texas Power Grid Is Worse Than You Think

A rare winter storm has put ordinary Texans in danger — and exposed the corrupt and parasitic nature of the energy industry in oil-rich Texas.

These Shocking Graphs Show Florida’s Far Better COVID Outcomes With Far Milder Lockdown Than New York, California

Despite Florida's proven record on fighting the virus -- and the popularity of moving to the Sunshine State -- President Joe Biden is considering banning travel to and from Florida.

Biden’s ‘Conservative’ Supporters Need To Defend His Partisan, Hard-Left First Month

President Joe Biden wraps up his first full month in office this week having set a new standard for leftists in the White House.

Texas’s Blackouts Are The Result Of Unreliable ‘Green’ Energy

The blackouts, which have left as many as 4 million Texans trapped in the cold, show the numerous chilling consequences of putting too many eggs in the renewable basket.

Hemingway: Limbaugh Taught A Generation How To Fight Back Against The Corrupt Media, Totalitarian Left

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway remembered iconic broadcast host Rush Limbaugh on Fox News Wednesday.

Biden’s Alma Mater Bans Men From Posts And Scholarships, Just For Being Men

The University of Delaware offers or advertises a lot of scholarship and grant money exclusively for female students. Men may not apply -- unless they are transgender.

Blue Check Marks On Twitter Mock Rush Limbaugh’s Death: ‘Good Riddance’

Cruel hashtags started trending on Twitter as pundits expressed their ill will towards Rush Limbaugh the day he died, offering his family nearly no time to mourn in peace.

Stable Families Are Helping Protect Kids From Lockdown-Induced Depression And Suicide

All other things being equal, children from married, two-parent homes are doing better amid COVID-19 than those in other familial situations.

Frank Figliuzzi: We Haven’t Heard From Capitol Police Because Their Story is Too Painful

On January 6th of this year, a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol and overwhelmed the police who protect the building. Despite the fact that many carried police supporting flags, the insurrectionists were more than happy to attack officers that got in their way. Officer Brian Sicknick died that day. Following the … Continue reading "Frank Figliuzzi: We Haven’t Heard From Capitol Police Because Their Story is Too Painful"

Trump Appears on Newsmax, Won’t Say if He’s Running in 2024

Since the day he left the White House, Donald Trump has been relatively quiet. The Twitter ban, thankfully, has prevented him from easily communicating with his supporters and dissenters. But there were two recent events that brought Trump out from hiding. The first was the anti-Trump speech given by Mitch McConnell on Saturday. The other … Continue reading "Trump Appears on Newsmax, Won’t Say if He’s Running in 2024"

Conservative Charlie Sykes Rips Dan Crenshaw as a GOP Grifter in Scathing Op-Ed

A few years back. Saturday Night Lives Pete Davidson made fun of Dan Crenshaw’s eye-patch during a spot on Weekend Update. Weeks later, Davidson apologized to Crenshaw on the show. Crenshaw used the moment to talk about how people of differing political parties could still get along. Since then, the Texas Congressman has regularly engaged … Continue reading "Conservative Charlie Sykes Rips Dan Crenshaw as a GOP Grifter in Scathing Op-Ed"

Biden Poised For Massive Success As 2021 Economic Growth Expected To Smash Trump’s Economy

Goldman Sachs projects that half of Americans will be vaccinated by May and that economic growth for 2021 will hit 7%.

Mitch McConnell Has Learned Nothing And Forgotten Nothing

The idea that McConnell is the right man to decide who is 'electable' is a joke.

Why You Should Be Skeptical Of The New ‘Tough On China’ Joe Biden

The Biden administration is stocking up with the same Democrat establishment cast that supported the project of China’s rise to global dominance.

Mitt Romney’s Cash-For-Kids Proposal Is Unintentionally Anti-Family

Rubio and Lee said it well in a joint statement issued the same day as Romney's proposal: 'An essential part of being pro-family is being pro-work.'

How Reading Great Literature Helps Protect You From Big Brother’s Thought Control

The turn language is taking in politics calls to mind that controlling language to control thought was a prime goal of the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s ‘1984.’

If ‘Barb And Star Go To Vista Del Mar’ Is The Way Of The Future, We’re In Good Hands

'Barb and Star' is original and funny at a time films that check either box, let alone both, are rare.

Beto Wants To Blame Conservatives For Culture War Problems He Created

Robert Francis is right about one thing. We shouldn't have to spend so much time fighting over bathrooms and the national anthem.

National Guard May Occupy Washington D.C. Through The Fall

As of Monday, about 6,000 troops remain in Washington D.C. occupying the nation's capital, and may stay through the fall.

Biden’s National Security ‘Review’ Should Bring Troops Home, Not Extend Forever Wars

Orders to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria should closely follow the conclusion of Biden’s review.

Biden Says Minorities Don’t Know How To Use The Internet

President Joe Biden said Tuesday a primary challenge facing the nation's coronavirus vaccine rollout is Hispanic and African-Americans' internet illiteracy.

Inspired By Comedian Tirade Mocking Industry, Programmer Creates Automatic Blog Generator

One programmer made an automatic blog generator inspired by a rant from comedian Ryan Long mocking pointless online commentary.

Bill Gates Says Developed World Should Get Ready To Be Force-Fed Fake Beef

'You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they're going to make it taste even better over time,' Gates said. 

Lent In The Time Of Pandemic

So this year, the year of deadly pandemic, I am giving myself up for Lent. I want to spend more time looking outward and less time looking in.

Biden Shines In Town Hall By Turning The Page On Trump And Promising Brighter Days Ahead

Biden's performance was a breath of fresh air just for the fact that he didn't use the forum to throw tantrums and attack his opponents.

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Blasts Republicans For Turning The GOP Into A Trump Beauty Pageant

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman said on Tuesday that the Republican Party in the Keystone State has gone full MAGA.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says Democrats Should be Inclusive of White Supremacists and QAnon People

The nation is, at the moment, very polarized. The last two elections could have swung on just around 100,000 votes. So it behooves both the Democratic and Republicans parties to embrace all types of voters. On Tuesday night, Tucker Carlson attacked Democrats for not being a more inclusive party. The Fox host thinks that Liberal’s … Continue reading "WATCH: Tucker Carlson Says Democrats Should be Inclusive of White Supremacists and QAnon People"

Competence Is Back In The White House As Biden Steps Up To Help Red States With Winter Emergencies

In another jarring departure from the previous president, Joe Biden held a call with red-state governors on Tuesday to tell them that his administration would be ready to assist as severe winter weather impacts millions of Americans. Biden spoke with Republican and Democratic governors of seven red states: Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas and … Continue reading "Competence Is Back In The White House As Biden Steps Up To Help Red States With Winter Emergencies"

Can Conservatives Fuse Pro-Family Policies With Free Markets?

