
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

Trump Apparently Thought He Could Pay Robert Mueller To Drop The Russia Investigation

Donald Trump seemingly believed he could pay Special Counsel Robert Mueller to drop the Russia investigation if it started to zero in on him.

Trump’s Secret Walter Reed Visit Was So Serious That Pence Was Preparing To Take Over Duties

Mike Pence was told to prepare for the president to undergo a procedure in which he wouldn't be able to carry out the duties of his office.

Joe Biden Calls Trump ‘Weak’ And ‘Scared’ After He Refuses To Condemn MAGA Violence

What Trump did hours after Biden's speech – endorsing violence – was a gift to the Democratic nominee's campaign.

Trump Defends Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

Trump gave a defense of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse who murdered two people and injured one other in a mass shooting.

Joe Biden: Trump Has “Forfeited Any Moral Leadership In This Country”

Joe Biden will accuse Donald Trump of fomenting violence in a speech on Monday addressing ongoing protests in cities across the country and tackling the President’s “law and order” rhetoric. The Biden campaign released the former Vice President’s prepared remarks on Monday ahead of his appearance in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The comments will take aim squarely … Continue reading "Joe Biden: Trump Has “Forfeited Any Moral Leadership In This Country”"

White House Says Trump Still Hasn’t Spoken to the Family of Jacob Blake

Protests have continued unabated in Wisconsin since Jacob Blake, a Black man, was shot by police officers, reinvigorating demonstrations against racial injustice and police brutality that kicked off at the beginning of the summer following the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. According to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, President Donald Trump still hasn’t … Continue reading "White House Says Trump Still Hasn’t Spoken to the Family of Jacob Blake"

Los Angeles County Targets Grace Community Church For Holding Worship Services By Terminating Parking Lot Lease

Los Angeles County's order that Grace Community Church vacate a parking lot they leased is clearly linked to the ongoing legal battle over COVID-19 restrictions.

Trump Offered to Make John Kelly FBI Director the Day After Firing Comey, Demanded Loyalty

Donald Trump offered to make John Kelly director of the FBI the day after he fired Director James Comey but the President was clear he wanted Kelly to be loyal only to him. The extraordinary account is revealed in the new book Donald Trump v. The United States by the New York Times Michael Schmidt. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist … Continue reading "Trump Offered to Make John Kelly FBI Director the Day After Firing Comey, Demanded Loyalty"

Senator Angus King Calls Cancelation of Election Security Briefings a “Pre-Coverup”

Senator Angus King (I-Maine) called the cancelation of election security briefings “a pre-coverup.” King’s comments after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced his office will no longer deliver in-person election security briefings to members of Congress. “I can’t get into the head of these people, but we have a president who never likes to … Continue reading "Senator Angus King Calls Cancelation of Election Security Briefings a “Pre-Coverup”"

Herman Cain Twitter Account Claims The Coronavirus Isn’t Deadly After It Killed Him

The coronavirus killed Herman Cain, but his Twitter account posted a tweet claiming that the virus isn't as deadly as first thought.

Trump Suggests He Saved Kenosha From Being Destroyed: “Great Death and Injury”

Donald Trump suggested on Monday that he had saved Kenosha, Wisconsin from being destroyed because of his insistence that the National Guard be deployed to the city. The President took to Twitter to make the extraordinary claim as he prepares to visit on Tuesday, despite the Governor of Wisconsin asking him not to do so. … Continue reading "Trump Suggests He Saved Kenosha From Being Destroyed: “Great Death and Injury”"

Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Of Jail

If Kamala Harris is against rioting then why did she help bail rioters out of jail?

New Poll: Most Members of the Military Would Vote for Joe Biden

A new poll shows that a majority of active-duty military personnel disapprove of Donald Trump and would vote for Joe Biden if the election were held today. The shock new poll was published Monday by Military Times, which describes itself as an  “independent voice for news about service members.” The poll was conducted in conjunction with Syracuse … Continue reading "New Poll: Most Members of the Military Would Vote for Joe Biden"

Former Intelligence Director James Clapper: Why Wouldn’t Russia Interfere in 2020 Election?

James Clapper has warned Russia will interfere in the 2020 election because of how successful it was in 2016. He suggested the country may be interfering already. The former Director of National Intelligence argued on Monday that Russia would involve itself in the 2020 presidential election during an appearance on CNN. New Day host Alisyn Camerota … Continue reading "Former Intelligence Director James Clapper: Why Wouldn’t Russia Interfere in 2020 Election?"

Petitions Call for Chadwick Boseman Memorial to Replace Confederate Statue

Two petitions are calling for a memorial to Chadwick Boseman to replace a Confederate statue in the late actor’s hometown. The effort has garnered thousands of signatures. One petition calls for a Confederate statue in Anderson, South Carolina to be replaced with a memorial to the Black Panther star and has garnered more than 6,000 signatures. “Mr. … Continue reading "Petitions Call for Chadwick Boseman Memorial to Replace Confederate Statue"

Amid Riots Ripping The Country, NPR Promotes Book ‘In Defense Of Looting’

'One thing about looting is it freaks people out. But in terms of potential crimes that people can commit against the state, it's basically nonviolent.' Tell that to Kenosha, Chicago, and Minneapolis.

The Media Pretended Rioting Wasn’t Happening Until They Couldn’t Anymore

The media messaging began a laughably transparent pivot from 'What violence?' to 'Yes, violence exists, but it's Trump's fault.'

Why Kenosha Police Officers’ Use Of Force On Jacob Blake Was Justified

Most people have no understanding of what constitutes ‘reasonable force’ for police. Yes, it sometimes includes shooting a man, in broad daylight, in the back seven times.

Washington Post Columnist: Dismemberment Of Humans Is ‘Banal’

Abby Johnson’s language at the RNC might have been unnerving. But in a society that can’t make up its mind about what lives matter, what else can she do?

The Face Of The Democratic Party Isn’t Joe Biden, It’s The Raging Mob

It’s too late for Biden to denounce the rioters and looters, whose votes he's counting on to win the White House in November.

Foundation With Biden Campaign Ties Funding Leftist Agitators On U.S. Streets

While activists Ford funds desecrate cities and terrorize regular folks, the foundation gives millions to the ‘Defund the Police’ movement.

Washington Post Lies About The Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

The Democratic Party is as radical as we have ever seen on the issue of abortion, but the policies that average Democrats support generally do holistically protect life and limit abortions.

Harvard Professor Twists History In Failed Hit Job On The Electoral College

How can you tell which parts of the Constitution are the result of racism? That’s easy. Whatever provisions the left dislikes are stained by slavery.

The Conventions Proved Only The GOP Will Stand Up Against Civil Unrest

With their silence at the DNC and late response to the new wave of violence in Kenosha, Democrats remain cowed and timid in the face of lawlessness.

It’s Time To Stop Paying Colleges For Overpriced Leftist Indoctrination

With the news that many Ivy League schools are increasing tuition despite only offering online classes, there is never a better time than now to just say 'no.'

Study: Public Schools Hide Planned Parenthood’s Extermination Of The ‘Unfit’

A recent study of the most popular high school history books in the country discovered they 'ignore' Progressive movement eugenics, including the dark history of Planned Parenthood.

Economic Collapse Is Imminent If We Can’t Stop Our Deficit Spending Spree

We’ve become accustomed to solving all our problems with more spending, but at what point must we question our national solvency?

Wisconsin Attorney General Calls Trump A Catalyst For Chaos And Tells Him To Stay Out Of Kenosha

Wisconsin’s attorney general Josh Kaul has joined the state’s governor in telling Donald Trump not to come to Kenosha. Attorney General Kaul tweeted: This admission that the Trump team is thinking about how it can benefit from chaos and violence happening during this administration is appalling. 3/ — Josh Kaul (@JoshKaulWI) August 30, 2020 Instead … Continue reading "Wisconsin Attorney General Calls Trump A Catalyst For Chaos And Tells Him To Stay Out Of Kenosha"

Wisconsin Governor Urges Trump Not To Come To Kenosha

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D-WI) urged Trump not to come to Kenosha because his visit would hinder the healing of the community.

The Mayor Of Portland Erupts And Calls On America To Stop Trump

Mayor Ted Wheeler blamed Trump for the division and violence in the country and called on the American people to stop Trump.

New Director Of National Intelligence: Congress Illegally Leaks Classified Intel So Much I’m Cutting Them Off

An increasing number of leaks by Congress for 'political purposes' have motivated him to change to only giving limited or written briefings for those 'who are entitled to it.'

GOP Convention Backfires As Trump Approval Drops With Republicans

A new poll reveals that Donald Trump's GOP convention actually hurt his approval rating among Republican voters.

Rod Rosenstein Stopped A Full Investigation Into Trump’s Russia Ties

Rod Rosenstein limited Robert Mueller and made sure that the Department of Justice never fully investigated Trump's ties to Russia.

Ted Lieu Calls For Possible Criminal Penalties If Trump Refuses To Provide Election Security Briefings

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said that the House should pass inherent contempt legislation if Trump refuses to provide Congress with election security briefings.

One Dead In Portland After Pro-Trump Caravan Clashes With Protestors

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protestors rallied and cheered at the announcement of the victim's death, claiming that 'he was a f—ing Nazi!' and that 'our community held its own.'

Chad Wolf Says Trump Might Illegally Send Federal Law Enforcement To Portland

Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf suggested that Donald Trump might illegally send federal law enforcement to Portland.

Adam Schiff Says Trump Thinks He Can’t Beat Biden Without Russian Help

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said Trump is hiding election security briefings because he can't beat Biden without Russia.

Two Days Before Commencement, Wisconsin College Rescinds Speaking Invitation To Mike Pence

On Thursday, Wisconsin Lutheran College gave an update to their Saturday commencement ceremony that announced the decision to change speakers.

Ron Johnson Refuses To Condemn Trump For Agitating Violence In Portland

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) would not condemn Trump for his urging his supporters to go to Portland and carry out acts of violence.

Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

The scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes.

Opinion: I Blame Donald Trump for Spreading COVID In The Rose Garden

From the very beginning of the Covid pandemic, Donald Trump did everything wrong. He ignored the warnings in his intel briefings. Then he denied it was here. After that, he claimed the pandemic was a hoax invented by the “Democrat Party” because even a pandemic was really all about him. He did nothing until it … Continue reading "Opinion: I Blame Donald Trump for Spreading COVID In The Rose Garden"

Opinion: Biden, Dems, BLM Must Embrace and Re-define “Law and Order”

Donald Trump has repeatedly declared himself the “law and order” candidate, wearing this mantle proudly. At last week’s Republican National Convention, the array of speakers trumpeted this slogan again and again as the dominant chord of Trump’s otherwise ill-defined policy platform. “Law and order” isn’t just the definitive slogan on Trump’s candidacy; it’s deployed as … Continue reading "Opinion: Biden, Dems, BLM Must Embrace and Re-define “Law and Order”"

Opinion: A criminal cannot campaign on law and order

No sane human being believes Trump and his corrupt administration care about law and order; they care about frightening white people. However, during the RNC this week the lying hypocrite Mike Pence asserted that the upcoming election is about law and order. Trump has violated the law, and his oath to uphold, defend and support … Continue reading "Opinion: A criminal cannot campaign on law and order"

Pelosi And Schiff Out Russian Election Interference After Trump Cancels Security Briefings

Trump canceled election security briefings so Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff outed Russia as the only foreign country interfering to help Trump.

Trump Cancels All Election Security Briefings To Congress

Less than two months before the presidential election, Trump has refused to brief both the House and the Senate on election security.

Portland Protestors Occupy Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Apartment Building Demanding His Resignation

A group of activist protestors organized a sit-in at Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's apartment building on Friday, demanding his resignation.

Trump Gets Virtually No Bounce From The Republican Convention

The first post-Republican convention poll is out, and it shows Trump still trailing Joe Biden by six points with Biden at 50%.

Trump Has A Saturday Twitter Meltdown Over Mary Trump’s Book

Trump threw a fit on Saturday and had a meltdown over the books that are being written about him, specifically Mary Trump's book.

Democrats Just Stopped Millions Of Voters From Being Disenfranchised In Texas

Democrats won a major court decision that stops Republicans in Texans from disenfranchising millions of the state's voters on a technicality.

Trump Is Suing Pennsylvania To Block Votes From Being Counted

Trump asked a federal court to require the state not to count any ballots that were not sent in using the USPS.

Unmasked “Macho Man” Trump Supporter Threatens Reporter At Rally

A reporter was minding his own business when an unmasked Trump got in his face and started threatening him in New Hampshire.

