
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2019

Thousands protest British PM Johnson’s move to suspend parliament

Thousands of people across Britain and Northern Ireland protested on Saturday against Prime Minister Boris Johnson's decision to suspend parliament for about a month before the deadline for the country to leave the European Union.

RBG says she is on her way to ‘being very well’

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is on the court's liberal wing, told a packed audience Saturday that she was on her way to "being very well" after cancer treatment, and will be prepared when the court's next term begins in October.

Trump’s Refusal to Dream Devastating to U.S. Economy, Environment

President Donald Trump, in comments made at the recent G-7 summit in France, positioned himself as the protector of United States’ wealth, justifying his refusal to address, much less believe in, climate change on grounds that investing in green energy production would damage the nation’s economic standing. The U.S. has “tremendous wealth,” Trump told reporters. … Continue reading "Trump’s Refusal to Dream Devastating to U.S. Economy, Environment"

Five killed, including shooter, around 21 injured in Texas shooting: police, media

Five people were killed, including a shooter, and around 21 were injured in a gun rampage in the cities of Midland and Odessa in west Texas on Saturday, police and a local television station reported.

Trump Prepares For Dorian By Tweeting About Fox News

Donald Trump canceled his trip to Poland to prepare for Hurricane Dorian, but all Trump is doing is playing golf and tweeting about Fox News.

Trump Goes Golfing As Hurricane Dorian Approaches Florida

The White House tried to hide it, but Donald Trump spent Saturday golfing at his club instead of monitoring the Category 4 hurricane heading for Florida.

Richard Painter Busts William Barr For Illegal Payment To Trump

Former top White House ethics official Richard Painter detailed the exact law that Attorney General Barr is breaking by holding his party at Trump's hotel.

Next rounds of Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods to hit consumers

Trump's next round of tariffs on Chinese imports is scheduled to take effect starting on Sunday, escalating the trade war between the world's two largest economies with a big hit to consumer goods.

Trump Doesn’t Like Being In Pictures With His Daughter Tiffany Because He Thinks She’s Fat

Donald Trump is showing that there is no low for him as a human being as his former personal assistant said that Trump thinks his own daughter is fat.

Hints of factory-driven slowdown in key 2020 U.S. election states

A decline in economic activity in the U.S. Midwest, apparent in a little-noticed report on Friday from the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, adds to evidence of slowing growth in factory-heavy corners of the country key to next year's U.S. presidential election.

The Biden Gaffe Machine: A Running List Of Joe Biden’s Best Slip-Ups

Biden has done little to shake doubts about his sharpness and age after the first set of Democratic debates in June, during which he appeared forgetful and frail. Some things never change.

Watch Joe Walsh Confront Fox With Trump Lies, And Fox Respond By Denying Reality

Stuart Varney asked Joe Walsh for an example of a Trump lie. Walsh gave him one from yesterday, which Varney then denied was actually a lie.

Podcast: The Cultural Fallout From Identity Politics, Sex, And Dissolving Families

On the Federalist Radio Hour: Author Mary Ebserstadt makes the case that identity politics a direct result of the sexual revolution.

White House Admits Trump Faked China Phone Calls To Boost Stock Market

Trump is now putting out fake information to boost the stock market that he remains invested in as president.

Nobody Shows Up To See Donald Trump Jr. In Kentucky Coal Country

Donald Trump Jr. showed up in Kentucky for an event with unpopular Gov. Matt Bevin, and they were met with a virtually empty arena in Kentucky coal country.

Florida Warns Residents Not To Shoot At Hurricane Dorian

The state of Florida is warning residents that shooting at Hurricane Dorian is a really bad idea because the bullets will come back at you.

Democratic National Committee expected to block Iowa, Nevada virtual caucus plans

The Democratic National Committee is expected to recommend on Friday that Iowa and Nevada scrap plans to hold so-called virtual caucuses ahead of the 2020 election because of security concerns.

Inspector General Rebukes James Comey For Putting Himself Above The Nation

The IG report rebuked Comey for mishandling official FBI records, and for his many violations of regulations, DOJ and FBI policies, and Comey’s employment agreement.

Why Is The FBI Obstructing The Release Of James Comey’s Memos?

Whatever harm releasing these memos might cause to the FBI’s crime-fighting ability is surely offset by the lack of accountability for one of the most controversial episodes in its history.

Most People Are Called To Marriage; It’s Not Idolatrous To Act Accordingly

Marriage is the highest earthly calling for most people, so it is entirely appropriate for Christians to treat it as a normative aspiration—especially in a culture that so desperately attacks it.