Inez Feltscher Stepman joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss the GOP's approach to pro-family policies and how the free market can help Americans.

Trump Lawyer David Schoen is Whining That he Was Marginalized by Legal Team

There was a large contrast between the two legal teams during the Trump impeachment trial. The Democratic House Managers were well prepared and effective. The Trump lawyers were seemingly unprepared and drew laughter and derision from Conservatives and Liberals alike. The former president’s legal team can claim it “won” the case. Their efforts, though, did … Continue reading "Trump Lawyer David Schoen is Whining That he Was Marginalized by Legal Team"

Biden Makes McConnell’s Bad Day Even Worse By Exposing The GOP Plot To Block COVID Relief

President Joe Biden didn't mince words on Tuesday when it came to Republican efforts to block COVID relief legislation.

WATCH: Fox Anchors Are Worried McConnell/Trump Feud Will Destroy the GOP and Dems Will Take Advantage

Donald Trump may have just led Republicans to losses in the House (2018) and the White House and Senate (2020/21), but he still wants complete control of the party. Mitch McConnell isn’t willing to give it up. This was clear this weekend when the Senate Minority Leader delivered a stinging rebuke to Trump following the … Continue reading "WATCH: Fox Anchors Are Worried McConnell/Trump Feud Will Destroy the GOP and Dems Will Take Advantage"

Trump Wanted To Attack McConnell For Having Multiple Chins

Morbidly obese Trump had to be talked out of releasing a statement that mocked Mitch McConnell’s multiple chins. Politico reported: A person familiar with the crafting of the statement confirmed that it could have been far worse. An earlier draft mocked McConnell for having multiple chins, the person said. But Trump was convinced by advisers … Continue reading "Trump Wanted To Attack McConnell For Having Multiple Chins"

Trump Denounces Mitch McConnell As ‘Dour, Sullen, And Unsmiling Political Hack’

“Mitch is a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack, and if Republican Senators are going to stay with him, they will not win again,” Trump said.

New CDC Director Flip-Flops Stance On School COVID Guidelines Since Being Tapped By Biden Admin

After joining rank with the Biden administration, the new CDC Director Rochelle Walensky changed her tune on school reopening guidelines.

Bill de Blasio Is Now Producing Terrible Art

De Blasio is right that New York needs its culture back, but NYC Is set to create art nobody wants — and that's no way to do it.

Arizona Republican Suggests Hispanics Are “Good Workers” But Not American Citizens

Arizona Republican Debbie Lesko has come under fire for her rhetoric regarding Hispanic immigrants after she suggested during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on February 11 that they are “good workers” but suggested that they’re not American citizens. “I worked with people that are Hispanic. I mean they’re very good workers,” … Continue reading "Arizona Republican Suggests Hispanics Are “Good Workers” But Not American Citizens"

Healthcare Fixes Could Help Millions Right Now

In the midst of a devastating pandemic, fresh ideas to cover the 30 million currently uninsured Americans are more important than ever.  Jim Capretta, health care expert at the American Enterprise Institute, says we can do a lot right now with some common-sense steps: “there’s literally tens of millions of people out there who are … Continue reading "Healthcare Fixes Could Help Millions Right Now"

Here’s Why This Immigrant Loves Singing The National Anthem At Games

As a Chinese immigrant watching my first pro grame, it was obvious to me that such pride and patriotism wasn't coerced by the state, but a genuine expression by free people.

Why Joe Biden’s ‘Stimulus’ Could Be The Most Pork-Filled Crony Christmas Ever

The coming weeks will see a flurry of old-fashioned horse trading—some would call it corruption—in Washington, as Democrats attempt to pass a partisan ‘stimulus’ bill.

What Does ‘The Science’ Say? It’s Getting Harder To Tell

We must be wary when we hear 'the science says…,' as we too often only take facts on faith if they support the policies of our preferred political party.

Democrats’ Demands For ‘Equity’ Are Really A Demand To Amp Up Government Discrimination

'Equity' is the buzzword of the new constitution trying to strangle the old one. It holds that government must treat Americans differently according to identity politics categories.

Government Lockdowns, Not The Virus, Booted Millions Of Women From The Workforce

The 'stay at home to protect lives' logic did not stop the virus, but did trample the booming economy, dragging down the most vulnerable women with it.

South Dakota Bill Would Help Starve Cancel Culture By Letting People Donate Privately

In states across the country, politicians have increasingly demanded that charities and nonprofit organizations reveal the names and addresses of top supporters and donors.

Biden Set To Revive Obama’s Devastating Middle East Foreign Policy

Biden’s initial posturing regarding Israel is foolish, given that Donald Trump’s pro-Israel approach made significant progress towards peace.

Why Stripping Dianne Feinstein’s Name From A San Francisco School Is An Ominous Sign For Democrats

It came as a surprise to some when the San Francisco School Board recently voted to remove her name from Dianne Feinstein Elementary School. It’s not surprising, but it is dangerous.

The Classics Survived University Witch Hunts Before, And Will Do It Again

The Princeton inquisition comes not for those who lapse from Christian habits but for those who fail to recite the liturgies of social justice.

Devin Nunes Blasts Dems For Presenting False Evidence To Senate For Impeachment

Nunes and Laura Ingraham discuss the Democrat Party's insatiable lust to win at all costs, and the occupation of the U.S. Capitol for no reason.

Jashinsky: By Punishing Chris Harrison, ABC Cancels Debate On Cancel Culture

'You can draw a direct line, sadly, from Chris Harrison, to the girl who lost her cheerleading scholarship last year, and to the crazy curriculums we're seeing pop up around the country.'

Stacey Plaskett Says Impeachment Managers Will Assist With Criminal Investigations Of Trump

The impeachment managers who were so successful in proving the case against Trump now stand ready to help ensure justice is finally done.

Ted Lieu Urges The Criminal Justice System To Take Mitch McConnell’s Advice And Lock Trump Up

Mitch McConnell basically said that the justice system must do what he and his Republican colleagues were too spineless to do.

Chris Harrison And The Evolution Of Corporate Cancel Culture

On this episode of "The Federalist Radio Hour," Kylee Zempel joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss what "Bachelor" host Chris Harrison's cancellation means for our culture.

Susan Collins Could be the Latest Senator to be Censured for Trump Conviction Vote

Susan Collins spent much of the last four years being very concerned about the actions of Donald Trump. Sometimes, she would act, like when she voted against a plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Other times, she chose not to punish Trump. She voted to acquit the ex-president during his first impeachment trial, saying … Continue reading "Susan Collins Could be the Latest Senator to be Censured for Trump Conviction Vote"

Impeachment Manager Says McConnell And Graham Should Be Barred From Capitol Riot Commission

Those who helped Trump get away with inciting the deadly insurrection at the Capitol should have no role in a commission to investigate it.

