
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2020

Oops, He Did It Again: Trump Reportedly Leaves Supporters Stranded In PA Cold After Rally

It is being reported that Trump turned thousands of his supporters out into the cold Pennsylvania night with no shuttles after his rally.

Trump Endorses Domestic Terrorism After Texas Supporters Try To Run Biden Bus Off The Road

Trump glorified and endorsed his supporters terrorizing political opponents as he praised his Texas supporters for trying to run a Biden campaign bus off of the road.

Trump Threatens To Jail Obama And Biden For Treason If He Wins

Trump responded to a chant of lock them up, by suggesting that he will lock up Obama and Biden for treason if he wins.

Donald Trump Jr. Loses It And Looks Ready To Cry On Fox News

Donald Trump Jr. got emotional and looked to be on the verge of crying as he talked about the failed Hunter Biden scandal and his dad's impeachment.

Opinion: Trump’s Lies about Health Care Workers Profiting Off Of COVID Deaths Exemplify His Assault On Workers

While reports from Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Moody’s all link a Biden presidency to a healthier economy and more powerful recovery, Donald Trump continues to peddle lies that the economy will collapse under Biden, stoking fears that people’s 401Ks will evaporate.  He persists in these lies despite inheriting an economic recovery from Biden … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump’s Lies about Health Care Workers Profiting Off Of COVID Deaths Exemplify His Assault On Workers"

Los Angeles County Continues Its War On California Megachurch Over The Wuhan Virus

LA County is threatening to keep sending health investigators to Grace Community Church during Sunday services following just two positive COVID-19 cases.

Trump Pressures The Supreme Court To Steal Pennsylvania For Him

Trump pre-thanked the Supreme Court for throwing out Biden votes and handing him a victory in Pennsylvania shortly after election day.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Announces Month-Long Lockdown

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced England would undergo a second nationwide lockdown through the start of December.

Watch These Nontraditional Horror Movies For A Spooky Halloween

There are a plethora of traditional monster, slasher, and gore films, but what about options for those less interested in traditional genre offerings? 

Opinion: Trump And Republicans Are Intent On Decimating America’s Democracy

At the rate Republicans, led by Trump, are attempting to stop voting, it is glaringly apparent they hate democracy nearly as much as they detest the U.S. Constitution. When Donald Trump refused to say if he would allow a peaceful transfer of power if he does not win re-election, it should have sent a shockwave … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump And Republicans Are Intent On Decimating America’s Democracy"

Madame Tussauds in Berlin dumps Trump before U.S. election

The waxwork museum Madame Tussauds in Berlin loaded its effigy of TV star-turned Republican president Donald Trump into a dumpster on Friday, a move apparently intended to reflect its expectations of next Tuesday's presidential election.

Joe Biden Has 7 Paths To Victory, And Trump Has Just 1

Joe Biden can win the White House with seven different combinations of states that he is leading or tied in. Trump only has one path to victory.

Kamala Harris Rips Apart Trump’s Desperate Attempt To Paint Biden As An Anti-American Socialist

Donald Trump's campaign strategy in Florida is built on painting former Vice President Joe Biden as an anti-American socialist.

GOP Officials Freak Out As Their Internal Polling Shows Biden Winning In Red States

In Georgia and Arizona, GOP officials are sounding the alarm as their internal polls show Biden ahead in the traditionally red states.

GOP Strategist Predicts Trump And Republicans Are Headed For A Crushing Defeat

Republican strategist Stuart Stevens said on Saturday that Trump and the Republican Party are just days away from being crushed at the polls.

Trump Whines About The New York Times As U.S. Hits 100K Coronavirus Cases In A Single Day

If you're looking for a sign that Donald Trump is losing his campaign for reelection, look no further than his Twitter account.

5 Big Questions Over SpaceX Declaring Martian Independence

SpaceX just took the first step towards declaring independence for its future Martian colonies. Here's what you need to know.

Here’s Why Judge Sullivan Must Disqualify Himself From Michael Flynn’s Case

Sullivan’s apparent animus toward Flynn's attorney and his fixation on Flynn being punished demonstrate bias in this case — sufficient to require his disqualification.

Sen. Joni Ernst Is Kicking The Creeps Where It Counts — Their Paycheck

Ernst, herself a survivor of sexual assault, is proposing a bill to terminate any federal employee who has been criminally convicted of sexual assault.

Trump’s Rallies Are Backfiring And Making Joe Biden More Popular

Trump's multiple rallies a day aren't his standing in the election, but they are keeping Joe Biden very popular.

Pathetic Trump Cuts Off Minnesota Rally After Being Denied A Big Crowd

The electoral map for Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign looks arduous. With a number of states turning increasingly blue, Trump needs to thread a very difficult needle to get to 270 electoral votes. Knowing just how bad the math is for him, the president is doing multiple campaign events each day. Tonight, he is in … Continue reading "Pathetic Trump Cuts Off Minnesota Rally After Being Denied A Big Crowd"

Homeland Security Secretary Blasts Twitter Over Censorship Of U.S. Border Chief

Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf slammed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over censorship of the U.S. border chief as a threat to national security.

Trump Campaign Accuses Minnesota of “Free Speech-Stifling” After Officials Order Planned Rally to Be Capped at 250 People

The Trump campaign accused Minnesota officials of stifling free speech after the state ordered that they cap attendance at 250 people amid concern that a larger event would spread the coronavirus. “The announcement comes as Trump’s campaign sought to shift the venue to a nearby business but ultimately reversed course and moved ahead with the … Continue reading "Trump Campaign Accuses Minnesota of “Free Speech-Stifling” After Officials Order Planned Rally to Be Capped at 250 People"

‘Mandalorian’ Season Two Premiere Delivers That Star Wars Hit You Crave

Season two finds our Mandalorian friend and the adorable and now ubiquitous Christmas gift, Baby Yoda, on the search for more Mandalorians.

Trump Claims Therapeutics Are “Working” Even as U.S. Continues to Break Coronavirus Case Records

President Donald Trump claimed that therapeutics are “working” and lowering coronavirus fatality rates despite another surge in coronavirus infections across the United States. “More Testing equals more Cases. We have best testing. Deaths WAY DOWN. Hospitals have great additional capacity! Doing much better than Europe,” he claimed. More Testing equals more Cases. We have best … Continue reading "Trump Claims Therapeutics Are “Working” Even as U.S. Continues to Break Coronavirus Case Records"

Theologian John Piper’s Case Against Trump Is Intellectually And Morally Bankrupt

Piper's argument boils down to this: It’s crazy for Christians to think Trump's sins are less serious than Biden's policies. Here's why he's wrong.

Joe Biden’s Greatest Legacy On China Is Selling It American Industry

As Barack Obama’s 'point man' on China, Joe Biden’s most lasting legacy might be how he presided over the selling out of American industry to a deliberate and patient China.

Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How

Will all this be enough for mass media to win the day? People will find out next week. But the half of the country the media are rigging the game against can't be happy about what they've seen this year.

How Ray Bradbury Became The Master Of Halloween Tales

Ray Bradbury's work contains just the right amount of nostalgia, innocence, and genuine fright to enjoy on All Hallow's Eve.

Michael Anton Convinced Me To Vote For Trump Like America Depends On It

More than any other time in my life, it appears that our hard-won liberties could disappear in the blink of an eye. Americans cannot allow this to happen.

New ‘Deep Fake’ App That Undresses Women More Reason To Restrict Internet Porn

An internal poll found that of the bot’s users, more than 60 percent were aiming to ‘undress’ photos of girls or women they knew from real life.

No Matter Who Wins On Tuesday, There Will Be No ‘Return To Normalcy’

Donald Trump inaugurated a populist era in American politics. Electing Joe Biden won't change that, no matter how much the elites wish it would.

Facebook Purged This Charity’s Page In Censorship Sweep Two Months Ago And Still Hasn’t Allowed It Back

'No one wants to speak out and help us because they fear that their personal pages will be shut down in retaliation,' says the organizer of this charity for sick and disabled children.

Oregon Shuts Down Christian Schools In Name Of COVID While Keeping Public Schools Open

Christian educators can watch one of their students for hours on end, but if they teach a child math during that time, they could be arrested.

Pennsylvania 2020: Inside The Democratic Strongholds That No Longer Recognize Their Party

In many ways, these are these voters who make up the old traditional Democratic base, and many across the country have shifted to more progressive positions. The big question for Biden is: How many?

Watchdog Files Election Complaint Against Company Campaigning For Biden Through Its Email List

Similar to numerous companies this year expressing political beliefs to customers, Expensify CEO David Barrett sent an email to millions of subscribers and customers urging U.S. citizens to vote for Joe Biden.

What I Saw Inside The DC Swamp Proved Trump Needs Four More Years Of Draining

President Trump was quite right to want to drain the swamp—not just DC lobbying and cronyism but also the bloated administrative staffs from agency to agency.

Rod Dreher’s ‘Live Not By Lies’ Warns Of The New Totalitarianism

In his latest book, Dreher warns of the consequences of living in a post-Christian America and urges readers to suffer, if necessary, for the sake of upholding the truth.

Abortion Fanatic Wendy Davis Also Wants To Grab Your Guns

Hard-left Democrat Wendy Davis is about more than leaving the unborn defenseless from murderers. She’s also about leaving innocent adults defenseless from murderers.

Post-Trump White House Takes Shape As Elizabeth Warren Aims To Be Biden’s Treasury Secretary

A post-Donald Trump White House is beginning to take shape as Elizabeth Warren is reportedly vying to be the Secretary of Treasury.

Rachel Maddow Says America Is In A Constant State Of Crisis Under Trump

Under Donald Trump, the American people seem to be living in a constant state of crisis – and it just keeps getting worse by the day.

Pennsylvania AG Tells Trump And The Proud Boys He Won’t Let Them Steal The Election

Shapiro said Trump's efforts to undermine democracy in Pennsylvania are rooted in a fear that, if all the votes are counted, Trump will lose.

Joe Biden Delivers Blistering Case For Why Trump Is Unworthy Of Being Commander In Chief

Trump doesn't just refuse to serve his country. He also refuses to respect those who do put their country first and serve in the military. 

Trump’s Hunter Biden Smears Are Built On A Document From A Fake Intelligence Firm

As coronavirus cases skyrocket to record levels, Donald Trump is pushing conspiracy theories rooted in fake intelligence.

Pennsylvania 2020: Will Trump’s Union Inroads Send Him To The White House One More Time?

Christopher Bedford and David Marcus join The Federalist Radio Hour from the important 2020 swing state of Pennsylvania.

Nancy Pelosi Slams Trump For Telling Women He’s Putting Their Husbands Back To Work

Speaker Pelosi said that Trump is completely detached from reality after he told women that he is putting their husbands back to work.

Wisconsin Republican Party Claims Hackers Stole $2.3 Million from Account Used to Re-Elect Trump

According to The Associated Press, the Wisconsin Republican Party claims hackers stole $2.3 million from an account whose funds were being used in President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. The Republican Party Chairman Andrew Hitt says Republicans noticed suspicious activity and contacted the FBI on October 22. The FBI did not immediately respond to a message … Continue reading "Wisconsin Republican Party Claims Hackers Stole $2.3 Million from Account Used to Re-Elect Trump"

U.S. Economy Roared Back To Life In Q3 With Fastest Growth In History

The drastic GDP growth reflects a return in consumer activities such as shopping and eating out at restaurants or bars as states slowly reopen.

Kayleigh McEnany Denies White House Has “Herd Immunity” Approach to Coronavirus

Appearing on “Fox and Friends,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany denied that the White House has a “herd immunity” approach to the novel coronavirus pandemic as harsh criticism continues to mount over the Trump administration’s response and as states around the country report record highs of daily cases. President Donald Trump’s approach is “therapeutics,” … Continue reading "Kayleigh McEnany Denies White House Has “Herd Immunity” Approach to Coronavirus"

The Economist Endorses Joe Biden

The Economist has endorsed Democrat Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election and is urging Americans to vote for him on November 3. “The country that elected Donald Trump in 2016 was unhappy and divided. The country he is asking to re-elect him is more unhappy and more divided. After almost four years of his … Continue reading "The Economist Endorses Joe Biden"

Final NBC/Marist Poll Shows Biden Leading in Florida Ahead of the Election

An NBC/Marist poll, the final one before the November 3 election, shows Democrat Joe Biden has a slight lead in Florida. Biden is ahead of President Donald Trump by four points, with the support of 51 percent of likely voters. Trump has the support of 47 percent of likely voters. “Importantly, Biden’s lead is within … Continue reading "Final NBC/Marist Poll Shows Biden Leading in Florida Ahead of the Election"

Why Voting For Biden To Stop The Riots Will Ensure They Never Go Away

Giving in to violent demands never makes the threat go away. Instead, it proves that violence works and leads to more of it. A mob is never satisfied.

New York Times’ Miles Taylor Op-Ed Shows Everything Wrong With Anonymous Sources

If The New York Times was willing to lie about its anonymous source for their high-profile information operation, imagine the lies they're willing to tell about all the other anonymous sources they use.

