
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020

James Murdoch Leaves News Corp. Over Editorial Decisions

Rupert Murdoch, the Australian billionaire who owns the Fox Corporation is all in on the regular contact seen on Fox News. His sons, James and Lachlan, however, have tried to pull the channels content closer to the middle. It hasn’t gone well. James Murdoch, at one point, worked on the Fox News side of things. … Continue reading "James Murdoch Leaves News Corp. Over Editorial Decisions"

National Review Editors Lash Out at Trump’s “Un-American” Election Delay

One of the country’s most prominent conservative magazines has joined the chorus of criticism after Donald Trump suggested delaying the November elections. The National Review is perhaps the single most prestigious conservative news outlet, founded by William F. Buckley, an icon of the modern American right. NR’s editors took the President to task on Thursday for what … Continue reading "National Review Editors Lash Out at Trump’s “Un-American” Election Delay"

Trump: Testing and High Number of Coronavirus Cases is “A Fake News Weapon”

President Donald Trump slammed House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) in a tweet this morning, claiming that a chart the latter posted showing the United States has more coronavirus cases than Europe is “fake news.” “Somebody please tell Congressman Clyburn, who doesn’t have a clue, that the chart he put up indicating more CASES for … Continue reading "Trump: Testing and High Number of Coronavirus Cases is “A Fake News Weapon”"

Pelosi Raises Record-Breaking $39.5 Million for Democrats as Election Approaches

Nancy Pelosi had a record-breaking funding haul for the Democrats in the second quarter of 2020. The numbers are significant with less than 100 days to go before the election. The Speaker of the House raised $39.5 million in Q2, with $29.3 million going directly to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which works to … Continue reading "Pelosi Raises Record-Breaking $39.5 Million for Democrats as Election Approaches"

Video from 2004 Shows Trump Failing to Vote in Person, Threatening to Use Absentee Ballot

A newly resurfaced video shows Donald Trump repeatedly failing to vote in person, becoming increasingly angry at the situation and finally using an absentee ballot. The 2004 clip from Access Hollywood shows Trump with host Billy Bush traveling from polling station to polling station where he tries to vote, only to be told he’s not on the … Continue reading "Video from 2004 Shows Trump Failing to Vote in Person, Threatening to Use Absentee Ballot"

Trump Administration Didn’t Want National Coronavirus Plan Because Blue States Were Hardest Hit

The Trump administration didn’t think a national approach to fighting Coronavirus was needed because the worst affected states were Democratic strongholds, a new report claims. In an extensive article about President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his handling of the pandemic, Vanity Fair cites an expert who worked with the pandemic team. “Most troubling of all, … Continue reading "Trump Administration Didn’t Want National Coronavirus Plan Because Blue States Were Hardest Hit"

Trump Campaign Suspends Most TV Spending Less Than 100 Days Before the Election

The Trump campaign has paused the majority of its spending on TV ads amid a “review” of its election strategy. Digital advertising has also been halted for now. The campaign will reportedly undertake a review following the demotion of campaign manager Brad Parscale. The move comes less than 100 days before the election on 3 … Continue reading "Trump Campaign Suspends Most TV Spending Less Than 100 Days Before the Election"

Prominent Conservative Calls for Trump’s Impeachment for “Fascistic” Election Delay Tweet

A prominent conservative has publicly called for Donald Trump to be impeached following the President’s suggestion that the election be postponed. Steven Calabresi is the co-founder of the conservative Federalist Society – a major organization that works to put right-leaning judges on the bench. He voted for Trump in 2016. However, Calabresi wrote in a New … Continue reading "Prominent Conservative Calls for Trump’s Impeachment for “Fascistic” Election Delay Tweet"

Government Teachers’ Unions Unveil New COVID-19 Demand: Pay Us For Doing Nothing

Teachers' unions have long incentivized all the wrong things in education, but demanding teachers be paid to do virtually nothing is a new low.

Democrats’ Policies Are Unfit For The Presidency

For four years, Democrats have been trying to cement in voters' foreheads the idea that Trump is unfit for office. Perhaps that's because Democrats' policies never have been as unfit for the office as they are now.

The Michael Flynn I Knew In Iraq Was A Brilliant Patriot

An inveterate teambuilder, Flynn’s conviction for deeds over words drew critical buy-in from external partners. The result was a robust synergism that proved lethal to America’s foes.

Nearly Half Of Young Americans Say It’s Okay To Fire People Who Support Trump

Forty-four percent of Americans under age 30 believe a company is correct in firing an executive because he or she made a personal donation to Trump’s reelection campaign.

The Moral Case Against Mask Mandates And Other COVID Restrictions

People who resist COVID-19 restrictions are often accused of being selfish and caring only about their own freedom, but their concerns are deeper than that.

How To Keep Corporate Wokeness From Destroying America

The Democratic Party long ago abandoned working-class blacks and whites in favor of identity politics, corporatism, and cultural leftism. It's time for the GOP to step up by returning to its roots.

McCloskey Persecution Shows No Self-Defense Is Possible Without A Lawyer

After using a firearm in justified self-defense, even if you don’t shoot it, you may be facing significant legal troubles (and large associated financial costs).

The Story Of How Samuel Colt Made Men Equal

Jim Rasenberger's biography of Samuel Colt, 'Revolver,' has lots of interesting details about the colorful inventor of the six-shooter but unfairly faults Colt for sins against present-day leftist orthodoxy.

Dear Athletes: Keep Your Politics Out Of Sports

If professional athletes want to express themselves politically, they should, and they should do it in a way that has meaning and depth. That means off the field.

Big Tech Made Big Promises In House Hearing, But Republicans Remain Skeptical

'Unfortunately, I don't have much faith in the CEOs' promises to not interfere in this year's election on behalf of Joe Biden,' Florida Rep. Greg Steube told The Federalist.

4 French Revolution Trends That Have Started In The United States

The bloody and terrible French Revolution featured attacks on religion, rewriting history, toppling statues, and abandoning tradition. Sound familiar?

If We Want Students To Stay On Track, Send School Funds To Their Parents

The focus of education should be on students, not the system. Back on Track ESAs will help get us there.

Tucker Carlson Calls Obama A ‘Greasy Politician’ In Unhinged Tantrum Over John Lewis Eulogy

Despite Tucker Carlson's grade-school tantrum, the purpose of Obama's eulogy wasn't to please right-wing extremists who employ white supremacists.

Former GOP Chair To Coronavirus-Denying Trump Supporters: ‘You Will Die In That Bubble’

The best thing the American people can do for their wellbeing is to stop listening to the president and start listening to the medical experts.

Trump Spirals Into Gibberish When Reporter Busts Him For Still Not Having A Coronavirus Strategy

A seemingly sedated Donald Trump all but admitted during Thursday's briefing that he still doesn't have a national pandemic strategy.

CNN’s Collins: Trump’s Voting by Mail Claims Could Depress Republican Turnout

Donald Trump has spent much of this year’s election period railing against voting by mail. He’s taken this tact despite the fact that he, William Barr and Kayleigh McEnany have all taken advantage of the voting method. This morning, the President floated the idea of delaying the election until the COVID-19 pandemic dissipates. CNN’s Kaitlin … Continue reading "CNN’s Collins: Trump’s Voting by Mail Claims Could Depress Republican Turnout"

Rev. Al Sharpton Slams Trump for Suggesting He’ll “Protect You From the Blacks”

Reverend Al Sharpton expressed his disgust following Donald Trump’s remarks about the suburbs and low income housing. He believes Trump has gone beyond dog whistling. The President tweeted on Wednesday that he had changed an Obama era rule about low income housing that he claimed was harming house prices and causing crime in suburban neighborhoods. … Continue reading "Rev. Al Sharpton Slams Trump for Suggesting He’ll “Protect You From the Blacks”"

Critics Pile on Trump for Floating Election Delay: “He Knows He’s Going to Lose”

Donald Trump’s suggestion that the election should be postponed was immediately met with outrage, mockery and dismissal on Thursday from politicians, journalists and commentators. The President mused about delaying November’s election – presumably the presidential ballot – due to what he asserted was rampant voter fraud in mail-in ballots. Democratic Senator and possible vice presidential … Continue reading "Critics Pile on Trump for Floating Election Delay: “He Knows He’s Going to Lose”"

Trump Suggests Delaying the Election to Prevent Mail-In Ballot Fraud

Donald Trump has suggested delaying November’s election until voter fraud using mail-in ballots is dealt with. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in voting-by-mail. The President took to Twitter on Thursday to attack mail-in ballots as part of his ongoing attempts to undermine the process. He then veered into a musings about moving the … Continue reading "Trump Suggests Delaying the Election to Prevent Mail-In Ballot Fraud"

Mary Trump: President Trump Is ‘Drawn’ to Vladimir Putin Because He’s Like His Father

Mary Trump thinks the President is drawn to Vladimir Putin because the Russian leader is like his father. Donald Trump’s niece suggested he was primed to seek out people like Putin. Mary Trump spoke to MSNBC’s Joy Reid on Wednesday about her uncle’s relationship with strongmen like the Russian president. She drew parallels to her … Continue reading "Mary Trump: President Trump Is ‘Drawn’ to Vladimir Putin Because He’s Like His Father"

John Lewis Appeals for National Redemption in Powerful Posthumous Article

John Lewis made one final appeal to the American people on Thursday in the form of an op-ed written before he passed away. The column was published on the day of his funeral. The New York Times published the piece, entitled “Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation” on the very day the Civil Rights … Continue reading "John Lewis Appeals for National Redemption in Powerful Posthumous Article"

How Public Schools Paved The Way For Americans To Believe The 1619 Project

In many ways, the adoption of the 1619 Project doesn’t essentially change American history for most students. It still relies on the same methods of history instruction.

Romney And Kushner’s Man In Tennessee Might Be Coming To The Senate (If He Wins The Primary)

'I'm on the team' is a message from Bill Hagerty that Republican leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, likes to hear.

More Than 300 Female Athletes, Olympians Urge NCAA To Protect Women’s Sports

'Under the NCAA’s current rules, I’m concerned that we will soon effectively have men’s sports and co-ed sports — without any dedicated category for females,' said Madison Kenyon, a college athlete who's lost to transgender athletes.

NBA Coaches Expose Dealings in China: ‘We Were Basically Working For The Chinese Government’

Deception, child abuse, and police state abuses have plagued the league's programs in China -- and give testament to the enduring link between the two.

Gov. Kristi Noem: Science Shows Not Going To School Hurts Kids Much Worse Than COVID

Science shows the coronavirus doesn’t impact children even on the same level as the flu, and keeping kids out of school harms them in a multitude of ways.

Why Electing Joe Biden Will Make The Culture War Even Worse

Those who think that electing Joe Biden will reduce cultural conflict are likely to be extremely disappointed. That's because amping up the culture war is the only way to keep Democrats united.

Netflix’s ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’ Writer: We’re Making Tween Trans Propaganda On Purpose

If trans kids are taught to have an emotional breakdown at the sight of gender-stereotyped clothing or incorrect pronoun use, they're being set up to fail.

Why Tennessee Republicans Should Support Bill Hagerty For Senate

Bill Hagerty is my choice for the U.S. Senate because he is a true Christian conservative who will stand strong for the Tennessee conservative values we hold so dear.

