
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2020

Rachel Maddow Tells Gullible MAGA Supporters To Stop Letting Trump Pickpocket Them

Trump continues to encourage his supporters to send money to his campaign that would have more use being flushed down a toilet. 

Does The Postmodern Left Lack A Coherent Intellectual Foundation?

Spencer Klavan, host of the “Young Heretics” podcast and Associate Editor at The Claremont Institute, joins this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour.

Trump COVID Adviser Scott Atlas Blames Social Media And Universities For Failed Pandemic Response

Dr. Scott Atlas went on Fox News and blamed social media and universities for the administration's disastrous response to the COVID crisis.

Trump Is Openly Sabotaging Biden’s Foreign Policy Before Leaving The White House

Trump's refusal to acknowledge the results of the election has been embarrassing, but it's not the only dangerous thing he's doing.

Biden’s Favorable Rating Hits Highest Level In Nearly 2 Years As Trump Becomes An Afterthought

With Joe Biden preparing to take office in January, the country will again have a president that has the support of a majority of voters.

Lindsey Graham Says That He Hopes Biden Will Attend Trump’s Inauguration

At one time, Lindsey Graham and Joe Biden were very good friends. They worked together in the senate for decades and forged a strong bond despite their political differences. There was even a viral video where Graham glowingly talked about the friendship calling Biden one of the best friends he ever had. Things have changed … Continue reading "Lindsey Graham Says That He Hopes Biden Will Attend Trump’s Inauguration"

After Likely Helping Trump Kill More Americans With “Herd Immunity” Scott Atlas Resigns

Dr. Scott Atlas, the Trump pandemic adviser, who pushed herd immunity and caused COVID outbreaks from coast to coast has resigned.

Trump Proven Totally Wrong As Biden’s Win Gives The Dow Its Best Month Since 1987

Trump promised that the stock market would crash if Biden won. Instead, the Dow has had its best month since 1987.

Republicans Are Creating a Donald Trump Jr. Ad to Appeal to Georgia Voters Who May Boycott Runoff

There is a runoff election upcoming in the state of Georgia that will decide the balance of power in the senate. Donald Trump may be an asset in that race. He also has the potential to torpedo it for the GOP. As Trump continues to attack Republicans like Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State … Continue reading "Republicans Are Creating a Donald Trump Jr. Ad to Appeal to Georgia Voters Who May Boycott Runoff"

In Extremely Close House Race, New York Court Demands Election Boards Stop Screwing Up Vote Counts

New York Justice Scott DelConte has ordered that all eight counties in the district must preserve all 'worksheets, tally sheets, spreadsheets or any other election tallying records' pending court review of the chaos.

Melania Trump Stuns With White House Christmas Decorations Yet Again

First Lady Melania Trump debuted this year's White House Christmas decorations on Monday, igniting outrage among the typical culprits.

All Of The Sudden Republicans Want To Examine Biden Nominees’ Tax Returns

Republicans have now decided the tax returns of nominees and people in power matter, as they want to scrutinize Biden's nominees.

Rudy Giuliani Fake Arizona Election Fraud Hearing Backfires As Biden Win Certified

The lack of strategy and terrible timing of Trump's legal team was on full display as Rudy Giuliani held an Arizona fraud hearing as Biden officially won the state.

Media Ignore ‘Devoutly Religious’ Biden’s Embarrassing Bible Gaffe After Freaking Out About Trump’s ‘Two Corinthians’ Remark

Media blatantly ignores Joe Biden's Biblical flub that would be non-stop headline fodder if uttered by the current president.

Arizona Certifies Joe Biden’s Win And Mark Kelly Will Take Office In The Senate

Arizona has certified Joe Biden, and in the process cut down the Republican Senate Majority as Mark Kelly will take office.

Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola Lobby To Preserve Slavery Of Uighurs By Communist China

American corporations are flexing their Washington influence to fight legislation curbing their ability to profit off Chinese slave labor.

Fauci Flip Flops On In-Person Learning After Ignoring Data On Low COVID Spread In Schools

Previously, Fauci echoed concerns about coronavirus spread in schools and urged them to adopt new scheduling and virtual learning.

Trump Demands Gov. Brian Kemp Use Emergency Powers To Overturn GA Election

Trump is now demanding that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp do the impossible and use his emergency powers to overturn the election.

Neera Tanden Deletes Tweets Criticizing GOP Leaders In Anticipation Of Tight Confirmation Battle

Joe Biden's pick for Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget is frantically deleting old tweets ahead of a close confirmation vote requiring GOP senators' support.

A Fan Favorite Joins ‘The Mandalorian’ And Baby Yoda Has A Name

Director, producer, and writer Dave Filoni delivers the goods in the latest episode of 'The Mandalorian,' teasing even greater reveals to come.

Trump’s Michael Flynn Pardon Is Only The Beginning Of The Justice This Nation Deserves

The corporate media has refused to tell Americans the truth, so I will. Here are six key aspects of the case that expose the Obama-Biden administration's travesty of justice.

It Is Not ‘Humane’ For The Atlantic To Sympathize With Killing Babies With Down Syndrome, Like My Little Sister

Atlantic author Sarah Zhang uses a rhetorical trick to create sympathy and understanding for eugenics and a modern-day genocide.

Grandson Revives Fourth-Generation African-American Family Farm From Thanksgiving Tragedy

Talking about that Thanksgiving tragedy 19 years ago, Chris Wyatt weeps openly. Today, he’s carrying on his granddad’s legacy as an African-American small farmer who owns his land.

Stuck In Online Schooling, U.S. Kids Are Failing More Classes Than Ever And Will Never Recover

'The United States has reached a tipping point: The damage done to schoolchildren with scarce resources is likely to be irreparable.'

Media Say Biden’s Female-Led Comms Team Is A First. It’s What Trump Has Now

It's difficult to believe that Washington Post and NPR reporters on the White House beat are unaware of the fact that women lead the Trump communications team.

Missouri Doctor Says People Who Don’t Mask Are Like ‘Enemy Combatants’

Professional discussion of the harms and benefits of masks and mask mandates cannot even happen privately among doctors without vitriol. This kind of atmosphere kills science.

To Stop China’s Imperial Designs, Let It Bleed Itself Dry

The United States needs to get back to its realist roots and prudently let China overstretch and, if possible, engage in fruitless and attritional armed conflict.

The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up

For the left to demand now that we must accept the election and get behind the man Americans chose is such a sick and demented joke that it is hard to fathom.

How Democrats Plan To Control New York Forever

Democrats want to use illegal aliens and prisoners to determine legislative districts, as well as boxing out those who oppose them from any voice in how districts are drawn.

Karl Marx’s Shameful Life Repudiates His Evil Ideology

The man who pretended to speak for the oppressed participated in oppression of the poor and his own family. It’s yet another repudiation of his work on its 100th anniversary.

Doctors Say Biden Needs To Wear Walking Boot For ‘Several Weeks’ After Fall

Former Vice President Joe Biden's doctors told reporters Sunday that the media's chosen president-elect will require a walking boot over the following weeks.

Joe Biden Doesn’t Hide His Health Information After Twisting His Ankle

In a breath of fresh air, Joe Biden informed reporters after twisting his ankle while playing with his dog.

America Laughs At Trump As He Complains About Massive Dumps

Trump went on a rant about massive dumps that was not ignored by the American people as they laughed at the soon to be ex-president.

Trump Is Fading Away As He Has Lost Twitter Followers For 12 Straight Days

Trump's refusal to concede has caused him to lose Twitter followers for 12 straight days as Biden has gained over a million followers.

Trump Accuses William Barr And The FBI Of Election Fraud

On Sunday, Trump claimed that Attorney General William Barr and the FBI engaged in election fraud for Biden.

Opinion: The Possibilities for Biden’s Vision to Overcome Trump’s Division

President-elect Joe Biden campaigned aspirationally on a vision of uniting a country many see as severely, if not hopelessly, divided. After all, while Biden amassed over 80 million votes, the most votes ever tallied by any candidate in a presidential election in U.S. history, Trump hauled in the second-most votes ever, finding the support of … Continue reading "Opinion: The Possibilities for Biden’s Vision to Overcome Trump’s Division"

Opinion: Trump Plans To Delete A Part Of The Constitution For His Racist Base

It isn’t clear how much longer Republicans will allow Trump to undermine the United States Constitution, but his latest threat to rewrite a portion of the nation’s founding document to suit his xenophobic and racist tendencies amounts to an honest-to-dog constitutional crisis. Republicans should have been up in arms early in Trump’s term over his … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump Plans To Delete A Part Of The Constitution For His Racist Base"

Trump Uses Data From Wrong Election To Claim Massive Voter Fraud In Pennsylvania

As recounts and lawsuits fail, Donald Trump is now pressuring state lawmakers to overturn the results of the presidential election.

Trump Spent Nearly $23,000 Per Extra Biden Vote In His Wisconsin Recount

The outgoing president's campaign spent $3 million on a recount that has so far helped Joe Biden expand his lead in Wisconsin.

Trump Is Planning To Hold A 2024 Campaign Event On The Day Of Biden’s Inauguration

Trump has no intention of participating in a peaceful transition of power by attending Joe Biden's inauguration.

195 Million Chinese Students Are In School. Why Aren’t Our Kids? 

Right now in China, 195 million students K-12 are learning in-person in Chinese public schools. Meanwhile, millions of American public school students are learning in a failed remote system.

Miley Cyrus And Demi Lovato Care More About UFO News Than Our Media Gatekeepers Do

Our spacey celebrities are not the only ones making extraterrestrial discoveries, they're just the only ones making the alien headlines.

Christmas Gift Guide For All Ages, From Smaller, High-Quality Sources

Here are some thoughtful gifts to consider for your list this year. Most are from smaller suppliers, because buying small is a way to obtain better things!

Donald Trump’s Requested Milwaukee Recount Has Resulted in Even More Votes For Joe Biden

The state of Wisconsin has been the tightest during the last two presidential elections. In 2016, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton there by around 24,000 votes. And in 2020, Joe Biden defeated Trump in the state by slightly under 21,000 votes. Hillary Clinton asked for a recount in 2016 and things barely changed. Donald Trump, … Continue reading "Donald Trump’s Requested Milwaukee Recount Has Resulted in Even More Votes For Joe Biden"

Former Trump Campaign Chief Brad Parscale Will Be Interviewed On Fox News Next Week. Will He Be Spilling the Beans on Team Trump?

It’s been a pretty wild year for Brad Parscale. He originally came onto the political scene by taking care of Donald Trump’s digital campaign in 2016. He impressed the president so much that he was made the 2020 campaign manager. Back in the spring, Parscale said that he was about to unleash the “Death Star” … Continue reading "Former Trump Campaign Chief Brad Parscale Will Be Interviewed On Fox News Next Week. Will He Be Spilling the Beans on Team Trump?"

Carter Page Sues DOJ, FBI, James Comey, And Others Behind Crossfire Hurricane FISA Abuse

Carter Page seeks damages of no less than $75 million from the U.S. government and other former officals involved in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Leftists Fomented Attempts To Have State Electors Vote Against Trump In 2016

Through snarky tweets, op-eds in The Atlantic, and The Washington Post, leftists called on electors to disrupt the Electoral College process in 2016.

Trump Is Flagged by Twitter For Claiming Biden’s Popular Vote Tally Was “Illegally Obtained”

Twitter flagged President Donald Trump under its civic integrity policy after he continued to post false claims about the election, this time claiming that President-elect Joe Biden can take office only “if he can prove that his ridiculous” popular vote tally was not “fraudulently or illegally obtained.” “When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, … Continue reading "Trump Is Flagged by Twitter For Claiming Biden’s Popular Vote Tally Was “Illegally Obtained”"

How Diego Maradona Made Me A Soccer Fan

My love of the game is really my love Diego Maradona.

Trump Says Election Was “Total Scam” But Still Urges Republicans to Vote in Georgia Runoffs

President Donald Trump claimed the 2020 election was a “total scam” but still urged Republicans to vote in Georgia’s Senate runoffs, which are scheduled for January. If either of the incumbents––Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue––get enough votes, Republicans will maintain their majority in the Senate. “No, the 2020 Election was a total scam, we won … Continue reading "Trump Says Election Was “Total Scam” But Still Urges Republicans to Vote in Georgia Runoffs"

6 Biggest Turkeys Of 2020 Politics

Thanksgiving is a time to look back in gratitude on all that has been good in the past year. It’s also a chance to award the bad -- and politicians have given lots from which to pick.