John Heilemann: Supporting a Man Who Wanted to See His VP Killed Makes the GOP the Zombie Party

In the last week, nearly every Republican gave their take on the Donald Trump impeachment trial. People like Lindsey Graham gave the ex-president their full support. Others, like Mitch McConnell, blasted Trump but still voted to acquit him. Mike Pence, though, had nothing to say. This was especially interesting considering the facts of the case. … Continue reading "John Heilemann: Supporting a Man Who Wanted to See His VP Killed Makes the GOP the Zombie Party"

David Perdue Files For 2022 Bid Against Raphael Warnock Weeks After Georgia Voters Fired Him

It hasn't even been two months since David Perdue lost his Senate runoff race against now-current Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff.

Relatives of Adam Kinzinger Told Him He’s Lost the Respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham

In mid-January, only 10 Republican congresspeople were willing to vote to impeach Donald Trump. All of them have taken heat from their parties. Many have been censured by their state GOP’s. Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger not only voted to impeach Trump, he’s been a consistent critic of the former president since the November election. Not … Continue reading "Relatives of Adam Kinzinger Told Him He’s Lost the Respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham"

CDC Admits It Catered To Teachers Unions With Political School Reopening Guidelines

The CDC director publicly admitted that the agency's school reopening guidelines were informed by the opinions of anti-in-person-learning teachers unions.

Ted Cruz Dunks On Austere Leftists Who Don’t Understand Satire

"I wish this was parody," Cruz said, implicitly referring to the abrupt firing of former Disney "Mandalorian" actress Gina Carano. 

Joe Biden Has The Third Highest Presidential Approval Rating In 40 Years

Joe Biden's Gallup job approval rating is for the early part of his term is higher than every other president over the last 40 years besides Obama and Clinton.

Richard Burr Faces Censure from North Carolina GOP for His Vote to Convict Trump

The North Carolina Republican Party is set to vote later today to censure Senator Richard Burr for his vote to convict former President Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection against Congress. North Carolina’s GOP Chair Michael Whatley said his vote “in a trial that he declared unconstitutional is shocking and disappointing.” Kyshia Lineberger, the Republican National Committee Chairwoman … Continue reading "Richard Burr Faces Censure from North Carolina GOP for His Vote to Convict Trump"

Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump Should Have Been Convicted

A majority of Americans believe former President Donald Trump should have been convicted for inciting an insurrection against Congress, according to the latest ABC News/Ipsos survey conducted February 13-14. The survey found that 77% of respondents believe Trump’s impeachment trial was a partisan affair, with senators voting along the party line. Just 23% of respondents said … Continue reading "Poll: Majority of Americans Believe Trump Should Have Been Convicted"

Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Care If The Election Was Tainted, But You Should

According to McConnell, the Capitol protesters were all conspiracy theorists who can’t think for themselves. It’s a convenient lie.

PolitiFact Stays Silent On ‘Fact-Check’ Defending Cuomo’s Deadly Nursing Home Policy

PolitiFact will not say whether it plans to retract or revise an article it published in August defending New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's deadly nursing home policy.

Former Senator Jeff Flake Urges GOP to Move on From Trump

Former Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who broke from his party over its allegiance to former President Donald Trump, has urged the GOP to move on from him in the wake of a highly publicized impeachment trial that ended with the former president being acquitted despite inciting an insurrection against Congress. “My fellow Republicans, to … Continue reading "Former Senator Jeff Flake Urges GOP to Move on From Trump"

Biden Reopens Federal Health Insurance Marketplace

President Joe Biden announced he would reopen the federal health insurance marketplace for three months, emphasizing the importance of ensuring more Americans have access to health care as the nation continues to contend with the realities of the coronavirus pandemic. “Starting today and running through May 15, 2021, we are opening for all Americans … Continue reading "Biden Reopens Federal Health Insurance Marketplace"

Kentucky Newspaper Says McConnell “Won’t Save His Beloved Legacy” After Voting to Acquit Trump

In a piece for The Lexington Herald-Leader, op-ed columnist Linda Blackford criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for voting to acquit former President Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection against Congress, writing that his speeches “won’t save his beloved legacy.” “McConnell gave a pass to white supremacy, a pass on attacking the U.S. Capitol. … Continue reading "Kentucky Newspaper Says McConnell “Won’t Save His Beloved Legacy” After Voting to Acquit Trump"

Opinion: Despite Critics, Democrats Were Smart Not To Call Witnesses

These critics seem to want blood for their own sport. The House impeachment managers were not playing such games. They were actually trying to work for and play to the American people in a time of crisis.

McConnell’s Impeachment Ploy Was Not Statesmanship, But An Attack On The Base — And Republicans Must Remember It Well

Friday's floor speech was no quick tantrum: It was the last stupid moments of the minority leader's plan to purge the GOP of Donald Trump.

COVID Rules Force Us To Trade Substance For Sterility, And Will Change Our Culture Forever

We are not merely bodies to be protected but souls to nourish. As Steinbeck said, 'a sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ.'

The Sole American On The WHO’s COVID-19 Investigation Team Handed Communist China A Propaganda Victory

For the future health of more than seven billion people on this planet, we need and deserve a thorough investigation of the origin of COVID-19.

How To Make This Lent A Time Of Repentance And Faith

Lent isn't intended to be a staid, formulaic religious practice, but a fountain of grace that points our hearts, minds, and bodies toward the eternal.

Nation’s Largest Health Insurer Wants To Match Doctors With Patients ‘Based On Race’

The United HealthCare presentation claims several 'clinical benefits for consumers and physician relationships based on race.' Survey respondents weren't so sure.

Leftist Activists Try To Ban Researchers From Studying Transgender People

The study seeking ‘therapeutics to treat gender dysphoria’ could be used to help transgender people regain satisfaction with their natural bodies. LGBT activists don’t want that.

Andrew Cuomo’s COVID Reign Has Been Devastating, And It’s Time For A Reckoning

We need a full, thorough, and independent investigation with subpoenas to Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, the governor’s staff, and the governor himself.

‘Futuarama’ Already Taught Us In 2001 Not To Date Robots

True relationships are built on complementarity, not on a product built to serve one’s desires. That's why it's impossible to date robots.

Prestigious San Francisco High School To ‘Combat Racism’ By Selecting Students Based On Skin Color

Excellence is falling prey to activists who prefer to believe that social justice means making outcomes equal for every race at any expense.

How Identity Politics Revives Slaveholders’ Argument For Group Rights

Identity politics will drive us straight back into the tyranny and subjugation our Founders and subsequent generations fought so hard to escape.