Civilizational Confidence Is The Key To Preserving And Restoring America

The revolutionary moment sweeping everything away from us will not ultimately be defeated until we regain our civilizational confidence as Americans.

Twitter’s Absence Loomed Large In Big Tech Hearing

It was just two weeks ago that a massive security breach at Twitter raised concerns over its danger as a national security threat.

‘You, Me and Dupree’ Actor Seth Rogen Says Israel Shouldn’t Exist

Seth Rogen, the prominent Hollywood actor, comedian, producer, and director, recently said he is scared of Jews and Israel probably shouldn’t exist.

How Alexander Hamilton’s Greatness Affected America’s Institutions

We still overlook how much Alexander Hamilton shaped American institutions that support civic culture, free enterprise, liberty, and self-government.

America Is Trading Its Secrets For Chinese Tuition Dollars

We are selling out our nation, its secrets, and its future to keep university balance sheets out of the red.

Trump’s Coronavirus Incompetence Caused ‘Most Severe’ Economic Collapse In Modern History

America is not better off now than it was four years ago when Donald Trump took office. In November, he's going to have to own that.

Steve Schmidt Calls GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert ‘America’s Craziest And Dumbest Congressman’

During an interview with MSNBC's Joy Reid, Steve Schmidt called the Republican lawmaker America's craziest and dumbest congressman.

Trump Goes Full Cognitive Decline During Bumbling Campaign Speech In Battleground Texas

What was supposed to be a speech about his commitment to dirty fossil fuels quickly turned into another episode of Trump's apparent cognitive decline.

Clinton, Bush, Obama Will be at John Lewis Funeral, Trump Will Not

When long-serving and revered lawmakers pass away, it is customary for past and current Presidents to attend the funeral. This hasn’t been the case with Donald Trump. At the request of the family, Trump was not invited to the funeral of legendary Republican John McCain. While Trump did attend the services for former President George … Continue reading "Clinton, Bush, Obama Will be at John Lewis Funeral, Trump Will Not"

NBA Calls Silencing Employees who Criticize China ‘Hypothetical,’ Ignores Daryl Morey

It also refused to criticize the genocidal dictatorship on the same day reports surfaced that coaches were made to 'work for China' in abuse-filled camps.

Mollie Hemingway: Democrats Don’t Like Barr ‘Because He Is Holding People Accountable’

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said the animosity against Attorney General William Barr is a consequence of Barr pledging accountability.

MSNBC’s Howard Fineman: Trump Ignoring SCOTUS on DACA Shows “Open Defiance Has Only Just Begun”

Journalist and MSNBC contributor Howard Fineman says President Donald Trump’s open defiance has only just begun” amid reports that the Trump administration will continue to reject initial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications from immigrants who never obtained the protection from deportation. #DonaldTrump begins rolling back #DACA in defiance of the #SupremeCourt. The open … Continue reading "MSNBC’s Howard Fineman: Trump Ignoring SCOTUS on DACA Shows “Open Defiance Has Only Just Begun”"

Peter Navarro Attacks Dr. Fauci Again in Car Crash CNN Interview

Peter Navarro doubled down on criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday during a contentious interview on CNN. He also defended the use of an unproven Coronavirus drug. The White House economic adviser repeatedly clashed with CNN’s John Berman on issues like Fauci, hydroxychloroquine and even the pointlessness of their conversation.  Berman asked Navarro about … Continue reading "Peter Navarro Attacks Dr. Fauci Again in Car Crash CNN Interview"

Plainclothes Officers in New York Bundle Protester into Unmarked Vehicle in Viral Video

A video showing plainclothes NYPD officers putting a protester onto an unmarked vehicle has gone viral overnight, garnering more than 7 million views. NBC New York reports that Nikki Stone was arrested on Tuesday by undercover officers from the New York Police Department and forced into an unmarked van. The video shows several men accosting … Continue reading "Plainclothes Officers in New York Bundle Protester into Unmarked Vehicle in Viral Video"

Biden: Trump Is “Trying to Scare the Devil Out of the American People”

Joe Biden has slammed the Trump campaign’s recent ads depicting a country in chaos and attacking him for wanting to defund the police and being soft on crime. The former Vice President accused President Donald Trump of stoking people’s fears as part of his “law and order” campaign pitch. For his part, Biden has not … Continue reading "Biden: Trump Is “Trying to Scare the Devil Out of the American People”"

Reports Suggest Federal Agents May Withdraw from Portland

Federal law enforcement may soon leave the city of Portland, Oregon, according to new reports emerging on Wednesday. U.S. agents have clashed with protesters. The Governor of Oregon Kate Brown is reportedly in negotiations with the White House to remove federal agents from the city, which has been the flash point of recent political rhetoric. … Continue reading "Reports Suggest Federal Agents May Withdraw from Portland"

Trump Never Asked Vladimir Putin About Russian Bounties on U.S. Soldiers

Donald Trump has not discussed reports of Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. The President admitted he hadn’t confronted Vladimir Putin about the issue. The President gave an interview to Axios on HBO on Tuesday where he downplayed the intelligence on Russian bounties paid to the Talbian. He also confirmed he hadn’t mentioned them to his … Continue reading "Trump Never Asked Vladimir Putin About Russian Bounties on U.S. Soldiers"

Getting Rid Of The Police, Or Trump, Will Only Enable More Riots

Our political and media elite think that Trump and the police are the cause of the ongoing unrest. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Barr’s Testimony May Have Revealed Another Obama-Biden Scandal

Attorney General William Barr’s comments indicate there were many situations that appear to have lacked a legitimate purpose for unmasking, and that this problem pre-dated Trump’s election.

Democrats Refused To Let Barr Speak Because They Know He’s Right

If the Democrats had anything on William Barr, they would have forced him to answer questions. They don't, so they just talked over him.

Why Joe Rogan’s Criticism Of Video Games Is Only Partly Correct

Any pursuit that detracts from faith, family, and friends can be destructive. But with discipline, the best video games can enlighten as well as entertain.

War Looms In The Mediterranean And Threatens To Entangle The Great Powers

America and the United Kingdom would be wise to let Egypt, France, and Greece take the lead in balancing a dangerous and resurgent Turkey.

NAACP Still Silent About Philadelphia Leader’s Antisemitic Social Media Posts

The president of the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP and well-connected Democratic consultant Rodney Muhammad used his position to promote antisemitic content on social media.

Sierra Club, New York Times Have Decided That Camping And Parks Are Racist

Digging up comments by Sierra Club founder John Muir set off Black Lives Matter-inspired outrage intended to depict national treasures as intrinsically racist.

How ‘One Voter, One Vote’ Would Keep Cities From Controlling The Country

Citizens living in sanctuary cities effectively have more per capita voting power than their fellow Americans in suburban and rural areas. It's enough to comprise Democrats' entire majority margin in the House.

Even If They’re Acquitted, Charging The McCloskeys Endangers Self-Defense

The McCloskey case remains an important legal precedent as private property owners increasingly find themselves without police protection in the face of violence.

Peacock’s Too-Realistic ‘Brave New World’ Shows We Ignore The Individual At Our Peril

NBC’s new version of 'Brave New World,' streaming on Peacock, gives voice to the decline of individualism under the guise of increasing happiness.

American Towns Don’t Want To Be Big Cities’ ‘Green Energy’ Graveyards

From New York to California, local opposition is thwarting wind and solar projects seen as essential to transitioning from fossil fuels.

Smithsonian Finally Responds To Hawley, Says Racist Program Was To ‘Raise Issues For Discussion’

The secretary of the Smithsonian Institute finally responded to Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley's demand for answers last week over its racist program identifying characteristics of 'whiteness.'

Ali Velshi Tears Bill Barr Apart For Playing Dumb While Protecting Trump’s Criminal Friends

Barr repeatedly denied having any knowledge about cases involving Trump's corrupt allies, from Michael Flynn to Roger Stone to Michael Cohen.

Republicans Snuck $8 Billion Windfall For Defense Contractors Into Coronavirus Relief Bill

Instead of putting that funding toward the nation's failing coronavirus testing system, the money is essentially a handout to defense contractors.

Trump Walks Out Of Coronavirus Briefing After Reporter Humiliates Him For Retweeting Quack Doctor

Donald Trump abruptly left the White House briefing room on Tuesday after a reporter called him out for defending a quack doctor.

Nancy Pelosi: Despicable William Barr Was “Like a Blob”

When the Democrats took back the House in 2018, they promised that they would hold the Trump administration accountable for their actions. This promise was on full display on Tuesday when the House Judiciary Committee called William Barr to testify. The Attorney General spent much of his time squirming. He was rude and combative and … Continue reading "Nancy Pelosi: Despicable William Barr Was “Like a Blob”"

Trump Busted For Illegally Laundering $170 Million In Campaign Donations

A complaint has been filed against the Trump campaign for illegally laundering $170 million through the companies of former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Rejects ‘The View’ Host Sunny Hostin’s Baseless Claims Of Rape Threats

Barstool's Dave Portnoy rejected "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin's claims that women at Barstool refused to grant an interview with HBO over rape threats.

Donald Trump Jr. Suspended From Twitter Over Video Promoting Hydroxychloroquine

Twitter and YouTube have removed a video of doctors discussing the success of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 patients.

The NFL Just Declared War On Church

Players can be fined for attending church services that surpass 25 percent capacity, while the NFL is celebrating their participation in protests.

Leader of Latinos for Trump: Why Are We Freaking Out About Coronavirus?

The President of Latinos for Trump wondered on Tuesday why people were panicking so much about Covid-19. She also downplayed the significance of deaths and cases. Bianca Garcia spoke to CNN’s Alisyn Camerota as part of a panel of voters who backed Donald Trump in 2016. As the head of Latinos for Trump, she was … Continue reading "Leader of Latinos for Trump: Why Are We Freaking Out About Coronavirus?"

Fmr. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: Trump Has “Open Disdain for Democratic Values”

Madeleine Albright has slammed Donald Trump for his handling of Coronavirus and called on Americans to support former Vice President Joe Biden. The former Secretary of State accused the President of “folly” in an email circulated by the Biden presidential campaign. She explained that Trump was endangering U.S. democracy. “At home, Trump has put our … Continue reading "Fmr. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: Trump Has “Open Disdain for Democratic Values”"

Republican Senate Candidate Kris Kobach: Coronavirus Numbers Are “Being Cooked” to Harm Trump’s Reelection

Kris Kobach has claimed Coronavirus numbers are being falsified in order to harm Donald Trump’s reelection chances. His comments come as the President shared false information about the disease. Kobach is a former Kansas secretary of state and he’s running for the Senate seat there in November. He spoke to the YouTube program National File … Continue reading "Republican Senate Candidate Kris Kobach: Coronavirus Numbers Are “Being Cooked” to Harm Trump’s Reelection"

Republican Senator Pulls Ad Showing Jewish Democrat with Exaggerated Nose

A  Republican senator has deleted a Facebook ad depicting his Democratic opponent with a large, digitally manipulated nose. The campaign claims it was an error. Georgia Senator David Perdue’s campaign has pulled the ad, which showed Democrat Jon Ossoff with House Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is also Jewish. According to graphic design experts who … Continue reading "Republican Senator Pulls Ad Showing Jewish Democrat with Exaggerated Nose"

Dr. Fauci Responds to Trump’s Attacks: “I Have Not Been Misleading the American Public”

Dr. Anthony Fauci has responded to Donald Trump’s attacks on him in an early morning TV appearance. He defended himself from the President’s attacks as they took on a new, more pernicious form. Trump shared a tweet on Monday that falsely claimed Covid-19 had a cure but the fact was being covered up. He also … Continue reading "Dr. Fauci Responds to Trump’s Attacks: “I Have Not Been Misleading the American Public”"

No, Hillsdale College Doesn’t Need To Join The National Reckoning On Race

Attempts to smear the college are not just dishonest but betray a misunderstanding of why critical race theory has no place in the classical liberal arts.

