
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Scotland Is Poised To Be The First Federal Government To Investigate Trump’s Finances

The Scottish Parliament will vote this week on launching a full investigation into Donald Trump’s finances and properties. The Scotsman reported, “An opposition debate in the Scottish Parliament will set out the arguments for ministers to apply to the Court of Session and act on growing concerns over how the former US president’s holdings in … Continue reading "Scotland Is Poised To Be The First Federal Government To Investigate Trump’s Finances"

Steve Schmidt Destroys Donald Trump Jr. After He Calls The Lincoln Project Grifters And Predators

Donald Trump Jr. tried to use the John Weaver scandal to attack The Lincoln Project only to be shredded by Steve Schmidt.

Schumer Says Democrats Will Not Allow Republicans To Whittle Down COVID Aid

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that Democrats will not make the same mistake that they made in 2009 and allow Republicans to whittle down aid for COVID.

Senate Democrats Aren’t Interested In The GOP’s Bogus Stimulus Offer

Senate Democrats say the $600 billion COVID stimulus offer from 10 Republican Senators isn't worth wasting time on.

Rob Portman Says Democrats Are Going To Essentially Kill The Filibuster

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) said that Democrats are going to essentially kill the filibuster in the Senate by eliminating the Byrd Rule.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson Refuses To Say Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Unfit To Serve

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson refused to say that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is unfit to serve as a member of the House.

Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Quit After He Demanded They Lie About Election Fraud

Trump had his impeachment lawyers quit about a week before his trial because he demanded that they lie about election fraud.

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says Democrats Have The Votes To Biden COVID Relief Bill Without Republicans

Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Sunday that Democrats have the necessary votes to pass President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill.

Opinion: Rob Portman’s Announced Departure Exposes Myth Of The “Principled Republican”

We keep hearing about splits in the Republican ranks between those who have sold their souls to the extremist arm of the party loyal to Trumpism, embodying white supremacist and anti-democratic values, and those more traditional Republicans who insist on sharply differentiating the ideology of conservativism from Trumpism. The founders of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project … Continue reading "Opinion: Rob Portman’s Announced Departure Exposes Myth Of The “Principled Republican”"

Opinion: Fascist Republicans Are Working Diligently To Kill Democracy

No matter how aggressive Republican state legislatures have been in their efforts to kill democracy by instituting voter suppression tactics over the past 16 years, their new machinations are on par with every fascist dictator in history. For several years Republicans have claimed that if every American is allowed to participate in the nation’s electoral … Continue reading "Opinion: Fascist Republicans Are Working Diligently To Kill Democracy"

South Carolina Republicans Censure Congressman Who Voted To Impeach Trump

Rep. Tom Rice voted to impeach Donald Trump for a second time, and the South Carolina Republican Party has censured him for standing up for democracy.

GOP Heading Toward Extinction In Georgia As Voters Flee The Trump-Marjorie Taylor Greene Party

Georgia voters are flocking away from the GOP as figures like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene tighten their grip on the party.

‘What’s Wrong With These People?’: Elizabeth Warren Slams GOP For Blocking COVID Relief

Warren blasted her GOP colleagues on Saturday for standing in the way of a COVID rescue package that millions of Americans are relying on.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hints At More Violence After Call From Trump

According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Trump called to express his support for her domestic terrorism.

House Democrat Blasts GOP Extremists For Turning Congress Into A War Zone

Thanks to a radicalized Republican Party, Congress increasingly looks like a middle eastern war zone than a place of government.

Meme-Inspired Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Surges After Wall Street’s Week Of Shame

Those worried about loose monetary policy, angry Redditors, and retail investors looking to get rich are all jumping into the crypto game, hoping the value of their coins rockets “to the moon.”

Smoking Gun Texts Show Trump Campaign Planned Rally That Incited Capitol Attack

The Trump campaign helped to plan the rally that incited the attack on the Capitol that left five people dead.

New York AG Zeroes In On Trump As Judge Orders Trump Organization To Hand Over Documents

New York Attorney General Letitia James' ongoing investigation into the Trump Organization appears to be ramping up.

Leftists Must Be Punished At The Ballot Box For Their COVID-19 Hypocrisy

Many deserve to be held accountable at the ballot box and in public memory for every shuttered business, stunted education, and livelihood lost.

On ‘WandaVision,’ We Begin to Get Some Answers

The fourth episode of 'WandaVision' offers a jarring, unnerving, and very disturbing break from the happy-go-lucky sitcom world we’ve just gotten used to.

Trump White House Linked To Domestic Terrorists Before Capitol Attack

The Trump White House wasn't very covert about their contacts with the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol: The Trump White House wasn't very covert about their contacts with the insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol:

Congresswomen To Introduce Resolution Calling For The Censure And Resignation Of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Democratic congresswomen Nikema Williams (GA) and Sara Jacobs (CA) will introduce a resolution to censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and call for her resignation.

Psaki Ignores CDC Findings On School Reopenings To Play Scientist And Keep Kids Home

White House press secretary Jen Psaki misconstrued the results of a CDC study on student and teacher transmission of COVID-19 to fit President Joe Biden's ever-growing anti-school-reopening agenda.

Republican Accountability Project Launches Ad Campaign to Get Cruz and Hawley to Resign

The Republican Accountability Project has launched an ad campaign to force Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) to resign over their decision to vote against the Electoral College certification after a mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters violently stormed the Capitol in a bid to overturn the results of an election that … Continue reading "Republican Accountability Project Launches Ad Campaign to Get Cruz and Hawley to Resign"

Democrats Push Biden to Support $2000 Stimulus Checks

Democrats are pushing President Joe Biden to support $2,000 monthly stimulus payments, what they say would amount to a vital lifeline to Americans who have been adversely impacted by the economic fallout in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Americans have thus far received only $1,800 since the crisis began in March. The first $1,200 … Continue reading "Democrats Push Biden to Support $2000 Stimulus Checks"

Finding Creative Internet Solutions In A World Controlled By Big Tech

Martin Avila talks with Senior Editor Chris Bedford about how the Big Tech crackdown on conservative sites inspired him to create his own platform.

The GameStop Saga Isn’t About Finance, It’s Part Of The Ongoing War Between Elites And Populists

What's happening right now has nothing to do with hedge funds, free markets, pricing theory, or any of that. It's another front in the major war taking place across the world: It's the elite vs. the populists.

You Can Thank Our Elites For Proliferating Conspiracies

The media's disinterest in holding one entire side of the spectrum to account is making this much worse by allowing them to get away with it, circulating false information, and sowing immense distrust.

Netflix-Sponsored ‘Antiracist’ Grifter Ibram Kendi Supports Totalitarian Government

Kendi suggested Justice Amy Coney Barrett was a 'white colonizer' for adopting children from Haiti. Apparently, he thinks we need a Department of Antiracism to stop behavior like that.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn Takes On The Progressives

A new essay collection, 'Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West,' illuminates how the vaunted Russian writer's warnings about secularism and progressivism are as prescient and insightful as ever.

No, Ted Cruz Did Not Try To Have AOC Murdered

Manipulating language to impute guilt and wrongdoing to political opponents is dangerous, and the left should cut it out.

Democrats’ Impeachment Articles Show They Are At Least As Guilty Of ‘Insurrection’ As Trump

If justice were blind, then the impeachment charge Democrats are voting for would be lodged where it more rightfully belongs—against themselves.

Anti-Cheney Rally In Wyoming Offers Preview Of GOP Primary Battles

Liz Cheney's backlash sends a warning signal to GOP senators weighing impeachment, but the issues run far deeper.

Biden’s Education Secretary Pick Has A History Of Covering Up Sexual Assault

Under Cindy Marten's leadership, San Diego schools engaged in legal battles and eventually settlements over multiple sex abuse cases.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Won’t Recuse On GameStop Despite Getting Almost A Million From Citadel

Despite an $810,000 conflict of interest, newly confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will not recuse herself from the ongoing hedge fund mania with Robinhood and GameStop.

Leftist Dark Money Funds ‘Conservatives’ To Stab Trump Voters In The Back

The Bulwark’s publisher was the biggest outside political spender in the 2020 election, dropping a stunning $15.6 million in independent expenditures savaging Donald Trump.

Hedge Funds May Have Taken A Minimum Of $5 Billion in Losses to Redditors

The Wall Street goliaths may have taken a loss greater than the GDP of Sierra Leone -- and it's not even close to being entirely tallied.

Congress Should Pull Federal Funds From Cities That Shut Down Restaurants

It’s well past time for oppressive governors and mayors to reverse course, allow restaurants to safely operate, and help servers make a living again.

Rachel Maddow Says It’s Time For Democrats To Consider Killing The Filibuster

The MSNBC host said that using the budget reconciliation process will only allow Democrats to pass two pieces of legislation this year.

Democratic Lawmakers Are Terrified Of Being Shot By Trump-Radicalized GOP Colleagues

Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) said fearful Democratic colleagues across his caucus are getting fitted for bullet-proof vests.

Susan Collins is Concerned That Joe Biden is Rushing Stimulus Bill

For the last 4 years, Republicans had control of the Senate and the White House. They ruthlessly used that power pushing though a big tax cut and 3 Supreme Court justices. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, though, Republicans are pleading for unity. Joe Biden’s first major goal is pushing through a … Continue reading "Susan Collins is Concerned That Joe Biden is Rushing Stimulus Bill"

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not An Outlier, She Is The Modern Republican Party

Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an outlier in the GOP, and neither are the terrorists in red MAGA caps who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6.

WATCH: Lou Dobbs Says It’s Racist to Claim That Systemic Racism Exists

Activists have been talking about systemic racism for a number of years. But the problem came to a head in 2020 thanks to the killing of George Floyd. Following that incident, politicians became much more comfortable talking about the problem and how to combat it. And the admission that systemic racism exists enrages a number … Continue reading "WATCH: Lou Dobbs Says It’s Racist to Claim That Systemic Racism Exists"

The GOP Is Erupting Into Civil War As Biden Shows America What Competent Government Looks Like

As Joe Biden quickly gets to work fixing Donald Trump's mess, the Republican Party is sprinting toward extinction.

Matt Gaetz Mocks Dick Cheney and Mitch McConnell in Visit to Liz Cheney’s Home State of Wyoming

Donald Trump is no longer the President and spends most of his time at his Mar-a-Lago club. He has also lost the use of his Twitter account, which was until recently, his favorite way to connect with his supporters. Still, the ex-President has his sycophants in Washington DC who are still pushing the message of … Continue reading "Matt Gaetz Mocks Dick Cheney and Mitch McConnell in Visit to Liz Cheney’s Home State of Wyoming"

Biden Wipes Out Trump’s Damage To Obamacare With A Stroke Of His Pen

President Biden signed two executive orders undoing the damage that Donald Trump had done to the Affordable Care Act.

Pelosi Warns That Violent House Republicans Are The Enemy Within

Speaker of the House Pelosi warned that there are House Republicans who want to bring guns on the House floor and are threatening other members of Congress.

Impeachment Fizzle Shows Why Democrats’ 4D Chess Doesn’t Work

In a second Trump impeachment attempt, Democrats have succumbed to their weak ways, hedging bets on something that never was in 2020 and never will be in 2021.

Report: Grandma-Killer Andrew Cuomo Undercounted COVID-19 Deaths In Nursing Homes

Cuomo lied about the number of COVID deaths in nursing homes due to his inadequate leadership and policy that sent infected patients into care facilities.

How Equity Will Destroy America

Equity and equal opportunity are fundamentally incompatible.

Parkland Shooting Survivor David Hogg Urges Republicans to Denounce Marjorie Taylor Greene

David Hogg, who became one of the nation’s most recognizable advocates for gun control after surviving the Parkland, Florida mass shooting in 2018, has called on Republicans to denounce Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) after a video of Greene, a noted conspiracy theorist, heckling him went viral. “My message to Kevin McCarthy is this, take … Continue reading "Parkland Shooting Survivor David Hogg Urges Republicans to Denounce Marjorie Taylor Greene"

Kinzinger Defends Voting to Impeach Trump, Says It “Could Very Well Be Terminal for My Career”

In an interview with the CNN podcast “The Axe Files,” Representative Adam Kinzinger defended his vote to impeach former President Donald Trump for inciting the Capitol insurrection. He says he knew that doing so could likely cost him his seat in the House given the partisan political climate. “I did it knowing full well it … Continue reading "Kinzinger Defends Voting to Impeach Trump, Says It “Could Very Well Be Terminal for My Career”"

Domenech: Teachers Unions Holding Our Kids Hostage For Political Ransom Is ‘Insanity’

Ben Domenech said parents should be outraged at the schools that remained closed after anti-science demands from teachers unions that refuse to provide in-classroom learning.