Pregnant Emily Ratajkowski Fears Giving Birth To A White Male Unaware Of His Privilege

In her recent Vogue essay, model Emily Ratajkowski signals her most progressive beliefs, only to find herself wrestling with the pesky reality that is biology.

EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens

Twitter suspended U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post celebrating the success of the southern border wall.

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.

WSJ: Vengeful Russian PR Exec Was Source Of Outlandish Dossier Claims

The 'most important contributor' to the Russia collusion hoax dossier has been identified by the Wall Street Journal as a disgruntled Russian public relations executive with a reported drinking problem.

I’m A Children’s Rights Activist. That’s Why I’m Voting For Trump

I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016, but this year, only an act of God could stop me from doing so. In 2016, Trump had no track record. But now he does, and it’s amazing.

A Day In The Life Of An Anonymous Resistance Member Inside The Trump Administration

The reality is that anyone who demands 'evidence' — itself a term invented by slaveowners to assert dominion over oppressed minorities — hates this country and the Constitution I swore an oath to defend.

Democrats’ Lurch Into Socialism Is Driving Young Cuban American Support For Trump

Young Cuban Americans' embrace of the Republican Party and GOP candidates is one of the most underreported stories in this election cycle.

If You Care About Campus Due Process For Your Sons, Don’t Elect Joe Biden

Colleges are scrambling to avoid following new Title IX regulations requiring them to respect due process rights for those accused of sexual assault — rights to which Joe Biden has promised a 'quick end' if he is elected.

If Big Business Cares About Social Justice, Why Isn’t It Saying Anything About China?

The contrast between corporate responses to the Black Lives Matter movement and their acquiescence to Chinese abuses has created some awkward situations.

Jack Nicklaus Endorses Donald Trump For President

Professional golfer Jack Nicklaus endorsed President Donald Trump's re-election bid less than a week before the election.

Biden Gleefully Collects Another $74 Million From Wall Street While Claiming To Represent The Working Class

Despite Biden’s attempts to characterize his campaign as driven by the working class, he has maintained connections with some of the most prominent people in the New York financial district.

Tucker Carlson Humiliates Himself By Claiming His Secret Hunter Biden Docs Were Stolen By The Mail

Tucker Carlson promised his audience super-secret authentically damning Hunter Biden documents, but now claims they were stolen by the mail.

Trump Adopts Herd Immunity Policy To Sabotage Joe Biden

The Trump administration has implemented the policy of herd immunity which virtually guarantees that Joe Biden will inherit a worse pandemic crisis.

America Mocks Trump After He Claims Biden Will Cancel Christmas

Trump claimed at his rally in Arizona that Joe Biden will cancel Christmas if he wins, even though Trump will still be president.

WATCH: Trump Only Gives Endangered GOP Sen. McSally One Minute to Speak at Arizona Rally

The election this year isn’t only about Donald Trump. Republicans are hoping that, even if Trump loses, they can still retain control of the senate. And with so many incumbent Republicans trailing in the polls, they need all the help that they could get. Donald Trump, though, doesn’t really care about what happens to the … Continue reading "WATCH: Trump Only Gives Endangered GOP Sen. McSally One Minute to Speak at Arizona Rally"

Senator Ron Johnson Says Democrats “Ignore Reality” When They Focus on Russia’s Election Interference

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), in an op-ed for Fox News, claimed Democrats “ignore reality” when they focus on Russian interference in American elections. “Ever since the Democratic National Committee server was hacked during the 2016 election campaign, ‘Russian disinformation and interference’ has been the shiny object that Democrats and the mainstream media have used to bamboozle the … Continue reading "Senator Ron Johnson Says Democrats “Ignore Reality” When They Focus on Russia’s Election Interference"

Second Night Of Looting, Vandalism Escalates In Philadelphia Following Fatal Police Shooting

Philadelphia police asked citizens to avoid areas of the city as over 1,000 demonstrators turned violent, looting entire blocks Tuesday night.

After Trying To Kill Supporters In Nebraska, Trump And Pence Move On To Wiping Out Wisconsin

After Trump supporters got hypothermia after being stranded in Nebraska, Pence has no concerns about holding a large rally in Wisconsin where COVID is surging.

Ranked-Choice Voting Will Likely Decide Maine’s 2020 Senate Race

Ranked-choice voting will likely decide Maine’s 2020 Senate race between Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon (D) and Senator Susan Collins (R), according to a new poll released today by Colby College that shows the two candidates “nearly in a dead heat.” Gideon has a three-point lead, with 46.6 percent of the vote, according to the … Continue reading "Ranked-Choice Voting Will Likely Decide Maine’s 2020 Senate Race"

Trump: “Covid, Covid, Covid is the Unified Chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media”

“Covid, Covid, Covid is the unified chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media,” President Donald Trump wrote earlier today, recycling his refrain that the media is weaponizing the coronavirus pandemic to hurt his chances at being re-elected. “ They will talk about nothing else until November 4th., when the Election will be (hopefully!) over,” he … Continue reading "Trump: “Covid, Covid, Covid is the Unified Chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media”"

Where Is Hunter Biden’s Money?

Of all the issues regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's possible influence peddling, another key question deserves an answer: 'Where’s Hunter’s money?'

Trump Is Doing Better In Michigan And Wisconsin Than Polls Suggest

A week-long trip through these Midwest battleground states talking with ordinary people convinced us the polls aren't telling the full story.

There’s No Going Back To ‘Normal’ After Trump. The Republican Party Is Changed Forever

Republicans who don’t like Trump want to go back to 'normal,' but the old GOP is dead. Trump made a new party, and that is the party of the future.

Democrats Worked Hard To Put Amy Coney Barrett On The Supreme Court

Had Democrats given Trump's judicial nominees due respect and consideration, they could have had more influence over Barrett's nomination process.

The U.S. Has Neither Systemic Voter Fraud Nor Voter Suppression

Bipartisan attacks on our nation’s institutions and the integrity of our electoral processes create the appearance of consensus that our government is illegitimate.

With Biden Corruption, Democrats Are Once Again Reaping The Consequences Of Their Gentle Primary

In a healthy Democratic Party, Joe Biden's primary opponents would have cared about his family's documented habit of trading on their powerful last name.

3 Strategies For Dismantling Digital Totalitarianism In America

If Americans want to protect the free flow and exchange of ideas and dismantle digital totalitarianism in our country, we must act now.

How Canvassing For A Local Candidate Filled Me With Hope During A Divisive National Election

While national campaign rhetoric can be both divisive and dispiriting, getting involved in a local campaign was edifying and encouraging.

Endless Coronavirus Lockdowns Are The Epitome Of 21st Century Privilege

The fear that drives people to religious zeal for COVID restrictions is a product of a 21st century Western privilege that makes unexpected death even in old age seem morally unacceptable.

Democrats’ Plan For Revenge Means The Battle For The Supreme Court Is Far From Over

Democrats are promising vengeance for Republicans using their electoral victories to fulfill promises to voters about courts. We shouldn't ignore their threats. 

The DOJ’s Lawsuit Against Yale Is How To Win The Culture War

For the first time in decades, the diversity bureaucrats dividing the country on the basis of race, class, and sex are worried about losing federal funding and being sued.

Big Tech Censorship Is Driving These Moms To Trump

One mom shared that, six months ago, she saw herself as a ‘solid centrist.’ But ‘there’s no middle anymore.’ She is very concerned about the ‘loss of objectivity’ fueled by a biased media.

Report Reveals Trump Avoided Paying Taxes On Nearly $300 Million In Loans

Another bombshell published by The New York Times revealed that Trump avoided paying taxes on nearly $300 million in loans he received.

Biden Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski: Joe Biden’s Claim That He Knew Nothing About Hunter Biden’s China Deals Is A ‘Blatant Lie’

Tony Bobulinski, an ex-Biden family business associate, told Tucker Carlson that Joe Biden is lying about his knowledge of his son's business deals.

Biden Family Whistleblower: Joe Biden Is ‘Compromised’ By Communist China

'I just don't see, given the history here and the facts, how Joe can't be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have,' said Bobulinski.

Melania Trump Ends Irony By Calling On Leaders To Be Better Role Models

Melania Trump praised Donald Trump's Twitter account while urging political leaders to be better role models for America's children.

Biden Tells Roaring Atlanta Crowd To Turn Georgia Blue And End The Trump Nightmare

Biden delivered an impassioned speech to a roaring drive-in crowd in Atlanta on Tuesday, a sign that Georgia is in play for the Democrats.

Trump Can’t Stop Lying About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Education

During his recent rallies it seems that Donald Trump has absolutely no idea of who he’s running against. Last week, it really seemed like he was running against Joe Biden’s son Hunter. And at every one of these rallies, he makes sure to throw in a dig at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As a freshman congresswoman, AOC … Continue reading "Trump Can’t Stop Lying About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Education"

Joe Biden Cannot Claim To Fight For Our Nation’s Soul While Supporting Unborn Genocide

Yes, we are in a fight for the soul of our nation, as our country chooses not to see what is going on, turning a blind eye to the horror of abortion.

When Kamala Harris Could Have Pushed To Investigate Police Shootings, She Didn’t

Harris never took much interest in making meaningful changes to the criminal justice system when she was an attorney general. What makes you think she'll do it as vice president?

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Bad Voting Decision Is The Law’s Fault

The commonwealth’s supreme court ruled that ballots submitted by mail may not be rejected because of signature mismatches between the ballot and the voter registry.

The Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Hostage Diplomacy’ Has Backfired

A Pew Research survey of 14 advanced economies — including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom — shows the free world's opinion of China is souring.

Why The Right Can Never End The Culture Wars By Capitulating

The idea that some grand self-sacrificial gesture will heal the culture-war breach is deluded. It is politics as the third act of a romantic comedy.

Pope Francis Risks Leaving A Legacy Of Confusion And Division

The pope’s series of doctrinally dubious statements, along with his questionable politics, have left faithful Catholics somewhere between scratching their heads and banging their heads against a wall.

‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ Shows How Humans Create Our Own Monsters

The new horror offering from Netflix, 'The Haunting of Bly Manor,' has a lot to say about the terrors we fight as well as the terrors we unwittingly fuel.

‘America Lost’ Documentary Explores How Families Overcome Cycles of Poverty

Five years in the making, 'America Lost' offers perspective on the decline of once-thriving U.S. communities — and how they might find rebirth.

Democrats Considering ‘Squeegee Insurance’ That Automatically Enrolls You Then Bills You On Tax Day

In many ways, Biden's proposed default coverage represents a greater intrusion into the lives of Americans than Obamacare’s individual mandate.

How To Stop Schools From Replacing True Virtue With Leftist Virtue Signaling

After purging public schools of Judeo-Christian virtues, the left replaced them with five pseudo-virtues: tolerance, inclusivism, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, and environmentalism.

As Private Students Return To School, Teachers Unions Block Chicago Public Schools From Opening

Teachers unions want schools to remain closed while teachers keep getting their salaries even though evidence roundly shows that coronavirus poses little risk to children.

The Hunter Biden Scandal Has Exposed The Corporate Press’s Corruption And Condescension

Major U.S. media outlets are living in an alternate fantasy world in which the Biden scandal is a 'miasma' meant to confuse and mislead gullible Americans.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Says Joe Biden Could Put Hillary Clinton On The Supreme Court

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough proposed nominating 73-year-old former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the Supreme Court should Democrats take power.

Former Goldman Sachs VP Shells Out Big Bucks For Biden

People in the financial industry have given well more than $50 million to back Biden, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, compared with some $10 million for President Donald Trump.

Mollie Hemingway: ‘Democrats Seem To Think That There Is No Legitimate Way For Them To Lose’

Mollie Hemingway derided Democrats pledging to pack the court for accusing Republicans of mounting an assault on the nation's institutions.

Trump Campaign Spokesman Slams CNN’s Chris Cuomo For ‘Self-Righteous’ COVID-19 Hypocrisy

'You pretended to rise up from your basement like Lazarus even though you had already broken quarantine while you were COVID-positive. And now you want to lecture me about who obeys what rules?'

Maddow Obliterates Trump And The GOP For Officially Killing The Supreme Court’s Credibility

Not only has the GOP packed the judiciary, but they've completely undermined the idea of  an apolitical, independent court.

Newly Surfaced Audio Shows Kayleigh McEnany Calling Joe Biden A ‘Man Of The People’

In 2015 audio reviewed by CNN, Kayleigh McEnany called former Vice President Joe Biden a likable man of the people.

New York Times Poll: Trump Expands Lead In Texas

The latest New York Times poll of likely voters in Texas has Trump beating Biden 47 percent to 43 percent.

In One Last Gasp Of A Dying GOP, The Senate Confirms Amy Coney Barrett To The Supreme Court

This is a shameful, 11th-hour power grab from a Republican Party that's officially on its political deathbed. 

‘What In The Hell Is The Matter With This Man?’: Biden Shreds Trump For Spewing More COVID Lies

Biden slammed Trump for claiming doctors are inflating the number of coronavirus deaths so they can make more money.