It Is Resistance, Not Trump, That Needs To Learn To Accept Election Results

Given what they've put the country through since November 2016, the groups that need to be asked if they will accept an election loss in November 2020 are the media, Democratic politicians, and other Resistance activists.

Seattle Parents On Online-Only School This Fall: ‘Kindergarten Via Distance Learning? Are They Kidding Me?’

Because of a virus less threatening to kids than the seasonal flu, schools are sacrificing mental and educational health on the altar of fear and politics.

Barr Scorches Media Lies: ‘Peaceful Protesters Do Not Throw Explosives Into Federal Courthouses’

In a searing testimony, Barr called out politicians, and identified his debunking of the Russiagate story as the real reason for accusations against him.

Corporate Media Is Ignoring Broadest Riots In U.S. History, But Americans Hurt By These Riots Aren’t

This, along with the pandemic, is clearly the preeminent political issue of Summer 2020 — as opposed to the presidential campaign, which is almost like an afterthought.

Speaker: Most Parents Have No Idea Their Kids’ Schools Are Pushing Insane Transgender Ideology

Rather than teaching tolerance and acceptance of others, Abigail Shrier said teachers encourage alienation from families, 'much closer to child endangerment.'

Portland Was Burning Long Before The Federal Surge In Law Enforcement

Contrary to Democrats’ claims and reporting from legacy media seemingly hellbent on downplaying violence from the left, the assistance of federal law enforcement in Portland spurred Read More

America’s New China Policy Comes Down To Two Words: Induce Change

The United States finally has an administration willing to secure America's freedom from the Chinese Communist Party — whatever it takes.

If You’re Sick From The Pill, Try These Alternatives

Unlike oral contraceptives, fertility awareness leads to true female empowerment by helping women understand their own bodies and make choices accordingly.

If Conservatives Don’t Defend The American Idea, The Left Will Cancel It

While conservatives might delight as the left devours its own, they must take seriously the assault on America’s foundations. The very 'American idea' is at stake.

Outsiders Like Me Know America Is The Greatest Country In The World

Despite 45 years of Soviet propaganda demonizing the United States, Albanians never forgot what President Reagan often referred to as the 'shining city on a hill.'

Democrats Attempt To Derail Biden Burisma Probe As Election Nears

Congressional Democrats are waging a full-fledged disinformation campaign to derail the Biden Burisma probe less than 100 days until Nov. 3.

The Wall Of Moms Sue Trump For Tear Gassing Them

The Wall of Moms is suing several agencies in the Trump administration for using tear gas against them during their peaceful Portland protest.

Bernie Sanders Campaign Vet Chuck Rocha On Why Woke Whites Alone Won’t Win The Latino Vote

Chuck Rocha discusses his experience on the Sanders 2020 campaign, as well as the campaign's Latino outreach program he orchestrated.

Tom Cotton Introduces Legislation To Ban Federal Funding Of Schools Teaching Fake History

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton introduced legislation last week that would ban federal funding from schools teaching the 1619 Project.

Fatalities And Injuries Climb As Riots Around The Nation Grow More Violent

Violent riots continue to plague cities like Chicago, Seattle, Denver, Austin, and Portland with no end in sight.

Former Navy Seal Says Trump Has “No Such Respect” for Constitution in New Lincoln Project Ad

The Lincoln Project has made many headlines in recent weeks as it ramps up its ad campaign against President Donald Trump’s reelection efforts, and its latest ad features a former Navy SEAL who said the president is not a real conservative. “I’m an American combat veteran and a conservative. I don’t agree with Joe Biden on … Continue reading "Former Navy Seal Says Trump Has “No Such Respect” for Constitution in New Lincoln Project Ad"

Trump’s National Security Adviser is the Latest to Test Positive for Coronavirus

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, has tested positive for COVID-19. He is the highest-ranking official in the Trump administration known to have tested positive. “He has mild symptoms and has been self-isolating and working from a secure location off site,” the White House said in an official statement. “There is no risk … Continue reading "Trump’s National Security Adviser is the Latest to Test Positive for Coronavirus"

Conservative Bill Kristol Predicts Trump Will Drop Mike Pence as VP

Conservative Bill Kristol thinks Donald Trump will drop Mike Pence from the Republican ticket in an attempt to steal the Democratic National Convention’s thunder. The veteran commentator linked the President’s decision not to throw out the first pitch at the Yankees game in New York next month. “Because of my strong focus on the China … Continue reading "Conservative Bill Kristol Predicts Trump Will Drop Mike Pence as VP"

Susan Rice Makes Fundraising Appeal for Biden, Fueling Running Mate Speculation

Susan Rice made an appeal for donations to the Biden campaign on Monday and immediately started new speculation about her chances of winning the Democratic VP slot. The former U.N. Ambassador‘s photo appeared at the top of a fundraising email with a message urging supporters to chip in and help beat President Donald Trump. This … Continue reading "Susan Rice Makes Fundraising Appeal for Biden, Fueling Running Mate Speculation"

RNC Chair Suggests Polls Are Inaccurate Because Republicans Don’t Answer Them

The Chair of the Republican National Committee has dismissed polls showing Donald Trump losing by claiming that Republican voters don’t answer them anyway. Ronna McDaniel told Fox News on Monday that members of her party don’t respond to polls any more, implying that no polls can be trusted because of the lack of Trump supporters … Continue reading "RNC Chair Suggests Polls Are Inaccurate Because Republicans Don’t Answer Them"

Trump Reportedly Started Caring About Coronavirus When He Realized It Could Hurt Republican Voters

Donald Trump only started to take Coronavirus seriously once he realized it would harm voters in red states and swing states crucial to his reelection in November. A blockbuster new report in The Washington Post claimed on Monday that aides had to explain to the President how the pandemic would affect Republican voters. Once he understood the … Continue reading "Trump Reportedly Started Caring About Coronavirus When He Realized It Could Hurt Republican Voters"

New Poll: 80% of Americans Think the Country Is Going in the Wrong Direction

A huge majority of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. The news will be a major concern for President Donald Trump’s reelection hopes. Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research released new poll results over the weekend that found 80% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. … Continue reading "New Poll: 80% of Americans Think the Country Is Going in the Wrong Direction"

Trump Attacks the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Fox News as Poll Numbers Sink

Donald Trump attacked two conservative bastions over the weekend in an outburst that was likely caused by his consistently poor performance in national polls. The President took aim at Fox News – a reliably conservative network that he sometimes claims is insufficiently loyal – but he also attacked the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. … Continue reading "Trump Attacks the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Fox News as Poll Numbers Sink"

Why John Durham Should Release His Spygate Findings Before November

The fact that John Durham’s findings could play a role in how some Americans think about a particular person or party should not dissuade Durham from releasing them before the election.

Viral Video Of Teen Discovering Taxes Is A Moment More Americans Need To Experience

While it's amusing to watch 18-year-old Jojo learn the cold truth about taxes, his experience reminds us how much the government takes from our hard work.

NO MORE BETRAYALS: Sen. Josh Hawley Just Set The Standard For Conservative Supreme Court Justices

'If there is no indication in their record that at any time they have acknowledged that Roe was wrong at the time it was decided, then I’m not going to vote for them.'

To Keep Society Functioning, Businesses Need COVID Liability Limits

As Congress works toward deals on unemployment benefits, local aid, and liability protection, uncertainty could hurt employers, workers, and customers.

Associated Press, ABC News On Violent Oakland Riot: ‘Peaceful Demonstration Intensified’

Many media outlets have steadfastly described the violent riots that have gripped cities across the country in recent months as 'mostly peaceful protests.'

It’s Time For Congress To Get Serious About Big Tech’s Threats To Individual Rights

Lawmakers have a duty to protect the American way of life. The upcoming hearing with Big Tech is an opportunity members of Congress can't afford to waste.

Regis Philbin Made Us Look At Life In A Different, And Funnier, Way

Regis set out to make people feel better about themselves, and succeeded.

FBI Docs: Source For Federal Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Made Up ‘Rumors’ With Drinking Buddies

The mysterious 'Primary Subsource' that Christopher Steele has long hidden behind to defend his discredited Trump-Russia dossier is a former Brookings Institution analyst -- Igor Danchenko.

Susan Rice Spreads Conspiracy Theory About Federal Agents In Portland

Despite the mayhem overtaking the nation's cities, potential Joe Biden vice president Susan Rice has refused to issue a correction to claims attacking federal law enforcement.

1.5 Million Sign Petition To Shut Down Pornhub For Child Pornography, Sexual Abuse

'The world is waking up to the fact that Pornhub is infested with videos of the real rape and sex trafficking of underage victims as well as vulnerable women,' she said.

Dear Governor Cuomo: Chicken Wings Are Indeed A Meal

Obviously the governor has never seen this video or ever eaten a plate of wings. If he had, he would know the truth about crowd-pleasing chicken wings.

How To Disprove The 6 Most Outrageous Myths Of The 1619 Project

Nearly a year since anti-American 1619 Project was unveiled, far too many of its egregious historical falsehoods have been blindly accepted by the media.

Hurricane Hanna Has Knocked Down Trump’s Border Wall

A section of the border wall that Trump has spent nearly four years bragging about was knocked down by Hurricane Hanna.

Ted Cruz Claims Democrats Are Shutting Down Every School And Business To Beat Trump

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that Democrats are attempting to shut down every school and business in America to beat Donald Trump.

Trump Cancels Trip To Yankee Stadium Because He’s “Busy” Fighting COVID

Trump claimed that he was too busy fighting the coronavirus pandemic to throw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium even though he has spent the weekend golfing.

Trump Melts Down And Demands Pennsylvania Not Vote For Biden

Trump is crumbling at a rapid rate and now demanding that Pennsylvania voters do not vote for Joe Biden in November.

Devin Nunes Goes Full Racist And Says Democrats Are Against White People

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) went total racist and said that Democrats are against white people because they are always talking about racism.

Trump Throws A Sunday Tantrum And Accuses Media Of Biden Cover-Up

Trump threw a Sunday tantrum and claimed that the media is conspiring against him and running a cover-up operation for Joe Biden.

Mark Meadows Invites Foreign Governments To Help Trump Win

Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows welcomed the efforts of foreign governments to influence the presidential election for Donald Trump.