Biden’s Unity Branding Is False Advertising That Will Sow More Division

After a chaotic four years, President Biden wants to voters to believe he's governing as a unifier while actually governing as a hard partisan. 

Trump’s Reckless ‘Stolen Election’ Talk Is The Reason He Should Be Impeached

The Constitution allows for speech that makes conspiracy-mongering legal, but we must demand more from our presidents than minimal compliance with the law.

Leftists Want ‘The Next Ted Cruz Or Josh Hawley’ Exiled From Name-Brand Universities

Leftist college students think we can prevent conservative thought, which they deem 'radicalization,' by 'prioritizing safety over absolute free speech.'

Small-Town Iowa Public Schools Teach Preschoolers Transgenderism And Judging People By Skin Color

A Latino man is judged by the color of his skin and then dehumanized in racial terms because of where he lives. This is okay to teach children in America using public tax dollars and public institutions.

Defunding The Police Will Mean More Shootings, Higher Taxes, And More Pain For The Poor

Proposals to defund law enforcement fail the cost-benefit test and will likely increase avoidable deaths while lowering the overall standard of living.

What’s The Deal With Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin? Here’s Your Primer

As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream and easier-than-ever to buy, and inflation becomes a very real risk, assets like Bitcoin could continue to increase in value.

How Donald J. Trump Accidentally Revived ‘Objective Truth’

At the very least, Donald J. Trump served to convince the left that objective truth does indeed exist and it does make unbending claims on all of us.

The Biden Administration Must Keep Up The Pressure On Beijing

We should treat Xi and the Chinese Communist Party for what they are -- a threat to America, its people, and any that cherish democracy, freedom, and human life.

Red-State Governors Lead COVID Recovery After Blue-State Tyrants Tanked The Economy

States helmed by Republican governors are leading the nation's recovery from the lockdown-driven recession that is strongest in blue states led by Democrats.

New York Times Idol-Worships Joe Biden’s Heretical Faith

Political operatives are now attempting to flip the script on what it means to be a follower of Christ and are moving to disqualify morality right along with it.

John Kerry To Gas And Coal Workers: Make ‘Better Choices’ Because Your Jobs Are Going Away

John Kerry, the failed 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, has very limited experience with climate change or science in general.

Ocasio-Cortez Says That the QAnon Members Now Control the GOP Caucus

In June of last year, Facebook videos emerged of Marjorie Taylor Greene making racist comments. A spokesperson for Kevin McCarthy said, “these comments are appalling, and Leader McCarthy has no tolerance for them.” Minority Whip Steve Scalise took it a step further, throwing his support behind Greene’s primary opponent. Greene was able to win that … Continue reading "Ocasio-Cortez Says That the QAnon Members Now Control the GOP Caucus"

Report: Prices For Donald Trump’s New York City Properties Are in Absolute Freefall

Long before he ever became President of the United States, Donald Trump worked in real estate. He didn’t build an empire so much as he inherited an empire from his father, Fred. And while Trump has built and maintained properties all around the world, New York City has always been his main target. New York, … Continue reading "Report: Prices For Donald Trump’s New York City Properties Are in Absolute Freefall"

Bill Gates Responds to Fox News Lies About the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an all hands on deck response from many business owners. Among the most prominent CEO’s looking to help was Bill Gates. Thanks to the Conservative push to minimize the effect of the pandemic, Gates became a frequent target for Fox News. Gates appeared on Ari Melber’s MSNBC show on Wednesday … Continue reading "Bill Gates Responds to Fox News Lies About the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Oklahoma Is Trying To Get A Refund On $2 Million Worth Of Hydroxychloroquine

Oklahoma Republicans listened to Trump and bought $2 million worth of hydroxychloroquine. Now, they want a refund.

The Everyday Consequences Of Critical Race Theory And Cancel Culture

Christopher Rufo joins Emily Jashinsky to break down the dangers of critical race theory and how it informs widespread cancel culture.

Republican Adam Kinzinger Says He Knows His Career Is Over After Voting to Impeach Trump

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) was the first Republican to come out in support of a resolution to compel former Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment after former President Donald Trump incited the Capitol insurrection. He says he knows it has damaged his future career prospects. “The only hope you have is to … Continue reading "Republican Adam Kinzinger Says He Knows His Career Is Over After Voting to Impeach Trump"

Biden Chief Of Staff Sides With Anti-Science Teachers Unions In Fight To Reopen Schools

Biden's chief of staff Ron Klain denied the science on COVID-19 transmission in schools, siding with teachers unions and against families and children.

Josh Hawley Says He Won’t Run For President In 2024 As His Political Future Fades

Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley thought it would be good politics to spread Donald Trump's big lie about election fraud.

The Occupation Of Washington Is Pure Panic Porn — And You Are The Target

Just this week, we learned that thousands of Guardsmen could remain in Washington DC 'indefinitely.' Certainly through President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

If Biden Can’t Get Congress To Open The Borders, He’ll Likely Do It Himself

Biden’s attempted deportation freeze is an example of the executive overreach we should expect from his radical immigration agenda.

How The Supreme Court Made It Easier To Smear People As Racists And Scream The F-Word In Public

Instead of protecting true free speech, we’ve crushed the speech that matters most: the articulation and testing of the truth.

Freedom From Morality And Obligations Isn’t ‘Freedom’

In Ryszard Legutko's latest book, 'The Cunning of Freedom: Saving the Self in an Age of False Idols,' the Polish professor and survivor of communism warns that the coercive attempts of modern liberals to redefine freedom are more destructive than liberating.

Rand Paul’s Cage Match With George Stephanopoulos Is A Pattern Everyone On The Right Should Follow

Every single Republican lawmaker and figurehead should be required to watch the Rand Paul clip as a clinic for how to take on the left-wing media.

Susan Rice Abandoned Me During A Gunfight In Benghazi. She’ll Abandon You On Guns

Susan Rice can’t be trusted to protect Americans’ rights. She failed in upholding her oath of office while being a puppet for Hillary Clinton on Benghazi.

Donald Trump Fought For Us. Now It’s Our Turn

President Donald Trump invited the American people to fight back. We can argue over whether he was a carnival clown, but it was wildly successful.

‘The Expanse’ Season Five, Episode Nine: Avasarala Rises To Lead

Amos and Clarissa fight to leave Earth, multiple ships converge on Naomi's position, and Avasarala takes a principled stand on 'The Expanse.'

In Epic Speech, Rand Paul Decries Dems’ Hypocritical ‘Sham’ Impeachment

'Should Kamala Harris be impeached for offering to pay for violent people to get out of jail, who've been burning our cities down? No.'

The Public Deserves Transparency When Government Declares Them Non-Essential

A public forced into lockdown at the bare minimum deserves answers with transparent data when the government declares their life's work non-essential.

The Right-Wing Witch Hunt Makes It A Good Time To Keep Your Well-Stocked Pantry A Secret

More and more, people taking common-sense steps to incorporate resiliency into their lives are being labeled ‘insurrectionists’ and incriminated in the latest right-wing witch hunt.

Biden’s ‘Green Energy Jobs’ Really Means ‘No Energy Jobs’ And ‘Low-Paying Energy Jobs’

The Biden agenda slogan may be 'Build Back Better,' but the relevant question all Americans should be asking is: 'Better for whom?'

Rachel Maddow: The GOP Is A ‘Dumpster Fire’ That Is Incapable Of Helping Govern The Country

It's become increasingly clear that the Republican Party is broken and incapable of even pretending to be a governing partner.

Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Think White Supremacists Should be Called Domestic Terrorists

Just a few weeks ago, a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol. A number of those participating in the insurrection belonged to militia or white supremacist groups. The actions of those rioters were completely indefensible. That doesn’t mean, however, that people weren’t going to try. On his Tuesday night show, Tucker … Continue reading "Tucker Carlson Doesn’t Think White Supremacists Should be Called Domestic Terrorists"

Mitch McConnell Is Fuming As Democrats Ignore His Whining And Act Like A Majority Party

McConnell can whine all he wants about Democrats finding ways to work around GOP obstruction, but no one is likely to take him seriously.

Virginia GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful Suggests Capitol Insurrection Was Justified Because of COVID Restrictions

Virginia was long a Republican state. Those days, however are over. In recent years, the state has gone red to purple to blue. That doesn’t mean, though, that Republicans can’t win in the commonwealth. Democratic governor Ralph Northam will be seeking reelection in 2022. Amanda Chase, a Republican state Rep. hopes to be the one … Continue reading "Virginia GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful Suggests Capitol Insurrection Was Justified Because of COVID Restrictions"

Former GOP Lawmaker Tells Democrats To ‘Play Hardball’ And Pass Legislation Without Republicans

Former Rep. David Jolly said the clearest path forward for Democrats is to either eliminate the filibuster or use the reconciliation process.

LISTEN: My Pillow Guy Says Twitter Stole His Account and Retweeted Things Without His Permission

Shortly after he inspired an insurrection, Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump from their services. Many of Trump’s most ardent supporters, though,m have still been able to use the website. Mike Lindell, the founder of My Pillow, might be Trump’s biggest fan. And he has become increasingly unhinged since the ex-President lost the election back in … Continue reading "LISTEN: My Pillow Guy Says Twitter Stole His Account and Retweeted Things Without His Permission"

Democrats Are Preparing A COVID Relief Bill That Will Only Need 51 Senate Votes

Democrats are keeping all options on the table in order to get a COVID relief bill to Joe Biden's desk as soon as possible.

Sanders and Congressional Democrats to Announce a $15 Minimum Wage Bill Today

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Congression Democrats will announce a $15 minimum wage bill during a video conference at 11:30 a.m. EST today. The Raise the Wage Act “would increase the federal minimum wage to $15 in five steps over the next four years, increasing pay for nearly 32 million workers,” according to a press release. … Continue reading "Sanders and Congressional Democrats to Announce a $15 Minimum Wage Bill Today"

Google Is Latest Company to Suspend Donations to Politicians Who Voted Against Election Certification

Google is the latest company to suspend donations to politicians who voted against certifying the results of the 2020 general election, which President Joe Biden won decisively. The company made the announcement after conducting an internal review of its political contributions in the wake of the violent insurrection at the Capitol, which took place after … Continue reading "Google Is Latest Company to Suspend Donations to Politicians Who Voted Against Election Certification"

Pfizer Will Supply U.S. With 200 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Sooner Than Expected

Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla announced that the pharmaceutical company will supply the United States with 200 million Covid-19 vaccine doses sooner than expected. It will make deliveries to the U.S. and the European Union before the end of the second quarter. The announcement is “due to a change in the vaccine’s label that … Continue reading "Pfizer Will Supply U.S. With 200 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Sooner Than Expected"

Canceling The Keystone Pipeline And Reducing U.S. Arms Are Biden’s First Two Major Gifts To Russia

From killing the Keystone XL pipeline to seeking to extend a flawed New START treaty, President Biden's first two days in office were great for Moscow.

Why Biden’s COVID Bailout Would Drag Down America’s Economic Recovery

Subsidize something — get more of it. Expect the Biden economy to have additional unemployment, increased poverty, and lower incomes for a longer period.

How To Lead The United States Into An American Spring

To those asking where we go from here, there must be one conclusion from the right: The counter assault must be sustained. There is no going back.

The United States Should Give Hong Kongers And Uighurs A Ticket To Freedom

The United States should consider providing an unlimited number of special visas for carefully vetted Uighurs, dissidents, and targeted religious minorities.

No, ‘Jewish Supremacism’ Does Not Define Israel

Earlier this month, the organization B’Tselem issued an eight-page paper that declares the Jewish state guilty of apartheid. It’s absurd.

