
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2019

Rachel Maddow Busts Trump For Extorting Ukraine For Political Gain Since Last Year

For an administration that lacks direction in just about every area, it's increasingly clear that extortion is a staple of their foreign policy.

Republicans Call Emergency Meeting As Trump’s Presidency Goes Up In Flames

Better talking points on cable news won't save Trump or Republicans from a damning set of facts and swift, unified action from House Democrats.

Intel IG Admits It Secretly Erased ‘First-Hand Information’ Requirement In August

The Intelligence Community Inspector General released a statement admitting the office changed their forms for whistleblowers during the timeframe an anonymous person filed such a form against President Trump.

Trump Demanded Accountability Of Nations That Fed Russia Hoax? That’s Impeachable!

President Donald Trump urged the Australian prime minister to work with the Department of Justice to investigate the origins of Russian collusion.

Conservative Commentator Ridicules Trump For Running The Most Incompetent Cover-Up In History

Charlie Sykes said Monday that Donald Trump and his defenders in the administration are running "one of the least effective cover-ups in history."

Trump, Barr And Pompeo Have Been Secretly Orchestrating A Massive International Conspiracy

Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are at the center of Donald Trump's growing pile of criminal behavior.

Nervous Trump Panics As Support For Impeachment Tops 50%

Trump told his allies that he would get worried if support for impeachment hit 50%, which it did over the weekend. MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported, “Our White House correspondents Kristen Welker and Geoff Bennett are both reporting that the president told allies days ago he would start worrying about losing Republican support if national polls … Continue reading "Nervous Trump Panics As Support For Impeachment Tops 50%"

Mitch McConnell Says He’s Forced To Hold A Trial If Trump Is Impeached

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he has no choice and will hold a trial if the House impeaches Trump.

Senators Demand Answers On DNC Efforts To Get Ukrainian Dirt On Trump In 2016

The chairmen of two Senate committees are insisting the Department of Justice come clean about Democratic Party efforts to solicit Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.

The Federalist Launches New Radio Show, ‘The Fray,’ On SiriusXM

Ben Domenech and Emily Jashinsky co-host a new show on politics and culture on SiriusXM satellite radio. Listen now to their segment with Vice News Correspondent Michael Moynihan.

CBS’ ‘60 Minutes’ Stands By Its Bogus Reporting That Whistleblower Is Under Federal Protection

Mark Zaid, an attorney representing the government whistleblower, said the network's claim that the client is under federal protection was untrue.

Award-Worthy Renée Zellweger Captures Falling Star Judy Garland In ‘Judy’

Renée Zellweger gives a heartbreaking portrayal of Judy Garland in the last year of her sad life and declining career in the fictionalized but affecting ‘Judy.’

Sean Davis: Intel Community IG ‘Straight Up Refused’ To Answer Why They Changed The Rules

The intel community eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers must provide firsthand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings in order to file a complaint. 

New RNC Ad Is The Blueprint For Beating Vulnerable House Democrats

The 2020 race for Congress is now centered on the impeachment fight. And it is the battle the GOP was hoping for.

Trump suggests intel chairman should be arrested for ‘treason’

President Donald Trump on Monday escalated his attacks against the lawmaker leading the impeachment inquiry against him, suggesting that Representative Adam Schiff be arrested for "treason."

Why Nancy Pelosi Now Supports Impeachment Even Though It’s Insane

This is about Nancy Pelosi losing control of her caucus should she continue to resist impeachment, and expecting electoral disaster if impeachment were launched outside her control.

Deleted Firsthand Knowledge Requirement For Whistleblowers Implicates Another Federal Agency

Was the ‘nonpartisan’ Congressional Research Service weaponized to force the House into a premature impeachment inquiry?

Did The Inspector General’s Office Help The ‘Whistleblower’ Try To Frame Trump?

The ‘whistleblower’ was not acting alone, and members of the intelligence community inspector general’s office were likely providing an assist in the hoax attempt to bury President Trump.

Democrats Have Already Decided To Impeach. They Should Just Go Ahead And Vote

Congressional Democrats are going to try to get impeachment done by Thanksgiving because they know the entire thing is a political charade.

One Year After Alexandra Williams’ Death By Birth Control, Little Has Changed

Like many women, Alex was not fully aware of the health risks associated with her birth control, as she and doctors struggled to identify health complications that resulted just months later.

What Shields ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ From Cancel Culture

Season 14 of 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' is upon us, and BuzzFeed is out with 2,000-plus words on why the show hasn't fallen prey to 'cancel culture.'

With The Help Of Media, Democrats Are Smearing The NRA

A new report by Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon about the NRA reveals that Democrats will level ugly tendentious claims without any evidence.

Catholics Who Love The Latin Mass Need To Get Better At Loving Their Neighbors, Too

Elitism and anti-social behavior currently limit the appeal and efficacy of traditional Catholicism. The Traditional Latin Mass community has a bright future, but it needs to confront its failings so it can finally save a church in crisis.

How The Berlin Airlift Beat Back Communism 70 Years Ago Today

On September 30, 1949, the U.S. and her allies completed their mission to rescue the people of Berlin from starvation and stave off the spread of Communism.

Trudeau Weathers Blackface Scandal As Conservatives Look For An Opening

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party remains in a tenuous lead, but with 21 days to go until Election Day, Ontario’s ‘905’ region may hold the key to a Conservative victory.

Why LGBTQ Kids Shouldn’t Be Exceptions To Parental Limits On Screen Time

Social media is not a safe space for kids to go in search of friends or an image, and it’s certainly not more viable for LGBTQ kids, who in their isolation are more vulnerable to predation and influence, not less.

Help Your Teens Clean Up Social Media Before Cancel Culture Comes For Them

We need to teach our young people the skill of careful online hygiene, just like all the other cleanliness habits we teach them.

Trump Explodes As Democrats Are Determined To Get His Russia Calls

Trump went on a Sunday Twitter rampage after Democrats make it clear that they are determined to get his phone calls with Putin.

Adam Schiff Is Determined to Get Access to the Hidden Trump-Putin Phone Calls

Trump-Putin phone calls in U.S. Democrats’ sights: Schiff WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday Congress is determined to get access to President Donald Trump’s calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, citing concerns he may have jeopardized national security. “I think the paramount need … Continue reading "Adam Schiff Is Determined to Get Access to the Hidden Trump-Putin Phone Calls"

Rudy Giuliani Loses It On Twitter And Claims Biden Is Trying To Silence Him

Rudy Giuliani responded to Biden demanding that the networks stop giving him airtime by claiming that Joe Biden is trying to silence him.

The Carbon Footprint Was High At Summit Dedicated To Reducing The West’s Carbon Footprint

If the UN Climate Summit and the associated climate strikes are to be believed, the best way to protest pollution and carbon emissions is to increase both to a striking degree.

Joe Biden Demands That TV Networks Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime

Joe Biden's advisers wrote ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox News to demand that they stop giving Rudy Giuliani airtime to push baseless conspiracy theories.

In pushing probe of rival, did Trump enlist the U.S. government to help him personally?

"The core facts of this are known," said Ross Garber, who teaches impeachment law at Tulane Law School. "The piece we don't know yet, which is critical, is the why."

Trump Election Rigging Shattered As Adam Schiff Is Coming For Giuliani

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is going to be investigating to find what Rudy Giuliani and his minions were up to in Ukraine.

Timeline of the Burisma Investigation Doesn’t Exculpate Hunter Biden, It Just Leads to More Questions

As more information trickles into the mainstream press regarding Burisma, the natural gas company Hunter Biden worked for, the latest refrain has become, “Shokin [the Ukrainian Read More

The Ukraine Whistleblower Will Testify In Trump Impeachment Probe

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has announced that the Ukraine whistleblower will testify in the impeachment investigation.

Rudy Giuliani Tries To Blackmail Democrats Into Removing Adam Schiff

Rudy Giuliani that he will only cooperate with the impeachment investigation if Democrats remove Adam Schiff from the House Intelligence Committee.

Trump’s Sunday Nightmare: 64% of Americans Believe He Shook Down Ukraine For Biden Dirt

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 64% of Americans believe that Trump tried to pressure Ukraine for dirt on Biden and the vast majority aren't surprised.

They’re At Each Other’s Throats As Barr Is Angry At Trump Over Ukraine

AG Barr is angry at Trump after the president treated him like his personal lawyer and roped him into the Ukraine scandal.

Democrats: ‘Damning’ facts will help sell impeachment probe to divided voters at home

Some moderate Democratic lawmakers who a week ago had little interest in talking about an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump say they are now optimistic they can sell it to voters at home during a recess of the U.S. Congress over the next two weeks.

Trump And Giuliani Have Been Secretly Digging For Biden Dirt In Ukraine For At Least 6 Months

There is no question that Donald Trump's phone call with the president of Ukraine was damning, but his scheme stretches far beyond one conversation.

Is the Opposite of Warren’s “Socialism” an Anti-American, Fraudulent Capitalism?

Imagine picking up a newspaper, or scrolling through your favorite internet news source, and coming across articles with headlines such as “How to Burglarize Your Neighbor’s Home,” “How to Undermine Public Education for America’s Children,” or “How to Destroy Sidewalks and Streets and Sabotage Other Infrastructure.” I like to think you’d find that news source … Continue reading "Is the Opposite of Warren’s “Socialism” an Anti-American, Fraudulent Capitalism?"

Newspapers Are Now Calling On Trump To Resign

The Connecticut Post became the first newspaper in the United States to call on President Donald Trump to resign from office.

The Impeachment Fix Is In As Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham Golfs With Trump

Just to make sure that everyone knows that the impeachment fix is in on the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham spent Saturday golfing with Trump.

GOP Strategist Calls Any Remaining Trump Defenders ‘Profiles In Chickensh*t’

Until these shameless Republicans in Congress jump off this soon-to-derail Trump train, they should be called what they are: cowards.

‘Beginning Of The Fall’: Historian Predicts More Treasonous Transcripts Will Bring Trump Down

Historian Jon Meacham has some bad news for Trump: The next seven days of his presidency could be even worse than the last.

Texas Democrat Forced To Apologize For Saying Gov. Greg Abbott ‘Hates Trees Because One Fell On Him’

Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt issued an apology after I tweeted her comment making fun of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's disability.

Susan Rice: Obama Put Call Transcripts On Top Secret Server, Too

Susan Rice has confirmed that the Obama administration also used a top-secret server to store conversations with foreign leaders, contradicting claims Trump's Ukraine call was similarly handled for nefarious reasons.

Treasonous Trump Demands Democrats Treat Him Like They Treated Barack Obama

As Democrats go full-speed ahead on impeachment, the president's freak-outs are becoming increasingly laughable and somewhat pathetic.

Trump Busted Giving Russia The Go Ahead To Interfere In US Elections

It has finally come out that in 2017, Trump gave the Russians the go-ahead to interfere in US elections in the Oval Office.

Republicans Block FEC From Publishing Rule On Foreign Election Interference

FEC Chair Ellen L Weintraub had to tweet out the entire FEC weekly digest after Republicans blocked her from publishing it because it contained a draft rule banning foreign election interference.

House Democrats Want Trump Impeached By Thanksgiving

Adam Schiff is taking the lead on impeachment, and House Democratic leadership want Trump impeached by Thanksgiving.

Senate Finds NRA Provided Russians Access To Republicans For Money

A Senate investigation has found that the NRA provided Russians access to Republicans in exchange for lucrative business opportunities.

House Speaker Pelosi accuses U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr of going ‘rogue’

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday accused U.S. Attorney General William Barr of going "rogue" in the Justice Department's handling of a whistleblower report that President Donald Trump solicited a political favor from Ukraine's president that could help him get re-elected.

As He Is Being Impeached, Trump Blows A Gasket Because CNN Spelled His Adam Schiff Nickname Wrong

As the House is investigating him for impeachment, Trump is sending typo-filled tweets to CNN about his nickname for Adam Schiff.

Trump and Ukraine: a timeline of events in the scandal

Here is a timeline of events in the controversy based on the whistleblower's complaint and public reports.

Joe Biden Flat Out Accuses Trump Of Trying To Hijack The 2020 Election

Joe Biden didn't mince words on Thursday as the Ukraine extortion and cover-up scandal continues to engulf the Trump presidency.

Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‘Have Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You’

While the left and the Never Trump right may march into the ballot box in 2020 convinced the president committed treason, the rest of the country see yet another Deep State sting.

Stop Blaming Pro-Lifers For The Left’s Racism

Thanks to abortion, America is whiter than it would be if all those babies were allowed to live. If pro-lifers had their way, the United States would be blacker and browner than it is today.

Congressional Democrats Have No Credibility On Impeachment

Whatever your opinion of Trump, congressional Democrats have squandered the confidence of the American people, and can’t be trusted with impeachment.

4 Reasons The Ukraine Call Is No Watergate

The legal implications of Trump’s phone call to the Ukrainian president are still being hashed out, but there are several points in Trump's favor on public perception about the charges.

What Netanyahu’s ‘Second Chance’ Really Means For Trump

While it’s possible that a change in the Israeli prime minister will shift foreign policy ever-so-slightly, it’s unlikely to have a huge effect, if any, on the Israeli-U.S. dynamic

Two New Hyped Thrillers Push Limits Of The Genre

Two much-buzzed-about new books, 'The Escape Room' by Megan Goldin and 'The Need' by Helen Phillips, have intriguing premises but don't always deliver in execution.