Not Well Trump Nearly Falls Down Trying To Walk Up Steps

Trump nearly fell down while trying to walk up three simple steps to get on stage, as signs suggest that the President is not well. Video: Trump seemed to have some difficulty making him way to the podium before his speech in New Hampshire — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 29, 2020 These events are … Continue reading "Not Well Trump Nearly Falls Down Trying To Walk Up Steps"

Chadwick Boseman Is Gone But Will Never Be Forgotten

America lost a great actor with Chadwick Boseman's death but his performances are forever.

What Ray Bradbury Can Teach Us About How To Cultivate Creativity

As civilization crumbles around us, Bradbury and his fiction offer several primordial lessons we would be prudent to reconsider.

After Decades Of Dividing America On Race, Left Insists The Right Is Really To Blame

Demographics aren't destiny, culture is. The sooner American return to affirming "E pluribus unum," the faster we can mend our national wounds.

If The Founders Didn’t Compromise On Slavery, The Constitution And United States Wouldn’t Exist

For a country formed as a marriage between free and slave states, the Constitution was a compromise.

HBO’s ‘Perry Mason’ Is A Welcome Spiritual Allegory For Our Dark Times

Dismissed by some critics as a needless origin story, HBO's 'Perry Mason' reboot is exactly the type of high-minded storytelling we need today.

Secret Tape Reveals The Truth About Ivanka As The Trump Myth Crumbles

Mary Trump released more audio of Trump's sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, and this time America gets the truth about Ivanka Trump.

At Least Four People Have Already Tested Positive for Coronavirus After Attending the RNC

At least four people have already tested positive for the novel coronavirus after attending the Republican National Convention, according to media reports. Two attendees and two individuals who worked the event have tested positive, says an official release from North Carolina’s Mecklenburg County. The individuals were isolated. RNC Communications Director Michael Ahrens said, “Out of … Continue reading "At Least Four People Have Already Tested Positive for Coronavirus After Attending the RNC"

Jack Dorsey’s $10M To Ibram Kendi Is An Attempt To Expiate His White Guilt

The new iteration of Marxism is true to its heritage in at least one way: It justifies the concentration of power in the hands of its acolytes.

New York Times Sympathizes With Adults Who Pursue Sex With 13-Year-Old Girls

The New York Times has defended so-called victimless child sex crimes in a lengthy apologetic for men in prison for solicitation for sex with minors.

Trump Lit Up The Skies (And The Right) While The Streets Raged — And Remade Conventions Forever

The president's speech closed out the second remote convention in American history, and marked the first done right.

Sen. Rand Paul Surrounded As Diverse Group Of Cops Defends From Mob

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul was ambushed by a mob Thursday night following President Donald Trump's Republican convention speech at the White House.

The Michael Flynn Saga Reveals Democrats’ Near-Coup Use Of Federal Power

Obama administration holdovers and partisan career employees succeeded in causing the ouster of the new administration’s pick for national security advisor.

California Is Not A Tech State, It’s A Big Labor State, And The Two Are At War

California lawmakers are essentially attempting to force workers in the gig economy to unionize, which will funnel millions of dollars in dues to Big Labor.

Democratic Convention Showed 5 Things Democrats Want To Pretend Never Happened

Here's a run-down of the items Democrats want to pretend never happened by ignoring them during convention season.

Stop Blaming Trump For Coronavirus And Start Making Life Great Again

As we contemplate all we have lost to COVID-19, we must ask ourselves whether we want our world to become more of an earthly hell than it already is.

The One Glaring Question No One Has Asked Joe Biden But Should

With the questions about Joe Biden's health, the American people have a right to know whether he only plans to serve one term as president if he wins.

President Trump, Set A Deadline For Getting U.S. Troops Out Of Iraq Already

It's time for President Trump to fully withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq. Iraq must assume responsibility for its own security.

Finally, A Self-Help Book For Punks

In Greg Gutfeld's new book, 'The Plus,' the Fox News host offers advice on how to live an authentic life. It's a subject he knows a little something about.

Far-Left Democrats Join Terrorists In Denouncing Peace Deal With Israel That Will Benefit The World

Normalization with Israel opens access to state-of-the-art health care technology, agriculture, defense, and telecommunications for nations who seek peace.

You Didn’t Notice The Most Touching Moment Of Kayla Mueller’s Parents’ Emotional RNC Plea

Carl Mueller said he believed their daughter would be with them today if Trump were in office at the time she was captured in 2013.

Massive Protest Drowns Out Trump’s Acceptance Speech

The sound could be heard by the Trump supporters on the South Lawn as a huge gathering of protesters drowned out Donald Trump.

Biden Wins GOP Convention After Weak And Listless Trump Speech

Trump's Republican nomination acceptance speech laid out no vision, and dodged the real issues, as Trump sounded tired and lifeless.

Lindsay Graham Kept GOP Judiciary Committee Senators In The Dark About Interview Of FBI Agent Joe Pientka

Graham and his staff kept Republican members of the Judiciary Committee in the dark about an interview of key Russiagate figure Joe Pientka on Thursday, multiple sources told The Federalist.

Nicolle Wallace Goes Off On Trump’s Maskless RNC Crowd: ‘He’s Going To Get People Killed’

With each passing night, the Republican National Convention gets more shameless in its blind worship of Donald Trump.

Mitch McConnell Unloads A Garbage Truck Of Lies During Propaganda-Laced RNC Speech

Mitch McConnell is about as inspiring as a wet piece of cardboard, but he sure knows how to spew propaganda.

Watch: Widow Of David Dorn, Retired Police Chief Slain By Mob, Recounts Harrowing Story And Endorses Trump

Ann Dorn, a widowed wife and mother of five newly fatherless children, recounted the heart-wrenching tale of her husband David's death.

Mary Trump Says Law Enforcement Has All The Documents They Need To Indict Trump

Mary Trump said that she hadn't been asked for more documents by prosecutors, which suggests they already have what they need to take down Trump.

Scott Walker Leaves CNN Interview After His ‘Biden’s America’ Argument Falls Apart

The footage plastered on cable news and Trump campaign advertisements is not Joe Biden's America. It's Donald Trump's America.

Ari Melber To Pelosi: I’ve Never Heard You Say A President Was This Illegitimate

The Speaker of the House said Trump doesn't even pretend to respect the truth or the office of the presidency.

The RNC Is Completely Abandoning Social Distancing Rules For Trump’s Acceptance Speech

What is happening on Thursday at the White House isn't just an abuse of the presidency, but it has the potential to be a superspreader event.

Former DHS Official: Some People in the Trump Administration “Hold a White Nationalist Viewpoint”

A former Homeland Security official has claimed some people in the Trump administration have white nationalist views. She has endorsed Joe Biden for president. Elizabeth Neumann served as Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at Trump’s DHS and even voted for him in 2016 but her opinion has since changed. Speaking to MSNBC, … Continue reading "Former DHS Official: Some People in the Trump Administration “Hold a White Nationalist Viewpoint”"

Senator Lindsey Graham: “QAnon Is Batshit Crazy”

Lindsey Graham has dismissed the QAnon conspiracy as crazy, despite the fact its believers are strong supporters of President Donald Trump. The Republican said the conspiracy was inspiring violence. The South Carolina senator spoke to Vanity Fair‘s Peter Hamby on his Snapchat show and was asked about the conspiracy theory, which claims Trump is fighting an … Continue reading "Senator Lindsey Graham: “QAnon Is Batshit Crazy”"

Republican Campaign Chair: “There’s No Doubt” GOP Will Control the Senate

The director of Republicans’ Senate campaign has claimed his party will retain control of the chamber despite polls showing many key GOP members are vulnerable this November. Kevin McLaughlin is National Republican Senatorial Committee Executive Director. He told Politico on Wednesday that the GOP would keep the Senate this fall. “There’s no doubt that Republicans will control … Continue reading "Republican Campaign Chair: “There’s No Doubt” GOP Will Control the Senate"

Over 100 Bush, McCain and Romney Staffers Endorse Joe Biden for President

Alumni from the campaigns of the last three Republican presidential candidates have come out in support of Joe Biden with more than 100 backing the Democrat. Staffers who worked for President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Senator Mitt Romney have declared their support for the former Vice President. Bush 43 Alumni for Biden … Continue reading "Over 100 Bush, McCain and Romney Staffers Endorse Joe Biden for President"

6 Quick Takeaways From Third Night Of Republican National Convention

Because of the media being so hysterically anti-Trump, this convention is the first time in about four years that non-leftist Americans have seen other Americans reflecting their positive views about President Trump.

Police Recover Weapon From Vehicle Of Wisconsin Shooting Victim Jacob Blake

Jacob Blake had a knife on the driver's side of his vehicle when Kenosha police officer Rusten Sheskey shot him seven times Sunday evening. 

Minneapolis Riots, Looting Erupt Again After Suicide From Murder Suspect Approached By Police

Minneapolis erupted into a second wave of rioting and looting Wednesday night following the suicide of a male murder suspect as police approached.

The Worst Part About Fake ‘Anti-Racism’ Is That It Forces Us To Live Lies

America under the sway of the Black Lives Matter movement is reminding me of life in the Soviet Union: One's entire existence is premised on something believed to be untrue.

EXCLUSIVE: Homeland Security Secretary Says Antifa ‘Absolutely’ Meets Definition Of Domestic Terrorist Group

Acting Homeland Security Chief Chad Wolf said in certain circumstances, the militant group Antifa 'absolutely' qualifies as a domestic terrorist group.

RNC Night 3 Pulls No Punches, Delivering Triumphant Outsider Challenge To All Of DC

The party bosses who negotiate and sell off the speaking slots to burnish peoples' party credentials aren't calling the shots.

The Washington Post Just Proved Abby Johnson’s Point On Abortion As A ‘Horror Show’

Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson's speech Tuesday night was not a dramatization of what happens during an abortion. It's reality.

Why Are Medical Authorities Playing Games With COVID Treatments?

We can no longer avoid questions about the elevation of Remdesivir and suppression of hydroxychloroquine.

NBA Teams Bail From Playoff Games And Season Over Jacob Blake Shooting

Reports suggested that after he walked out, LeBron James and other players were headed to Washington D.C. on a private jet to protest at the White House.

Behind Trump’s Surprise Pardon To Black American Who Helps Prisoners Start Life Fresh

If caring about black lives means more than a slogan, let’s hope Jon Ponder’s model is replicated nationwide, with support from both sides.

I Just Went Back To School In Person. It’s Not Scary

Back in a community of people who are making sacrifices, taking precautions, and looking out for each other in the midst of a continued national panic, I feel the safest I have all year.

Media Accuse Trump Of Hatch Act Violations While Ignoring Democrats’

In the latest episode of media behaving as if history began after January 2017, mainstream news outlets began raising hysteria this week over the Hatch Act.

CNN Chyron On Kenosha: ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting’

A CNN chyron reporting on the riots exploding in Kenosha during the early hours of Tuesday morning appeared to have gone unnoticed.

Mike Pence Shows Why Kamala Harris Will Wipe The Floor With Him

Pence gave a dull acceptance speech full of the usual sucking up to Trump and lies that define the VP as a speedbump for Kamala Harris.

Joni Ernst Becomes A Laughingstock By Claiming Biden Will Ban Farm Animals

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) claimed that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will ban farm animals if they win which caused laughter at MSNBC.

Tucker Carlson Praises Kenosha Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse On Fox News

Fox News host Tucker Carlson praised the teen who shot and killed two protesters in Kenosha, WI for "maintaining order."

Doctor Veteran Nun Blasts Abortion, Says Trump Is Most Pro-Life President In History

Speaking at the RNC Wednesday night, Sister Deirdre Byrne -- a nun, soldier, and surgeon -- said "life begins at conception."

EXCLUSIVE: On Kenosha, DHS Sec. Wolf Says ‘Fault Lies’ With Local Leaders, Individuals Have Right To Protect Themselves

Acting Homeland Security Chief Chad Wolf defended the rights of citizens to protect themselves against the anarchic mobs tearing through cities.

Why The RNC Programming And Production Is Working

On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Senior Editor Chris Bedford joins Host Ben Domenech to analyze night two of the Republican National Convention.

The BLM Mob Doesn’t Just Want You To Raise Your Fist, It Wants To Rule You

The roving bands of Black Lives Matter activists harassing diners in D.C. on Monday think they’re winning. They’re not wrong.

Under Gov. Newsom’s Rules, School Has Become ‘Netflix And Disney Plus.’ Parents Are Taking Legal Action

'The harm of not returning to school is greater than the risk of returning to school,' a concerned California parent told The Federalist.

Study: Kids Whose Moms Don’t Work Full Time More Likely To Get Into Stanford

'After adjustment for demographic and socioeconomic factors, the group most likely to attend selective colleges were students in male breadwinner-female homemaker families.'