To Insults Of U.S. Troops, Biden Administration Adds Forcing Female Soldiers To Shower With Men

Women-only teams at military schools, colleges, and service academies will have to accommodate biological men, regardless of the harm done to women.

Netflix To Spread Racist Indoctrination With 3 New Ibram X. Kendi Projects

By catching kids early, and with catchy tunes, kids won't know there are other ways of interacting in a society where race isn't the primary factor.

If Joe Biden Really Wants Unity, He’d Call For Lockdowns To End Forever

Ending the lockdowns immediately would be a smart public health decision. It would also help fulfill Joe Biden’s unity pledge.

200 House Members Support Bipartisan Ban On Making Taxpayers Pay For Abortion

Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks and approximately 200 GOP legislators are asking House and Senate leaders to preserve the Hyde Amendment.

Democrats Now Condemn Political Violence En Route To Grabbing Power

If Democrats can get voters to identify conservatism as racist and Republicans as white supremacists, it makes it a lot easier to win elections.

Americans’ Lack Of Trust In Each Other Is Getting Dangerous

Not nearly enough attention has been spent on why many Americans have come to believe that ‘the other side’ will destroy the country if it gets power.

Chick-Fil-A Took Over A Vaccine Line After A Glitch, And Saved The Day

When a computer glitch caused a backup at a coronavirus vaccine drive-thru, the mayor of the South Carolina town called in the experts.

Chuck Schumer: The Days Of Mitch McConnell Holding The Senate Hostage Are Over

Chuck Schumer reminded Mitch McConnell on Monday that he lost the Senate and no longer gets to hold the chamber hostage.

Ohio GOP Wants To Go Full MAGA And Nominate Jim Jordan To Fill Rob Portman’s Senate Seat

Trump-loyal Republicans are already itching to go full MAGA and nominate one of the disgraced ex-president's true loyalists, Rep. Jim Jordan.

Joe Biden Wants to Ramp Up to 1.5 Million Vaccinations Each Day

Joe Biden revealed his COVID-19 plan shortly before taking office. He was hoping that there would be 100 vaccinations in his first 100 days. At the time, the goal seemed ambitious, especially with concerns over convincing people to take the shot. And when Biden took office last week, the COVID program was in shambles. The … Continue reading "Joe Biden Wants to Ramp Up to 1.5 Million Vaccinations Each Day"

Biden’s Popularity Is Surging As He Quickly Moves To Clean Up Trump’s Mess

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris appear to be growing increasingly popular with each passing day.

Goya Foods Has Banned Their Trump Supporting CEO From Appearing on Cable News

In July of 2020, Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue said of Donald Trump, “We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder, and that’s what my grandfather did.” This shocked many Latin-American fans of the brand who actively oppose Trump’s policies. There were numerous calls … Continue reading "Goya Foods Has Banned Their Trump Supporting CEO From Appearing on Cable News"

History Is Made As The House Officially Triggers Trump’s Second Senate Impeachment Trial

The House of Representatives officially delivered its latest article of impeachment against Donald Trump to the United States Senate.

WATCH: CNN’s Keilar Rips Dr. Birx: She Didn’t Stand up for Science When it Counted

When Donald Trump first encountered the COVID-19 pandemic, he was lucky to have two doctor’s with decades of experience in immunology. The doctors, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx took divergent paths in how they handled Trump. Fauci was definitely more combative with Trump and willing to contradict the ex-President when he was wrong. Birx acted … Continue reading "WATCH: CNN’s Keilar Rips Dr. Birx: She Didn’t Stand up for Science When it Counted"

Hollywood Has An Iron Grip On Movie Culture, But Will It Last Forever?

Movie producer Dallas Sonnier joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to talk about his recent project "Run Hide Fight" and how movie creators are branching out and expanding content beyond Hollywood.

Here Are All The Riots That Democrats And The Media Are Choosing To Ignore

The corporate media and Democrats have a record of ignoring and downplaying destructive and deadly riots in exchange for coverage that fits their agenda.

The Justice Department Is Investigating Plots To Overturn The Election

The Inspector General at the Department of Justice has launched an investigation into potential plots to use the DOJ to overturn the election.

Another Republican Senator Bites The Dust As Rob Portman Won’t Run For Reelection

Sen. Rob Portman cited partisan gridlock in his decision not to run for reelection, which leaves 3 Republican-controlled Senate seats open in 2022.

What Is Mitch McConnell Thinking?

Now comes McConnell’s impeachment effort, as effective and well-thought as his filibuster defense effort, and it is already looking like an embarrassing and risky bit of 4D chess.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Is The Highest-Paid Federal Employee

Dr. Anthony Fauci raked in $417,608 from the federal government in 2019, putting the nation's infectious disease expert at the top of the income chart.

Biden Reverses Trump’s Transgender Military Ban

President Joe Biden has reversed former President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. “President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service, and that America’s strength is found in its diversity,” the White House says in a fact sheet. The president signed an executive order reversing … Continue reading "Biden Reverses Trump’s Transgender Military Ban"

Joe Biden Has Erased Much Of Trump’s Presidency In Less Than A Week

In less than a week, President Biden has erased most of the policies of Donald Trump's failed presidency.

Ohio GOP Sen. Rob Portman Will Not Seek Re-Election In 2022

Ohio Sen. Rob Portman announced Monday the two-term incumbent will not see re-election in 2022, creating a vacancy in a competitive state next cycle. 

SCOTUS Dismisses Cases Alleging Trump Violated Constiution’s Emoluments Clause

The Supreme Court of the United States has dismissed cases alleging former President Donald Trump violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause and profited off the presidency during his time in office. The emoluments clauses is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution that states “No Title of Nobility shall … Continue reading "SCOTUS Dismisses Cases Alleging Trump Violated Constiution’s Emoluments Clause"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announces She Will Run for Governor of Arkansas

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who commanded regular news headlines during her tenure in the White House as one of former President Donald Trump’s press secretaries, has announced she will launch a gubernatorial campaign to be governor of the state of Arkansas. Her father, Mike Huckabee, is a former governor in the state. Her run for governor … Continue reading "Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announces She Will Run for Governor of Arkansas"

Dominion Voting Systems Sues Rudy Giuliani for Defamation

Dominion Voting Systems has filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, alleging he defamed the company by continuing to push the lie that the election was stolen. The 107-page lawsuit was filed in the Federal District Court in Washington and seeks damages of more than $1.3 billion. It cites more than … Continue reading "Dominion Voting Systems Sues Rudy Giuliani for Defamation"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Enters Gubernatorial Race In Arkansas

Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced her campaign for governor of Arkansas on Monday.

Liz Cheney Should Step Away From Leadership For The Sake Of GOP Voters

There is no reason to leave Cheney in her leadership position. In fact, it's negligence for Republican leaders to keep her there.

Conservatives Should Stop Trying To Justify Impeaching Trump

Holding Trump accountable for the actions of a handful of rioters is deeply misguided, and conservatives should know better than to support it.

This Revolution Brought To You By Cosplay Politics

It can’t possibly be the case that the greatest republic in the history of mankind will be brought down by such transparent losers.

How Mitch McConnell Can Preserve The Filibuster And With It A Republican Voice In The Senate

Far from being a helpless minority, Senate Republicans are in a powerful position to leverage their consent for key priorities from their voters.

Anonymous Claim Of Inauguration Violence Sends Wisconsin Police To Investigate Elderly Veteran

The 73-year-old was working at his home when three deputies questioned him on suspicion of being a domestic terrorist. Why? He had joined peaceful conservative protests.

How To Stop Using Google Search On Your Computer And Phone

Data scientists say Google can shift elections based on what it shows people. Refusing to use Google for search is an easy tweak everyone can and should do now.

Parler Lost Its First Legal Battle. Here’s Why It Will Probably Lose The Next

Governing legal precedent makes it unlikely anyone seeking to challenge a deplatforming decision will ever succeed in court.

Why The New York Times Was Wrong To Fire Lauren Wolfe

The problem with firing Wolfe for making her political leanings so blatantly obvious is that the political leanings of 95 percent of The New York Times staff are also blatantly obvious.

The U.S. Government Shouldn’t Send Communist China Americans’ DNA And Health Info

The Biden administration must take serious steps to ensure China ceases its exploitation of the COVID-19 crisis in ways that threaten our national security.

Washington Post Smears Michael Flynn’s Brother For Things He Didn’t Do

On Wednesday, the Washington Post ran an innuendo-filled article that relied on a bevy of anonymous sources to invent a new ‘scandal’ for the Flynn family.

No Wonder Biden Canceled It: 1776 Commission Report Takes Aim At Identity Politics, Socialism, And Slavery

The 1776 report intends to reacquaint American citizens with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, renewing the American mind.

Joe Biden Is Already Repairing The US Relationship With France

No more passive-aggressive handshakes of death for French President Emmanuel Macron, as Joe Biden is already working to rebuild the US relationship with France.

Marco Rubio Dismisses Impeachment As ‘Stupid,’ Waste Of Time

'We already have a flaming fire in this country and it's like taking a bunch of gasoline and pouring it on top of the fire,' Rubio told Fox News's Chris Wallace.

Texas Man Arrested Near The White House With Guns And Ammo Asking About The Oval Office

An armed Texas man was arrested near the White House after he was looking for information on the Oval Office.

Watch Rand Paul Take On George Stephanopoulos Over Election Integrity And Voter Fraud

'Historically, what would happen is if I said that I thought there was fraud, you would interview someone else who said there wasn't, but now you insert yourself in the middle and say the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a lie,' Paul pointed out.

Marco Rubio Doesn’t Want Trump Tried Because It Will Make His Supporters Mad

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) weakly claimed that Trump shouldn't be tried because it will rile up his supporters and cause problems.

Trump To Be Denied Attention, As Schumer Promises Fast Paced Impeachment Trial

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) promised that Trump would be held accountable, but that his trial would move at a fast pace.

Democrats Signal They Won’t Allow Republicans To Waste Time And Obstruct Biden

Congressional Democrats are signaling that they learned their lesson from the Obama years and won't allow Republicans to waste time and obstruct Biden.

Rand Paul Humiliates Himself When Pressed On False Claims That The Election Was Stolen

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) put on a humiliating performance where he tied himself into knots trying to defend his claim that the election was stolen.

On Day 1, Biden Effectively Erases Numerous U.S. Immigration Laws, May Release 10,000 Criminal Aliens Inside The United States

If that applies to truly all 14,195 detainees in ICE custody, that means Biden has ordered the release of more than 10,000 foreign criminals inside the United States.

Dr. Deborah Birx Says She Was 1 Of 2 People To Regularly Wear A Mask In Trump White House

Dr. Deborah Birx said that she was one of only two people to wear a mask while in the White House. (Dr. Fauci was not there).

Opinion: African Americans Continue To Lead Insurrections For Democracy In America

In the summer of 1800, Gabriel Prosser, an enslaved blacksmith, planned a slave insurrection in Richmond Virginia. Information about the rebellion was leaked, and it was thwarted. Prosser and 25 of his followers were taken captive and hanged. In 2007, in response to a 2006 request from the NAACP, then Virginia Governor  Tim Kaine issued … Continue reading "Opinion: African Americans Continue To Lead Insurrections For Democracy In America"

Biden Freezes Trump Rule Aimed At Lowering Insulin, EpiPen Prices

President Joe Biden froze a December rule signed by President Donald Trump aimed at lowering prescription drug prices for insulin.

Kevin McCarthy Comes Under Fire For Saying Trump Isn’t The Only Person Who Shares Blame For The Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Trump detractors immediately seized on the comments, vilifying the Republican for declaring an uncomfortable reality.

Rep. Scott Perry Unmasked As Key Accomplice In Trump Election Subversion Plot

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) played a key role in linking Trump up with people who were willing to participate in his election overturn plot.