Mainstream Media Misses The Story Behind U.S. Abortion Decline

Increases in contraception use are, at best, an incomplete explanation for the significant long-term decline in the abortion rate, despite the media's reporting on new abortion numbers.

To Achieve Black Progress, It’s Time To Recover The Legacy Of Booker T. Washington

Judging strictly by merit, Booker T. Washington should be no less celebrated by Americans than Martin Luther King Jr., for Booker understood what leads to progress.

How Cancel Culture Killed Sitcoms And Silver-Screen Comedies

A Slate article insists 'we're much, much funnier than we used to be.' That's not even remotely true. Political correctness has lead to the death of sitcoms and comedic movies.

Why So Many Americans Find John Rambo Compelling

What is it about this character that has made everything from his image to the melancholy trumpet dirge originally composed by Jerry Goldsmith for his character so appealing to many Americans?

10 Reasons Medicare-For-All Is A Bad Idea Besides Financial Bankruptcy

Republicans and Joe Biden are making a huge mistake by focusing on cost. The implication is that government-run health care would be good if we could afford it.

This Week In Weird Twitter, Volume 128

We’re gonna do what they say can’t be done.

Scottish council approves $185 million Trump housing plan

A Scottish council has approved a 150 million pound ($185 million) plan by U.S. President Donald Trump's family business to build 550 houses at his golf resort north of Aberdeen, despite some local opposition.

Rachel Maddow Says Trump Poses An Active Counterintelligence Threat To America

Rachel Maddow said Donald Trump's extortion scheme with Ukraine makes him an active counterintelligence threat to the United States of America.

Rep. Maxine Waters Says The House Already Has The Votes Locked Down To Impeach Trump

The impeachment tide has rapidly shifted since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal inquiry earlier in the week.

Ari Melber Gets Trump’s 2020 Campaign Spokesman To Admit The President Broke The Law

The MSNBC host got Trump's 2020 communications director to admit that it's a crime to work with a foreign government to influence an election.

Trump Has Lost Hannity As Fox Host Privately Admits Whistleblower Allegations Are Really Bad

Trump has lost Sean Hannity, as the Fox News host and #1 Trump defender has told friends privately that the Ukraine whistleblower allegations are "really bad."

The Whistleblower Complaint Is Out And Shows Nothing There

The anonymous whistleblower complaint has been released to the public Thursday morning after select members of Congress reviewed the report Wednesday night.

Whistleblower alleges Trump sought foreign meddling in 2020 election

A whistleblower report released by a congressional panel on Thursday said President Donald Trump used his office to solicit Ukraine's interference in the 2020 election to advance his personal political interests, risking U.S. national security.

Trump Has Been Hiding Politically Damaging Phone Calls On National Security Server

Trump has been withholding phone calls with foreign leaders that contain politically damaging phone calls on a password protected national security server.

No, The OK Hand Sign Isn’t A Hate Symbol

The Anti-Defamation League has ruled that the OK hand sign is a hate symbol, and the claim is as absurd as it sounds.

Six new pieces of information in damning memo on Trump’s Ukraine call

In the memo, Trump asks Zelenskiy directly to investigate his political rival, Democratic challenger Joe Biden, Biden's son's business dealings, and a Ukraine prosecutor. The memo is more damning than anticipated, said Adam Schiff, the Democrat who heads the House Intelligence Committee. He called it a "mafia-like shakedown" of a foreign leader.

How The House Plans To Use Its ‘Inquiry’ To Instigate Impeachment

Democrats want to force the president into defying a court order upholding a House document request in order to justify a full-blown impeachment proceeding.

Study: No. 1 Topic For College Students’ Mandatory Summer Reading Is Racism

'The themes register most strongly the common reading genre’s continuing obsession with race, as well as its infantilization of its students, its middlebrow taste, and its progressive politics,' says the study of summer book assignments in 2018.

Carson King Doesn’t Need Our Forgiveness, But The Des Moines Register Owes Him An Apology

While researching internet sensation philanthropist Carson King for a profile in the Des Moines Register, writer Aaron Calvin unearthed unsavory tweets King authored when he was 16.

It’s High Time To Reassess The United States’ Relationship With Ukraine

Lost in all the partisan bickering is a more important issue: Washington’s overall relationship with Ukraine and whether that relationship really serves America’s best interests.

New York Times, Washington Post Front Pages Deceptively Slice Ukraine Call Transcript To Implicate Trump

The New York Times and the Washington Post sliced up the transcript of a call between President Trump and the Ukrainian president to fit a false media narrative.

It’s Not A Free Market When Consumers Are Addicts. That Goes For Big Vape, Too

Until recently, I was the White House public health policy advisor to President Trump, hearing Juul’s grandiose claims of being a global white-hat on a mission to save the world from Big Tobacco.

Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism

We're seeing sexualized dances, hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, all to promote a supposedly greater cause.

Trump Has Outlined The Republican Party’s Future By Underscoring Its Failures

There are many ways in which post-Trump conservatism could go wrong. But there is no way in which the anti-Trump remains of the old GOP can go right.

Why Women Love The Home But Not Being A Homemaker

While the return to the craft of domesticity can help a homemaker’s sense of fulfillment, ultimately the undervaluing motherhood is the more persistent issue.

Trump’s Tweets Are Far Less Crazy Than Today’s Democratic Party

Despite our new political reality, many conservative writers and commentators will still urge Donald Trump to just stop tweeting and let these things go.

Dems’ Transgender, Sexual Assault Policies Wage War On Both Sexes

Identity-fueled policies are showing up wherever Democrats are now in charge, and athletes and employees are getting sick of them.

Elizabeth Warren Doesn’t Know If Biden’s Corruption Would Violate Her Ethics Plan

Elizabeth Warren was unsure whether her new ethics proposal would prohibit her vice president’s son from serving on the board of a foreign company.

After Reading Complaint GOP Ben Sasse Warns His Party Not to Circle the Wagons to Protect Trump

Senator Ben Sasse, who has been critical of fellow Republican Trump, said there were "real troubling things here." "Republicans ought not just circle the wagons" to protect Trump, he said after leaving a secure room where senators read the complaint.

Rachel Maddow Masterfully Shreds Trump Attorney General William Barr

Rachel Maddow took apart Attorney General William Barr and shredded him for his role in the Ukraine scandal as Trump's get out of jail free card.

Giuliani Tossed Under The Bus As Trump Impeachment Purge Begins

The State Department is calling Rudy Giuliani's claim that they asked him to go on a "mission" to Ukraine false as Trump's lawyer is being tossed under the bus.

Trump Is Now Trying To Get Mike Pence Impeached

During a press conference, Trump said that if he is going to be investigated, Vice President Pence's phone calls with Ukraine should also be investigated.

Text: Justice Department issues White House summary of Trump-Ukraine call

The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday issued the following White House summary of a 30-minute July 25 phone conversation between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

House Democrats Now Have Enough Votes To Impeach Donald Trump

A majority of the House of Representatives now supports the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump for high crimes against his country.

Impeachment Is A Winning Strategy For Trump — Fundraising Dollars Show It

Democrats moved forward with impeachment proceedings against Trump, helping the RNC and Trump's reelection campaign net $1 million in fundraising Tuesday.

Russia Is 100% Confident that Senate Won’t Convict the Man ‘Whom We Elected’

Russia state TV not only directed Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden for loser Donald Trump, who can't win an election without cheating, but also bragged with 100% confidence that Senate Republican will never impeach the man "whom we elected."

Podcast: A Year Of Dying Gracefully

Publisher Ben Domenech reflects on a year of both loss and new beginnings on a special episode of The Federalist Radio Hour.

Even the Redacted Summary of Trump’s Ukraine Call Shows He Asked for Dirt on Biden

Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July telephone call to investigate whether former Vice President Joe Biden shut down an investigation into a company that employed his son, a summary of the call released by the Trump administration on Wednesday showed.

Bernie Says Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist. New Survey Finds Americans Heartily Disagree

A new study from the Cato Institute shows that 82 percent of Americans believe that people 'should be allowed to become billionaires.'

Exclusive: U.S. EPA granted full biofuel waivers to refineries despite Energy Dept advice – memo

The decision is likely to upset the powerful U.S. corn lobby, which has said the Trump administration’s move in August to grant 31 full exemptions to refineries - freeing them from their at-times costly obligation to use biofuels like corn-based ethanol - hurts farmers already suffering from the U.S. trade war with China.

DOJ: Bureaucrat’s Trump Complaint Was Neither Urgent Nor Needing Congressional Referral

The Department of Justice's criminal division reviewed a bureaucrat's complaint about President Donald Trump's phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and found it neither urgent nor requiring referral to congressional committees.

Trump Asked Ukraine President To Help With DOJ Probe Of 2016 Election Interference

In a July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Donald Trump asked the new leader to assist the United States in its ongoing investigation of foreign interference in the 2016 elections.

Ukrainian President Asked Trump To Dispatch Rudy Giuliani To Ukraine

A transcript of a phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president shows that Ukraine's leader was the first to suggest sending Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to help root out corruption.

New Poll: 64 Percent Of Democrats Now Support Socialism

The study conducted by the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute shows a dramatic shift towards socialism among Democrats since 2016.

Pelosi Tightens The Screws On GOP With Vote On Resolution Condemning Trump

The House will vote on Wednesday on a resolution to condemn Trump for his Ukraine scandal. The resolution will put even more heat on the GOP to defend Trump.

Virginia Judge Acquits Michael Flynn Business Partner, With Implications For Flynn’s Case

‘This was another case without a crime—brought by prosecutors who were willing to criminalize innocent behavior in furtherance of their own agenda,’ says Sidney Powell.

3 Sickening Truths About Aborted Fetus Trafficking We Learned From The Daleiden Hearings

In the last two weeks, details have emerged about Planned Parenthood's gruesome trafficking of whole fetuses with attached heads and beating baby hearts.

What’s Inside The Latest Documents From Michael Flynn’s Court Case

We now know more of the strands of SpyGate that Sidney Powell has weaved together since taking over as Michael Flynn’s defense attorney a few short months ago.

Nancy Pelosi Surrenders To The Twitter Mob

The mechanism for firing Donald Trump can be found in the ballot box. Leave the hair-trigger impeachments to the Twitter mob.

Why India Is The United States’ Best Bet For Balancing China

Conservatives should realize the value of a future British-Indian-American-Australian axis, the largest free-market group in the world, a highly educated research pool, and the strongest military axis to balance the rise of China.

The Impeachment Farce Is A Slap In The Face To American Voters

The only impeachable offense Donald Trump committed was being elected president. Democrats still can't accept it.

Impeachment Would Be Really Stupid, But Democrats Probably Will Do It Anyway

House Democrats’ most edge towards impeachment proceedings reveals that their fanatical hatred of President Trump, which has driven much of their agenda over the past two Read More

At The United Nations, Trump Enrages The Left By Calling For Patriotism

President Trump’s speech reiterated his familiar ‘America first’ theme, a strategy to bolster American influence by emphasizing American interests and reasserting national sovereignty.

Why Cities Are Becoming ‘Theme Parks Of Childless Affluence’

With many of America’s densest urban areas losing families with kids, we must ask how we got here and why, even in booming economic times, people are simply finding it too difficult to raise families in cities.

‘Downton Abbey’ Offers Neighborhood Happiness That Springsteen’s America Lacks

The comforts of Downton Abbey come at a cost, yet are we really all that happy out here under 'Western Stars,' in perpetual pursuit of our own solitary satisfactions?

New Poll Lands Tulsi Gabbard On October Debate Stage, Puts Warren Ahead In New Hampshire

A new poll has earned Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) a spot in the next debate and shows Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) now leading in New Hampshire.

Imperfect ‘Tall Girl’ Has Surprising Message For Young Women On The Importance Of Fathers

The film struggles, but Netflix's 'Tall Girl' takes a break from Hollywood's predictable message to remind young women we need our fathers.

Greta Thunberg Shoots Back At Trump’s Attempt to Cyber Bully Her

Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg shot back at on Tuesday at U.S. President Donald Trump's attempt to mock her on Twitter by changing her profile on the social media site to reflect Trump's taunting remark.

Pelosi Expected To Announce Formal Trump Impeachment Investigation

Buzz is growing around Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announcing a formal impeachment investigation into Donald Trump this afternoon.

John Lewis Rocks The House With A Powerful Call For Trump Impeachment

Civil rights icon, Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) powerfully called on the House to protect democracy by beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump.

The Russians Are Laughing At Trump For Needing Ukraine’s Help To Win

Russian State TV trolled Trump for needing to cheat to win elections, agreeing that Trump won 2016 thanks to Russia and now needs Ukraine to win 2020.

Opinion: Process is More Powerful Than a Magic Wand

The story of Ukraine proves that process is more powerful than a magic wand.  Indeed in the days since the first reporting about Donald Trump’s alleged attempt to extort dirt on Joe Biden from Ukraine in exchange for previously promised military aid, the momentum for impeachment has built unlike at any time during the Trump … Continue reading "Opinion: Process is More Powerful Than a Magic Wand"

House Democrats May Create A Select Committee To Handle Trump Impeachment

As the Ukraine scandal grows, House Democrats are considering a big aggressive step of creating a select committee on Trump impeachment.

Rudy Giuliani Admits That He Went On An Illegal State Department “Mission” To Extort Ukraine For Dirt On Biden

Rudy Giuliani went on Fox News and laid out how Trump illegally used his personal lawyer and the State Department in an effort to extort Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden.