Schools Ban Classic Novels As Much For Laziness And Ignorance As Politics

Removing time-tested classics and assigning easy fiction with leftist themes fails in cultivating any love of reading in the students that need it most.

BRIGHT’s 2020 Holidays Gift Guide

Whether you’re shopping for your significant other, a dog lover, kids or a makeup queen, we’ve got you covered with no shortage of good ideas.

Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has Far More COVID Cases Than Florida? Because Illinois Has A Democrat In Charge And Tighter Lockdowns

While Illinois continues to see climbing cases and deaths, outlets such as MSNBC, NPR, and CNN are choosing to hyperfocus on states with Republican leaders despite fewer per capita deaths.

Don’t Drink Grey Goose Unless You’re A College Drunk

Contra your neighborhood hipster bar, there is no such thing as ‘craft vodka.’ Vodka is vodka, and there are only two kinds of it at the end of the day.

The Future Of President Trump’s Agenda Hangs On Georgia

How permanent an impact a Joe Biden presidency will have comes down almost entirely to what happens in the state of Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021.

Trump Is Now Actively Discouraging Republicans From Voting In Georgia Senate Runoff

Trump told reporters that the system in Georgia is fraudulent and actively discouraged his supporters from voting in the state's Senate runoff.

Trump Throws A Fit And Screams At Reporter When Asked If He Will Concede

Trump finally took questions on Thanksgiving day where at one point he screamed at a reporter who asked if he will concede.

Joe And Jill Biden Thank Healthcare And Essential Workers As Trump Has Thanksgiving Meltdown

Joe and Jill Biden spent Thanksgiving thanking teachers, healthcare and frontline workers, as Trump melted down on Twitter.

Trump Wishes Nation a “Happy Thanksgiving” While Sharing News of Supreme Court’s Covid-19 Ruling

Almost immediately after the death of Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, then a federal judge, to fill her seat. The nomination was highly contentious; Barrett came under fire for her views her critics believed would tilt the balance of the court in a partisan direction. The … Continue reading "Trump Wishes Nation a “Happy Thanksgiving” While Sharing News of Supreme Court’s Covid-19 Ruling"

Trump Claims “There is NO WAY” Biden Received More Than 80 Million Votes

President Donald Trump continued to push baseless election fraud claims on Twitter this morning, this time claiming that there is “NO WAY” President-elect Joe Biden, whose transition this week the president finally allowed to proceed, received more than 80 million votes. “This was a 100% RIGGED ELECTION,” the president wrote. His claim was soon flagged … Continue reading "Trump Claims “There is NO WAY” Biden Received More Than 80 Million Votes"

Donor Sues Pro-Trump Group for $2.5 Million Over “Empty Promises” Because They Failed to Prove Voter Fraud

Fred Eshelman, founder of Eshelman Ventures LLC, has sued the Houston-based pro-Trump True the Vote Inc. for failing to prove that the 2020 general election was fraudulent. Eshelman is looking to recoup the $2.5 million he donated earlier this month because his requests for updates on the effort to overturn the results of the election … Continue reading "Donor Sues Pro-Trump Group for $2.5 Million Over “Empty Promises” Because They Failed to Prove Voter Fraud"

Amy Coney Barrett Played Key Role in SCOTUS Decision Barring NY from Reimposing Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Gatherings

Last night, the Supreme Court voted to bar the state of New York from reimposing Covid-19 restrictions on religious gatherings. The court voted 5-4 in an emergency ruling issued just before midnight. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was just recently confirmed, sided with her conservative colleagues in a crucial swing vote. In their decision, the majority … Continue reading "Amy Coney Barrett Played Key Role in SCOTUS Decision Barring NY from Reimposing Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Gatherings"

SCOTUS Blocks Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions On Church Attendance In New York

The Supreme Court determined that the exorbitant restrictions on church attendence were in violation of the First Amendment's protection of Free Expression.

Federalist Radio Hour Special: The Meaning Of Thanksgiving

"Though our mode of life has greatly changed, this custom has always survived," said President Calvin Coolidge in his 1923 Thanksgiving Proclamation.

Grover Cleveland Knew How Thanksgiving Could Lift Up A Hurting Nation

While many presidential Thanksgiving proclamations are worth revisiting in 2020, President Grover Cleveland’s 1888 proclamation is especially resonant.

400 Years Later, I Made New Discoveries About The First Thanksgiving

The losses we have experienced because of COVID-19 help us better understand the Pilgrims. Their courage and faith to give thanks despite their hardships can encourage us to give thanks in 2020.

How Reformed Theologians’ Commitment To Self-Rule And Resisting Tyranny Helped Form America

The Puritans were neither 21st-century liberal democrats nor intolerant theocrats, but created republican political institutions critical to the Founding.

No, The Pilgrims Didn’t Desecrate Native American Graves, And Other Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Revisionist histories are nearly always written (or posted to the internet) with an agenda in mind — it's no different for the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving.

After 400 Years, The Top Reason People Come To America Is Still Freedom

Freedom is still the reason to come to America and the reason to stay. It’s still something to be thankful for and something to fight for.

WATCH: Former FBI Official Frank Figliuzzi Calls Flynn Pardon Another Obstruction of Justice

Donald Trump has quite a day on Wednesday. After deciding not to attend a meeting of Republicans in Gettysburg, PA, he called the phone of lawyer Rudy Giuliani. As the lawyer held the phone up to a microphone, Trump begged for the 2020 election results to be overturned. After his widely mocked phone call, Trump … Continue reading "WATCH: Former FBI Official Frank Figliuzzi Calls Flynn Pardon Another Obstruction of Justice"

Vermont Governor Instructs Schools To Interrogate Students About Family Thanksgiving Gatherings

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott is giving schools the green light to interrogate students about their Thanksgiving activities following the break.

Hysterical Staff At Penguin Random House Canada Melt Down Over Publishing Jordan Peterson’s New Book

In making complaints about the publisher's approach to thought diversity, one staffer said Peterson is “an icon of hate speech" and “white supremacy.”

Without Evidence, Former President Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry

Former President Barack Obama accused Hispanic voters of being bigots, claiming that they ignored the current administration’s “racist” immigration policies to vote for Donald Trump because Read More

Trump Humiliated After Canceling Plan To Attend PA Election Fraud Hearing

Trump's big plan to show at a Republican-led PA Senate hearing on election fraud has flopped as the president has canceled his trip.

Rudy Giuliani May Not Go To PA With Trump Because He Keeps Infecting People With COVID

Rudy Giuliani was supposed to attend a Pennsylvania "election fraud" hearing with Trump in PA, but he may not be able to go because people around him keep getting COVID.

I’ll Give Up Black Friday When You Pry It From My Cold, Bargain-Grabbing Hands

The fliers are still arriving in the mail and the festive doorbuster commercials are rolling, but Black Friday this year just isn't the same.

Georgia Secretary of State Says Trump Threw Him “Under the Bus” for Defending The State’s Election

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger voted for President Donald Trump and says the president threw him and his family “under the bus” when he worked to defend the election amid the president’s false claims that the 2020 general election was fraudulent. By all accounts, Georgia had a wildly successful and smooth election. We finally … Continue reading "Georgia Secretary of State Says Trump Threw Him “Under the Bus” for Defending The State’s Election"

Trump Plans to Attend Pennsylvania Hearing in Voter Fraud Case That’s Doomed to Fail

President Donald Trump plans to visit Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for a hearing by the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee that will examine “election impropriety,” according to The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  The event is not on the president’s official schedule, but insiders told the news outlet that he had expressed interest in appearing alongside his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, … Continue reading "Trump Plans to Attend Pennsylvania Hearing in Voter Fraud Case That’s Doomed to Fail"

Amazon Censors Alex Berenson’s Booklet Pointing Out Face Mask Ineffectiveness

Amazon did not mention any specific reason why the former New York Times reporter's booklet was removed in the first place.

Following The Election, Facebook Tightens Choke On News Outlets It Disagrees With

Sources such as CNN, The New York Times, NPR, and others benefitted from Zuckerberg's changes, receiving more traffic and distribution on the site while conservative news artificially lost page views and reach. 

A 90-Year-Old Woman Killed Herself To Avoid Another COVID-19 Lockdown. She’s Not Alone

In a tragic irony, the prospect of another 'life-saving' lockdown has drained some senior citizens of their will to live. Assisted suicides and depression are up.

‘Transhood’ Documentary Shows Parents Brainwashing 4-Year-Olds Into Transgenderism

New HBO documentary depicts parents propagandizing their children in radical gender theory and robbing them of life in their natural bodies.

‘The Fraud Has Been Institutionalized’: Inside The Partisan GOTV Efforts In Indian Country

Illegal electioneering and ballot harvesting by supposedly nonpartisan groups reached new heights in this election.

In The Name Of Anti-Racism, San Diego Schools Will Teach Black And Hispanic Kids Less

Expecting less from someone based on his or her race used to be called bigotry. Condescension toward black students hardly qualifies as ‘anti-racism,’ but is instead its antithesis.

Ignore The Nanny Staters And Celebrate Thanksgiving

Anthony Fauci says it’s because people are not following his guidance that they ought to be punished by being alone and away from family on the holidays. Go punish yourself, but not us.

What You Need To Know About Trump’s Latest Drug Pricing Moves

The two biggest proposals recently announced by Trump's Department of Health and Human Services involve drug pricing. Here's what it all means.

How The Pilgrims Planted The Seeds For America’s Constitutional Rights And Liberties

A bold and innovative project in political self-government and liberty under law began in New England in 1620 and flourished in the years to come.

Georgia Senate Candidates Have To Answer For Joe Biden’s Hypocrisy On Health Care

Republicans should welcome any chance to highlight the astounding differences between Democratic Party health care rhetoric and Joe Biden’s past actions.

Trump Plans To Pardon Convicted Felon Michael Flynn On His Way Out The Door

As Trump moves to pardon his crooked friend before his time is up, it's important to remember that Michael Flynn confessed to crimes.

‘America Is Back’: World Leaders Are Telling Biden They’re Thrilled To See Trump Go

Leaders from around the globe are already lining up to work with Joe Biden now that Donald Trump is headed for the exit.

Democratic Hopes For Senate Takeover Grow As Georgia Sets Absentee Ballot Record

The Senate runoff elections have already shattered absentee ballot request records in the state of Georgia.

Ivanka And Jared Will Hide At One Of Trump’s Golf Clubs Once They’re Booted From Washington

No matter where the two end up, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner will forever carry with them the Trump stain.

WATCH: Sidney Powell Tells Lou Dobbs Trump Won in an “Absolute Landslide” and His Presidency “Can Be Saved”

In the days of Donald Trump, the Republican party has been more and more willing to buy into conspiracy theories. From climate denial to QAnon congresswomen to climate denial to Burisma, nothing has seemed out of bounds. Then along came lawyer Sidney Powell. While she was at one time a member of Trump’s “Elite Strike … Continue reading "WATCH: Sidney Powell Tells Lou Dobbs Trump Won in an “Absolute Landslide” and His Presidency “Can Be Saved”"

On Thanksgiving, Democrats Demand The Ultimate Family Separation Policy

More than eight months after "15 days to flatten the curve," so-called experts are bidding us avoid family at all costs this Thanksgiving, lest we die.

Mike Huckabee Claims Covid-19 Restrictions on Thanksgiving Violate Fourth Amendment

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R), a regular presence on Fox News, declared that Covid-19 restrictions on Thanksgiving violate the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures from the government. “I mean, what kind of neighbor would call the police and say, ‘You know, there’s eleven people over there, you better … Continue reading "Mike Huckabee Claims Covid-19 Restrictions on Thanksgiving Violate Fourth Amendment"

Trump’s Messaging Undermines Transition Even After He Orders It Can Proceed

President Donald Trump defended the General Services Administration (GSA) and its chief, Emily Murphy, saying it “has been terrific” despite the agency being at the center of controversy after Trump ordered his administration not to acknowledge President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory and Murphy declined to allow the transition to proceed. “Remember, the GSA has been … Continue reading "Trump’s Messaging Undermines Transition Even After He Orders It Can Proceed"

CNN Journo Complains $2,000 Peloton Wasn’t Delivered On Time

Here's another mainstream media journalist using their public platforms to complain about problems they're privileged to have.