Opinion: Mike Pompeo’s Attack On Multiculturalism Further Divides America

In case any American was confused about the Republican movement’s vision for America as an Aryan nation, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made it clear he agrees with loser Trump that there is no room for diversity in America. On his way out of office serving a white supremacist administration, Pompeo let it be known … Continue reading "Opinion: Mike Pompeo’s Attack On Multiculturalism Further Divides America"

Opinion: Mike Pompeo’s Attack On Multiculturalism Further Divides America

In case any American was confused about the Republican movement’s vision for America as an Aryan nation, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made it clear he agrees with loser Trump that there is no room for diversity in America. On his way out of office serving a white supremacist administration, Pompeo let it be known … Continue reading "Opinion: Mike Pompeo’s Attack On Multiculturalism Further Divides America"

Opinion: GOP Impeachment Strategy is a Policy of Appeasement, Inviting Nazism and Racism into Mainstream Politics

Senate Republicans are now gearing up to acquit Trump in an impeachment trial on the specious rationale that putting a former officeholder on trial is unconstitutional, even though legal scholars, including some from the conservative Federalist Society, have broadly affirmed the constitutionality of such a proceeding. While this argument is their most recent political tactic, … Continue reading "Opinion: GOP Impeachment Strategy is a Policy of Appeasement, Inviting Nazism and Racism into Mainstream Politics"

Republicans Side With COVID And Plan To Sue Biden Over Masks

Republicans are siding with the coronavirus and planning to sue President Biden over his executive order on mask-wearing.

Trump Extorted Senators Into Attacking Georgia Election Officials

Trump threatened to withhold support from former Georgia Republican Senators Loeffler and Perdue unless they attacked Georgia election officials.

Why Are Members Of Congress Who Had Been Vaccinated Still Wearing Masks?

In an eerie preview of our “post-pandemic” future, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are still donning face masks even after vaccination, illustrating how pandemic rules might be Read More

Mitt Romney Suggests Americans Don’t Need Immediate COVID Relief

Sen. Mitt Romney said that the Senate just passed a $900 billion package so he is not looking for more immediate COVID relief.

Watch Kmele Foster Obliterate Prioritizing The COVID Vaccine By Race

Podcast host and political commentator Kmele Foster undermined the argument for COVID-19 vaccine prioritization based on race, noting older populations are more vulnerable and should be receiving Read More

Dr. Fauci Says It’s Much Easier Working For A President Who Doesn’t Spew Misinformation

This is what it looks like when a White House allows public policy to be dictated by science and data, not the president's ego.

Impeachment Manager Outlines Slam Dunk Case For Senate To Convict Donald Trump

Rep. Eric Swalwell made a clear and concise case for why Donald Trump should be convicted in the Senate's upcoming impeachment trial.

Kevin McCarthy Is Now Blaming Democrats For Trump’s Capitol Attack

McCarthy placed blame on Democrats, social media users, and those who call themselves the resistance for the Jan. 6 attack.

Things Are Beginning To Unravel On ‘WandaVision’

It’s clear that’s Wanda’s vision of her perfect suburban sit-com life is starting to crumble.

Taking Cara Babies Founder Is Bullied And Doxed For Privately Supporting Trump

We all win when the market encourages people from all backgrounds, religions, and worldviews to work together. Politicizing everything means all sides lose.

Schumer Won’t Start Trump’s Impeachment Trial Until After Biden’s Cabinet Is Confirmed

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer laid out his plan for Trump's impeachment trial on Friday night, and it won't start until after Biden gets his cabinet.

Washington Post Quietly Removes Cruel Joke From Kamala Harris Interview

In true Orwellian fashion, the Washington Post recently memory-holed an offensive joke told by now-Vice President Kamala Harris on her presidential campaign trail.

DC Elite Used National Guard As Props, Questioned Their Loyalty, Then Made Them Sleep In Parking Garage

After 25,000 National Guardsman provide security in DC, politicians banished them from the Capitol, forcing them to sleep in parking garages.

Biden to Sign Two Executive Orders on Covid-19 Economic Relief

President Joe Biden will sign two executive orders on Covid-19 relief that aim to provide vital economic relief to Americans weathering the economic freefall caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The orders will expand food stamps and also ensure that anyone working for the federal government makes at least $15 an hour. These orders will provide … Continue reading "Biden to Sign Two Executive Orders on Covid-19 Economic Relief"

Breaking Norms And Precedent, Biden Attempts To Purge Career Intelligence Official

Pelosi, Schiff, and Biden have politicized a career intelligence community position by demanding the removal of a national security professional.

The Fracturing Of America: A Weak Government, Complicit Media, And Radical Silicon Valley Might Have Finally Set It All Off

Sure, our leaders in Washington, cowering from death behind COVID masks and ideologically vetted Guardsmen, might be convinced of their own power, but is Jeff Bezos?

Why Calling China’s Genocide What It Is Really Matters

America has taken a stand and provided moral leadership on the Uighur genocide. For the sake of humanity, other nations can no longer remain silent.

7 Life Lessons From Fred Rogers’ Wife Joanne, Who Died Last Week At Age 92

Joanne Rogers had a big personality, yet shunned the spotlight. As one of the many moved by their legacy, here are seven insights into the late Mrs. Rogers.

Mitch McConnell Needs To Go

The idea that Trump incited an insurrection is pure nonsense. It's a lie and Mitch McConnell's parroting of it is disqualifying for leadership.

In College, Biden’s Pick For Top Civil Rights Lawyer Argued Blacks Are The Superior Race

If Kristen Clarke is confirmed, it will mean Biden’s pledges to fight hate and antisemitism will be abandoned even before he begins to govern.

WaPo Article: Black And Brown People Who Vote For Trump Are ‘White Supremacists,’ Too

The old Democrat Party pushed their leftist policies via class resentment. Today, because of their reliance on big tech and corporate donations, they push corporate socialism via race resentment.

After Snubbing Trump And Americans, Amazon Offers Vaccine Help The Moment Biden Takes Office

Amazon, the company said, was 'ready to assist' with the new president's goal to vaccinate 100 million Americans in the first 100 days. It didn't make the same offer to Trump.

Why Americans Take All Riots In The U.S. Capitol City As A Desecration

The relics of our Founding unite us because they represent a nation we know to be good. Those who desecrate them harm the nation to its core.

Survey Finds Lockdowns Are Only Making The Ruling Class Richer While Brutalizing The Poor And Middle Class

Wall Street, Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley are swimming in cash and prosperity. The vast majority of Americans, on the other hand, are gasping for air.

Democrats’ Second Impeachment Has Proven The Warnings Against The First

Opponents of President Donald Trump's first impeachment warned Democrats were cheapening the process as a political weapon. Democrats proved them right.

Ben Domenech: There’s No Unity When You’re Pursuing An Impeachment

Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech called the Democratic pleas for unity a dubious façade Thursday while correcting USA Today's Susan Page on Amazon.

‘Not Messing Around’: Rachel Maddow Applauds Biden For Working Quickly To Undo Trump’s Damage

In less than 48 hours, Biden has taken meaningful steps on everything from the pandemic to climate change to immigration.

WATCH: CNN’s Erin Burnett Takes GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis Apart Over Election Fraud Claims

It is not too often that a GOP lawmaker appears on CNN or MSNBC. So it was a bit of a surprise to see New York Freshman congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis appear on Erin Burnett’s CNN show. Malliotakis came on to talk about her hopes to work with Democrats in a bi-partisan manner. This came off … Continue reading "WATCH: CNN’s Erin Burnett Takes GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis Apart Over Election Fraud Claims"

GOP Lawmaker Caught Trying To Bring A Gun Into The House Chamber

GOP Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) was caught trying to carry a gun into the House of Representatives on Thursday.

Kayleigh McEnany Has Spent the Day Complaining About the Biden Press Team and Administration

On Wednesday night, Jen Psaki held her first press briefing. Joe Biden’s press secretary assured the White House press corps that she planned on holding a daily briefing Monday through Friday. Her candor and professionalism was well received by the media. And, of course, the praise for Psaki upset the people who formerly did the … Continue reading "Kayleigh McEnany Has Spent the Day Complaining About the Biden Press Team and Administration"

QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Laughable Impeachment Articles Against Joe Biden

Marjorie Taylor Greene's move to impeach Joe Biden is nothing more than political theatre meant to soothe the QAnon-MAGA mob.

Out-Of-Touch Susan Collins Says She Doesn’t See The Need For More COVID Relief

Susan Collins was happy to cast a vote for Donald Trump's $2 trillion tax cut for the wealthiest individuals and corporations.

There’s Nothing Moderate Or Unifying About Biden’s Sweeping New Transgender Executive Order

Ryan T. Anderson joins Emily Jashinsky to discuss Biden's transgender executive order and its implications for his so-called moderate, unifying agenda.

Press Secretary: Biden Exempt From His Own Mask Order Because He Was ‘Celebrating’

Despite his recent mask order, Biden and his family were parading around the Lincoln Memorial without masks during Wednesday's inauguration celebrations.

WATCH: Lou Dobbs Absolutely Destroys “Coward” Mitch McConnell

When Donald Trump was seeking the Republican nomination in 2016, Lindsey Graham delivered a warning to his party. “If we nominate Donald Trump,” the South Carolina senator tweeted, “we will get destroyed and we will deserve it.” It took quite a while for his prediction to come to pass, but it seems to be coming … Continue reading "WATCH: Lou Dobbs Absolutely Destroys “Coward” Mitch McConnell"

Inauguration Violence Erupts… From Antifa

As officers prepared for what many predicted would be an insurrection by Trump supporters on Inauguration Day, Antifa members rioted across the nation.

Democrats Knock Down McConnell’s Attempt to Protect the Filibuster

Democrats knocked down Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s attempt to protect the filibuster as part of the Senate’s power-sharing deal. McConnell (R-Ky.) had wanted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to include protecting the filibuster in any deal they agree to on how to organize the evenly-split Senate. “We’re not going to give him what … Continue reading "Democrats Knock Down McConnell’s Attempt to Protect the Filibuster"

Democrats Rally To Purge ‘Extremists’ And Trump Voters From National Guard, Turning The Military Into Politics

Dems are now calling for the vetting of National Guard members, especially those assigned to provide security for the inauguration, for ties to "extremism."

How Joe Biden Misunderstands Unity

In Biden's speech, St. Augustine's deep warning about misdirected unity in love of the wrong thing becomes the spiritual equivalent of “c’mon, man.”

On Day One, Biden Destroys Women’s Sports With Anti-Science Executive Order

Biden issued an executive order mandating that any schools receiving federal funding must pretend boys and girls are the same or risk losing that funding.

World Leaders Praise Biden as U.S. Returns to the Forefront in the Battle Against Climate Change

World leaders praised President Joe Biden after he signed an executive order authorizing the United States’ return into the Paris Climate Accords, signaling to the global community that the country has returned to the forefront in the battle against climate change after four years of regressive action under the Trump administration. French President Emmanuel Macron … Continue reading "World Leaders Praise Biden as U.S. Returns to the Forefront in the Battle Against Climate Change"

Why Joe Biden Can’t Restore Unity

Biden and The New York Times don't need to agree with the conservative agenda to foster some sense of unity. They merely need to dispense with the notion that dissenters from cultural leftism are necessarily bigots.

Roe v. Wade‘s Millions Of Ghosts In The Cradle Haunt Us All

After years of abortion-on-demand, as America's marriage and birth rates plummet, we feel increasingly alone. The ghosts from empty cradles haunt us.

I Didn’t Need A Day Off For Biden’s Inauguration. Instead, I Had A Fulfilling Day

I didn't walk out of my classes or forsake my responsibilities as an act of defiant protest. I will perform my daily duties to the best of my ability, as a sign of commitment to the values I hold dear.

Why Does Biden Have A Bust Of An Anti-Immigration Radical In The Oval Office?

Cesar Chavez was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration and a proponent of border vigilantism. But because he’s a hero of the left, no one cares.

China’s Manipulated Economic Growth Won’t Fix Its Long-Term Challenges

Rather than copying Beijing's propaganda, Americans would be much better served by a fully reopened economy, less regulation, and lower tax burdens.

Biden’s Trans Health Official Prioritizes The Pink Police State Above American Lives

Joe Biden is showing even he doesn't take his pledges to end America’s COVID crisis seriously. Expertise, not political tokenism, is the way forward.