Opinion: The Heart of AOC’s Beautiful Response: Individual Apologies Have Nothing to Do with Ending Sexism

When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to the House floor last Thursday to address the widespread sexism at work in the halls of Congress and deeply embedded in American culture and society, she had to suspect her remarks would garner some media attention. After all, Republican Representative Ted Yoho, while walking with fellow Representative Roger Williams … Continue reading "Opinion: The Heart of AOC’s Beautiful Response: Individual Apologies Have Nothing to Do with Ending Sexism"

Opinion: Gassing Moms And Vets Does Not Win Elections

With his support in free fall, Donald Trump decided the best way to win over “suburban house wives” was to scare them with images of his gestapo  gassing the wall of  moms, assaulting vets and disappearing peaceful protestors. Seriously, who knows if Trump did it to get film for a video ad, send federal agents … Continue reading "Opinion: Gassing Moms And Vets Does Not Win Elections"

Opinion: It is a bad sign that a judge had to rule that Trump’s thugs cannot punish journalists

It is beyond refute that Trump will kill American citizens to further his chance at being re-elected. And when he can’t kill Americans, like his hero Adolf Hitler he dispatches Brownshirts to commit extrajudicial punishments like all of the tyrannical despots he emulates. If any American needed to understand how horribly Trump is decimating Americans’ … Continue reading "Opinion: It is a bad sign that a judge had to rule that Trump’s thugs cannot punish journalists"

The Trump Campaign Is Losing Its Mind Over Polls Showing A Biden Blue Wave

No matter how much Donald Trump and his flailing campaign wish it to be true,  2016 is not 2020 and Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton.

John MacArthur’s Church Defies California Orders To Close Doors

'We cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship,' MacArthur and the church's elder board said in a statement.

Trump Is Golfing While A Hurricane Barrels Toward Coronavirus Hot Spot

As a hurricane barrels toward a coronavirus hotspot, Donald Trump is spending his Saturday at his golf property in New Jersey.

Leader Of Trump’s Diversity Coalition Uses Racial Slur To Describe Coronavirus

One might think that the first rule of leading a presidential diversity coalition would be to not use racial slurs on live TV.

RNC Covered Up $14,000 In Mask Purchases By Labeling The Expense ‘Building Maintenance’

The Republican National Committee attempted to hide thousands of dollars in mask purchases by labeling the expense as building maintenance.

NYT Fudges Data To Claim Huge Spike In COVID-19 Hospitalizations

The New York Times ignored a serious factor in claiming a massive COVID-19 spike: Way more states are reporting hospitalizations now than at the April peak.

Why Are Liz Cheney’s Neocon Allies Pretending Her Problems Are About Trump?

Liz Cheney didn't get ambushed over Trump. She donated to a fellow member's primary opponent, and people got mad.

Barstool President Dave Portnoy And Trump Talk Sports, Kneeling, And Fauci In One-On-One Interview

For Bartstool President Dave Portnoy's first interview, he certainly started at the top.

Dan ‘Big Cat’ Katz Is A Big Cry Baby, Whines He Wasn’t Involved In Barstool Trump Interview Decision

Big Cat worries his, “opinion does not matter at the company the way [he] thought it did 12 hours ago.”

Charlamagne Tha God: Biden Should ‘Shut The Eff Up Forever’

The radio host said Biden "gets us all killed" every time "he opens his mouth," after the Democratic nominee claimed Trump is the first "racist" president.

Dr. Fauci’s Genius Opening Pitch Highlights His Social Distancing Prowess

Its trajectory, as with Dr. Fauci himself, proceeded from roughly the middle of the mound into a definite curve, landing firmly to his left.

Biden Accuses Trump Of Trying To Steal The Election For Voicing Valid Concerns Over Mail-In Voting

Joe Biden is predicting President Donald Trump will refuse to concede in November after the president warned of widespread voter fraud.

There Are No Peaceful Protesters In Portland

What's happening in Portland is not the hijacking of peaceful protests. It is organized violence and destruction.

Joe Biden Warns Trump Will “Try to Indirectly Steal the Election”

Joe Biden has warned that Donald Trump will try to steal the presidential election by alleging voter fraud and refusing to accept the validity of mail-in ballots. The former Vice President made the claim during a virtual fundraiser on Thursday, hosted by actor and Veep star Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Biden said the President would claim mail-in ballots were … Continue reading "Joe Biden Warns Trump Will “Try to Indirectly Steal the Election”"

Texas Governor Admits He Is Following Hannity’s Lead On Masks

The Governor of Texas has credited Sean Hannity with mask wearing in his state after the Fox News’ personality urged viewers to don a face covering to fight Coronavirus. Greg Abbott told Fox News’ morning program Fox & Friends on Friday that Texas was now following Hannity’s suggestion. “What Texas has begun to do is exactly what … Continue reading "Texas Governor Admits He Is Following Hannity’s Lead On Masks"

Segregated Denver Yoga Chain Shut Down For Insufficient Wokeness

If one still needed more proof that there's no pleasing our new woke overlords, look no further than the story of this exhaustively woke Denver yoga chain.

Dr. Deborah Birx: New Coronavirus Spikes Are Like “Three New Yorks”

Dr. Deborah Birx has warned that new Coronavirus outbreaks in some southern states are serious and compared them to devastating toll the virus took on New York. The medical expert, who’s a member of the White House Coronavirus task force, spoke to NBC’s Savannah Guthrie on Friday and appeared to contradict the President’s optimism. Guthrie … Continue reading "Dr. Deborah Birx: New Coronavirus Spikes Are Like “Three New Yorks”"

Trump: Not Reopening Schools Could “Lead to Greater Mortality”

Donald Trump has suggested that keeping schools closed could cost more lives than reopening them, despite the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic’s mounting death toll. The President is still pushing to reopen the nation’s schools but many are uneasy about the prospect. Nonetheless, he repeated his insistence on Thursday. Trump said “a permanent shutdown was never the strategy, … Continue reading "Trump: Not Reopening Schools Could “Lead to Greater Mortality”"

Oregon Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against Federal Agents in Portland

A judge in Oregon has issued a temporary restraining order against federal agents in Portland. The move comes amid growing criticism of federal law enforcement in the city. District Judge Michael H. Simon issued a 14-day order to stop federal agents “arresting, threatening to arrest, or using physical force” journalists and legal observers. The order … Continue reading "Oregon Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Against Federal Agents in Portland"

China Closing Its Houston Consulate Is A Sign We’re In A New Cold War

It's always ominous when a diplomatic mission destroys documents. Whatever the reason behind China's frantic purge at its Houston consulate, it isn't good.

Joe Biden’s First-Day-In-Office Plan Is A Betrayal Of Working-Class Americans

Biden's promises to the citizens of Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, and the rest of the world stand in stark contrast to what he plans to accomplish for the American worker on Day One, which is nothing.

New Trump Policy Would Restore Voting To Its Rightful Owners — Citizens

Should Trump's memorandum hold, the U.S. will now exclude illegal aliens from the population counts used to apportion House seats. This is right as a matter of law, fairness, and common sense.

An Ahistorical, Surprisingly Dull Mess, Hulu’s ‘The Great’ Is Anything But

The show thinks it's subversive and daring with its humor, but the only shock is how relentlessly dull it is, regardless of themes and imagery.

Why I Still Fly An American Flag With Pride

If future generations are to look upon Old Glory and see it as a symbol of hope, freedom, and justice, we must always protect and defend what we know to be true about it.

Americans Shouldn’t Count On The Perilous Path To Herd Immunity

We all want to get back to normal, but that will only happen with the virus under control. Controlling the virus, however, requires personal responsibility.

The Atlantic’s ‘Science’ Writer: Men No Longer Have To Menstruate

The editors at the Atlantic tortured this article beyond any sense of reason to ensure its readers swallow the idea that both men and women have periods and no one should think otherwise.

How Memphis Kept Protests Peaceful While Other Cities Burned

As the country suffers through a pandemic, untangles the meaning of racism, and digs out from death and destruction, Memphis is a city to watch and emulate.

When I Live Abroad, What I Miss Most About America Might Be Walmart

Walmart receives a lot of hate, but when it's not around, you realize how much you miss its low prices, well-stocked shelves, and wide selection of goods.

Sean Davis: Most Disconcerting Thing About Obamagate Is Not One Person Has Been Charged

The Federalist's Sean Davis says the 'most disconcerting' thing about the Obama administration's illegal spying is not one person has been charged.

Pompeo In Major Speech On China: ‘If We Don’t Act Now, The CCP Will Erode Our Freedoms’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared China the globe's greatest threat Thursday in a landmark speech at the Nixon Presidential Library.

How Kim Jung Un Became Dictator Of A Starved Third World Country

Former CIA analyst Jung H. Pak's new book, 'Becoming Kim Jong Un,' is an insightful look at one of the world's most inscrutable and dangerous leaders.

Trump Says It’s Too Dangerous For His Convention But Safe For Your Kids To Return To School

During the third day of Donald Trump's second season of coronavirus press conferences, the president sent more mixed signals about the pandemic.

Fox News Poll Shows Electoral Bloodbath Brewing As Biden Holds Big Leads In The Midwest

An electoral bloodbath could be brewing as Joe Biden holds big leads over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota.

Nancy Pelosi Calls Donald Trump The Biggest Failure In American History

Regardless of what voters decide in November, history will remember Donald Trump as one of the biggest failures in American history.

Trump Joins Attacks on Liz Cheney as House Republicans Try to Oust Her

Donald Trump became the latest and most high profile Republican to attack Liz Cheney on Thursday. Several prominent members of the GOP have taken aim at her in recent days. Cheney is chair of the House Republican Conference but some who consider her to be insufficiently pro-Trump have been seeking her ouster. Trump joined in … Continue reading "Trump Joins Attacks on Liz Cheney as House Republicans Try to Oust Her"

Trump: I “Love Watching Pathetic Never Trumpers Squirm!”

President Donald Trump attacked Tom Ridge, the former Secretary of Homeland Security, after Ridge criticized the deployment of federal agents in Portland, Oregon. “Recently watched failed RINO Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security, trying to justify his sudden love of the Radical Left Mayor of Portland, who last night was booed & shouted out … Continue reading "Trump: I “Love Watching Pathetic Never Trumpers Squirm!”"

Joe Biden Makes Racist Comments While Accusing Trump Of Being Racist

“People don’t make a distinction, as you well know, from a South Korean and someone from Beijing” Joe Biden said during a virtual town hall.

Why Isn’t The Media Interviewing Portland’s Rioters?

In the past, the news media has allowed activists engaged in violence a platform to speak, why aren't they doing so now?

