Trump believes that Mitch McConnell got rolled and thinks that the Senate should have stayed in session through Saturday to acquit him before the State Of The Union.
McConnell and Schumer have reached a deal for the final votes to occur in Trump's impeachment trial next Wednesday, which is the day after Trump's SOTU.
TikTok, the popular social video site, banned pro-life organization Live Action from its platform Thursday, citing a violation of 'community guidelines.'
Donald Trump's former National Security Advisor John Bolton drops another bombshell: Not only did Trump pressure him to get Ukraine to help him cheat in 2020, but he did it in front of witnesses.
New Taylor Swift documentary follows the pop star as she confronts her fear of seeking everyone's approval. What she doesn't get is that people don't dislike her because she's Democrat.
The two large banks have pulled their donations that helped poor minority children attend better schools in Florida because they consider Christian teachings about sex bigotry.
As long as Trump remains president, activists will continue to disrupt normal political processes, swarming buildings and storming hearings, claiming the system is corrupt, that there is a cover-up, and that the other side is cheating.
'It's a classic story of going from dire poverty in the segregated South to the highest court of the land, including many spiritual and intellectual twists and turns.'
Voting is only a part of self-government. Speaking, listening, and exchanging ideas are also necessary to build trust and find agreement. Caucuses do that; primaries don’t.
Pete Buttigieg and other leading candidates refuse to affirm language supporting the diversity of thought on abortion in the Democratic Party platform. Here’s why I’m staying, in spite of everything.
In a secret 1999 memo to Democrat senators, Joe Biden argued that senators had no obligation to call witnesses or hear live testimony during impeachment.
Trump told people in Michigan today that he was going to send some stealth bombers to their local base, but the people wouldn’t be able to see them. Trump said: Trump says he might deploy some F-35s to a local air base, saying workers here will see them come in. He says, "Actually they're totally … Continue reading "Trump Thinks That Stealth Bombers Are Really Invisible"
The Trump administration is considering a travel ban, which would heartily discourage unnecessary travel that isn’t directly related to helping those in need.
Whether the senators put the trial out of its misery this week or drag it on for months, the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Here are the eight big reasons Trump won impeachment.
During the Senate impeachment trial Thursday, Chief Justice John Roberts declined to read a question submitted by Sen. Rand Paul which included the name of Eric Ciaramella.
"Defendants misrepresented Dr. Page’s connections to and interactions with certain foreign nationals," reads Page's lawsuit against the DNC and law firm Perkins Coie.
Don't be fooled by high-minded pontificating about this duty or that -- muddied paralysis at the hands of a media-cheered sham is not the noble business of statesmen.
It has been long convenient for secularists to insist that it is possible for government to be neutral about religion by imposing their religion on everyone.
Sidney Powell exposed several more troubling details about the prosecution of Flynn, involving both the special counsel team and Flynn’s previous attorneys.
Internal communications prove Google is lying about its censorship decisions while paying for leftist propaganda and relying on the leftwing SPLC for its decisions.
Concentrated white matter invariably results in better cognitive performance in the kids who stay off screens: they focus better, learn faster, and show greater mental flexibility and creativity.
For many parents, both working-class and white-collar professionals, work is not what really matters. Work is simply the means to support what really matters: family.
Justice Neil Gorsuch issued a concurring opinion about the threat nationwide injunctions present to separation of powers and the role of the courts under the Constitution.
Alan Dershowitz came unglued at Trump's impeachment trial and starting ranting about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and how everyone else is wrong but him.
Instead of focusing on Pete Buttigieg's campaign strategy, with just one week until the Iowa caucus, campaign staff are focusing on internal identity politics.
Mercurial Trump has changed his mind now that he's sent the deficit running toward the $1 trillion dollar mark. Now is the time to cut Medicaid and really stick it to the poors to pay for his $1.5 trillion in tax cuts that mainly help the rich.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel said that John Bolton implied to him in September that he needed to investigate the firing of Marie Yovanovitch.
The staff, the ad spending, the campaigning -- Michael Bloomberg was going to do all of this to defeat President Donald Trump already, and we know this because he told us so.
As a reforged connection to the rest of the Anglosphere beckons, Britain now feels the same shaky optimism its former colony once felt — trying to chart an independent way ahead, coming out of an empire.
If Democrats actually believe Trump is a danger to democracy, they will act accordingly and put aside petty partisan goals for the good of the country.
Like those in every other mainstream newspaper, Zachary Evans’s article recycled many tropes about Chassidim. More concerning is National Review’s institutional response.
Unsurprisingly, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has already said 'a thousand nos' to Trump’s plan, and Palestinian-Arabs have begun the usual playbook of rioting in the streets.