Biden’s Lackluster Unity Speech Can’t Outshine His Continued Contempt For MAGA Americans

The 46th president's address lacked American gusto, but no amount of presidential enthusiasm could have accomplished what Biden set out to do Wednesday: unify a deeply divided country.

Welcome To A Biden White House, And The Next Chapter Of The Trump Era

The Republican Party of today remains the Republican Party of Trump. Another impeachment won't change that, no matter how hard beltway Republicans might try.

Hollywood’s Dependence On China ‘Will Grow’ After COVID

A year into the pandemic that wrecked the industry, Hollywood is hardly backing away from the Middle Kingdom. Quite the contrary.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Tells Christians They Shouldn’t Worship In Person

While Lee deems church services dangerous, 'school sponsored sporting events and activities' are specifically permitted in the order and there is no mention of further governor guidelines for them.

John Brennan: Biden Intelligence Agencies To Investigate Pro-Trump ‘Bigots’ And ‘Libertarians’

Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan said the intel community's top priority under Biden is rooting out people in pro-Trump 'insurgency' groups.

Joe Biden Just Fired Trump’s Anti-Union NLRB Lawyer

Joe Biden immediately made it clear that he will be the most pro-union president in years by canning Trump's anti-union NLRB general counsel.

Watch Ivanka Trump Cry As Joe Biden Takes Office

Ivanka Trump and Trump kids cried as they seemingly realized that the presidency could no longer protect them and the law is closing in.

Joe Biden’s First Foreign Call Will Be With Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

For the last few years, leaders of foreign nations weren’t sure what to think of the United States. Sure, Donald Trump showed up to global events, but he mostly embarrassed himself. The ex-President left a 2019 NATO event in a huff after video appeared of other foreign leaders mocking him. When Joe Biden was elected … Continue reading "Joe Biden’s First Foreign Call Will Be With Canadian PM Justin Trudeau"

Karl Rove Calls on the GOP to Denounce QAnon, Proud Boys and Militias

Many Republicans would like to see themselves as fiscally conservative people who stand for limited government. But that hasn’t been the image of the GOP in the Trump era. When people think about the party of Trump they picture groups like the Proud Boys. Or militia groups bringing machine guns to the Michigan Capitol. If … Continue reading "Karl Rove Calls on the GOP to Denounce QAnon, Proud Boys and Militias"

Romney Blasts Trump Pardons, Says He Wishes There Was a Constitutional Amendment To Bar Pardons for Cronies

To the surprise of no one, Trump spent his last day in office issuing pardons to celebrities and political allies. Rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black both had their ongoing legal issues ended by the stroke of the president’s pen. Al Pirro, the ex-husband of Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was given a pardon. But … Continue reading "Romney Blasts Trump Pardons, Says He Wishes There Was a Constitutional Amendment To Bar Pardons for Cronies"

Reshaped By The Trump Era, Our Institutions Will Hobble Into The Biden Administration

Seattle talk show host Jason Rantz joins Emily Jashinsky and Chris Bedford to discuss Trump, Biden, and how our institutions will handle the transition.

America Celebrates As Democracy Wins And Trump Leaves In Disgrace

Trump managed to threaten America one last time on his way out, but the sight of him leaving DC was a moment of celebration for the nation.

Chrissy Teigen: “We Can Officially Say Donald Trump is the Greatest at Being the F****** Worst”

Supermodel Chrissy Teigen, who was once blocked by outgoing President Donald Trump after criticizing his policies on Twitter, celebrated the end of his presidency in remarks she made online this morning. “With two impeachments, the creation of 3 million LESS jobs, 403,000 dead, a record low approval rating and god knows how many crimes, we … Continue reading "Chrissy Teigen: “We Can Officially Say Donald Trump is the Greatest at Being the F****** Worst”"

Biden To Kill Trump’s Border Wall As Soon As He Takes Office

Donald Trump potentially illegally diverted billions of taxpayer dollars to build a border wall. On day one of taking office, Joe Biden will end the waste.

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate

Democrats have moved swiftly to use the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol mayhem to push for a frightening expansion of federal surveillance and police powers, openly smearing anyone who voted for Donald Trump as a potential terrorist. 

How Their Circular Firing Squad Cost Republicans Georgia And The Senate

The Georgia runoffs would’ve gone the other way had any number of factors turned out differently, but Trump's bad behavior and overreaction to it among others in his party was the central theme.

The Ultimate Irony: How A Threatened Swamp Fulfilled Trump’s Doomed Dream To Crack Down On Riots

Unable to convince his deputies to clamp down on disorder while in power, Donald Trump now leaves a city occupied to cheers in honor of his successor (and his successor's army).

3 Reasons State Capitols Didn’t Erupt In Violence Like The Media Promised

After the Capitol riot, Dems and the media breathlessly reported that state capitols all over the nation would face a similar fate — but they didn't. Why?

India’s Amazing Vaccine Distribution Proves It’s An Excellent Partner To Balance China

Britain and India’s vaccine cooperation are part of the continuation of strengthening ties between America, Australia, Japan, India, and the United Kingdom.

‘The Expanse’ Season Five, Episode Eight: Earth Looks To Strike Back

Naomi races to prevent a trap, Amos heads 'home' (again), and Earth weighs its retaliatory options on episode eight of season five of ‘The Expanse.'

It’s Time For The Right To Rededicate Ourselves To The Moral Vision Of The American Founding

Now is the time to let prudence and cool deliberation dictate how to move forward as we roll up our sleeves and get to work. Now is the time for courage.

Lincoln’s Inaugural Offers Timeless Words of Wisdom To Sustain The Nation In Dark Days

On March 4, 1865, Abraham Lincoln stood on the East Front of the Capitol to deliver his second inaugural address. Let's revisit it today.

Harvard Yanks Elise Stefanik From Volunteer Position Because She Dared To Point Out 2020 Election Problems

'They obviously don't want to hear perspectives of 73 million Americans who voted for President Trump,' Stefanik expressed. 'And the tens of millions of Americans who have concerns about election integrity.'

Western Senators Demand Biden Reverse Course On Keystone Pipeline

A delegation of Republican western senators are warning Joe Biden against axing the Trump administration's permit for the Keystone Pipeline.

It’s Time To Stop Supporting Leftist Indoctrination Centers And Start Building New Schools

Only competition will give students and parents the chance to reject indoctrination-as-education and seek out institutions devoted to free thinking.

Maddow Mocks Trump For Throwing A ‘Sore Loser Send-Off’ Before Leaving Office In Disgrace

Rachel Maddow skewered Trump on Tuesday night, calling him a sore loser who will without a doubt go down as the country's worst president.

Mike Pence Posts a Goodbye Collage but Trump Isn’t in Any of the Photos

When Donald Trump won the Republican nomination in 2016, he didn’t really have any political allies. So when Mike Pence was announced as his VP, it was seen as more of a strategic move. Pence was on the ticket to help Trump win the votes of Evangelical Christians. And while the strategy worked, it was … Continue reading "Mike Pence Posts a Goodbye Collage but Trump Isn’t in Any of the Photos"

Presidential Historian Calls Trump’s Presidency A ‘Near-Death Experience’ For American Democracy

Michael Beschloss says we shouldn't forget just how close Trump came to completely toppling American democracy.

On Trump’s Last Day, Richard Burr Announces That He’s No Longer Under Investigation by the DOJ

Senators and congresspeople have access to information that the American public doesn’t. It is expected that they don’t use these inside information to make money in the stock market. But a number of Republicans made questionable stock trades during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Richard Burr was among them. As a result, the North … Continue reading "On Trump’s Last Day, Richard Burr Announces That He’s No Longer Under Investigation by the DOJ"

Nancy Pelosi Bids Farewell To Trump By Calling Him A Stain On America

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't mince words on Tuesday when giving her assessment of Donald Trump's single term in the White House.

Mike Pence And Top Republicans In Congress Blow Off Trump’s Farewell

Trump wanted a big crowd for his farewell event, but his own vice president and top Republicans in Congress are blowing him off.

From The Tea Party To Trump: Reflections On The Eve Of Inauguration

Inez Feltscher Stepman joins Emily Jashinsky to reflect on Trump's presidency and how the institutional distrust he harnessed goes back to the Tea Party.

America Ignores Trump’s Farewell Address As Biden Arrives In D.C. And Immediately Begins Leading

America looked the other way on Tuesday night as Donald Trump released his farewell address to the country, turning instead to Joe Biden.

LISTEN: Sean Hannity Calls For Mitch McConnell to Be Replaced as GOP Leader

For the last four years, Mitch McConnell has taken advantage of Donald Trump’s power. The Senate Majority Leader has been able to push through 3 Conservative Supreme Court Justices and pass a major tax cut. The Georgia run-off elections, though, showed that Trump is most likely a problem for the GOP going forward. McConnell now … Continue reading "LISTEN: Sean Hannity Calls For Mitch McConnell to Be Replaced as GOP Leader"

Pennsylvania Transgender Health Official Who Flopped COVID-19 Response Is Elevated To Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary

President-elect Joe Biden nominated Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender health official in Pennsylvania, on Tuesday to serve as assistant Health and Human Services secretary.

The Wyoming Republican Party Has Voted to Censure Liz Cheney Over Her Impeachment Vote

The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to censure Representative Liz Cheney over her vote to impeach President Donald Trump for inciting the Capitol insurrection. The censure resolution has been submitted to the Wyoming Republican Party’s State Central Committee for consideration. “Representative Cheney has violated the trust of her voters, failed to faithfully represent a very … Continue reading "The Wyoming Republican Party Has Voted to Censure Liz Cheney Over Her Impeachment Vote"

Mary Trump Says the Trumps Should Be Shunned, Calls for Trump Brand “To Be Totally Destroyed” in New Interview

Mary Trump, a psychologist and author who is the niece of President Donald Trump, said on the eve of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration that the Trumps should be shunned from public life and called for the Trump brand “to be totally destroyed” in a new interview with the MeidasTouch podcast. Asked if her cousin, presidential … Continue reading "Mary Trump Says the Trumps Should Be Shunned, Calls for Trump Brand “To Be Totally Destroyed” in New Interview"

James Comey Says The Capitol Insurrection Was The Republican Party’s “Own Chernobyl”

Former FBI Director James Comey, a longtime critic of President Donald Trump’s, described the Capitol insurrection as the Republican Party’s “very own Chernobyl” in a new interview with The Guardian. Comey lambasted the GOP as a party “built on lies and racism and know-nothingism.”  “Something is shifting and I’m hoping it’s the fault breaking apart, a … Continue reading "James Comey Says The Capitol Insurrection Was The Republican Party’s “Own Chernobyl”"

Don’t Worry, It’s Just Corporate Fascism

Censorship is censorship, whether committed by the state or anyone else.

Poll: With Just One Day To Go Until The End of the Trump Administration, Majority of Americans Are Worried About the Future

A poll released a day ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration finds that the majority of Americans are worried and pessimistic about the future, a further indication of the general malaise that has dogged American politics. The poll, from NBC News, found that 53% of Americans are pessimistic about what the future holds compared to … Continue reading "Poll: With Just One Day To Go Until The End of the Trump Administration, Majority of Americans Are Worried About the Future"

8 Strategies For Exiting The Biden Years Stronger Than The Right Went In

Let's be honest: The right is making a forced retreat. Here's how we can make it a strategic one that sets our ideas up for better success in the long run.

10 Years After The FBI Found Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s House Of Horrors, It Could Still Happen Again

It’s been 10 years since mass murderer Kermit Gosnell’s 'House of Horrors' was exposed. Sadly, Pennsylvania still hasn’t learned its lesson.

Forget A Universal Basic Income. Instead, Pay Married People To Have More Babies

Republicans must become not just the party of workers but also the party of families. They should do it by upping Joe Biden’s proposed child tax credit into something bigger.

Democrats Pledge To Fight Trump Rule Ensuring Banks Won’t Refuse Service To Conservatives

Banks have a duty to provide proportionate access to financial services, even for clients involved in legal but politically controversial industries.