Biden Continues To Proclaim Unity While Sowing Division

Democrat politicians don’t want healing, love, or compassion. They want power. If long-lasting, their reign will ensure America is never united again.

Biden’s Domestic War On Terrorism May Seek To Criminalize Political Dissent

Especially in such polarized times, there's cause to be wary of threats to our liberties from a national security regime with expanded domestic powers.

States Need To Step Up To Avoid Losing Millions To Unemployment Fraud

Joe Biden appointed to run employment claims someone who allowed hundreds of millions of small businesses’ tax dollars to fall into the hands of a Nigerian fraud ring.

Biden Marks Third Parkland Anniversary With Strong Vow Of Action To End Gun Violence Epidemic

President Biden marked the third anniversary of the Parkland shooting by vowing strong action against the gun violence epidemic.

Time To Send Roger Stone Back To Prison As His Security Detail Linked To Capitol Attack

A new investigation has uncovered that Roger Stone's personal security detail of Oath Keepers participated in the Capitol attack.

WATCH: Trump Attorney Slams Media In CBS Interview, Tells Host ‘You Are Bloodthirsty for Ratings’

Van der Veen owned CBS host Lana Zak, calling out mainstream bias and malfeasance in their coverage of Democrats doctoring evidence.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski Burns Trump To The Ground While Explaining Her Vote To Convict

Unlike Mitch McConnell, Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted to convict Trump, and the Republican from Alaska has denounced the former president.

Lindsey Graham Is Now Threatening To Impeach Kamala Harris

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatened that Vice President Kamala Harris would be impeached if Republicans win back the House.

Opinion: Stacey Plaskett Reveals Key Party Differences, Larger Stakes of Impeachment for Nation

Plaskett and peers such as Haaland, Ocasio-Cortez, and Velazquez are making it clear the Democratic Party is evolving toward a more critical and reparative confrontation with the nation’s history of racism and colonialism that hobbles us to this day.

Give Yourself The Gift Of Watching These Classic Rom-Coms This Valentine’s Day

Picking a movie is always a daunting task in my family. My mom and I have had to sit through our fair share of war movies Read More

Biden Aide Who Sexually Denigrated Reporter For Asking A Personnel Question Resigns

Biden press aide T.J. Ducklo said the reporter was just 'jealous' of 'an unidentified man in the past who had ‘wanted to f-ck’ McCammond ‘and not you.''

It’s Been One Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week For The Democratic Party

The acquittal of Donald Trump is the culmination of a problematic week for the triggered left.

10 Anti-Valentine’s Day Movies For Those Who Are So Over February 14

Whether you're seeking catharsis for a Valentine's Day spent single or merely wish to offset the overwhelming atmosphere of the day, these ten movies are an ideal antithesis to the saccharine.

A Day In The Life Of A Brewery Being Crushed By LA’s Ever-Shifting COVID Rules

The county even regulates what meets the standard of a 'bonafide meal' each group of customers is required to buy if they would like to order beer. All this, we're told, fights COVID.

Podcast: Democrats’ Second Failed Impeachment Was An Attempt To Divide The Right

The Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech, Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway, and Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky talk over the latest impeachment news.

Opinion: Most Republicans Support Trump’s Attempted Coup And Insurrection

It is glaringly apparent that the majority of Republicans support the traitor’s attempted coup by inciting a deadly insurrection against the United States to overthrow the legal government.

Opinion: Biden Honors Science and Teachers, While Media Lambastes Teachers And Listens To Science Selectively

In listening to workers and science, Biden is providing an example of how we properly value lives and protect and practice democracy.

Nancy Pelosi Blasts Senate Republicans For Dishonoring America By Voting Not To Convict Trump

Speaker of the House Pelosi said that Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans who voted not to convict Trump dishonored America.

CNN Calls Out Impeachment Hypocrite Mitch McConnell For The World To See

CNN wasn't letting Mitch McConnell have it both ways on impeachment as the network showed a graphic calling out his hypocrisy while he spoke.

New Biden K-12 Plan Will Cancel Sports For Nearly 83 Percent Of Counties

On Friday the Biden administration released an “Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Mitigation” plan that will leave about 83 percent of counties closed for Read More

Whataboutism Is A Nonsense Word That Defends Hypocrisy

When someone accuses you of whataboutism, you can be pretty certain you are right and they can't refute it.

ABC News Runs Shamefully Unbalanced Special On OnlyFans Porn Platform

Not only is the ABC News report a shameless breach of journalistic neutrality, it's an unqualified endorsement of DIY pornography.

Senate Acquits Trump For Second Time, Just One Year After First Impeachment Attempt

Senate lawmakers acquitted former President Donald Trump for a second time Saturday, marking the end of a five-year campaign by Democrats to achieve the top item Read More

Top Biden COVID Adviser Wrong About Spiking COVID-19 Numbers (Again)

Biden's top COVID-19 adviser wrongly predicted that Florida would experience a large, "house on fire" virus outbreak. That didn't happen.

Democrats Prepare To Gut Medicare And Farm Subsidies With Billions In Cuts

Democrats seeking quick passage of President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending bill prepare to trigger billions in cuts to Medicare.

Democrats Didn’t Cave On Witnesses As They Got The Only Witness They Requested

House impeachment managers only wanted testimony from one witness, which they got in the Senate deal.

Trump And Pence Witnesses Were Contacted But Refused To Cooperate With Impeachment Trial

Witnesses close to both Trump and Pence were contacted about providing impeachment trial evidence, but they all refused to take the risk.

Ted Cruz Blames Nancy Pelosi For The MAGA Mob That Attacked The Capitol And Tried To Kill Her

Cruz, one of the GOP lawmakers who helped make the events of Jan. 6 possible, is now blaming Nancy Pelosi for the MAGA attack.

Democrats Have The Votes To Call Ted Cruz And Josh Hawley As Impeachment Witnesses

Democrats are confident that they have the votes in the Senate to call both Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley as impeachment trial witnesses.

Chuck Todd Tells GOP Senators That Voting To Acquit Trump Will Be Long-Term Political Suicide

Voting to acquit Trump may be in the best short-term interests of GOP senators hoping to keep their jobs, but it may come back to haunt them.

Senate Chamber Erupts In Laughter As Trump’s Lawyer Throws A Tantrum Over Calling Witnesses

One of Donald Trump’s impeachment lawyers, Michael van der Veen, blew a gasket on Saturday morning after the Senate chamber erupted in laugher over his tantrum about calling witnesses. The lawyer said that if the impeachment managers want to start subpoenaing individuals related to the events of Jan. 6, then he wants to depose House … Continue reading "Senate Chamber Erupts In Laughter As Trump’s Lawyer Throws A Tantrum Over Calling Witnesses"

Senate Votes 55-45 To Call Witnesses In Trump’s Impeachment Trial

Five Senate Republicans joined with Democrats in voting to call witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, as things just got real.