Andrew Cuomo Absolutely Deserves An Emmy Award

Cuomo is America's greatest governor on television, and its worst in real life.

Trump Spends Morning Retweeting Baseless Election Fraud Conspiracy Theories from Actors Randy Quaid and James Woods

Actor Randy Quaid, known for his roles in such films as The Last Detail and Midnight Express, has made his support for President Donald Trump well known and he has in recent weeks expressed his and the president’s shared belief that the November 3 election was fraudulent despite all evidence to the contrary. Trump proceeded to share … Continue reading "Trump Spends Morning Retweeting Baseless Election Fraud Conspiracy Theories from Actors Randy Quaid and James Woods"

Trump Attacks General James Mattis for Remarks About “America First”

President Donald Trump launched an attack against James Mattis, his former defense secretary, after Mattis expressed a desire to see Trump’s signature “America First” policies removed from national security strategy for the incoming Biden-Harris administration. “That says it all about Mattis. Obama fired him. I should have fired him sooner,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Did … Continue reading "Trump Attacks General James Mattis for Remarks About “America First”"

Just Like U.S. Democrats, Chinese Communists Are Compiling Dissident Lists

I never thought that my adopted home, the land of the free, would so soon start sounding like the one-party dictatorial state I left behind.

How The New York Times Became A Propaganda Bullhorn For The Left

‘The news business is highly competitive. If the leader has abandoned its own standards and history of fair and rigorous reporting, why should the others be any different?’

Forcing The Sick And Elderly To Die Alone Is Crueler Than COVID-19

Keeping people from their suffering loved ones does not safeguard them. It subjects them to a different kind of suffering for which there may be no recovery.

Socialism Failed Miserably For The American Pilgrims, Just Like It Does Everywhere

Today's self-identified democratic socialists like to claim real socialism has never been tried in America, but they need to brush up on their history. The Pilgrims did try it — and it failed.

How America’s Adams Family Inherited And Preserved The Pilgrim Mind

Through America's first century, the heritage of the Mayflower was notably strong in John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis Adams, and Henry Adams.

Biden’s Pick For National Security Adviser Is A Steele Dossier Truther

Former Vice President Joe Biden's pick for national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, has a history of amplifying junk intelligence. 

Republican Governor: Not Wearing A Mask Is Just Like Driving Drunk

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has the purpose of an American constitution precisely backwards: it is to restrain governments, not the people.

Will The Supreme Court Finally Defend Religious Liberty From Pandemic Tyrants?

A second challenge to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s discriminatory COVID rules that targeted Orthodox Jews provides a crucial test for the new Supreme Court.

The First Thanksgiving Was A Celebration Of Abundance As Much As It Was A Relief From Loss

From the very beginning, the American tradition of Thanksgiving has become an annual celebration of the glass half full even when it's leaking.

Why AOC’s Ideas About Fertility Will Lead To Heartache

In 2020, the women we lionize are freezing their eggs until they're 50 and embracing 'dog motherhood' in the meantime. Working with nature instead of against it is a better way.

Rachel Maddow Busts Trump For Actively Undermining Global Security On His Way Out The Door

Trump will continue to inflict lasting damage to the United States, both on the domestic front and the world stage. 

Dow Futures Surge After Trump Administration Begins Transition To Biden

As the chaotic and incompetent Trump presidency reaches its conclusion, the markets are optimistic about the future of the economy.

Trump Campaign Lawyer Claims Biden Lost In A Landslide After GSA Begins Transition

After Emily Murphy started the transition process, Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis went on TV and claimed Biden lost in a landslide.

After Weeks Of Trying To Overturn Election, Trump Takes Credit For Approving Biden Transition

Trump responded to the news by taking credit and essentially claiming that it was his idea to allow the transition process to move forward.

WATCH: Steve Bannon Rips Bill Barr for Not Intervening in the Election on Behalf of Trump

For months now, the Trump administration has known that it was going to have a hard time winning the election. While it was closer than Democrats hoped, Joe Biden prevailed by a significant margin. The Republicans had multiple contingency plans in place following Biden’s win. There have been lawsuits filed in a number of states. … Continue reading "WATCH: Steve Bannon Rips Bill Barr for Not Intervening in the Election on Behalf of Trump"

Emily Murphy Caves And Ends Her Obstruction Of Biden Transition

GSA Administrator Emily Murphy has finally issued the letter of ascertainment that Joe Biden won the election and the transition can begin.

The Adults Are Back In Charge As Joe Biden Adds Experienced Leaders To Cabinet

Joe Biden chose experienced crisis leaders to fill key posts in foreign policy and national security in his administration.

America Has Muted Trump Who Has Only Spoken 454 Words/Day Since Losing

America has hit the mute on Donald Trump, as the outgoing president has only spoken an average of 454 words a day since losing.

CDC Advises Family Households To Ostracize College Students Returning Home For Thanksgiving

Despite many universities ending the semester early or moving online, the CDC is recommending college students stay away from their families this Thanksgiving.

Biden Announces Two New Members of White House Senior Staff

President-elect Joe Biden has announced who will join his administration as White House senior staff. “The American people are eager for our Administration to get to work, and today’s appointees will help advance our agenda and ensure every American has a fair shot. In a Biden administration, we will have an open door to the … Continue reading "Biden Announces Two New Members of White House Senior Staff"

Steve Doocy Claims Calls to Boycott Goya Foods Contributed to Latino Support for Trump

More Latino voters supported President Donald Trump in 2020 than in 2016, and “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy claims that calls to boycott Goya Foods products contributed to that support. Doocy said “the left’s messaging did not help them” in this election because their policies “remind a lot of people of the socialistic countries … Continue reading "Steve Doocy Claims Calls to Boycott Goya Foods Contributed to Latino Support for Trump"

Survey: Two-Thirds of GOP Voters Want Trump to Run for President in 2024

According to a survey from Seven Letter Insight, two-thirds of Republican voters want to see President Donald Trump run again in 2024. By then, the embattled president, who is certain to face legal challenges as soon as his term ends on January 20 and whose political future is in doubt, would be 78. Republicans aren’t the … Continue reading "Survey: Two-Thirds of GOP Voters Want Trump to Run for President in 2024"

More Than 100 Business Leaders Co-Sign Letter Urging GSA Chief Emily Murphy to Authorize Presidential Transition

More than 100 business leaders, including George H. Walker, the chief executive of the money manager Neuberger, and Jon Gray, president of the private-equity firm Blackstone, have co-signed a letter urging General Services Administration (GSA) chief Emily Murphy to authorize the presidential transition. They expressed their concern that President Donald Trump’s refusal to concede and … Continue reading "More Than 100 Business Leaders Co-Sign Letter Urging GSA Chief Emily Murphy to Authorize Presidential Transition"

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Offers to Help Biden-Harris Administration with Coronavirus

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has offered to help President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to tackle the coronavirus pandemic as soon as they’re in office. “I offered to him and his team access to New Zealand health officials in order to share their experience on things we’ve learnt on our Covid-19 … Continue reading "New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Offers to Help Biden-Harris Administration with Coronavirus"

Opinion: Lock Him Up! Lindsey Graham Should Be Arrested And Prosecuted

If there is only one thing Americans have learned over the past four years it is that it is acceptable for Republicans to violate the law if they do it in service to the criminal and aspiring dictator occupying the Oval Office. The latest Republican to “allegedly” break the law is South Carolina Senator Lindsey … Continue reading "Opinion: Lock Him Up! Lindsey Graham Should Be Arrested And Prosecuted"

A Neighbor You Like Probably Voted For Trump

President Trump suffered no grand repudiation across the country but was dealt a blow in the popular vote by voters dominating the coastal regions.

5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms

Surely the journalist class should be intrigued by the historic implausibility of Joe Biden’s victory. That they are not is curious, to say the least.

Election Fraud Problems Are A Threat To Our Country — And Too Important To Be Left To Conspiracy Theorists

This battle is far too important to be buried by conspiracy-theory accusations from the left and its media, which means it's far too important to be left to conspiracy theorists.

Will Georgia’s Two Senate Runoffs Split Different Ways?

Republicans only need one of the two seats to maintain their Senate majority. A look at the history of similar contests indicates that an electoral split is uncommon, but still possible.

After Trans Activists Try To Ban ‘Irreversible Damage,’ It Becomes A Bestseller

Trans activists keep bullying businesses into removing content through fear tactics rather than by countering the message with their own better one.

America Needs A Special Counsel To Investigate Election Integrity, Stat

With credible allegations of fraud compounding by the day, the American people deserve a special counsel investigation to set the record straight.

Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

5 Reasons Making Taxpayers Pay Off Student Loans Is A Rotten Idea

Regardless of whether Biden would find a loophole or merely attempt to cajole Congress, it remains concerning that there are many people who want him to force taxpayers to bail out the well off.

How The Bible Inspired The American Founding From The Beginning

The depth and durability of the 400-year-old biblical roots among most Americans have been consistent with the separation of religion and state, but not the separation of religion and society.

Why The Left Can Be So Ridiculously Self-Righteous Without Realizing It

What we saw in the lead up to the elections, and what we’ll witness for years to come, is utter contempt for Trump voters and conservatives in general.

How Frederick Douglass Went From Wanting America Destroyed To Helping Make It Better

In Douglass’s abiding vision, America was the proper home for black Americans, their only realistic alternative, and also the locus of their highest ideals.

Why Gratitude Is Key To Worshiping Our Creator

While praise, joy, contrition, and love are all important affections for worship, gratitude is the most important worship affection.

Opinion: Why Trump Must Be Disgraced To Save American Politics

President-Elect Joe Biden has reportedly expressed concerns about the many possible criminal prosecutions of Trump distracting from his presidential mission.  Just as Barack Obama declined to pursue prosecution against the Bush-Cheney regime for its outright lies about Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction, leading us into a prolonged and unnecessary war with Iraq, costing … Continue reading "Opinion: Why Trump Must Be Disgraced To Save American Politics"

Trump’s Election Lawyers Just Melted Down And Started Attacking Each Other

Trump's election lawyers are attacking each other now and fighting over who is really on the election legal team.

Trump Lawyer Claims Bernie Sanders And Brian Kemp Conspired To Steal The Election From Trump

Trump lawyer Sidney Powell that Sen. Bernie Sanders and Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp conspired to steal the election from Trump.

Lara Trump Admits Trump Is Trying To Get State Legislatures To Steal The Election

Lara Trump said on Fox and Friends that the Trump campaign is open to trying to sway state legislatures to overturn Biden's win.

Republican Governor Larry Hogan Tells Trump To Stop Golfing And Concede

Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) told Trump to get off of the golf course and concede the presidential election that he lost to Joe Biden.

Trump Wants To Announce That He’s Running In 2024 In 3 Weeks

Trump is plotting to announce that he is running for president in 2024 in a matter of weeks to keep other Republicans from running.

Criminal Fraud Investigation Extends To Ivanka Trump

New York state has expanded its criminal fraud investigation into Donald Trump to payments that he made to his daughter Ivanka.

Devin Nunes Calls For Trump To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate Obama

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) claimed that Obama is secretly running Joe Biden and called for Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate Obama.

Chris Christie Calls Trump’s Lawyers A National Embarrassment

Chris Christie said that it was time for Trump to stop challenging the election and called Giuliani and Trump's lawyers a national embarrassment.

Opinion: What Trump Has Revealed About The Fragility And Strength Of U.S. Democracy

While we can repeat over and over again that Joe Biden was elected president of the United States and will be sworn into this highest office in our land next January 20, for many Americans and even media pundits, it is difficult to say the verdict is in. Nervousness persists, and it is intensely palpable. … Continue reading "Opinion: What Trump Has Revealed About The Fragility And Strength Of U.S. Democracy"

Judge Obliterates Rudy Giuliani While Shutting Down Trump’s PA Lawsuit

A federal judge in Pennsylvania didn't just rule against Trump, he obliterated Rudy Giuliani, and stop Trump cold in Pennsylvania.

Trump Observer Removed After Assaulting Election Official At Wisconsin Recount

A Trump election observer was removed from the Wisconsin recount by a sheriff's deputy after they assaulted an election official.

Trump Spends Saturday On The Golf Course As America Surges Toward 2,000 COVID Deaths Per Day

After losing the election to Joe Biden, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he has no interest in even pretending to do his job.