Watch: Trump “I’m More Presidential Than Anyone but Lincoln “When He’s Wearing the Hat”

When historians look back on Donald Trump’s presidency, they are not likely to look back kindly. There have been few signatures accomplishments, other than a tax cut for the very wealthy. And, of course, more than 225,000 people have died from an illness he did little to combat. When Trump appears at his rallies and … Continue reading "Watch: Trump “I’m More Presidential Than Anyone but Lincoln “When He’s Wearing the Hat”"

Senate Confirms Judge Amy Coney Barrett To Nation’s Highest Court

The Republican-led Senate voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett after a contentious confirmation battle, shifting the court back to constitutional jurisprudence.

Kushner Says Blacks Must “Want to Be Successful” If They Want to Benefit from Trump’s Policies

Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and a top adviser, said Black people must “want to be successful” if they want to benefit from Trumpian policies. “One thing we’ve seen in a lot of the Black community, which is mostly Democrat, is that President Trump’s policies are the policies that can help people break out … Continue reading "Kushner Says Blacks Must “Want to Be Successful” If They Want to Benefit from Trump’s Policies"

White House to Hold Swearing-In Ceremony for Barrett Despite Coronavirus Concerns

The White House plans to hold a swearing-in ceremony for Judge Amy Coney Barrett later tonight following her expected confirmation to the United States Supreme Court despite coronavirus concerns. According to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, once Barrett is confirmed by the Senate, “then we expect for a swearing in to happen later … Continue reading "White House to Hold Swearing-In Ceremony for Barrett Despite Coronavirus Concerns"

This Video Of Conservative Suburban Women Fleeing Trump Should Terrify Republicans

A group of five conservative suburban women all said that their kids influenced them to switch to Biden, and they are texting their friends to do the same.

Meadows Attempts to Clarify Remarks After Saying “We’re Not Going to Control” the Pandemic

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows attempted to clarify remarks he made yesterday about controlling the coronavirus pandemic after Democrat Joe Biden said his remarks were characteristic of the Trump administration and signaled they were “waving a flag of defeat.” “The only person waving a white flag, along with his white mask, is Joe … Continue reading "Meadows Attempts to Clarify Remarks After Saying “We’re Not Going to Control” the Pandemic"

Trump Says Coverage of Covid Is Designed to Hurt His Re-Election Chances

President Donald Trump claimed coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic is designed to hurt his re-election chances and should be considered an “election violation” in a tweet published earlier this morning. “We have made tremendous progress with the China Virus, but the Fake News refuses to talk about it this close to the Election. COVID, COVID, … Continue reading "Trump Says Coverage of Covid Is Designed to Hurt His Re-Election Chances"

Head Of Biden Transition Team Endorses Blowing Up Supreme Court

The longtime Biden adviser is supporting a bill of dubious constitutionality which would enforce hard term limits on any new Justices.

Senate Democratic Leadership Tells Pence To Stay Away After Multiple COVID Exposures

The Senate’s Democratic leadership has told Vice President Mike Pence not to preside over Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation vote to the Supreme Court after his chief of staff and four other top aides tested positive for the novel coronavirus. “Not only would your presence in the Senate Chamber tomorrow be a clear violation of … Continue reading "Senate Democratic Leadership Tells Pence To Stay Away After Multiple COVID Exposures"

Trump Continues to Insist That Covid Case Numbers Are a “Fake News Media Conspiracy”

President Donald Trump once again claimed that coronavirus case numbers are only up because of widespread testing and said a “fake news media conspiracy” is underfoot. “Cases up because we TEST, TEST, TEST,” he wrote. “A Fake News Media Conspiracy. Many young people who heal very fast. 99.9%. Corrupt Media conspiracy at all time high. … Continue reading "Trump Continues to Insist That Covid Case Numbers Are a “Fake News Media Conspiracy”"

Wisconsin’s Great Recession Recovery Shows The Path Forward After COVID-19: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

A new study shows a clear path forward as Americans stare another recession in the face thanks to COVID-19. The most important focus? Jobs, jobs, jobs.

All Signs Point To One Thing: We’re Reliving The 2016 Election

Somehow, four short years after the Democratic Party and their media allies publicly went through what recovering alcoholics call 'a moment of clarity,' they relapsed.

Lesley Stahl Is Wrong And Trump Is Right: The Obama Administration Spied On The Trump Campaign

‘60 Minutes’ and Lesley Stahl falsely reported it is 'unverified' that the Obama-Biden administration spied on Trump’s campaign in 2016.

Joe Biden Confuses Donald Trump With George W. Bush

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared to confuse President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush Sunday.

VeggieTales Creator Applies His Postmodern Fairytales To False Mess Of A Video About Roe v. Wade

No, Christians shouldn’t tie themselves to the GOP. But it's farcical to equivocate the records of Republicans and Trump to the Democrats on abortion.

New Data Shows Climate Change Hysteria Isn’t Grounded In Science

While we must steward the planet God has gifted to us, there is no empirical basis for apocalyptic predictions of impending doom.

Big Tech Is Turning The United States Into A Giant Company Town

In the traditional company town, the company controlled everything. In the company-town America of Big Tech, a small cabal of corporations effectively controls every aspect of life, from entertainment to employment to the news.

Why It’s A Baseless Smear For Biden To Call Trump A Racist

Despite the incessantly cited falsehood that Trump is a racist who supports white supremacy, the record and the facts reveal a far different reality.

Joe Biden Bases His Transgender Policies On Fake News

We don’t need a president that falls for misleading information pushed by LGBT media or perpetuates false narratives in order to pander to a voting bloc.

7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not

Examples of hostilities toward Trump and his supporters abound, but leftists' threats of terror are even greater should Biden win the presidency.

China To Christians: We’re Rewriting The Bible, And You’ll Use It Or Else

Faith is increasingly under attack in President Xi Jinping’s China. People around the world should be speaking up in defense of China’s persecuted believers.

On Joe Rogan, Kanye West Was An Unserious But Necessary Presidential Candidate

Within the erratic outbursts on Twitter, self-righteous claims, and ignorance of policy lies a repentant sinner with a pulse on the culture wars.

Why Jew Hatred Is Always A Hallmark Of The Totalitarian Left

The Judeo-Christian idea that language corresponds with reality, a feature of the classical liberal system, is for the left a bug that must be crushed by the totalitarian boot.

Joe Biden Washes Away Trump’s Crazy Like A Political Palate Cleanser On 60 Minutes

Compared to Trump ranting conspiracies and walking out of interviews, Joe Biden's thoughtful and calm interview was a 60 Minutes palate cleanser.

Trump’s 60 Minutes Interview Is An Even Bigger Disaster Than Reported

Trump's 60 Minutes was even worse than first reported and likely cost him any chance of winning reelection.

Trump Is Furious At Barr For Not Investigating Obama And Biden

Trump is livid with his attorney general and the FBI director for refusing to investigate Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

Joe Biden Tears Trump And Pence A New One For Giving Up On The Pandemic

The Biden campaign released a pointed response that called out Mark Meadows, Mike Pence, and Trump for giving up on the coronavirus pandemic. The Biden campaign said in a statement provided to PoliticusUSA: White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stunningly admitted this morning that the administration has given up on even trying to control … Continue reading "Joe Biden Tears Trump And Pence A New One For Giving Up On The Pandemic"

Trump Melts Down And Attacks Barack Obama In New Hampshire

Trump started rambling about Barack Obama, even though he is running against Joe Biden at his rally in New Hampshire.

Media Deliberately Ignore U.S. Intel To Keep Falsely Labeling Biden Bombshells ‘Russian Misinformation’

By early last week, the myth of Russian disinformation peddled by a media desperate to avoid coverage of compromising information on Joe Biden had been debunked by U.S. intelligence.

The Most Republican Newspaper In The Country Just Endorsed Joe Biden

The New Hampshire Union Leader, which has endorsed Republicans for a century, has endorsed Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020.

Mark Meadows Crashes And Burns And Creates An Amazing Campaign Ad For Joe Biden

Meadows admitted that Trump isn't trying to control the pandemic during an interview on CNN.

Independents And Hispanics Break For Biden As Texas Could Turn Blue

A new poll shows Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in Texas as Independents and Hispanics are breaking toward the Democratic candidate.

Opinion: Trump’s Attack On Federal Workers’ Rights Signals Effort To Undermine Democracy And Endanger Americans

Donald Trump has been gutting the federal government since he took office, whether by leaving many vacant positions unfilled or simply underfunding and eliminating positions in crucial agencies such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The latter efforts greatly hobbled the CDC’s ability to respond and take measures to prevent the spread of the … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump’s Attack On Federal Workers’ Rights Signals Effort To Undermine Democracy And Endanger Americans"

LA Times Targets John MacArthur’s Church By Labeling Three COVID-19 Cases An ‘Outbreak’

The Los Angeles Times targeted California pastor John MacArthur and Grace Community Church on Thursday by publishing an article that framed the congregation’s three reported COVID-19 Read More

Joe Biden Says Democrats Created ‘The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization’ In American History

Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden recently bragged that Democrats have created the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” “We’re Read More

Opinion: Trump’s Either/Or Thinking Reveals His, GOP’s Deadly View of “Economic Success”

Donald Trump and his Republican colleagues have demonstrated a dangerous habit of thought when it comes to seeking solutions to the most urgent and life-threatening problems facing Americans and the nation as a whole. What is that habit of thought? They tend to think in stark and narrow either/or terms when it comes to devising … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump’s Either/Or Thinking Reveals His, GOP’s Deadly View of “Economic Success”"

Opinion: Trump’s Supporters Are As Un-American As He Is

No sane human remotely believes dirty Don Trump cares one iota about America, its people, or the democracy the rest of the world respected just four years ago. Trump is simply un-American. Although Trump epitomizes the word un-American, the fact that he has significant support from people who claim to be “real Americans” is very telling … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump’s Supporters Are As Un-American As He Is"

Jaime Harrison Just Showed Why He’s Lindsey Graham’s Worst Nightmare

Jaime Harrison showed why he could beat Lindsey Graham by using healthcare to turn the tables on the incumbent Republican senator.

Republicans In Panic As Democrats See Turnout Surge Among New And Low-Propensity Voters

Donald Trump and Republicans are hoping for a surge in Election Day turnout that they believe will make this a tight race.

Republicans Are Tying To Use Amy Coney Barrett To Steal Pennsylvania

Republicans filed an appeal to the Supreme Court late on Friday night to overturn Pennsylvania's mail-in ballot extension.

Biden Calls Trump A Tax-Dodging Con Artist In Podium-Pounding Smackdown in Pennsylvania

Joe Biden is going for the jugular by doubling down on an economic message that will appeal to voters in the midwest.

Trump Calls Third COVID Surge ‘Fake News’ And Blames Testing For Causing More Cases

As coronavirus cases surge to record levels across the country, Donald Trump is regurgitating his laughable anti-science talking points.

Maskless Trump Whines About Mail-In Ballots After Casting His Early Vote In Florida

After casting his early vote in Florida, Trump found the nearest camera, ripped off his mask and proceeded to whine about mail-in ballots.

Investigation Finds COVID Cases Went Up In 5 Places After Trump Rallies

Donald Trump appears to be the Johnny Appleseed of COVID-19, as the virus is following his campaign rallies around the country.

The Republican Party Spent $1 Million Rigging The Bestseller List For Sean Hannity

At a time when Republican candidates all over the country need money, the Republican Party spent a million bucks to make Sean Hannity's book a bestseller.

Fauci Says Trump Hasn’t Attended COVID Meeting in Several Months

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke, Donald Trump actually made a couple of smart moves. He created a task force and assigned renowned immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci to be a part of that task force. The president, however, has ignored much of the advice Fauci has given him. He’s also basically demoted the immunologist and Dr. … Continue reading "Fauci Says Trump Hasn’t Attended COVID Meeting in Several Months"

Based On Candidates’ Records, Not Rhetoric, Trump Is The Obvious Choice This November

Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, or political philosophy, the crisis we face demands critical thinking and common-sense in choosing our president.

AP: Leftist Rioters Are Not Just Antifa Wackos, They’re Normal Suburban Kids

If the AP characterization is accurate, tolerance for violence in the service of political ends is not just concentrated in fringe outliers like Antifa cells.

Islamist Beheading In France Highlights Dangers Of Refusing To Police An Insurgency

Islamism isn’t a free-speech issue, but a sovereignty issue. It’s a low-level insurgency. It needs to be eradicated. Insurgents cannot be reasoned with.

A Far More Insightful Final Presidental Debate Still Leaves Open Questions

With just days until the polls close, there are still pressing issues the American public needs to hear the presidential candidates candidly address.

Calling Joe Biden ‘Progressive’ Is The Same As Calling Him A Failure

'Progressive' needs to finally become a term of scorn. That Biden would be the biggest progressive since FDR is exactly why he shouldn't be president.

It’s Time To Free Schools From Wasteful, Oppressive COVID Security Theater

Losing our civil liberties at the expense of our children's education isn't worth it when we know those at genuinely at risk aren’t likely to be at school.