Portland State U Punishes Professor For Proving Gender Studies Is A Joke

Portland State University is punishing Peter Boghossian for demonstrating that grievance studies are nonsense by getting hoax grievance studies papers published.

Here’s What People Who Used To Be Transgender Are Telling The Supreme Court

In an unusual amicus brief, a group of people who used to be transgender say that not only should gender identity not be a protected class, but that it's an imaginary construct of traumatized minds.

Republican Primary Challengers To Trump Circulate, Mostly On Twitter

Mark Sanford is traveling in Iowa this week for a possible presidential run, joining two other candidates challenging the president in the GOP primary.

Sen. Whitehouse Threatens U.S. Supreme Court Over New York Gun Case

Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse bases his brief on an argument that the Supreme Court must change because the public will not like the court’s decisions.

How A ‘Star Spangled’ Murder Gave Us The Temporary Insanity Defense

Chris Derose's new book 'Star Spangled Scandal: Sex, Murder, and the Trial that Changed America,' vividly recounts how the murder of Francis Scott Key's son was one of the 19th century's most sensational murder trials and left a lasting legal legacy.

Trump Administration To Expand Research Into Marijuana While Advertising Its Recreational Dangers

Thursday morning, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar held a joint press conference about scientific research into marijuana.

Canada’s ‘Free’ Parental Leave Is One Reason I Don’t Live There

Democrats and Republicans may shame the United States for not featuring yet another welfare state program, but they ignore that Canada's taxes to fund subsidies to parents of newborns cost working families dearly.

10 Lana Del Rey Deep Tracks To Prep You For Her New Album

Lana Del Rey's retro persona is built on images ranging from boozy film-noir fatalism to the open road and California self-invention.

This Week In Weird Twitter, Volume 127

He swept his right arm across hall, looked me in the eye, and said three little words that every benevolent ruler wants to hear: 'We’re commanding them.'

Rachel Maddow Exposes Trump’s Governing Catastrophe That Is Killing Rural America

Rachel Maddow puts it all together and shows how Trump's governing catastrophe at the USDA is killing rural America.

White House hopeful Kamala Harris to emphasize access for individuals with disabilities

U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris will announce a plan on Thursday aimed at ensuring individuals with disabilities have equal access to job opportunities, education, housing and healthcare.

The September Debate Is Set To Be A Discussion Of Who Can Hand Out The Most Free Stuff

In a race where progressives have dominated the top-tier field of candidates, few moderates qualified for the September debate.

Trump responds to G7 by proposing easing Obama-era methane limits at oil and gas operations

The Trump administration on Thursday proposed easing Obama-era limits on oil and gas industry emissions of methane, one of the main pollutants scientists link to climate change.

DOJ Inspector General Confirms James Comey Leaked Classified Info, Violated Multiple FBI Policies

A scathing investigation by the DOJ inspector general confirmed that James Comey leaked classified information and violated FBI rules after he was fired.

Hemingway: Months After Mueller Report, Media Russia Truthers Are Embarrassing And Sad

"Rather than seeing any self-examination, or looking at why they were able to fall for such a ridiculous story, people got awards for their reporting."

Dave Chappelle’s New Stand-Up Special Is Hilarious (And Even Subversively Pro-Life)

In his new stand-up special, Dave Chappelle is at his offensive best, taking aim at everyone. But one seemingly pro-abortion joke was surprisingly pro-life.

The FEC Asks Bernie Sanders About 69 Pages Of Prohibited or Impermissible Campaign Contributions

The FEC is looking into 69 pages of potentially illegal contributions to the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

Trump Economy Gets Weaker: Second-Quarter GDP Growth Revised Down To 2.0%

The U.S. economy slowed a bit more than initially thought in the second quarter as the strongest growth in consumer spending in 4-1/2 years was offset by declining exports and a smaller inventory build.

Why The United States Should Give The G7 ‘Women’s Equality’ Proposals The Finger

So often forgotten in the push for equality between the sexes is that it’s not this goal that generates opposition, but how we get there.

How Free Trade With China Politically Impoverished Both Countries

While we hoped freer trade with the West would lead China toward liberal democracy, the result has been an increasingly oppressive government.

Bill De Blasio: Merit Is Racist, So We Won’t Allow It In NYC Public Schools

Merit is now racist, as far as Bill de Blasio’s School Diversity Advisory Group is concerned. His new plans are just the next step in active discrimination against hardworking students, for the sake of equal outcomes.

It’s Time To Reject The Myth Of The ‘Broken’ Military Veteran

Given the ways veterans are routinely portrayed in media coverage and popular culture, we need to correct the common view that military service is psychologically devastating.