Democrats should not be permitted to ambush the president with information they failed to obtain as a result of their oversight, neglect, or unquenchable thirst to impeach.
Being a source of inspiration for the next generation is how Kobe wanted to be remembered, and he can rest easy knowing the Mamba mentality burns stronger than ever.
Not much is bigger than the Star Trek universe. 'Picard' is more than the continuation of one man’s journey. It's the movement of a narrative that spans and inspires generations.
Jill Filipovic says the words ‘pursuit of happiness’ in the Declaration of Independence mean that ‘government must facilitate the ability of the individual to seek happiness,’ which to her means redistributing people’s labor.
President Trump's impeachment lawyer Alan Dershowitz knows Trump is corrupt, and in 2016 said that Trump would continue to be corrupt were he to win the election. He also warned that Trump would "embolden and strengthen some of the fascist elements in our society."
It was a busy day for Chief Justice Roberts as he presided over wonderland-quality injustice in two bodies. He spent the morning allowing , for now, to implement the Cucinelli wealth test for green card applicants until the legal issues are dealt with by the courts. Then Chief Roberts presided over the McConnell-controlled Senate’s impeachment … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump Lawyers Try to Defend Trump by Impeaching Obama and Hunter Biden"
Trump is in such a broken state that he couldn’t even get one of his favorite phrases witch hunt out of his mouth correctly. Trump said, “The American people are disgusted by the Washington Democrat wish–and you see it. You see it.” Video: Trump's brain misfires when he tries to say the word "witch" … Continue reading "Trump Is So Broken By Impeachment That He Can’t Even Say The Word Witch At New Jersey Rally"
To Wilson, Ali, and Lemon, it's far more important to engage in self-satisfied mockery than advance any cause other than the cause of feeling cute on cable.
Trump is so divisive that Republicans are mocking him and his defense on TV, and others are cracking up as the Republican rants on about Trump's defense's idiocy.
A powerful movement is not grounded not on the self, but on others. Not on hatred of a president, but on love for womankind and compassion for the life they carry inside them.
If the coronavirus keeps spreading, the implications for international security and the global economy could be staggering — and not only in terms of public health.
After the hero is killed in 'The Magicians,' season five opens in a reckless assortment of ensemble stories that neither capture the imagination nor drive a cohesive plot forward.
Bryant’s death was met with denunciations of him on Twitter. But his life proved that redemption is possible, even for famous people with checkered lives.
It is vital that Americans support and promote these efforts, state by state, to ensure children have the opportunity to stay children as long as possible.
Why should we be so pleased and moved that infant mortality decreased at the same time we were free to kill as many of these same babies just before birth?
When you federalize thought policing, which is essentially what the Equality Act does, it appears to create a social credit system that nationalizes the punishment of wrong think.
Missouri’s theory would have rendered every Planned Parenthood or NRA activist who joins a ‘lobby day’ to meet with their representatives in the capitol as registered lobbyists.
There may be neoconservatives cheering that drone strike, as neoconservatives are wont to do, but it is unlikely that they are the ones driving policy.
Those chattering about President Trump’s impeachment trial have largely ignored one unique precedent, in the form of two words uttered by a senator from Pennsylvania: Not proved.
Former national security adviser John Bolton shared his concerns with Attorney General William Barr that Trump was doing personal favors for dictators.
Sen. Angus King predicted that ten or more Republican Senators won't be able to defend hiding Bolton's testimony, so they will vote for documents and witnesses.
Schiff was not telling the truth when he kept dripping out lies to compliant reporters. Because he helped them accomplish their political goals against their nemesis Trump, however, they have not held him accountable.
In the Federalist Society, we debate ideas with the nuance we wish existed in other corners of the legal realm. It’s distressing to see some so eager to destroy that under the alleged auspices of impartiality.
This International Holocaust Remembrance Day, take time to remember the victims, remember the survivors, and remember Carl Lutz, the man responsible for the largest civilian rescue mission of the entire Holocaust.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus told The Federalist that majority anti-abortion public opinion will affect the 2020 election 'big time.'
The contrast between the two groups could not be more stark. While one group mourned the 60 million babies who have been aborted, the other sang and danced.
In the case of the Holocaust and its obvious evil, it’s easy for anyone living today to insist they would’ve fought on the side of justice. But how many people flatter themselves?
What the Grammys showed us, oddly, is a culture in crisis. No matter how much fame or adulation, how many award nominations and costume changes, meaning is missing.
The wildest court filing was one on Friday by Michael Avenatti’s attorneys, who want to prevent the government from using Avenatti’s web history. You’ll never guess why.