Michigan GOP Lawmakers Wined And Dined At Trump’s DC Hotel After White House Meeting

After a White House meeting, several Michigan GOP lawmakers were seen at the Trump Hotel in D.C. on Friday night and Saturday morning.

Trump’s Actions Admit Defeat As Skips G20 Pandemic Event For Golf

Trump blew off a side event at the virtual G20 Summit to spend more taxpayer money on a trip to his golf club.

Karen Pence To Hold Maskless Christmas Party As CDC Urges Against Holiday Gatherings

As the CDC urges against holiday gatherings, Second Lady Karen Pence is sending out invitations to a Christmas party next month.

Trump Appears To Admit He Has Zero Evidence Of Widespread Voter Fraud

Two weeks after Biden was declared the winner, Trump basically admitted that he still doesn't have any evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Netflix’s ‘Rebecca’ Is An Unremarkable Adaptation Of An Excellent Story

There is an irony that a film focusing on a woman worried that she will never live up to her predecessor is a pale imitation of its source material.

Joe Biden: Why Are Reporters Asking Me Questions?

On Friday, Joe Biden appeared dumbfounded as to why a reporter was asking the projected Democratic presidential-elect a question.

Santa Claus Is Immune To COVID, But Is He Safe From The Culture War?

The nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, reassured families this week that Santa Claus was safe from COVID-19.

How Christianity Gained Cultural Momentum In The Trump Era

Some celebrities are not just talking the talk, but they seem to be walking a walk that seems to counter what Hollywood culture promotes and accepts.

Rich People Don’t Have it Easy Says Multi-Millionaire Sean Hannity

Anchors on cable news networks make an awful lot of money. CNN’s Anderson Cooper makes a reported $12 million each year. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow also does quite well, pulling in $7 million a year. But no anchor comes anywhere close to ratings king Sean Hannity. According to a 2020 piece from The Street, Fox News … Continue reading "Rich People Don’t Have it Easy Says Multi-Millionaire Sean Hannity"

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo To Receive Emmy Award For Media Lovefest Press Conferences

New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo will receive an international Emmy Award for using television at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

Geraldo Rivera Says We Should Honor Trump By Naming The Covid-19 Vaccine After Him

During an appearance on “Fox and Friends,” commentator Geraldo Rivera said the United States should honor President Donald Trump by naming the Covid-19 vaccine after him. “I have an idea. You know, with the world so divided, and everybody telling him he’s got to give up and ‘time to leave’ and ‘time to transition’ and … Continue reading "Geraldo Rivera Says We Should Honor Trump By Naming The Covid-19 Vaccine After Him"

Trump Starts A GOP Civil War In Georgia That Could Give Joe Biden The Senate

Trump's insistence that Biden's victory not be recognized has caused a civil war among Georgia Republicans that could cost the GOP the Senate.

Politicians Aren’t Canceling Their Celebrations And Gatherings, And Neither Am I

More than anything else, I am sick of politicians and pundits telling me I don't have the right of risk when risk is part of freedom.

My Open Apology To Wajahat Ali On Behalf Of All Trump Voters

I know we disappointed you. I mean, what is the point of living in a free country if there are going to be dumb people who don’t want to submit to single-party rule?

Your Political Leaders Hate You And Think You’re Stupid

Since the pandemic began ten months ago, there have been too many instances of elites saying one thing and doing another.

I Won’t Arrest You For Celebrating Thanksgiving, And No Good Cop Would

Many police offers I know are using their discretion to refrain from strictly enforcing sanctimonious and unconstitutional edicts amid a moral panic.

Liz Cheney Wants To Lead The GOP — Right Back To Its Bush/Cheney Past

In every one of the four years Cheney's been in Congress, the party has become less and less the party of the neoconservatives, and more and more the party of the populists.

How Much Did The Vatican Let Theodore McCarrick Sway Its Agreement With Communist China?

In light of both the disastrous human rights situation in China and a sex predator's dubious involvement in the Sino-Vatican accord, it's time for the Vatican to come clean about Cardinal McCarrick's role.

‘The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City’ Are All Insufferable And I Love Them

By the end of the series premiere, they'd already started a legendary fight over 'hospital smell,' the key allegation in a saga involving a double amputee and a Pentecostal First Lady married to her step-grandfather.

The Historical Record Shows America Was Founded Against Racism, Not To Promote It

The Puritans' love of faith, freedom, and self-government that gave birth to America was the same spirit that gradually helped overcome racial injustice.

Without President Trump, On Whom Will The Left Blame Their Failures?

President Trump leaving office will not make America more decent if it just returns power to those whose garb of civility covers corrupt hearts.

New ‘Zappa’ Documentary Seeks Fresh Converts To Music Legend’s Cult

'Zappa' is a thorough introduction to the life and musical career of the most idiosyncratic and talented artists of the 20th century.

Insider Tells What It’s Really Like In The Trump White House: Cordial And Efficient

In 'You're Hired,' the former chief economist of the White House Council of Economic Advisers writes that the Trump administration was more successful and less chaotic than the media would have you believe.

If I Can Pay Off My Debt By Controlling My Spending, So Can Other People

Long before the coronavirus hit our shores, our society’s focus on instant gratification has in many respects made acts of self-sacrifice a lost art.

Rachel Maddow: Trump Choosing Giuliani To Run Legal Team Is Proof That It’s A Sham

Maddow said that Trump's choice to put Giuliani in charge could be an indication that the end is near for the president's legal challenges.

Tucker Carlson Calls UFOs More Credible Than Trump’s Election Fraud Claims

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out the president's campaign lawyers for pushing baseless conspiracy theories about the election.

‘That’s Your Go-To Election Lawyer?’: Al Franken Mocks Trump For Hiring ‘Sleazebag’ Giuliani

Earlier in the day, Giuliani held a press conference in which he spewed nonsensical conspiracy theories about the election.

Trump Had Zero Items On His Public Work Schedule For 12 Out Of The Last 16 Days

Donald Trump didn't work much before he lost the election to Joe Biden earlier this month – but now he's not even pretending.

Georgia Turns The Lights Out On Trump As He Is Now 1-32 In Election Lawsuits

Georgia has finished the recount and found that Biden won, while Trump lost a federal case in the state to go 1-32 in election lawsuits.

Georgia GOP Secretary Of State Says He Has ‘No Doubt’ That Biden Won The State Fair And Square

Brad Raffensperger said on Thursday that there is no doubt in his mind that Joe Biden will win the state and its 16 electoral votes.

AOC: Until COVID is Under Control We Should Pay People to Stay Home

The COVID-19 pandemic is currently raging throughout the United States. The Trump administration has focused all of its energy on contesting the results of the election and has essentially ignored the virus. Joe Biden is eager to start tackling the pandemic. The president-elect had a call on Thursday that included 5 GOP Governors. There is … Continue reading "AOC: Until COVID is Under Control We Should Pay People to Stay Home"

Mary Trump Says Donald Can’t The Reality Of His Defeat And Potential Prosecution

Mary Trump said that her uncle Donald can't handle the fact that he lost the election and he has debts and potential prosecutions waiting for him.

Podcast: ‘Jeopardy!’ Host Alex Trebek Became An Icon Of American Pop Culture

Alex Trebek's legacy will continue to live on through the seemingly timeless effect of game shows on American culture.

Trump Falsely Claims Voter Fraud in Detroit is “Rampant”

President Donald Trump attacked the state of Michigan for the second day in a row, claiming, without any evidence, that voter fraud in the city of Detroit is “rampant.” “Voter Fraud in Detroit is rampant, and has been for many years!” the president wrote earlier this morning. His tweet was almost immediately flagged under Twitter’s … Continue reading "Trump Falsely Claims Voter Fraud in Detroit is “Rampant”"

Trump’s Continues Pushing Baseless Accusations, Claims “There Was No Way the Dems Could Have Won” Without Rigging The Election

Claims that the 2020 general election was fraudulent are unsubstantiated and United States security officials have rejected President Donald Trump’s assertion that the election was rigged. But that hasn’t stopped him from continuing to claim “there was no way” Democrats could have won the election without rigging it altogether. But lose Trump did: President-elect Joe … Continue reading "Trump’s Continues Pushing Baseless Accusations, Claims “There Was No Way the Dems Could Have Won” Without Rigging The Election"

Trump Pushes More Lies About Covid As Death Rates Across The Country Continue to Climb

More and more people are testing positive for Covid-19 and death rates across the United States are climbing as the nation prepares for the winter months. That’s in line with the projection scientists and public experts have made from the beginning, but President Donald Trump, who often claimed that the coronavirus would “disappear” after the … Continue reading "Trump Pushes More Lies About Covid As Death Rates Across The Country Continue to Climb"

Ben Domenech: Andrew Cuomo Is Denying Science By Closing New York Schools

"It’s unserious, it’s wrong, it’s making decisions not based on science but based on blustery attitude," said Ben Domenech.

Top House Democrat Demands Trump Be Tried For Crimes Against America

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) is calling on Trump and his administration officials to be prosecuted for crimes against America after they leave office.

Democrats And Media Are Reaping Fruit Of 4 Years Of Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories

If taking claims to court undermines democracy, how to defend Democrats' vociferous and repeated claims that Donald Trump stole the election in 2016 with the help of Russia?

State Legislatures Must Investigate Fraud And Choose Electors Accordingly

State legislatures should initiate and oversee their own election audit. Anything less will leave half of America questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

Why 1620 — Not 1619 — Is A Better Representation Of The American Way

Ultimately, it is the landing of the Mayflower — far more than the landing of the first slave ship — that has largely defined America.

The New York Times Claims Alexander Hamilton Owned Slaves, So You Know The Opposite Is True

Rather than being an 'enslaver, Hamilton opposed slavery, advocated for manumission, and supported enslaved and freed blacks to the extent that his limited means allowed.

5 Reasons Democrats Are In Trouble With Voters Until At Least 2030

The average American just isn’t behind the party of defund the police, 'democratic socialism,' and higher taxes. Who would have guessed?

A National Lockdown Would Be A Disaster For America

While there are real concerns about rising cases and hospitalizations, a national lockdown is a terrible idea, no matter how much money the government borrows to pay for it.

3 Ways States Should Ensure Election Integrity In 2020 And Beyond

GOP concerns about election integrity are warranted. Americans should focus on three keys to ensuring election integrity, for now and the future.

Why The Electoral College Is Still Good For The United States

Abolishing the Electoral College would be a disaster for freedom and the constitutional imperative to prevent the concentration and abuse of power.

Fewer Americans Are Marrying Now Than Ever, But Those Who Do Love It More

Divorce has finally hit its lowest point in 50 years, and studies show coronavirus is giving couples a renewed appreciation for each other and for marriage.

‘The Queen’s Gambit’ Demonstrates The Strength Of Friendship In Adversity

The smash hit from Netflix explores the costs of madness that often accompanies genius, and ultimately warns of the perils of a life devoid of familial love and friendship.

The Pilgrims Gave Us Immeasurable Reasons To Be Thankful Today

While the Pilgrims gave us the first Thanksgiving, which we celebrate each year, they provided us with an even more important legacy to be celebrated, the Mayflower Compact.

Jewish Group Blasts CNN Over Christiane Amanpour Comparing Trump Supporters To Nazis

'She never even acknowledged that she slanderously equated and analogized Kristallnacht's horrors to pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-American President Donald Trump,' the group wrote.

Netflix’s ‘Barbarians’ Is A Sad Reflection Of Our Decaying Times

One can enjoy Netflix's 'Barbarians' for its cinematic beauty — as long as one isn’t too nitpicky or a historian haunted by troubling parallels.

How COVID Holidays Will Change Our Relationship With Government

"The hypocrisy among government officials is just rampant," said Kylee Zempel on this epsiode of The Federalist Radio Hour.

Rudy Giuliani’s Big Strategy Is To Beg A PA Court To Declare Trump The Winner

Rudy Giuliani is trying to argue in a new Pennsylvania court filing that the court should just declare Trump the winner.

Newt Gingrich is Encouraging Republicans to Protest Against GOP Governor Brian Kemp

During the 2020 election, voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania voted for Joe Biden. This wasn’t too big a surprise as those states had traditionally voted blue. The GOP, though, was dismayed by the fact that Democrats were able to flip Arizona and Georgia. Georgia, a long-time stronghold for Republicans, was particularly galling. Since the … Continue reading "Newt Gingrich is Encouraging Republicans to Protest Against GOP Governor Brian Kemp"

New York Denying School To Children Is Child Abuse

A parent who refuses to provide a decent education for his children, who simply ignores the need, is guilty of child abuse; a government that does the same is no less guilty.