Former McCain Adviser Compares Acting Homeland Security Secretary to Infamous Nazi And Warns of Potential Coup

Steve Schmidt has called for an urgent investigation of federal agents in cities like Portland and suggested some of them may not be law enforcement officers at all. The former adviser to Republican Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign took to Twitter on Thursday to make an alarming comparison with Nazi Germany. “There is an urgent … Continue reading "Former McCain Adviser Compares Acting Homeland Security Secretary to Infamous Nazi And Warns of Potential Coup"

Philadelphia DA Says He’ll Charge Federal Agents Who Break the Law

Philadelphia’s District Attorney has warned that he’ll charge any federal officer sent into the city by the Trump administration if they commit a crime such as kidnapping. Larry Krasner issued the stark warning as President Donald Trump has threatened to deploy federal law enforcement to various Democratically-controlled cities. “My dad volunteered and served in World … Continue reading "Philadelphia DA Says He’ll Charge Federal Agents Who Break the Law"

William Barr Criticizes “Extreme Reaction” to George Floyd’s Death

William Barr has branded protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death “extreme” as protests continue throughout the country and federal agents teargas civilians. The Attorney General won almost instant scorn for his remarks on Thursday, including from one conservative critic opposed to President Donald Trump. He did acknowledge the tragedy of Floyd’s death, however. … Continue reading "William Barr Criticizes “Extreme Reaction” to George Floyd’s Death"

Portland Mayor Accuses Trump Administration of “Urban Warfare” and “Occupation”

The Mayor of Portland has lashed out at the Trump administration after he was teargassed in the city on Wednesday night. He accused the federal government of running an occupation. Ted Wheeler spoke to protesters in Oregon and was later teargassed along with them by federal agents. He made some remarks to the New York Times which … Continue reading "Portland Mayor Accuses Trump Administration of “Urban Warfare” and “Occupation”"

Vulnerable Republican Senator Susan Collins Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump

Susan Collins has refused to formally endorse Donald Trump for president in 2020. She’s withheld her endorsement citing her own difficult reelection bid this November. The Republican senator for Maine is seen as vulnerable this cycle and her association with the President has hurt her. However, refusing to endorse Trump is a big move. Collins … Continue reading "Vulnerable Republican Senator Susan Collins Refuses to Endorse Donald Trump"

Here’s Why ‘Demography Is Destiny’ Fell Apart For Democrats After Obama

Democratic pundits still don't seem to grasp that demographics both shape and are shaped by politics. It’s not a one-way relationship, it’s symbiotic.

Chicago Mayor Denies Trump’s Help While 15 Are Shot Near Funeral Home

Individuals in a passing SUV fired on a group of mourners standing outside a Chicago funeral home injuring 14. A witness likened the scene to a 'war zone.'

New FBI Notes Re-Debunk Major NYT Story, Highlight Media Collusion To Produce Russia Hoax

The lack of any accountability for a false NYT story claiming 'repeated' Trump-Russia intelligence contacts just proves that media are utterly corrupt.

Legal Docs: St. Louis Prosecutor Tampered With Evidence In McCloskey Gun Case

According to 5 On Your Side, Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley directed crime lab staff to take apart Patricia McCloskey's firearm. They then discovered it was put together incorrectly, making it incapable of operation.

Baseball Is Back, And Let’s Hope It Goes Well

The success or failure of this baseball experiment will go a long way in determining if football leagues can play this fall, so even if you don't like MLB, it's time to start cheering for it to pull this off.

5 Things Trump Should Start Running On Right Now To Win Re-Election

By this point in the election cycle, we should be hearing about the two candidates’ visions for the next four years. President Trump should hammer these five things if he wants to beat Joe Biden.

Basketball Coaches Accuse SAT Of Racism So They Can Recruit Dumb Jocks

The NACB thinks throwing out standardized tests will help non-white student-athletes, but they can’t exactly explain why.

Poll: Americans Don’t Want Government Telling Christian Schools Who They Can Hire

On who should have the final say over who teaches faith to the next generation, more respondents said it should be the religious organization than all other options combined.

Hong Kong Is The New East Germany

As Beijing's financial backbone, the loss of too many Hong Kongers to destinations throughout the nations of the British Commonwealth would be a huge loss to China.

In ‘Unity’ Platform With Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden Paves Way For Socialist Medicine

At the rate Democrats are radicalizing, neither American taxpayers nor the health care system can afford the party’s march towards government-run care.

How To Do A Resilience Audit To Prepare For The Next Huge Crisis

With smart planning and sound decisions, Americans are choosing to build resilient lives—piece by piece, layering in components, until they are ready to adapt to any challenge.

House Democrats Try To Ban Trump From Keeping Coronavirus Outside The Country

The act limits the president from creating travel restrictions such as Trump's earlier this year that are widely acknowledged to have dramatically reduced the U.S. spread of coronavirus. 

Trump Says He Will “Pressure” Governors to Reopen Schools

Speaking at a White House event earlier today, President Donald Trump said he will “pressure” governors to reopen schools amid the coronavirus pandemic. The president suggested, without evidence, areas that support closures are doing so for “political reasons.” “They think it’s going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed,” he … Continue reading "Trump Says He Will “Pressure” Governors to Reopen Schools"

Poll: Majority of Americans, Including Republicans, Believe People Should Be Jailed or Fined for Not Wearing Masks

According to the latest Politico/Morning Consult poll, the majority of Americans believe authorities should jail or fine people who don’t wear face masks to ward off the novel coronavirus. The poll found that 53 percent of survey participants said they would “strongly support” mandatory mask orders that include jail time or fines for people who … Continue reading "Poll: Majority of Americans, Including Republicans, Believe People Should Be Jailed or Fined for Not Wearing Masks"

Analysis: Enforcing GOP-Supported Voter ID Laws Have Now Cost Taxpayers At Least $36 Million

An analysis of information obtained through open records requests from The Guardian found that enforcing Republican-supported voter identification laws is an extraordinarily expensive endeavor, already costing taxpayers at least $36 million in several states. Expenses pile up because of “the partial costs of litigation, free identification cards, public education and other fees,” The Guardian observed. Kentucky is … Continue reading "Analysis: Enforcing GOP-Supported Voter ID Laws Have Now Cost Taxpayers At Least $36 Million"

Republicans Are Worried Trump’s Attacks on Mail-In Ballots Will Hurt Their Election Chances

Some Republicans are concerned that Donald Trump’s attacks on mail-in ballots have been too successful and could end up hurting the party in November’s elections. Trump has repeatedly attacked vote-by-mail and claimed that it’s open to massive voter fraud, including by hostile foreign actors. There is no evidence of this, but his claims seem to … Continue reading "Republicans Are Worried Trump’s Attacks on Mail-In Ballots Will Hurt Their Election Chances"

La La Land Congress Wants To Give Billions To Public Schools To Stay Closed

It’s an indictment of Republican leadership that President Trump, who like most businessmen knows nearly nothing about education, still has better political instincts on this.

Obama and Biden Criticize Trump in New Video, Tease More to Come

The Biden campaign has released a teaser video of a conversation between Joe Biden and Barack Obama where the two men will apparently critique Donald Trump. The socially distant conversation will be released on Thursday, 23 July but the the former Vice President’s campaign released some quotes and a short video clip on Wednesday. “Can … Continue reading "Obama and Biden Criticize Trump in New Video, Tease More to Come"

Former Presidents of D.C. Bar Association Call for Investigation of Bill Barr

Four former presidents of the D.C. Bar Association have called for the body to investigate Attorney General William Barr. They accuse him of unethical behavior and violating his oath to uphold the Constitution. In a lengthy complaint published on Wednesday, the signatories point to Barr’s actions on the Special Counsel’s Russia probe, the clearing of … Continue reading "Former Presidents of D.C. Bar Association Call for Investigation of Bill Barr"

Geraldo Rivera: It Was “Brave” for Trump to Wish Accused Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell Well

Geraldo Rivera has praised Donald Trump for extending his well wishes to accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. She’s facing federal charges related to her work with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Rivera, a Fox News personality, took to Twitter early Wednesday to laud the President’s comments and defend Maxwell. “When asked Donald Trump said he wished … Continue reading "Geraldo Rivera: It Was “Brave” for Trump to Wish Accused Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell Well"

Acting Homeland Security Secretary: We Will Not Retreat from Portland

Chad Wolf struck a defiant tone following criticism of federal agents in Portland, Oregon. He said his officers would continue to operate in the city amid protests. The Acting Security of Homeland Security claimed at a press conference on Tuesday that protests in Portland weren’t peaceful. His department has been widely criticized in recent days. … Continue reading "Acting Homeland Security Secretary: We Will Not Retreat from Portland"

Trump’s Favorite Pollster Shows Joe Biden Leading In Ohio And Pennsylvania

All over the map, Joe Biden is either overtaking Trump or pulling near-even with him in states the president won in 2016.

List Of 183 Monuments Ruined Since Protests Began, And Counting

Most monuments torn down were not by protesters, but by city officials after pressure or threats from protesters.

Biden’s $10 Trillion In Proposed Spending Puts Bernie Sanders In Charge Of The Democrat Ticket

When the Biden campaign released the 110-page 'Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations,' it became clear Sanders was now running the show.

Church Was Never Meant To Be Masked

Does performing a demoralizing mask exercise guard a church from public criticism? Or is it a cheap virtue signal to the onlookers who hate our gathering whether we are in a pandemic or not?

Black Portland Police Officer: Black Lives Matter Is White People Telling Black People What To Do

From one black Portland police officer's frontline experience, the Black Lives Matter protests in his city are not about helping black people attain better lives.

You Won’t Believe What Kind Of Sex Ed LGBT Activists Want In Texas Public Schools

Leftist LGBT advocacy groups seek to hijack Texas 'sex-ed' to teach medically inaccurate, highly sexualized LGBT programming as early as kindergarten.

Schools Are Closing Not Because They Should, But Because They Can

When public school districts have a monopoly, they can easily justify delaying school or implementing extended closures. School choice is the solution.

Congress’ Coronavirus Response Could Cause Mass Layoffs Right Before The Election

Congress has created a policy cocktail, authored by both Republicans and Democrats, that may keep our unemployment rate elevated throughout 2020.

Why Democrats’ Complaints About Trump’s Pardon Power Are Feckless Bloviating

If Democrats so desperately want to change the clemency laws, they should do so by way of a constitutional amendment. Otherwise, they should stop whining.

Amazing New Science Finds Thousands Of Tiny Preemies Can Survive

The U.S. treatment protocol for 22- and 23-week newborns must be grounded in the latest science and in clinical judgment for each newborn's unique circumstances.

WHO Spokeswoman Spreads Communist Coronavirus Propaganda From Notorious Conspiracy Website

The source is known for defending Hezbollah, despising Israel, and arguing that claims about concentration camps in China are greatly exaggerated.

Your Complete Guide To Canceling Every Team In Major League Baseball

Why stop at the Cleveland Indians or Texas Rangers? When you think about it, every single team name in Major League Baseball is irredeemably offensive.

Here’s Why #FreeBritney Is Trending Again On Twitter

Fans commented on some of Spears’s recent social media posts telling her to wear yellow in her next video if she needed help. In her next post, Spears was sporting a yellow crop top.

Trump Pressured The British Government To Drum Up Business For His Scotland Golf Resort

Donald Trump used the power of the presidency to pressure a foreign government into ginning up business for his golf resort in Scotland.

Nancy Pelosi Coins Devastating New Nickname For COVID-19: The Trump Virus

Democrats shouldn't be afraid to call out Donald Trump for bungling the federal response to the coronavirus and causing needless death.

Trump Admits He Still Doesn’t Have A Coronavirus Strategy Six Months Into The Pandemic

The fact that these briefings are being brought back at all is proof that Donald Trump's management of this crisis has been an abject failure.