Mitch McConnell Will Vote To Acquit Donald Trump

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made a big show of being upset over the Jan. 6 MAGA attack at the U.S. Capitol that left multiple people dead, but he is reportedly planning to acquit Donald Trump. According to Politico, “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has told GOP colleagues in a letter that he will vote … Continue reading "Mitch McConnell Will Vote To Acquit Donald Trump"

Mike Pence Gets His Revenge By Letting It Be Known That Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Are Lying

Sources close to former Vice President Pence said that Trump's impeachment lawyers were lying when they said that Trump didn't know that Pence was in danger during the Capitol attack.

House Republicans Drop Bombshell That Trump Supported And Facilitated Capitol Attack

Several House Republicans have gone on the record and said that Trump facilitated and supported the attack on the Capitol.

Five charged with far-right Proud Boys conspiracy in deadly U.S. Capitol attack

Five alleged members of the far-right Proud Boys group have been charged with criminal conspiracy in last month's deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol that sought to keep then-President Donald Trump in power, according to a criminal complaint unsealed on Thursday.

The ‘Sound And Fury’ Of Trump’s Impeachment Trial Signifies Something Sinister For America

Trump isn’t really on trial here, everyone who voted for him is. Democrats are arguing guilt by association, and they're not stopping with Trump.

How ‘Lift Every Voice And Sing’ Became A Song Of Hope For Generations

With a career that took him all over the world, the song James Weldon Johnson most cherished was one he wrote to celebrate Abraham Lincoln in 1900.

How To Put The Merit Back In ‘Meritocracy’

Political philosopher Michael Sandel's 'The Tyranny of Merit' astutely diagnoses the root problems of America's economic inequality and failing education systems, but fails to offer meaningful solutions.

I’d Like To Tell The Health Experts Where They Can Shove Their Second Mask

COVID is real, but so are the COVID hypocrites, and they feed on your fear. If they tell you to wear a second mask, tell them where to shove it.

#FreeBritney And ‘Framing Britney Spears’ Are All About The American Dream

It's a story about the dichotomy of the American Dream, about how demand builds people up and then tears them down, and a story about our descent into a culture that can no longer commoditize talent while insisting on substance.

Grandma-Killer Cuomo’s Top Aide Confesses State Covered Up Nursing Home Death Toll

A lengthy report from New York state Attorney General Letitia James also found the Cuomo administration undercounted the COVID-related deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

There Would Be No Push For Fact-Checkers If Corporate Media Did Its Job

In which Poynter frets that a new social media app doesn’t archive everything to be fact-checked later on.

Daytona 500 Sees Kyle Larson’s Redemptive Return to Racing

As he takes the green flag at Daytona on Sunday, by recognizing the gift of his second chance, Kyle Larson already stands as a winner in the race of life.

$1 Trillion In Coronavirus ‘Stimulus’ Is Sitting Around Unused While Congress Plans To Rain Down More

As Biden prepares to jam a $1.9 trillion COVID spending package through Congress, more than $1 trillion of previous coronavirus funds is sitting unused.

The Only Thing About California That Should Be Adopted Nationwide Is A Lower Threshold For Gubernatorial Recalls

In California, a rightfully outraged public, who have been subject to the harshest lockdowns in the country, are invoking a mechanism designed for the moment.

Factchecking Org Poynter Openly Wonders Why We Don’t Take Censorship Cues from Xi Jinping

'Clubhouse is exactly what Chinese censors don’t want to see in online communication—a massive, freewheeling conversation in which people are talking openly.'

Sean Davis: The More The Left Throttles Speech, The More They Foment Violence

Federalist Co-Founder Sean Davis warned Thursday the escalating movement on the left to control and suppress speech will only lead to violence.

On Day Two Of Impeachment Trial, Mike Lee Corrects The Record

The House Democratic impeachment managers rescinded earlier statements attributed to Utah Sen. Mike Lee on day two of the Senate trial.

Rachel Maddow Tells GOP Senators That Voting To Acquit Trump Will Invite More MAGA Terrorism

If Republicans vote to acquit Donald Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, they are only inviting more MAGA terrorism.

New Poll Shows That America Views Obama As The Best President, Trump As The Worst

A near-majority of American adults believe that Donald Trump was the worst president in United States history.

WATCH: Greg Kelly Says Insurrection Coverage is Racist Against White People

When things don’t go Donald Trump’s way, it is always someone else’s fault. The 45th president spent the entirety of his term painting himself as a victim. And that sense of victimhood has trickled down to Conservative media and Trump supporters. This week, House Impeachment Managers have laid out a devastating case against the Trump … Continue reading "WATCH: Greg Kelly Says Insurrection Coverage is Racist Against White People"

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is Playing Both Sides of the Impeachment Fence

Tommy Tuberville first became famous while coaching college football’s Auburn Tigers. The coach won an SEC championship in 2004 before coaching Texas Tech and the Cincinnati Bearcats. Now a politician, Tuberville turned his coaching good will into an Alabama senate seat in November and has already been heavily connected to Donald Trump made to Tuberville … Continue reading "Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is Playing Both Sides of the Impeachment Fence"

GOP Senators Are Openly Colluding With Trump’s Defense Team To Get Republican Acquittal Votes

Republican senators may have taken an oath to be impartial jurors in Trump's second impeachment trial, but they sure aren't acting like it.

Conservative Outlet The National Review Hints That Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes

When Donald Trump incited the riot on the Capitol in January 6th, he inspired many horrific acts. 5 people died as a result of the riots. 2 police officers involved in the altercation later committed suicide. The most shocking of the five deaths was that of Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick. Initial reports said that Sicknick … Continue reading "Conservative Outlet The National Review Hints That Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes"

More Than A Dozen GOP Senators Didn’t Bother To Show Up For Impeachment Trial Closing Arguments

A handful of Republican senators on Thursday openly refused to uphold the oath they took to be impartial jurors.

DOJ Says Insurrectionists Waited For Trump’s Direction To Attack The Capitol

The DOJ said in new court filings that the Oathkeepers and other paramilitary groups waited for Trump's direction to attack the Capitol.

Right Wing Conspiracy Group Project Veritas Banned From Twitter

For many years, both Twitter and Facebook have let misinformation run rampant on their sites. Facebook continues to do little to stop the problem. Right-wing groups have used the sites to help organize violence. Twitter, however, has been making it a point to eliminate users who violate their guidelines. The coup de grâce came in … Continue reading "Right Wing Conspiracy Group Project Veritas Banned From Twitter"

Podcast: Gamestop, Conspiracy Theories, And Social Alienation

Why people are motivated by conspiracy theories and what cultural phenomenons enable social alienation? Tim Carney discusses on the Federalist Radio Hour.