The Discerning Gentleman’s Guide To A Fancy And Sensitive Thanksgiving Whiskey Drunk

It's a special occasion, so this Thanksgiving we're doing an apple-based whiskey as well as an orange one.

Nancy Pelosi Re-Elected to Lead Democrats in the House

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been re-elected to lead Democrats in the House. Pelosi was re-elected following an election that was held virtually as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic. She was congratulated via the House Democrats’ Twitter account. Congratulations to @SpeakerPelosi, once again elected by House Democrats to be our fearless leader … Continue reading "Nancy Pelosi Re-Elected to Lead Democrats in the House"

Biden’s Covid-19 Adviser Says They’ll “Be Ready on Day One”

President-elect Joe Biden’s Covid-19 adviser says the Biden-Harris administration will “be ready on day one” to address the coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 248,000 Americans to date. “There is a transition plan and we’re translating that plan into a blueprint for action,” said Rick Bright, a member of President-elect Joe … Continue reading "Biden’s Covid-19 Adviser Says They’ll “Be Ready on Day One”"

Trump Complains About Pennsylvania Supreme Court Decision After It Tosses Out His Campaign’s Lawsuit

Earlier this morning, President Donald Trump complained about the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s 5-2 decision to toss out his campaign’s lawsuit alleging that officials in Philadelphia did not allow Republican observers into counting rooms. The court ruled that election officials did not violate state law by maintaining at least 15 feet of distance between observers and … Continue reading "Trump Complains About Pennsylvania Supreme Court Decision After It Tosses Out His Campaign’s Lawsuit"

Trump Falsely Claims Georgia Recount is “Fake” for the Second Time This Week

A recount of the votes cast on Election Day is underway in Georgia and the results will be certified by Friday. And for the second time this week, President Donald Trump is claiming, without evidence, that the effort is “fake” and continued to push unfounded allegations of allegation fraud. “The Georgia recount is a joke … Continue reading "Trump Falsely Claims Georgia Recount is “Fake” for the Second Time This Week"

Michigan Democrat Doxxes Children Of Wayne County Election Official

Michigan State Representative-elect berated and doxxed the chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers on a public Zoom meeting.

In Nevada, A Corrupt Cash-For-Votes Scheme Is Hiding In Plain Sight

In tribal areas, Native American nonprofits illegally offered gift cards, electronics, and other 'prizes' in an effort to get out the vote—for Joe Biden.

Americans Voted To End War In Syria, But This Unelected Bureaucrat Lied To Overrule Them

One factor in a bunch of Americans opting for Donald Trump in 2016 was his promise not to start a new war in the Middle East — but the D.C. establishment secretly kept troops in Syria, and lied about it to the president.

Science As God: Tech Hearing And COVID Show Us Exactly Where Censorship Is Headed

Once President Donald Trump assumed office, corporate media and allied politicians bypassed the White House and turned to Silicon Valley, which fell in line quickly enough.

Lots Of Americans Are Just As Ignorant About Corporate Media’s Failures As Sarah Silverman

If we've learned anything over the past few years, it's that legacy media outlets are not 'beholden to the truth.' They regularly report incorrect information without accountability.

‘They Sailed Up Out Of The Infinite’: An Introduction To The 1620 Project

The 1620 Project is about understanding how these characteristics are essential to understanding the American founding, and how they provided the basis for so much of what makes this nation great.

Democrats And The Media Keep Lying About Obama’s Agencies Spying On Trump’s Campaign

Proving whether election irregularities occurred will require a willingness to judge the evidence fairly, not a habit of declaring demonstrable facts to have been 'debunked.'

Experts Claiming ‘No Evidence’ Of 2020 Fraud Sounded The Alarm About Election Security In 2017

In the 2017 letter, the experts called on Congress and states to address vulnerabilities in U.S. election processes. Now they say there were no election problems.

Instagram Joins Facebook In Censoring Cosplay Charity Because Its Name Sounds Conservative

Some of the administrators are even considering stepping down from their leadership positions in the charity following the repeated removal of their accounts, said Vinessa Olp, the charity's co-founder.

How The Mayflower Compact Changed History Forever 400 Years Ago

The Mayflower Compact serves as a model for all that was to come: free people uniting under God, creating institutions by which they would rule themselves.

Even ‘The Bachelorette’ Proves Harvard Degrees Are Useless

‘The Bachelorette’ has a way of teaching us week after week what not to do. This week’s lesson? Don’t blow six figures on a Harvard education.

An Oral History Of Watching CNN This Election Week

Of course, Election Night can only mean one thing: CNN, the Comedy News Network, which has always been the funniest parody of newscasting on TV.

Stacey Abrams Is Just As Much A Vehicle For Turnout As She Is Governor Of Georgia

According to an analysis of updated voter data from The New York Times Tuesday, the black share of Georgia's electorate fell to its lowest level since 2006.

Victory For Democracy: Michigan Republicans Back Down And Certify Detroit Area Election Results

The fact that Republicans in Wayne County, Michigan even flirted with the idea of blocking votes from the Detroit area is shameful.

GOP Senators Break From Trump After He Fires DHS Official Who Debunked Election Fraud Claims

Republicans immediately jumped to defend DHS official Chris Krebs, who was fired by Donald Trump via Twitter on Tuesday night.

Republicans Are Trying To Steal Michigan For Trump By Refusing To Certify Detroit Votes

Republicans in Michigan are trying to prevent votes in Wayne County – where Detroit is located – from being certified.

Chuck Grassley Tests Positive For COVID The Day After Ted Cruz Mocked Senators Who Wear Masks

Ted Cruz mocked Sherrod Brown for urging his colleagues to wear masks, and now Chuck Grassley has tested positive for coronavirus.

Donald Trump Fires DHS Official For Saying That This Was the “Most Secure Election in American History”

Donald Trump can’t handle the reality that he lost the 2020 election. Now that most of the votes have been counted and Trump trails by more than 5 million votes, he needs to engage in conspiracy theorizing and outright lying. Much to his chagrin, the president doesn’t have the backing of every official that works … Continue reading "Donald Trump Fires DHS Official For Saying That This Was the “Most Secure Election in American History”"

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Overturns Trump’s Only Election Lawsuit Win

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed a lower court ruling on the only election challenge that Trump has won.

Jack Dorsey Claims Twitter’s Censorship Policies Encourage ‘More Speech’

 '"All of our policies are focused on encouraging more speech," the Twitter CEO told senators on Tuesday.

Giuliani Files for Court Permission to Appear for Trump Campaign in Pennsylvania Lawsuit

President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani has filed for court permission to appear for the Trump campaign in its lawsuit to block certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s win in the state of Pennsylvania. Giuliani filed the application hours before a hearing on Pennsylvania’s motion to dismiss the suit is set to start. It’s unclear if … Continue reading "Giuliani Files for Court Permission to Appear for Trump Campaign in Pennsylvania Lawsuit"

Citizens for Ethics in Washington Calls Out Lindsey Graham After Report He Suggested Georgia Toss Out Legal Ballots

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made headlines last night after Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Graham suggested he should try to toss out legal ballots in the state, where a recount is underway. Today, Graham is leading a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled “Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election,” which prompted a … Continue reading "Citizens for Ethics in Washington Calls Out Lindsey Graham After Report He Suggested Georgia Toss Out Legal Ballots"

Senator Chuck Grassley to Quarantine After Covid-19 Exposure

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) will quarantine after being exposed to Covid-19. “I learned today that I’ve been exposed to the coronavirus,” Grassley said in a prepared statement. I will follow my doctors’ orders and immediately quarantine as I await my test results. I’m feeling well and not currently experiencing any symptoms, but it’s important we … Continue reading "Senator Chuck Grassley to Quarantine After Covid-19 Exposure"

Trump Campaign Official Admits Campaign Still Looking for Evidence of Election Fraud

Speaking on “Fox and Friends,” Trump campaign official Erin Perrine admitted the campaign is still looking for evidence of election fraud. Her comments come the same week that the Trump campaign’s lawyers abandoned their lawsuit to block votes in Pennsylvania, the latest development in a flurry of legal failures. “A lot of people would like … Continue reading "Trump Campaign Official Admits Campaign Still Looking for Evidence of Election Fraud"

Joe Biden Has Said Nothing About The Violent Attacks On Trump Supporters

Despite speaking with the press Monday, Joe Biden remained silent on the political intimidation exercised by violent people on the left.

You Can Fire Morrissey, But You Will Never Break His Spirit

Music legend Morrissey was dropped by his label on Monday, but his loyal fans know that cannot stop him.

Washington Post Predictably Covers For Leftists Who Attacked Trump Supporters Waving Flags In DC

This sorry excuse for journalism is one of the reasons Trump was elected in the first place — and it's the reason the more than 73 million Americans who voted for him a second term aren't going anywhere any time soon.

Mike Bloomberg Spent $1.2 Billion, And All He Got Was Delegates From American Samoa

The story of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a one of a whole lot of money spent on broken promises, no results, and a bad reputation.

Democrats Claim They Want ‘Unity’ But Keep Calling Me A Nazi

Democratic Party leaders have long argued that anyone who supports President Trump is a racist, sexist, misogynistic bigot who is in favor of both white supremacy and sexual assault.

European Elites Are Excited About A Biden Presidency, But It Will Backfire

Leftist elites in Europe are tying their fate with Democrats, becoming a natural adversary of any future Republican administration. That is a long-term mistake.

If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble

This is an incredibly dangerous moment for the country and may be a pivotal point in the future of America’s democratic republic. Did we just cross the Rubicon?

California Governor Breaks His Own COVID Rules To Eat Fancy French Food While Americans Go Hungry In Lockdown

If the left wants answers for its poorer-than-expected election results, they should start by examining the kind of elitist arrogance personified by Newsom.

Twitter Has Too Much Power Over America, And It Needs To End

It’s not enough to kick conservatives off of Twitter. Narrative control is the goal. Any alternative, any other avenue of ‘freer’ speech, must be shut down.

If Democrat States Could Ignore Trump, Republican States Can Ignore Biden

Americans have learned from Democrats that they can ignore mandates from Washington when they overstep the federal government's constitutional powers.

Defense Experts: President Trump Could Do More To ‘End America’s Longest War’

Several defense experts lauded the Trump administration's lame-duck decision to proceed with troop draw-downs in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying more should be done.

Obama’s Second Memoir Doubles Down On His Divisive, Arrogant Smear That Disagreeing With Him Is Racist

Former President Barack Obama has written not one but two memoirs about himself, the second out this week, which I'm calling 'Everyone Who Disagrees with Me is Racist, Part II.'

FBI: U.S. Jews By Far Most Targeted Group In Anti-Religious Hate Crimes

Jews, who make up approximately 1.8 percent of the U.S. population, were 60.2 percent of the anti-religious hate crimes the FBI recorded in 2019.

Ali Velshi Mocks Trump’s Cartoonish Legal Strategy Of ‘Golfing, Tweeting And Fox News Lawyers’

Even though Trump's legal challenges have been a laughable dumpster fire, he can still do plenty of damage on his way out the door.

Trump’s Lawyers Ditch Him In Pennsylvania As His Election Lawsuits Continue To Go Up In Flames

Lawyers representing the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania backed out of a lawsuit that's seeking to block votes in the Keystone State.

Joy Reid Urges Donald Trump To Resign And Pout On His Own Time

Donald Trump clearly has no interest in putting in any work for the remainder of his presidency, even in the midst of a public health crisis.

Trump’s Alternate Reality Is Crumbling As Marco Rubio Calls Joe Biden President-Elect

It shouldn't be breaking news whenever a GOP official calls Joe Biden by the title he decisively earned, but that's where we are right now.

How Joe Biden Will Pivot Back To Foreign Policy Failures, From China To North Korea

A Biden administration will likely be rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, reinstating the Iran Nuclear Deal, and becoming more placatory towards China.

Mailchimp Deplatforming A Local Tea Party Is A Hallmark Of Fascism

It isn’t just pundits, personalities, or celebrities being canceled. Everyone is primed for The Canceling in today’s environment.