After Correction, Study That Claimed Mutilating Trans People Helps Them Now Finds The Opposite

We are now informed that no reliable research to date has shown that hormones or surgery are effective in alleviating any of the significantly larger emotional distress transgender people experience.

The Republican National Convention’s Night Two Was An Antidote To Media Lies

The Republican Nation Convention's second night showed America the truth about Donald Trump's first four years.

The Redskins Are One More Thing Wealthy Transplants Have Taken From Blue-Collar Locals

The most interesting story in Washington, D.C. sports in 2020 is what the divergence between its two fanbases says about our increasingly divided nation.

Biden National Outdoor Mask Mandate Isn’t Just Unconstitutional, It’s Anti-Science

A new paper out shows Biden's proposed federal mask mandate flies in the face of science, as being outside without a face covering is the lowest risk for virus transmission.

RNC Featured Heartwarming Story Of Cop Adopting Homeless Drug Addict’s Baby

President Trump invited Holets, his wife Rebecca, and baby Hope as special guests to the 2018 State of the Union, where he told the couple, 'You embody the goodness of our nation.'

How Two Uber Drivers Showed Me America’s Racial Crossroads

Down which road will America go: toward the self-destructive lie that America was founded on slavery, or toward an appreciation of the reasons millions of immigrants leave their homelands for this country?

NBC Labels Pro-Life RNC Speaker Abby Johnson ‘Opponent Of Abortion Rights’

NBC News' glaring media bias was on full display Tuesday night during one pro-life activist's remarks at the Republican National Convention.

The Culture War Convention

Anxiety over recent cultural upheaval is bipartisan outside coastal greenrooms.

Birther Melania Trump Claims Democrats Are Dividing America By Criticizing Trump

Melania Trump claimed that Democrats divided America by criticizing her husband at the Democratic National convention.

Melania Trump Sounded Like A Hostage In Convention Speech Disaster

With her husband creepily peering at her, Melania Trump read the words of her script with the passion of a hostage reading propaganda.

Eric Trump Who Is Hiding From New York Prosecutors Claims His Father Supports Law Enforcement

Eric Trump, who has refused to be interviewed by the New York Attorney General, claimed that his father supports law enforcement.

NYT Reporter Tries To Cancel Pardoned Black Christian For Supporting Trump At RNC

Ponder received a presidential pardon Tuesday after spending time in prison for a bank robbery and then launching a nonprofit dedicated to second chances.

CNN Political Analyst Calls Nick Sandmann ‘Snot Nose’ Kid After Airing Speech That Tore Them To Shreds

CNN aired the entire RNC address from Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School teenager defamed by the network in 2019.

Teenager ‘Defamed By The Media’ Denounces Cancel Culture And Media Bias At RNC

Nicholas Sandmann explained that 'the truth wasn’t important' to corporate media outlets looking for clicks or views.

Biden Campaign Calls The RNC An ‘Incoherent Charade’ That Borders On ‘Self Parody’

The Biden campaign issued a blistering takedown of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, calling it an incoherent charade.

MSNBC Cuts Off RNC After Larry Kudlow Declares The Pandemic Over

Larry Kudlow all but declared the pandemic over during an RNC segment on Tuesday that looked eerily similar to a used car commercial.

American Airlines To Cut 19,000 Jobs When Federal Aid Expires In October

American Airlines announced Tuesday it would be laying off 19,000 employees once federal support from the CARES Act expires in October.

RNC Night Two Descends Into Chaos After Planned Speaker Spews QAnon Conspiracies On Twitter

Night two of the RNC got off to a rocky start as one of the speakers was pulled from the schedule after she shared QAnon conspiracy theories.

Nancy Pelosi Thrashes Mike Pompeo For Breaking The Law With Partisan RNC Speech

Pelosi slammed Pompeo on Tuesday for shredding American norms – and violating State Department rules – by delivering a speech at the RNC.

Trump Invited QAnon Congressional Hopeful Marjorie Greene to His Acceptance Speech

Last week, Donald Trump was for his thoughts on QAnon during a White House press briefing. Rather than denounce the fringe conspiracy theorist group, the President boasted that they “really liked him.” The question was prompted by the primary success of Georgia’s Marjorie Greene, who is likely to become the first QAnon congressperson. Trump is … Continue reading "Trump Invited QAnon Congressional Hopeful Marjorie Greene to His Acceptance Speech"

RNC Night 1 Rejects Hollywood Host For Night Dominated By Everyday Americans

For many loyal corporate media consumers the convention provided the longest slice of counter-programming they'd been treated to in years.

6 Quick Takeaways From The First Night Of The Republican National Convention

The Republican National Convention had a better first night than the Democratic National Convention had any night last week.

As Rioting Lights Up Wisconsin, Democrat Governor Blames Police

Jacob Blake, 29, was in serious condition Monday after he was shot multiple times while getting into his car during what Kenosha police describe as a domestic incident.

Joe Biden Is Such A ‘Devout Catholic’ He’ll Persecute The Church If Elected

The former vice president opens himself to criticism by constantly touting the depth of his Catholic faith while publicly flaunting every one of its teachings.

I Was Wrong About Trump. He Didn’t Destroy the GOP, He Saved It

At the RNC four years ago, I thought Trump couldn’t win the White House and that his nomination would destroy the Republican Party. I was wrong.

American Universities Are Now The Front Line Of The China-U.S. Cold War

For decades, Communist China has cunningly exerted its influence, spread its propaganda, and conducted espionage on college campuses across America.

Why Biden’s Won’t Fully Distance Himself From The Far-Left’s Antisemitism

Should Biden publicly support radical Democrats because he needs to appease the far-left segment of the party, or should he condemn them to appease more moderate and Jewish Democrats?

Is There Any Limit To What We’ll Do To ‘Stop Coronavirus’?

With the arrival of one virus, our legal rights seem to have been deemed irrelevant, completely subordinated to the arbitrary whims of politicians, all in the name of 'safety.'

Pelosi: Republicans Are ‘Domestic Enemies’ ‘Trying To Interfere In Our Election’

'The domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring of the Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.'

Biden’s Plan Will Raise Taxes On Americans Who Earn Less Than $400,000 A Year

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris told ABC that they would not raise taxes on Americans who earn less than $400,000 a year. Five economic analyses of their plans find otherwise.

Author Cooper Lawrence Exposes The Limits Of Celebrity Activism

After reviewing the research, Lawrence is skeptical that celebrities, be they Kanye West or Beyonce, actually influence a person's decision to vote Democrat or Republican.

On Weekend Heading Into RNC, Pro-Trump Boat Parades Sweep Nation

Boat parades illustrating grassroots support for President Donald Trump swept the nation over the weekend before the Republican National Convention kickoff.

Kenosha, Wisconsin Violence And Chaos Escalate

Violence escalated in Kenosha Monday night as large groups of BLM protesters-turned-rioters began congregating around the Kenosha County Courthouse.

Mayor Bill De Blasio: No Indoor Dining Until Next Year

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pledged to keep restrictions on indoor dining in place until next year despite lower temperatures in coming months.

Herschel Walker Rejects ‘Racist’ Accusations Against Trump: ‘It Hurts My Soul’

“Growing up in the Deep South, I’ve seen racism up close. I know what it is, and it isn’t Donald Trump,” Walker said at the RNC Monday night.

Like Joe Rogan, The RNC Will Thrive Because Corporate Media Fails

The RNC is telling the story the corporate media refuses to tell.

Donald Trump Jr. Flops At GOP Convention With Laughably Bad Speech

Donald Trump Jr. poorly delivered a fantasy speech divorced from reality with glassy eyes that was so bad, it was funny.

Maximo Alvarez Offers Powerful Testimony On Joe Biden: ‘I Have Seen People Like This Before’

Maximo Alvarez, a successful American businessman who fled the Cuban communist regime under Fidel Castro, warned Americans of a future under Joe Biden.

Rachel Maddow Interrupts The RNC To Destroy Trump’s Lies About The Postal Service

On Monday night, Rachel Maddow gave a master class on how to cover a convention that is completely detached from reality.

RNC Kicks Off With Patriotic Message Of Hope And Optimism In Stark Contrast With DNC’s Pandemic Nightmare

Republicans kicked off their virtual convention Monday night with a video montage previewing their message for the week, celebrating the American spirit.

Fox News Cuts Away From The RNC Almost Immediately After It Starts

The Republican National Convention kicked off on Monday night with a speech from Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk, and Fox News cut away almost immediately. As Aaron Rupar of Vox pointed out, “Fox News cut away from the RNC as soon as Charlie Kirk started talking.” Video: Fox News cut away from the RNC … Continue reading "Fox News Cuts Away From The RNC Almost Immediately After It Starts"

‘Theater of Absurdity’: Steve Schmidt Declares The GOP Dead As Platform-Free RNC Kicks Off

The GOP is no longer a party of ideas. It stands for nothing other than the worship of the most dangerous president in American history. 

Maskless Mark Meadows Seen Shaking Hands And Kissing Trump Supporters At RNC Kickoff Event

Meadows attended an RNC kickoff event and blatantly ignored CDC guidelines by shaking hands, kissing supporters and not wearing a mask.

As Kellyanne Conway Leaves the White House, Her Husband Says Trump Is Racist and Evil

George Conway thinks Donald Trump is racist and evil, according to remarks revealed as his wife, Kellyanne Conway, prepares to leave the White House at the end of the month. The conservative lawyer offers the severe criticism of the President in an upcoming documentary: #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump. The news comes amid reports that … Continue reading "As Kellyanne Conway Leaves the White House, Her Husband Says Trump Is Racist and Evil"

“Character Matters”: Florida’s Sun-Sentinel Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden

The Sun-Sentinel,  the main daily newspaper of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as well as surrounding Broward County and southern Palm Beach County, has endorsed Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency. The newspaper’s editorial board recommends “with enthusiasm and a sense of urgency, that voters elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be the president and vice … Continue reading "“Character Matters”: Florida’s Sun-Sentinel Newspaper Endorses Joe Biden"

Democrats Immediately Blow Up DeJoy’s Lies At House Post Office Hearing

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) confronted Postmaster General Louis DeJoy with an internal document showing the delays began when he took over.

75% of Republicans Believe the Country Is Better Off Than It Was Four Years Ago

A huge majority of Republicans think the United States is in better shape now than it was four years ago. This view stands in stark contrast to the opinion of voters at large. A CBS News poll found that 75% of self-identifying Republican voters think the country is better off than it was in 2016, … Continue reading "75% of Republicans Believe the Country Is Better Off Than It Was Four Years Ago"

New Poll Shows Scranton Loves Joe Biden but Queens Is Ashamed of Trump

Joe Biden’s hometown is overwhelmingly proud of him but the same is not the case with Donald Trump’s native Queens. A new poll shows the contrast between the candidate’s birthplaces. The former Vice President was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and lived there until he was 10-years-old and President Trumps’ campaign has tried to suggest he … Continue reading "New Poll Shows Scranton Loves Joe Biden but Queens Is Ashamed of Trump"

RNC Denounces SPLC As ‘Radical Organization’ That Inspired Shooting At Conservative Organization Eight Years Ago

The RNC denounced the Southern Poverty Law Center and highlighted the group's history of publishing rhetoric that incites violence.

Obama Says Biden and Sanders’ Goals Aren’t That Different: They Both Want Healthcare for Everybody

Barack Obama has said there’s little difference between Bernie Sanders’ and Joe Biden’s political goals. The former President pointed to their approach to healthcare among other issues. Obama spoke to the New Yorker about his former Vice President and the Vermont Senator, drawing a positive contrast between them. “If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie … Continue reading "Obama Says Biden and Sanders’ Goals Aren’t That Different: They Both Want Healthcare for Everybody"

Former Senator Jeff Flake Leads Slate of New Republican Endorsements of Biden

Jeff Flake will formally endorse Joe Biden for president along with more than two dozens former Republican members of the House and Senate, the campaign has announced. Twenty-seven former senators and congressman from the Republican Party have thrown their weight behind the Democratic presidential nominee, while Flake is the most well-known. “Today, on the first … Continue reading "Former Senator Jeff Flake Leads Slate of New Republican Endorsements of Biden"

Joe Biden Is “Absolutely” Open to Serving Two Terms as President

Joe Biden is not ruling serving two terms as president if he’s elected his November. There has been some speculation that he’ll refuse the chance to run again. The former Vice President spoke to ABC’s David Muir about his fitness to serve and whether he’d step down after a single term in the White House. … Continue reading "Joe Biden Is “Absolutely” Open to Serving Two Terms as President"

For My Family, Fear Of COVID-19 Was Worse Than Actually Getting It

As my family knows from personal experience, COVID-19 is bad enough that you should try to avoid it. But odds are very good that if you contract the virus, you will survive.