This Impeachment Of Donald John Trump Is Trial By Feelings

Impeachment ought not to be done on the basis of feelings, but rather on the basis of facts and circumstances that are testable and repeatable.

CDC: Don’t Quarantine If You’re Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

People fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not have to quarantine if they are exposed to the virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

Bombshell Unearthed As Trump Spent At Least $3.5 Million To Organize Capitol Attack

Newly unearthed financial disclosures reveal that the Trump campaign spent at least $3.5 million organizing the rally that turned into the Capitol attack.

Brian Kilmeade: “We Have To, As a Country, Stop Protesting Every Election Result”

“Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade suggested the nation needs to “stop” protesting after every election during a segment this morning. “Overall, I think we have to, as a country, stop protesting every election result,” Kilmeade said. “What was it like working for George Bush to hear he was illegitimate from 2000 to 2004?” he … Continue reading "Brian Kilmeade: “We Have To, As a Country, Stop Protesting Every Election Result”"

Biden Continues to Get High Marks, According to New Poll

President Joe Biden continues to get high marks overall, according to a special online edition of the CNBC All-America Economic Survey, which found he has a 62% percent approval rating, a rating higher than those of the last four presidents. Americans have really taken to Biden’s handling of the economy as well, with 65% saying they … Continue reading "Biden Continues to Get High Marks, According to New Poll"

Employee: ‘Trans-Identifying Kids Are Cash Cows’ For Planned Parenthood

It seems reasonable to conclude that hormone treatments—pricey as they are—now contribute materially to Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.

The Constitutional Case Against Late Impeachment

A review of the Constitution’s text and the delegates’ deliberations at the 1787 Federal Convention raises significant questions about the case for late impeachment.

How The Suffering Of World Wars Seeded The Creativity Of J.R.R. Tolkien And C.S. Lewis

The war that brought unspeakable suffering also contributed to the creation of some of the most beloved and heroic literature of modern times.

Snapchat Is Indoctrinating Children Even More Than Their Teachers Are

Snapchat’s editorial team has complete control over Discover content. They carefully hand-select radical leftist propaganda to be placed right before your child's eyes. Stop giving kids phones already.

Mavericks Fan: Mark Cuban’s National Anthem Ban Is Ignorant And Dangerous

Of course many Americans 'do not feel the anthem represents them.' Mark Cuban and his ruling class have been preaching that for years.

The War On Women’s Sports: Wisconsin Man Wins Women’s Cycling Race

'People are scared to say anything. It’s deemed bullying,' a female cyclist said. 'They can tell you you can’t race. They can kick you out of a race. I could have my license taken away.'

Pennsylvania Voters Fight Back Against Power-Hungry Governor Abusing Emergency Powers

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s shutdown orders, enforced through emergency powers, destroyed his state's economy. Now voters are pushing back.

Biden Considering Stronger Travel Restrictions On Red States Than On Mexico

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering domestic travel restrictions to slow the spread of coronavirus variants while opening the borders to unvetted foreign trespassers.

I Was Fine With Wearing A Mask Until Government Demanded I Wear Two

The Centers for Disease Control published a new study on face masks, touting the benefits of individuals wearing two masks. Why not three? Or ten?

Lucasfilm Bows To Leftist Internet Mob, Fires ‘Mandalorian’ Star Gina Carano

United Talent Agency also dropped the actress's contract after demands from the Twitter mob to obliterate her career prospects.

Washington Post Op-Ed: How Dare White People Celebrate Black History

The normalization of hyper-victimization has made participation in any civic activity tied to identity politics a minefield of potential affronts that few can navigate.

Bombshell Report Reveals Mounting Evidence That China Concealed COVID-19 In October 2019

There is mounting evidence that the Chinese Communist Party concealed a fatal disease that has reportedly killed more than 2.3 million people worldwide. 

Andrea Mitchell And Jen Rubin Own Themselves Trying To Correct Ted Cruz’s Shakespeare

The fiasco trended near the top on Twitter Wednesday night, swiftly becoming an issue those on the right and left could agree on.

While Many GOP Senators Have Been Moved by Impeachment Trial, Rick Scott Calls it a “Complete Waste of Time”

Yesterday’s impeachment trial of Donald Trump opened with a stirring speech by Congressman Jamie Raskin. And the hearings have only become more emotional since. While watching footage of the January 6th insurrection today, Republican Senator James Lankford became visibly upset. A number of GOP lawmakers have commented on how effective the Democratic case has been. … Continue reading "While Many GOP Senators Have Been Moved by Impeachment Trial, Rick Scott Calls it a “Complete Waste of Time”"

WATCH: New Footage Shows That Capitol Hero Eugene Goodman Saved Mitt Romney’s Life

In the days following the January 6th insurrection, a number of different videos emerged. Most of them were horrific, with scenes of Trump supporters beating and attacking Capitol police officers. Other videos, though, showed the heroism of the officers who were under siege. One of these officers, Eugene Goodman was seen single-handedley leading rioters away … Continue reading "WATCH: New Footage Shows That Capitol Hero Eugene Goodman Saved Mitt Romney’s Life"

Joaquin Castro Tells A Shaken Senate That Trump Left Them For Dead

In a powerful argument, Rep. Joaquin Castro told the Senate jurors that Donald Trump left them for dead during the attack on the Capitol.

Rudy Giuliani Suggests The Impeachment Trial is illegitimate Because the Jurors Were Also Witnesses

It will most likely not matter in the long run, but Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is not going well. While his lawyers have seemed unprepared, the Democratic impeachment managers have been making concise arguments. Trump’s lawyers are in a reasonably tough spot. The evidence against their client is damning and they are struggling to argue … Continue reading "Rudy Giuliani Suggests The Impeachment Trial is illegitimate Because the Jurors Were Also Witnesses"

Thomas Sowell’s Politically Incorrect Legacy Is Built On ‘Following Facts Where They Lead’

Jason Riley joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss his new documentary and book highlighting the life of Thomas Sowell and how his work affects culture today.

14 State Attorneys General Indicate Forthcoming Legal Action Against ‘Devastating’ Biden Keystone Pipeline Cancellation

Led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, 14 Republican attorneys general from across the country penned a joint letter revealing they are investigating lawsuits against Biden's decision.

The GOP Is Dying As 140,000 Republicans Flee The Party In January

At a time when elections are extremely close, hundreds of thousands of voters fled the Republican Party in January 2020.