Hopefully, the copious notes I took while watching the Senate’s impeachment trial will allow future generations to benefit from these important scientific insights.
At a time we hear perennially of how the American media is under attack by President Trump’s tweets, Greenwald’s case reminds us that there are journalists facing actual and serious abuse.
Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton wrote in an unpublished manuscript that Trump conditioned aid to Ukraine on a Biden investigation.
Like any political gathering numbering in the tens of thousands, the March for Life is a fascinating intersection of backgrounds, cultures, and faith traditions.
After missing the last debate, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang became the seventh candidate to qualify for the February New Hampshire debate.
The other matchup that jumps out at me is the possibility of Jennifer Rubin matching up with her Washington Post teammate Max Boot with the Final Four on the line.
Recently Pulitzer Prize-winning reporters for The Washington Post Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig published their assessment of Donald Trump’s presidency to date, seeking to step out of the news cycle and “assess the reverberations” of his administration throughout the nation. Titled A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America, the book layers scene … Continue reading "Opinion: Democracy Dies at Amazon, Are Trump and Bezos Really Such Strange Bedfellows?"
Actress Louise Linton sided with 17-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg in a since-deleted Instagram post Saturday after Linton’s husband, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, criticized Thunberg. “I Read More
More people would rather watch the predictable, fake melodrama offered by soap operas than the predictable, fake melodrama currently being peddled by the Democrats. According to Read More
On Friday’s edition of CBS Evening News, Democratic presidential candidate Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders admitted that he has no idea how much his package of progressive Read More
Democrats have the evidence in the impeachment case, as they turned over 28,578 pages of trial record while Trump introduced zero documents in his defense.
No person in the United States would look approvingly upon a few inches transforming a piece of property devoid of human rights into a person to be protected and cherished by society.
While 'The Grudge' will probably appeal only to those who are already fans of the franchise, it presents an excellent juxtaposition between Japanese and American horror films.
Debbie Cenziper’s recent book, 'Citizen 865,' recounts the valiant efforts of American prosecutors who pursued justice for Holocaust victims for decades after the end of World War II.
Did Stefan Halper attempt to recruit Trump campaign officials as sources? And did he have the FBI (or another agency’s) green light to do so? Grassley’s letter raises these questions, and more.
In about 30 seconds, one man in Iowa exposed a major weakness in the Democratic Party's 2020 strategy. The dad asked why he should work hard to pay for goodies for people who didn't.
Blackburn took to Twitter on Thursday questioning Rep. Adam Schiff’s labeling of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman as a patriot, accusing the officer of 'badmouth[ing] and ridicul[ing] our great nation in front of Russia, America’s greatest enemy.'
The U.S. shouldn't be complacent after winning the first round of the trade war. China is a formidable strategic competitor and will remain so for many years to come.
Like Billie Eilish, Gen Z is in hiding. With all the exposure of social media, the constant barrage of attention seeking, the shallow allure of fame, kids know it’s all fake.
It’s like they went to the woke checklist to check every single box, stir in the appearance that everyone who lives in Texas is a racist pig, and spit out a terrible television show.
The film explores race and poverty through personal stories that leave the audience to reconcile with the tragic side of American governments’ treatment of minorities and the poor.
Through a strange series of comic circumstances, Guy Ritchie’s new heroes band together against mysterious enemies in the first marijuana heroism movie.
Adam Schiff was addressing the nation as much as he was talking to Republican Senators when he said that Donald Trump can't be trusted to do what's right.
Fox News's Judge Andrew Napolitano broke down the evidence against Trump and concluded that there is ample evidence to support Trump's conviction and removal.
If Donald Trump cared about any American citizen being corrupt, he would have gone to our law enforcement agencies and the State Department to have them look into it. He would not have gone to the newly-elected president of Ukraine, a young, inexperienced former reality show star who campaigned on solving the corruption problems that … Continue reading "Opinion: Adam Schiff Tried To Return The Senate To Its Former Self As A “Deliberative Body”"
Jeff Bezos, one of the world’s most powerful and richest men, is levelling severe allegations against the Saudis, and once again, he has nothing to show for them.
The media keep suggesting it's Republicans who might switch sides, but here are some Democrats who might not want to side with Adam Schiff's weak impeachment effort.
Tebow, famous athlete and virgin, understood he wouldn't find fulfillment in casual sex. Funny Twitter memes aside, young men can learn from his example.
As a songwriter and storyteller, theologian and educator, family man and public figure, Fred Rogers should be known for much more than wearing a red cardigan.
In "Last Full Measure," top Marvel actors Sebastian Stan and Samuel L. Jackson lead a star-studded cast in a Vietnam War drama that spotlights how much military families give their nation.