The Queen Just Suspended Parliament. Here’s How That Affects Brexit

Brexit opponents believe that Boris Johnson asked for an extended suspension of Parliament to prevent them from thwarting his plans for a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

How Shoehorning Trans Preferences Into Laws Meant To Protect Women Will Undermine LGBT Rights

The upcoming SCOTUS fights over these issues is about more than just employment law and LGBT protections. The outcome of this battle will affect many Americans.

A Tale Of Two Babies Who Died Under New York’s Extreme Abortion Laws

Two premature babies were born in New York City last month, at similar ages. One was abandoned in a park, the other killed in a late-term abortion.

I’m Throwing A Flag At The Idea That College Football Sucks

The college football season is here, and I simply can't let our readers think that David Marcus' argument that college football is bad football represents the rest of us Federalist writers.

Parents, Don’t Trust Your Memory When Sharing Pop Culture With Your Kids

Children shouldn’t be completely sheltered from evil, but parents should make wise, informed choices before they expose their kids to entertainment content.

Vatican’s Amazon Synod Uses Third World As Totems Of Marxist Revival

Under cover of deep ecology, liberation theology has come in out of the cold. And it is gunning to even the score between the industrial West and the Third World.

Inside Ohio’s Bitter Fight Over China’s Influence On A Nuclear Power Bailout

Opposition to a recent energy law passed in Ohio has led to allegations of Chinese interference in American politics.

Davidson In Claremont Review of Books: Ben Shapiro’s ‘The Right Side of History’

The West has forgotten its own history, Shapiro argues, and is abandoning Judeo-Christian values and natural law in favor of moral subjectivism.

Trump Proclaims That We Are All Living In “The Age Of Trump”

Trump took his ego to new levels as he proclaimed that America is living in the Age Of Trump.

Trump Thought He Could Deport Kids With Cancer and No One Would Notice, But Rachel Maddow Busted Him

Trump and his administration thought that he could deport kids with cancer and no one would notice, but Rachel Maddow shined a national spotlight on his heinous policy.

Trump Is Trying To Blackmail Ukraine Into Investigating Biden By Withholding Military Aid

Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine to help Russia and blackmail them into investigating Joe Biden.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand ends her campaign and exits presidential race

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who ran a presidential campaign centered on advocacy for women, ended her bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

Kamala Harris’ climate plan to draw on her experience suing polluters

Kamala Harris’ campaign is finalizing a plan to tackle climate change that will center on cracking down on fossil fuel companies and protecting poor neighborhoods from the worst impacts of global warming, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

AOC’s Instagram Rant Confirms Her Cluelessness About Climate Change

During an Instagram video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez discussed her thoughts on climate change. Her comments were riddled with factual inaccuracies. 

Trump Tries To Start A Viewer Boycott Because He’s Mad At Fox News

Trump blew a gasket on Wednesday and told his supporters to find a new news network, and that he can win without Fox News.

No One Needs A Straw

While liberals and conservatives fight over the single-use plastic product, the fact is, nobody needs a straw in the first place.

Marianne Williamson Calls Out DNC For Breaking Polling Promises, Keeping Her Out Of Third Debate

The Marianne Williamson campaign released a statement saying the DNC is using only 11 polls, not the promised 18, to determine a candidate's debate qualifications.

For The First Time Ever Voters Say The Economy Is Getting Worse Under Trump

Trump is in real political trouble as for the first time ever in his presidency more voters say the economy is getting worse than say it's getting better.

White Women Flee Trump As Top Democrats Crush Him In New Poll

A new poll shows the top four Democratic presidential candidates all beating Donald Trump by double digits because white women have fled this president.

Facebook tightens rules for U.S. political advertisers ahead of 2020 election

Facebook Inc is tightening its political ad rules in the United States, it said on Wednesday, requiring new disclosures for its site and photo-sharing platform Instagram ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November 2020.

How To Replace Howard Zinn’s Communist Account Of U.S. History For American Kids

Americans' affections for and knowledge of their country need to be fed. The lovely new history 'Land of Hope' does so. Another new book, 'Debunking Howard Zinn,' provides medicine to those food cannot restore.

The Bloody Legacy Of The Nazi-Soviet Pact Shows Communism And Fascism Are Allies

The lesson of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact must never be forgotten: fascism and communism are birds of a feather and culpable of some of the worst atrocities in human history.

Two-Thirds Of Americans Think Christians Don’t Need To Attend Church. Wrong

Believers who think they can follow Christ without his church are on the road to unbelief and isolation. According to all the best evidence we have, do-it-yourself Christianity rapidly ends in apostasy.