Best Tweets Of The Last 2020 Presidential Debate

Donald Trump and Joe Biden met last night in Nashville the final debate of the 2020 campaign. It was a tough timeslot, up against a Thursday Night Football game.

This Great American Went From Dropping Out In Seventh Grade To Helping End Polio Across The World

James Steele rose from a middle-school dropout from the 'hood' to the president of his local Rotary Club. Now, he's helping take down polio once and for all.

Michael Steele: Trump Did Not Give Voters A Reason To Reelect Him

Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele summed up the final presidential debate as Trump not giving voters a reason to reelect him.

Biden Named Debate Winner 53%-39% Over Trump

A CNN poll of debate watchers found that Joe Biden won the debate by a margin of 53%-39%, as Trump's attacks were not popular.

Biden Blames GOP For Failed COVID Relief Bills As Dems Keep Stonewalling Over Pet Projects

Biden ignored Pelosi and other Democrats' stonewalling of another COVID-19 relief bill and instead tried to blame Trump and the GOP during the debate.

Joe Biden Finally Admitted He Wants To End The Oil Industry

"I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden said after being pressed by President Donald Trump on Thursday's debate stage.

Yes, Joe Biden Called Young Black Men ‘Predators’

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden tried to whitewash comments from more than two decades ago at the second and final presidential debate Thursday.

Biden Lied When He Said He Doesn’t Oppose Fracking. Here’s The Proof

Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden falsely claimed he's never opposed fracking during Thursday night's final presidential debate.

Joe Biden Ended Trump By Being A President In The Final Debate

Joe Biden sounded like a president, as Donald Trump spent the debate spreading Russian conspiracy theories and sounding desperate.

Trump Tantrums After Biden Tries To Talk About The Middle Class Instead Of Rudy’s Conspiracies

Trump threw a tantrum when Joe Biden tried to talk about middle class struggles instead of Rudy Giuliani's crackpot conspiracy theories.

Biden Obliterates Trump For His Secret Chinese Bank Account

Trump pushed Russian propaganda on Biden, but the Democratic candidate turned it around and hit Trump for his Chinese bank account.

Joe Biden Repeats Debunked Claim That Latest Email Scandals Are Russian Election Interference

Biden's claims have been debunked by FBI, the Department of Justice, the Department of National Intelligence, and the Department of State.

Joe Biden Crushes Trump On The Coronavirus To Start The Debate

Joe Biden came out firing and hit Trump for his ineptitude and failure on the coronavirus pandemic at the final presidential debate.

Pete Buttigieg Goes On Fox News And Shuts Down Trump’s Smear Campaign Against The Bidens

In the closing days of this campaign, the former mayor has shown himself to be one of the Biden campaign's strongest surrogates.

Here’s All The Evidence Leslie Stahl Falsely Claimed Doesn’t Exist

A combative Stahl regurgitated Democratic talking points during the entire interview, arguing that several of the president's claims held no merit.

GOP Strategist Mocks Trump For Pinning Reelection Hopes On Laughingstock Rudy Giuliani

Rick Wilson said that Trump's strategy for the remainder of the campaign relies on a conspiracy theory being pushed by Rudy Giuliani.

Jared Kushner Is Already Planning To Launch A Trump-Themed News Network After The Election

Donald Trump already thinks he's a right-wing cable news pundit. If he loses in November, he'll finally be able to make it official.

Hunter Biden Associate Confirms Joe Biden Stood To Rake In Millions From Chinese Business Leaders

A Hunter Biden business partner has come forward to corroborate claims outlined by the New York Post based on emails found on a laptop in Delaware.

Trump Admin Establishes Center To Combat Human Trafficking, Only To Be Ignored By Mainstream Media

After DHS created a new center to fight human trafficking, some journalists ignored the news, while others claimed it was Trump's response to conspiratcy theorists.

Democrats Deny Lindsey Graham The Spotlight By Boycotting Barrett Vote

Sen. Lindsey Graham is counting on getting Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to win reelection for him, but Democrats denied him the spotlight by boycotting the vote.

How Lizzo Unintentionally Rebuked Identity Politics

Instead of seeing people, their work, and their ideas as unique contributions, the result of intersectionality is a world in which even Lizzo is still reduced to just two of her intersectional labels.

In ’60 Minutes’ Interview, Joe Biden Signals He Will Absolutely Pack The Supreme Court If He Wins The Election

Democratic Nominee Joe Biden said if elected, he will study "how to reform the court system" because it is "getting out of whack."

Would A President Joe Biden Institute Systemic Racism In Our Legal System?

Many policies outlined on the Biden-Harris platform are eerily close to the dangerous proposals put forth by 'How To Be An Antiracist' author Ibram X. Kendi.

Amy Coney Barrett Will Be Confirmed Because Kavanaugh Battle Taught GOP To Stop Getting Played By Democrat Dirty Tricks

It took a few decades of the left playing the exact same games with most confirmation battles, but finally the right figured out how to render those attacks worthless.

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Joe Biden’s Latest Scandals

Former Vice President Joe Biden will take the debate stage for the final time tonight as new questions surrounding his son's overseas business ventures explode.

The Left Doesn’t Want To Debate Foreign Policy Because Trump Is Rocking It

Given the partisan nature of the selected debate moderators, it’s difficult not to view the latest attempts to silence foreign policy discussion through the prism of anti-Trumpism.

If The Debate Moderator Won’t Ask Biden Tough Questions, Trump Should

Since the media refuse to ask Biden vital questions about his son's email, among other things, Trump will have to do so on the debate stage.

How Helicopter Parenting Gave Us Today’s Out Of Control Helicopter Government

Helicopter governing has nothing to do with good intentions. Restrictions on every aspect of our lives do not make for well-adjusted, self-governing people—which is probably exactly the point.

How Jeffrey Toobin Plays Into Our New Ethics Of Public Shaming

We would do well to reflect on the argument that social media is numbing us to the victims of viral mockery and conditioning us to discard grace as a virtue.

How Coronavirus Helped China Tighten Its Vice Grip On Hollywood

Beijing now possesses even more leverage over the film industry, and the lockdowns provided a boost. 'Hollywood will be more beholden to the CCP now.'

Big Tech Slept With Communist China And Brought Venereal Censorship Back To America

The recent effort by U.S. tech companies to censor the news is further proof that America’s outreach project with China has backfired spectacularly.

‘The Bachelorette’ Strip Dodgeball Shouldn’t Have Surprised Sexually Conservative Viewers

'The Bachelorette' got a little risqué Tuesday night, with a group date round of dodgeball digressing into a strip version of the game, and detractors aren't happy about it.

Chris Pratt Is Fine, But Our Culture Is At Risk

Treating so-called cancellation campaigns as serious threats emboldens cancellers in their efforts to make them serious threats.

These Out-Of-Print Children’s Biographies Repudiate The Bitter Lies Of Today’s Uneducated Anti-Americans

Forty years ago, as my children’s book collection proves, grade-school history pedagogy offered a diverse and inclusive narrative about our national past.

How The Left Tries To Trick Gun Owners Into Supporting Gun Control

Fake pro-gun groups like 'Gun Owners for Safety' are always smokescreens for the same, tired gun control agenda of Giffords, the Brady Campaign, and others like them.

FBI Seized Hunter Biden Laptop As Part Of A Federal Money-Laundering Investigation

'If a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, that means there is a high likelihood that both the laptop and hard drive contain fruits of criminal activity.'

Chuck Schumer Suggests DNI Ratcliffe Is Lying About Iran Attack To Damage Trump

Chuck Schumer couldn't speak directly about the classified briefing he received but he was able to suggest that DNI Ratcliffe was lying about Iran's motivations.

FBI: Lincoln Project Never Trumpers Peddled Iranian Disinformation Meant To Help Biden

The foreign nations aren't the only disseminators of false information. American groups including NeverTrump operation the Lincoln Project served as Iran's American foot soldiers, buying into the disinformation and amplifying it.

Jaime Harrison Mocks “Sad” Lindsey Graham for Ducking Latest Debate

There are a lot of things going wrong for Lindsey Graham right now. The South Carolina senator has been getting crushed fundraising wise and has taken to regularly begging for donations on Fox News. Graham is also up against a really tough challenger in Jaime Harrison. And Harrison has been getting under the senator’s skin … Continue reading "Jaime Harrison Mocks “Sad” Lindsey Graham for Ducking Latest Debate"

Rudy Giuliani Lied: The “Hunter Biden Emails” Came From Ukraine

Rudy Giuliani and his co-conspirators lied. The "Hunter Biden emails" came from Ukraine, not a broken laptop in Delaware.

In An Election Marked by Voter Suppression, Mike Huckabee Says Long Lines Show Americans “Care”

Images around the country show people lined up to vote, sometimes for hours, in an election that has been characterized by voter suppression. According to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, long lines are a sign Americans “care” and are not deterred. “It shows an extraordinary interest,” Huckabee said. “When people are lined up to vote, … Continue reading "In An Election Marked by Voter Suppression, Mike Huckabee Says Long Lines Show Americans “Care”"

Biden Falsely Claims Intel Community Has Cleared His Family Of Wrongdoing

Without any evidence, Joe Biden claimed the intelligence community agrees there's no basis at all for accusations of corruption and shady business deals within the Biden family.

Even If He Wins, Biden’s Email Scandal Is Not Going Away

If Joe Biden is elected president, the scrutiny of his email scandal will only intensify.

Poll: Biden Continues to Lead in Battleground States

According to the latest CNBC/Change Research Poll, Democrat Joe Biden has maintained his lead in six key swing states as President Donald Trump continues to founder in the polls. Biden is leading, 50 percent to 46 percent, in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. “The race, however, is beginning to change in some … Continue reading "Poll: Biden Continues to Lead in Battleground States"

UK Minister: Teaching White Privilege And Critical Race Theory In Schools Is Illegal

The United Kingdom's Minister for Women and Equalities denounced teaching the ideology of Black Lives Matter and critical race theory as uncontested facts.

Trump Spends Morning Posting Misleading Info About Biden’s Tax Plan

President Donald Trump wrote that his rival, Democrat Joe Biden, “is going to raise your taxes at a level never seen before” in a tweet earlier this morning. “This will not only be very costly for you, it will destroy our economy, which is coming back very rapidly,” he added. Remember, BIDEN is going to … Continue reading "Trump Spends Morning Posting Misleading Info About Biden’s Tax Plan"

There’s No Evidence For NYT’s ‘Russian Disinformation’ Smokescreen Of Hunter Biden’s Emails

The campaign to delegitimize newly surfaced emails that implicate the Biden family in a massive foreign corruption scheme was a year in the making.

Trump’s Greatest Accomplishments Are What He Hasn’t Done

Under immense pressure by the media and other Democratic operatives, at a time when nearly all global leaders were using the pandemic as an excuse to seize greater control, Trump did not.

Critical Race Theory Permeates New Student Survey In Fairfax Public Schools

‘I don’t need indoctrination, I need a good solid education in math, science, non-revisionist social studies, & English. Is that too much to ask?’

How To Show Americans Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus

We need a lives-for-lives analysis of the public health costs of the Democrats' lockdowns.

In Louis Farrakhan Profile, NYT Spit-Shines Racism Against Jews

For a newspaper that constantly alleges President Trump is a hatemonger, the New York Times’s unwillingness to connect Louis Farrakhan’s hate and acts of violence against Jews is even more disturbing.

Secret Service Travel Records Confirm Hunter Biden Trip’s Detailed In Emails

Secret Service records revealed by two top Republican senators Tuesday confirm the details of Hunter Biden's trips described by the New York Post.

5 Big Problems With The New York Times Investigation Of Amy Coney Barrett’s Children

Why did the newspaper of record deem it worthwhile to launch a three-week investigation into the life stories of a Supreme Court nominee’s minor children?

Like Schools Everywhere, The Nation’s Report Card Is Dumbing Down To Hide Racial Disparities

NAEP's changes might cause better test results, but they fundamentally alter the meaning of reading comprehension, which would hurt students.

FBI, DOJ Debunk Claims The Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is ‘Russian Disinformation’

The FBI and DOJ joined DNI John Ratcliffe to dispel conspiracies claiming Hunter Biden revelations are nothing more than Russian disinformation.

Jordan Peterson Back Home, ‘With God’s Grace and Mercy’ Will ‘Pick Up Where I Left Off’

The professor discussed some of his struggles over the past year, what helped him through it, and where he is going from here.

Newly Discovered Letter Shows Endocrine Society Urged Experimenting On Trans Children

Using pseudo-scientific jargon and a healthy dose of deception, the Endocrine Society is conditioning society to accept and fund manifestly absurd things.

Amy Coney Barrett Is A Defender Of Government By The People, Not By Bureaucrats

A Supreme Court Justice Barrett will moderate the administrative state at both the judicial and executive level. Doing so will unify the nation.

Robert Downey Jr: It’s Not Evil For Chris Pratt To Be A Christian

'Avengers' star Robert Downey Jr. defended Chris Pratt after the actor suffered attacks on social media over his political and religious beliefs.