Instead of playing politics, Washington must realize that risking the lives of American forces in a gamble to reduce Iranian influence in Iraq isn’t worth it and may be self-defeating.
In illustrating examples of bureaucratic connivance and mismanagement, 'Yes Minister' provided generations of viewers much enjoyment and a subtle way of holding government to account.
Sen. Bob Menendez confirmed that Republicans are getting up and leaving the Senate chamber for extended periods of time instead of listening to impeachment evidence.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is going to Ukraine next week in a move seen by some as done to keep the Ukrainians quiet during the impeachment trial. Buzzfeed News reported: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to Ukraine next week, just as the Senate’s impeachment trial of Donald Trump on charges he … Continue reading "Trump Sends Mike Pompeo To Ukraine To Keep Them Quiet During Impeachment Trial"
In Switzerland, Trump was barely able to speak but among a ramble of lies about impeachment, the president that he has the evidence and Democrats don't.
Joe Biden's campaign released a new video Tuesday night featuring a corruption activist who criticized Hunter Biden’s business in the country as “very bad.”
Hawaii congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard filed a lawsuit Wednesday against Hillary Clinton over the former secretary of state calling Gabbard a Russian asset.
Having realized their impeachment gambit is failing, Democrats have resorted to accusing Sen. Mitch McConnell of a coverup and calling the trial 'rigged.'
Today the Supreme Court hears a case that could undo a century of decisions that have attacked and undermined religious beliefs by secularizing public education.
Michael Bloomberg's new plan is a perfect example of the failure of center-left policy concoctions meant to help black Americans, invariably cooked up by rich liberals.
The entire endorsement is a play for the 'we’re all winners' generation. To prioritize one candidate would require courage, which cannot be expected from the newspaper that pushes the ahistorical '1619 Project' for clicks.
Sweden has learned Beijing will not hesitate to use its might to coerce its will onto others, but Chinese diplomats' belligerent behaviors should be a wake-up call to countries all around the world.
Nanfu Wang’s opinion notwithstanding, ‘One Child Nation’s’ central message is not a celebration of autonomy. Rather, it is an exposé of evils of abortion.
A large group of people assembled peaceably to air their grievances and to state that, unless something changes, our consent to be governed is being revoked.
The lead House impeachment manager, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, likely miscahracterized evidence brought forward by Lev Parnas in a letter last week.
The big takeaway from 13 hours of impeachment trial debate and voting is that Democrats have a clear plan to sway public opinion and Trump has nothing.
House impeachment manager Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) took the Senate by storm after midnight ET and accused Republicans of a treacherous cover-up for Trump.
Mitch McConnell asked Chuck Schumer to stack all of his amendments for a single vote, Schumer said no and refused to allow McConnell to speed up the impeachment trial.
Democratic House impeachment managers and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have used McConnell's sham trial against him to make their impeachment case.
In a pre-interview leading up to the Sundance release of the new docuseries 'Hillary,' Hillary Clinton expanded on her problems with Sen. Bernie Sanders.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that a prospective juror clearly lied and misled both the parties and the court to be on Harvey Weinstein’s jury.
Liberals say they want more choices for parents, but far from expanding them, their proposals would just lock parents into dependence on one-size-fits-all government programs.
The roaring Trump economy, along with California’s political and cultural suicidal tendencies, will ensure the American West’s economic boom will continue for years to come.
When we talk about parents and children, we shouldn't consider a two-parent upbringing as a privilege to be enjoyed by the rich few, but as something every person owes to every other person he or she creates.
In 2020, Washington state insists the female perspective is critical to corporations. But in 2018, it insisted the female perspective was optional for children.
The horror stories don’t mean that every phone dooms every kid to disaster. Rather, they remind us that different kids handle phones differently at different ages, and all need training.
After decades of pretending the interests of abortionists match the interests of women, June Medical v. Gee is an opportunity for the Supreme Court to let women be heard.
To clean up the mess we’ve created, San Francisco needs to start paying attention to both law enforcement and rehabilitation. And the rest of the United States should pay attention.
Harry is alleged to have yelled at staff, ‘What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!’ Apparently, that doesn’t apply when Meghan goes up against Queen Elizabeth II.
The impeachment trial rules that McConnell is proposing will allow him to cherry-pick from the evidence to create a false impression of Trump innocence.
More than 22,000 gun-rights activists descended on the Virginia State Capitol Monday to peacefully protest new gun laws making their way through the Democrat-controlled legislature.