Trump Claims Mail-In Voting Will Lead to “Most Corrupt Election” in History

In a tweet earlier this morning, President Donald Trump claimed mail-in voting would lead to the “most corrupt election” in American history. “Mail-In Voting, unless changed by the courts, will lead to the most CORRUPT ELECTION in our Nation’s History!” he wrote, finishing off his message with the hashtag #RIGGEDELECTION. Mail-In Voting, unless changed by … Continue reading "Trump Claims Mail-In Voting Will Lead to “Most Corrupt Election” in History"

Paul Krugman: Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Will Be “Displays of Willful Ignorance and Self-Pity”

Paul Krugman doesn’t see how daily briefings on Covid-19 could possibly help Donald Trump win the 2020 election. The event is returning because the President thinks it will help him in the polls. The Nobel Prize-winning economist took to Twitter on Tuesday to cast serious doubt on the usefulness of the briefings, both for Trump’s … Continue reading "Paul Krugman: Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Will Be “Displays of Willful Ignorance and Self-Pity”"

How the Media Uses Tiny Petitions To Make Leftist Positions Front-Page News

This weekends phony outrage at Trader Joe's proves how outlets like the New York Times use 'public pressure' to make companies and politicians do what they want.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton Compares Portland Protesters to Confederate Traitors

Tom Cotton compared protesters to the traitors who rebelled against the United States and formed the Confederacy on Tuesday. The comments come as the President threatens to deploy federal officers to cities. The Republican spoke to Fox News about ongoing protests following the death of George Floyd. The Arkansas senator compared recent events to the … Continue reading "Republican Senator Tom Cotton Compares Portland Protesters to Confederate Traitors"

New Poll: 56% of Americans Think the Country Is Racist

A clear majority of American voters now believe U.S. society is racist. This represents a significant trend as protests against the treatment of African Americans continue. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds that 56% of Americans think the country is racist, while a staggering 71% believe race relations are bad at the moment. Brenda Lee … Continue reading "New Poll: 56% of Americans Think the Country Is Racist"

Conservative Columnist George Will Says He’ll Vote for Biden, Predicts “Decisive Victory”

George Will has said he’ll vote for Joe Biden in November. The well-known conservative columnist also believes the presumptive Democratic nominee will win. This will be the first time Will has ever voted for a Democratic presidential candidate, as his pro-Republican credentials will show. He’s the latest high-profile conservative to opt for Biden. “I’m a … Continue reading "Conservative Columnist George Will Says He’ll Vote for Biden, Predicts “Decisive Victory”"

While Schools Open From Wuhan To Stockholm, California Shuts Theirs Down

Democrats must understand that mortgaging our children’s future is not a good way to start a national campaign, not when the rest of the world has safely gotten its kids back into classrooms.

The Atlantic Finally Admits Its Police Abolition Piece Is Based On A False Narrative

Four days, six comment requests, and one follow-up story later, The Atlantic issued a series of major corrections that confirmed The Federalist's investigation,

Democrats Claim Stopping Two Months Of Portland Rioting Is An ‘Attack On Democracy’

‘Please pack up and go home’ was the response from Oregon Gov. Kate Brown when acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf called to offer federal assistance.

In The Fall, Democrats Will Lock Down America Again

An economic rebound 'is my big worry,' a former Obama official told Politico, who said the 'level of concern' was 'high, high, high, high' among party leaders. 

Massachusetts Town Legalizes Polygamy Using Same Arguments For Gay Marriage

Every argument supporting gay marriage—‘Love is love,’ ‘we deserve equal protection under the law,’ and ‘we’re not harming anybody’—also supports group marriage.

Without A Real Coronavirus Vaccine, Herd Immunity Is Our Only Hope

A rise in cases without a matching increase in deaths is something we should celebrate, not least because it likely protects vulnerable people from death due to rising immunity.

Americans Need To Preserve John Lewis’s Legacy Of Forgiveness For Racism

John Lewis’s death should remind Americans of one of his most important character traits, one some in our nation seem to have lost: The ability to forgive.

It’s Time For The Conversation About Black Lives To Stop Focusing On White People

Too many black leaders continue to proclaim black problems only matter when caused by white people and white thoughts are more important than black actions.

Tucker Carlson: After Violent Leftists Harassed My Family Out Of Our Home, The NYT Is Going To Reveal Our New Location

The New York Times is threatening Tucker Carlson with publicizing where his family lives. In his most recent segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News, Read More

Minn. Attorney General Keith Ellison Says He Doesn’t Want Police Officers Responding To Rape Calls

Another question is whether Keith Ellison can be considered a credible and unbiased voice on the issue of violence against women.

The Trump Administration Just Spent An Entire Week Getting Serious On China

Last week, the Chinese Communist Party and some of its members were bombarded by a barrage of nearly daily criticism and sanctions. It will get worse.

If Members Of Congress Don’t Want To Do Their Job In Person, They Should Resign

We should not allow those who want permanent power in Congress to exploit a crisis to redefine representation. Proxy remote voting is a travesty.

Sen. Josh Hawley Demands Smithsonian Explain Its Racist Initiative

Hawley noted that some ideas asserted by scholars as unique to white culture included "'Self-Reliance,' 'The Nuclear Family,' 'Objective, racial linear thinking,' and 'Hard work is the key to success.'"

Rachel Maddow Praises Biden For Demonstrating How A Real Commander In Chief Stands Up To Russia

The MSNBC host also pointed out that Joe Biden's line in the sand against Vladimir Putin will put Republicans in a corner.

Bombshell Lawsuit Accuses Sean Hannity And Tucker Carlson Of Sexual Harassment

A lawsuit filed on Monday accuses high-profile men at Fox News, including Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, of sexual harassment.

Biden Tells Putin That The Days Of Having A Puppet In The White House Are Numbered

On Monday, Joe Biden showed the kind of leadership that has been missing in the Oval Office for the past three and a half years.

Jim DeMint And Rachel Bovard On The Progression Of Socialism In America

On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, Jim DeMint and Rachel Bovard discuss how the American education system and political system is embracing socialism.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer: U.S. Response to Coronavirus Is Like “A Lesser Developed Country”

CNBC’s Jim Cramer blasted the U.S. response to the Covid-19 pandemic on Monday. He compared the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis unfavorably to other countries. The CNBC analyst was not impressed by President Donald Trump’s Sunday interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “It is interesting to hear, in that interview with Fox that the … Continue reading "CNBC’s Jim Cramer: U.S. Response to Coronavirus Is Like “A Lesser Developed Country”"

34 National Security Leaders Sign Letter Requesting Congress Approve Increased Election Security Funding

In an open letter, 34 national security leaders requested Congress approve increased election security funding. The signatories include former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry, former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The letter is addressed to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Speaker … Continue reading "34 National Security Leaders Sign Letter Requesting Congress Approve Increased Election Security Funding"

Pelosi on Trump: “Whether He Knows It Yet or Not, He Will Be Leaving”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has taken President Donald Trump to task after he declined to say whether he’ll accept the election results if he loses to Democrat Joe Biden. Pelosi made the remarks earlier this morning during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “The fact is, whether he knows it yet or not, he … Continue reading "Pelosi on Trump: “Whether He Knows It Yet or Not, He Will Be Leaving”"

Surgeon General Jerome Adams Suggests Federal Troops Would Be Needed to Enforce Mask Mandate

The U.S. Surgeon General has made the extraordinary claim that federal troops would be needed if a federal mask mandate were introduced. He made the claim while urging people to wear masks. Jerome Adams spoke to Fox News on Monday and literally begged Americans to wear face coverings. But he then said he wasn’t in … Continue reading "Surgeon General Jerome Adams Suggests Federal Troops Would Be Needed to Enforce Mask Mandate"

Allen West, Who Once Claimed There Were 80 Communists in Congress, Is Now Chair of Texas GOP

Allen West has been elected the new chair of the Texas Republican Party in a virtual convention held early Monday morning. The former congressman defeated the incumbent chairman. Outgoing Chairman James Dickey was seeking a second term at the helm of the party but West managed to defeat him in the early hours of Monday … Continue reading "Allen West, Who Once Claimed There Were 80 Communists in Congress, Is Now Chair of Texas GOP"

Sen. Hawley Introduces Bill To Fine American Companies Relying On Chinese Slave Labor

"Executives build woke, progressive brands for American consumers, but happily outsource labor to Chinese concentration camps," Sen. Hawley said.

At South Carolina Rally, Kanye West Gives Emotional Speech On Abortion: ‘I Almost Killed My Daughter’

"My dad wanted to abort me. My mom saved my life. There would have been no Kanye West because my dad was too busy,” Kanye West told the crowd.

Former Republican Governor John Kasich Will Speak at the Democratic National Convention

John Kasich will speak in favor of Joe Biden at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Reports on Monday suggested Kasich would be one of many prominent pro-Biden Republicans in the coming weeks. Kasich was the governor of Ohio and once had his own presidential ambitions. He’s widely considered a more moderate and traditional Republican than … Continue reading "Former Republican Governor John Kasich Will Speak at the Democratic National Convention"

American Tourists Banned from the Bahamas Because of Coronavirus

American citizens will be officially banned from visiting the Bahamas because of the risks from Covid-19. The decision will likely be seen as tacit condemnation of the nation’s handling of the virus. The Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Huber Minnis, said the situation in his country had worsened “at an exponential rate” following the reopening … Continue reading "American Tourists Banned from the Bahamas Because of Coronavirus"

How Have Our Scientific Experts Gotten So Much Wrong?

As the mistakes of scientific experts rack up we must change how we use their advice.

Kany West Claims Harriet Tubman Didn’t “Free the Slaves” as He Launches Presidential Campaign

Kanye West criticized Harriet Tubman during the first event of his presidential campaign on Sunday. The rapper took aim at the 19th century anti-slavery campaigner for unknown reasons. West spoke at a campaign rally in South Carolina and claimed Tubman “never actually freed the slaves. She just had the slaves go work for other white … Continue reading "Kany West Claims Harriet Tubman Didn’t “Free the Slaves” as He Launches Presidential Campaign"

Syracuse University Silent On Assault And Death Threats Against Conservative Students

Conditions at Syracuse University are rapidly deteriorating as an increasing number of conservative students question whether it is safe to return in the fall.

Why School Closures Are Anti-Science

Reopening the schools is the uncontroversial, data-based scientific consensus among the world’s medical and public health community.

Four Days Since A Police Brutality Story Unraveled, The Atlantic Still Refuses To Respond

The Federalist reached out to Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg, bringing the investigation, the author's claim, and his editor's silence to his attention. Goldberg has yet to respond.

Teaching Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’ Will Get You Sued

Legions of 'trainers' holding up 'White Fragility' are indoctrinating government agencies, corporate workforces, and schools. People subjected to it have good grounds for a lawsuit.

‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ Is A National Anthem To Celebrate, Not Cancel

As leftists push to abolish 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' its inspiring lyrics, potential for beauty, and message of resilience deserve to be cheered.

To Smear Trump, Media Lies About Kayleigh McEnany’s School Reopening Comments

This isn’t news coverage, it is distortion and propaganda. And they did it with clear knowledge and malicious intent.

Bostock Ruling Shouldn’t Make The Military A Transgender Free-For-All

Gender dysphoria requires compassion and competent treatment, not political decisions that harm the military.