GOP Senators Rake In $8.3 Million In January Thanks To Small-Dollar Donations, Face-Planting Corporate Boycott Threats

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released fundraising data for January showing an intake of more than $8.3 million, especially bolstered by small-dollar donations. Early in Read More

San Francisco Schools Chief On Erasing Lincoln: He ‘Is Not Someone I See As A Hero’

The New Yorker interview with San Francisco's school board president reveals how political ideology has replaced knowledge among especially younger American leftists.

New York Times’ Glenn Thrush Lies About Sen. Mike Lee’s Choice To Put Charity Above Politics In ‘Mulligan’ Remarks

Sen. Mike Lee's reward for trying to turn down the temperature was to be lied about and disparaged by leftist outlets such as The Daily Beast, Business Insider, and The New York Times.

Why The Left Still Can’t Understand Trump’s Appeal

Republicans aren’t motivated by resentment, they’re motivated by self-preservation in the face of a highly aggressive left.

How This Black Teacher In Rural Alabama Inspired Generations To Lift Themselves Out Of Poverty

'I had an ambition to work for the Lord and my race. I had great enthusiasm to serve my people; my heart was overwhelmed with compassion for them,' wrote Rosa Young.

Hiding Biden: How Democrats And Media Crafted The First Impeachment To Help Defeat Trump In 2020

Joe Biden also owes his victory to the groundwork laid by Democrats and their media allies one year before, during the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

‘The Bachelorette’ Beats ‘The Bachelor’ Because Women Can’t Fight Like Men

'The Bachelor' is the WNBA of Bachelor Nation. Watching a bunch of women play the game just isn't as good as watching men do it.

Africans Plead With Joe Biden To Stop Paying Their Countries To Kill Children

In signing an executive order to fund abortions overseas, President Biden chose to disregard the wishes of the African people.

Why Every Child Deserves Married Parents And A Society Who Helps Them Get That

Every child deserves to live with a married mother and father who love them and are committed to each other.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Compares Capitol Riots To Rwandan Genocide

CNN's Anderson Cooper compared the Trump supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol building last month to third-world genocides.

In Defense Of Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has matured into a deeply and surprisingly serious person under enormously difficult circumstances.

Media Perfunctorily Covers Biden Demanding DOJ Resignations Four Years After Hysteria When Trump Did Same Thing

President Joe Biden demanded the 56 U.S. attorneys appointed by his predecessor step down Tuesday as the Senate impeachment trial got underway.

Rachel Maddow Unloads On The 44 Republicans Who Voted To Kill The Senate Impeachment Trial

Maddow unloaded on the 44 Republican senators who voted against moving forward with Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

Chris Coons Calls Trump’s Defense Team The ‘Four Seasons Landscaping Of The Legal Profession’

Sen. Coons said he was stunned that any Republican could side with Trump's defense team after their embarrassing performance.

Tucker Carlson Says Health Experts Are Lying About Effectiveness of the COVID Vaccine

Donald Trump’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic was an utter disaster. Pfizer and Moderna, though, were at the least, able to create vaccines that could help combat the virus. And Trump certainly took credit for the vaccines on his way out of office. Pro-Trump Fox News, however, is now attacking the vaccine. On his Tuesday … Continue reading "Tucker Carlson Says Health Experts Are Lying About Effectiveness of the COVID Vaccine"

Spineless Lindsey Graham Says It’s Not His Job To Hold Trump Accountable

Lindsey Graham is essentially admitting that he has no intention of being an open-minded juror in Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial.

WATCH: Nicolle Wallace Explains Why Democrats are Winning Impeachment Trial

Today began a battle between Republicans and Democrats over the impeachment of Donald Trump. The impeachment managers on the left started the proceedings with a powerful video and an emotional speech from Jamie Raskin. The Republican response was such a disaster that it reportedly left Donald Trump fuming in Florida. During her afternoon show, Nicolle … Continue reading "WATCH: Nicolle Wallace Explains Why Democrats are Winning Impeachment Trial"

Even Senate Republicans Say Trump’s Defense Was A Disaster

Trump is livid over his impeachment defense, but even Senate Republicans are saying it was bad and House Democrats did a better job.

Trump Warned That He’s “F*cked” If He Gets Criminally Charged

A Trump adviser warned that the former president will be "f*cked" if gets criminally charged because no one wants to work with him.

Dominion Says It Has Hired Private Investigators to Pursue Sidney Powell Across State Lines

In the months after Donald Trump’s election loss, many of the ex-president’s supporters attempted to find arguments that could overturn the results. And one of those main targets became Dominion voting machines. The lawyers for Trump claimed that the voting machines had been rigged to count more votes by Biden. Sidney Powell really took this … Continue reading "Dominion Says It Has Hired Private Investigators to Pursue Sidney Powell Across State Lines"

GOP Lawmaker Claims The U.S. Capitol Attack Was An Anti-Trump Hoax

A top Michigan lawmaker was caught on tape calling last month’s deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol a “hoax” that was “staged” by critics of Donald Trump. According to the Detroit Metro Times, “Michigan state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey suggested the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was a ‘hoax’ perpetuated by opponents … Continue reading "GOP Lawmaker Claims The U.S. Capitol Attack Was An Anti-Trump Hoax"

Trump Impeachment Prosecutors Will Use New Evidence

Senior aides have confirmed that the prosecutors in former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial will use new evidence against him. The aides say it is possible Republican senators who have otherwise expressed hesitation over convicting Trump for inciting an insurrection against Congress would be likely to convict based on this new evidence. “Once they see … Continue reading "Trump Impeachment Prosecutors Will Use New Evidence"

Axios Journalist Covering The Biden Administration Is Dating One Of The President’s Aides

Axios's Alexi McCammond is dating the president's former transition spokesman and now White House deputy press secretary TJ Ducklo.

Poll: As Impeachment Trial Begins, Most Americans Favor Convicting Trump

Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial begins today and according to a CBS/YouGov poll released earlier this morning, most Americans favor convicting him for inciting an insurrection against Congress. The poll found 56 percent favor convicting Trump and the same percentage believe Trump encouraged the violence that resulted in his supporters storming the Capitol, an … Continue reading "Poll: As Impeachment Trial Begins, Most Americans Favor Convicting Trump"

Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election

Time magazine's article intones the 'Trump is crazy' mantra over his claims of a 'rigged' election while telling anyone who reads it how powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election.

Universities’ Insane COVID Rules And Snitch Culture Are Training The Next Generation To Embrace Totalitarianism

Restriction, surveillance, and punishment—that is the reality for college students. Due to the emerging American social credit system, young people are too scared to fight back.

EXCLUSIVE: Andrew Klavan Talks Taking Back The Culture From the Left, The Future of Conservatism

The conservative mindset may be to despair right now. It's reasonable given the position we find ourselves in. But Klavan does not see it this way. He believes the arts are a way to start winning again.