Brexit crisis deepens as court rules Johnson unlawfully suspended UK parliament

The United Kingdom's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Prime Minister Boris Johnson's decision to shut down parliament in the run-up to Brexit was unlawful, a humiliating rebuke that thrusts Britain's exit from the European Union into deeper turmoil.

9 Revelations In The Atlantic’s Essay About NYC’s Kafkaesque Schools

George Packer’s extremely long Atlantic essay contains gems of leftist cognitive dissonance, some funny, some enraging, and some heartbreaking. Here’s a list.

When Men Kill Themselves Over Unproven Allegations, Me Too Has Gone Too Far

Me Too started with a hashtag, then morphed into a trend of public humiliation, trial by media, and personal boycotts that altered the standards by which a person is judged.

Grassley Blasts Media For ‘Rampant Speculation’ In Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Case

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) blasted the media Monday for its recent coverage of the hearsay accusation that President Donald Trump asked Ukraine leaders to investigate his Read More

Why Bernie Sanders’ Nationwide Rent Control Proposal Is Nuts

There are few principles in economics that receive near-universal consensus from economists, and the truth that 'rent control is bad' is one of them.

I’m Watching My Father Die

The pain of death is brutal. But it must never extinguish the absolute beauty of life.

Since Obamacare, Waiting Lists For Care For Disabled People Have Grown 40 Percent

Each of the Democrat candidates’ proposals would expand Washington’s role, and sabotage private insurance to move more and more Americans on to government-run health care.

5 Ways ‘Saturday Night Live’ Could Actually Appeal To Conservatives

If SNL thinks casting a midwestern comic in the image of Larry the Cable Guy is the way to reconnect with conservative America, they are in store for a ratings disappointment.

Jobs Are Everywhere. So Why Aren’t More Young People Working?

There is no better time to get into entry-level positions, especially outside major cities. But a lot of young adults don’t seem to realize how easy they have it right now.

While Twitter Locks Down Satire Like Titania McGrath, It Lets Lefties Promote Hate Scot-Free

As these prominent leftist figures used Twitter to promote violence, Twitter stood by and did nothing, while instead holding a harmless parody account by a known satirist to a different standard.

Critics Slam ‘Rambo: Last Blood’ For Making Sex Traffickers Look Bad

One could argue that the film creates sympathy for Mexicans who only wish to flee what are often hellish conditions in the more dangerous regions of their country.

My Down Syndrome Son Makes Our Family Full Of Joy

We are all seeking happiness in this life, and it is ironic that as a society we are killing those who display more happiness than others.

Seven Key National Security Dems Call Trump’s Ukraine Extortion Scheme An Impeachable Offense

The Washington Post op-ed is just the latest indication that House Democrats could be approaching a tipping point when it comes to impeachment. 

Ex-U.S. Attorney Says Government Officials Have Been Convicted For Doing Exactly What Trump Did

Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said on Monday that the Ukraine controversy is pretty clear-cut: Donald Trump broke the law.

Sen. Chris Murphy Shuts Down Trump’s Laughable Biden Conspiracy In Less Than 60 Seconds

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy didn't need much time to lay out just how ridiculous Donald Trump's claims about Joe Biden are.

Former Bush Ethics Official Calls For Immediate Impeachment Vote In The House

Richard Painter says it's time for Democrats in the House to hold an immediate impeachment vote, regardless of what the Senate GOP does.

Trump Calls Recession A Democratic Witch Hunt When Asked About Ukraine

Trump thinks that the warnings from economists that the nation could fall into a recession are a plot by Democrats to get him.

Elizabeth Warren’s Lemonade Stand Purchase Was Donated To March For Life

Elizabeth Warren purchased $10 worth of a lemonade from two 11-year-old girls. The girls then donated the money from her purchase to March for Life.

Trump Humiliates Himself At UN By Whining About Obama’s Nobel Prize

Trump is using his time at the UN to whine that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize and he has not.

The Unbearable Whiteness Of Climate Protest

On climate change, young white progressives have finally found a grievance where they can be the victim, not just the ally.

Editorial: Emboldened Trump Is Now Openly Colluding with a Foreign Country to Cheat in 2020

There is too much at stake for the public to be clinging to impeachment unicorns. It's clear that impeachment will do nothing to Donald Trump. Sure, it should still happen because it's the right legal process, but it won't save this country.

The Best Episode Of ‘Friends’ From Every Season

"Friends" premiered 25 years ago this week, which means the internet is consumed in reminiscing over the $425 million show that keeps us trapped in a perpetual state of nostalgia.

Gun Policy Is Being Decided By Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr.

Trump has no plan on guns, because two of his kids, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., are fighting about what the policy should be to combat gun violence.

Bill de Blasio Drops Out Of 2020 Race To Return To NYC — Where He Does Absolutely Nothing

Now that de Blasio is no longer running for president, the mayor will have more time to hide in the city’s Gracie Mansion and log more seven-hour work months rather than face the serious problems that have plagued the city for years.

Trump says he discussed Biden in call with Ukrainian president

Trump says he discussed Biden in call with Ukrainian president By Nandita Bose and Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he discussed Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden and his son in a call with Ukraine’s president. Trump’s statement to reporters about his July 25 call with Ukrainian President … Continue reading "Trump says he discussed Biden in call with Ukrainian president"

How Politics Has Infiltrated The World Of Fine Arts

Art Critic William Newton joins Ben Domenech on this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the influence of social media and politics on the direction of art museums.

Climate activists block traffic in D.C.

Activists seeking to pressure U.S. politicians to fight climate change blocked major traffic hubs in the U.S. capital on Monday, drawing attention to a U.N. Climate Summit that will be attended by leaders from about 60 countries.

It’s Time For Trump To Update His Supreme Court Short List

It would be both smart politics and good governance to update the list of SCOTUS contenders. When a vacancy emerges, whether before or after the election, who will be considered?

LGBT Activists Drag Ben Carson For His Concern About Trans Men In Women’s Shelters

Democrats' attacks on Ben Carson for daring to even question if men who feel like women should be in women's shelters are misplaced and dangerous.

Is Hysteria Over Whistleblower A Distraction From Biden’s Ukraine Policy?

Much of the discussion of the whistblower complaint has been centered on amplifying and condemning Trump’s behavior without much mention of what Joe Biden’s son was doing in Ukraine. That's likely on purpose.

Taylor Swift Is Losing Her Mystery

It's better to know less than to know that Taylor Swift, a woman who rocketed from Middle America to superstardom, is basically as interesting as the liberal arts grad next to you in line at the Williamsburg Whole Foods.

Exclusive: Who Shredded Buttigieg’s Campaign Records, And Why?

Records were available for Pete Buttigieg’s predecessor, but not for Buttigieg in 2011. Does it have anything to do with South Bend’s abortionist or black police chief scandals?

Why Barr’s Expanded Background Checks Would Pave The Way For Gun Grabs

There are no two ways about it. As long as there is a background check system for gun purchases, Democrats will try to transform it into a firearm registry they can use to confiscate guns.

Here’s Where Canada’s Upcoming Election Stands After Trudeau’s Blackface Scandal

Canada’s Conservatives are gaining in the wake of Trudeau’s humiliating blackface scandal, yet with less than one month to go, the race remains too close to call.

How Hard Are Democrats Trying To Lose In 2020?

Their cockiness can be seen in the degree to which Democrats act as if they have stopped caring about persuading swing voters.

Hostless 71st Emmys Crown ‘Fleabag,’ ‘Game Of Thrones’

'Fleabag' was the story of the night, taking home the award for Outstanding Comedy Series over stiff competition from 'Veep' and 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.'

The Latest ‘Rambo’ Is Simplified, Pro-Trump Storytelling In An Age Of Prestige TV

‘Rambo: Last Blood’ is Sylvester Stallone’s Donald Trump movie, all about the need to defend the border from the terrifying criminals who rule over fearful citizens in Mexico.

Why Bill Burr’s Jokes Targeting Feminism Are Pro-Woman

Like Dave Chappelle in ‘Sticks & Stones,’ Bill Burr leans hard into an outright attack against those who have called to have him ‘cancelled.’

Will Single-Payer Health Care Help Ruin The Planet?

The left’s general position on population growth’s effect on the climate makes one wonder why Bernie Sanders and his single-payer supporters want to facilitate additional births.

Jake Tapper Shows Why Trump’s Ukraine Attack On Biden Will Backfire

Steve Mnuchin tried to defend Trump Ukraine attack on Biden only to have CNN's Jake Tapper blows holes in Trump plan by pointing out that Trump and his kids do the same thing.

Democrats To Pursue Law Change So Trump Can Be Indicted In Office

Rep. Kathrine Clark (D-MA) said that House Democrats are going to pursue changing the law so that a sitting president can be indicted while in office.

Trump Admits Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint Is True, But Top Senate Republican Refuses To Believe It

The number two Republican in the Senate, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) refused to believe the whistleblower complaint, even after Trump admitted that he talked to Ukraine about Biden.

India Prime Minister Gets Bigger Applause Than Trump At Texas Rally

At the "Howdy Modi" rally in Houston, Prime Minister Modi of India got bigger applause than Donald Trump from a Republican crowd in Texas.

Adam Schiff Drops A Bomb On Trump: There Is No Privilege That Covers Corruption

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) blew up Trump claims that his phone call with Ukraine's president is privileged and can't be released.''

Disheveled And Manic Trump Admits He Tried To Get Ukraine To “Investigate” Biden

A disheveled looking and manic sounding Trump admitted that he tried to get Ukraine to "investigate" former vice president Joe Biden.

Trump Loses It When Reporter Asks Why He Was Talking About Biden on Ukraine Call

During a Sunday morning gaggle with reporters, Donald Trump lost it when he was asked why he was talking about Biden in a call with Ukraine's president.

Joe Biden urges investigation into Trump Ukraine call

Joe Biden, a frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, called for an investigation into reports that President Donald Trump pressed his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate Biden and his son.

New Poll Shows Elizabeth Warren Leading In Iowa For The First Time

A new poll released Saturday reveals Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for the first time leading the Democratic field of 2020 hopefuls in the critical caucus state of Iowa.

How a People-Centered Economic Policy Can Prevent the Next Recession

As talk of a looming recession increases in volume, looking back to the Great Recession in 2008 to assess the effectiveness of how we as a nation responded to it seems like a good idea. It’s always healthy to learn from one’s mistakes and process the past, right? And there were mistakes. The government approved … Continue reading "How a People-Centered Economic Policy Can Prevent the Next Recession"

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Warns Trump That Things About To Get Worse For Him

The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), is warning Trump that things will only get worse if he continues his whistleblower cover-up.

Trump Is Compromised And Is Now Owned By The President Of Ukraine

Frank Figliuzzi said on MSNBC that Trump is now owned by the president of Ukraine who can reveal at any time what laws Trump broke.

Opinion: For Trump, States’ Rights are OK for Racism and Sexism, but not Saving the Planet

Last Thursday the Trump administration announced its intention to revoke California’s right to set its own auto emissions standards. The state’s special authority to set its own standards, stricter than federal regulations, dates back to the 1960s when California was battling particularly severe air pollution. Since then, however, California has been influential in encouraging other … Continue reading "Opinion: For Trump, States’ Rights are OK for Racism and Sexism, but not Saving the Planet"

Trump Shows His Guilt In Saturday “Ukraine Witchhunt” Meltdown

Trump took to Twitter to have himself a Saturday morning meltdown by accusing the media of engaging in a "Ukraine witchhunt" against him/

Joe Biden Goes Off: Trump Is Extorting Ukraine ‘Because He Knows I’ll Beat Him Like A Drum’

Biden also told the media to keep its eye on the ball and not get sucked into Trump's conspiracy theories, which have already been debunked.

Joy Reid To Dems: If Trump Bribing Foreign Countries For 2020 Dirt Isn’t Impeachable, What Is?

Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who have been reluctant to go there with impeachment will have to think long and hard about what steps to take next.

Trump’s Ukraine Extortion Scheme Could Bring Down Mike Pence

The repercussions of this scheme could be much worse not only because it involves something Trump in office, but because it could implicate the VP, too.

Trump Calls It ‘Perfectly Fine’ To Extort A Foreign Country Into Investigating Joe Biden

Emboldened by congressional inaction and fearful of Joe Biden's candidacy, Donald Trump is committing more crimes to win another presidential election.

Corporate Media Edit Trump To Make Him Sound Less Stupid

There is a great enabling happening in the United States, and it has been going on for years. Many of the nation's largest media outlets are cleaning up Trump's words to make him sound less incoherent and stupid.

Cory Booker May Drop Out Of Presidential Race If He Doesn’t Raise $1.7 Million In 10 Days

The presidential campaign of Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) says that without a major cash infusion before the end of the month, they don't have a viable path forward in the Democratic primary.

‘Save our planet!’: Young activists lead global protests over climate change

‘Save our planet!’: Young activists lead global protests over climate change By Gabriella Borter, Fabrizio Bensch and Patpicha Tanakasempipat (Reuters) – From the Solomon Islands to New York’s Wall Street, millions of students and workers abandoned schools and offices on Friday to demand urgent action to stop global warming, joining a worldwide strike inspired by … Continue reading "‘Save our planet!’: Young activists lead global protests over climate change"

Pelosi Says Trump Has Stepped Into A Dangerous Minefield With Whistleblower Complaint

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi warned Trump that he has stepped into a dangerous minefield by keeping the whistleblower complaint from Congress.

Top House GOPer’s Attack On Whistleblower Backfires Into Trump Criticism

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the top Republican in the House was trying to attack the whistleblower that has come forward but ended up criticizing Trump.