Renaming The Redskins Won’t Save A Single Black Life

From riots to cancel culture, almost nothing the left has done under the banner of Black Lives Matter will prevent another murder like George Floyd’s.

For My Son To Be An Engineer, I Have To Pay An Oklahoma Public College To Push Segregation

Higher education has descended from citadels of knowledge into crybaby kingdoms where emotional identity is prized over knowledge.

Did Steven Pinker Just Cancel Cancel Culture?

The war over free expression isn't over, but the cancel consensus is starting to flop as the facade of viewpoint diversity in elite institutions begins to fade.

U.S. Response To China’s Aggression In The South China Sea Is A Dangerous Business

The United States has finally taken on a tougher and more directly confrontational approach to curbing China's growing ambitions in the South China Sea.

3 Ways The United States Can Still Support Hong Kong’s Freedom

The freedom-lovers of Hong Kong deserve our support. The United States should explore every available avenue and make every feasible effort to lend it.

Trump Is Trying To Block Funding To States For Virus Testing

The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars in aid to the states to pay for coronavirus testing and contact tracing.

Fox News Family’s James Murdoch And Wife Donate $1.2 Million To Joe Biden

The son of media magnate Rupurt Murdoch and his wife each donated $615,000 to Democrat Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

Trump’s Fox News Sunday Interview Was An Epic Disaster Thanks To Chris Wallace

Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace fact-checked Trump, pushed back, and caused a presidential implosion on national television by not accepting the lies.

Trump Says He Will Sign Imaginary Healthcare Plan In 2 Weeks

Trump claimed that he is going to sign a comprehensive healthcare plan in two weeks because the Supreme Court said he could.

How A Conservative Commentator’s Photo Helped This Couple Fall In Love

In a humorous and heartwarming story of 'catishing' actually working, Guy Benson's likeness catalyzed the romance between a couple who will be married next weekend.

Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy: If You Don’t Like My Coronavirus Lockdown, Move

New Jersey's thin-skinned Democrat governor does not want to be held responsible for his bad coronavirus policies.

Charles Barkley On Antisemitism: ‘We Can’t Allow Black People To Be Prejudiced Also’

'That stuff should never come up in your vocabulary, and it should never come up in your heart,' said Charles Barkley about expressions of antisemitism from prominent black Americans.

Trump Says He Might Not Accept The Election Results If People Vote By Mail

Donald Trump said that voting by mail is going to rig the election, and if he loses, he might not accept the results.

Trump Melts Down And Admits That He Doesn’t Care What The Military Says

Trump said on Fox News Sunday that he doesn't care what the military says about bases named after Confederates before launching into a racist tirade.

Opinion: Reuniting America Begins with Candid Conversations About Race

During the past few days I heard a lot about the N word. Unsurprisingly, Mary Trump acknowledged that was a word her uncle, the sitting president, used over the years. Earlier on the day when Rachel Maddow interviewed Ms. Trump, I had the honor of conversing with Rodney Hurst, who, at age sixteen, organized a … Continue reading "Opinion: Reuniting America Begins with Candid Conversations About Race"

Opinion: Hateful GOP Belief that Americans are Lazy Drives Resistance to Providing Coronavirus Relief

Are the majority of Americans lazy and averse to work? Would they prefer not to work and to enjoy a free ride from the government? How we answer this question, or how congressional leaders answer it, has a lot to do with what is really life-or-death legislation coming out of Washington, particularly with regards to … Continue reading "Opinion: Hateful GOP Belief that Americans are Lazy Drives Resistance to Providing Coronavirus Relief"

Opinion: DeVos and Trump want to advance god’s kingdom by sacrificing children

At the beginning of Trump’s plague in America, the “pro-life” GOP faithful claimed it was patriotic to sacrifice the lives of America’s elderly population for Trump’s re-election. Now those same “pro-life” cretins want to sacrifice the lives of American children to help re-elect Trump. If any American required proof that neither Trump nor his Republican … Continue reading "Opinion: DeVos and Trump want to advance god’s kingdom by sacrificing children"

Mitch McConnell Praises John Lewis While Blocking The Voting Rights Act

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released a glowing statement praising the late John Lewis as he blocks the restoration of the Voting Rights Act.

Steve Schmidt Tells Voters To Honor John Lewis By Throwing Lindsey Graham Out Of Office

Schmidt said that one way to honor Lewis is to throw Donald Trump's golfing buddy, Lindsey Graham, out of office in November.

John Lewis Was The Embodiment Of The American Dream

At a time America lacks heroes, John Lewis's memory is a blessing.

Joy Reid Calls Out GOP For Giving Empty Praise Of John Lewis While Blocking Voting Rights

Many of the same Republican leaders praising John Lewis are currently standing in the way of restoring the Voting Rights Act.

Trump Heads To The Golf Course With Lindsey Graham Without Even Mentioning John Lewis

Donald Trump and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, dressed like twins, headed to the golf course without even mentioning a word of condolence.

Barack Obama Beautifully Remembers Rep. John Lewis

Former President Barack Obama remembered the late Rep. John Lewis and perfectly summed up the enormous impact that Lewis had on the United States.

Newly Declassified Documents Reinforce Corruption Of Steele Dossier, FISA Warrants

Senate Republicans released new documents Friday further undercutting the 'reliability' of the already discredited Democrat-funded Steele dossier.

Poll: Less Than 30 Percent Of Americans Say Redskins Should Change Their Name

Nearly half of respondents of a national poll conducted by Morning Consult are just fine with the name of NFL team The Washington Redskins.

A New Report By Health Policy Experts Shows Path To Reopen Schools

'While the risks of COVID-19 in children are low and manageable, the harms of prolonged school closures are high,' the report says.

Why It’s Important To Stop Putting Token Conservatives On Television

A generation's limited exposure to conservatives in TV shows has created a culture of hatred and mistrust between the parties' respective youths.

Trump Reacts to Niece’s Book: “I Am the Ultimate Member of The Book of the Month Club”

President Donald Trump referred to himself as the “ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club” in his first official response to Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, a book by his niece, Mary Trump, that is already topping the bestseller lists. “First I have lowlife dummy … Continue reading "Trump Reacts to Niece’s Book: “I Am the Ultimate Member of The Book of the Month Club”"

Texas Judge Rules In-Person GOP Convention Can Take Place Despite Coronavirus Spike

Judge Lynn Hughes, a Texas federal judge, has ruled that the state can hold an in-person Republican convention in Houston despite a spike in coronavirus cases. Hughes’ ruling overturns Mayor Sylvester Turner’s cancellation of the contract between the city’s GRB convention center and the GOP. The GOP can hold the convention this weekend or weekend, … Continue reading "Texas Judge Rules In-Person GOP Convention Can Take Place Despite Coronavirus Spike"

Nancy Pelosi on Trump: “I Yearn for Other Republican Presidents”

Nancy Pelosi has suggested she misses other Republican presidents. The Democrat made the claim while criticizing Donald Trump’s handling of Coronavirus. The Speaker of the House called on Trump to use “the full power” of the Defense Production Act to supply desperately needed equipment to tackle the pandemic. “I yearn for other Republican presidents,” Pelosi … Continue reading "Nancy Pelosi on Trump: “I Yearn for Other Republican Presidents”"

Nonpartisan Cook Political Report Shifts Rating of 20 House Races to Democrats

The nonpartisan Cook Political Report has shifted its rating of 20 House races toward Democrats, saying President Donald Trump’s “abysmal polling since the pandemic began is seriously jeopardizing down-ballot GOP fortunes.” “We may be approaching the point at which dozens of House Republicans will need to decide whether to cut the president loose and run … Continue reading "Nonpartisan Cook Political Report Shifts Rating of 20 House Races to Democrats"

Don’t Defund The Police; Fund And Defend Them

'Defund the police' might get clicks and bump ratings, but it is terrible policy. Congress ought to reject the movement and incentivize best practices.

Former Game Show Host Trump Retweeted This Week Deactivates Twitter Account After Son Gets Coronavirus

Chuck Woolery, a conservative former game show host who made headlines this week after President Donald Trump retweeted his claim that public health experts are “lying” about the extent of the coronavirus pandemic, deactivated his Twitter account after his son contracted Covid-19. Woolery’s last tweet was: “Covid-19 is real and it is here.” “Chuck’s son … Continue reading "Former Game Show Host Trump Retweeted This Week Deactivates Twitter Account After Son Gets Coronavirus"

Poll: Nearly a Third of Republicans Say They Don’t Trust Trump on Coronavirus

Nearly two-thirds of Americans––that’s 64 percent––do not trust President Donald Trump’s coronavirus response, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll. Tellingly, nearly a third of Republicans say they don’t trust the president’s coronavirus response. 29 percent of Republicans say they don’t believe the president is a credible source of information related to the pandemic. … Continue reading "Poll: Nearly a Third of Republicans Say They Don’t Trust Trump on Coronavirus"

White House Chief of Staff Calls Fauci “Irresponsible” for Comparing Coronavirus to Spanish Flu

Mark Meadows has strongly criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci after the infectious diseases expert compared Covid-19 to the Spanish Influenza that swept the world in 1918. The White House chief of staff objected to the comparison and became the latest administration official to publicly attack Fauci. “He was at Georgetown the other day and he suggested … Continue reading "White House Chief of Staff Calls Fauci “Irresponsible” for Comparing Coronavirus to Spanish Flu"

Conservative Bill Kristol: The Republican Party “May Deserve to Be a Lost Cause”

Conservative Bill Kristol sounded a dire note about the future of the Republican Party this week. In an op-ed and a TV interview, he wondered if the GOP cause was lost. Kristol published an article at The Bulwark on 14 July asking hard questions about the future of the party. He reiterated the view on MSNBC on … Continue reading "Conservative Bill Kristol: The Republican Party “May Deserve to Be a Lost Cause”"

Why ViacomCBS Ignored Nick Cannon’s Remarks About White People’s ‘Genetic Inferiority’

Nick Cannon’s comments about whites being ‘genetically inferior’ and ‘closer to animals’ than blacks would have been front-page news if they had been uttered by a white person about blacks.

A Silent Majority Isn’t Good Enough In The Culture War

Whether the Silent Majority is enough to swing an election, it's certainly no longer enough to swing the culture. If such a group exists, it needs to speak up.

Stop Stealing Our Children’s Youth In The Name Of Their Grandparents

Every person I know in his 70s says kids should go back to school. Behind ensuring Americans have food, ensuring our children are well educated is a very close second in societal priorities.

Lockdowns, Protests Causing Big Spike In Child Trafficking

Children are left to surf the Internet, often without proper (or any!) supervision. Pedophiles, often jobless, are also stuck at home with computers.

Rioters’ ‘Defund The Police’ Push Puts Democrat Candidates On Defense

Although polls show Trump and several GOP incumbents are running behind in key races, Democratic strategists are worried the defund-the-police movement could hurt them in swing states this fall.

State Troopers Demand Exit From New York City: We ‘Now Cannot Safely Arrest A Violent Person’

The sttate police association's president stated that officers were being put in danger by the city's new laws, which criminalized common methods of restraining suspects.