FBI Lawyer’s Guilty Plea Suggests Spygate Corruption Goes Way Higher

FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea suggests another area ripe for inquiry: FBI Agent Stephen Somma’s misrepresentation of Trump campaign details to a secret federal court.

Disney Corporate Darling, Atlantic Journo Jemele Hill Says U.S. Is As Bad As Nazi Germany

It's absolutely insane that anyone doubts that America has historically proven to be overwhelmingly superior to Nazi Germany, much less that the theory undergirds a bestselling book.

People Won’t Vote For Republicans If They Can’t Restore Order In The Streets

As cities are held hostage by amateur warlords, it is time to remember that inaction in the face of hostility discredits conservatism a lot more than radical marches and riots.

Democrats Want Catholics To Vote For Presidential Ticket That Persecuted Nuns And Attacked The Knights Of Columbus

However much these politicos may claim their positions comport with Catholicism, the 2020 Democratic Party ticket is the most anti-Catholic slate in recent American history.

While Claiming To Champion Justice, Democrats Are Letting American Cities Burn

Regardless of whether Biden or Trump wins in November, we will all be stuck with the Democrats’ choice to let our cities burn.

The NBA’s Definition Of Racism Is Racist

A racist insult against a white NBA player was ignored because the NBA is now blatantly racist.

North Carolina Considers Using Public Schools To Discriminate In The Name Of ‘Equality’

If the board of education is proposing we prioritize equal outcome over equal treatment, it will have to draw clear lines to ensure it doesn't inscribe injustice on the heart of our educational system. It has drawn no such lines.

Why Reaganism’s Enduring Values Still Offer The Best Hope For America

Reaganism was always more than just tax cuts. Informed patriotism, peace through strength, and individual liberty remain the heart of American conservatism.

Democrats’ Only Disagreement About Bureaucrat-Run Medicine Is How To Get There

The left's fratricidal squabbles are mostly theater. Their ultimate goal remains clear — as does the harm single-payer would do to the health care system.

‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season Two Does Not Float To Previous Heights

While season two did not quite reach the heights of season one, with dragging subplots and some uninspired characters, there is definitely a lot to enjoy as well.

Politicians In Both Parties Need To Stop Laughing Away The U.S. Constitution

The founders created the Constitution to protect against one of humanity's worst instincts — the desire to get things done quickly and irrationally.

Kellyanne Conway Flees The Sinking Ship And Quits On Trump

Kellyanne Conway is the latest Trump loyalist to flee what looks like a sinking ship and abandon the President on the eve of the GOP convention.

Joe Biden Blows Up Trump’s Defund The Police Lie With Blunt Fact Check

Joe Biden destroyed one of Trump's major talking points on defunding the police with a blunt and devastating fact check on ABC.

Trump Flees News Conference After Only Taking Questions From OAN and Fox

Trump's news conference consisted of him taking just three questions. Two came from Fox News and one from One America News.

Trump Wants To Give People Unapproved Drugs To Treat Coronavirus

At his news conference, Trump got excited about the idea of letting the American people try unapproved experimental drugs to treat coronavirus.

Jared Kushner Busted Lying About Delay In Virus Test Results

Jared Kushner flat out lied when confronted with Bill Gates, saying that US coronavirus testing is worthless due to delays in getting results.

Trump To Hold News Conference To Push Fake Coronavirus Cure

After golfing, Trump tweeted that he is holding a Sunday news conference when he is expected to push an unproven virus treatment.

Twitter Flags Trump Tweet For Violating Election Integrity Rules

Twitter has flagged Trump's tweet about ballot drop boxes causing COVID for violating their rules on civic and election integrity.

57% Of Republicans Say Trump Killing Over 170,000 Americans Is Acceptable

A new poll found that 57% of Republicans are perfectly fine with Trump's pandemic mismanagement killing over 170,000 Americans.

Trump Screams We Want God In Sunday Twitter Misinformation Meltdown

Trump is clinging to his new campaign theme that Democrats are against God, and screaming we want God in a Sunday Twitter meltdown.

Nancy Pelosi Just Turned The Tables And Called Trump A Hoax

Speaker Pelosi called audio of Trump's own sister calling him cruel heartbreaking but said that Trump is a hoax who lacks integrity.

Trump Falsely Suggests That Mail-In Voting Will Give You COVID

Trump tried to scare people into not voting by claiming that mail-in ballot dropboxes aren't sanitized and can give you COVID.

DHS Chief Chad Wolf Falls Apart When Asked If Trump Believes In Russian Election Interference

Illegally installed acting DHS chief Chad Wolf fell apart when pressed by Jake Tapper on Trump and Russian election interference.

Opinion: Plan Your Vote or Lose it

This week we were reminded of everything we stand to lose if Trump finds a way to steal the presidency again. Yeah, I know he “won” the Electoral College vote and with it the presidency. But as the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence committee acknowledged in its report this week, that “win” was engineered with a lot … Continue reading "Opinion: Plan Your Vote or Lose it"

CNN’s Brian Stelter’s Trashy New Book Contains Crude Slight About First Lady’s Sex Life

Stelter was proud enough of this statement to include it in the preview he published in Vanity Fair as a sample of the book, used to drum up excitement and entice potential readers to purchase.

If Biden Is Ready To Lock Down Again, We Should Just Elect Fauci Instead

Why even have a president if he says he will just obey whatever the science bureaucracy tells him to do?

Trump Humiliated As Judge Orders Him To Pay Stormy Daniels’ Legal Fees

Donald Trump was handed another loss in court this week after a judge ordered him to pay tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Opinion: Trump “Scares the Hell” Out of the Working Class While Democrats Give Them Voice

Is Trump the 2020 candidate who best represents the American working class? Did the Democratic Party fail to encompass working-class interests, issues, and people at last week’s convention? What does the working class think? Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen seems to think the working class heard nothing of interest from the Democrats and their convention … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump “Scares the Hell” Out of the Working Class While Democrats Give Them Voice"

Opinion: Republicans are still helping Trump destroy America

There was an unexpected, but fairly important, revelation this past week that very few media outlets made a big deal out of – and as one straight-talking Vice President once said, this revelation was “a big f*cking deal.” For the sad, pathetic souls that spend an inordinate amount of time closely following politics, the release … Continue reading "Opinion: Republicans are still helping Trump destroy America"

Nancy Pelosi Just Told America To Ignore Donald Trump

Speaker Pelosi was asked about Trump and voting, and she told the American people to ignore Trump, make a plan, and vote.

Democrats Play More Games In Desperate Attempt To Shut Down Senate Probe Of Bidens

Senate Democrats are accusing the State Department with politicizing a Senate investigation into the origins of the Russia hoax and the Biden family's conflicts of interest.

Fact-Checkers Admit Trump’s Pledge Of Allegiance Claim Is True But Rate It ‘Mostly False’

Multiple fact-checkers botched a fact-check of online outrage over the Democratic National Convention twice omitting 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Biden: I Will Shut Down Nation In January If Scientists Tell Me To

2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Friday he not hesitate to implement a nationwide lockdown if advisors recommended it.

Black Republican Candidate With Viral Ad Slams Baltimore Sun For Attacking Her House Bid

'[Y]ou have now twice, without ever having met or interviewed me, attacked and mocked me on your opinion page. What gives?' Kimberly Klacik wrote. 

The RNC’s Laughable Speaker Lineup Is Basically Just A Trump Family Reunion

The list of marquee speakers at next week's RNC is just a hilarious mix of Trump family members and Vice President Mike Pence and his wife.

Trump Proves He Is Slowing Down The Mail With USPS Bill Veto Threat

Trump claims that he is not slowing down the mail, but he is threatening to veto the House's bill to provide $25 billion in USPS aid.

Trump Caught On Tape Bragging About Suppressing The Black Vote

Donald Trump has made it clear over the past several weeks that if more Americans vote, he will lose the election to Joe Biden.

Court Orders Trump To Pay Stormy Daniels’s Legal Fees

A court has ordered Trump must pay Stormy Daniels's legal fees of $43,000 which were tied to the 2016 payoff agreement.

Trump Lied About Democrats Eliminating God From The Pledge Of Allegiance And Here’s The Proof

Trump falsely claimed on Saturday that Democrats eliminated God from the Pledge of Allegiance at their convention, but the video proves him wrong.

Trump Goes Ballistic As Droves Of Suburban Women Ditch Him For Joe Biden

Donald Trump appears to be stunned that his constant race-baiting and chest thumping have sent suburban voters for the exits.

Former Postal Regulator Says Trump Is Trying To Scare People Into Not Voting

Former Postal Service regulator Ruth Goldway said that Trump's post office sabotage is all about spreading panic and scaring people into not voting.

Democrats Raised a Massive Amount of Money the Last Four Days

Conventions are meant to do many things for a party. They showcase the up and coming political talent. They attempt to sway voters who are undecided. They allow the party to pitch a unified message. But most importantly, conventions raise money. And these funds are used to boost candidates up and down the ticket. So … Continue reading "Democrats Raised a Massive Amount of Money the Last Four Days"

Susan Rice: I’m 100% Convinced Russia Will Interfere in 2020 Elections

Susan Rice believes Russia will interfere in the 2020 presidential election and suggested the country may be doing so already. This would be consistent with the findings of the intelligence community. The former National Security Advisor told a Washington Post virtual event that  Russia remained a threat to American democracy following its interference in 2016. “I … Continue reading "Susan Rice: I’m 100% Convinced Russia Will Interfere in 2020 Elections"

Trump’s Cabinet Voted to Separate Migrant Children from Their Parents

Donald Trump’s cabinet voted to separate migrant children from there parents in 2018, a new report claims. The vote was pushed by senior advisor Stephen Miller. According to a new NBC News report, Miller was frustrated in May 2018 that children crossing into the U.S. illegally were not already being separated from their parents despite … Continue reading "Trump’s Cabinet Voted to Separate Migrant Children from Their Parents"

Democratic Convention Leaves Trump With Little Hope Of Victory

Former Vice President Joe Biden closed the Democratic Convention looking like a future president and leaving Trump with little hope for victory.

A Recap Of The Democratic National Convention’s Most Insane Moments

Here's a rundown of some of this week's most notable crazy leftist moments on camera that legacy media won't cover.

DNC Night 4: Biden Veers Toward The Center, Calming Dems With A Strong Finish To A Mismanaged Convention

It is difficult to imagine four days of empty seats and moderate messaging will make up for months of dodging interviews, banning questions, and sheltering in place while shifting increasingly leftward.

Yes, Children Are ‘Almost Immune’ To The Worst Of COVID-19

Strictly speaking, children are not completely immune to infection, but they are indeed ‘almost immune.’ Most definitely, children are highly resistant to illness and death from COVID-19.

In Spite Of The DNC’s Play-Acting, The Democratic Party Isn’t ‘Moderate’

Americans need to realize that, for all the play-acting of the past week, the Biden-Harris ticket, both in policy and in person, represents an extreme leftist lurch for the country.

Chicago Mayor Who Can’t Contain Rioting Elsewhere Bans Protests From Her Block

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has banned protesters from congregating on the block where she lives, citing concerns for her safety. The rest of Chicago is still out to dry.

Poignant Documentary ‘Howard’ Pays Tribute To Disney’s Howard Ashman

Don Hahn's 'Howard' is a moving documentary of the life of Disney legend Howard Ashman — a gifted and genuine musical genius whose work inspired millions.

Big Ten Is Crushing Minority Athletes’ Prospects, And Parents Aren’t Having It

Kevin Warren is effectively telling parents he believes it’s too risky for players of his conference to play football this fall but perfectly safe for his own son to continue his NCAA career.

James Patterson’s New Book Shows Collaboration Might Be The Future Of Book Publishing

An interview with acclaimed mystery and short-story writer Brendan DuBois on his new book 'The Summer House' and what it's like co-authoring a book with one of the bestselling writers on the planet.

Mail-In Voting Is Unreliable. Go To The Polls To Ensure Your Vote Counts

Even though I took all the right steps such as requesting my absentee ballot as early as possible and opening a case with U.S. Postal Service after it was mailed, my ballot never arrived in my mailbox. 

No Matter How Much The New York Times Pumps Polyamory, It’s Not Good For Kids

Polyamory recently received two glowing write-ups in one of the world’s most influential newspapers: The New York Times.

How Indy 500 Fans Like Me Keep Our Joy Alive While Watching Farther Away

Some view memorabilia as an investment; the value of an autographed ball or the condition of a rookie card. For others, memorabilia means much more.