During Blackout for Human Rights' fifth annual MLK Now event, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said the Democratic Party is a "center-conservative" party
Mitch McConnell wouldn't allow reporters inside the Senate chamber and refused to allow reporters to shoot video of the House managers entering and exiting.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a religious man who strongly believed in natural law. It is far more likely that he would have lent his influence to the March for Life than to the Women’s March.
Former New York City Mayor 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg said if he were a senator, he would 'vote to impeach, vote to convict' President Donald Trump.
Baseball needs a chairman who represents owners, players, and fans. They need someone who will truly act in the best interests of the game, not the best interest of the owners.
'How could the American people want someone who lies to them?' Warren said on whether dishonesty was a disqualifying trait in a presidential candidate.
The FDA’s failures are a result of too much regulatory dithering and bureaucracy. Yet the Times’ prescriptions for change would just increase the dose.
The recently deceased actor’s work as Bernard Woolley in ‘Yes, Minister’ and its successor ‘Yes, Prime Minister’ was indispensable to the greatest political show on earth.
Donald Trump Jr. made a clear threat to moderate Senate Republicans and warned them against voting for witnesses outside of the Biden conspiracy theory.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s rules for the impeachment trial leave open the possibility for a motion to dismiss from the White House lawyers.
House impeachment manager, Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), gashed Trump's impeachment defense by arguing that requiring a crime means no president can be impeached.
Warren has lied about being an American Indian, about sending her kids to private school, and even being fired from a teacher position for being pregnant. And now she's lying about Bernie Sanders.
It was revealed in a court filing that it was Rod Rosenstein who authorized the release of the Strzok-Page texts that have fueled Trump's conspiracy theories.
In his classic American novel of 1925 The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald crafts the character Meyer Wolfsheim, a Jewish gangster who wears human molars as cufflinks. He is one of the title character’s “gonnegtions” who also happened to have fixed the 1919 World Series and, in doing so, in Fitzgerald’s worlds, “played with the … Continue reading "Opinion: Where Trump’s Language of Winning Has Gotten Us in Baseball and Democracy"
On this day of the 2020 Women’s March, masses of people across the nation will gather and march to call for recognizing the human rights of women as a necessary element of a truly just and equal society for all. Especially in this context, it is worthwhile to highlight efforts within the Democratic Party to … Continue reading "Opinion: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Calls for Democratic Party that Unequivocally Supports Women’s Equality and Abortion Rights"
In leaked audio of the president speaking to donors, Trump admitted that he authorized the strike on Soleimani because he was saying bad things about America.
At a panel on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reform, fired FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe had a lot of excuses for why the FBI would abuse an American citizen's constitutional rights.
Given the strong possibility Schiff will be called as a witness, he should immediately step aside and allow the other managers to continue without him.
As a long-time legal immigrant, I don’t agree with the view that the country is filled with racism and white nationalism, or that open borders is the answer to past sins.
Too many articles about antisemitism, including this one from National Review, explain away recent attacks with 'context' the writers would never offer in discussing any other racial, religious, or ethnic minority group.
Democrats promised to come to Washington to work on health care and other issues, but ended up just freaking out about impeaching Donald Trump instead.
With Russia’s more than 6,000 nuclear warheads, a permanent veto at the U.N. Security Council, and a president keen on making Russia a great power, Washington shouldn’t sideline Moscow.
Beloved TV host and everyman Mike Rowe's book, 'The Way I Heard It,' is a mash-up of personal stories and historical vignettes that tug at your heartstrings and whack your funnybone.
The Supreme Court will rule this year on Google v. Oracle, and when it does, it can rein in both Google and the legal doctrine of 'transformative use,' an abuse of the 'fair use' exceptions to copyright laws.
House Republican leadership was enormously successful in how they handled hearings and managed to attain a bipartisan vote. The Senate should take note.
Less than a year after the Kansas Supreme Court declared the state’s constitution established a right to abortion, legislators today announced efforts to undo the court’s decision by amending the Kansas Constitution.
While walking through the halls of the Senate, Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., refused to comment on the upcoming impeachment trial to CNN reporter Manu Raju.
An important story lost below the din of the primaries, impeachment, and rallies, is the growing party rancor toward a vocal left flank the politicians have correctly identified as weakened.
If there is to be a just result in Flynn’s case, the court must address the question about Covington's conflict of interest. Flynn shouldn't be punished for mistakes that are attributable to his counsel rather than to him.
To say America appears headed for a destabilizing debt crisis is not the same as saying every cultural consequence will be negative. It could well lead to a mass religious revival.
The LGBT mob and media simply cannot see that they are the source of hatred and bullying. Their movement has built a toxic culture of political dissent.
The president should stop one day talking like a devoted noninterventionist, and the next day putting a great big smile on the faces of neoconservatives.