How ‘Don’t Judge’ Turned Into ‘Cancel The Bigots’

Our culture has gone from the ‘don’t judge’ mantra of a couple decades ago to judging everyone, but we did not reestablish a rational foundation for that judgment along the way.

Cancel Culture Queen And Online Troll Chrissy Teigen Distraught About Being Canceled And Trolled

In response to online allegations that flight logs prove she flew on Epstein’s private jet to 'sex slave island,' Teigen has deleted some 60,000 past tweets and blocked 1 million Twitter users. 

Covid-Endangered Women In Poor Countries Need Better Medicine, Not Risky Abortion Drugs

Even in the best circumstances, medical abortions pose catastrophic risks, which are worsened in situations of extreme poverty across the developing world.

Kurt Schlichter’s Episodic Devotional Will Make Righties Laugh And Cheer

The notorious columnist's latest book, 'The 21 Biggest Lies About Donald Trump (and You!),' is funny, completely over-the-top, and a more appropriate response to the calumny directed at conservatives than allegedly decorous political observers want to admit.

Ted Cruz: Today’s Democrat Party Is The Party Of Silicon Valley Billionaires

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz offered a time-defining analysis Thursday of who stands represented today by America's two major parties.

Maddow Reveals Trump Cut Off Health Care For Sick Baby Nephew To Boost His Own Inheritance

This is who Donald Trump is and always has been: a cruel, selfish man who will never put his family or his country before himself.

GOP Senator Tells Hispanics It’s Their Own Fault That They Have Higher COVID-19 Infection Rates

Sen. Thom Tillis claimed Hispanics don't wear masks as much as everybody else, which is why they are getting infected at a higher rate.

Fox News Cuts Off Trump’s White House Rally And Pummels Him With A Fact Check

During another taxpayer-funded campaign rally, Trump lied about the economy under Barack Obama, and Fox News' Neil Cavuto called him out for it.

Senate Republicans Dig Trump’s Grave With Hunter Biden Probe

Senate Republicans are getting desperate and trying to investigate Hunter Biden, which could backfire into an investigation of Trump's kids.

‘I’m… At A Loss For Words’: The Unraveling Narrative Behind The Atlantic’s Defund-The-Police ‘Shooting’ Tale

When social justice activist and lawyer Derecka Purnell was just 12 years old, she and her sister watched a police officer shoot a young boy in Read More

Mayor of Atlanta: Trump Broke the Law By Not Wearing a Mask During Visit

The Mayor of Atlanta has said Donald Trump broke the law by refusing to wear a face mask during a recent visit to the city. Keisha Lance Bottoms said she wasn’t surprised by the President’s actions. Bottoms told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that Trump clearly broke the city’s law by not having a mask on. Mask … Continue reading "Mayor of Atlanta: Trump Broke the Law By Not Wearing a Mask During Visit"

The President’s Niece Says the Trump Family Often Used the N-Word and Anti-Semitic Expressions

Mary Trump has claimed that members of her family commonly used racist slurs when she was growing up. She says this is partly to blame for Donald Trump’s own racism. The President’s niece, who has written a book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, gave an interview to The … Continue reading "The President’s Niece Says the Trump Family Often Used the N-Word and Anti-Semitic Expressions"

GOP Maryland Governor: “Waiting Around” for Trump to Run Coronavirus Response Was “Hopeless”

Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, said “waiting around” for President Donald Trump to run the nation’s coronavirus response was “hopeless” during an interview in which he criticized the Trump administration’s response as inadequate. “Eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation’s response was hopeless; if we delayed … Continue reading "GOP Maryland Governor: “Waiting Around” for Trump to Run Coronavirus Response Was “Hopeless”"

Gallup Poll: More Americans Identify as Democrats in 11-Point Advantage Over Republican Voters

More Americans identify as Democrats, a signal that American party preferences have “swung sharply” in their favor, according to the latest Gallup poll. “What had been a two-percentage-point Republican advantage in U.S. party identification and leaning has become an 11-point Democratic advantage, with more of that movement reflecting a loss in Republican identification and leaning … Continue reading "Gallup Poll: More Americans Identify as Democrats in 11-Point Advantage Over Republican Voters"

1.3 Million More People File for Unemployment as Enhanced Benefits Are Set to Expire

1.3 million more Americans filed for unemployment last week. Although the number of new unemployment claims has dropped over the last four months, several states have been forced to shutter their economies once again after reopening too early, contributing to a spike in cases. In particular, Florida, Texas, and Arizona have become the nation’s new hotspots … Continue reading "1.3 Million More People File for Unemployment as Enhanced Benefits Are Set to Expire"

White House Defends Its “Loyalty Tests” Amid Criticism

The White House is on the defense after news emerged that the Trump administration is conducting “loyalty tests” across government agencies. The White House says these one-on-one interviews with political appointees are necessary to determine who would be willing to serve should President Donald Trump be re-elected this November. “If we’re going to extend this … Continue reading "White House Defends Its “Loyalty Tests” Amid Criticism"

Trump’s New Campaign Manager Was Fired By Chris Christie Over “Bridgegate”

Donald Trump has removed Brad Parscale as campaign manager for his reelection bid. His replacement is Bill Stepian, a central figure in the “Bridgegate” scandal. Stepien worked for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie until the Republican distanced himself from Stepien in the wake of “Bridgegate” – lane closures of the George Washington Bridge as … Continue reading "Trump’s New Campaign Manager Was Fired By Chris Christie Over “Bridgegate”"

Dr. Fauci: Trump Administration Attacking Me “Ultimately Hurts the President”

Dr. Anthony Fauci has said he finds the Trump administration’s attacks on him “bizarre” and he thinks the effort to damage his reputation just hurts the President. The infectious diseases expert gave a series of interviews to The Atlantic this week where he responded to the recent White House push to discredit him. “You know, it is … Continue reading "Dr. Fauci: Trump Administration Attacking Me “Ultimately Hurts the President”"

Why Is Hillary Clinton Support In 2016 Correlated With Cities’ 2020 Riots?

The greater percentage of support for Hillary Clinton in 2016, the more likely a city was to suffer wanton destruction in connection with the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests in 2020.

Locking America Down Again Is Exactly What China Wants Because It Will Ruin Us

The Chinese Communist Party has expertly manipulated American corporate media's anti-American biases to weaken their biggest competitor for control of the world.

To Stop Canceling People Like Bari Weiss, Do What J.K. Rowling Did

Each individual conservative thinker needs to pick an issue, do his or her homework on it, draw a line in the sand, and refuse to budge.

NBA Star Allen Iverson Latest Celebrity To Celebrate Racist Louis Farrakhan

Iverson posted a photo of himself meeting Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, calling it a 'bucket list moment.' Farrakhan has praised Adolf Hitler and regularly makes other racist comments.

You Can’t Claim Memorials Deserve To Be Taken Down If You Don’t Know Anything About Them

We, as a country, have spent the last century-and-a-half trying to heal the wounds of the past. In just a few short weeks, the left has succeeded in undoing it all.

How Michael Flynn Got Caught In The Crossfire Between Two Obama Agencies Looking To Get Trump

Michael Flynn's life was upended because one cadre of elites couldn’t let go of power, and the other had to justify spending $25 million of taxpayer money after realizing its investigation was a sham.

Get Ready, Braves Fans, Social Justice Warriors Are Coming For You Next

Something as important as identity should be determined by the fans who invest their money and emotions into cultural touchstones like sports teams.

Tasteless LGBT Activists, Publication Jeer At People Who Died From Coronavirus

We cannot ignore precautions due to the politicized nature of the pandemic. But we also cannot indulge cruel and sociopathic public shaming of politically convenient victims.

5 Things Public Schools Can Learn From Homeschooling About Educating In A Crisis

If public schools take the proper lessons from homeschoolers, they can come out of this ordeal having undergone some genuine learning of their own. 

How Black Lives Matter’s Hatred Of The Family Feeds Its Desire For Revolution

By preserving culture and supporting children, the nuclear family consequently becomes the highest and most effective form of empowerment.

Your Guide To The Return Of College Football

With coronavirus fears, travel restrictions, and disparate reopening plans, different athletic conferences each have their own plans for how to bring back sports for their student athletes and fans.

Janice Dean Blasts Cuomo For Causing More Nursing Home Deaths

'It makes my heart hurt because we're still mourning our loved ones,' Dean said. 'And we think that part of the reason is because Governor Cuomo allowed over 6,000 COVID-recovering patients into nursing homes for 46 days straight.'

Trump Attacks Biden’s Clean Energy Initaitve on the Same Day He Announces More Environmental Rollbacks

President Donald Trump attacked Democrat Joe Biden, his electoral opponent, after Biden announced a $700 billion economic plan that touts environmental protection measures as a means for restoring economic growth. “Our past vice president opposes — think of this — all of our permitting reforms,” Trump said to an audience in Atlanta during a speech … Continue reading "Trump Attacks Biden’s Clean Energy Initaitve on the Same Day He Announces More Environmental Rollbacks"

Trump’s Economic Approval Rating Drops 15 Points in a Month

President Donald Trump’s net economic approval rating has dropped 15 points in just a month, according to the latest poll from Quinnipiac University. According to the poll, in June 52 percent of voters approve of the way the president is handling the economy compared to 45 percent who disapprove. This month, however, just 44 percent … Continue reading "Trump’s Economic Approval Rating Drops 15 Points in a Month"

Economist Don Boudreaux Breaks Down COVID’s ‘Unprecedented’ Economic Damage

American people don't understand that the government's decision to have the Federal Reserve print money doesn't create actual wealth.

Rick Wilson Slams “Drunk Uncle” Trump: “A Campaign In Steep Decline”

Conservative Rick Wilson has compared Donald Trump to a “drunk uncle” following his rambling impromptu press conference on Tuesday. He believes it’s a sign of an imploding campaign. The former Republican strategist shared his thoughts in an op-ed for The Daily Beast on Wednesday. “Like an addled necromancer with the heavy charnel stench of a dead campaign … Continue reading "Rick Wilson Slams “Drunk Uncle” Trump: “A Campaign In Steep Decline”"

As Trump Renews Attacks, New Lincoln Project Ad Asks If You Prefer Trump or Fauci

The Lincoln Project, a Republican anti-Trump super-PAC released a new ad asking viewers whether they trust President Donald Trump or Dr. Anthony Fauci on matters related to the novel coronavirus. The ad comes after reports revealed that the White House had sought to discredit and undermine Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, after his … Continue reading "As Trump Renews Attacks, New Lincoln Project Ad Asks If You Prefer Trump or Fauci"

Media Attacks Trump For A Factual Statement About Law Enforcement And Race

Headlines called Trump's comments "racist rhetoric" while reporters tweeted snide remarks claiming the factual statement wasn't backed by evidence.

Trump Suggests Biden and Sanders Working Together on Policy Will Mean The “Guaranteed Destruction of America”

Earlier this morning, President Donald Trump attempted to tie his electoral opponent, former vice president Joe Biden, to the “radical left.” suggesting that Biden’s work with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I), a noted democratic socialist, on their joint unity task force will mean “The guaranteed destruction of America.” “Has anybody seen or reviewed the written … Continue reading "Trump Suggests Biden and Sanders Working Together on Policy Will Mean The “Guaranteed Destruction of America”"