Will Cheap Tickets And Christopher Nolan Be Enough To Boost Labor-Day Theater Re-openings?

Many wonder if months of shelter-in-place policies have led to a sea-change in Americans’ viewing habits. After nearly six months of closed theaters, movie studios are hedging their bets.

Joe Biden Makes Trump Tremble With Powerful Acceptance Speech

Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination and wasted no time cutting through the darkness that has covered America under Donald Trump.

Trump Says He Is Going To Send Law Enforcement To Intimidate Voters

Trump told Sean Hannity that he is going to send law enforcement to the polls on election day in an apparent attempt to intimidate voters.

‘Not Fair!’: Trump Throws Toddler Tantrum As DNC Shows Voters What America Can Be Without Him

Trump has made it increasingly obvious that, A. He's watching the Democratic National Convention; and B. It's driving him absolutely insane.

Trump Adviser Admits To Nicolle Wallace That The DNC Has Been A Huge Success

Donald Trump doesn't stand a chance in November if the election is a referendum on him and his failed leadership.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Is Crushing It At The Democratic Convention

Julia Louis-Dreyfus has landed several big jokes in the opening minutes of the final night of the Democratic convention.

Trump Threatens To Withhold Fire Relief Funds As California Burns

Trump is mad that California isn't sweeping its forest floors, so he's threatening to deny wildfire relief funds.

Trump Is Shattering Records For Presidential Corruption – And It Isn’t Even Close

A record-breaking number of close associates and aides to Donald Trump have been indicted over the course of his first term.

Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger Come Out Strongly Against QAnon

Very few people know what the Republican party will look like when Donald Trump is gone. At this point, few seem willing to protect the GOP and its rightward surge. This was on display earlier this week when the President disavowed conspiracy theorist group, QAnon. Like most times Trump finds himself in a controversy, there … Continue reading "Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger Come Out Strongly Against QAnon"

Steve Bannon Indicted and Taken into Custody on Fraud Charges

Steve Bannon is in federal custody in New York City facing charges of fraud and money laundering relating to a fundraising effort to build a wall along the southern U.S. border. Bannon was a key political adviser to President Donald Trump during the 2016 election and many see him as the architect of the Trump … Continue reading "Steve Bannon Indicted and Taken into Custody on Fraud Charges"

Former DHS Official: Some of Trump’s Closest Advisers Didn’t Think He Had The Mental Acuity To Do The Job

A former official at the Department of Homeland Security has said top advisers to Donald Trump doubted he had the mental acuity to do his job correctly. Miles Taylor, a former DHS chief of staff, spoke to CNN on Thursday morning and shocked the network’s host, Alisyn Camerota, with his blunt description of what went … Continue reading "Former DHS Official: Some of Trump’s Closest Advisers Didn’t Think He Had The Mental Acuity To Do The Job"

Jeb Bush and Karl Rove Slam Trump for Not Disavowing QAnon Conspiracy

Two prominent Republicans called on Donald Trump to denounce the QAnon conspiracy theory after he appeared to offer praise for people who believe it and support him. The President was asked about the conspiracy theory, which is a complex and convoluted mix of Satanic panic, Antisemitism and bizarre theories about Trump himself. “I’ve heard these … Continue reading "Jeb Bush and Karl Rove Slam Trump for Not Disavowing QAnon Conspiracy"

Trump Will Speak Near Biden’s Hometown Hours Before Democratic Acceptance Speech

Donald Trump will deliver a speech near Joe Biden’s childhood hometown just hours before the former Vice President is set to give his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. The President will speak near Scranton, Pennsylvania on Thursday. Biden lived in Scranton as a child and has often spoken about it. Trump will give … Continue reading "Trump Will Speak Near Biden’s Hometown Hours Before Democratic Acceptance Speech"

Trump Attacks the Late John McCain But Claims His Campaign Was Sabotaged

Donald Trump lashed out at the late John McCain on Thursday while also agreeing with the false suggestion that his 2008 campaign was sabotaged from the inside. The President retweeted a video of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin telling Fox New’s Tucker Carlson that the Republican presidential campaign in 2008 was sabotaged by some people … Continue reading "Trump Attacks the Late John McCain But Claims His Campaign Was Sabotaged"

House Democrats Propose A Racism Czar To Control National Memorials

Section 754 of a bill presented by House Democrats proposes to regulate names on federal property based on 'diversity, equity, and inclusion,' which really means discriminating by race and ethnicity.

Claims That Coronavirus Threatens Athletes’ Hearts Are Based On Crap Data

Recent reports indicating the coronavirus might cause heart damage are apparently weighing heavily on decision-makers of college athletics.

Joe Biden’s Flip-Flops Prove He’s Not Running His Own Campaign

After watching Biden over his career, and more closely this year, I’m left feeling like a panelist on the old 'To Tell the Truth' TV show. Somebody please say it: 'Will the real Joe Biden please stand up?'

Four Years Later, Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Still Trapped In Kamala Harris’s Persecution

Harris's record as an attorney general shows she did more to fight against the alleged abuse of chickens than she did against the trafficking of human fetuses.

Latest Marriage Data Suggests Dark Future For America If Things Don’t Change Fast

The future of our nation is at risk if we don't take action to reverse the damage that has been done to marriage, family, and parenting in 21st-century America.

Kamala Harris Nod Tells Blue-Collar Workers Democrats Are Done With Them

Harris is now the voice of a new, aloof, wealthier liberalism that seeks only to manage the decline of America’s economic might.

How The Coronavirus Panic Helped Democrats Create A Centrist Charade At Their Convention

A live, in-person crowd booing centrist favorites like Clinton and perhaps even complaining (or kneeling) during the anthem would have been bad optics.

In The Age Of Media Corruption, Voters Must Be On High Alert For Conspiracy Theorist Candidates

As distrust of the political establishment heightens and conspiracy theories proliferate, voters have to be careful not to elevate anti-establishment voices because they have the right enemies.

After Day Three Of The DNC, Still No Denunciation Of Riot Violence

If Democratic leaders were 'screaming' to denounce the riots, one would presume its prime-time national convention would be the place to do it.

Democratic Convention Day 3: Revenge Of the Obama

Everything about this horrible show was meant to keep coronavirus fears and lockdown fresh in our faces and minds. Kamala Harris made the big speech, but the pandemic has clearly become Biden’s true running mate.

Netflix Promotes Film With Suggestive Poster Of Preteen Girls

The poster depicts an 11-year-old and three preteen friends posing suggestively in barely-there dance uniforms, looking more like Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders than children.

Why Is The Media Suppressing Information About Hydroxychloroquine’s Effectiveness Against COVID?

There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 infections. So, why is the media still spreading misinformation?

Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Endorsed California Law Forcing Uber To Cut 200,000 Employees

Uber and its more than 200,000 drivers in California have fallen victim to the state's assault on the gig economy.

Kamala Harris Tells Trump, “I know a predator when I see one.”

Kamala Harris had a message for Trump and the country that was impossible to miss. She said, "I know a predator when I see one."

Read Barack Obama’s Speech At The Democratic Convention

Obama told young people that they will make the difference in this election and told America to build up democracy so that Trump can't tear it down.

Joe Biden Shoots Down Trump’s Desperate Ploy To Move The Debates Up

Trump is getting desperate which is why he appealed to the Commission On Presidential debates to move the debates up, but Biden said no.

Trump Offers Praise for QAnon Conspiracy Theorists, Saying They “Love Our Country”

President Donald Trump praised subscribers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying they “love our country.” “I don’t know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate. But I don’t know much about the movement,” he said at a press briefing. “These are people that don’t like seeing what’s … Continue reading "Trump Offers Praise for QAnon Conspiracy Theorists, Saying They “Love Our Country”"

How Matt Drudge Changed The Breaking News Industry

"Matt and the Drudge Report have lost some of their influence. Social media took a big chunk out of Matt Drudge," Lysiak said. 

Colin Powell: Biden Will Be “A President We Will All Be Proud to Salute”

Colin Powell showered praise on Joe Biden during his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night. He particularly pointed to the foreign policy. The former Secretary of State served under Republican President George W. Bush and wasn’t the only conservative to speak on Biden’s behalf. He highlighted the former Vice President’s values. “The … Continue reading "Colin Powell: Biden Will Be “A President We Will All Be Proud to Salute”"

How Libraries Are Indoctrinating Kids To Think All White People Are Racists

The 'anti-racist' books being pushed by the American Library Association replace history with the politics of resentment and fuel the flames of anger.

Safe Neighborhoods Are Too Privileged For Bill De Blasio To Let Them Exist

New York City endured 9/11 and came back stronger. But this time, the men who brought us to our knees are the people we trusted to be the city's guardians.

Where Black Lives Matter Rioters Learned To Call Looting ‘Reparations’

What rioters on the street hear as 'it's okay to steal from people who have more stuff than I do' in NPR and The Atlantic's offices sound like 'The Case for Reparations.'

When Chivalry Dies, Women Suffer

These instances are proof that if a woman or girl’s suffering does not fit into the left’s narrative, it is ignored. They are a small sample of the way the left treats women.

DNC Day 2: Attempt At A Liberal Rally Runs Head-On Into Tragedy Narrative, Empty Rooms

Any slim, near-impossible chance the Democratic National Committee might have realized the dangers of dead air and pulled off last-minute live-audience re-tapes were dashed.

Why Breaking Up ‘Big Tech’ Would Only Make Communist China Stronger

Efforts to punish or break apart tech companies for political reasons would harm American innovation and competitiveness while surrendering ground to China.

Twitter Bans Babylon Bee, Then Claims It Was An Innocent Mistake

It's disappointing to see accounts mocking the insanity of current times be banned when accounts parroting the same ideas earnestly are given free rein.

What Corporate Media Won’t Tell You About Trump’s Historic Middle East Peace Deal

If President Trump is reelected this November, the world may indeed witness a few more peace agreements out of the Middle East.

‘Words On Bathroom Walls’ Tackles Schizophrenia In Family-Friendly Way

'Words on Bathroom Walls' presents a wholesome journey of life with an incurable mental illness. Rarely does Hollywood approach such an important topic.

The RNC Should Adopt The DNC’s Parade-Style Roll Call Vote

If Republicans were smart, they would adopt the Democratic Party's method of officially declaring their delegates to their elected nominee. 

Clueless John Kerry Claims Iran Deal Would Have ‘Eliminated The Threat Of An Iran With A Nuclear Weapon’

What was this deal Kerry made that would have prevented Iran from developing a nuclear weapon? Because it certainly couldn't be the Iran deal.

How The Replication Crisis Undermines Government By Bureaucracy

Perhaps the biggest threat to secular progressivism’s claim to scientific validation is the growing awareness of just how little of that validation can be replicated experimentally.

Sean Hannity Humiliates Himself While Trying To Attack AOC

Sean Hannity tried to attack AOC for her speech seconding the nomination of Sen. Bernie Sanders, but he only embarrassed himself.

AOC Uses Convention Time To Endorse Sanders In A Buzzword-Heavy, But Substance-Free Speech

In a convention focused on the importance of supporting former Vice President Joe Biden in November, a Sanders endorsement was a sharp change of pace.

Black Lives Matter DC Calls Mayor Bowser ‘Hypocrite’ After DNC Speech

The BLM DC chapter criticized Mayor Muriel Bowser's pre-recorded speech at the DNC on Monday night for being tone deaf and hypocritical.

Bill Clinton Triggers A Screaming Trump Twitter Meltdown With The Truth

Trump is watching the Democratic convention and melting down after he was called out by Bill Clinton for the US coronavirus pandemic.

Bill Clinton Calls Trump A Lazy Internet Troll Who Must Be Fired In November

Clinton torched Trump, essentially calling the incumbent president a lazy internet troll who doesn't deserve to be hired for a second term.

Chuck Schumer Tells America, “Donald Trump Has Quit On You.”

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had a simple and direct message to America, "Donald Trump has quit on you."

Tucker Carlson Spins Out On Live TV Over Michelle Obama’s Well-Received DNC Speech

Playing to his audience of one – Donald Trump – Tucker Carlson suggested that the former first lady is like the leader of a religious cult.

Trump Was Privately Surprised That So Many Americans Rely On The Post Office

Donald Trump and his staffers were reportedly surprised by the blowback they got in response to the president's post office scheme.

Mike Pompeo Aide Orders The State Department To ‘Immediately’ Dig Up Dirt On Joe Biden

The idea that GOP senators and the State Department are conspiring to derail Biden's campaign would be stunning if it wasn't so on-brand.