Multiracial 1776 Commission Calls For ‘Honest Scholarship’ About American History, Left Predictably Tars It As Racist

'States and school districts should reject any curriculum that promotes one-sided partisan opinions, activist propaganda, or factional ideologies that demean America's heritage, dishonor our heroes, or deny our principles,' the report reads.

Why School Choice Isn’t Enough To Really Improve American Education

Instituting school vouchers and allowing money to follow students will not mean much if charter and private schools end up offering more of the same thing.

Bombshell U.S. State Department Report Reveals Evidence The Wuhan Virus Originated In A Chinese Lab

Researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick in the fall of 2019 with flu-like symptoms. U.S. officials believe they may have been infected with COVID-19 as a result of a lab experiment.

Trump Set To Leave Office With A Higher Approval Rating Than George W. Bush

For all the negative headlines about Trump, it's clear the president remains far more unpopular in beltway media than in the rest of the country.

Ken Jennings’s Stint As ‘Jeopardy!’ Guest Host Isn’t Going Well

As we saw with Ken Jennings's 'opening night jitters,' it's going to be a tall order for anyone to replace 'Jeopardy!' legend Alex Trebek.

Wyoming County GOP Unanimously Censures Liz Cheney, Demands She Appear Before The State

All 45 members of the Republican Party Central Committee in Carbon County, Wyoming condemned the House Republican for denying her constituents' wishes to support the rushed and overly political impeachment.

Trump Is Installing MAGA Extremists In Military Agencies Ahead Of Biden’s Inauguration

Trump's last-second push to install loyalists Inside military agencies seems to suggest that he is still kicking around coup fantasies.

Wyoming GOP Chair Says State Should Consider Secession

Over the course of a few months, the GOP has lost control of both the White House and the senate. With Democrats in complete control, there isn’t much Republican leaders can do to respond. That doesn’t mean they aren’t going to try. Arizona, a long-time Republican stronghold, voted for Biden and has recently elected two … Continue reading "Wyoming GOP Chair Says State Should Consider Secession"

Biden Immediately Crushes Trump’s Last-Ditch Move To Lift COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

Donald Trump is bungling this health crisis to the very end, but the adults – and science – are about to be in charge again.

Impeachment Manager Calls Lindsey Graham A Disgrace For Trying To Stop Senate Trial

Rep. Dean blasted Graham for apparently forgetting that Trump incited an attack that targeted his own vice president and members of Congress.

James Comey on Trump: I Wondered If I Should “Just Sue the Bastard”

From 2016 through 2017, FBI Director James Comey played a massive role in American politics. Just weeks before the election, he sent a letter about Hillary Clinton’s emails to Congress. This may have cost her the election. After Trump was elected, he demanded loyalty from Comey and fired him after the he declined. Over the … Continue reading "James Comey on Trump: I Wondered If I Should “Just Sue the Bastard”"

Trump’s Approval Rating Tanks To New Low As His Failed Presidency Crawls To The Finish Line

Trump is ending his presidency the same way he started it: as a deeply disliked man that most of the country never wanted in the White House.

Nancy Pelosi: Trump Supporters Who Stormed Capitol Were “Doing Putin’s Bidding”

For the last two years, Nancy Pelosi has spent much of her time holding Donald Trump accountable for her actions. In just two short days, though, Trump will no longer be her problem anymore. The Speaker of the House spoke about her experiences during an appearance on Hillary Clinton’s radio show. Of course, the main … Continue reading "Nancy Pelosi: Trump Supporters Who Stormed Capitol Were “Doing Putin’s Bidding”"

Trump Is Demanding A Big Crowd For His Disgraced President DC Departure

Trump is not only planning on giving himself military honors, but he wants a big crowd in attendance for his Washington, DC departure.

After A Week Of Leftists’ Hysterical Warnings, Weekend Rioters Were Absent At State Capitols

After rioters overtook the U.S. Capitol, leftists raised hysteria that it would be the first in a series of domestic attacks targeting state capitols.

House Democrats Say GOP Colleagues Gave ‘Reconnaissance’ Capitol Tours, But Where’s The Evidence?

Democratic lawmakers say their GOP colleagues gave "reconnaissance" tours just one day before a mob rioted at the Capitol, but no evidence has surfaced.

Melania Trump Refuses To Invite Jill Biden For Walkthrough Of Private White House Living Quarters

Melania Trump will be breaking decades of White House tradition by not holding a walkthrough for Jill Biden of the private White House living quarters.

Kamala Harris Officially Resigns from Senate as She Prepares to Become First Female VP

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has officially resigned from her seat in the California Senate ahead of Inauguration Day, when she will take the oath of office and become the nation’s first female vice president. Harris’s letter was short and sweet. “I hereby resign as Senator from the State of California, effective January 18th, 2021 at … Continue reading "Kamala Harris Officially Resigns from Senate as She Prepares to Become First Female VP"

Congressman Says Lauren Boebert Gave a “Large Tour” Prior to Capitol Attack

Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) confirmed in an interview with CNN that Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) gave a “large tour” prior to the attack on the Capitol earlier this month. “We saw Congresswoman Boebert taking a group of people for a tour sometime after the 3rd [of January] and before the 6th [the day of the … Continue reading "Congressman Says Lauren Boebert Gave a “Large Tour” Prior to Capitol Attack"

‘Say Their Names’: Democrat Congresswoman Demands Tribute To White Supremacist Murderer

Rep. Cori Bush demanded that people spread awareness about the inmates who died on death row during Trump's presidency, including a white supremacist murderer.

Congressman Says Lauren Boebert Gave a “Large Tour” Prior to Capitol Attack

Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) confirmed in an interview with CNN that Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Col.) gave a “large tour” prior to the attack on the Capitol earlier this month. “We saw Congresswoman Boebert taking a group of people for a tour sometime after the 3rd [of January] and before the 6th [the day of the … Continue reading "Congressman Says Lauren Boebert Gave a “Large Tour” Prior to Capitol Attack"

Trump Allies and Washington Insiders Helped President’s Supporters Breach The Capitol

The Associated Press reports that President Donald Trump’s allies and Washington insiders played key roles in helping an angry mob of his supporters breach the Capitol earlier this month. The insurrection was part of a failed bid to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Five people died in the attack, including a Capitol … Continue reading "Trump Allies and Washington Insiders Helped President’s Supporters Breach The Capitol"

FBI Vetting 25,000 National Guard Troops Amid Fears of Inside Attack at Inauguration

The Capitol insurrection has raised fears of an inside attack at President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is vetting 25,000 National Guard troops who will be stationed in the District of Columbia as security heightens ahead of the event. ”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks … Continue reading "FBI Vetting 25,000 National Guard Troops Amid Fears of Inside Attack at Inauguration"

“Cowboys For Trump” Founder Arrested After Suggesting More Violence Will Occur

Couy Griffin, a New Mexico county commissioner and the founder of “Cowboys for Trump,” was arrested after suggesting that more violence will occur once the insurrectionists who participated in an attack against the Capitol earlier this month return to Washington, D.C. in time for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. In a video published by Inside Edition … Continue reading "“Cowboys For Trump” Founder Arrested After Suggesting More Violence Will Occur"

How Joe Biden Will Open The Floodgates To Transgendering Public Schools

Because Democrats don't hesitate to use power even if they lack legitimacy, they will go farther than Obama did in pushing transgender ideology on American children over the next four years.

When The Left Refuses Service, They’re Preventing Violence. When The Right Denies Service, They’re Bigots

Leftists love discrimination when it means nuking dissenters out of their businesses and off their platforms — but they’ll gladly drag you to court if you politely decline to serve them.

If Biden Really Wants Unity, He Will Affirm Equality Under The Law Like Lincoln And Jefferson Did

If Joe Biden wants to unite America, he'd do well to ponder the speeches of Jefferson and Lincoln. Then, his words must be vindicated by his actions.

Minority Parents Fight The Educrats Erasing Gifted Education In The Name Of ‘Antiracism’

‘The attack on gifted education is not only a loss for students, but it’s a loss for our country. It’s a national security issue,’ says Harry Jackson, who is suing to resist racial quotas in his son’s elite public school.

Josh Hawley Book On Big Tech Tyranny To Be Published Despite Cancellation Attempt

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley signed with Regnery Publishing after Simon and Schuster canceled his book in retaliation for him supporting election integrity efforts Democrats oppose.

Blake Shelton’s Twitter Trolls Clearly Don’t Listen To Country Music

What's missed by the social justice critics is that even people on minimum wage deserve songs that reflect their lives and aspirations.

Andrew Yang Used To Champion Interesting Ideas. Now He Is A Plain Old Democrat

When the former presidential candidate made his national debut, he had fresh ideas and a willingness to go across the aisle. But the Democratic machine corrupted him, and may end his political career.

Yes, The Senate Can Convict Trump After He’s Left Office, But Would That Be Prudent?

Like William W. Belknap, Trump was impeached while in office and will be tried when out of it. If a conviction is prudent will be for the Senate to decide.

Disney And Marvel’s ‘WandaVision’ Is As Fun As It Is Weird

We need more episodes of 'WandaVision' to figure out what’s going on, but until then, we'll enjoy its continuing tributes to classic American sitcoms.

Here’s How To Start Playing The Magical Game Of Chess

If you're newly intrigued by chess thanks to Netflix's 'The Queen's Gambit,' or have just always wanted to learn how to play, here's the guide you need.

Trump Had The Same Vaccination Goals As Biden, But Media Booed Him And Cheered Biden

The week before Biden's inauguration, there were approximately 849,387 COVID vaccines administered each day in the United States.

Opinion: Let’s Not Lose Sight Of The Revolution That Is By Focusing On The Coup That Wasn’t

Too many in America, caught in throes of misinformation and conspiracy theories, are busy slaying mythical dragons rather than engaging in the truly wise, loving, and heroic activities of the real revolution for democracy.

Republicans Now Claim Trump Can’t Denounce Violence Because He’s Banned From Twitter

Former Trump White House and campaign communications official Hogan Gidley claimed that Trump can't do more to denounce violence because he's banned from Twitter.

Opinion: Calling Capitol Assault A Coup Or Insurrection Hobbles Our Ability To Address America’s Racism And History

Calling the events of January 6 a coup denies the historical character of U.S. governmental institutions and once again threatens to distort if not entirely disarm the understanding of racial injustice in America that needs to inform racial transformation to achieve a just America.

Impeachment Manager Ted Lieu Says They Have A Mountain Of Evidence To Convict Trump

Impeachment manager Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) would not discuss specifics but did say that there is a mountain of evidence to convict Trump.

Federal Judge Releases BLM Capitol Rioter Without Bail

Democrats including Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer have called the rioters 'domestic terrorists' engaged in 'sedition.'

Ted Cruz Could Face Expulsion Or Prosecution As Video Shows Rioters Inspired By Him

A new video of the Capitol insurrection shows rioters saying that they were doing what Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wanted them to do.

Lindsey Graham Has A Meltdown Because Biden Won’t Make Schumer Dismiss Trump Impeachment

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went on Fox News and melted down because Joe Biden won't make Chuck Schumer dismiss the article of impeachment against Trump.

Adam Schiff Urges Trump Be Denied Access To Intelligence Briefings

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) urged that the incoming Biden administration deny Trump access to intelligence briefings. Video: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff urges the Biden administration to deny Trump access to intelligence briefings after he leaves office. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 17, 2021 Chairman Schiff said on … Continue reading "Adam Schiff Urges Trump Be Denied Access To Intelligence Briefings"

Russell Crowe Is Right, If You Think ‘Master And Commander’ Is Boring, You Need To Grow Up

The 2003 epic film about masculine virtue isn’t for woke zoomers and permanently adolescent millennials.

Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls Trump’s Insurrection Crime The Most Terrible In US History

Rep. Jamie Raskin, the House impeachment trial manager, called Trump's insurrection crime the most terrible by a president in US history.

Opinion: Republican Racist Leadership Asks Us To Rethink Elite Education

In the aftermath of the violent assault on the nation’s Capitol, all I heard on the cable news shows was how well-educated Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are. Cruz attended Princeton University and graduated from Harvard Law School. Hawley earned his undergraduate degree from Stanford University before completing his law degree at Yale. Brian … Continue reading "Opinion: Republican Racist Leadership Asks Us To Rethink Elite Education"

Pelosi Baselessly Claims GOP Reps Are Dangerously Bringing Guns To Inaugural

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly concerned about lawmakers carrying firearms to this week's inaugural ceremony. She wasn't concerned when leftists started fires near the capitol.