This term, the Supreme Court has the opportunity to bury anti-Catholic laws now used to discriminate against all religions, and secure a brighter future for kids like Raelyn Sukhbir.
There are more ways to find fulfillment and meaning in life than through pursuit of career or income, but you wouldn’t know that from any of the answers that came from the debate stage.
Pelosi’s politically unwise decision to delay impeachment until this crucial moment provokes the question whether she is deliberately helping Joe Biden.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said the Democratic senators who are also running for president in 2020 should recuse themselves from the Senate impeachment trial.
In an interview with Rachel Maddow, Lev Parnas said that Trump lying and knew all about his activities and movements, and directed him to threaten Ukraine.
While this evidence provides his attorney a solid argument that the prosecution sought to push Michael Flynn to lie, that might not be enough to carry the day with Judge Sullivan.
Every paragraph in the nearly 10,000-word New Yorker article has significant problems. Taken together, it is just one long string of innuendos insinuating that William Barr is evil.
The cult of Pelosi isn't just a 'hot take' or a 'be smart,' it's a mindset through which Washington's media elites interpret the world. It's false, and the harsh light of reality easily shows as much.
Allegiance to the show has ebbed and flowed throughout its continuous 45-year run, and depth of talent among the cast and writers’ room has never been static.
Despite common sense, the historic record, and scientific evidence, leftist environmentalists would fight and protest for a utopia we will never see, all while the world burns.
Roger Scruton has bodied forth a concrete ideal, and though most of us are destined to fall short of it, we can look to it through all the challenges that lie ahead as proof of how beautiful and noble a life can be.
It felt weird to sense that claiming my actual female body as female was offensive to people. It was like I was an undercover female at the Women’s March.
Such depth and substance is why the Democrat debates are worth watching. Who wants to listen to the actual merits (or lack thereof) of the candidates when they can argue over who said what?
Hours after it came to light that President Trump's mob were stalking U.S. Ambassador Yovanovitch, she called for an investigation into whether she was surveilled.
Speaker Pelosi announced that the House would be voting tomorrow to name impeachment trial managers while ripping Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for running a cover-up.
It is refreshing to see the Academy buck the outrage culture crying over “inequality,” and it is a delight to see films we all loved get recognition in a circle that seemed to have been shrinking around more unpopular films each year.
The fact that Donald Trump ordered Soleimani’s killing seven months ago takes us into criminal territory that also ought to be impeachable. There’s nothing new about Trump breaking the law, or committing crimes when we consider every time he obstructed justice and tried to intimidate witnesses. This, however, is the first time we’re aware of … Continue reading "Opinion: If it Takes A Crime For Republicans to Impeach Trump, He Delivered"
Last Friday, the highest court in British Columbia, Canada, ruled that a father could not prevent doctors from giving his 15-year-old daughter testosterone injections to 'affirm' her transgender male identity.
The idea that Jesus came into the world as a communal acid trip is itself far more likely to be the result of people like Joe Rogan tripping on 'shrooms than the truth.
The recent inspector general report revealed that the Crossfire Hurricane team and Department of Justice and FBI leaders fell for many of the false Russia collusion narratives the press pushed.
Wray is expecting us to believe that FBI agents lied to a court because they didn’t have the right form. A normal court would consider his response an act of defiance towards its constitutional authority.
In 'Hustlers,' Jennifer Lopez transformed into a difficult character, masterfully conveying layers of class tension and womanhood that less capable actresses wouldn't have grasped.
Growing a family may be the number one contribution you can make to a happy life for yourself. And you only have about a quarter of your adult life to make it happen.
According to trans activists, transmen can menstruate and become pregnant but also require acceptance as men in all traditional male activities and social roles. How is this supposed to work?
Michelle Williams averted her eyes to the humanity of her child, a child whose face she could not see. But though she does not know the child, the child is known, as is she.
Sir Roger Scruton was a warrior for Western culture. Culture was, for him, everything: ‘a vessel in which intrinsic values are captured and handed on to future generations.’
If Democrats had taken their job seriously in the House, the following people already would have come forward to testify during impeachment proceedings.
The top six Democratic candidates will face off on stage tonight for the seventh and final debate before the first primary votes are cast in the 2020 election.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is denying a report about a conversation that he had with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) where he told her that a woman couldn't win the White House.
Trump viciously mocked Sen. Cory Booker for dropping out of the race for the Democratic nomination, even though Booker will be a juror at his impeachment trial.
DOJ official Bruce Ohr called a meeting of several federal agencies to discuss ‘working with’ a Russian oligarch because of his belief, premised on the unverified Steele dossier, that Trump was corrupt.