‘Nobody Wants Me’: Trump Accidentally Stumbles Into The Truth During Pennsylvania Rally

For a brief moment in time, Trump appeared to do something that's almost unheard of at his MAGA rallies: Tell the truth.

Tax Records Reveal That Trump Has A Hidden Chinese Bank Account

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been targeting Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, for alleged financial ties to China.

Trump Self-Destructs On Twitter After Angrily Stomping Out Of 60 Minutes Interview

Donald Trump angrily stomped out of an interview with '60 Minutes' on Tuesday and then all but declared war on CBS News and Lesley Stahl.

He Would Explode: Ex-CIA Officer Says Intel Officers are Terrified to Brief Trump on Russia

Donald Trump is not a very big fan of briefings. He is not briefed anywhere near as much as his predecessors. The memos to Trump also have to be broken down in ways that he can more easily understand them. And there are some subjects that Trump isn’t briefed on at all. And these are … Continue reading "He Would Explode: Ex-CIA Officer Says Intel Officers are Terrified to Brief Trump on Russia"

50 Former National Intelligence Officials Warn NY Post’s Hunter Biden Story Shows Signs of Russian Disinformation Campaign

50 former national intelligence officials have warned that a report from The New York Post alleging nefarious business dealings on the part of Hunter Biden could be the signs of a Russian disinformation campaign to influence the November 3 election outcome. “We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the … Continue reading "50 Former National Intelligence Officials Warn NY Post’s Hunter Biden Story Shows Signs of Russian Disinformation Campaign"

Study: 8 Million More Americans Are in Poverty After Stimulus Talks Collapsed

A Columbia University study found that eight million more Americans are in poverty after coronavirus relief stimulus talks collapsed, a sign that “The COVID-19 crisis has induced both the largest declines and subsequent increases in monthly employment ever witnessed in the U.S., and has made clear the importance of high-frequency data on family well-being to … Continue reading "Study: 8 Million More Americans Are in Poverty After Stimulus Talks Collapsed"

DOJ Sues Google For Gross Antitrust Violations, Building Search Engine Monopoly

The U.S. Department of Justice is expected to file a lawsuit against Google, owned by Alphabet, for violating anti-trust laws and actively enabling a monopoly in Read More

Trump Says Special Prosecutor Should Investigate Hunter Biden

During an interview with “Fox and Friends,” President Donald Trump claimed a special prosecutor should investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president Joe Biden. We gotta get the attorney general to act and he’s gotta act and he’s gotta act fast,” Trump said. “He’s gotta appoint somebody. This is major corruption and this … Continue reading "Trump Says Special Prosecutor Should Investigate Hunter Biden"

Joe Biden’s Boosters Financed His Prodigal Son’s Entire Career

While most of the attention on Hunter Biden has focused on his dealings in Ukraine and China when his father was in the White House, he also cashed in on cushy jobs and sweetheart deals throughout his dad’s long Senate career.

Why Big Media Will Never Report On Hunter Biden’s Emails

The media obsess about the origins of the Hunter Biden emails while ignoring their substance because they know it will hurt Joe Biden’s electoral chances.

Joe Biden’s Education Department Would Be A Radical Disaster

Given Biden's embrace of far-left cultural notions regarding sex and gender, it's fair to assume his Education Department would swiftly implement a sweeping and radical agenda across the board.

California Just Declared War On Thanksgiving With Kafka-Level Regulations

Gov. Gavin Newsom's new regulations ban gatherings of more than three households, outlaw indoor gatherings, require guests to sit six feet apart, and suggest serving your turkey in 'single-serve disposable containers.'

Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win

Shut Down DC's 'Strategic framework for action following the 2020 election' sketches out their plans for rioting and attacking American institutions and life unless and until Joe Biden is installed as president.

The Corporate Takeover Of ‘Fact-Checking’ Is Just A Different Path To The Same Partisan Censorship

Over the past several years, dressed up in official-sounding titles, the fact-checkers have allied themselves with some of the most powerful private companies to have ever existed.

Jim Carrey Is Terrible At Playing Joe Biden And ‘SNL’ Should Ditch Him ASAP

Amid the most hilarious and bizarre election year anyone can recall, it's a disaster for SNL that Carrey's impression is failing so miserably.

5 Most Shocking Abortion Policies Biden-Harris Openly Support

Democrats are unabashedly pro-abortion, and the records and policy positions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris show they are happy to lead the charge.

Trump’s Labor Department Demands Microsoft Explain Its Racist Hiring Practices

If the Labor Department is inclined to look into other companies, its staff would likely be very busy rooting out similar racist practices.

After Seeing Biden’s Tax Plan, Rapper 50 Cent Hops On The Trump Train

The rapper, who lives in New York, where the top tax bracket will be 62 percent under a Joe Biden presidency, wrote: 'I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f-cking mind.'

Why New York City’s Feminist Medusa Statue Gets Everything Wrong

By inverting the myth of Perseus, a new sculpture in New York City transforms good into evil, heroism into oppression, and men into monsters.

Atlas: Twitter’s Censorship Of Mask Facts From WHO Is Dangerous Territory

'We are living in a world where opinion, even if it’s based in fact, even if it’s science, it is snuffed out as if it’s some kind of poison for even allowing it to be expressed.'

Students Pressure Harvard, Middlebury To Oust Unwoke Professors

Two recent examples from Harvard University and Middlebury College illustrate the illiberalism that has become ascendant on many campuses and in many of our cultural institutions.

CNN Anchor, Contributor Cheer Big Tech Censorship Of Top Coronavirus Task Force Doctor

'The WHO: ‘The widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence.''

Rachel Maddow Warns American Democracy May Not Survive A Second Trump Term

Over the next 15 days, voters will have to opportunity to resoundingly reject Trump as he pushes this country toward authoritarianism.

Bill Barr’s DOJ Says Trump’s Denial Of Rape Allegations Is An Official Presidential Act

The Bill Barr Justice Department on Monday continued to intervene on Donald Trump's behalf in a decades-old rape allegation.

After Trump’s Debate Disaster, Commission Announces It Will Mute Mics During 2-Minute Answers

A muted microphone likely won't stop Donald Trump from finding another way to obnoxiously derail the debate.

Trump Cut Off A Highly Classified Intel Meeting Because He Was Bored And Wanted A Milkshake

Most Americans thought Trump was unfit for this office, even before he was elected in 2016. He has spent every day since proving them right.

50 Cent Wants His Followers To Vote for Trump So His Taxes Don’t Go up

During the recent debates, Donald Trump and Mike Pence repeatedly told Americans that Joe Biden would immediately raise taxes on the middle class. This is not true. Biden’s tax plan is readily available on his campaign website. The people that Biden will be raising taxes on, however, are the wealthy. Rapper 50 Cent, thanks to … Continue reading "50 Cent Wants His Followers To Vote for Trump So His Taxes Don’t Go up"

Study: Biden Will Raise Taxes On 80 Percent Of Americans, Cut Annual Income $6,500 Per Household

Economists note that median household incomes in 2030 would fall by $6,500 despite Biden's promises to prioritize the middle class.

Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe Debunks Russian Disinformation Theories On Hunter Biden Emails

The director of National Intelligence (DNI) laid to rest foreign disinformation theories surrounding a series of bombshell revelations last week on Biden.

Stacey Abrams: “To Safeguard The Future of Our Country, We Must Vote Trump Out of Office”

In an op-ed for USA Today, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams says “To safeguard the future of our country, we must vote” President Donald Trump out of office. “But this election is about more than who will be our next president,” she points out. “It’s an opportunity to ensure that our political system doesn’t … Continue reading "Stacey Abrams: “To Safeguard The Future of Our Country, We Must Vote Trump Out of Office”"

Biden Campaign Goes Dark Until Thursday Without Answering Questions On Hunter Biden Story

With only 15 days until Election Day, Biden's Campaign called off answering press questions until after Thursday night's final presidential debate.

Washington Post Columnist Criticizes Senator John Cornyn for Sexist Comments

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) made sexist comments that portrayed “women as civilizers, cunningly trying to domesticate their spouses” after he was asked to elaborate on his relationship with President Donald Trump. Cornyn described his relationship as “maybe like a lot of women who get married and think they’re going … Continue reading "Washington Post Columnist Criticizes Senator John Cornyn for Sexist Comments"

Kilmeade: Twitter and Facebook Are “Stopping the Message of the White House and the Current President from Getting Out”

“Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade accused Twitter and Facebook of conspiring to ensure President Donald Trump’s messaging doesn’t reach its audience. “Aren’t they accomplishing their goal?” Kilmeade asked in an interview with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, adding that both companies are “stopping the message of the White House and the current … Continue reading "Kilmeade: Twitter and Facebook Are “Stopping the Message of the White House and the Current President from Getting Out”"

Cuomo: Be Skeptical Of Any Vaccine Approved By FDA And CDC

Despite his previous insistence to "follow the science," Cuomo said he does not trust the medical experts at the FDA and CDC on a COVID vaccine.

Rolling Stone Endorses Biden: Trump Is “Categorically Unfit to Be President”

The editorial staff of Rolling Stone has endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden, writing that President Donald Trump is “categorically unfit to be president.” “Fortunately for America, Joe Biden is Donald Trump’s opposite in nearly every category: The Democratic presidential nominee evinces competence, compassion, steadiness, integrity, and restraint,” the editors write. “Perhaps most important in this moment, Biden holds … Continue reading "Rolling Stone Endorses Biden: Trump Is “Categorically Unfit to Be President”"

Trump’s World Is Collapsing As He Owes $900 Million In Loans

Trump's debt is even worse than reported as over the next four years he has $900 million in loans coming due on his properties.

We Gamed Out The 2020 Election And Found Our Constitution Can Handle The Madness

Risks this year include no certain presidential results on election night, and high-stakes struggles up to 79 days afterward, including foreign disinformation, fake news, and big-tech censorship.

The Biden Corruption Scandal Isn’t About Hunter, It’s About Joe

The Hunter Biden scandal indicates that Joe Biden, while vice president of the United States, knowingly allowed his son to sell access to the Obama administration, then lied about it.

Why Leftist Judges Play Politics And Truly Conservative Judges Don’t

If Democrats gain a 9-6 majority after packing the Supreme Court, there will be little hope of preventing the resulting judicial tyranny from undoing America.

Joe Biden Tells Mom He Supports Transgendering Eight-Year-Old Kids

Greenlighting the ‘transition’ of eight-year-olds in the name of non-discrimination to advance your political career has to be one of the most cynical political moves of this presidential contest.

Chris Cuomo: Get In The Closet, Serious Christians, Your Kind Aren’t Welcome In Public Life

The left believes Christians should be free to worship whatever sky-fairies they want, providing it’s a part-time commitment behind closed doors.

Research Shows Critical Race Theory Is Actually Making People More Racist

Critical race theory likely advances the cause of white nationalism, and the president is right to oppose it.

Denver TV Anchor With Private Security Ridicules People Worried About Violence

Detached leftist media elites can't escape reality, no matter how hard they try to dismiss urban violence. Now their distorted view has enveloped local news outlets too.

Herd Immunity To COVID Is Not Reckless. It Would Protect The Vulnerable

Freaking out about ‘herd immunity’ looks like a smear campaign designed to prevent Americans, including the president, from hearing the scientific case against the lockdowns.

Why Citizens Can’t Afford To Keep Their Local Governments On Autopilot

When citizens realize their city councils are failing to protect natural rights and freedoms, unfortunately, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Parents, Teachers Fight Virginia School Board’s Attempt To Ban Discussion Of ‘White Privilege’

A policy proposed by the Loudoun County School Board would keep teachers from challenging the board's positions on racial equity and sexual orientation, even in teachers' private lives.

What It’s Like To Visit The Newly Reopened Smithsonian Art Museums

It's nice to finally return to some of the nation's best art museums, but the experience isn't the same without the jostle, noise, and company of others.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Embrace Of Her Child With Down Syndrome Is Not Foolish, It’s Heroic

Judge Barrett knew her son had Down syndrome before his birth, yet she chose to bear him anyway. This act, this choice, embodies a noble view of life.

Opinion: McConnell’s Plan On Relief Bills To Pick and Choose Which Americans Get Help And Punish Enemies

Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Mitch MCconnell announced he will be bringing to vote in the Senate this week two stand-alone COVID-19 relief packages. On Tuesday, he will put to vote a Paycheck Protection Program bill to help small businesses, and on Wednesday he will bring back the same $500 billion stimulus package Democrats rejected last … Continue reading "Opinion: McConnell’s Plan On Relief Bills To Pick and Choose Which Americans Get Help And Punish Enemies"

The Beastie Boys Ad License A Song For The First Time Ever To Support Joe Biden

The Beastie Boys granted their first-ever ad song license for an ad, and it was to support Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The Hunter Biden Emails Story Has Totally Fallen Apart

Writers at The New York Post refused to allow their bylines to be used on the alleged Hunter Biden emails story because they doubted the sourcing and credibility of the materials.