Lawsuits Challenging Biden Wins In Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan All Dropped

A group of pro-Trump lawsuits challenging Joe Biden's wins in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have all been dropped.

Christopher Bedford: The Media Are Covering Up Left-Wing Violence Because They Agree With The Mission

Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford condemned the media's attempts to either ignore or justify the left's violence because they are complicit.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Says A Divided Democratic Party Is Just An Imaginary Media Narrative

"This rift is basically from the media and the pundits and the Republicans," Omar said in an interview with the Washington Post Monday.

Ben Domenech: People Who Made Nazi Comparisons To Trump Supporters Are Not Going To Stop

Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech mocked unity calls by Democrats and the media Monday as deeply unserious following weekend violence.

Trials Show Operation Warp Speed Partner Moderna’s COVID Vaccine Is 94.5% Effective

Moderna announced their COVID-19 vaccine candidate is proving to be highly effective in a major trial.

Trump Falsely Accuses “Radical Left Democrats” of Attempting to “Steal” the Election

President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to President-elect Joe Biden but has thus far refused to concede the presidential race and ordered White House officials not to participate in the transition. He has continued to push conspiracy theories and assorted falsehoods via his social media accounts and continues to assert that the election was … Continue reading "Trump Falsely Accuses “Radical Left Democrats” of Attempting to “Steal” the Election"

Trump Erroneously Claims He Won The Election, Gets Flagged by Twitter

President Donald Trump was once again flagged under Twitter’s civic integrity policy for spreading false information about the 2020 general election after he erroneously claimed he actually won it despite all evidence to the contrary. Twitter notes that “Official sources called this election differently.” I won the Election! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, … Continue reading "Trump Erroneously Claims He Won The Election, Gets Flagged by Twitter"

Trump Tries to Take Credit for Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine

President Trump tried to take credit for Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine after the company announced its vaccine is 94.5 percent effective, according to early data it released today. “Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took … Continue reading "Trump Tries to Take Credit for Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine"

Tapper With Fauci: ‘Christmas Is Probably Not Going To Be Possible’ This Year

"So not until the second or third quarter of 2021 though," Tapper began. "Christmas is probably not going to be possible."

Trump Calls the Georgia Recount “Fake” And Lies Once Again About Signatures Not Being Verified

President Donald Trump attempted to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the recount happening in Georgia, which will be completed and certified by November 20. The president called the recount “fake” and claimed without evidence that Georgia election officials are unable to verify signatures on absentee ballots. “The Fake recount going on in Georgia means … Continue reading "Trump Calls the Georgia Recount “Fake” And Lies Once Again About Signatures Not Being Verified"

Exclusive: Marco Rubio Renews Aggressive Back-And-Forth With McKinsey Over Company’s Ties To Beijing

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is continuing to press McKinsey and Company for answers about the powerful firm's business dealings with the Chinese Communist Party.

Republicans Have Good Reason Not To Trust The Election Results

Too many irregularities, too many reports of fraud, and too much uncertainty about mass mail-in voting have created a crisis of confidence.

President Trump’s Final 2020 Act Should Be Pulling U.S. Out From Endless Wars

A reprioritization of America’s strategic interests would cement the legacy of the first president in the era of great-power rivalry.

Biden COVID Advisor: Those Older Than 75 Should Get Vaccines Last

American's should be deeply troubled that a man Biden is looking to for advice on COVID is someone who hopes to die at 75 and has publicly supported rationing care for the elderly.

Leftist Shrieks About Trump’s Authoritarianism Attempt To Hide That They’re The Real Control Freaks

Although the media has thoughtlessly labeled Trump an authoritarian, his record — and the policy aims of his opponents Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — prove Democrats are the real threat to American life.

3 Ways The GOP Must Tackle Vote Fraud And Election Bungling Right Now

More could have been done earlier about big-city voting machines, vote tracking and accountability, and the Democratic Party's long-sought unlimited mail-in voting rules.

Congressional Republicans Must Give The Trump Resistance A Run For Their Money

Joe Biden’s historically weak administration and the far-left wing pulling its strings should not get Reagan-Tip O’Neill good-faith bipartisanship it laughably seeks.

The U.S. Economy’s Remarkable Recovery Continues As Biden Plans To Crush It

An astonishing 2.2 million more Americans were working in October than in December, and 1.5 million fewer were unemployed.

A Post-Trump Foreign Policy Should Keep America First. Here’s How

Whenever Trump leaves office, the GOP should flesh out elements of his agenda that went unfulfilled. Foremost among these should be foreign policy. 

Both Parties Have A Lot To Learn From The 2020 Election

As the country remains closely divided, the winner of the next election will likely come from the party that best heeds the lessons of Election 2020.

3 Fishy Things In Pennsylvania Voter Data The State Has Yet To Explain

The Pennsylvania Department of State did not respond to The Federalist's multiple requests for comment, leaving important questions left unanswered, including these.

Like My Friend Franz Kafka, I’ve Got The Best COVID Rules For Joe Biden

Restaurants must close at 10 p.m., except on Wednesdays, when they must close at 9 p.m., and Sundays, when they must close at 3 p.m. but cannot open until 4 p.m.

Jon Ossoff Calls Out Perdue For Refusing To Debate Him Before The Runoff

Sen. David Perdue is refusing to debate Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff before a runoff election that will help determine control of the Senate.

Trump Tells GSA Administrator Great Job As She Blocks Biden Transition

Trump sent a not so subtle message to GSA Administrator Emily Murphy by telling her that she is doing a great job as she blocks the Biden transition.

Trump’s Allies Are Trying To Buy Him A Cable News Network

Trump's allies are trying to put together enough money so that they can buy the soon to be former president a cable news network.

Judge Throws Out GOP Michigan Voter Fraud Lawsuit

A judge in Michigan has thrown out a lawsuit trying to block the certification of election results over a lack of evidence.

Black Lives Matter And Antifa Assault Trump Supporters After DC March

Riot-equipped Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups assaulted and harassed Trump supporters in public, including elderly people, racial minorities, and children.

Massive Turnout For ‘Million MAGA March’ In Washington, DC Saturday

Tens of thousands took to the streets for the 'Million MAGA March' surrounding the Supreme Court in Washington D.C. Saturday to support President Trump and demand that election fraud be investigated.

John Bolton Tells Republicans To Tell Their Supporters That Trump Lost A Free And Fair Election

John Bolton told Republican Party leadership to tell their supporters that Donald Trump lost and there was no fraud.

Small-Town Trump Rally One Of Many Unreported By Corporate Media

We are here to 'support the president who has been working pretty darn hard for us in the last four years,' said one woman. 'And we believe in him. And you know, we the people deserve a fair election and we feel like it's stolen from us.'

Refusing To Apply The Law To Violent Leftists Is Normalizing Political Violence

The sickness of political violence is growing in our society, and we do not seem to have the will to stop it.

Ivanka Trump Throws A Fit And Falsely Claims The Media Doesn’t Cover Violence Against Conservatives

Ivanka Trump showed that she is just like her father as she threw a tantrum and claimed the media doesn't cover violence against conservatives.

Rudy Giuliani Melts Down On Fox And Admits He Has No Election Fraud Evidence

Rudy Giuliani admitted on Fox News that his election fraud evidence is a hunch that Philadelphia cheated in the election.

Trump Conceded To Biden Then Delusionally Retracted His Concession

Trump conceded that he lost to Joe Biden then took back the concession and falsely claimed that the election was rigged.

Democrats Hold Big, Fancy Dinners While Telling America To Cancel Thanksgiving

While leftists and bureaucrats are hard at work canceling Thanksgiving, congressional Democrats are holding fancy dinners of their own. Their hypocrisy on COVID rules is immense.

The Media’s Reflex To Blame Trump For Its Own Failures Has Strengthened

The public doesn't need Donald Trump to tell them they should distrust institutions.

Opinion: Trump Gives Putin A Cherished Parting Gift With Election Loss

Loser Donald Trump has rewarded Russian president Vladimir Putin with nearly everything he demanded over the past four years, and now that he is an official loser, Trump is giving Putin the gift he’s lusted after for decades. It is no revelation that Vladimir Putin detests everything about the West, with a particularly vehement animus … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump Gives Putin A Cherished Parting Gift With Election Loss"

Opinion: If We Ignore Trump, Might He Not Just Go Away?

In the early evening of last November 5, two days after the election when mail-in votes were in the process of being counted and the tide seemed to be turning in Joe Biden’s favor, Donald Trump took to the airwaves to throw a tantrum, baselessly wah-wah-ing about election fraud like an infant upset simply because … Continue reading "Opinion: If We Ignore Trump, Might He Not Just Go Away?"

N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Denies Science Again: “None Of What He Said Is True”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently denied Trump’s comments about the newly developed COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer — claimed to be 90 percent effective — once Read More

Trump Stayed In His Bedroom And Pouted Instead Of Greeting House Republicans

Newly elected House Republicans were taken to the White House, but Trump didn't come down from the residence and greet them.

‘Hostile’ Trump Supporters Chase And Shout Down Reporter At MAGA March In D.C.

Maskless Trump supporters were seen heckling and chase a reporter at Saturday's MAGA march in Washington D.C.

Republican Civil War Explodes As Trump Supporters Chant Fox News Sucks While Marching To SCOTUS

Trump supporters marched to the Supreme Court and chanted Fox News sucks as the way less than a Million MAGA March gets ugly.

Trump Drives Motorcade Through Maskless MAGA March In D.C. To Soothe His Battered Ego

The MAGA march in D.C. shows that Trump and his mostly maskless supporters aren't even close to accepting the results of the election.

Kaleigh McEnany Falsely Claims A Million People Are Marching For Trump

A crowd that is estimated to be in the thousands was inflated to a million by White House Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany.

Trump’s Million MAGA March Draws An Estimated Thousands Not Millions

The wave of Trump supporters, white supremacists, and extremists that were supposed to be marching to support Trump looks like thousands not millions.

Trump Laughably Accuses Stacey Abrams And Georgia’s GOP Governor Of Conspiring Against Him

Donald Trump's new conspiracy theory about the presidential election could be his most desperate (and hilarious) yet.

Chelsea Clinton Blasts Entire Trump Family Over Their Treatment of Secret Service Agents

There is clearly bad blood between the family’s of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t always that way, though. Bill and Hillary Clinton famously attended the wedding between Trump and Melania Knaus. And growing up as teenagers in the spotlight, Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump had formed a friendship. The friendship, however, did not … Continue reading "Chelsea Clinton Blasts Entire Trump Family Over Their Treatment of Secret Service Agents"

Failed One Term President (Trump) Resurfaces But Runs Away From Reporters’ Questions

Trump finally showed his face in public after losing the election, but he ran off and took no questions from reporters.

Left-Wing Activist Group Launches Strategic Harassment Campaign Targeting Trump Election Lawyers

The activist group Shutdown DC is assigning people on its email list to harass lawyers working on behalf of the Trump campaign.

Operation Warp Speed Success As 20 Million Covid Vaccine Doses Expected In December

"I think it's a remarkable achievement within a period of six to seven months," said Dr. Moncef Slaaoui.

Obama Condemns Republicans Who Are Echoing Trump’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims

Former President Barack Obama condemned the actions of Republicans who have echoed President Donald Trump’s false (and debunked) claims that election fraud helped President-elect Joe Biden win the general election last week. Obama made the comments in an interview with “60 Minutes” that will air in full over the weekend. “There’s damage to this,” Obama … Continue reading "Obama Condemns Republicans Who Are Echoing Trump’s Bogus Election Fraud Claims"

Trump’s TikTok Ban Delayed ‘Pending Further Legal Developments’

The Commerce Department will not be taking action against Chinese social media platform TikTok anytime soon after a preliminary injunction ordered the department to cease its actions.

John Bolton: Republicans Must “Acknowledge the Reality” That Biden is “President-Elect”

In an interview with NPR that aired today, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton urged Republicans to “acknowledge the reality” that President Donald Trump lost the general election and that Joe Biden is the president-elect. Bolton said that “the country deserves to give” Biden “the preparation he needs” despite Republican opposition. He … Continue reading "John Bolton: Republicans Must “Acknowledge the Reality” That Biden is “President-Elect”"

LA Times Blames Seven COVID Deaths On Small Maine Wedding That Victims Did Not Attend

An official CDC report about the spread stated that none of the people who attended the reception and tested positive were even hospitalized.