Whistleblower Triggers A Bribery Bomb Heading Straight For Trump

Whistleblower Gate just blew up right into Trump's soft spot: Bribery. A president cannot bribe or accept bribes. He cannot order others to do so on his behalf. Yes, that's right. In addition to the constitutional standard that lists bribery as a cause for impeachment, President Trump’s Ukraine whistleblower problem just got a lot worse.

Trump Falls Apart And Admits Pressuring Ukraine To Investigate Biden

On Friday at the White House, Trump never denied trying to pressure Ukraine into investigating former vice president Joe Biden.

GOP Hypocrites Go Silent As Trump’s Trade War Bailout Costs Twice As Much As Obama Auto Bailout

The Trump farmer bailout is now twice as big as the Obama auto bailout and the same Republicans who criticized Obama are saying nothing to Trump.

A.G. Barr Accused of Covering Up Whistleblower Complaint about Trump

"Mr. Barr and the Department of Justice's job in their mind is to protect the president," he told reporters. "And it doesn't matter if that violates the laws."

NRA Grip On Gun Debate Is Slipping Away As Major Gunmaker Stops Production Of AR-15 Rifles

Being on the right side of this issue is good business – and the National Rifle Association is gradually losing its grip on the gun debate.

New York City Mayor de Blasio ends 2020 presidential bid

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday said during an MSNBC television appearance that he was dropping out of the 2020 presidential campaign.

The Russian Spy Who Wasn’t? Defamation Case Accuses U.S., U.K. Intelligence Of Using Michael Flynn For Spygate Hoax

Svetlana Lokhova pieced together an apparent coordinated effort that connected U.S. and British intelligence, and media outlets to paint her as a Russian spy and take down Flynn — creating a scandal for President Trump.

Democrats Plot A Coup Against Kavanaugh

From the internet fever swamps of the left-wing commentariat, plans have emerged to remove Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court by any means necessary.

Hearings Expose How Kamala Harris Used Prosecutorial Power To Benefit Abortion Businesses That Support Her Campaigns

'The attorney general had no evidence whatsoever that these were private conversations that nobody could overhear,' said citizen journalist David Daleiden.

New Hillsdale Graduate School To Challenge Washington DC’s Love Of Bureaucracy

In a sea of master’s programs devoted to the upkeep of the status quo, Hillsdale hopes to cultivate a community of political thinkers whose ingenuity is only deepened by a profound understanding of America’s Founding.

It Won’t Be Academics Like This Who Reclaim ‘American Excellence’ From Bad Ideas

The new book by former Yale Law School Dean Anthony Kronman, 'The Assault on American Excellence,' bizarrely avoids placing the blame where it squarely belongs—our morally bankrupt educational systems.

Brad Pitt Star Power Saves Self-Sabotaging ‘Ad Astra’

'Ad Astra' is essentially Brad Pitt's one-man show. And he shines.

Do Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Preview A Democratic Populist Crack-Up?

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren’s strength may tell us less about the ideological struggle in the Democratic Party than about the rise of left-wing populism and the potential damage it may do.

Here’s How Boris Johnson Gets The Brexit Deal The U.K. Really Needs

Although British Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems to be in an impossible position, there is a way to accomplish Brexit and to force — and win — an election.

What Media And Politicians Still Don’t Get About Appalachia

Acknowledging that Appalachia is not altogether unenlightened might mean finding real solutions to real problems due in no small part to the systematic failure of political institutions.

The ‘Downton Abbey’ Movie Is Great Because It Was Created For Fans

The 'Downton Abbey' movie was not really a film, but a two-hour episode on the silver screen. Fans of the beloved series will be enchanted.

As She Sinks In Polls, Kamala Harris Is Betting Everything On ‘F—ing Moving To Iowa’

Kamala Harris is in need of a rebound, and the 2020 Democratic White House hopeful has staked her bets on Iowa in her campaign reboot.

Rachel Maddow Says Trump Wants To Give Military Aid To Ukraine In Exchange For Dirt On Joe Biden

That type of arrangement – particularly if Trump spoke about it over the phone with the Ukrainian president – would be enough to set off alarm bells.

Fox News Poll Shows America Is ‘Exhausted’ And Wants Trump Gone

Donald Trump hasn't even been in the White House for three years, but a new poll shows that America is already tired of his presidency.

Trump Is Too Stupid To Know When He’s Giving Away Classified Information

Anybody who's been paying attention for the past three years knows Trump is dumb enough to say something inappropriate to a foreign leader.

Adam Schiff Closes In On Trump By Releasing IG Letters On Whistleblower

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff has released the letters from the Intelligence Community IG related to the whistleblower complaint against Trump.

Trump Is The First President To Have A Whistleblower Complaint Filed Against Him

Trump has made more of the wrong kind of history by becoming the first president ever to have a whistleblower complaint filed against him.

Mitch McConnell Shamed Into Pretending To Care About Election Security

After 46 Senate Republicans voted against $250 million in funding for election security in 2018, Senate Republicans have finally been shamed into making a vague gesture of care for US elections by agreeing to add just $250 million to the Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Appropriations bill Thursday morning.

Wearing Makeup For A Costume Isn’t Racist

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the latest liberal politician to be swept up in a blackface controversy, but prohibitions on makeup for costumes in almost every case do more to divide us than to bring us together.

While Trump Tweets, Nancy Pelosi Unveils Proposal to Lower Drug Prices

Nancy Pelosi released proposed legislation on Thursday that would allow the federal government to negotiate the prices of hundreds of prescription drugs for Medicare healthcare beneficiaries as well as other consumers.

Buttigieg Hopes Discovery Of 2,246 Aborted Fetal Remains ‘Doesn’t Get Caught Up In Politics’

It is hard for Pete Buttigieg to spin thousands of preserved dead baby body parts as 'women’s health care' when your his is swarming with state and federal officials investigating how the fetal remains got there.

Censure Vote Against Kyrsten Sinema Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Democrats' very public reprimand of Sinema is not about addressing dissatisfaction among the electorate. It’s about shaming someone for not prioritizing uniformity over the interests of voters.

I Was Wrong: Sometimes It’s Necessary To Remove Ectopic Babies To Save Their Mother’s Life

In my rush to defend the preborn, I fell headlong into confirmation bias. I saw what I wanted to see: that no heartbreaking compromises really have to be made.

What St. Louis Is Doing To Meet Deep City Needs Through Families

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul organized a Saturday-morning summit on the decline of the American family in St. Louis last weekend. It provided an open discussion and practical ideas.

New Board Members Prove Women’s March Antisemitism Is A Feature, Not A Bug

The departures of Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, and Bob Bland are much better explained by the ‘infighting and financial mismanagement’ than antisemitism.

The Entire News Media Is Biased. They Should Just Embrace It

Let’s dispense with the fiction that the media is objective and impartial, and admit that we’ve returned to the historical norm of biased news.

What’s Happening Inside The Fight To Break Up Big Tech

Liberals and conservatives have united in a crusade against big tech, but disagree on both the problems and solutions to what's wrong with Silicon Valley.

13 Real-Life, Character Driven Films To Check Out In Theaters This Fall

For anyone interested in Hollywood producing movies beyond big-budget franchises and sequels, here are 13 under-the-radar films to check out this fall.

If Vaping Is Banned, Millions Of Americans Will Needlessly Die

The media is trumping up a fake national health crisis, but the only thing vaping poses an existential threat to the tobacco industry’s business model.

Go Away, Whiny Feminists, Saying ‘You Guys’ Is Not A Real Problem

If the real goal is to reprogram thinking, filling hearts with fear about uttering any third-person pronoun is a good place to start.

Why Letting Children Vote Makes Sense To Liberals

Giving children the vote will not protect children’s interests or benefit the nation. These ends can only be accomplished if adults limit their individual autonomy in service to the common good.

In Latest Push To Curb Spending, Joni Ernst Proposes New Bill Targeting Waste In The Pentagon

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced legislation last week that seeks to cut waste at the Pentagon by streamlining department storage facilities. The bill, “Defense Storage and Read More

In Biggest Speech Of Her Campaign, Elizabeth Warren Promises To Ban Things She Did

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) rolled out the latest plan of her presidential campaign Monday with a proposal to weed out corruption in Washington once and for Read More

Former CIA Analyst Says Whistleblower May Have Info That Trump Betrayed America

Former CIA analyst Ned Price put forth the theory that the DNI whistleblower may have information about Donald Trump betraying the United States of America.

Adam Schiff Nailed It: Trump Made A Promise To A Foreign Leader That Triggered Whistleblower

The DNI whistleblower complaint that the White House has been trying to hide from Congress was exposed as Donald Trump making a promise to a foreign leader.

Photo: Justin Trudeau Caught Wearing Blackface At ‘Arabian Nights’-Themed Gala

A new picture released by Time shows Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing blackface makeup to an 'Arabian Nights'-themed gala. 

Nancy Pelosi Says Corey Lewandowski Deserves To Be Held In Contempt

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told colleagues that Corey Lewandowski deserves to be held in contempt of Congress due to his performance in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump Breaks The Law Every Time Taxpayer Money Is Spent At One Of His Properties

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) explained that Trump is not allowed to take any money from the taxpayers beyond his salary, which means that every time taxpayers spend money at one of his properties, Trump is breaking the law.

NYT Reporters Falsely Claimed They Immediately Corrected Kavanaugh Smear

There are three problems with Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly's claims about correcting a smear against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a New York Times article Saturday.

Andrew Yang Has More Support Than Kamala Harris In Her Home State, New Poll Reveals

A new Emerson poll shows entrepreneur Andrew Yang polling ahead of Kamala Harris in California, Harris' home state.

Sandy Hook shooting victims group airs chilling anti-school gun violence ad

Sandy Hook Promise, released a chilling public awareness advertisement for its violence prevention campaign on Wednesday.

‘Justice On Trial’ Tops New Anti-Kavanaugh Book In Amazon Sales

The day of the NYT Times Reporters' book was released, "Justice On Trial" ranks No. 168 on Amazon while "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation" trailed behind at No. 188.

Regular MSNBC Guest Fantasizes About Driving Car Into Trump Building

Elie Mystal, an MSNBC regular who once called for a majority of white people in America to be destroyed on air, tweeted Wednesday that he regularly fantasizes about ramming his car into the lobby of a Trump Organization luxury apartment complex in a New York City suburb.

Robert O’Brien Named NSA A Day After Sucking Up To Trump

Trump picked his new National Security Adviser (NSA) one day after Robert O'Brien lavishly praised the president to the media.

New Iowa Poll Finds Warren Surging, Sanders Fading, and Biden Leading

A new Iowa poll shows Joe Biden with a narrow two-point lead over Elizabeth Warren as Pete Buttigieg has taken over third and Bernie Sanders is in fourth.

Netanyahu left teetering on the brink of defeat after close Israel election

By Jeffrey Heller JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel’s election was too close to call on Wednesday, with a partial vote tally showing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tied with his main rival, former military chief Benny Gantz. An official result was still hours, perhaps days off. But with more than 63 percent of votes counted, the Netanyahu-led … Continue reading "Netanyahu left teetering on the brink of defeat after close Israel election"

The U.S. Doesn’t Need An Afghanistan Deal. We Just Need To Leave

The United States’ top priority should be leaving Afghanistan, not securing a deal that would mostly be a public relations win.

2,246 Fetal Remains Found At Abortionist’s Home Should Be The Catalyst To End Abortion

We can’t breathe life back into the 2,246 fetal remains just discovered at abortionist Ulrich George Klopfer’s Illinois home. But we can demand justice for them.

7 Things I’ve Learned Since My Child Identified As Transgender

After my 13-year-old daughter started describing herself as transgender, her public school transformed into our enemy. It treats parents as unenlightened, backwards, and possibly dangerous.

The Cancellation Of Shane Gillis Was A Missed Opportunity For Nuance

It's when a situation demands more nuance, as Shane Gillis's does, that we discover how ill-suited our reflexive solutions are to addressing these problems.

Why There’s No Difference Between Beto’s And Other Democrats’ Gun Bans

All top 10 Democrat presidential candidates advocate banning the most popular rifles and ammunition magazines in America. Five don’t want to wait for their current owners to die.

Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan—For Avoiding Your Health Care Questions

Telling people they will lose their coverage, and figuring out how to pay for this $30 trillion-plus system? Elizabeth Warren doesn’t want to bother answering questions about those minor details.

What Happened When I Ran For My Life During An Active Shooter Call To Police

You know something’s terribly wrong when you go to a horror movie at the theater, and the terror of your real-life experience infinitely surpasses any of the frightening imagery on screen.

The 1917 Project: ‘Founded On Slavery’ Looks Like Communist Russia

If America was created for capitalism and liberty, the USSR’s founding idea was state control, of which slavery—or serfdom, as it is known in Russian context—was the inevitable result.

High-Tech Medicine Gets The Headlines, But Low-Tech Also Saves Lives

Many innovative, low-tech approaches to medicine help patients and help reduce the frequency of hospitalizations and, therefore, health care costs.

Public Schools Revive Racial Segregation In The Name Of ‘Diversity’

Public school districts across the nation, from Washington to Virginia, are assigning children to schools based on race and family income.

Another Day, Another Shooting. Boring!

You didn’t read about it? Probably not. That’s because it happened in Chicago.

Revisiting ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’—Ep. 13: ‘The Storyteller’

Sisko attempts to resolve a land dispute between two rival Bajoran factions while O'Brien tries to prevent the destruction of a Bajoran village.