How Elizabeth Warren’s Candidacy Benefits From Her Democrat Competitors’ Weakness

Democrats usually prefer to fall in love with their candidates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s slow but steady climb in the polls suggest it has not been love at first sight for many.

Anti-Progressive British School For Poor Kids Leads Nation In Latest Tests

‘Britain’s strictest school’ for the underprivileged, where discipline and order sparked controversy, just got its first major results, which are four times better than the national average.

How Decades Of Paranoid Attacks On The Koch Brothers Turned Into Mainstream Leftist Tactics

The passing of David Koch last week recalled the left’s increasing penchant for explaining American politics with wild-eyed conspiracy theories.

3 Big Obstacles To Senate Democrats’ Health Care Vision Becoming Reality

Apart from the typical ‘Voxplanations’ in the article, the philosophy and policies the Senate Democrats laid out don’t stand up to serious scrutiny, on multiple levels.

Women Surpass Men To Comprise Majority Of The College-Educated Labor Force

This is the best time to be an American woman. There's no systematic discrimination or other external dark forces preventing you from being who you are and having a fulfilling life and a rewarding career.

The 1859 Project: How The Birth Of The Oil Industry Saved Whales And Propelled Today’s Prosperity

Without early Americans' entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity, today’s Americans may not be able to enjoy the kind of prosperity and comfort we often have taken for granted.

Philosophers Defend Doctor And Academic Whose Jobs Were Threatened For Questioning Transgenderism

Philosophy used to be about debate and trying to answer hard questions. Now it’s about toeing the line of ‘acceptable opinions’—or facing the consequences.

Why David Fincher Should Direct Every Episode Of ‘Mindhunter’

The series increasingly leans on the talents of its cast, particularly Jonathan Groff, as the storylines become less engaging and the plot slows. 

Why Kids Should Be Invited To Weddings

Weddings are celebrations of the uniting of two families, not just the romantic 'I do's' of bride and groom. But the best part of families are the kids, and we shouldn't leave them out.

Trump Wants To Host The G7 At His Doral Resort Because The Property Is Going Broke

Trump holds the most powerful office in the world, and – with the help of a corrupt attorney general – he's using it to boost his failing businesses.

Trump Was Laughed At By Other World Leaders Behind The Scenes At The G7

Trump has no credibility on the world stage, and his performance and reception by other world leaders at the G7 summit was the latest evidence of that.

Trump Is Throwing A Toddler Tantrum Over Elizabeth Warren’s Large Crowds

Trump is clearly concerned about the jolt of momentum that Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign has seen in recent weeks.

Billboards Go Up In Kentucky Urging Voters To Vote Mitch McConnell Out

Billboards are being posted in Kentucky with a message to voters urging them to vote Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell out of office.

It Wasn’t Sexist For NBC To Post A Picture Of The FFL Skirt

NBC News published an article titled "More Republican women than ever are planning to run for office," but the original headline picture drew controversy from young conservatives on Twitter.

Mark Sanford On Netflix’s ‘The Family’: ‘It’s Much To Do About Nothing’

Sanford denied that the group at C Street was secret. “It’s well known within Congress. People in both parties are invited. It’s not a secret society.”

New Poll Shows Biden With 13 Point Lead One Day After Cable News Polling Freakout

One day after a poll showed a three-way tie for the Democratic nomination, a new poll shows Joe Biden with a 13 point lead.

Mark Sanford: Trump’s Personality Will Not Bring Down Our Republic, But Our Debt Will

Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, who is preparing a possible primary challenge against President Donald Trump, said Tuesday that the nation’s financial outlook is more troubling than the president’s unconventional style in office.

Democrats May Try To Block Funds If Trump Holds G7 At His Golf Club

Trump is trying to hold the G7 at his golf club, but Democrats could move to block the use any federal funds if the summit is held at a Trump property.

U.S. officials fear ransomware attack against 2020 election

The U.S. government plans to launch a program in roughly one month that narrowly focuses on protecting voter registration databases and systems ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

Joe Biden’s Turn Left Will Cost Him The Nomination

If Joe Biden is just another 'democratic socialist,' then why should moderates vote for him? A new poll says many won't.

My Childhood Schooling In The Soviet Union Was Better Than My Kids’ In U.S. Public Schools Today

Ask the people in our immigrant community why we moved to the United States, and hear again and again: 'For the kids.' Yet here we are, failing them in one of the most important ways.

The Pundit’s Guide To Handicapping The Democratic Nomination

Is the Democratic field as strong as it appears? Or is it as weak as the Republican field of 2016 when an outsider thundered onstage and wiped all Republicans away?