Target Swiftly Bans Book On Behalf Of Anonymous Twitter User Crying ‘Transphobia’

Target immediately removed Abigail Shrier's book from their assortment after Twitter users complained the book doesn't comply with far-left transgender ideology.

Fox News Continues to Give Air Time to the Dominion Election Conspiracy Theory That Have Alrra

Jonathan Turley, a professor of constitutional law at the George Washington University and legal analyst, appeared on “Fox and Friends” this morning and appeared to lend credence to a conspiracy theory about voting systems that has already been debunked. “In Michigan, you had thousands of vote that went to [President-elect Joe] Biden that belonged to … Continue reading "Fox News Continues to Give Air Time to the Dominion Election Conspiracy Theory That Have Alrra"

Why President Trump Has A Strong Supreme Court Case To Contest Pennsylvania

As widespread claims of voter fraud begin to have their day in court, a closer look at the Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania reveals that numerous claims of voter fraud aren’t really the core claims of the case.

Partisans Cheating By Ignoring Election Law Is A Problem As Big As Vote Fraud

Fraud and violations of the election code are two distinct problems, yet there has been little analysis of the latter, which might be more significant.

No, Chris Hayes, Trump Isn’t Responsible For COVID-19 ‘Slaughter’

Democrats are bitterly clinging to a myth that if only someone else had been president, the pandemic would have passed over the United States as if by some divine mark of virtue.

Animated Libertarian Series ‘Tuttle Twins’ Secures $1 Million In Crowdfunding

With its million-dollar haul, ‘Tuttle Twins’ ranks as the top crowdfunded children’s entertainment project ever.

5 Historical Trends That Show It’s Utterly Shocking If Trump Lost In 2020

Considering these five facts about the election, it's no wonder Biden failed to achieve a landslide victory — and one might say it's curious that he'd achieve victory at all.

Philadelphia Foster Care Case Challenges Justice Scalia’s Most Controversial Opinion

Fulton is part of a broader effort to hold the government to a higher standard whenever it limits our freedom—from our ability to speak, work, exercise religion, or simply live as we choose.

Win Or Lose, Trump’s Voter Fraud Lawsuits Will Improve Future Elections

Preventing, deterring, and prosecuting election fraud is essential to protecting the integrity of our voting process. Trump's lawsuits will help.

Why Democrats Are Going To Blow A Biden Presidency Big-Time

Democrats live in their Washington bubble, and they don't know how to get out. In 2020, it cost them politically.

D.C. Mayor Tightens Lockdown, Then Ignores It Because ‘All’ Her Activities Are ‘Essential’

Through her chief of staff, Mayor Muriel Bowser claimed her trip to a political rally constituted ‘essential travel,’ which therefore exempted her and her staff from her own quarantine order.

Why Schools Will Never Bring The Rotten Students Back From Online ‘Learning’

Ironically, even though it is an inferior choice in itself, virtual learning might positively affect public schooling.

Mark Cuban And John Legend Duel Over Whether To Buy Votes Or Food For The Hungry

'The bottom line is that the Senate flipping would be far more impactful than a food bank donation,' singer John Legend posted.

New GOP Lawsuit Seeks To Throw Out Votes From Democratic Counties In Wisconsin

The lawsuit is just the latest brought forward by Republicans that will almost certainly get laughed out of court.

As Trump Hides In The White House, Tucker Carlson Attacks Biden For Not Being In Public Enough

With his laughable attack on Joe Biden Thursday night, Tucker Carlson reminded the country just how unserious a person he is.

Obama Calls Trump A Sore Loser And Rips The GOP For Humoring His Voter Fraud Lies

Obama ripped Republicans for humoring Donald Trump's lies about voter fraud after he lost the election decisively to Joe Biden.

‘There Is No Evidence’: Trump’s Own DHS Just Called BS On His Voter Fraud Claims

Trump has ramped up his efforts to cast doubt on last week's election results, but his own Department of Homeland Security is calling BS.

WATCH: Lou Dobbs Said Dr. Fauci Did a “Jihad on the Trump Presidency”

Donald Trump’s performance during the COVID-19 pandemic has been an utter failure. It has been so pathetic, in fact, that the president himself contracted the virus and needed an experimental cocktail of drugs to get better. The supporters of the president, both in government and in cable news, will do anything to absolve Trump of … Continue reading "WATCH: Lou Dobbs Said Dr. Fauci Did a “Jihad on the Trump Presidency”"

Trump’s Election Lawsuits Are Really About Setting Himself Up For A 2024 Run

Trump is openly talking about running for president again in 2024, and his lawsuits about making Biden’s victory look illegitimate. The Washington Examiner reported: Meanwhile, speculation about a 2024 run has become something that the president now talks about openly with visitors to the Oval Office, said a source close to the White House. …. … Continue reading "Trump’s Election Lawsuits Are Really About Setting Himself Up For A 2024 Run"

Trump Supporters Plan To March On Washington In Protest Of Election Fraud

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said that the city is gearing up for the series of anticipated protests this weekend.

Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Snafu Is Ripe For The U.S. Supreme Court To Intervene

The Supreme Court will likely weigh in on Pennsylvania’s handling of mail-in ballots, and notwithstanding the pundits' claims to the contrary, serious constitutional issues are at stake.

Pfizer Told Biden About The Vaccine Before HHS Secretary Azar

Former Vice President Joe Biden was informed of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine before the nation's incumbent chief health care administrator.

Trump Lashes Out at Fox, Says Its “Daytime Ratings Have Completely Collapsed”

President Donald Trump lashed out at Fox News earlier this morning, saying its “daytime ratings have completely collapsed” since they called the election for President-elect Joe Biden. “Weekend daytime even WORSE,” the president continued. “Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what them successful, what got them there.” “They forgot the Golden Goose,” … Continue reading "Trump Lashes Out at Fox, Says Its “Daytime Ratings Have Completely Collapsed”"

Dr. Fauci Warns A Vaccine Might Not Be Enough to Eradicate the Coronavirus Entirely

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading coronavirus expert, says a vaccine is on the way––but it might not be enough to eradicate the coronavirus entirely. He advised authorities to continue to “double down on public health measures” even after a vaccine becomes available. “I think the opposite… I really do,” Fauci said during a webinar … Continue reading "Dr. Fauci Warns A Vaccine Might Not Be Enough to Eradicate the Coronavirus Entirely"

Kayleigh McEnany Says It’s “Constitutionally Accurate” for GOP Legislatures to Appoint Trump Electors

Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany claimed that it would be “constitutionally accurate” for Republican legislatures to appoint electors who would certify the results of the 2020 general election for President Donald Trump despite his loss to President-elect Joe Biden. “It’s hard for the average person to keep track of … Continue reading "Kayleigh McEnany Says It’s “Constitutionally Accurate” for GOP Legislatures to Appoint Trump Electors"

Trump Spends His Morning Pushing False Election Fraud Narrative

President Donald Trump spent his morning continuing to push a false election fraud narrative, insisting that he still has time to “win” certain states despite electoral math not being in his favor. It’s been several days since the election was called for President-elect Joe Biden. Shortly after The Associated Press announced that the president had … Continue reading "Trump Spends His Morning Pushing False Election Fraud Narrative"

Lawsuit Claims 40,000-Plus Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Joe Biden

Eyewitnesses testify they saw approximately 40,000 irregular ballots arrive in vehicles with out-of-state plates during an early-morning poll worker shift change Nov. 4. That's not even the half of it.

A Look At The Money And Men Working To Take Georgia — And The Country — Left

Since these races, the major contests in the changing state have routinely become marquee-topping, left-wing, Hollywood and New York-funded events.

Under A Biden Administration, Expect An Explosion In Illegal Immigration

The Biden team is planning to dismantle and reverse Trump’s entire immigration agenda, which means we should brace for a wave of illegal immigration.

Yes, The 2020 Polling Was Terrible, And There’s No Excuse

Pollsters know polling is susceptible to problems, such as non-responsive Trump voters, yet even after 'fixing' the polls, their results were still way off.

For Portland Black Lives Matter Rioters, Biden Isn’t Enough. They Want ‘Death To America’

Despite some Democrats' high hopes that unity could be achieved once the bad orange man left office, it is clear that the mob is insatiable.

5 Questions Disney Plus Needs To Answer On Its One-Year Anniversary

In a year devoid of blockbuster movies in theaters, Disney has sought to rival Netflix as the leader in on-demand streaming, but questions remain about its approach.

To Democrats, ‘Unity’ Means Doing Everything They Want And Shutting Up About It

The worst thing for our country isn't a Joe Biden presidency. It's giving the leftist toddlers what they want.

Biden’s Pick For Chief Of Staff Agrees That Elections Are Rigged

In 2014, Ronald Klain publicly replied in agreement with a tweet by Vox advertising an article headlined '68% of Americans think elections are rigged.' 'That's because they are,' he responded.

Here Are The Easter Eggs In ‘The Mandalorian’ Chapters Nine And Ten

The first two episodes of the second season of 'The Mandalorian' contain a multitude of Easter eggs to be found by savvy 'Star Wars' fans.

The ‘Shy Trump Voter’ Is A Suburban Woman

According to a post-election survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, the biggest ‘shy Trump’ constituency of 2020 was a white, college-educated woman.

Tucker Carlson: Dishonest Corporate Media Leaves It Up To The Federalist To Do Journalism

Carlson highlighted the work of conservative news organizations doing the work legacy media would no doubt perform if it were former Vice President Joe Biden losing in several battleground states.

It’s Past Time To Free Britney From The Tragedy Of Her Conservatorship

That Britney won't be performing any shows soon is a sad statement. The circumstances of the halt to her career are even sadder.

Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Want to Take Over the RNC, But Donald Trump is Backing Ronna McDaniel

There is nothing more important to Donald Trump than loyalty. This is clearly the case with Rudy Giuliani. Despite his constant bumbling, the president has held him close and keeps allowing him to be a public figure for his administration. Ronna McDaniel proved her loyalty to Trump early on. The niece of Trump foe Mitt … Continue reading "Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Want to Take Over the RNC, But Donald Trump is Backing Ronna McDaniel"

A Biden Presidency Could Help Conservatives Win The Culture War

From Title IX to critical race theory, Inez Stepman weighs in on how the culture war will evolve under a Biden-Harris administration.

Barr Is Blocking A Criminal Public Corruption Investigation Into Trump

William Barr stepped in and blocked Justice Department lawyers from investigating acts of potentially criminal public corruption by Trump.

Here’s Who Should Win At The 2020 CMA Awards

Need something to keep your mind off the post-election fiasco? The Country Music Awards might be just the thing you need to decompress and relax tonight at Read More

5 Takeaways From Senate Probe Of Andrew McCabe On The FBI’s Faulty Russia Investigation

Andrew McCabe admitted 'unacceptable' errors were made throughout the FBI's investigation, yet he insisted that as second-in-command, he was wrongly fired.

Trump Refuses To Grant Biden Access To Classified Presidential Daily Briefing

Trump doesn't read it, but out of pettiness, he is refusing to give Joe Biden access to the classified Presidential Daily Briefing.

Republican Incumbent Wins Alaska Senate Race, Clenching 50 Senate Seats For GOP

Republican incumbent Sen. Dan Sullivan won re-election for his Alaska U.S. Senate seat Wednesday. The GOP needs one more win to hold a 51-seat majority.

Judge Blocks Trump’s Use Of “Secret” Election Fraud Evidence In Arizona

Trump's lawyers tried to admit evidence of election fraud in Arizona, but they wanted it to be a secret, so the judge denied it.

Labour Party Calls on U.K. Government to Condemn Donald Trump’s Refusal to Concede

The United Kingdom’s Labour Party leadership has called on Downing Street to condemn President Donald Trump’s refusal to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden, a further indication of the international community’s support for the election result. “Donald Trump’s actions are wrong and the British government should say so,” a spokesman for Keir Starmer, the … Continue reading "Labour Party Calls on U.K. Government to Condemn Donald Trump’s Refusal to Concede"

Trump Accuses ABC and Washington Post of Creating a “Possibly Illegal Suppression Poll.” There is No Such Thing.

President Donald Trump accused ABC News and The Washington Post of creating a “possibly illegal suppression Poll” that he claims affected voter turnout in the state of Wisconsin, which went to Joe Biden in last week’s election. Biden won the state with 49.6 percent of the vote. Trump claimed the poll showed him “down 17 points … Continue reading "Trump Accuses ABC and Washington Post of Creating a “Possibly Illegal Suppression Poll.” There is No Such Thing."