Rachel Maddow Busts Corey Lewandowski As A Criminal And Crushes His Hopes Of A Senate Seat

Rachel Maddow said that former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski revealed himself to be a criminal liar during his House testimony.

Trump Has Added More Lobbyists To His Cabinet In 3 Years Than Barack Obama Did In 2 Terms

Trump's promise to rid Washington of corruption and special interest influence was just one of the many lies he told his supporters to get elected.

Ex-GOP Rep Says Corey Lewandowski Just Gave Dems The First Article Of Impeachment Against Trump

Not only are Dems on the verge of holding Lewandowski in contempt, but he gave the committee fresh ammunition in their ongoing impeachment investigation.

5 Times The Squad Embraced Disgraced Women’s March Antisemites

The Women's March has denounced and fired antisemites in their leadership. Will the Squad, who praised them, denounce them too?

Indiana Attorney General Confirms Forthcoming Investigation Into Abortionist’s 2,000 Baby Remains

While sorting the late abortionist's property, his family discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains. State and federal investigations are forthcoming.

GOP Are Dropping Like Flies As 13th House Republican Retires And Flees Trump

Rep. Paul Cook (R-CA) became the latest House Republican to retire and not run for reelection even though he was in a district that went solidly for Trump in 2016.

This is Why Trump Is Desperate to Stop Lewandowski from Testifying

The Mueller report revealed Lewandowski knew what he was doing was wrong regarding helping Trump obstruct justice.‬

Rep. Ted Lieu Destroys Trump’s Illegal Effort To Block Corey Lewandowski’s Testimony

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said that Trump was engaging in unprecedented obstruction of Congress with his move to limit the testimony of Corey Lewandowski.

Times Reporters Also Omitted Key Kavanaugh Detail In NPR Interview

It's not that the reporters mentioned the most important fact and it was edited out by NPR. Pogrebin and Kelly have a pattern of omitting this detail, and other key details.

Post-Debate Poll Shows Biden, Warren Clear Winners Of Third Primary Debate

Pundits treat every debate as a make-or-make moment, but the polling shows that the Democratic primary race is remarkably stable.

2020 Democrats’ Demand For Kavanaugh Impeachment Will Kill Them In Swing States

Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation smearing 'brought people back to the Republican Party,' and it appears Democrats want to rev that engine again.

Majority-Woman City Council In Texas Votes To Create Second ‘Sanctuary City For The Unborn’

Last Monday night, the City of Omaha, Texas, unanimously passed an ordinance outlawing abortion within city limits, making Omaha the second city in the nation to do so

Dictator Robert Mugabe Is What Happens When A Country Falls For Charismatic Socialist

Mugabe wasn't the only charismatic socialist who ruined a country and the lives of millions. Socialism has failed everywhere and every time.

Waiting In Juarez: How Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program Could Ruin The Smugglers’ Trade

The ‘Remain in Mexico’ program is prompting thousands of migrants to give up on their asylum claims and return to Central America, while others decide to wait in limbo.

In New Netflix Doc On White Privilege, Chelsea Handler Shocked The Wokesters Hate Her

When they actually confront the trend-setters of the left, Chelsea and others find they don’t always receive the hero's welcome they feel entitled to.

Fetus-Collecting Abortionist Connected To Unlicensed Abortion Facility In Buttigieg’s Town

Abortion apologists are now distancing themselves from abortionist George Klopfer, who was recently found to have kept the remains of more than 2,000 babies. But they weren’t before.

Don’t Dismiss Trump’s U.S.-Israel Pact Tweet As A ‘Political Stunt’

Given the complexity and intensity of the existing U.S.-Israel alliance, it seems unlikely that a pact of this nature would alter the dynamic tremendously. It may, however, alter the behavior of Israel’s neighbors.

Is Joe Biden The Normal Guy Answer To The Politics Of Perpetual Emergency?

Americans of all political stripes believe we live in a political emergency. Emergencies are exciting, but often don't lead to very good long-term decision making.

When The European Union Becomes An Empire, Its Clash With The United States Is Inevitable

'The world of tomorrow is a world of empires, in which we Europeans and you British can only defend your interests, your way of life, by doing it together in a European framework and a European Union,' says a key EU leader.

Why Plastic Straws Are Actually Better For The Planet Than Paper Straws

Do not be convinced you are saving the planet by drinking out of a terrible straw. Plastic straws are simply not killing the planet, and science just can’t stop proving it.

Mollie Hemingway: New York Times’ Kavanaugh Story Is Journalistic Malpractice

Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino discuss why it is unacceptable for The New York Times to publish allegations that the alleged victim doesn't recall.

Rep. Ilhan Omar: ‘God Expects Us To Do The Righteous Work’ In Politics

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) spoke about her faith affecting her politics. Yet conservatives are mocked by the media for doing the same thing.

Rachel Maddow Says Trump’s Sham FBI Investigation Is The Reason Kavanaugh Is On The Court

Republicans in the Senate didn't rush to confirm Kavanaugh because they thought he was innocent of the charges. Quite the contrary, in fact.

Over 20,000 Turn Out For Elizabeth Warren’s Anti-Corruption Rally 3 Miles From Trump Tower

During a speech at a rally in New York on Monday, a massive crowd turned out to hear Warren tear into the unprecedented corruption of the Trump era.

Nancy Pelosi And Chuck Schumer Back Trump Into A Corner On Guns With One Genius Move

With one move, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer tied Donald Trump's hands by giving him an offer he would be insane to turn down.

Trump Freaks Out And Calls For Mass Resignations At The NY Times Over Kavanaugh Allegations

Trump called for mass resignations at The Times for reporting on the Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations and the Trump-Russia campaign collusion in 2016.

Trump Demands Congress Investigate Obama For Netflix Documentary

Trump tried to distract from the impeachment investigation that is encircling him by demanding that Congress investigate Obama for his deal with Netflix.

The Smearing Of Brett Kavanaugh Is An Attack On The Supreme Court

Democrats, who have no interest in living with the constraints of the Constitution, see little downside in destroying trust in the Supreme Court.

Democrats Move To Take Away Trump’s Power To Start A War With Iran

Led by Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) a group of Senators is pushing to add an amendment to the NDAA that would take away Trump's power to start a war with Iran.

Union Bursts Into Laughter After Trump Suggested As Mediator Of GM Strike

A UAW spokesman laughed when asked if he thought Donald Trump would be a good mediator for the General Motors auto workers strike.

2020 Democrats Push For Kavanaugh Impeachment Following New Unsubstantiated Allegations

Nearly every major 2020 Democratic candidate has called on the Supreme Court’s newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh, to be impeached this week after the New York Times reported on fresh claims of previously unreported conduct, without any evidence to support the new allegations.

The FBI Helped Republicans Hide and Lie about Kavanaugh’s Sexual Assaults

The FBI only interviewed nine of the ten witnesses they were allowed, and they didn’t bother with witnesses who confirmed other accusations against Kavanaugh. The FBI also didn’t use the entire week.

Yes, Democrats Want To Take Your Guns, Beto O’Rourke Is Just Desperate Enough To Say So

Democrats are objecting to Beto O'Rourke's plan to confiscate guns because it's politically inconvenient, not because they don't agree with it.

GM, UAW restart talks as workers take to picket lines

Negotiators for General Motors Co and the United Auto Workers are scheduled to restart bargaining Monday to resolve a strike that shut down the automaker's highly profitable U.S. operations.

Lindsey Graham, Start Fighting For Justice For Brett Kavanaugh

Yes, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. But that isn’t justice. Justice requires consequences for those who tarnished the man and lied to Senate Judiciary investigators and committee members.

Elizabeth Warren May Have Plans, But She Does Not Want to Discuss Them On Television

Time and again, the candidate who supposedly has all the plans chose to avoid or misrepresent them. If Elizabeth Warren becomes the nominee, she will find she has painted herself into a corner.

Ilhan Omar Doubles-Down On Anti-Israel BDS In ‘Face The Nation’ Interview

Rep. Omar attempted to address her history of controversial comments, but the congresswoman’s responses did little to mitigate concerns her critics have raised.

Eighth Circuit Rules Gay Couples Can’t Force Christians To Work Their Ceremonies

Minnesota can’t coerce Carl and Angel Larsen into betraying their convictions and promoting ideas or telling stories they find objectionable, the Eighth Circuit ruled.

How Oregon Built A Transgender Medical-Industrial Complex On Junk Science

Oregon now allows adverse gender surgery outcomes to go largely untracked, restricts health workers’ right to advise patients about the risks, and strips custody from parents who object to transgender experimentation on their children.

Conservatives Should Use The Left’s Playbook To Change Corporate Culture

Far-left activists use corporate pressure as a means to achieve change because they understand one concept very well: You don’t need to change a law to change the culture.

Trump’s Next National Security Adviser Should Focus On Ending The Afghanistan War

The Afghanistan War was never supposed to be an endless imperial policing mission. At a time of resurgent great power rivalry, President Trump deserves to have an NSA who is a foreign policy realist.

It Doesn’t Matter Whether A ‘Gay Gene’ Exists. What Matters Is Freedom To Choose

In the end, it really doesn't matter if some gene creates instinctual desire toward same-sex sexual behavior or if it is found not to be influential at all. What matters is personal liberty.

Why Beto O’ Rourke’s Embrace Of The 1619 Project Is Dangerous

The 1619 Project is dangerous enough as an intellectual exercise, but that danger increases exponentially once put in the hands of a radical politician who could one day be president.

‘Downton Abbey’ Delivers A Tidy End, But That’s About It

Although the plot is just about pointless, it does well as a means to tie up the stories of these beloved characters in a tidy ending to a complicated tale.

Andrew Yang Refuses To Join Cancel Culture On SNL Cast Member’s Jokes

SNL hired a new cast member who used racial slurs, and 2020 Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang used his platform to call for a less punitive, less offended country.

Why Single Payer Advocates Demonize Opponents Of Government-Run Health Care

Calling anyone opposed to single payer a 'corporate shill' patronizes and insults the American people—the same people whose support they need.

New York Times Admits Alleged ‘Victim’ Of Kavanaugh Incident Has No Recollection Of It

In a correction, The New York Times admitted the premise of its much-hyped story about an alleged incident with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was false.

New Book: Christine Blasey Ford’s Friend Leland Keyser Doesn’t Believe Her

"It just didn't make any sense," lifelong friend Leland Keyser told New York Times reporters about Ford's allegations, adding "I don't have any confidence in the story."

Sen. Mazie. Hirono Calls For The Immediate Impeachment Of Brett Kavanaugh

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is calling on House Democrats to immediately take up impeachment proceedings against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Adam Schiff Tightens The Noose On Trump Over DNI Whistleblower

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) laid out why he suspects Trump or top-level officials will not provide the DNI whistleblower to Congress.

Alleged Victim In New York Times Kavanaugh Story Denies Any Recollection Of Incident

New York Times airs a claim from a Democrat attorney, failing to note the alleged victim denies memory of the incident.

Amy Klobuchar Calls For White House And DOJ Documents To Be Turned Over For Potential Kavanaugh Impeachment

Democratic presidential candidate, and Senate Judiciary Committee member, Sen. Amy Klobuchar called for all Kavanaugh documents to be turned over for an impeachment investigation into Trump's Supreme Court Justice.

Brett Kavanaugh’s Sexual Assault Lies Are So Much More Than Just Another Trump Scandal

This might seem like just another Trump scandal, another horrible person he’s put into power, but it’s so much more than that.

Kellyanne Conway Claims That It Is Unconstitutional To Impeach Trump

Kellyanne Conway made up an imaginary US Constitution where it is unconstitutional to impeach Donald Trump.

Trump Demands DOJ Save Lying and Sexually Assaulting Brett Kavanaugh

Trump responded to an investigation that revealed Brett Kavanaugh lied about sexually assaulting women by demanding that the DOJ sue people for his Supreme Court nominee.

Bombshell Investigation Finds Brett Kavanaugh Lied About Sexual Assaults

The New York Times did a longer investigation than the FBI and found that Brett Kavanaugh lied about sexually assaulting women in college.

Debate makes Clear: Public Education, the Public Good itself, Hangs in the Balance in 2020

When asked about his approach to education in last Thursday’s Democratic primary debate, Pete Buttigieg’s response boiled down the difference between his approach and Donald Trump’s to its most  basic element.  “Step one,” he said, would be to “appoint a secretary of education who actually believes in public education.” Buttigieg’s pithy statement put sharply into … Continue reading "Debate makes Clear: Public Education, the Public Good itself, Hangs in the Balance in 2020"

Adam Schiff Busts Trump For A Whistleblower Who Has Evidence Of Crimes

House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) subpoenaed the acting DNI to turn over a whistleblower complaint that the Trump administration has been hiding from Congress.

After Trump Claimed He Brought Coal Back, 2 Of The Biggest US Mines Shutdown

Trump claims that he has brought coal back, but reality bit the president again as two of the biggest mines in the US have shutdown.

Dem Congresswoman Says Articles Of Impeachment Will Come To A Vote On The House Floor

When it comes to impeachment, Democrats have a slew of Trump offenses to choose from if they pursue a formal inquiry in the coming weeks and months.

Joy Reid Responds To Trump’s Attacks By Listing All The Impeachable Offenses He Has Committed

When Trump sees Reid's response to his juvenile tantrum – and it's almost certain that he will – it's likely to send him into another fit of rage. 