WATCH: Trump Says Biden’s Campaign “Has Turned Into a Cult”

It is not uncommon to hear people refer to Donald Trump’s support as being cult-like. Even the supporters themselves sometimes refer to themselves in this way. Just the other day, the President retweeted a message that had the hashtag #cult45. The tag being a reference to Trump being the 45th President and his people following … Continue reading "WATCH: Trump Says Biden’s Campaign “Has Turned Into a Cult”"

John Kasich Delivers DNC Speech That Could Help Joe Biden Win Ohio

During his remarks, Kasich said that while he may be a Republican, his allegiance to the country is more important than politics.

Lockdowns Are Supposed To Help The Vulnerable, But They’re Hurting My Autisic Son

Online education just doesn't work for children with special needs. If we truly care about the marginalized in society, we have to open schools immediately.

Day 1 Of The Digital DNC: A Night Of GOP, Moderate Outreach Falls Flat

After months of riots assaulting the Founders, America-was-never-great speeches, and national anthem protests, the convention went another direction, kicking off with the Constitution, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

California’s Blackouts Display The Results Of Kamala Harris’s Favored Energy Policy

California’s energy travails come at an embarrassing time for the Democratic national presidential ticket of former Vice President Joe Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris.

What American Moguls Can Learn From Hong Kong Hero Jimmy Lai

How many billionaires are willing to risk their lives and fortune to fight for freedom and democracy? In Hong Kong, there is at least one.

At DNC, John Kasich Voices Faith In Biden’s Independence Before Sanders Affirms Biden As A Vehicle For The Revolution

As most recently evidenced by his selection of the farthest-left senator as a running mate, Biden is a vehicle for the left's revolution. His handlers just don't want you to know it.

No, Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Aren’t ‘Rockefeller Republicans’

In the face of rising radicalism in the Democratic Party, the media’s new tactic is to paint Biden and Harris as milquetoast moderates.

Why It’s Common Sense That Universal Mail-In Ballots Are A Terrible Idea

With the upcoming presidential election, the left is increasingly dispensing with logic and common sense as they push for universal mail-in ballots.

Why Teaching Americans To Love Their Country Is A Powerful Antidote To Racism

Rather than try to transcend our tribalism, we should co-opt it though renewed American nationalism, educating our children to love their tribe.

Abortion Pills Are So Dangerous To Women, The FDA Should Yank Them From The Market

The abortion pill is explicitly prescribed to destroy preborn children and thus will never be 'safe' for women or the preborn. The FDA should remove this lethal drug from the U.S. market.

No, COVID Is Not Causing The Biggest Loss Of Health Insurance Ever

The left’s desire to claim a health coverage 'crisis' in order to justify massive government intervention is leading them to ignore inconvenient truths.

Poll: Postal Service Conspiracy And Mail-In Voting Undermining Confidence In Elections

Democrats trust the accuracy of mail-in ballots more than they do traditional voting at present, with 55 percent claiming confidence in all ballot counting, while 65 percent supported the accuracy of mail-in.

Instead Of Rejecting It, The Civil Rights Movement Fullfilled The American Revolution

American colonial leaders in the 18th century and Martin Luther King, Jr. both fused religious beliefs with philosophical principles to motivate action.

Gov. Cuomo, COVID-19 Is Not A ‘Metaphor’ To The Masses Of Dead New Yorkers

I don't know how Cuomo defines success, but it certainly doesn't look like an extended crisis, overwhelmingly high death toll, and policies that exacerbated the spread of COVID-19.

Michelle Obama Drops A Truth Bomb And Obliterates Trump

Former First Lady Michelle Obama closed out night one of the Democratic convention that destroyed Trump with total honesty.

Bernie Sanders Tells His Supporters To ‘Fight For Democracy And Decency’ And Vote For Joe Biden

Sanders – one of Biden's primary opponents – went all in for the former vice president and urged his loyal supporters to do the same.

At DNC, Muriel Bowser Repeats Debunked Lie About DC Protesters In Lafayette Square

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser addressed the DNC Monday night, where she celebrated the 'peaceful protesters' ransacking the nation's capital.

The Democratic Convention Opens With Abject Racism

The Democratic Party proclaims that America is hopelessly racist. The problem for them is this: we all know it isn't true.

John Kasich Preemptively Destroys Trump’s Attacks On Biden

Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich wrecked Trump's attacks on Joe Biden as being taken by the "radical left" at the Democratic convention.

Gretchen Whitmer Cuts Trump To The Bone By Reminding America That Obama/Biden Really Saved Auto Jobs

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) took apart Trump by pointing out at the Democratic convention that it was Obama and Biden who really saved manufacturing jobs.

The Trump Campaign Implodes Less Than An Hour Into The Democratic Convention

It took Trump's campaign and supporters less than an hour to implode after the start of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

Nancy Pelosi Tells Trump She Won’t Let Him Use The Post Office To Hijack The Election

With less than 80 days until the presidential contest, Democrats aren't sitting on their hands and letting Donald Trump steal the election.

Fox News Cuts Away As Trump Goes Full-Blown Crazy During Wisconsin Rally

Fox cut away from the president mid-rally when he plunged into an unhinged ramble about how he plans to win the state of New York.

Warren Calls on McConnell to Reconvene Senate to Address USPS Troubles

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to reconvene the Senate to address problems with the United States Postal Service (USPS) amid reports that the Trump administration is interfering with the postal service to impact November’s general election. “Good for [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for bringing the House back. I … Continue reading "Warren Calls on McConnell to Reconvene Senate to Address USPS Troubles"

Trump Deflects, Tries to Blame Amazon for Postal Service Problems

President Donald Trump attempted to blame Amazon for problems with the United States Postal Service (USPS) as his administration faces heightened scrutiny amid reports that they’re interfering with the postal service to impact November’s general election. “Amazon and other companies like it, they come and they drop all of their mail into a post office,” … Continue reading "Trump Deflects, Tries to Blame Amazon for Postal Service Problems"

Trump Administration Opens Up Alaska Wildlife Refuge to Drilling

The Trump administration has finalized plans and opened up 1.5 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas drilling, according to a document signed by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. The 19.3 million-acre refuge is home to such animals as polar bears, arctic foxes, and caribou. “Over the course of this … Continue reading "Trump Administration Opens Up Alaska Wildlife Refuge to Drilling"

Trump Claims Biden Is Hiding in His Basement Because “He Doesn’t Know What to Do”

Donald Trump attacked Joe Biden again on Monday for remaining in his basement – a criticism the President enjoys making despite the fact Biden has been doing many public events. The President spoke to Fox News about the Democratic presidential nominee and accused him of ducking questions and hiding from the media. Trump claimed he … Continue reading "Trump Claims Biden Is Hiding in His Basement Because “He Doesn’t Know What to Do”"

California Court Rules John MacArthur’s Church Must Comply With County Ban On Religious Services

Grace Community Church has been embroiled in litigation since they first defied Gov. Newsom’s orders to cease indoor gatherings in early July. 

Wall Street Donates More to Democrats Than Republicans for First Time in 10 Years

Wall Street donors are giving more money to Democrats than Republicans for the first time in a decade. The news will be a significant cause of concern for the GOP and the President. Major Wall Street banks, real estate firms, securities firms and employees have donated more money to Democratic candidates in this election cycle … Continue reading "Wall Street Donates More to Democrats Than Republicans for First Time in 10 Years"

Lincoln Project Triggers Trump With New Swing State Ad “The Real Joe Biden”

A new ad from the Lincoln Project will target swing states and run during this week’s Democratic National Convention. The conservative group hopes to highlights’ Joe Biden’s personal qualities. The ad, entitled “Dad”, was billed as an exposé by the Lincoln Project in a satire of many recent attacks on the former Vice President. “THE … Continue reading "Lincoln Project Triggers Trump With New Swing State Ad “The Real Joe Biden”"

Trump Praises His Late Brother Robert for Not Being Jealous of His “Big Success”

Donald Trump praised his late brother, Robert Trump, on Monday for not being jealous of him despite how much success he’d had. The President pointed out how supportive his brother was. Robert Trump, the President’s younger brother, passed away over the weekend and Trump discussed his sibling during a Fox News appearance on Monday. “He … Continue reading "Trump Praises His Late Brother Robert for Not Being Jealous of His “Big Success”"

Former Republican Justin Amash Says He Won’t Vote for Biden or Trump

Justin Amash slapped down suggestions that he was about to endorse Joe Biden late on Sunday after speculation mounted about a high profile Republican backing the Democrat. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich – a Republican – said that a prominent Republican congressman would publicly endorse Biden. He later clarified that he meant a former member … Continue reading "Former Republican Justin Amash Says He Won’t Vote for Biden or Trump"

Bernie Sanders Warns Trump Is “Sabotaging Our Democracy”

Bernie Sanders has warned that Donald Trump is trying to suppress the vote in November’s presidential election. He pointed to the crisis at the U.S. Postal Service. The Vermont Senator spoke to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press on Sunday and accused the President of trying to undermine Americans’ ability to vote in 2020. “What you are … Continue reading "Bernie Sanders Warns Trump Is “Sabotaging Our Democracy”"

New York Times Manipulates FBI Lawyer’s Guilty Plea To Hide Real Spygate News

Because they were co-conspirators in the hoax, too many in the corporate media are serving as obstacles to holding the FBI and other powerful government agencies accountable for their actions.

Mail-in Voting Is Only Democrats’ Latest Election-Stealing Strategy

This November, election integrity is on the ballot as well. If the final tally is close, is there any doubt which way the final votes will land?

Kamala Harris: The Senator From Wall Street Who Wants To Be President

Kamala Harris knows that big business and big government can get along quite well—there is money to be made off of big government, and big business is often best positioned to make it.

7 Big Stories Corporate Media Is Ignoring Because The Truth Might Help Trump

Due to corporate media’s hatred of Donald Trump, Americans are sorely uninformed about news stories that, under any other presidency, would deservedly flood coverage.

Did Media Matters Shill So Hard For Hillary That It Broke The Law?

David Brock, the onetime anti-Clinton journalist turned Hillary Clinton ally, faces legal actions and disclosures portraying his organizations as working so closely with the Clinton campaign in 2016 that they broke the law.

6 Myths About U.S. Postal Service And The Election Debunked

On Sunday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other congressional Democrats called for Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the USPS Board of Governors to testify in Congress about some of these myths.

Dear NASA: Don’t Stop With Renaming The ‘Eskimo Nebula.’ Probe Uranus, Too

In 2020, there is no element of life too small or too trivial to not get outraged over. It’s time for us to be the change we want to see in the universe.

New Yorkers Get To Complain About New York. You Don’t

Nobody in New York City cares what you think, so stop talking about it.

Why The Price Of Face Masking Is Not As Small As It Seems

According to my governor’s order, the mask requirement is based on 'the unanimous recommendation of the public health experts,' but who are these experts, and are they really unanimous?

I Never Considered Homeschooling Before COVID. Now I’m Hooked

At the end of the day, and at the inevitable end of this pandemic, it’s parents who will ensure that their kids continue to learn and develop.

Why The United States Needs To Put Its Weight Behind France In The Mediterranean

For American strategists, it should be considered a gift from heaven that France, one of America’s oldest allies, is now volunteering to shoulder additional security burdens.

Report: China Helps North Korea Treat Women In Unspeakably Horrific Ways

Silenced by the repressive regime that rules them, North Koreans need the rest of the world, led by the United States, to speak out on their behalf.

Gov. Phil Murphy Is Proud Of Fraudulent Mail-In Elections In New Jersey

When New Jersey's elections faced a rampant fraud and negligence due to mail-in ballots, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy 'liked what he saw.'

Public Pressure Works As Postmaster General To Stop Removing Mailboxes

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy confirmed that he will stop having mailboxes removed until after the presidential election.

Trump Held A Training Session For Pennsylvania Campaign Volunteers And Nobody Showed Up

The Trump campaign held a training session for campaign volunteers in Pennsylvania that only had two people sign up, and they both canceled.

Corporate Media Publish Kinder Obituary Of Islamic State Terrorist Than Of The President’s Brother

The Washington Post published a far more inflammatory and negative headline for the obituary for an American businessman than for the head of ISIS.

Joe Biden And Taylor Swift Embrace Bizarre U.S. Postal Service Conspiracy

Biden, Swift, and other Democrats are embracing a conspiracy theory that Trump is having USPS boxes removed to obstruct absentee voting. The USPS spokesman says that's just plain false.

Trump Wants An In-Person Meeting With Putin Before The Election

Trump has told aides that he wants to set up an in-person meeting with Putin before the presidential election in November.

Calls Grow For Postmaster General DeJoy To Be Subpoenaed To Testify

Former Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro is calling on the House to subpoena Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to testify.

Hemingway: Media Downplaying FBI Lawyer’s Guilty Plea To Hide Their Collusion

'Today we're talking about this one guy who actually doctored evidence. But in that court document today, it also showed that the FBI actually knew the entire time that Carter Page was an operational contact of the CIA.'