A Corporate-Friendly Biden Administration Would Be Great For Leftists

Joe Biden is and will continue to be a symbol of everything Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the ascendent squad detest about politics.

Democrats Know Mail-In Voting Means Mass Fraud, And Pushed It Anyway

How Democrats continue to purposefully destroy public trust in fair, free elections, and the Union itself.

Republicans Learned From Trump’s Rise. Democrats Doubled Down

Guys in a fraternity at Arizona State know how to spend four years more productively than the Democrats do.

Calls For ‘Unity’ From Those Who Demonize Opponents As White Supremacists Are Deeply Unserious

If Joe Biden were serious about unifying the country, he would condemn the voices in his own party demanding to punish their political opponents.

Why Twitter Won’t Let People Share Sworn Court Documents Alleging Voter Fraud

Social media does not get to determine the veracity of a sworn affidavit any more than corporate media gets to determine who won an election.

House Bill Aims To Ban Child Sex Dolls That Can Promote Pedophilia

Childlike dolls emerged on the sex doll scene undoubtedly because manufacturers saw a market for it. Some of the dolls look as young as five years old.

Why I’m Disappointed In Americans This Veterans Day

In 2020, it isn't Russia, al-Qaida, or ISIS threatening our freedom. It's the rise of extremism from leftist leadership within our own country.

North Carolina’s Mark Robinson Is The Black Culture Warrior The GOP Needs

North Carolina's newly elected lieutenant governor is going to be a political force to be reckoned with. Here's his exclusive interview with The Federalist.

Democrats Openly Urge People To Commit Voter Fraud By Temporarily ‘Moving’ To Georgia

'Everyone who campaigned for Joe should get ready to head to Georgia. I’ll go,' said Andrew Yang. 'It’s the only way to sideline Mitch and give Joe a unified government.'

Why Meredith Vieira Should Become The New Host of ‘Jeopardy!’

Vieira’s resume gives her the serious chops to host a scholarly quiz show while keeping 'Jeopardy!' far away from political food fights — the perfect combination.

How Veterans Like Me Want Americans To Celebrate Veterans Day

If you truly seek a way to honor those who quietly carry scarred souls and heavy-laden minds for America, simply live a good life, a life of love in service of your neighbor.

Election Officials In Dozens Of States Step Forward To Debunk Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims

Election officials in a number of states across the country have found no evidence to back up Trump's desperate claims.

Trump Would Still Lose Pennsylvania Even If All Late-Arriving Ballots Were Tossed Out

Just 10,000 mail-in ballots were received in Pennsylvania between Nov. 3 and Nov. 6. Biden leads by more than 45,000 votes.

Trump Is No Longer Participating In Work-Related Tasks As He Tries To Overturn Election Loss

Now that Trump lost the election, he has shifted all of his energy to pushing false claims of voter fraud and ballot tampering.

Michael Cohen Says Either Trump Or His Kids Will Go To Jail Once They Leave The White House

Efforts by Donald Trump to overturn the results of the election are about more than soothing his battered ego.

Despite the Math, GOP Election Losers Martha McSally and John James Refuse to Concede Their Races

Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election by more than 4 million votes. To hear him speak, however, you would think the results are still up in the air. Trump, of course, has refused to concede to Joe Biden. Some Democratic senate hopefuls like Sara Gideon and Cal Cunningham lost their election bids. Cunningham recently … Continue reading "Despite the Math, GOP Election Losers Martha McSally and John James Refuse to Concede Their Races"

Trump’s Pennsylvania Election Fraud Witness Admits He Lied

A postal worker in Erie PA recanted his claim that he saw ballot tampering and fraud at his job in Pennsylvania.

Republican Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS To Rule On Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots

"We have to ensure that every legal vote cast is counted in that every illegal vote cast is not counted."

Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell Re-Elected As Senate Leaders

Senate Democrats have re-elected Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to be the Senate’s Democratic leader. Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) have also ascended to leadership roles. Schumer has urged his Republican colleagues to break from President Donald Trump’s claims that the election is fraudulent. Republican leaders in Congress should also do the … Continue reading "Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell Re-Elected As Senate Leaders"

Ted Cruz Falsely Implies That Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Announcement Was Dependent on Biden’s Win

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared to imply that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine announcement was planned in time for Joe Biden to win the 2020 presidential election. Cruz provided no evidence for his claim, merely using his Twitter presence to highlight a similar tweet from Steve Guest, the GOP’s Rapid Response Director. “Miraculous. COVID cured, the very … Continue reading "Ted Cruz Falsely Implies That Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Announcement Was Dependent on Biden’s Win"

“WE WILL WIN!”: Trump’s Denial is More Evident Than Ever As He Continues To Cast Doubt on Election He Lost

President Donald Trump continued to cast doubt on an election he lost even while the Biden-Harris transition team works to prepare for a peaceful transfer of power come January 20. “WE ARE MAKING BIG PROGRESS. RESULTS START TO COME IN NEXT WEEK. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” he wrote on Twitter earlier this morning. WE ARE … Continue reading "“WE WILL WIN!”: Trump’s Denial is More Evident Than Ever As He Continues To Cast Doubt on Election He Lost"

I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down

At issue was President Trump’s request for an order changing the way Pennsylvania absentee and mail-in ballots are being reviewed at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Democrats Turn On Minority Voters For Discovering Trump Isn’t The Real Racist

As long as leftists continue to weaponize identity politics and dress us down as if we are mindless cattle, their candidates will continue to lose support from minorities.

Totalitarian Left Promises Purges And Punishment For All Trump Voters

By trying to name and shame Trump supporters, the ‘Trump Accountability Project’ betrays a preference for Soviet-style retribution over a commitment to basic decency.

Christians Aren’t In Existential Despair If Biden Won, Because Government Isn’t Our God

It is because we hope in an eternal savior that we joyfully continue our daily lives. We don't need a week off of classes or work to mourn an election. Our daily joys have suffered no loss of meaning.

Despite State GOP Claims To The Contrary, Georgia Is Ripe For Election Fraud

The presidential election might come down to Georgia, where years of subtle changes have been chipping away at election security in the state.

Who Calls The Presidential Election? It’s Not The Media, It’s The Constitution

The next president of the United States will be officially determined, according to our careful and deliberative constitutional routine, on December 14, 2020.

‘Civil Resistance’ Group Enlists GOP, Corporate Leaders To Defend Biden Victory Claim

The resistance leader called on supporters to thank and amplify Republican voices who had ‘publicly acknowledged the victory and encouraged people to move on.’

12 Ways For Trump To Bomb The Battlefield While Biden Claims The Presidency

President Trump needs a skunkworks team coming up with as many political land mines as possible to embed in the landscape against Democrats if Republicans are forced to retreat from the White House in January.

Sen. Joe Manchin Promises To Vote Against Court Packing, Eliminating Filibuster

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin rejected the idea Senate Democrats would pack the court Monday should they take the upper chamber.

If Democrats Don’t Win Georgia’s Senate Seats, The Hardest Hit Will Be Their Socialist Squad

If the GOP holds on to the Senate, Democrats’ far-left base will be denied the presidency, a legislative agenda, and their chance to transform America — and they know it.

U.S. Attorney General Authorizes DOJ Probe Into ‘Substantial Allegations’ Of Voting Irregularities

U.S. Attorney General William Barr authorized the Department of Justice to probe 'substantial allegations' of voting irregularities.

Christian Leaders Call On U.S. To Stop Assisting Turkish Aggression Against Armenia

Christian leaders under the Philos Project are calling on the federal government to stop aiding Turkish aggression against Eastern European nations.

The Man Leading Trump’s Election Lawsuits Catches COVID After Latest WH Superspreader Event

David Bossie, the man in charge of Donald Trump's frivolous election lawsuits, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Trump Accuses Pfizer, The FDA and Polling Firms Of Engaging In Election Interference

Donald Trump – the outgoing president – accused Pfizer, the FDA and multiple pollsters of engaging in election interference.

Biden Will Do More For Health Care In The Next 24 Hours Than Trump Has Done In Four Years

Joe Biden has been more active developing policy over the past 48 hours than Donald Trump has been in four years.

Opinion: The People Surrounding Donald Trump Are Just As Broken As He Is

There isn't anyone left in the White House or the Republican Party – aside from a few senators – who hasn't sold their soul to Trump.

Believe it or Not, Susan Collins is Concerned About Trump’s Refusal to Accept Election Results

A lot of Republicans are coming off a very rough week. To the surprise of many, however, Susan Collins is not one of them. Despite being considered one of the most vulnerable incumbent senators, Collins handily won her race against Sara Gideon. And when the Maine senator was asked about her take on Donald Trump’s … Continue reading "Believe it or Not, Susan Collins is Concerned About Trump’s Refusal to Accept Election Results"

Barr Authorizes DOJ To Probe “Voting Irregularities” In Bid To Steal Election

William Barr has authorized the Department of Justice to probe what he considers "substantial" voting irregularities.

CNN, Media Lavish Praise On Fox News’s Neil Cavuto For Cutting Off White House Press Secretary

"Unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue showing you this."

Media Lies About Pfizer Partnership With Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed

Reports that Pfizer's new vaccine was not a part of Operation Warp Speed as simply a lie.

Trump Faces Criminal Investigation And Lawsuits As Soon As He Leaves Office

Trump will be facing at least one criminal investigation and multiple lawsuits after he no longer has the presidency to shield him. Video: Now that Trump has lost he is staring down the barrel at multiple lawsuits, a criminal investigation, and potentially $100 million in IRS fines. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) November 9, … Continue reading "Trump Faces Criminal Investigation And Lawsuits As Soon As He Leaves Office"

Georgia Legislature Should Convene And Ban Mail-In Voting For Runoff Elections

Georgia Republican officials should ban the use of mail-in ballots in the runoff election through a special convention in their state legislature.

Joe Biden Shows His Greatness With Moving Argument For Mask Wearing

President-elect Joe Biden delivered a great argument for mask-wearing that was exactly what America has been missing under Donald Trump.

Fox Contributor Annoyed That Biden “Did Not Honor” Trump

Fox contributor Jason Chaffetz expressed annoyance that President-elect Joe Biden “did not honor” President Donald Trump in his victory speech two nights ago. “There was no big blue wave. That didn’t happen. I do think the president has some legal avenues to pursue. Let’s remember that counties administer this election, states certify those elections, not … Continue reading "Fox Contributor Annoyed That Biden “Did Not Honor” Trump"

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Vows To Block COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution, Says It’s Bad That Vaccine Came During Trump Admin

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo vowed to work with other governors to stop the distribution of a COVID vaccine "before it does damage."

Georgia Republican Lt. Governor Shoots Down Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims

Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) of Georgia was asked three times if he has seen evidence of voter fraud, and he answered no.

Pfizer Confirms It Did Not Work with the Trump Administration to Develop Coronavirus Vaccine

Pfizer confirmed it did not work with the Trump administration to develop its coronavirus vaccine, which the company announced is 90 percent effective. That did not stop Vice President Mike Pence from taking credit for the news, saying that the vaccine was the result of “the public-private partnership forged by” President Donald Trump as part … Continue reading "Pfizer Confirms It Did Not Work with the Trump Administration to Develop Coronavirus Vaccine"

Trump Appears to Take Credit for Stock Market Gains and Vaccine News After Losing His Bid for Re-Election

President Donald Trump appeared to take credit for recent stock market gains and the news that Pfizer’s early vaccine is more than 90 percent effective. “STOCK MARKET UP BIG, VACCINE COMING SOON. REPORT 90% EFFECTIVE. SUCH GREAT NEWS!” the president wrote. STOCK MARKET UP BIG, VACCINE COMING SOON. REPORT 90% EFFECTIVE. SUCH GREAT NEWS! — … Continue reading "Trump Appears to Take Credit for Stock Market Gains and Vaccine News After Losing His Bid for Re-Election"

Opinion: Why The Election Results Should Terrify Decent Americans

Although at the time of this writing there is no for-sure, definitive justification for celebrating the result of the election, there is no better time to state emphatically that if former Vice-President Joseph Biden is declared the official victor, America’s social woes will not disappear. Simply put: the nation’s nightmare will not end when, and if, … Continue reading "Opinion: Why The Election Results Should Terrify Decent Americans"