Trump Attacks MSNBC’s Joy Reid And Confirms He Is Deeply Intimidated By Strong Women Of Color

Trump's latest Saturday spewings only confirm what we've already known about him: He is intimidated by strong women of color.

Bari Weiss Explains How To Fight The Rise Of Anti-Semitism

New York Times columnist Bari Weiss's new book, 'How to Fight Anti-Semitism,' offers a trenchant look at an old evil that's on the rise once more.

Christians Don’t Need Government Backing To Succeed In Public Or Private Life

Numerous Supreme Court victories and the inspiring growth of the early church show Christians shouldn’t place their faith in government power, but in the Constitution — and God above all.

‘It Chapter Two’ Is A Pandering And Patronizing Mess

Whereas It the creature assumes the form of whatever its prey fears most, 'It' the pop-culture phenomenon takes the form of whatever mass audiences and woke critics crave the most, manifesting most often as a mess.

Why Banning Flavors Won’t Stop Teen Vaping

Teens aren't vaping because of flavors. They are vaping because of nicotine. And the vape industry should stop playing dumb about it.

It’s Not The NRA Stopping Gun Control, It’s America’s 100 Million Gun Owners

Speculations about defeating ‘the NRA’ may titillate the mob, but even if NRA disappeared, there are still 100 million American gun owners, their family members, and their friends.

Pastor Jarrid Wilson’s Death Helps Us Learn How To Find Hope After Suicide

For too long, suicide has been in the dark, whispered about, handled with shame. But death, for the Christian, is not the end of all things. In Christ, there is hope.

ESPN’s Dennis Rodman Documentary Offers A Cautionary Tale About Celebrity Culture

As the film notes, basketball star Dennis Rodman worked hard to become, and remain, a celebrity, but he does not handle celebrity very well.

Marianne Williamson And Pete Buttigieg Are The New Proselytizers Of Politicized Religion

By sowing contempt for cherished traditions and replacing them with nihilism and a theology of self-will, Episcopal Bishop Pike’s legacy includes the growing spiritual vacuum in today’s America.

House Democrats Move Forward On Impeachment Proceedings

The resolution passed 24-17 along party lines with Democrats passing the measure and Republicans slamming the move as politically motivated.

Here Are The Highlights From The Third Democratic Presidential Debate

The top ten candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination squared off in Houston Thursday night for the third Democratic primary debate.

Rachael Denhollander’s Memoir Is A Powerful Statement On Sexual Abuse

A new memoir by the famed gymnast tells the courageous and riveting story of how she confronted the USA Gymnastics doctor who abused hundreds of girls and provides essential insight into combating sexual abuse in the future.

Here Are The Best Tweets From The Third Democratic Primary Debate

Last night in Houston, the Democrats crammed twenty pounds of malarkey into a ten-pound sack when offering their ideas about what ails this country. For three interminable hours.

In Post-Debate Special On CNN, Cory Booker Disses Joe Biden

After the debates, Cory Booker told CNN he was concerned with Joe Biden's ability to carry the Democratic Party to the White House.

Biden Swings at Warren, Questions How She’ll Pay for Health Plan

The one candidate who appeared to understand at least a little about the inherent problems with such expensive and overreaching health-care plans is frontrunner Joe Biden. 

Julián Castro Attacks Joe Biden On Health Care, ‘I’m Fulfilling the Legacy Of Barack Obama, And You’re Not’

During the third round of Democratic debates, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro attacked Joe Biden and Biden's health care plan.

Here Are The Winners And Losers Of The ABC Democratic Debate

The top three Democrats in the polls were on stage together, but who won? Here are the winners and losers of the ABC Democratic debate.

Beto O’Rourke Flip-Flops On AR-15s

During the third round of Democratic presidential debates, Beto O'Rourke said if he is elected president the government would 'take your AR-15s.' He said the opposite less than two years ago.

Trump Has A Total Meltdown During The Democratic Debate

President Donald Trump had an epic meltdown in Baltimore where he became incoherent and blamed light bulbs for making him look orange.

Pete Buttigieg Slams Trump For Turning America Into The Laughingstock Of The World

The mayor pointed to Trump's clownish failure in his reckless trade war and his embarrassing performance at the recent G7 summit in France.

Elizabeth Warren Blames Mitch McConnell Corruption For Endless Gun Massacres

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren railed against Congress for standing in the way of common-sense gun reforms that would save lives.

Beto O’Rourke Says “Hell Yes” I Am Taking Away Your Assault Weapon

At the Democratic Debate, Beto O'Rourke flatly said that he is proposing taking away assault weapons.

Biden Smacks Down Bernie Sanders For Lecturing Him On Cancer Coverage

Some of Joe Biden's strongest debate moments have been when health care was the issue the Democratic candidates were discussing.

Protesters greet Trump in Baltimore after racist tweets

Dozens of protesters lined the streets of downtown Baltimore on Thursday as President Donald Trump made his first visit to the city since he blasted it as "disgusting" and "rodent-infested."

Kamala Harris Stares Into The Camera And Tells Trump He Should Be Indicted

Kamala Harris used her opening statement during Thursday's debate to tell Donald Trump that he should be indicted for his crimes.

After Blue Girl Passes, Activists Call On FIFA To Hold Iran Responsible

On Sept. 2, the woman dubbed Blue Girl set herself on fire in front of an Iranian courthouse. She later died in a hospital from severe burns.

Terrified Republicans Tried To Block Lawyers From Questioning Impeachment Witnesses

House Republicans are so scared of the criminal liability surrounding Trump that they tried to block lawyers from questioning impeachment witnesses.

Judge Denies Gag Order Request Aimed At Silencing Testimonies About Trafficking Baby Body Parts

The California attorney general filed a motion for gag order late Tuesday in an attempt to prevent citizen journalist and pro-life activist David Daleiden and his legal team from publicly discussing the witnesses who illegally trafficked aborted baby body parts.

Democrats Rock Trump With Impeachment Probe Beyond The Mueller Report

The House Judiciary Committee announced that Trump impeachment investigation hearings will begin next week, and go beyond the Mueller report.

Beto O’Rourke: Banks And Credit Cards Should Ban Gun Purchases

O’Rourke’s doubling down on the gun issue previews what the candidate is expected to talk about during the evening's debate at Texas Southern University.

House panel moves to intensify Trump impeachment probe

The Judiciary Committee moved to intensify its investigation of Republican President Donald Trump on Thursday, as lawmakers edged closer to deciding whether to recommend his impeachment.

Sidney Powell’s Latest Motion In Michael Flynn’s Case Is A Russiagate Bombshell

Lawyer Sidney Powell’s bigger plan is to expose the breadth and depth of SpyGate and how flaying Michael Flynn lay at the heart of the soft coup attempt.

Bill Burr’s New Special Is Great But It’s His Fault We Won’t Talk About Why

It’s a great special; old-school vulgar, consistently funny, and flush with the pathos that elevates good stand-up to great. But I’m worried that, largely because of Burr, no one is going to talk about it.

Mustering An Urgency To Prevent Mass Shootings Outside The Gun Debate

Studying and addressing behavioral patterns should be an immediate priority of Congress, the media, and others dedicated to preventing mass shootings.

DOJ Lawsuit Demands Names Of All People Who Use This App For Their Gun

Creeping government control is nothing new, but the DOJ's recent disregard for the Second and Fourth Amendments shows old protections against abuses of power will wear thin without public vigilance.

Peter Buttigieg Loves God’s Creation When It’s A Rainbow But Not When It’s A Baby

With greenhouse gasses, the Democratic presidential candidate is confident that not caring for creation is 'a kind of sin.' Yet he’s convinced God’s creation inside the womb is unworthy of that same care and protection.

Joe Biden’s Platform Illustrates The Breakneck Speed Democrats Are Lurching Left

Joe Biden's billing as the primary's moderate-in-residence is a statement on the breakneck speed at which the party is radicalizing. His platform is proof.

Relying On Pro-Abortionist Fact-Checkers, Facebook Censors Pro-Life Group Twice

Hours after senators sent a letter to Facebook in support of the pro-life group Live Action, Facebook labeled the organization 'false news' once again.

In An Ectopic Pregnancy, It’s Medical Malpractice Not To Save The Mother’s Life By Removing The Baby

With an ectopic pregnancy, you save the life you can save. You don’t have to like it, but when you are faced with a choice between one death and two, you do what you can to make it one.

Will President Trump Launch A Dynasty?

The potential of a Trump political dynasty, or of the man himself continuing to loom over the political landscape like Oz the Great and Terrible, is certainly worthy of consideration.

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of Nancy Pelosi’s Drug Pricing Proposal

On Monday a summary of proposals by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—which became public via leaks from lobbyists—provided an initial glimpse of the Democrat leadership’s policy approach.

Meet Leonardi Da Vinci’s Art Tutor, Andrea Del Verrochio

‘Verrocchio: Sculptor and Painter of Renaissance Florence’ at the National Gallery of Art is the first comprehensive exhibition dedicated to this artist ever mounted in the United States.

Lay Off Sonja Morgan And Dorinda Medley For Noticing That Drag Queens Are Men

Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley are embroiled in a media spectacle for speculating whether a self-described drag queen and transgender model were 'guys.'

Here’s Your Guide To The Third Democratic Presidential Debate

Ten candidates will take the stage Thursday night for the third Democratic presidential debate slated to be held in Houston.

Caroline Calloway Brings The Bad News: Influencers Really Are The New Influencers

Caroline Calloway, whose only proper designation on a business card would be 'influencer,' is the latest of her peers to upset the internet.

Lawrence O’Donnell Explains How John Bolton Could Destroy Trump’s Reelection Campaign

Lawrence O'Donnell laid out how John Bolton could write a well-timed book that would make him millions while destroying Trump's reelection campaign.

Trump Could Be Facing Indictment In NY For Filing False Tax Returns

New York appears to be building a case against Trump for filing false tax returns, and the state can indict a sitting president.

Trump Chief Of Staff Asked NOAA To Lie About The Weather

Trump's White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney asked NOAA scientists to lie about the weather for Donald Trump.

Democrats Just Stood Up For Property Rights Against Trump’s Private Land Theft For His Wall

Senate Democrats have gotten the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate Trump's efforts to use Eminent Domain to seize private land for his border wall.

Trump Calls His False Hurricane Forecast A Hoax Created By The Media

Trump is pretending like he never faked a hurricane forecast and tried threatened to fire weather officials who disagreed with him.

Computer Scientist David Gelernter Wants To Revolutionize Social Media

Yale Computer Science Professor David Gelernter joins the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss bias in tech, data privacy, time travel, and artificial intelligence.

House panel probes Commerce Secretary Ross over Trump Dorian tweet kerfuffle

A U.S. House panel on Wednesday opened an investigation into U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross' potential role in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's decision to rebuke an Alabama weather service office for dismissing a warning on Twitter from President Donald Trump about Hurricane Dorian.

Trump’s Reelection Could Cost 500,000 Americans Their Jobs

A Moody's analysis found that Trump's trade war has already cost 300,000 Americans their jobs, with another 500,000 to lose their jobs by the end of 2021 if Trump wins reelection.

Michael Flynn’s Lawyer Explains Why She Needs To View Documents The Government Hasn’t Turned Over

What should have been a quick hearing turned into a 45-minute preview of Sidney Powell’s plan to combat what she characterized as egregious government misconduct.

As Democratic White House hopefuls debate in Houston, party eyes lower-tier gains in Texas

While 10 Democratic presidential contenders debate in Houston on Thursday, the party is eyeing gains farther down the ballot in Texas next year in races for the U.S. House of Representatives and state legislature, party strategists and political experts say.

Media Blacks Out Abortion Industry Admissions Of Baby Body Part Trafficking And Kamala Harris’ Abuse Of Power

Why would journalists supposedly concerned about the First Amendment ignore the case of David Daleiden, prosecuted by former California attorney general Kamala Harris?

Vice Rewards Aziz Ansari’s Assault-Alleging Reporter With New Gig

Back in January 2018, Katie Way reported a highly dubious allegation of sexual assault against Aziz Ansari. This month, Way landed a job with Vice.

How A Priest With No Money Honored Flight 93’s Heroes Where They Fell

For more than a decade, Father Fonzie worked tirelessly at the Flight 93 Thunder on the Mountain Memorial Chapel, honoring the heroic patriots of Sept. 11, 2001.

Now That Bolton’s Out, Here’s What Trump Needs From A National Security Advisor

The president should appoint a new national security advisor who shares his instincts: to get out of quagmires, to seek deals to reduce tensions, and to get our allies to take defense seriously.

Neither David French Nor Sohrab Ahmari Have Any Ideas About Where To Go From Here

After several dust-ups and intra-theological disputes, David French and Sohrab Ahmari still didn't answer the key question of conservative policy.

4 Ways To Use Government To Make America More Friendly To Christians

The real loser was Christians in America as Sohrab Ahmari and David French tackled how Christians should live as citizens in an increasingly hostile world, without offering any answers.

Memories From These 8 Americans Explain Why They Can Never Forget 9/11

‘Now people are forgetting. Every year that goes by, it’s less and less that people remember. We’ve done a better job remembering Pearl Harbor than 9/11.’

Warren Mimics Bernie’s Promotion Of Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour To Campaign Surrogate

Given Linda Sarsour's record, her claim that she supports Bernie Sanders because of rising anti-Semitism in America is irony thick enough to cut with a chainsaw.