How The Media Enables Ludicrous And Destructive Climate Change Hysteria

If journalistic institutions did their jobs, reporters would challenge some of the assumptions and exaggerations about climate change. Instead, we have hysteria.

‘Betrayal’ On Broadway’s Brilliant Cast, Incisive Wit Makes Up For Dull Staging

With the economical yet incendiary dialogue, and little action throughout the Harold Pinter play's 90-minute runtime, the onus for keeping the play interesting lies predominantly on the actors.

Rashida Tlaib Blames Israel For Terrorist Attack That Killed Israeli Teen

Rep. Rashida Tlaib implied that policies of the Jewish state of Israel were somehow to blame for the heinous actions of terrorists who detonated a bomb.

If The Left Cares About Women, Why Do They Let Homeless People Attack Women In San Francisco?

A fifth-generation San Franciscan told me: 'It’s becoming a kind of hell. We are beyond defeated. We are all on our own in San Francisco. No one's coming to help the good people.'

How Economic Riches Have Destroyed The Wealth Of Relationships

Millions of people are just like me, isolated in the midst of a crowd, lacking a true community, and wondering, 'Who are these people?'

26-Year-Old Catalina Lauf’s Congressional Bid Takes Aim At ‘Angry’ Socialists Who ‘Seek To Divide Us By Skin Color, Economic Class’

Lauf's campaign focuses on positively countering the socialist agenda pushed by young congresswomen. She says she is a counter-voice to 'The Squad.'

Why Idolizing Marriage And Motherhood Isn’t Godly

The wedded woman worshiping marriage is no holier than the feminist idolizing herself. Married people do single women no favors by hinging their worth on a person who doesn’t exist in their lives.

What I Learned From Rewatching ‘Magnum, P.I.’ On Amazon

While some of the charm has worn off 'Magnum, P.I.’s' eight seasons, we can still learn from that dashing P.I. driving a borrowed Ferrari through paradise.

If You Don’t Agree With Taylor Swift About Everything, She Turns From ‘Lover’ To Hater

Maybe I outgrew Taylor Swift, but maybe she left me out in the cold. And maybe our differences have something to do with her newfound political activism.

Rachel Maddow Says The Disaster G7 Summit Is Ironclad Proof That Trump Is Nuts

As American credibility is crushed under the weight of a man-sized toddler acting as president, the rest of the world is moving on.

Former U.S. Attorney Says Trump Broke The Law By Pitching His Resort For The Next G7

In a working democracy with two functioning political parties committed to the rule of law, Trump would face immediate legal repercussions or impeachment.

Trump Is Blaming Obama For His Embarrassing G7 Performance

Donald Trump's flaws are only enhanced on the world stage when he's next to world leaders who actually take their jobs seriously.

Trump’s Reelection Campaign Already In A Tailspin As GOP Women Ditch Their MAGA Caps

Former RNC chair Michael Steele pointed out that it's clear that Trump's support, even from some GOP voters, is beginning to soften.

Elizabeth Warren Cozies Up To DNC After Accusing It Of Rigging The 2016 Primary

Elizabeth Warren spent the weekend attracting the Democratic Party’s establishment after alleging the 2016 primary was rigged for Hillary Clinton.

Jerry Nadler Subpoenas Rob Porter In Trump Impeachment Probe

The House Judiciary Committee has officially subpoenaed former White House staff secretary Rob Porter as part of their impeachment probe into Trump obstruction of justice.

Another One Bites The Dust As Rep. Sean Duffy Flees Sinking Trump Ship

One of Trump's biggest supporters in the House, and the state of Wisconsin, Rep. Sean Duffy has announced that he is resigning.

Reporter Calls Out Trump For Lying About Obama At G7 Press Conference

Trump was called out by a reporter for lying President Obama and Russia's annexation of Crimea during his press conference at the G7.

Journalists Are Having A Meltdown Over Journalism Being Done To Them

The Times report decried the tactic of exposing past social media posts, arguing that targeting individuals is acceptable when journalists do it to other people, but not when other people do it to them.

Hillary Clinton Calls Out Trump’s Hurricane Nuking Stupidity With 5 Words

Hillary Clinton responded to Trump's idea of nuking hurricanes with 5 words that highlighted just how dumb this president is.

U.S. abortion rights groups fight new Missouri law in court

Opponents of a new law in Missouri restricting most abortions after eight weeks of pregnancy will ask a federal judge on Monday to stop the law from taking effect this week.

As The Amazon Rainforest Burns, Trump Blows Off Climate Change Session At G7

The White House claimed that Trump's meetings ran late, so he missed the working session on climate change, but that excuse was bogus.