Gretchen Whitmer Bluntly Says Trump Is Inciting Domestic Terrorism

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said on Sunday that President Trump is trying to incentivize and incite domestic terrorism.

Joe Biden Drives Mitch McConnell To The Unemployment Line At North Carolina Rally

Joe Biden hammered Senate Republicans at his drive up North Carolina rally and made the argument that leave Mitch McConnell unemployed.

Putin Mouthpiece Sen. Ron Johnson Totally Changes His Story On Hunter Biden

The fake Russian emails didn't gain any traction in the media, so Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is now falsely accusing Hunter Biden of criminal activity.

Twitter Removes Trump COVID Adviser Tweet Containing False Information

Twitter removed a tweet from Trump's favorite COVID adviser because it contained false or misleading information.

Opinion: Battle to Exclude Undocumented People from Census Exemplifies Trump Agenda: Make Some Lives Not Count

Last Friday the Supreme Court indicated that on November 30 it will hear arguments in the Trump administration’s appeal regarding its efforts to exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted in the census numbers used to calculate the apportionment of congressional districts. Last September a federal appeals court in Manhattan rejected the Trump administration’s bid to … Continue reading "Opinion: Battle to Exclude Undocumented People from Census Exemplifies Trump Agenda: Make Some Lives Not Count"

White House Expert Scott Atlas Censored By Twitter

Twitter has capped off a week of censorship by silencing a top White House scientist.

Trump Rally Designated As A Coronavirus Outbreak

Public health officials in Minnesota have designated Donald Trump's rally in the state a COVID outbreak after 20 people have been sickened.

Opinion: Theocracy Alert – Trump’s SCOTUS pick wants religion to play a major role in public life

Around the world there are several nations with brutally authoritarian governments that embrace the concept of imposing religion to play a major role of public life. It is what is known as theocracy and evangelical fanatics are a step closer to imposing their extremist vision of social conservatism on every aspect of all Americans’ daily … Continue reading "Opinion: Theocracy Alert – Trump’s SCOTUS pick wants religion to play a major role in public life"

Trump’s Grip On Reality Is Long Gone As He Predicts ‘Giant Red Wave’ In All-Caps Twitter Tirade

With polls showing him on the doorstep of a humiliating defeat to Joe Biden, Donald Trump is becoming more desperate and unhinged.

Biden Campaign To Its Supporters: Ignore The Polls And Sprint Through The Finish Line

The Biden campaign is telling its supporters that the race is much closer than the national and state polls suggest.

Internal GOP Data Shows Joe Biden’s Scranton Roots Could Make The Midwest Blue Again

Joe Biden's presidential campaign is in a strong position to win back key parts of the midwest that boosted Donald Trump four years ago.

GOP Sen. David Perdue Hides Behind Staffer After Waging Racist Attack On Kamala Harris

All Georgia voters have to do is roll the tape to understand exactly what the Republican senator was doing.

The Biden Emails Prove Impeachment Was A Sham

The New York Post story shows once and for all that Trump's impeachment was all based on a lie.

Trump Spends His Saturday Morning Melting Down At Ben Sasse As His Campaign Burns

Trump is spending his Saturday morning with precious few days left until election day attacking Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska.

17 Times More People Have Already Voted Early In 2020 Than Voted In 2016

Twenty five million votes have already been cast in 2020, which is seventeen times more turnout than at the same point in 2016.

Russia Has Been Planning To Use Rudy Giuliani To Attack Biden And The Election Since 2019

Russia has been planning to use Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to leak fake Biden in emails in the weeks before election day since 2019.

Joe Biden Nails Reporter Who Pushes Rudy Giuliani’s Russian Disinformation

Joe Biden had a fiery response to a CBS reporter who asked him about the Russian disinformation pushed by Rudy Giuliani and published by Rupert Murdoch.

Study Shows Remdesivir, Gilead’s Fast-Tracked Coronavirus Treatment Drug, Fails To Mitigate Deaths

A new study reveals remdesivir, the only antiviral therapeutic approved for treatment for COVID-19, does not prevent deaths for infected patients. 

Why The Left Needs Us All To Believe The United States Is Racist Forever

As leftists believe racism is constant throughout American history, they take the absence of racist sentiments to mean racism is hiding deep in our minds.

Nearly Three-Quarters Of Americans Are Sick Of Modern Architecture

Since the overwhelming majority of Americans have proven time and time again that they prefer traditional architecture, why do government agencies force ugly buildings on the American people? 

Explosive Emails Show Joe Biden Stood To Profit From Son Hunter’s Chinese Business Deals

Sources confirmed to Fox News that emails show Joe Biden stood profit from his son's business with officials linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Sean “Diddy” Combs Thinks There Will be a Race War if Trump Wins

Donald Trump has long been desperate for celebrity endorsements. The only that ever seemed to come, though, were from people like Ted Nugent, Tim Allen and Kid Rock. The majority of musicians, actors and artists support Democratic candidates. Rap mogul Sean Combs recently came out to endorse Joe Biden. Diddy, however, took it one step … Continue reading "Sean “Diddy” Combs Thinks There Will be a Race War if Trump Wins"

Joe Biden Cares So Much That He Stayed After Town Hall And Took Voter Questions

After the town hall on ABC ended, Joe Biden stayed and continued to take questions from Pennsylvania voters with no TV cameras running.

Left Targets Dianne Feinstein For Not Attacking Amy Coney Barrett Hard Enough

It is Feinstein’s potential for heresy against the new liberal orthodoxy that is causing her party to threaten to take away her status as ranking member if the Democrats regain the majority, not her age.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie Hated Voters’ Great Questions, So She Took Over The Trump Townhall

During President Trump's town hall with voters Thursday, Savannah Guthrie became visibly and audibly flustered with Trump every time she worked another interruption into his answer.

Why ‘The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe’ Became A Fantasy Classic For All Ages

Seventy years after its first publication, C.S. Lewis's classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' remains resonant with readers young and old.

Gay Multimillionaire Buys ‘The Best-Looking Baby In The World’ From A Surrogate

No country should allow the sale of children or the intentional creation of orphans, which, make no mistake, is exactly what is happening with surrogacy.

Don’t Pay Attention To Media Spin Of Massive Early Voting In Texas

Early voting is shifting from in-person to mail-in — a shift that should subside as a share of overall votes as Election Day approaches.

Biden Adviser Ezekiel Emanuel Makes Money By Keeping You On Lockdown

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who some might remember from 2009 as a chief salesman for Obamacare, is back in the spotlight again with tuned-up public health priorities and a new Democrat to serve: Joe Biden.

Twitter Announces Changes In Policies After Backlash Against Censorship

Gadde claims Twitter will 'no longer remove hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert,' and it 'will label Tweets to provide context instead of blocking links from being shared.'

‘Clouds’ Spotlights Catholic Family’s Struggles With Teen’s Terminal Illness

Author and mother of four Laura Sobiech discusses the new film depicting her son’s life and cultural impact — and the role of faith during trying times.

‘1619 Project’ Founder Melts Down At Criticism Of Her Fake History

The criticism sent the project's architect into rage, with her predictably calling the fair-minded critiques of her deceptive scholarship racist.

Black Voter Drags Biden At Town Hall, Asks Reason To Vote For Him Besides ‘You Ain’t Black’

'What do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that continually fails to protect them?'

Examining Institutional Failures At The FBI Through ‘A Time To Build’

Yuval Levin's latest book, 'A Time to Build,' examines the ongoing failures of American institutions, and in particular, the Trump era has exposed an alarming lack of leadership and judgment at the FBI.

Defending Iraq Needs To Be Iraq’s Job, Not The United States’s

The Pentagon's spokeswoman says the United States remains committed 'to ensuring the enduring defeat of ISIS and supporting Iraq’s long-term security, stability, and prosperity.' That is the job of the Iraqi military.

5 Things Donald Trump Should Say Once He Gets Back On The Debate Stage

Herewith are five responses to likely questions—not 'answers,' but responses, because it’s what the president should say whatever the question may be.

Rachel Maddow Declares Trump’s NBC News Town Hall A Catastrophe

The MSNBC host explained that Donald Trump's town hall likely did more damage to his presidential campaign.

Trump’s Town Hall Is So Bad That He Got Compared To A Crazy Uncle

Trump's town hall has been such a nightmare that at one point he was compared to a crazy uncle when he refused to denounce QAnon.

Biden Muddles Through Gentle, Hunter-Free Town Hall

Biden's softball town hall did not instill confidence.

Big Tech Is Making Us Worse And It’s Making Them Richer

Twitter and other social media companies' hypocrisy in choosing to overwhelmingly censor conservative content is telling about their corporate ideological motivations.

Biden Says He’ll Let The DOJ Decide On Prosecuting Trump

Joe Biden said that he wouldn't use the Department of Justice as his personal lawyers, and he will let the DOJ decide on prosecuting Trump.

In Dueling Town Halls, Trump Throws Tantrums And Biden Behaves Like A Real President

In a pair of dueling town hall events, Donald Trump acted like an irritated toddler while Joe Biden behaved like the next president.

Trump’s Town Hall Is A Disaster As He Falls Apart On Healthcare

The Trump town hall on NBC took a turn into broken down babble when Trump was asked about his healthcare plan.

Biden Sets A Trump Voter Straight Who Believes Trump Cut Taxes For Workers

Joe Biden has been taking questions from Trump voters at his ABC town hall and he is respectfully setting them straight.

GOP Sen. Ben Sasse Obliterates Trump And The Corrupt First Family In Newly Revealed Audio

As Trump sinks in the polls, it's likely that more and more members of the GOP will try to put distance between themselves and the president.

Obama Encourages Voters to “Vote Early” in New Ad

In a new ad, former President Barack Obama encourages Americans to vote–and vote early. The election is just 19 days away. “Millions of Americans are already voting. Make sure you stand up and join them,” he says in the ad. “There will always be reasons to think your vote doesn’t matter. That’s not new. What is … Continue reading "Obama Encourages Voters to “Vote Early” in New Ad"

Twitter Censors Again: Blocks Second New York Post Story On Hunter Biden Seeking Cash From Chinese Firm

After Wednesday's Orwellian purge, Twitter blocks a second story from the New York Post on Hunter Biden's deal with one of China's largest energy companies.

Biden Campaign Suspends Travel for Harris After Communications Director Tests Positive for Covid-19

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), the Democratic vice presidential nominee, has suspended her travel through Sunday after her communications director Liz Allen tested positive for Covid-19. In a statement, Jen O’Malley Dillon, Joe Biden’s campaign manager, said Harris was not in close contact with Allen or another individual on the campaign prior to their positive test … Continue reading "Biden Campaign Suspends Travel for Harris After Communications Director Tests Positive for Covid-19"

Obama Criticizes Trump for Spreading Misinformation

Former President Barack Obama, speaking on the “Pod Save America” podcast, criticized President Donald Trump for spreading misinformation, saying he’s causing conspiracy theories to take off across social media. “Social media, media infrastructure, the conservative media infrastructure. We’ve had this conversation before. That is a problem that is going to outlast Trump. Trump is a … Continue reading "Obama Criticizes Trump for Spreading Misinformation"

Twitter Suspends Trump Campaign Account For Posting Video On Bombshell Hunter Biden Story

The Trump campaign posted a video detailing the New York Post's blockbuster story on Joe and Hunter Biden. Twitter suspended the campaign's account.

Unemployment Claims Have Hit Their Highest Levels Since Mid-August

898,000 new claims for unemployment benefits were filed last week, according to the latest data released by the Department of Labor (DOL). Economists had forecasted roughly 830,000. The total of unemployment claims for the week of October 10 was the highest number since mid-August, a sign that the coronavirus pandemic has continued to hammer the … Continue reading "Unemployment Claims Have Hit Their Highest Levels Since Mid-August"

Republicans Admit They Plan To Oppose Spending With Phony Deficit Concern If Biden Wins

Democrats must also win back the Senate if they want a shot at implementing a policy agenda that will put America back on the right track.

Western Wisconsin: Will Blue-Collar Trump Democrats Swing The State To Trump Again?

Once solidly Democratic blue-collar communities in western Wisconsin that broke for Trump four years ago could hold the key to this crucial swing state.

Elites Are Making Us Worse And It’s Making Them Rich

Two of the most powerful conduits for information and speech are dishonestly wielding power to partisan ends. And the media isn't a bulwark.

Twitter Bans White House Press Secretary For Sharing Hunter And Joe Biden Corruption Article

Twitter locked White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of her account on Wednesday after she tweeted about the New York Post’s exclusive report on Hunter Biden’s foreign influence peddling.

Clarence Thomas Fraudster Anita Hill Can’t Figure Out Why People Don’t Trust Harassment Accusations

No wonder nearly two-thirds of people surveyed have come to believe those in power will not be held accountable for sexual harassment. Shame on Anita Hill.

If We Let Big Tech Strangle The Press, Say Goodbye To Your Freedoms

Generations before Facebook or Twitter, Tocqueville warned that censoring the press would endanger the survival of freedom and democracy in America.