Israel’s Sovereignty Claims Over The Jordan Valley Are Legitimate

For those with any familiarity of Israeli politics, Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement is unsurprising. A nation cannot annex land over which it already has sovereign claims.

Not Even Jonathan Franzen Can Top My Concern Over Climate Change

Where I live, there’s an organization called Feed The Homeless While Not Using Any Fossil Fuels And Fighting Racism. I give them $100 a year so they don’t ring my doorbell.

MTV’s New ‘Ghosted’ Perpetuates A Culture Of Stalking

The reality show gives false hope to hurt individuals craving closure from their ghosts on why they disappeared, glorifying the idea of stalking them down.

Complaining About Kim Kardashian West Employing A Freed Inmate As A Model Is Petty And Mean

Kim Kardashian West's Skims advertisement featuring Alice Johnson, a former drug dealer President Trump gave clemency, brings awareness to an awful story of imprisonment and the downfalls of the justice system.

September 11, 2001 Is Still A Day To Set Aside Partisan Rancor

Did my ‘shipmates’ in the Pentagon sacrifice their lives for the political morass that has gripped this nation for the last two years? I sincerely hope and pray their sacrifice was not in vain.

Rachel Maddow Destroys Trump’s Lie About ‘Firing’ John Bolton

Trump claims he fired national security adviser John Bolton last night, but Rachel Maddow exposed that to be another lie in an era full of falsehoods.

Trump’s Reelection Is Already Cratering As Just 36% Think He Deserves A Second Term

The 2020 presidential campaign hasn't reached full swing, and Donald Trump's reelection chances are already starting to crater.

Trump Wants To Make It Harder For African Americans To Buy Homes

A new housing plan from the Trump administration will make it more difficult for those in the minority community to buy homes.

What Is Really Behind The Deluge Of Leaks About The Extradited Spy?

"They are starting to expose some shenanigans or misbehavior by intelligence chiefs ... who put forth this false and dangerous Russian collusion narrative."

A Majority Of Americans Now Favor A Mandatory Buyback Of Assault Weapons

A majority of Americans (52%) support a government program to buyback assault weapons and get them out of the hands of potential mass shooters.

Beto O’Rourke: Living Close To Work Is A ‘Right’

While touting his plans to spend federal dollars on integrating socioeconomic classes, O’Rourke once endorsed plans to do the exact opposite.

Obama, Not Trump, Outed Russian Spy

Trump didn't cause the CIA to withdraw a top-level spy from Russia. Obama did. CNN’s report to the contrary is false, as usual.

Trump Is Undermining US Intel Networks So They Can’t Gather Evidence Against Him

Trump is trying to both discredit the information that intelligence gathering provides and dismantle US surveillance networks in an effort to prevent investigation and evidence gathering.

‘Star Trek’ Scribe Was Right To Quit After Being Chastised For Using The N-Word

A black writer for Star Trek: Discovery decided to quit after a co writer ratted out his use of the N word to his bosses. Quitting was the right response.

NRA Sues San Francisco For Declaring The Group A ‘Terrorist Organization’

The NRA alleges that the city is violating its rights to free speech and is impeding on its mission by attempting to “blacklist anyone linked to the NRA."

Hasty rollout of Trump immigration policy has ‘broken’ border courts

By Mica Rosenberg, Kristina Cooke and Reade Levinson (Reuters) – On the day she was set to see a U.S. immigration judge in San Diego last month, Katia took every precaution. After waiting two months in Mexico to press her case for U.S. asylum, the 20-year-old student from Nicaragua arrived at the border near Tijuana … Continue reading "Hasty rollout of Trump immigration policy has ‘broken’ border courts"

Are Conservative Students Cowards If They Don’t Publicly Advocate For Their Beliefs?

Although Polumbo’s approach to political debate in college undoubtedly evinces a certain heroism, his argument misses the mark by labeling those more politically closeted students cowards.

Not All Stories Of Infertility End With A Baby

The most exact science provided by the world’s top fertility specialists can produce a viable baby less than half of the time. Yet the stories of women in that other half can end in joy, too.

CNN’S Climate Town Hall Was A Setup For Far-Left Activists To Push 2020 Candidates

CNN synchronized its forum with a radical climate change activists and writers masquerading as students and eco-friendly entrepreneurs.

The Top 10 Gun Laws Americans Really Need

These are the changes Republicans should make to federal gun laws, once they again hold the White House and both houses of Congress.

How Politics Made Elizabeth Warren Dull And Less Electable

Elizabeth Warren’s ascent in the Democratic presidential campaign is the oft-told tale of a politician becoming boring, telling voters what they want to hear and disguising it as something else.

Democrat Rep’s Wife Demands Free Marriage Counseling In Her Taxpayer-Subsidized Health Plan

If Democrats don’t like Obamacare plans for themselves, then why did they force all Americans to buy this insurance under penalty of taxation?

Joe Biden Isn’t Even Close To A Moderate

Biden’s phony moderate shtick will only hold up for so long, as true moderate and centrist voters will begin to see his tendencies to move left with the rest of the party on key issues.

College Admissions Scandal Reveals Parents Grossly Misunderstand College And Their Children

Children rarely become what their parents imagine for them, and it's pointless to think they will. The problem isn't the kids; it's the parents' expectations.

Despite A Bad Week, Boris Johnson Still Has A Fighting Chance

Boris Johnson has to make necessary changes quickly to unite his party, because the 'do or die' moment for him and his country is fast approaching.

Why Swedish-Style Socialism Is Completely Incompatible With Identity Politics

While Scandinavian countries have higher taxes and overall more generous public services, using Sweden as a model of socialism's success can be misleading.

To Prevent Teen Vaping, Give Kids The Facts, Not Misinformation

The truth is, one Juul pod is not equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. And building a vaping prevention campaign around this message is dishonest and misleading.

Rachel Maddow Busts Trump For Being Guilty Of Crimes He Accused Hillary Clinton Of Committing

Trump spent the 2016 election cycle saying Clinton couldn't be trusted with classified intel, but it is he who has been mismanaging sensitive material.

Democrats Hold Six-Point Early Vote Lead In Key North Carolina Special Election

Win or lose for the Democrats, the fact that such a GOP-heavy district is a tossup race should give them optimism heading into 2020.

Trump Brags About Rain-Soaked Supporters Even Though His Rally Site Was Clear And Sunny All Day

As Trump's rally kicked off on Monday, it was 88 degrees and sunny. In fact, it hadn't rained all day at the site of the president's campaign event.

Trump Admin Threatened To Fire NOAA Officials If They Didn’t Repeat False Hurricane Forecast

The administration threatened to fire officials at the NOAA if they didn't go along with Donald Trump's false hurricane forecast.

Trump Admits He Considered Bringing The Taliban To The White House

Trump admits that he considered bringing the Taliban to the White House before 9/11, but he was worried about bad publicity. Video: Trump claims lots of bad people have been to Camp David, but none of them have the blood of thousands of dead Americans on their hands from the worst domestic terrorist attack in … Continue reading "Trump Admits He Considered Bringing The Taliban To The White House"

Kamala Harris Unveils Criminal Justice Plan That Reverses Her Record On Crime

The plan unveiled on Monday is a sharp reversal from what Sen. Kamala Harris has previously stood for as an aggressive prosecutor.

Republicans Panic And Send Trump To North Carolina As They Are On The Verge Of Losing A Seat They’ve Held Since 1963

Trump and the national Republican Party are spending millions and Trump is going to the state in an effort to save a House seat that has been held by Republicans since 1963.

Tulsi Gabbard Says She’s Disheartened By Democrats’ Lack Of Love For Liberty

2020 hopeful Rep. Tulsi Gabbard appeared on The Rubin Report, where she admitted she is disheartened by Democrats' entanglement with identity politics and socialism.

Jonathan Franzen’s Crazy Climate Rant Contains A Nugget Of Truth

‘What If We Stopped Pretending?’ is infuriating the left. Yet Jonathan Franzen cannot quite escape the mindset he believes has led to the End of The World As We Know It.

Lord Conrad Black On Brexit, Media, Trade, And Silicon Valley

Lord Conrad Black joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss media and how newspapers have failed to adjust to the Internet age.

Migrant Apprehensions On Southwest Border Dropped To 64K In August

Although numbers are down, border arrests remain at their highest level since 2007. The majority of apprehensions are families and children.

Huge House Investigation Launched Into Trump Scheme To Blackmail Ukraine Into Investigating Biden

A huge three committee investigation has been launched into the Trump/Giuliani scheme to blackmail Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden.

House Judiciary To Consider Procedures To Start Impeachment Hearings

The House Judiciary Committee will meet on Thursday to consider options for procedures going forward on hearings on impeaching Donald Trump.

Treasonous Trump Has Been Leaking US Secrets For Years

The US had to remove one of its top assets from Russia over the fear that Donald Trump was going to give the name of the top spy to Putin.

Billionaire Tom Steyer clears hurdle to join Democratic debate in October

Tom Steyer, a billionaire environmentalist and political donor, said on Sunday he has qualified to participate in the fourth Democratic debate in October, putting him on stage alongside the leading contenders for the first time.

On Abortion, Democrats Are Living In A Fantasy Land

Democrats’ embrace of extreme abortion ideology is producing some strange policy proposals increasingly divorced from reality.

Why Criminals Looking To Victimize Women Love Gun Control

Should women be permitted to protect their own bodies? Or should they be forced to passively endure an attack until an authorized protector from the government can ride to their rescue?

Don’t Believe These Tired Myths About Ending The 18-Year War In Afghanistan

After 18 years, thousands of casualties, and a price tag that could be as high as $1 trillion, the United States has done all it can in Afghanistan. Instead of finding excuses to stay, it’s time to come home.

Drew Brees Shouldn’t Have Ditched His Christian Brothers Over The Lies Of A Twitter Mob

Don’t throw your fellow believers under the bus to escape persecution. Like Drew Brees, all you’ll succeed in doing is hastening your demise.

Is Abortion Really Necessary For Treating Ectopic Pregnancies?

Just like the common false positives that result from early prenatal screening, the false dogma surrounding ectopic pregnancies is contributing to the abortion rate.

Bucknell University To Host Antifa Leader Who Promotes Political Violence

At the campus where I teach, this week we are seeing an example of this insidious creep toward the left’s open embrace of violence against those who advocate for conservative ideas.

How Long Must American Kids Emit ‘Primal Screams’ About Family Chaos Before We Hear Them?

As Mary Eberstadt's 'Primal Screams' painfully illustrates, there is no such thing as 'what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.' Private choices about sex have public consequences.

Why Helen Keller Believed In Eradicating People With Disabilities

How could a woman made deaf and blind from an illness in early childhood possibly advocate for the killing of those born with the same disabilities?

A Q&A With The Husband-Wife Duo Behind New CBS Drama ‘Evil’

Can science alone explain depraved criminal actions? Producers Robert and Michelle King examine big questions in their new show 'Evil.'

Yes, The United States Should Close Detention Centers For Illegal Entrants

Joe Biden talks about closing immigration detention centers as if he hasn’t supported them throughout his political career. Yet there is a good case against them.

Mark Sanford Announces Primary Challenge Against Trump

Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford officially entered the 2020 presidential race Sunday, becoming the third candidate to challenge Donald Trump in the Republican primary. Trump Read More

What San Francisco’s Declaration Of The NRA As A Terrorist Group Says About America Today

In declaring the NRA a 'domestic terrorist group,' San Francisco's leaders have shed further light on where extreme politics have taken the country.

Trump Wants His Family To Rule America For Decades

Trump's 2020 campaign manager admitted in a speech that Trump's goal is to have his family rule the United States for decades.

Former South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford to challenge Trump in primary

Former South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford will challenge President Donald Trump in the Republican Party primary, he announced on Sunday in an interview with Fox News.

Trump Can’t Hide As Protesters Call For Him To Be Jailed At His Own Golf Club

Trump was met by protesters holding signs calling on to resign and be jailed as he entered and left his Virginia golf course on Sunday.

Rep. Ted Lieu Exposes Trump’s Total Failure In Afghanistan

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) explained that Trump is so desperate for an agreement to end the war in Afghanistan because during the campaign he promised to get all US troops out.

Trump Pressured NOAA To Put Out Inaccurate National Weather Forecast

The scandal has gone beyond a Sharpie as government employees say that they felt pressured to from above to put out an inaccurate hurricane forecast. The Washington Post reported: The agency sent a similar message warning scientists and meteorologists not to speak out on Sept. 4, after Trump showed a hurricane map from Aug. 29 … Continue reading "Trump Pressured NOAA To Put Out Inaccurate National Weather Forecast"

The Air Force Paid Nearly Twice As Much As Average Hotel Rate To Stay At Trump’s Scotland Club

Trump claims that he gave the Air Force a discounted rate to stay at his failing golf club in Scotland, but data shows that the rate was nearly twice as much as the average hotel room cost.

Fox News Rips Trump For Secret Summit With Taliban Before 9/11

Fox News’s Chris Wallace asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who thought it eas a good idea to meet with the Taliban days before 9/11? Hint: It was Trump. Video: Chris Wallace asks Secretary of State Mike Pompeo why President Trump planned to meet with Taliban leaders three days before 9/11. #FNS #FoxNews — … Continue reading "Fox News Rips Trump For Secret Summit With Taliban Before 9/11"

U.S. House panel poised to spell out Trump impeachment probe

The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, criticized for an unorthodox impeachment probe of President Donald Trump, is poised to vote next week on a resolution to formalize the investigation, a person familiar with the matter said on Saturday.