Woke Firing Squad Takes Down Top NYT Reporter After Year Of Accusations

If institutions like the Times continue endorsing these standards, they will put more and more people out of work and smear more and more people as bigots.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Become A Scapegoat For Ruling Class Failures

Party leaders expelling anyone who disagrees as a 'threat to democracy' will not end conspiracy theories. It will only encourage them.

PBS Documentary Pulls Back Curtain On China’s Deadly COVID Cover-Up

When government values 'stability' more than the lives of its citizens, the response goes beyond bureaucratic bungling and into state-sanctioned wrongdoing.

Democrats Distract Federal Government With ‘Groundhog Day’ Impeachment

While the United States remains locked in a pandemic battle, Democrats remain focused on impeaching a man already out of office.

The Middle Class Will End Up Paying For The Left’s War On The Rich

As the war on the rich continues to escalate on both coasts, it's the middle-class residents of blue states that will be stuck with the tab.

Obama’s Meddling In Myanmar Is Now Joe Biden’s Mess To Clean Up

Many signs pointed to an inevitable conclusion that Myanmar's so-called transition to a democracy was a farce. Nevertheless, Obama embraced it wholeheartedly.

Blacklisting And Censorship Are Hallmarks Of Repressive Societies. Let’s Head Them Off At The Pass In America

China's Communist Party uses the Great Firewall to block information from its citizens. Blocking speech based on politics has been a hallmark of every totalitarian government.

Why Democrats Can’t Add A Minimum Wage Hike To Their ‘Stimulus’ Bill

Senate Democrats likely lack the votes to pull off a major rules change. Still, the fact so many want to do so speaks to the radical nature of their goals.

Rachel Maddow Busts Mitch McConnell For Trying To Have It Both Ways On Trump’s Impeachment

Maddow tore into McConnell for trying to have it both ways on the timing of Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

‘An Insurrectionist President’: House Dem Calls Trump’s Impeachment Trial An Open-And-Shut Case

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) called Donald Trump's Senate trial – set to start on Tuesday – an open-and-shut case against the ex-president.

Mick Mulvaney: There’s No Chance Trump Can Be Stopped From Running Again

Donald Trump has been the face of the Republican party for the last 5 years. And if the ex-president gets his way, he will be the face of the GOP for many years to come. Republicans who don’t want Trump to be a part of party’s future, they do have a chance to stop him. … Continue reading "Mick Mulvaney: There’s No Chance Trump Can Be Stopped From Running Again"

Trump’s Impeachment Team Refuses To Call Him A Former President

The irony, of course, is that Donald Trump's impeachment argument is that it's unconstitutional for the Senate to try a private citizen.

A QAnon Prophet Says Tampa Bays Super Bowl Win is Proof Trump Will Return to Office

It is more than likely that Donald Trump was rooting for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers last night. The two men are friends and Brady made waves back in 2015 when a MAGA hat was spotted in Brady’s locker. And Brady did get a big win yesterday night, winning his 7th Super Bowl ring. And according … Continue reading "A QAnon Prophet Says Tampa Bays Super Bowl Win is Proof Trump Will Return to Office"

House Democrats Just Smacked Down A Plan To Roll Back Biden’s $1,400 Stimulus Checks

It is clear that most Democrats – including President Biden – are in favor of going big rather than coming up short.

WATCH: Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy Blames Michelle Obama for COVID School Closings

Joe Biden became president in mid-January and since that moment Fox has been on the attack. Of course, two of Biden’s first initiatives are getting vaccines out quicker and sending COVID relief to American citizens. Those two ideas are very popular among both Democrats and Republicans. So while Fox can’t hit Biden on that. The … Continue reading "WATCH: Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy Blames Michelle Obama for COVID School Closings"

Read The Rules For Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that Republicans and Democrats have agreed to a structure for Trump's second impeachment trial.

What Time Magazine’s Bizarre New Election Report Tells Us About Corporate Media

Mark Hemingway joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss Time Magazine's article "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election."

Twitter Spins Fake News For Biden’s Team After His Press Secretary Couldn’t Answer A Fracking Question

Twitter issued a spin of the press secretary's briefing, saying she corrected a Fox News reporter on his question about jobless oil and gas workers.

The Biden Administration’s Attack On Oil And Gas Is Destroying Working-Class Lives

On his first day in office, Biden waged a war on the oil and gas industry, effectively destroying thousands of working-class Americans' livelihoods.

Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner Corruption Exposed As They Made $640 Million In Income While Working In The White House

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner claimed that they were working for free in the White House, but while in the administration they made $640 million.

Philadelphia Teachers Refuse To Do Their Jobs, Halting In-Person School For Thousands Of Taxpaying Families

Across the country, unions have banded together to prioritize themselves at the expense of students receiving the indispensable learning experiences that they require and fund.

John Fetterman Will Support Getting Rid Of The Filibuster If He’s Elected To The Senate

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman announced his candidacy for Senate on Monday and said if elected, he supports killing the filibuster.

Trump Under Investigation For Killing Americans By Muzzling COVID Scientists

The House COVID Oversight Committee is investigating Trump and his administration for a campaign of muzzling scientists on COVID.

Trump Legal Team Decries Democrats’ ‘Outlandish’ Impeachment As Unconstitutional ‘Political Theater’

The article of impeachment "is unconstitutional for a variety of reasons, any of which alone would be grounds for immediate dismissal," the brief states.

Will Cori Bush Be Stripped Of Committee Assignments After Encouraging Prison Riot?

Despite their destructive actions, the group found solace in their local representative, St. Louis-area Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush.

Poll: Fewer Than 1 in 5 Americans Believes Democracy is “Working Well”

The majority of Americans are dissatisfied with democracy according to the latest survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which found that fewer than 1 in 5 Americans (or 16%) believe that democracy in the United States is “working well” or “extremely well.” 38% of those surveyed believe democracy is working only … Continue reading "Poll: Fewer Than 1 in 5 Americans Believes Democracy is “Working Well”"

In Spanish Language Ad, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Slams GOP on QAnon

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has released a new Spanish language political ad criticizing the GOP for allowing the QAnon conspiracy theory to fester within its ranks and further excoriating Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene for her incendiary behavior. The ad is the DCCC’s first six-figure Spanish language ad buy of the 2022 campaign cycle … Continue reading "In Spanish Language Ad, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Slams GOP on QAnon"

Biden Administration Rejoins Human Rights Council

The United States is rejoining the United Nations Human Rights Council, per Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The move signals another move from President Joe Biden and his administration to reverse former President Donald Trump’s legacy of isolationist policy and withdrawing the United States from multilateral organizations. “When it works well, the UN Human Rights … Continue reading "Biden Administration Rejoins Human Rights Council"