March For Life Cancelled As Abortion Extremist Administration Descends On White House

The March for Life is a sorry loss for pro-lifers, especially since the incoming administration has been named the most anti-life ticket in our nation's history.

Opinion: Inciting An Attack on America Isn’t A Free Speech Issue, It’s Treason

Dirty Don Trump and his seditious co-conspirators are still seething that private enterprise had the audacity to ban the traitors from access to their social media platforms, and it brings up a plethora of issues showing the depth of depravity typical of Trump and his enablers. After Trump conspired with several malcontent white supremacists and … Continue reading "Opinion: Inciting An Attack on America Isn’t A Free Speech Issue, It’s Treason"

Mitch McConnell Is Planning All-Out War To Purge Trump From The Republican Party

The McConnell-MAGA back-and-forth is likely to be just the beginning of an internal civil war that could rip the Republican Party apart.

Impeachment Manager Tells GOP Senators To Put Democracy First And Convict Trump

If America wants to regain its credibility abroad and rebuild democracy at home, Trump must be convicted for his role in the Capitol attack.

Georgia Is Moving Toward A Criminal Investigation Into Trump’s Plot To Steal The Election

Prosecutors in Georgia are moving closer to opening a criminal investigation into Donald Trump's blatant efforts to steal the state.

Anti-Science Teachers Unions Push To Keep Kids Out Of School For More Than A Year

Despite a vaccine and science to the contrary, some schools around the nation are prolonging closures for more than a year after they were first shut down.

Trump Criminal Investigation Expands To Eric Trump

The Manhattan DA's investigation into potential Trump family financial crimes has expanded to include Eric Trump.

The Rehearsal for Biden’s Inauguration Ceremony Has Been Pushed Back a Day Due to Security Concerns

Security concerns have forced the rehearsal for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony to be pushed back a day. “It is going to take place on Monday, is the current schedule. Secret Service is in charge of running that schedule, but that’s done in partnership with Biden team, and it was their decision to delay a … Continue reading "The Rehearsal for Biden’s Inauguration Ceremony Has Been Pushed Back a Day Due to Security Concerns"

Biden Picks Former FDA Chief David Kessler to Lead U.S. Vaccination Efforts

President-elect Joe Biden has selected Dr. David Kessler, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chief, to spearhead the United States’ vaccination effort as the incoming administration readies its plans to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic from day one. Dr. Kessler currently co-chairs the Biden transition team’s coronavirus taskforce. He will be put in charge of Operation … Continue reading "Biden Picks Former FDA Chief David Kessler to Lead U.S. Vaccination Efforts"

The Trump Era Held Up A Mirror To Our Shattering Culture

Where the anxieties of the working class and Baby Boomers were channeled into Trump, the anxieties of the left were channeled into a furious, culture-wide censorship campaign.

How Big Government And Big Tech Conspire Against Voters

Allum Bokhari's book, '#DELETED,' warns of the insidious ties between the incoming Biden administration and the tech oligarchs who want to shape our politics and run our lives.

The Nuclear Energy Advancements Of The Past Four Years Will Blow Your Mind

Fission energy can change America's power for the better -- and we’re finally seeing progress in revitalizing the field across the country.

Blending Classic Sensibilities And Modern Storytelling, ‘Mank’ Is A Beautiful Blast From The Past

David Fincher's new film following Herman 'Mank' Makowitz as he writes the screenplay of 'Citizen Kane' is a stunning piece of cinema and a must-watch for anyone who loves old movies.

Politico’s Ben Shapiro Freakout Is A Perfect Illustration Of A Much Bigger Problem

The left's 'both sides' media critique is extremely dangerous both because it's deeply flawed and because it's fashionable in corporate media circles.

COVID-19 Is Not A Legitimate Excuse To Erase Human Rights And Turn Free Countries Into Tyrannies

The distressing truth is this: Australia’s untenable border situation reveals a creeping conditioning to government control spreading throughout the western world.

It’s Natural For Women To Choose Family Over High-Powered Jobs, So Why Won’t The Left Just Let Them?

The fight to allow women to find meaning in their careers has resulted in denying them the same pride in finding meaning outside of the workplace.

Rockstar Gov. Kristi Noem Wants Down Syndrome Babies Like My Sister To Be Protected

In her address, Noem told lawmakers she would submit legislation to prohibit abortions in South Dakota based on a Down Syndrome diagnosis.

Despite Its Corny Premise, ‘Alex Rider’ Is a Surprisingly Good Show

'Alex Rider' ditches the most common adolescent and secret agent tropes, and features a great plot, likable characters, and solid action.

‘Wife, Mother, Grandmother, And Daughter’ Nancy Pelosi Leads Impeachment Speech With Words She Banned

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to herself as 'a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter' during her opening of the impeachment debate after banning sex-specific words in legislation.

Janet Yellen’s Financial Ethics Problems Aren’t As Bad As Joe Biden’s

Given the way she paid taxes on speaking fees to big banks, Janet Yellen’s actions raise as many concerns about the actions of the man who appointed her: Joe Biden.

Penn State Professor Slams Student Conservative Youth Group As ‘Responsible’ For Capitol Riot

The professor who began the email with a pledge to be unbiased continued to call students' request to advise them 'offensive.'

Capitol Attack Shows That Trump Is Basically The Leader Of A White Supremacist Terror Cell

The mob that descended on D.C. on Jan. 6 was filled with pro-Trump white supremacists, many of whom were on the FBI terrorist watchlist.

Trump May be Represented by Jim Jordan in Impeachment Case

Over the entirety of his business career, Donald Trump has been involved in over 3,500 lawsuits. He has quite a bit of experience with lawyers both good and bad. During the Mueller Report, Trump had Ty Cobb, John Dowd and Jay Sekulow in his corner. In his first impeachment trial, Trump again had Sekulow representing … Continue reading "Trump May be Represented by Jim Jordan in Impeachment Case"

Trump Bans White House Staff From Comparing Him To Richard Nixon

The increasingly unhinged president has banned his remaining staff members from even mentioning Richard Nixon in his presence.

WATCH: Lou Dobbs Says Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy Showed “Utter Disregard of the President’s Right to Loyalty”

Donald Trump will soon be out of the White House. He will, however, loom over the party for years to come. With Joe Biden in control, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are trying to keep their houses in order. Both McCarthy and McConnell have been willing to talk about … Continue reading "WATCH: Lou Dobbs Says Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy Showed “Utter Disregard of the President’s Right to Loyalty”"

Biden Unveils A Bold Economic Rescue Package That More Than 80% Of Americans Support

If Republicans really want to demonstrate that they care about unity, they would immediately get behind Joe Biden's economic rescue package.

A Petition to Remove Donald Trump From Home Alone 2 Has the Support of Star Macaulay Culkin

Back in the early 1990’s Donald Trump was a bit of a pop-culture phenomenon. The vast majority of his business’ were failing, but he was able to convince the public that he was some kind of financial genius. He did so, in part, by phoning in fake scoops to the New York City tabloids. He … Continue reading "A Petition to Remove Donald Trump From Home Alone 2 Has the Support of Star Macaulay Culkin"

In Secret Recording, Twitter CEO Promises Political Censorship Will Be ‘Much Bigger’ Than Just Trump’s Account

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted the big tech company is exploring a long-term political censorship campaign to ban users the company deems unacceptable.

Parler CEO Condemns Big Tech Tyrants: ‘When Somebody Does Evil, You Don’t Let Them Get Away With It’

"What they've done is devastating. We're going to overcome it," Parler founder and CEO John Matze said of Amazon's decision to boot the free-speech platform.

Joe Biden Announces Endorsement Of Jaime Harrison For DNC Chair

Joe Biden announced his slate of officers for the DNC, and they include Jaime Harrison, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Sen. Tammy Duckworth.

Hemingway: Pelosi, Media Failing To Separate GOP From Its Voters With Impeachment Gambit

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said Thursday that the latest Democratic impeachment effort is about driving division in the Republican Party.

There Is No Future For A Liz Cheney GOP

Whether she sticks around or is rejected by a conference already fed up with her anti-incumbent donations, Cheney is now persona non grata.

AOC: Congress Is ‘Absolutely’ Considering A Commission To ‘Rein In’ Media ‘Disinformation’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Congress is considering action to "rein in" the spread of "disinformation" by creating a commission on media literacy.

Koch Network Says Lawmakers’ Actions Before and After Capitol Attack Will Determine Who Receives Their Support

The Koch network, the darling of the corporate donor class, has announced that lawmakers’ actions before and after last week’s attack on the Capitol will “weigh heavily” on who will receive future support in the next election cycle. “Lawmakers’ actions leading up to and during last week’s insurrection will weigh heavy in our evaluation of future … Continue reading "Koch Network Says Lawmakers’ Actions Before and After Capitol Attack Will Determine Who Receives Their Support"

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Calls For ‘De-Baathification’ Of The GOP

MSNBC's Joy Reid called for the de-Baathification of the current Republican Party following four years of leadership under President Donald Trump.

Unemployment Claims Spike Again in the Final Weeks of Trump Term

Unemployment claims have spiked again. The Department of Labor (DOL) reports that unemployment claims in the first full week of January spiked to a seasonally adjusted 965,000, Additionally, non-adjusted claims rose to 1.2 million and the number receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) rose to 284,500. “This is bad news for the economy heading into 2021,” … Continue reading "Unemployment Claims Spike Again in the Final Weeks of Trump Term"

‘We Just Wanted Our Voices To Be Heard.’ Capitol Protesters Speak Out

In the wake of the U.S. Capitol riot during a Donald Trump rally, corporate media won’t talk to the protesters or try to understand their point of view. So I did.

4 Reasons McConnell’s Terrible Impeachment Blunder Is Doomed To Failure

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made a terrible mistake Tuesday night when he released word that he was in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump.

Elderly And Disabled People Should Not Be Put At The Back Of The Line For COVID Care

As we pray rationing of care never affects hospitals in any state, we must prepare, starting with the premise that every life is equally precious.

I Saw Provocateurs At The Capitol Riot On Jan. 6

The deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol bore the markings of an organized operation planned well in advance of the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.

We Need To Kill Screens For Much Bigger Reasons Than Censorship

As relationships and communities dissolve, people become alienated from one another and even themselves. One act that will help is to cut the tech chord.

Virginia Plans For All Public Schools To Allow Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms And Sleepovers

Pope Pius IX warned we should fear a society wherein our children's education isn't subject to the decisions of parents, but the whims of the state.

North Korea’s Saber Rattling Presents An Opportunity For Biden To Reduce Tensions

A better situation with North Korea could be another check on China and a crowning achievement of Joe Biden’s foreign policy.

Hemingway: Leaders Should Be Wary Of Another Post-9/11-Style Corporate, Government Crackdown

'You're having very powerful people, tech oligarchs, and other people working with Democrats and people in the media to suppress all political opposition,' Hemingway said.

Fed Up Milwaukee Students Demand In-Person Learning

Listening to the parents and students, the South Milwaukee school board voted Monday night to put students back in the classroom.

Ben Domenech: Jake Tapper Attacks Disabled Veteran. Trump Wants To Know How He Gets Away With It

Jake Tapper questioned the patriotism of a Republican congressman for voting against Democrats' impeachment. That representative lost both his legs abroad in U.S. military service.

David Marcus: Twitter Leaving Up Death Threats Against Trump Shows Its Safety Claims Are A Farce

Federalist New York Correspondent David Marcus railed against Twitter's censorship double-standards on Fox News Wednesday.

Report: Donald Trump is Stiffing Lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Legal Fees

Donald Trump had high hopes this election season. He, of course, believed deep down he would defeat Joe Biden. And even if he didn’t, he would assemble a crack team of lawyers who could help him win. And Trump did have some impressive legal firms ready to represent him post election. The problem was, however, … Continue reading "Report: Donald Trump is Stiffing Lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Legal Fees"

Pelosi Drops The Hammer and Will Fine House Republicans $5,000-$10,000 For Disobeying Safety Precautions

House Republicans have been fighting with Capitol Police, and ignoring the security screenings, so Pelosi announced she will fine the Republicans if they don't follow the rules.

QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Greene Says She Will Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

This fall, Republicans elected two QAnon believers to Congress. They have both made absolute spectacles of themselves. Colorado’s Lauren Boebert revealed the location of Nancy Pelosi during the Capitol insurrection. She also made a scene at a Capitol metal detector last night. But on Wednesday, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to top her fellow conspiracy … Continue reading "QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Greene Says She Will Introduce Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden"

Fox’s Pete Hegseth on Trump Insurrection: “What Happened, Happened.”

The attack on the US Capitol last week was a first in multiple ways. Of course, the attack was unprecedented. But the assault on Democracy also represented the first time where almost all Republicans were willing to admit that Donald Trump did something bad. And while some are willing to punish Trump for his actions, … Continue reading "Fox’s Pete Hegseth on Trump Insurrection: “What Happened, Happened.”"

Trump Releases Desperate Please Don’t Convict Me Video After Being Impeached

Trump released a new video where he condemned all of his supporters for following his instructions and attacking the Capitol.

Jake Tapper Says GOP Veteran Who Lost His Legs In Combat Doesn’t Care About America

CNN anchor Jake Tapper claimed that Republican Rep. Brian Mast, a veteran who lost both of his legs in combat, doesn't care about the United States.

Former DHS Official Warns Political Violence Will Worsen in Wake of Capitol Attack

Former Department of Homeland Security intelligence analyst Daryl Johnson, who in 2009 authored an internal report warning that right-wing extremism was on the rise in the United States, warns that political violence will worsen in the wake of last week’s insurrection against Congress, which took place at President Donald Trump’s behest. “This Capitol insurrection that … Continue reading "Former DHS Official Warns Political Violence Will Worsen in Wake of Capitol Attack"

120 Republican Former Officials Back Trump’s Immediate Removal

120 Republican former officials are backing President Donald Trump’s immediate removal from office after he incited an insurrection against Congress. The group is comprised of veterans from the Donald Trump, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford administrations. The statement from Defending Democracy Together (DDT) comes ahead of today’s impeachment vote … Continue reading "120 Republican Former Officials Back Trump’s Immediate Removal"

Trump’s Dubai Partner Happy to Continue Business Relationship with Trump Despite His Role in Inciting an Attack on Congress

Speaking to Reuters, DAMAC Properties Chairman Hussain Sajwani said he is happy to continue his business relationship with President Donald Trump despite Trump’s role in inciting an attack on the Capitol last week that cost the lives of several insurrectionists and a Capitol Police officer. “Our relationship with the Trump Organisation, and especially with [Trump’s … Continue reading "Trump’s Dubai Partner Happy to Continue Business Relationship with Trump Despite His Role in Inciting an Attack on Congress"

Rep. Ken Buck Blames Democrats For The Trump Insurrection

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) falsely claimed that Democrats were also at fault for the insurrection at the Capitol incited by Trump.

Democrats Are Using The Recent Capitol Riot To Consolidate Power

America’s Cold Civil War will only heat up as those with all the power take precisely the wrong lessons from the Capitol Hill riot.

A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

The media buried long-standing scientific concerns that Anthony Fauci had been ‘sucking money away from work to understand and counter natural disease outbreaks.’

Leftists Are Colonizing Red Towns Like Mine, And Local Republicans Are Clueless

Complacency is a problem for east Tennesseans. They are so used to Republicans winning elections that they falsely assume victory is automatic. It is not.

Why Being A ‘Nice Guy’ Gets You Friend-Zoned — And How To Get Out

As a man, you must be both high-quality relationship material and as attractive as you can be. Here's how.

Leftism Is A Luxury Good And Its Awful Price Will One Day Be Due

The new Democratic coalition of woke and wealthy find it fashionable to discard the time-tested values that built America and made it a success.

The Inaros Family Steals The Show On Episode Seven Of ‘The Expanse’

Alex and Bobbie attempt to warn Holden about what's headed his way, and the Inaros family learns tragic secrets about the past.

AOC: ‘White Supremacist’ Republican Lawmakers Would Help Crazy People Hurt Me

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hysterically claimed on Instagram that her colleagues would help criminals hurt her.

A Divisive Impeachment Will Only Make Trump A Martyr

Post-presidential impeachment reinforces convictions of the president's supporters who believe Donald Trump is the only leader they can trust.

GOP Rep. Blasts Cheney For Grandstanding Impeachment Stunt: She Is ‘Unfit To Lead’

Montana Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale demanded House GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney step down from leadership over supporting Trump's impeachment.

Yes, The Eagles Should Have Fired Doug Pederson Over Tanking

Putrid Eagles seasons will come and go. But only replacing Pederson — who gave up on his players — could begin to remove the stench of last Sunday night.

Pence Dismisses Pressure From Democrats To Remove Trump

The vice president said that while the riot at the Capitol was 'shocking and saddening,' it should not be exploited for political gain.

Rachel Maddow: Trump’s Failed Coup Puts Him In The Same Category As ‘Confederate Traitors’

Rachel Maddow said Donald Trump's failed coup at the U.S. Capitol puts him in the same category as Confederate traitors.

The Senate Reportedly Has The GOP Votes To Convict Trump If McConnell Gives The Green Light

If McConnell did eventually voice his support for the current effort, he could bring along enough Republican support to convict Trump.

WATCH: Glenn Beck Compares Twitters Treatment of Conservatives to Germany’s Treatment of Jews

The Republican party and their cable news surrogates are big on hyperbole. This was seen tonight when multiple GOP Reps. lost their minds over a metal detector placed in the House. But you can always count on Fox News to take it to the next level. Especially when the segment involves Glenn Beck and Tucker … Continue reading "WATCH: Glenn Beck Compares Twitters Treatment of Conservatives to Germany’s Treatment of Jews"

Pence Refuses To Act, So Pelosi Names Trump Impeachment Trial Managers

Speaker Pelosi has named the slate of trial managers that will make the case and oversee the second trial of Trump after Mike Pence refused to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Rep. Ted Lieu: Capitol Attack Proves That MAGA Isn’t A Pro-Law Enforcement Movement

Lieu blasted Donald Trump supporters for attacking law enforcement and murdering a Capitol Police officer last week at the U.S. Capitol.

QAnon Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Was in a Standoff With Capitol Police After Her Bag Set Off Metal Detectors

Lauren Boebert, the QAnon congresswomen recently elected into the House, is drawing controversy at an absolutely alarming rate. In her first week, she said that she would be wearing a gun to the House floor. She was also dangerous during last weeks insurrection. Despite being told by police to avoid using social media , she … Continue reading "QAnon Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Was in a Standoff With Capitol Police After Her Bag Set Off Metal Detectors"

The Dam Is Breaking As Two Dozen House Republicans Are Expected To Support Trump’s Impeachment

The dam appears to be breaking as a growing number of Republican lawmakers are planning to support Trump's impeachment.

Not a Fluke: MSNBC and CNN Are Still Crushing Fox in The Ratings Post Insurrection

About the time George W.  Bush became President, the Fox News network became the dominant force in cable news. Rupert Murdoch’s operation made stars out of anchors such as Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. And throughout all of Donald Trump’s term, the network continued its ratings dominance. But cracks have been … Continue reading "Not a Fluke: MSNBC and CNN Are Still Crushing Fox in The Ratings Post Insurrection"

Andrew Cuomo Is To Blame For New York’s Disastrous COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Cuomo has flip-flopped his way through the first month of New York's vaccinations, costing the state precious vials of the Wuhan virus vaccine.

Brian Kilmeade Suggests Impeachment Should Be Off the Table Because Republicans Are Threatening Mass Violence

Speaking on “Fox and Friends,” Brian Kilmeade suggested impeaching President Donald Trump a second time should be off the table because Republicans are threatening mass violence in the wake of last week’s attack against the Capitol. Many people want Trump “to continue to be a force in the Republican Party,” Kilmeade said, adding that they … Continue reading "Brian Kilmeade Suggests Impeachment Should Be Off the Table Because Republicans Are Threatening Mass Violence"

Opinion: Revisiting American History X: A Story For Overcoming White Supremacist Culture

All of us in the nation, indeed on the planet, witnessed the largely white mobs storming the U.S. capitol building last week. This shameful episode, what many have termed an attempted coup, is yet another reminder in a long stream of reminders in recent history, for those with short memories, of the prevalent, indeed dominant, … Continue reading "Opinion: Revisiting American History X: A Story For Overcoming White Supremacist Culture"

Biden Doesn’t Understand Why 74 Million Americans Have No Interest In His Unity Facade

Unity would be great, but it most certainly isn't possible if our solutions involve deep-seated malice toward our opponents.

Wednesday’s Riot Is No Pass For Republicans To Surrender In The Face Of The Government-Corporate Crackdown

With a few brave exceptions, the Republican response to this onslaught has thus far been the equivalent of bringing notes of apology to their political hangings.

Handing Government The Keys To Social Media Would Make Things Far Worse

While the bias, hypocrisy, and illiberal actions of tech companies must be condemned and decried, seeking a government 'solution' invites disaster.

America’s Riots Will Meet Sound And Fury, Changing Nothing

Our most ardent focus must be on making our families, churches, and communities into havens from the turmoil of a decadence punctuated by gestures of rage.

The 2020 Election Aftermath Is Not At All Unprecedented In U.S. History

The aftermath of the 2020 election finds the nation unsettled, with legitimate concerns about election fraud overshadowed by the capitol riot and kooky conspiracy theories.

The Biggest Gun Forum On The Planet Was Just Kicked Off The Internet Without Explanation

'ARFCOM IS DOWN. We've been booted from GoDaddy and are looking for an alternative solution,' the site announced Monday afternoon on Twitter.

Democrat Chair Of House Homeland Security Committee Wants Josh Hawley And Ted Cruz On The Terrorist No-Fly List

Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have condemned the violence that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. But a leading Democrat still wants them treated like 'domestic terrorists.'

The New York Times Keeps Imitating A Chinese Propaganda Outlet

It's gross that the Times and other outlets effectively carry out Chinese information operations. But maybe we should appreciate the inadvertent candor.

I’m A Liberal And I’m Sick Of Leftist Media’s Double Standard On Rioting

The media is right to condemn the riots and the president for the role he played, but we must also properly label the left-wing riots of the recent past.

When The Attorney General Sent Federal Troops To Guard Courthouse, Congress Demanded Answers

Democrats were outraged when the Trump administration dispatched federal troops to Portland to quell a violent left-wing insurrection.

How To Talk To Your Children About Joe Biden’s Presidency

Take opportunities to model the behaviors children need to be resilient in uncertain times. Don’t catastrophize everything. Instead, be the grounded adult.

Maxine Waters Warns That MAGA Terrorists Are Plotting Nationwide Pre-Inauguration Attacks

During an interview on Monday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she wasn't at all confident that Biden's swearing-in would be secure.

For the First Time in 20 Years Both MSNBC and CNN Beat Fox News in Ratings

Last week had a number of major political events. On Monday, Donald Trump made a stump speech in Dalton Georgia. On Tuesday, Americans eagerly awaiting the results of the Georgia senate race. On Wednesday, viewers tuned in to see the election challenge being mounted by Trump loyalists in the House and Senate. As the fight … Continue reading "For the First Time in 20 Years Both MSNBC and CNN Beat Fox News in Ratings"

Trump Could Face Criminal Charges For Inciting Deadly MAGA Attack At The U.S. Capitol

After four years of incompetence and lawlessness, Trump is finally on the verge of being held accountable for the first time in his life.

Bill Belichick Turns Down Trump’s Offer of the Medal of Freedom

Donald Trump has mostly made a mockery of his ability to award civilian honors. He gave Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom at 2020’s State of the Union. Football Lou Holtz was given the same honor this summer as a reward for questioning Joe Biden’s Catholicism during the Republican National Convention. Trump has also used … Continue reading "Bill Belichick Turns Down Trump’s Offer of the Medal of Freedom"