Postmaster General Called To Testify At Urgent Hearing On Trump Mail Sabotage

House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) called on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to testify at an urgent hearing in the post office.

Jared Kushner Collapses Into Babble When Asked About Pandemic Strategy

Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner, randomly babbled and couldn't answer what his and Trump's strategy is for getting the coronavirus under control.

Mark Meadows Blames Obama For Trump’s Post Office Sabotage

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tried to blame Barack Obama and the previous Postmaster General for Trump's post office sabotage.

Opinion: Choose The America That Respects Its Electorate

It was a week of contrasts between the democracy we have and the tyranny Donald Trump is trying to build on the ash heap of what use to be America. Enter Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, representing the America we are, where people seek a more perfect Union. All people regardless of skin color, citizenship, … Continue reading "Opinion: Choose The America That Respects Its Electorate"

Opinion: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island Provides Insight Into Trump’s White House

Recently prosecutors handling the charges against Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite accused of aiding and abetting billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in his years-long systematic sexual abuse and trafficking of young girls, denied the request of Maxwell’s lawyers to turn over the names of her accusers. Why? These women have lived in fear of the power and … Continue reading "Opinion: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island Provides Insight Into Trump’s White House"

Trump Promises To Lose America’s Mail-In Ballots In November

At a press conference at his golf club, Trump promised America that their ballots will be lost if they vote by mail in November.

Congressional Oversight Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It

Congress has forgotten how to do actual oversight, but the process can still be salvaged.

Opinion: A case for charging Trump with criminally negligent mass homicide

Americans have died needlessly as a result of a malicious narcissist’s lust for power, and if this country’s Legislative and Judicial Branch were not controlled by corrupt Republicans, deadly Don Trump would be in serious legal jeopardy. If Trump was a regular citizen responsible for the death of even one American through disregard for human … Continue reading "Opinion: A case for charging Trump with criminally negligent mass homicide"

Senate Dem Tells Mitch McConnell To End Recess Immediately And Stop Trump’s Postal Sabotage

Sen. Cortez Masto called on McConnell to end recess and return to D.C. to stop Donald Trump's plot to derail the U.S. Postal Service.

Disaster For Trump As His Post Office Plot Backfires In Key Swing States

Donald Trump scheme to derail the U.S. Postal Service appears to be backfiring in key swing states that he must win in November.

Trump Family Members May Have Lied During Russia Testimony, Bipartisan Senate Leaders Say

The Senate Intelligence Committee raised concerns about testimony given by some of Trump's family members during the Russia investigation.

Trump’s Mail Sabotage Blows Up In His Face From Sea To Shining Sea

Trump's plot to sabotage the Postal Service and cheat to win the 2020 election is dominating local news headlines in a way that he didn't expect.

The Gentleman’s Guide To A (Tough But Also Sensitive) Classic Daiquiri

This is how you make the classic daiquiri, as manly a fruit drink as you're going to find this side of a skull-shaped tiki bar.

Mollie Hemingway: We Are Finally Seeing Some Measure Of Accountability For Russian Collusion Hoax

Lies about collusion in 2016 were weaponized and spread through the federal government and the media, damaging the Trump campaign.

Trump Campaign Making Better Internet

The Trump campaign's digital team is getting creative.

Civil Rights Leader Lynda Lowery Reminds Us Why It’s Wrong To Erase History

Lowery says changing the name of the Edmund Pettus bridge, even to honor the late Rep. John Lewis, would be 'a whitewash of our history.'

This Book Will Help You Make Sense Of The Trump-Russia ‘Witch Hunt’

Gregg Jarrett's book, 'Witch Hunt,' does a fine job chronicling the dishonesty and corruption behind America's intel agencies' failed attempt to take down President Trump.

How Alex Trebek’s Memoir Explains The Enduring Success Of ‘Jeopardy!’

In revealing how Trebek developed his kind, humble heart, his memoir also provides the story behind the remarkable and steadfast success of “Jeopardy!”

Sarah Palin Claims Media Dislikes Conservatives, Has Double Standard Regarding Kamala Harris

Speaking to Fox News host Jesse Watters, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) claimed the media dislikes conservatives voices and has a double standard regarding Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who this week was named as Joe Biden’s running mate in the presidential race. “I don’t know if it’s so much a gender thing …” Palin … Continue reading "Sarah Palin Claims Media Dislikes Conservatives, Has Double Standard Regarding Kamala Harris"

“He Triggers Crazies” Dr. Fauci Rips Into Tucker Carlson

Dr. Anthony Fauci has spent his entire medical career helping people survive. Whether he was fighting the AIDS virus or Ebola, the renowned immunologist did his job in a completely apolitical manner. Donald Trump, however, has politicized the COVID-19 pandemic. And in turn, the surrogates of the President have seen fit to attack Fauci. Among … Continue reading "“He Triggers Crazies” Dr. Fauci Rips Into Tucker Carlson"

Kushner Does Not Reject “Birther” Conspiracy Theory About Kamala Harris

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner did not outright reject a conspiracy theory his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, ignited about Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who this week Democrat Joe Biden announced would be his running mate in this year’s race for the White House. The president had suggested that Harris may not “meet the requirements” … Continue reading "Kushner Does Not Reject “Birther” Conspiracy Theory About Kamala Harris"

Trump’s Net Worth Has Dropped $300 Million in One Year as the Pandemic Hurts His Businesses

President Donald Trump’s personal net worth has dropped $300 million in one year as the coronavirus pandemic hurts his businesses, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index. This means the president has lost roughly 10 percent of his wealth since his inauguration. His net worth now stands at $2.7 billion, according to the Billionaires Index. “The drop … Continue reading "Trump’s Net Worth Has Dropped $300 Million in One Year as the Pandemic Hurts His Businesses"

Veterans Group Mocks Trump for “Finally” Going to War––Against USPS

Progressive PAC VoteVets has released a new ad repudiating President Donald Trump for his attacks against the United States Postal Service (USPS). The video features narration highlighting the military deferments Trump received when he was younger (he crafted the now-infamous “bone spurs” excuse to get out of serving in Vietnam. The narrator also points out … Continue reading "Veterans Group Mocks Trump for “Finally” Going to War––Against USPS"

Cancelling The 9/11 Lights Dishonors New York’s Heroes

Using Coranavirus as an excuse to end one of New York City's most solemn traditions is cowardly and wrong.

Trump Has Been Secretly Meeting With Postmaster General To Slow Down Mail

Trump denied it, but his own White House confirmed that he has met with the Postmaster General, and by Trump's own admission he's slowing down the mail.

Biden Rebukes Trump for Threatening to Cut Social Security Funding

Democrat Joe Biden rebuked President Donald Trump’s stance on Social Security funding just days after an ad in Florida accused Trump of misusing Social Security funds to provide coronavirus relief in the absence of new legislation from Congress, whose negotiations have recently failed. The president signed several executive orders over the weekend, including one which … Continue reading "Biden Rebukes Trump for Threatening to Cut Social Security Funding"

Lincoln Project Takes Aim at Trump in New Ad Featuring Ex-Trump Administration Appointees

The Lincoln Project has taken aim at President Donald Trump in a new ad featuring ex-Trump administration appointees. “The ad speaks for itself,” said Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, said in a press release. “President Trump has cycled through numerous cabinet officials who have left the administration disappointed by his crushing ineptitude. From … Continue reading "Lincoln Project Takes Aim at Trump in New Ad Featuring Ex-Trump Administration Appointees"

Why I Won’t Leave New York City, But Probably Should

I understand why so many people are fleeing Gotham, but some of us can't. We are in it for the long haul.

Harvard Professor: Closing Schools Could Mean 10 Percent Lower Earnings For The Rest Of This Generation’s Lives

On Wednesday, the White House held an event discussing school reopenings with mothers, teachers, doctors, politicians, and subject-matter experts.

Joe Biden Is Not Going To Get The Obama Coalition Back Together

Obama’s coalition belonged to him alone. The Biden-Harris ticket might win in November, but not because they recreate Obama’s electoral map.

Prepare For Pop Culture To Shove Cool Kamala Down Your Throat

'Saturday Night Live's' image of Kamala Harris is almost certainly a window into how she'll be treated by Hollywood from now until November.

The Supreme Court’s Abortion-Affirming Decisions Aren’t As ‘Settled’ As Some Say

June Medical shows that 47 years after Roe, the court still can’t agree on the standards for state abortion limits. Five justices at the very least aren’t committed to abortion on demand.

11 Pregnancy Must-Haves And Other Recommendations From A Mom Of Six

Pregnant women get lots of ads and advice, but I bet that almost none of the people making all the other lists have as much pregnancy practice as I do.

EXCLUSIVE: Former Joe Exotic Employee Speaks About Life After ‘Tiger King’

Despite the corruption in the industry hardly showcased by the Netflix series, this man has faith that there is still room for legal, healthy, and safe ways for big cat handlers to continue doing their work. 

Big 10 Cancellation Could Put Even More Small Businesses Under

As if the endless suffering of 2020 weren’t enough, Madison's State Street businesses learned Tuesday the Big 10 is canceling its fall sports season.

Smart Satire Is All Too Rare, But ‘An American Pickle’ Pulls It Off Seamlessly

It's both an on-demand release and a hilarious comedy, and a provocative cultural satire that resists the urge to get bogged down in anti-Trump politics. 

How Feminism Helped Erase Female Biology

In Debra Soh's new book, 'The End of Gender,' the doctor exposes the cultural and scientific attempts to undermine biological reality.

Hillary Clinton Is Open To Serving In A Harris-Biden Administration

'I'm ready to help in any way I can,' Clinton said in an interview published four years after she lost her own presidential election in 2016.

Wisconsin Rally-Goers Protest Mask Mandate And Punishing Dissent From Doctors

On Sunday, Wisconsinites protested a new state-wide mask mandate by Gov. Tony Evers at a 'We Will Not Comply' freedom rally held in the rural town of Mosinee.

The Right Needs More Than Resurrected Reaganism To Beat The Left

Our nation faces challenges that cannot be adequately addressed by calcifying Reagan’s old platform of the 1980s into conservative dogma.

While Biden And Harris Tackle The Pandemic, The Trump Campaign Is Focused On Protecting Burgers

As Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tackled the coronavirus on Thursday, Mike Pence was on the campaign trail talking about red meat.

Delusional Trump Says He Will Beat Joe Biden In New York

In more evidence that Trump spends too much time listening to the voices in his head, he now claims that he will beat Joe Biden in New York.

As Trump Pushes Birther Lie, Battleground State Voters Overwhelmingly Support Kamala Harris

Harris is viewed favorably by a plurality of the country – something that can't be said of either Trump or Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump Claims There Will Be Economic “Disaster” If Biden Wins Election

President Donald Trump claimed that the United States will experience an economic “disaster” if Democrat Joe Biden wins this year’s general election. “I think if he wins, you’re going to end up with a disaster,” Trump said on Fox Business. The president further suggested that the Green New Deal backed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) … Continue reading "Trump Claims There Will Be Economic “Disaster” If Biden Wins Election"

NIH Director Puts Foot Down Over Politically Motivated Approval of Coronavirus Vaccine

Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledged concerns in the medical community that President Donald Trump might pressure the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve a coronavirus vaccine just before the general election to gain votes. “This just cannot be allowed to happen,” he said, adding … Continue reading "NIH Director Puts Foot Down Over Politically Motivated Approval of Coronavirus Vaccine"

Trump Fires Misogynist Attacks At Harris, AOC, Pelosi During Freewheeling Fox Interview

President Donald Trump attacked Senator Kamala Harris (Calif.), Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) during a freewheeling interview with Fox Business. Trump referred to Harris, who was announced this week as Democrat Joe Biden’s running mate in the general election, as “a madwoman.” “And now, you have — a sort of … Continue reading "Trump Fires Misogynist Attacks At Harris, AOC, Pelosi During Freewheeling Fox Interview"

Trump Admits He’s Trying To Stop Mail-In Voting With USPS Sabotage

Trump admitted that he is trying to stop mail-in votes from being counted with USPS sabotage during a Thursday Fox Business interview.

Nervous Mike Pence Stammers When Asked About Debating Kamala Harris

Vice President Mike Pence tried to sound confident about debating Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), but his answer showed clear nervousness.

Insane Model Means Colorado’s COVID-19 Policies Are Essentially Based On Tarot Cards

Colorado's COVID-19 modelers seem to be locked-in to an extreme model that, if applied to the entire country, would mean more than 4 million deaths.