House Judiciary subpoenas third former Trump adviser within two weeks

The House Judiciary Committee will subpoena former White House aide Rob Porter to testify about alleged efforts by President Donald Trump to impede a federal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the panel's plans.

Joe Walsh Announces Primary Challenge Against Trump

Former U.S. representative Joe Walsh entered the 2020 Republican presidential primary Sunday, making him the second GOP candidate to challenge Trump.

Gender Clinic Doctor: Plenty Of Kids I’m Giving Trans Drugs Have Already Been Prostitutes

Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy is the picture of what happens when a physician values political advocacy to the detriment of medical ethics and professionalism.

The Washington Post Is Worse For The Planet Than Dogs Are

The Washington Post is one of the world’s most destructive newspapers. Their attack on man’s best friend proves it.

Lawsuit: HuffPo Falsely Blamed Black Student For Killing A Kennedy, All To Smear Brett Kavanaugh

Derrick Evans is suing the Huffington Post for a story they ran days after Christine Blasey Ford went public with her now-debunked claim that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.

‘The Squad’ Co-Sponsors Bill Claiming Israel Tortures Children, And Other Terrorist Propaganda

The claims made in the bill originate mostly from a group that could be described as the propaganda arm of a terrorist organization.

Colts Fans Booing Andrew Luck Was Reprehensible, Yet Understandable

In response to news of Andrew Luck’s retirement, a number of fans began raining down boos upon their beloved quarterback as he trotted off the field for the last time.

The Original ‘Real Housewives,’ Ranked From Least To Most Polarizing

With three original Real Housewives suddenly dethroned from the top of their respective franchises, it's as good a time as any to rank them.

Every Top 2020 Democrat Wants Taxpayers To Shoulder More College Tuition

Democratic contenders for the presidential nomination are talking a lot about higher education, and it seems they want 'free' everything except for speech.

Disney Plus Is Pulling Out All The Stops To Lure People Away From Netflix

Four major streaming services will launch over the next year, including Apple TV Plus, HBO Max, and an unnamed NBC-Universal service. Disney Plus is first up in November.

Did The Sexual Revolution Give Birth To Identity Politics?

In her new book, Mary Eberstadt makes a compelling case that today's identity politics are rooted in the sexual revolution, and the decline of the family.

College Football Is Bad Football

Face the facts: college football is bad football, and those who think otherwise are just wrong.

Why Haven’t Republicans Stood Against Antisemitism In The Wake Of Trump’s Comments?

Many American Jews were already feeling rubbed raw, and this news from the White House pressed hail-size salt into those wounds.

6 Highlights About Gen Z From New Poll Include Low Value On Spirituality, High On Chick-fil-A

The Morning Consult's latest poll, 'Understanding Gen Z,' examines the most diverse and best-credentialed generation thus far.

Children Don’t Need More Free Time, They Need More Attention From Their Parents

Selfish and lonely parents are disregarding the importance of bonding with their children, and it's leading to a generation of lonely, isolated kids.

Trump Seriously Suggested Nuking Hurricanes To Stop Them

Trump wants to stop hurricanes from hitting the United States by dropping nuclear bombs on them, and he has raised this plan on multiple occasions.

Trump Humiliates Himself By Making Up Fake Quotes From World Leaders

Trump used the G7 to make up fake quotes from other unnamed world leaders who he falsely claims asked him why the US media hates America.

Psychiatrist Says Trump May Be Responsible For More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao

Dr. Allen Francis said that Trump may end up being responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

Joe Walsh Jumps Into GOP Primary By Calling Trump A Narcissist Sexual Predator

Former Rep. Joe Walsh said that Trump is a narcissist sexual predator who lies every time he opens his mouth as the former Congressman launched 2020 bid to win the Republican nomination.

Trump Allies Mount Attack To Discredit Hundreds Of Journalists Before 2020 Election

The allies of Donald Trump have collected dossiers of information which they plan to use to discredit hundreds of journalists and news organizations ahead of the 2020 election.

Joe Biden Shows What A President Should Be In Touching Statement On John McCain Anniversary

While Trump was bumbling through another day at the G7, Joe Biden issued a touching statement on the anniversary of John McCain's death that reminded America what a president can and should be.

After Trump Screws Up, The White House Doubles Down On Trade War

After Trump epically screwed up and appeared to admit regrets about the trade war, the White House doubled down and threatened even more tariffs. Video of Trump appearing to express regret about the trade war: The White House is trying to clean up a major disaster as Trump was three times if he had any … Continue reading "After Trump Screws Up, The White House Doubles Down On Trade War"

On The Brink Of Recession, Trump Spends The G7 Sending Birthday Tweets To Sean Connery

The US and Europe are close to the brink of recession but Donald Trump is spending the G7 sending birthday tweets to Sean Connery and Regis Philbin.