Beware of Anti-Trump Republican Apostates Claiming Conservatism Isn’t Racist

Defending conservativism against charges it is an inherently racist ideology has become de rigeur among not just that sector of Republicans that have for some time sought to distinguish and distance themselves from Trump but also among more recent apostates jumping the sinking Trumpist GOP Titanic. As Trump’s overt racism threatens to expose, or indeed … Continue reading "Beware of Anti-Trump Republican Apostates Claiming Conservatism Isn’t Racist"

Trump Aides Say The President Is Losing His Mind

Trump's aides are openly worrying that he is increasingly unstable, shifting from moment to moment, and losing his mind.

Thousands Of Federal Weather Workers Fight Back As Trump Destroys The NOAA’s Credibility

Donald Trump is destroying the credibility of one of the most non-partisan and important government entities, and it could put American lives at risk.

House Democrats Are Planning To Go To War Over Trump’s Presidential Profiteering

Trump has been in violation of the Emoluments Clause since day one, but in recent weeks those violations appear to be more flagrant.

Trump Steals Millions From The Troops To Keep His Failing Scotland Golf Club Afloat

A new report found that Donald Trump has been directing the Pentagon to spend money at his failing golf club in Scotland.

Trump Can’t Find Rock Bottom As He Now Wants To Ban Reporters From White House Grounds

Trump suggested that he would bar at least two Washington Post reporters from White House grounds for not giving him favorable coverage.

Rashida Tlaib Poses For Pictures With Anti-Israel Group That Endorses Terrorism

Rep. Rashida Tlaib posed for pictures with members of the Palestinian Youth Movement, a group that has voiced support for terrorism and advocates an anti-Israel agenda. 

Candidates to make a pitch to undecided New Hampshire Democrats

A parade of 19 Democratic White House hopefuls will plead their case to thousands of New Hampshire party activists on Saturday, hoping a quick sales pitch will help ignite their campaigns in the race to pick a challenger to Republican President Donald Trump in 2020.

Podcast: How The Shift From White Majorities Is Transforming Politics

Professor Eric Kaufmann makes the case that the transformation of racially homogeneous white majorities to racially hybrid majorities is changing our politics.

White House Officials Admit To Being Beaten Down By Trump’s Stupidity

White House officials have given up on trying to correct Trump, as they say, it is not worth it to talk him out of his dumb ideas.

Pete Buttigieg: Life Begins At Breath

Pete Buttigieg claimed Friday that human life begins at breath, warranting abortion of a child at anytime prior to a newborn baby taking its first inhale.

Trump Is Now Creating 59,000 Fewer Jobs A Month Than Obama

Trump's jobs report came in lower than expected and over the last four months has created 59,000 fewer jobs per month than Obama.

Trump Rigs The Republican Primary As 4 States Eliminate Contests

Trump's total control of the GOP has resulted in at least 4 states eliminating their primaries and caucuses, which will suffocate his primary challengers.

Trump Is Trying To Make Money Off Of His Illegal Fake Hurricane Forecast

The Trump campaign is now trying to sell their followers markers, as they are attempting to make money off of Trump's illegal and fake hurricane forecast.

House Oversight Launches Deep Investigation Into Pence’s Stay At Trump’s Irish Club

The House Oversight Committee wants information from the White House, Secret Service, the Vice President, and the Trump Organization about Pence's out of the way stay at taxpayer expense at Trump's failing club in Ireland.

LGBT Activists: Drew Brees Promoting The Bible Is Homophobic

Demanding the religiously observant violate their core beliefs in order to avoid public harassment and humiliation goes against everything we stand for as a country.

Dave Chappelle’s Netflix Special Is A Giant Middle Finger To Social Justice

The social justice movement has screwed up academia, politics, the news media, and all of the entertainment industry, especially comedy.

What Happened During Flynn Lawyer’s Secret Meeting With Judge This Week?

The question is whether Michael Flynn was affected by efforts to get Trump, and whether Judge Sullivan will keep him from reviewing the evidence that could prove prosecutorial misconduct.

What If Americans Wanted Freedom As Much As Hong Kongers Do?

I hope these courageous, freedom-loving protesters succeed and their message of hope catches on in other countries desperate for the Hong Kong formula.

Media Bias Goes International In Coverage Of Amazon Fires, Brexit, And More

Reporting on President Trump has always been bad, but press malfeasance in Brazil and Great Britain show things are only getting worse.

We Finally Have The Infertility Memoir Women Need To Read

Callie Micks' intensely personal book, 'The Baby Binder,' confronts infertility head-on, addressing the heartbreak, the worry, and the tears, and asks why do we care so little about an issue that affects so many women?

CAIR Research Director Previously Praised NGO With Jihadist Ties

The fact that Abbas Barzegar conducts research for CAIR while praising those who materially support jihadists is a troubling phenomenon, but points to a larger problem within the field of NGOs.

Your Guide To The Crazy Things That Happened This Week Over Brexit

The defeats, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s lack of a governing majority, and Parliament’s continued indecision on what to do about Brexit all suggest the need for a quick election.

Climate Alarmist Bill de Blasio Defends His Security SUV Caravan: ‘Oh Come On, It’s A Few Miles’

Democratic presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared on Fox News, and defended using a fleet of cars to go to and from the gym despite his rhetoric about climate change.

Here’s The Data Showing The Amazon Fires Aren’t As Bad As You’ve Probably Heard

The past few weeks, we've been exposed to a multitude of articles, newscasts, and social media posts about the Amazon fires. So what is actually going on?

Being Scared At Finding A Man In The Ladies’ Bathroom Isn’t Bigotry, And It Doesn’t Cause Assault

A man in Oregon recently allegedly beat a transgender person for allegedly harassing the man’s wife in the women’s bathroom. While assault is wrong, being scared isn’t.

Long-Awaited Tool Album ‘Fear Inoculum’ Is Musical Perfection

The new Tool album us not just any album: it’s one that places demands on the listener. It’s an album we can wear out listen to on repeat, and come back to.

More People Watched Fox Or MSNBC During CNN’s Climate Town Hall With 2020 Democrats

On September 4, CNN hosted a seven-hour climate change town hall that had the lowest viewership among cable news networks. 

‘What Is Wrong With You?’: Chris Hayes Erupts On Trump For Obsessing Over Fake Dorian Forecast

The last few days have provided the American complete clarity on at least one thing: Donald Trump is completely out of his damn mind.

Elizabeth Warren Is Launching Her Own Investigation Into Pence’s Stay At Trump’s Ireland Resort

Elizabeth Warren demanded that the State Department hand over any documents related to Vice President Mike Pence's trip to Ireland.

Republicans Are Plotting To Go After Social Security Behind Closed Doors

Republicans in Congress are trying to pay for their tax scam by coming after earned benefits that millions of people rely on.

RNC Chief: Tying Dems To Socialism Sways Suburban Women

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says framing Democratic candidates as proponents of socialism is boosting the GOP's appeal among college-educated suburban women.

NYT Reporter Peddles Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theory Over ADP Jobs Report

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times left out some key context when she accused President Trump of spinning a jobs report.

Trump Steals Money From Military Kids’ Schools To Pay For His Wall

Trump is stealing millions of dollars intended for funding the schools that children of members of the military attend to pay for his wall.

House Judiciary Committee subpoenas DHS over alleged Trump pardon offers

The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Wednesday subpoenaed the Department of Homeland Security for documents that could shed light on President Donald Trump's alleged offer of pardons to officials implementing U.S. immigration policy.

Opinion: We Can Be Better Than Sending Sick People to Certain Death

We can do better than sending sick people to certain death, forcing them to literally beg Emperor Trump for their lives. We can do better than taking issued student visas away because the student’s friends may have said something we don’t like. I realize there are so many other catastrophic things, like the hurricane that … Continue reading "Opinion: We Can Be Better Than Sending Sick People to Certain Death"

Marianne Williamson Gets It Right — Stop Mocking Thoughts And Prayers

While Democrats mock the “thoughts and prayers” offered in the aftermath of the latest mass shooting in Texas, Marianne Williamson stands out from the crowd, criticizing elitist “mockery” of sincerely held religious beliefs.

In Court Hearing, Planned Parenthood Employee Admits To Trafficking In Baby Body Parts

The nine-day hearing is the first time multiple Planned Parenthood leaders have testified in court since undercover videos surfaced of them harvesting aborted baby body parts.

Devin Nunes Sues Fusion GPS Over False Media Smears And Bogus Ethics Claims

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., alleges Fusion GPS worked to intimidate and harass him over his investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Why Republicans Shouldn’t Cave To Democrats On Guns

It’s not only to prevent a Democrat landslide in 2020. It’s because Democrats will settle for nothing less than gun confiscation.

Pete Buttigieg Is Wrong About Democrats Who Support Natural Marriage

Buttigieg needs to say whether there's a place for marriage traditionalists in the Democratic Party and stop invoking the 'right side of history' trope.

All You Have To Do Is Take A Road Trip To Find Out America Isn’t Racist

As I traveled across America this summer, I found something that would surprise many in the media. I found a lot of racial harmony.

Next Slate Of Marvel Movies To Feature Characters Dulled By Identity Politics

Empty movies that mean only to virtue signal leave people wondering if it’s possible to create a quality superhero movie with minority leads.

Hong Kong’s Withdrawal Of Extradition Bill Leaves Many Questions Unanswered

On Wednesday morning, Hong Kong Chief Carrie Lam announced a formal withdrawal of the extradition bill that prompted more than three months of protests for freedom.

What Happened When Neil Gorsuch Went From Private Citizen To Public Figure

After years of living happily anonymous as a lawyer and a judge, all of a sudden I found myself recognized nearly everywhere: in the airport, out jogging, even hiking.

Before The United States Makes Any Moves On Ukraine, It Needs A Strategy

The West needs to figure out a coherent endgame with Ukraine. It's not clear that London and Washington have one.

Why Marianne Williamson’s Message Of Love And Unity Is What America Needs

2020 Democratic White House hopeful and self-help author Marianne Williamson has a point: America needs more love, now more than ever.

10 Craziest Things CNN Town Hall Revealed About Democrats’ Economy-Wrecking Climate Extremism

Despite seven hours of conversations, there was no substantive talk. The majority of questions were asked by climate change activists tossing softball questions.

Harris Joins Anti-Fracking Crowd In 2020 Field During CNN Climate Change Town Hall

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) endorsed a federal ban on hydraulic fracturing during CNN’s seven-hour town hall event on climate change Wednesday.

‘Something Is Going Wrong’: Maddow Sounds The Alarm About Trump’s Apparent Mental Decline

Trump's instability has gotten worse in recent weeks, and it comes at a time when America and the world are in need of stable leadership.

Joe Biden Destroys Trump For Being A Global Laughingstock On Climate Change

Whether you agree with Biden on all of his policy positions, there is no question that he is respected and well-known by leaders all across the globe.

Trump Appointee Reinstated After False Accusation Of Anti-Semitism

Leif Olson, a senior official in the U.S. Department of Labor who resigned last week after being wrongfully accused of anti-Semitism by Bloomberg News, was reinstated Wednesday.

Trump Is Taking Money From Military Bases Hit By Hurricanes To Fund His Border Wall

The president's campaign was built on the promise that his wall would be funded by Mexico. Instead, it's being paid for by the military.

Trump Triples Down On His Hurricane Insanity By Tweeting Out Week-Old Map Of Dorian’s Path

While Trump continues to defend his claim that Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama, real lives are at stake as the storm continues on its path.

Whoopi Goldberg Goes Off Against Demands For Blacklisting Trump’s Hollywood Supporters

Whoopi Goldberg’s public criticism of those calling for lists of Trump's Hollywood supporters offered a much-needed critique on the entire idea of publishing blacklists.

Blasey Ford Attorney Admits Abortion Support ‘Motivated’ Anti-Kavanaugh Accusations

The attorney for a woman who made unsupported allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh admitted that she and her client Christine Blasey Ford were motivated by their support for abortion.

Trump Alters Official Hurricane Center Map With Sharpie To Falsely Include Alabama In Warning

The President Of The United altered an official map from the National Hurricane Center with a Sharpie so that he could falsely include Alabama in the warning. Here is the map with Trump’s Sharpie change: The President of the United States altered a National Hurricane Center map with a sharpie to falsely extend the official … Continue reading "Trump Alters Official Hurricane Center Map With Sharpie To Falsely Include Alabama In Warning"

Joe Biden Leads Trump By 9 As GOP Troubles Boil In Wisconsin

A new poll of Wisconsin shows Joe Biden as the only Democratic candidate with a lead over Trump (51%-42%) that is above the margin of error.

Trump Is The First President In History To Never Have A Single Day Of Positive Approval Rating

One chart shows why House Republicans are fleeing, and it shows that Trump has never had a positive approval rating for a single day of his presidency.

Democrats slam Pence for staying at Trump hotel in Ireland

Asked if Trump had suggested that Pence stay at the property, the vice president's chief of staff, Marc Short, told journalists, "I think that it was a suggestion."

5th Texas Republican Flees Trump Sinking Ship And Leaves The House

Texas Republicans see the writing on the wall as fifth House GOP member from the state has announced that he will not be running for reelection in 2020.

North Carolina court strikes down Republican state legislative map as unconstitutional gerrymander

A North Carolina court on Tuesday struck down the Republican-drawn state legislative map as an illegal partisan gerrymander and gave lawmakers two weeks to enact new district lines for next year's elections.