GOP Senator On Biden Report: ‘American Foreign Policy Can Be Bought Like A Sack Of Potatoes’

'The foreign policy of the United States of America can be bought like a sack of potatoes,' Kennedy said on Fox News Wednesday of censored revelations that Biden's son sold access to his vice presidency.

Congress Needs To Take Seriously The House Reports On Big Tech’s Anticompetitive Behavior

That a fair and equitable market in tech is threatened by Big Tech’s dominance is a conclusion that is difficult to dismiss.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Fat-Shamed Iowa Voter When Pressed On Hunter’s Business Deals

Joe Biden fat-shamed an Iowa voter in December when, during a town hall, the man challenged Biden on his son's lucrative board position with the Ukrainian company Burisma.

‘Bill And Ted Face The Music’ Is All About Believing Your Kids Can Save The World

Thea and Billie learn that personal success and glory for themselves is ultimately glory for their dads, and Bill and Ted realize that their own pride and joy is more fully expressed in their children’s accomplishments than in their own.

Amy Coney Barrett Is The First Big Potential Supreme Court Victory For Republicans In 90 Years

If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, America will have the first Supreme Court with a majority of justices approved by a GOP Senate since 1939.

How School Shutdowns And Virtual Learning Especially Hurt Young Women

For a generation of students already dangerously inclined toward isolation, shuttered schools are a disaster across the board. The pandemic-induced closures, however, present particular difficulties for young women.

Kamala Harris Tears Trump Apart For ‘Playing Around’ As Americans Continue To Die On His Watch

Harris said that the silver lining is that the American people will have a chance to turn the page on Donald Trump in just 20 days.

Trump Looks Like A Washed-Up Musician On A Farewell Tour At Iowa Superspreader Rally

Trump, perhaps realizing that his shtick has become utterly boring, decided to throw a curveball and do a costume change mid-rally.

Melania Trump Suggests A Healthy Diet And Fresh Air Can Reduce Risk Of Coronavirus

First Lady Melania Trump suggested that a good diet, vitamins, fresh air and compassion can reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

Trump Congratulates Supporters Of His Who Have Contracted COVID-19

When a number of folks in Trump's Pennsylvania rally crowd cheered to signal they've had the virus, Trump congratulated them.

Trump’s Attempt To Prosecute Obama Officials Flops As Bill Barr’s Review Finds No Wrongdoing

At least one attempt by Donald Trump to use his Department of Justice to go after his political rivals has flopped.

Pelosi Accuses CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Of Being A GOP ‘Apologist’ For Asking Why Democrats Won’t Say Yes To Trillions More Deficit Spending

This isn't the first time Pelosi has blasted reporters asking critical questions of the House speakers' negotiations as advocates for the GOP.

Amy Coney Barrett Claims She Doesn’t Recall Ever Hearing Trump Promise To Kill Obamacare

Amy Coney Barrett said she didn't recall ever hearing Donald Trump promise to kill the Affordable Care Act.

Former WH Doctor Ronny Jackson Tries to Aid Trump by Questioning Biden’s Mental Health

Dr. Ronny Jackson spent quite a long time as the Physician to the President. He began his tenure in the White House in 2013, serving under then President Barack Obama. When Donald Trump was elected, Dr. Jackson stayed on board serving under Trump until 2018. Jackson first became known the the general public after he … Continue reading "Former WH Doctor Ronny Jackson Tries to Aid Trump by Questioning Biden’s Mental Health"

Will All The Name-Brand People Who Pushed The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Get Off Scot-Free?

The Russian collusion hoax has fallen apart more every day. And we haven’t heard a word of comment from any of the people responsible for pushing it and helping fracture this country.

Goodbye Mitch McConnell As Democrats Now Favored To Win Senate

The Cook Political Report for the first time found that Democrats are favored to win the Senate and remove Mitch McConnell from power.

More Va. Public Schools Using Kids As Guinea Pigs For Critical Race Theory

Based on the recommendations of consultants they paid nearly half a million taxpayer dollars, the Loudon County school board recently approved an Equity Plan steeped in critical race rhetoric.

Trump Blows A Gasket And Attacks Dr. Fauci In The Middle Of A Pandemic

Trump is attacking and trying to discredit the nation's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the middle of a pandemic.

Lindsey Graham Is Scared And Begging For Cash On Fox News

Lindsey Graham is terrified that he is going to lose his Senate seat to Jaime Harrison, so he is begging for cash on Fox.

A 4 Star General Who Never Endorsed A Candidate Has Endorsed Joe Biden

Four-star Gen. Chuck Boyd, who describes himself a long time Republican, had never endorsed a candidate until he endorsed Joe Biden.

From Dairy Country To Green Bay, Trump Radically Changed Wisconsin Politics. Can He Do It Again?

'There are two kinds of Democrats here: blue-collar Democrats and the sort-of intellectual elite Democrats who obviously didn't represent the blue-collar Democrats.'

Leftist Propaganda Resurfaces In Smithsonian’s Inaccurate ‘American History’ Display On Feminism

Especially given the amount of federal taxpayer dollars at work, the American people deserve accuracy and impartial non-bias from Smithsonian museums.

Joe Biden’s Fear-Mongering About COVID Is An Insult To Women’s Intelligence

The Biden-Harris campaign is aggressively courting the suburban female vote, treating women as cows they desperately need to go berserk.

After The Great Barrington Declaration, No One Can Honestly Say ‘Science’ Demands Lockdowns

While left-leaning media and pundits claim that evidence and science guide their decisions, the Great Barrington Declaration proves their ignorance and dishonesty.

Mark Meadows Storms Off When Reporters Demand He Wear A Mask To Speak To Them

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows refused to mask up to talk to reporters, even though he was in the hospital with COVID Trump.

SCOTUS Hearing Backfires As Democrats Bludgeon Trump And GOP On Healthcare

The hearing that Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Trump are rushing through has given Democrats a national platform on the pandemic and healthcare.

17 Questions Joe Biden Needs To Answer Before The Election

Forcing Biden to say which Trump achievements he would overturn should be the go-to strategy for all debates, interviews, and rallies before Election Day.

5 Major Reasons Liberation Theology Is Terrible Theology

Christians intent on keeping the faith must be fully aware of the many problems with liberation theology and the harm it will have on their walk with Jesus.

Consumer Watchdogs Say Kamala Harris Looked The Other Way While Utilities Set Stage For Wildfires

Some voices on the left argue that the Democratic leaders in California, including Kamala Harris, failed to hold utilities accountable as they spread vast sums of money in political-pay-to-play schemes around the state.

5 Popular Myths About Home Schooling, Busted

As more and more families start to home school and parents just want to do what’s best for their kids, it's important to have an accurate picture.

Dr. Fauci Says Trump Used His Image Without Permission In Ad

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that a Trump campaign ad twisted his words and used his image without his permission.

Twitter Flags Trump Tweet For Claiming That He is Immune From COVID

Twitter flagged Donald Trump's tweet after the President made the false claim that he is now immune from getting the coronavirus.

Kamala Harris Refuses To Personally Attend Lindsey Graham’s COVID Infected SCOTUS Hearing

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris will not in person attend the SCOTUS confirmation hearing as COVID runs through the Senate GOP.

Trump’s Support Is Collapsing With Whites And Men

A new poll shows Joe Biden performing better than any Democratic presidential candidate in decades with men and white voters.

Eric Trump Has An Epic Meltdown When Asked About His Dad Taking Bribes

Eric Trump fell apart on Sunday when asked about a new report that Trump uses hotels and businesses to run a pay for play scam.

Opinion: Decrying Same-Sex Marriage Decision, Justices Thomas and Alito Endorse Trump’s Assault on Civil Rights

Last Monday the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a case brought by Kim Davis, a former country clerk who, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in the Obergefell v. Hodges case legalizing same-sex marriage, refused to issue certificates for such marriages because of her religious objections to them.  … Continue reading "Opinion: Decrying Same-Sex Marriage Decision, Justices Thomas and Alito Endorse Trump’s Assault on Civil Rights"

One Dead After Leftist BLM-Antifa Groups Clash With Patriot Rally In Denver

Denver Police Department Chief Joe Montoya says the shooting is still under investigation as a homicide and that it is currently unclear how the full situation unraveled.

Opinion: Wall Street Sees Biden, Not Trump, as the Best Bet for a Powerful Economic Recovery for Americans

Donald Trump continues to attempt to scare Americans into voting for him, painting a doom-and-gloom portrait of a collapsing U.S. economy should they elect Joe Biden president this November. Wall Street and big bank economists, however, paint a very different picture. According to their vision, not just a Biden victory, but a Biden victory accompanied … Continue reading "Opinion: Wall Street Sees Biden, Not Trump, as the Best Bet for a Powerful Economic Recovery for Americans"

Sick Trump Only Lasts 18 Minutes At Fake White House Speech

The White House disguised a campaign rally as an official speech, but they couldn't hide the fact that Trump could only speak for 18 minutes.

Biden: Voters ‘Don’t Deserve’ To Know Whether I’ll Pack The Court

Joe Biden said voters 'don't deserve' to know whether he will pack the Supreme Court if he and vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris are elected in just a few weeks.

Opinion: Trump’s Taxes Suggest That When It Comes to Genocide, He’s Pay-for-Play

As the coronavirus sweeps through the White House, infecting Donald Trump, advisor Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, three Republican senators, and more, the bombshell report on Trump’s tax returns The New York Times dropped in late September already seems to be receding from the news cycle. Updates on Trump’s health status dominate the headlines and television … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump’s Taxes Suggest That When It Comes to Genocide, He’s Pay-for-Play"

Jennifer Newsom’s Documentary Blames The American Founders For Democrats’ Failures

Instead of recognizing the failures of generations of leftist government policies, Jennifer Siebel Newsom blames America's ills on the nation's Founding.

9 People Who Attended Trump Minnesota Rally Test Positive For COVID

Trump's most recent rally in Minnesota has resulted in at least nine of the attendees testing positive for the coronavirus.

Potentially Contagious Trump Wants To Hold COVID Spreading Rallies In Florida And Pennsylvania

As doctors warn that he still may be contagious, Donald Trump wants to hold rallies in the critical states of Florida and Pennsylvania.

Brian Kilmeade Says Pelosi Wants to “Create Chaos” by Invoking 25th Amendment

“Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants to “create chaos” by invoking the 25th Amendment to assess President Donald Trump’s fitness for office. Yesterday, Pelosi and Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) announced they would introduce legislation to establish a 25th Amendment commission with the express purpose of assessing Trump’s mental … Continue reading "Brian Kilmeade Says Pelosi Wants to “Create Chaos” by Invoking 25th Amendment"

‘The Walls Are Coming Down’: Steve Schmidt Says Trump’s Political Death Is Imminent

Steve Schmidt said it's clearer now than ever that Donald Trump's political death is coming, and Republicans in Congress know it.

Joe Biden Echoes Barack Obama’s Lie Of The Year: If You Like Your Employer-Provided Health Insurance, You Can Keep It

Reassuring and rosy campaign rhetoric aside, Biden’s health care plan could very well lead to the elimination of private health insurance.

The Left Can’t Stand Tolkien’s Christian-Influenced ‘Lord Of The Rings,’ So Amazon Is Giving It A ‘Game Of Thrones’ Makeover

It is obvious the left has it in for Tolkien and his work. This could not stop a major company like Amazon from wanting to profit off Tolkien's hugely popular Legendarium.  

Federal Court Blocks Absentee Ballot Extension In Wisconsin

A federal appeals court blocked a Democrat proposal to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin on Thursday.

‘Put Up Or Shut Up’: Maddow Blasts Massive White House Coverup Of Trump’s COVID Testing History

Rachel Maddow obliterated Donald Trump and the White House for refusing to disclose when the president got his last negative coronavirus test.

Trump Is Now Begging For The Second Debate To Go On After Pulling Out Hours Earlier

Hours after Trump pulled out of the debate and pledged to hold a rally instead, his campaign is begging for the event to go on in person.

Don Jr. Holds Packed Indoor Superspreader Rally As His Sick Dad Quarantines In The White House

As Donald Trump Jr. holds superspreader campaign rallies, his dad is sick and the White House is a COVID hot pot.

Corporate Media That Praised Kamala Harris For Shattering Glass Ceilings Blames Her Debate Loss On Being A Woman

'Mike Pence is a former television commentator and does have a very calm demeanor, but I think a lot of people were noticing some mansplaining going on tonight,' mansplained George Stephanopoulos.

China Censors Mike Pence’s Debate Comments On China But Freely Broadcasts Kamala Harris’s

China reportedly censored Vice President Mike Pence but not California Sen. Kamala Harris during Wednesday's vice presidential debate.

Kamala Harris Doubles Down On Biden’s Fracking Flip Flop

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spent the primary promising to ban fracking and fossil fuels. Now, they claim that was never their policy proposal.

Kamala Harris Praises Investigative Journalism After Ordering Raid On Citizen Journalist’s Home

As California attorney general, Harris sent agents to raid the home of citizen investigative journalist and Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden.