After Crashing The Stock Market Trump Claims He Was Kidding About Being The Chosen One

After crashing the stock market, Trump is claiming that he was just kidding when he claimed to be the chosen one in his trade war with China.

Moving Beyond the “Free Stuff” Rhetoric We Can Imagine a Fairly and Publicly Funded America

We hear a lot about progressive democrats campaigning on platforms promising “free stuff” to voters: free healthcare, free college, free childcare, and so on. Critics love to take these progressives to task, as if it’s some kind of “gotcha” moment, pointing out that obviously none of this stuff will be “free.”  Or else they take … Continue reading "Moving Beyond the “Free Stuff” Rhetoric We Can Imagine a Fairly and Publicly Funded America"

Out Of Tricks and Out Of His Mind, Trump Recycles Middle Class Tax Cut Promise If He Wins Reelection

Trump is out of tricks as he has returned to promising a tax cut for the middle class, but only if he wins the 2020 election.

Trump Wants Interest Rate Cut Because It Would Save Him Millions Yearly In Loan Payments

If interest rates are cut, Trump stands to save millions of dollars a year on his loan payments for his business.

Mitch McConnell’s Nightmare Continues As Kentucky Coal Miners Expose Him As A Fraud

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a fraud, and the people of Kentucky – and America – are beginning to wake up to this reality.

Trump Tags Parody Twitter Account Of French President Emmanuel Macron In Instant G7 Fail

Donald Trump immediately made a fool of himself at the G7 Summit by tagging a parody Twitter account for French President Emmanuel Macron.

Anthony Scaramucci Calls Trump An ‘International Crisis’ Who Is ‘Having A Nervous Breakdown’

Scaramucci said even Republicans appear to be recognizing that the president is completely off his rocker and will soon have no choice but to confront him.

Trump Crashes The Stock Market With New Threats Against China

The stock market responded to Trump's new threats against China by dropping nearly 500 points, as the president's tweets sent stocks into a nosedive.

Trump Has A Total Meltdown And “Orders” US Companies To Not Do Business With China

Trump responded to China's latest round of retaliatory tariffs by "ordering" US companies out of China, but he doesn't have the power to order companies to do anything.

China strikes back at U.S. with new tariffs on $75 billion in goods

China said on Friday it will impose retaliatory tariffs against about $75 billion worth of U.S. goods, putting as much as an extra 10% on top of existing rates in the dispute between the world's top two economies.

CNN Just Paid Off Another Corrupt Deep State Leaker With A TV Contract

CNN announced Thursday it has hired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as a contributor after the network criticized the hirings of former Trump White House press secretaries Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders by other networks.

More 2020 Democrats Begin Turning Their Attention To Rural Voters

Democrats running for president have released a slew of ads and policy proposals targeting rural voters just over five months before the Iowa caucuses.

The Empty Relevance Of Never Trump

The prominence of Never Trump pundits in liberal outlets is mostly fueled by a wistful longing for the days of the principled conservative who always lost.

David Koch dies and the media whitewashing has begun

Within minutes of the announcement of David Koch's death, the mainstream media started whitewashing his legacy.

Slavery In America Did Not Begin In 1619, And Other Things The New York Times Gets Wrong

The 1619 Project isn’t mostly about helping Americans understand the role of slavery in our history. It’s mostly about convincing Americans that ‘America’ and ‘slavery’ are synonyms.

Why The Case For Reparations Would Be Immediately Thrown Out Of Court

Tort law is the only meaningful system of law we have for resolving the type of issue reparations seeks to resolve, and it is categorically, legally, logically, and morally improper for addressing reparations.

Charges Kamala Harris Brought Against Planned Parenthood Whistleblower David Daleiden Could Be Dropped

Lawyers for undercover journalist David Daleiden have motioned for charges in California to be dismissed after evidence suggests a search warrant lacked probable cause.

LGBT Activists Vilify Pastor Arrested For Enacting Plot Of Celebrated Gay Movie

It seems a same-sex, adult-teen relationship is either a beautiful expression of LGBT progress or an example of perversion deserving of jail time, depending entirely on whether the adult involved is a Christian.

Why There Is No Justification For Forcing Taxpayers To Pay For Art

President Trump's proposed budget eliminates funding for the NEA, and apparently not wanting taxpayers to bankroll endeavors beyond the government's constitutional scope demonstrates his lack of humanity.

How Arabic Jews Helped Form Israel’s Legendary Intelligence Service

Journalist Matti Friedman's book, 'Spies of No Country,' examines the questions of identity surrounding Jews from the Arab world who worked as spies and helped create the state of Israel.