Ibram Kendi’s Board Book Teaches Even Babies To Hate White People

There's just enough vagueness in Kendi's children’s book to plant the seeds for upcoming generations to push for the utopian, false 'equity' he seeks.

Churches Aren’t Avoiding Death By Keeping Their Doors Closed. They’re Ensuring It

Christians say, with the apostle Paul, that for us to live is Christ, and to die is gain — yet at the very thought of death, so many of our churches slammed our doors shut and are keeping them closed. What does that say about our faith?

How Biden’s Housing Plans Would Destroy America’s Suburbs

If suburban voters begin to understand what Biden’s housing rule would mean for their communities, many would flock back to Trump, irrespective of what they think of his tweets.

NY Attorney General’s Lawsuit Scares These NRA Members Much More Than NRA Spending

'It's because they can't defeat the pro-gun movement, they can't achieve their legislative agenda, and so rather than win on the merits of the argument, they try to silence' the NRA, says Larry Keane.

Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’ Sucks The Mystery Out Of Sex

'WAP' is brazen and brash, and we’re probably meant to believe it’s empowering, but what it really does is deprive sex of mystery and remove seduction from the process.

Lebron James, Say Her Name. It’s Agnes Chow

The NBA routinely fails to stand up for freedom, so don't expect LeBron James to tweet about Agnes Chow's arrest or push for 'StandwithHK' on NBA jerseys.

Why Kamala Harris’s Stealth Radicalism Is Worse Than Bernie Democrats’ Open Radicalism

A thought police White House essentially run by Harris, while being portrayed as 'moderate' compared to the open socialism of Bernie Sanders, will be no less radical or dangerous.

Why It’s Ridiculous To Dunk On Parents For Privately Schooling Kids In ‘Pods’

Pandemic pods permit families to pursue education that best suits their children's needs — and shouldn’t that be the goal?

New Paper Confirms Just How Rigged Higher Education Is Against The Right

A devastating new policy report provides data on how conservatives are sidelined in western academia. Now, conservatives have to decide what to do about it.

‘DC Draino’ Rogan O’Handley Left A Lucrative Legal Career To Fight For Trump On Social Media

'My primary goal is to wake up as many patriots as possible and get as many involved to help save America, because right now oppressive leftism is kicking the door and making its way in,' O'Handley says.

On Rob Lowe’s Podcast, Mike Myers Perfectly Expresses The Beauty Of The American Dream

In a time when fewer and fewer consider themselves proud to be American, it is heartwarming to hear the country's virtues extolled in an apolitical and genuine manner.

Inside ‘Dollhouse,’ An Engaging But Deeply Unpleasant Film

Brending's beautiful visual style and ability to craft engaging characters is on full display, but the film's attempt to say everything about misogyny leaves only a cursory understanding of the myriad topics addressed. 

Glenn Loury On Lockdown Economics And College Campus Thought Police

Professor Glenn Loury joins David Marcus on the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the stifling of speech and other insanity on college campuses.

Postal Workers Union President Warns That Trump Is Sabotaging The Post Office

Mark Diamondstein, the President of the American Postal Workers Union, warns that the Postal Service is being sabotaged by Trump.

Betsy DeVos Accused of Hiding Out in Her Mansion Even as She Pushes to Reopen Schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is isolating herself within her 22,000-square-foot Michigan estate even as she pushes to reopen schools nationwide amidst the coronavirus pandemic. A spokesperson for the Department of Education pushed back against the reports. “That’s simply not true,” the spokesperson told Salon via email. “Secretary DeVos has held 9 roundtables, 4 briefings, 30 … Continue reading "Betsy DeVos Accused of Hiding Out in Her Mansion Even as She Pushes to Reopen Schools"

WATCH: Trump Slurs and Mispronounces Words, Makes Wild Claims During Wednesday Briefing

On Wednesday afternoon, Joe Biden and his new running mate Kamala Harris held their first joint appearance. Shortly after the Biden/Harris event, Donald Trump held his semi-daily COVID-19 press briefing. Whether or not the Democratic event had anything to do with his perfomance on Wednesday, Trump seemed quite off his game. The President notably slurred … Continue reading "WATCH: Trump Slurs and Mispronounces Words, Makes Wild Claims During Wednesday Briefing"

Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro Spreads Conspiracy Theory Suggesting “Something’s” Going to Happen Biden

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro––better known as “Judge Jeanine”––suggested “something’s” going to happen to presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and surmised it would result in him being off the presidential ticket by November. “For some reason, I just have this feeling that Joe Biden isn’t going to be on the ticket,” Pirro said. “I have … Continue reading "Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro Spreads Conspiracy Theory Suggesting “Something’s” Going to Happen Biden"

Trump Congratulates QAnon Supporter for Winning Republican Primary

President Donald Trump congratulated Marjorie Taylor Greene for winning the Republican primary in Georgia. “Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent,” the president wrote. “Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up – a real WINNER!” Congratulations to … Continue reading "Trump Congratulates QAnon Supporter for Winning Republican Primary"

Media Hails Harris As ‘Moderate,’ ‘Centrist’ Although Her Voting Record Is Further Left Than Bernie Sanders’s

Harris is as left as they come, and is certainly no more moderate than Biden. She’s not even in the same lane, or the next one over. Not by a long shot.

NYT Devotes Front Page To Harris, Barely Included Pence In 2016

Every inch above the centerfold of Wednesday's front cover gushed over Harris. Back in 2016, Pence was only mentioned in a bottom corner of the page.

Why The Harris VP Nod Feels Obvious And Underwhelming

The selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate could have been a powerful and historic moment. Here's why it wasn't.

Kamala Harris Triggers A Wednesday Trump Racist Self-Destruction

Trump went on a racist tirade on Twitter where he overtly attempted to terrify suburban white women into voting for him in November.

Kamala Harris Was Ringleader In Brett Kavanaugh Character Assassination Attempt

One of the ringleaders of the Democratic Party's attempt to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's life in 2018 has been named Joe Biden's running mate for the 2020 presidential election.

The Ghost Of Sarah Palin Will Haunt The Media This Election Cycle

In an effort to blunt all criticism of Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris, we’re about to see a deluge of transparently insincere sympathy for Sarah Palin.

‘Centrist’ Biden-Harris Ticket Exposes The Limits Of Our Political Language

There is nothing centrist about Kamala Harris's cultural agenda, which includes the Green New Deal, the Equality Act, late-term abortion, slashing police budgets, and more.

No California Shouldn’t Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds

Providing reasonable legal accommodation to this very specific and narrow experience should not be an open invitation for adults to exploit young teenagers by engaging in sex with them.

No, Kamala Harris Isn’t A ‘Moderate’ — She’s A Radical Threat To America

The media are spinning Kamala Harris as a 'centrist' and a 'moderate.' In reality, she's a leftist who could be one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

Why Trump’s Actions In Portland Are Not At All Like China’s Abuse Of Hong Kong

Unlike what the American media and Marxists would have you believe, the CCP's brand of left-wing authoritarianism remains the greatest threat to the world.

How Canceling College Football’s Season Will Backfire On Universities, NCAA

As conferences across the country consider whether to follow the Big Ten’s lead, fans should ask themselves: Are these decisions about protecting players or protecting amateurism?

Inside California Democrats’ Hard Work To Deny The Poor, Middle Class, And Minorities An Education

'If people want to talk about systemic racism and the marginalization of minorities,' a single mother in California told The Federalist, 'this is it.'

Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Assault Previews What Would Happen In Her Administration

It is unconscionable for a U.S. senator to suggest that a person's religion should disqualify him from public service. Kamala Harris has repeatedly done so.

Democrats Slam Trump’s Payroll Tax Cut For ‘Raiding Social Security’ While … Raiding Social Security

On payroll taxes and protecting entitlement benefits for seniors, a look at their record shows that Democrats have little ground to stand on.

New IG Report Shows Engel Still Making False Claims About Arms Transfer

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says it's 'outrageous' that Democrats continue to subpoena while failing to acknowledge the multiple attempts by the department to cooperate with Congress.

Fake News, Fake Ads: Both Are Fit To Print In The New York Times

RepresentUs's claim that mail-in voting is not fraudulent or insecure is not just baseless or absurd, but disingenuous.

Sarah Palin Offers Kamala Harris Advice For VP Campaign Trail

'Fight mightily to keep your own team with you - they know you, know your voice, and most importantly are trustworthy,' Sarah Palin wrote.

Tucker Carlson Throws A Fit After Guest Tells Him To Stop Mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ Name

The Fox News host, channeling his inner Donald Trump, completely imploded when he was called out for his error.

Trump’s Weak Attacks On Kamala Harris Have Already Flopped

Trump's reelection operation struggled to come up with a coherent response following Biden's official announcement on Tuesday.

Biden Campaign Shatters Fundraising Record After Kamala Harris Named VP Pick

Joe Biden's decision to pick Sen. Kamala Harris as his VP nominee has energized Democrats all across the country.

Trump Is Completely Deflated By Kamala Harris’ Historic Rise To VP Nominee

Biden's decision to put Harris on his ticket wasn't just smart and historic, but it was clearly the last thing Trump wanted.

Journalist David Agren On The Crisis In Mexico, From COVID To Cartels

On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, John Davidson and David Agren discuss the latest unrest happening in Mexico.

Seattle’s First Black Female Police Chief Resigns After Budget Cuts

Carmen Best announced plans to resign the same day the Seattle city council voted to cut the police force by up to 100 officers.

“Mitch Better Have My Money”: Kentucky Voters Angry at McConnell’s Response to Economic Crisis

Kentucky voters are angry at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s response to the economic crisis wrought by the coronavirus pandemic. Protesters have taken to protesting outside McConnell’s Louisville office, carrying signs with slogans such as “Mitch Better Have My Money.” Protests have been organized by Kentucky representatives from the AFL-CIO, Teamsters and other labor groups. … Continue reading "“Mitch Better Have My Money”: Kentucky Voters Angry at McConnell’s Response to Economic Crisis"

Trump Goes Total Sexist And Says Some People Will Be Insulted If Biden Picks A Woman

During an interview with sports commentator Clay Travis, President Donald Trump claimed Joe Biden, his electoral opponent, had “roped himself” into picking a woman as his running mate for the presidency, adding that “some people” would say picking a woman might insult male voters. “I would be inclined to go a different route than what … Continue reading "Trump Goes Total Sexist And Says Some People Will Be Insulted If Biden Picks A Woman"

President Trump Discusses Return Of The NFL, College Sports In Fox Sports Interview

"If they don't stand for the national anthem, I hope they don't open," President Trump said in a wide-ranging interview with "Outkick's" Clay Travis.

Trump Downplays Coronavirus Cases, Calling Them “Fake News Gold”

President Donald Trump continues to downplay the severity of the coronavirus pandemic. In a tweet earlier this morning, the president said the high number of tests for the virus “is a good thing,” but added that more testing “equals more Cases, which is Fake News Gold.” “They use Cases to demean the incredible job being … Continue reading "Trump Downplays Coronavirus Cases, Calling Them “Fake News Gold”"

Trump Lashes Out at U.S. Officials, Disputes Claim He Trusts Putin Over U.S. Intelligence

President Donald Trump lashed out at government officials and disputed claims that he trusts Russian leader Vladimir Putin over United States intelligence agencies. “John Bolton, one of the dumbest people I’ve met in government and sadly, I’ve met plenty, states often that I respected, and even trusted, Vladimir Putin of Russia more than those in … Continue reading "Trump Lashes Out at U.S. Officials, Disputes Claim He Trusts Putin Over U.S. Intelligence"

An Obama Or A Biden Is Scheduled To Close Every Night Of The Democratic Convention

The current Democratic Convention schedule, which is subject to change after the VP pick, has an Obama or a Bien closing each night.

Dear Sarah Jeong: If America Were Anything Like China, You Would Be In Jail

If the United States were really anything like China, The New York Times's Sarah Jeong, along with the rest of the anti-American media, would be in jail. Or worse.

Why Democrats Have Started To Cave On Reopening Schools

The pressure to reopen schools is on everywhere now that New York is doing it. This means something else big: Their hard opposition to school reopenings is politically devastating for Democrats.

Governors Can’t Use Coronavirus To Indefinitely Declare A State Of Emergency

In a national panic, Americans permitted executives to take power—to declare states of emergency and to implement lockdowns—and now those executives won’t give that power back.

Why Trump’s WeChat Ban Is Much More Important Than His TikTok Ban

Considering all the data privacy, security, and geopolitical concerns, banning WeChat is the right move. Such a ban, however, doesn't come without costs.

How Losing My Son Years Ago Took Away My Fear Of COVID-19

If we allow fear of illness or death to rule our lives, we’ll be unable to learn the lessons we learn through all life's trials, troubles, and struggles.