Kamala Harris Tells Debate Watchers: You’re Damn Right Biden And I Will Order A Massive Tax Increase

"On Day One, Joe Biden will repeal that tax bill. He will get rid of it," Harris said.

Kamala Harris Is Humiliating Mike Pence At VP Debate

Pence is anchored to Trump's talking point lies as Kamala Harris is humiliating him at the vice presidential debate.

Kamala Harris Attacks Efficacy Of Coronavirus Vaccine Because Orange Man Bad

Sen. Kamala Harris attempted to undermine public confidence in a coronavirus vaccine again during Wednesday's vice presidential debate.

Kamala Harris Obliterates Pence And Basically Calls Him A Liar At VP Debate

Sen. Kamala Harris took out Mike Pence at the VP debate and told the American people that Pence and Trump lied to them.

Trump Ordered to Turn Over Tax Records to New York Prosecutors

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan has ordered President Donald Trump’s accountant to turn over his tax records to New York prosecutors. The court said “a stay of a lower-court decision will remain in effect so Trump’s lawyers can appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court,” according to The Associated Press. … Continue reading "Trump Ordered to Turn Over Tax Records to New York Prosecutors"

Trump Evokes Images of Nazi-Era Germany: I’m “The Only Thing in the Radical Left’s Way”

After actor and noted conspiracy theorist James Woods suggested that New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio is an “anti-Semite.” DeBlasio’s administration recently suggested imposing new restrictions on neighborhoods with rising COVID-19 cases. Among them is the neighborhood of Borough Park, home to one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities outside Israel. The neighborhood was the scene of … Continue reading "Trump Evokes Images of Nazi-Era Germany: I’m “The Only Thing in the Radical Left’s Way”"

Trump Spends Morning Sharing Conspiracy Theories About Obama

President Donald Trump, who is back in the White House and reportedly suffering side-effects from a steroid used to treat coronavirus patients after testing positive for the virus last week, spent his morning conspiracy theories about his predecessor, former President Barack Obama. Trump’s tweets revived conspiracy theories about the nature of the Russia investigation, namely … Continue reading "Trump Spends Morning Sharing Conspiracy Theories About Obama"

Trump Calls on Pelosi and Appears to Reverse Course on Stimulus in Early Morning Tweet

President Donald Trump, who yesterday announced he had instructed Republicans not to negotiate a coronavirus financial stimulus package until after November’s general election, appeared to reverse course this morning, telling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that he is “Waiting To Sign” a bill authorizing stimulus checks as soon as it lands on his desk. The … Continue reading "Trump Calls on Pelosi and Appears to Reverse Course on Stimulus in Early Morning Tweet"

Report Reveals Trump Was Adamant About Ripping Migrant Kids From Parents, No Matter Their Age

The stated goal of Trump's immigration policy was to rip children from their parents, regardless of how young the kids were.

‘I’m Worried He Will’: Trump Appears Poised To Win Obama Swing Counties North Of Detroit

In a state Trump won by a razor-thin margin in 2016, Michigan might be decided in a handful of counties just now emerging from months of pandemic lockdowns.

No, Shutting Down Another Stimulus Won’t Cost Trump The Election

What makes Trump look worse before the election: trying to get a deal with no success, or pointing out that the other side doesn’t want a deal for political reasons and pulling out of talks?

In Video, Michelle Obama Sidelines Rioting Facts To Play The Race Card Against Trump Again

Michelle Obama continued the left's false narrative about Black Lives Matter, saying the movement is based on 'solidarity' and has been 'mostly peaceful.'

Yes, Joe Biden Can Support Legalized Abortion And Be Catholic, But Not Unreservedly

Joe Biden is a pro-choice Democrat, but does he believe abortion is immoral? Voters should know.

Gun Purchases Are Breaking All-Time Records This Year Due To Lockdowns, Rioting, And Confiscation Threats

In addition to the unprecedented circumstances of lockdowns and rioting, Olivia said that panic buying due to the upcoming election is also a probable cause for the rise in background checks and sales.

How Renewing The Paycheck Protection Program Would Sabotage The Economy

Rather than renew a flawed program that benefits big business and saves jobs that should be destroyed, Congress should allow market forces to make the necessary economic adjustments.

At Tonight’s Debate, Kamala Harris Needs To Say Exactly What She’d Do As President

The American people deserve to know what the United States would look like under the hypothetical presidencies of Kamala Harris or Mike Pence.

After Democrats Refuse To Negotiate, Trump Cuts Off Bailout Talks Until After Election

'Nancy Pelosi is asking for $2.4 Trillion Dollars to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democrat States, money that is in no way related to COVID-19,' Trump said.

Attacks On Amy Coney Barrett Prove That For The Left, ‘Diversity’ Is Only A Way To Get Power

The only diversity the left won't allow is one of varied viewpoints. Judge Barrett is a threat because she is living proof a different world exists.

YouTube, Vimeo Censor Video Of Premature Babies Refused Medical Care In Ohio Hospital

Big Tech companies are censoring a video posted by a mother whose babies were refused care and left to die, claiming the content violates community guidelines.

NBC News Recycles Biden Supporters As ‘Undecided Voters’ At Florida Town Hall

This behavior suggests an attempt to affect public opinion while pretending to measure it. It also demonstrates nervousness that Biden will lose Florida due to the Hispanic vote.

Twitter Warns Users Trying To Retweet Federalist Article On Declassified Russiagate Documents

When Sean Spicer attempted to retweet Sean Davis's article on Tuesday, he and others met a notification warning them that 'headlines don't tell the full story.'

The Space Race Hits Streaming, Portraying ‘Quintessentially American’ Courage

From a big-budget series remake of 'The Right Stuff' on Disney Plus to 'Away' on Netflix, the fight for streaming services subscribers is out of this world.

House GOP Antitrust Report: ‘Big Tech Is Out To Get Conservatives’

'Time and again, Big Tech uses its power to suppress and marginalize conservative voices. Evidence of both underlying bias and arbitrary censorship continues to mount.'

Trump Lashes Out At The FDA For Not Rushing A Coronavirus Vaccine In Time To Save His Campaign

Trump lashed out at the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday night for not rushing through a vaccine to save his struggling campaign.

Biden Tells Trump The Debate Should Be Canceled If He Still Has COVID

If Trump remains positive for COVID – or if he continues to hide the details of his health – then Joe Biden shouldn't be anywhere near him.

Nancy Pelosi Suggests Trump’s COVID Medication Has Pushed Him Fully Off His Rocker

Pelosi is now openly wondering whether Trump's COVID medications are clouding his judgement and impacting his behavior.

The Trump Virus Caravan Keeps Growing As White House Adviser Stephen Miller Tests Positive

Meanwhile, Miller's wife who serves as an aide to Mike Pence, has been trying to block safety precautions for the VP debate.

Netflix Comic Who Defended Chris D’Elia Suggests Underage Girl Starts OnlyFans

Netflix comic Neal Brennan tweeted that a 15-year-old girl should create an OnlyFans, a content subscription service for pornography.

Poll: Most Pennsylvania Voters Trust Biden to Lead on Covid

The latest Monmouth University poll found that more voters trust Democrat Joe Biden to lead the nation as it contends with the coronavirus pandemic. On this matter, Biden has a 12-point lead over President Donald Trump among Pennsylvania voters “and anywhere from an 8-point to 11-point lead among likely voters.” “Among all registered voters in … Continue reading "Poll: Most Pennsylvania Voters Trust Biden to Lead on Covid"

Legal Team for E. Jean Carroll Moves to Block Justice Department’s Interference in Case Against Trump

The legal team for journalist E. Jean Carroll, who last year accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in the mid-1990s, has moved to block the Justice Department’s attempt to intervene and replace the President’s private lawyers. “There is not a single person in the United States — not the President and not anyone … Continue reading "Legal Team for E. Jean Carroll Moves to Block Justice Department’s Interference in Case Against Trump"

White House Gift Shop Selling “Trump Defeats COVID” Commemorative Coin

The White House Gift Shop (WHGS) is selling a “Trump Defeats Covid” commemorative coin after President Donald Trump-–who is highly contagious–was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after testing positive for coronavirus. “When we at WHGS first heard the sad news of President Trump‘s positive COVID test, once again we had faith and prayed, yet … Continue reading "White House Gift Shop Selling “Trump Defeats COVID” Commemorative Coin"

Michelle Obama Urges Americans to Vote for Biden “Like Your Lives Depend on It”

Michelle Obama is urging Americans to vote for Joe Biden “like your lives depend on it” as part of a new video message in which she praises Biden and admonishes President Donald Trump for his response to the coronavirus pandemic. “If you’re a parent like me, you’re feeling the consequences of this president’s failure to … Continue reading "Michelle Obama Urges Americans to Vote for Biden “Like Your Lives Depend on It”"

Dr. Oz Goes on Fox to Defend Trump’s Decision to Leave Walter Reed

Dr. Mehment Oz, often criticized for promoting alternative medicine and pseudoscience, appeared on “Fox and Friends” to defend President Donald Trump’s decision to leave Walter Reed National Military Medical Center despite testing positive for the novel coronavirus. “Do you agree that he [President Trump] should have been released and able to go back to the … Continue reading "Dr. Oz Goes on Fox to Defend Trump’s Decision to Leave Walter Reed"

Trump Warns His Supporters To Vote After Biden Pledges to Protect Roe v. Wade

President Donald Trump, whose testing positive for coronavirus has dominated the headlines over the last week, sought to bring attention back to a possible Supreme Court battle between Democrats and Republicans after his rival, Democrat Joe Biden, said he would advance legislation to protect Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that permits women to have … Continue reading "Trump Warns His Supporters To Vote After Biden Pledges to Protect Roe v. Wade"

The Media Coverage Of Trump’s Covid Diagnosis Was A Disgrace

This weekend was a microcosm of media lies over the four years of Trump's presidency.

Trump Urges Americans to “Learn to Live wth Covid” and Compares It to the Flu

President Donald Trump urged Americans to “learn to live with Covid” in an early morning tweet. The message comes just a day after he was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center since testing positive for the coronavirus. “Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, … Continue reading "Trump Urges Americans to “Learn to Live wth Covid” and Compares It to the Flu"

No, COVID-Positives In The Senate Shouldn’t Prevent Confirming Amy Coney Barrett

Americans shouldn't fall for any tricks trying to stop the Senate from exercising its constitutional right to confirm Barrett to the nation’s highest court.

Amy Coney Barrett Is Not A Threat To Obergefell, The Constitution Is

By forcing the issue through an activist Supreme Court that fabricated a ‘right,’ the LGBT left have made themselves vulnerable to new justices recognizing this as unconstitutional.

Senators Press FBI To Stop Stonewalling Crossfire Hurricane Investigation Subpoenas

In the letter, the senators reprimand the FBI director for his agency's three specific failures to provide already requested and subpoenaed information

CNN’s Brian Stelter Downplayed Clinton Health ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ Fuels Trump Health Conspiracy Theories

'Conspiracy theories are so much more interesting than the truth,' Brian Stelter said in 2016 when criticizing reporters asking questions about the status of Hillary Clinton's health.

Left’s Response To Trump’s ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ Tweet Emphasizes How Very Much They Want Fear

We can't have people prudent about COVID, or rational about COVID, or thoughtful, or courageous about COVID. That does not produce the social outcomes that these people want. Being scared of COVID does.

Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth Claims Amy Coney Barrett Wants To Criminalize IVF

Despite Duckworth's claims, Barrett has not personally taken a stand on the practice of IVF. Fifty-two percent of Americans also believe life begins at conception.

Joe Biden Laughs Off Socialist Label To Hispanics In Florida While Omitting $10 Trillion Platform

'Do I look like a socialist?' quipped former Vice President Joe Biden during an NBC town hall in Florida Monday. In a word, yes.

We All Know Why Corporate Media Is Avoiding Hunter Biden’s Corruption Scandals That Implicate Joe

The Hunter Biden story is practically the new normal in terms of how it illustrates media willingness to suppress or ignore inconvenient truths.

While Forced To Call NFL With Face Coverings, Al Michaels And Cris Collinsworth Jab At Masks

'The Santa Clara County officials have compelled us to wear masks during the game. And so that is the story,' Al Michaels said through his muffling mask during the Sunday Night Football opening.

When FDR Tried It, Court-Packing Backfired Big Time

Increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court to further your political agenda isn't a new idea. That doesn't mean it's a good one.

No Matter What Sickness You Have, Please Keep Your Germs At Home

As we slide into cold and flu season, it’s time to remind everyone that it’s most polite and sociable to keep yourself and your family home when you’re sick with something contagious.

Biden Pledges To Make Roe v. Wade The Law Of The Land If Trump’s SCOTUS Nominees Overturn It

Biden pledged to advance legislation that would make Roe v. Wade the law of the land if Trump's justices overturn the landmark decision.

Delusional, Medicated And Maskless Trump Claims He Is Now Immune To The Virus

After Donald Trump returned to the White House on Monday night, he claimed he is now immune to the coronavirus.