Composure and class, stoic fortitude, and a sense of duty are not due to bloodline or money. Some people naturally possess them, and some can attain them through discipline, but most do not.
Despite Rhodes' propaganda, America is in a far stronger position to deal with Iran’s provocations under Trump than at any time since Obama entered office.
What’s changed in the last five years is the explosion in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria and the lack of help for them.
After 18 years at war without debate in Congress about overseas U.S. troop deployments, President Trump’s decision to take out Qassem Soleimani catalyzed a national conversation.
Cases like Tinslee’s are not easy for anybody. Medical interventions are prolonging her death and causing her further pain and suffering without the hope of improving her condition.
The duke and duchess blindsided the queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William. This is truly unique, and it could determine the relevancy and existence of the monarchy itself.
Yes, horrible things happened at Southern plantations. But horrible things have happened all across the entire nation. To start banning venues due to evils is to prevent attempts to replace evil with good.
If New York and Planned Parenthood succeed in blocking conscience protections for medical professionals, I may be forced to either violate my conscience or leave the medical profession.
Democrats are right about the need for a change in policy. But will the 2020 Bail Reform Bill provide changes that will protect poor defendants and the people on the streets?
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) took apart Trump's Iran lies and pointed out where he is fudging or exaggerating evidence.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that the US isn't doing enough to protect elections and wondered aloud about Mitch McConnell being Trump's Russia accomplice.
Whether it's antisemitism or the oppression of the Iranian people, the left has no interest in drawing attention to any issue unless the problem can be attributed to President Trump.
The appointment of a former official who served as an apologist for the FBI signals that the court isn't particularly concerned about the civil liberty violations catalogued by Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
The wealthy often complain when sane and reasonable minds point out the dangers and reality of the obscenely class-stratified nature of U.S. society. These complaints often find expression in such phrases as the following: “There go those radical leftists playing the class struggle card again.” “These radical leftists just want to punish success in America.” … Continue reading "Opinion: JP Morgan Client Report Reveals Trump’s Wealth Agenda Harms Average Americans’ Economic Well-Being"
When Josh Jacobs was drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the first round of the 2019 NFL draft, he received a signing bonus of $6.7 million. The story of the star running back from the University of Alabama quickly circulated, featured in the headlines in major media outlets such as USA Today, NBC News, ESPN, … Continue reading "Opinion: Can LeBron James Re-Define the Damaging Success Story Americans Have Come to Love?"
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said that the White House's changing story on the Iran threat should cause the American people to ask if Trump is making stuff up.
Trump told associates that he authorized the strike on Soleimani because he was being pressured by Republican Senators who will decide his impeachment fate.
Iran's muted response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani has de-escalated the situation in the Middle East. So why are Democrats cowering in fear of the Iranian regime?
There's a strain of contempt or arrogance or both in the Never Trump movement that prevents it from making some arguments that are legitimately worth hearing.
The crash of Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752 is a tragedy, the culpability for which lies unequivocally with Iran. To suggest otherwise is to cheapen the deaths of hundreds to score political points against the 'bad orange man.'
While LGBT advocates focus on hate crimes, discrimination, or other outside negative influences on the LGBT community, they fail to see the dangers within it.
Vanessa Springora's spotlight on the crimes of Gabriel Matzneff shows it's past time for France to stop excusing evil because of the perpetrator's status.
The authors of a new study continue promulgating misleading information about the real risks of the abortion pill regimen, instead of emphasizing the safety of using progesterone to try to reverse Mifeprex's effects.
Sam Mendes’ magnificent epic raises a question stripped straight from today’s headlines: Is war a futile waste of life or the apex of the human experience?
Commending those who killed a terrorist responsible for the loss of hundreds of American lives should not be a controversial endeavor, but apparently it is.
There was a golden age once -- lasted maybe two decades -- where you could walk into a bar in any good-sized city, order the local IPA, and be satisfied. Those days are gone.
If Democrats do end up with a contested convention, it seems unlikely to result in an outcome in which a previously undeclared candidate emerges from the shadows to win the nomination.
In C. Bradley Thompson’s new book, 'America’s Revolutionary Mind,' the Clemson professor makes a provocative and persuasive rebuttal to contemporary historians suggesting that the American founding advanced self-serving motives based on slavery, race, and class.
To launch the new year in appropriately oblivious fashion, The Hollywood Reporter has an article out condemning 'Toy Story 4' for a litany of social transgressions.
It's hard to cherry pick a crazy moment from a Trump rally since each are completely terrifying from start to finish, but Thursday in Ohio was a doozy.
Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg blamed President Donald Trump for the downed Ukrainian passenger jet over Iran on Wednesday night. “Innocent civilians are now Read More
Thankfully, Trump’s foolhardiness with Iran did not result in loss of life among our troops. When even Senator Mike Lee (R) Utah called the Trump administration’s intel briefing on the Soleimani assassination the worst he’d ever seen before Fox cut him off, you know that criticism of Trump’s conduct is about national security, not partisanship. … Continue reading "Opinion: Trump Embarrassed Himself On Iran Because of His Obama Obsession"
Only a mainstream media that’s been blinded by hatred of Trump could be this disappointed their predictions of all-out war with Iran haven’t come true.
Now that we know Stefan Halper wasn’t a mere fellow dinner guest at the gathering but was instead sitting abreast the table at his own college, it screams ‘set up.’
While CNN is now out of the case, Nicholas Sandmann’s lawsuit against the Washington Post and NBC continues, and soon there will be some new defendants, according to his lawyers.
Adam Driver stars in a movie that attempts to tell the story of the Senate Intelligence Committee's infamous 'torture report,' but it gets the story badly wrong and tries to lionize a dishonest partisan hitman.
A European passenger jet crash that killed all 176 passengers and crew in Iran during Wednesday night's hostilities is under intense international scrutiny after rapid explanations raised suspicions.
The IG’s report shows FBI agents intentionally excluded derogatory information to maintain the apparent credibility of the sources they used to obtain the power to secretly surveil U.S. citizens.
We should stop listening to the media on national security issues, since they are always wrong. As a captive audience, they make us accompany them through their stages of hysteria, and it's insufferable.
‘Cats’ was so bad that the only reasoning I can come up with for its badness is that it was a plot by dogs to make cats as unappealing as cosmically possible.
CNN has agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit lodged by Covington Catholic High School Student Nick Sandmann Tuesday for its January coverage last year.
The length, scope, and operational duration of the attack suggests it is a targeted towards regime stability and an internal audience. Whether it leads to further escalation is a political call.
'Vanderpump Rules' is back, providing hope that in the dead of winter, Tuesday nights will still be aglow with the warmth of reality television's greatest treasure
Politico and others have examined Buttigieg and his supposedly ‘moderate’ message. Rhetoric aside, the substance of Buttigieg’s plans seem anything but moderate.
Chaos is a defendant’s best friend. And Michael Avenatti is going to do his level best to make his trial about anything—and anyone—but his guilt or innocence.
Time Magazine issued a guide Tuesday for parents on how to talk with their children about the situation unfolding in Iran. It's riddled with biased omissions.
If what Trump’s administration is doing is 'erasing' LGBT people, then being erased must be the same thing as equality and assimilation — and that looks like progress to me.
In the early hours of Wednesday morning, Iran fired multiple ballistic missiles at a variety of locations in Iraq. Iran alleges the attacks are in response to the targeted killing of Quds Force leader, Qassam Suleimani.
Trump escalated a conflict with Iran because the president needed something to brag about and the Secretary of State was feeling morose because he couldn’t get an assassination the last time he asked the president for one. We are living in chilling times as we continue the descent into the dystopian hell that Trump promised … Continue reading "Opinion: We’re On The Brink Of War With Iran Because Pompeo Was Sad"
Slow and steady Joe Biden has held a wire to wire lead in primary polls, and there's no reason to think that is going to change after Thursday's debate.
As television becomes higher and higher quality in writing, acting, clothing and cinematography, movies are going to become increasingly a retro pursuit favored by men.
Only the absence of retaliation or some lower-level action that gives both sides a face-saving way out of the predicament can restore deterrence. Otherwise, fight’s on.
So long as the world is entertaining worst-case scenarios, the media does Americans no favors in omitting that Iran-Hezbollah has for years prepared to strike in their own hometowns.
'Repercussions mount over U.S. strike, with Iran nuclear deal pullback and Iraq call for U.S. troop pullout,' the Los Angeles Times tells us, waiting 14 paragraphs to explain the resolution is not binding.
As bad as the IG’s findings were, the details in its report suggest worse is coming when U.S. Attorney John Durham concludes his investigation into the Russia collusion hoax.
Increased religious persecution in China has failed to curtail the growing number of Christians, which has reached more than 100 million today — more than the 90 million members of the Chinese Communist Party.
The leftist culture-shapers who claim to champion ‘tolerance’ and ‘ending discrimination’ push for toxic identity politics that make true tolerance impossible.
As a response to old versions of racism, a new brand is taking over American culture. But the new racism is not better than the old racism. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Americans, be thankful you live in a country that secured the right for you to bear arms hundreds of years ago. Here's how you can exercise your gun rights.