Q&A With Lacy Johnson, A Republican Challenging Ilhan Omar

Lacy Johnson is running to oust far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar from Minnesota's fifth congressional district. He believes Omar espouses hate speech.

The 15 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of Summer 2019

Here's an entertaining list of the worst offerings to grace theaters this summer.

No, We Shouldn’t Stop Using Masculine Pronouns For God

If young Christians think God is a male, churches certainly have a problem to address. But using feminine pronouns or gender-neutral language is not the solution.

Today’s Classical Education Is Worth Pursuing Even If It’s Not Precisely Recreating The Past

Classical education is not at the mercy of our culture. Instead, it has the potential to shape a new culture that is anchored in reality.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Won’t Have Three Kids Because Of Climate Change, But They Still Charter Private Jets

Prince William and Kate Middleton were spotted boarding a commercial plane to Scotland Thursday, to reduce emissions, while other members of the royal family take private jets.

How Not To Blaspheme Against Garlic Cloves

Those of us who use masses of garlic in pretty much everything wield our methods with pride, because garlic is an essential part of food that has actual flavor.

Rachel Maddow Predicts The Democratic Primary Is Days Away From A Major Shakeup

As many as 10 of the Democratic presidential hopefuls could withdraw from the primary race if they don't qualify for the next debate.

While The Amazon Burns, Trump Is Tweeting About Dancing With The Stars

While the burning Amazon has sparked an international crisis, Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday night to tweet about dancing with the stars.

French President Shows Trump What Leadership Looks Like By Declaring Crisis Over Amazon Fires

It's time for the United States to have a president who recognizes the harsh realities of climate change and rallies the world to fight it.

Every Member Of The Squad Is More Popular In Swing Districts Than Trump And Mitch McConnell

Despite their efforts to paint the Democratic Party as out of step with average voters, it is Trump, McConnell and the GOP who are most disliked by middle America.

Trump Makes Former Members Wait 85 Years For Refunds From Failing Golf Club

Trump’s Doral golf club is failing, and members who quit the club since the 2016 election are being forced to wait 85 years to get their deposits back. According to the Maimi Herald: To move up the list by one spot, four new golf members need to join the club, according to the membership terms. … Continue reading "Trump Makes Former Members Wait 85 Years For Refunds From Failing Golf Club"

Joe Walsh ‘Strongly, Strongly Considering’ Launching Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., said Thursday that he is “strongly, strongly considering” a primary challenge to President Donald Trump.

Fox News Hires Sarah Huckabee Sanders To Continue Her Career Of Lying For Trump

Fox News has hired Sarah Huckabee Sanders to continuing her career of lying for Donald Trump.

Trump Promised To Bring Back The Factories, But Manfacturing Shrunk For The First Time In 10 Years

Trump promised to bring back the factories, but the manufacturing sector just suffered its first contraction in a decade.

Ex-presidential candidate John Hickenlooper to run for Senate

Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who dropped out of the 2020 Democratic presidential race last week, said on Thursday he would run for a Senate seat in the state instead.

Hickenlooper Announces Senate Run In Key State For Democrats

John Hickenlooper launched his campaign for the U.S. Senate Thursday, one week after ending his bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Trump Might Have Ditched Denmark Trip Out Of Fear Of Being Outshined By Obama

Obama was set to travel to Denmark not long after Trump's planned visit, and the current president didn't want to be humiliated.

The Political Perils Of Supporting Israel

Long before Donald Trump came around, conservative Jews argued that Jewish Democrats would have to deal with the anti-Israel faction in their party.

Pete Buttigieg’s Candidacy Exposes Democrats’ ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Approach To Black Voters

While black Americans' attitudes on LGBTQ issues pose a problem for Pete Buttigieg, his candidacy exposes a more general issue for a Democratic Party whose elites are disproportionately white leftists.

The 1519 Project: How Early Spanish Explorers Took Down A Mass-Murdering Indigenous Cult

Five hundred years ago, Hernando Cortez and his native allies put an end to a gruesome regime with one of the greatest underdog victories ever recorded.

The Right’s Biggest Struggle Today Is Confronting What The Market Does To Communities

Conservatives know how to resist the bad ideas of the left. We are less sure how to restrain or mitigate the harm that markets and new technologies can do to social cohesion and communities.

Jury Awards Planned Parenthood Whistleblower $3 Million For Detailing Nasty Conditions At Facilities

The largest abortion provider in the United States demonstrated once again its utter disregard for women's health and safety, and Mayra Rodriguez did something about it.

Education Is Speech: Why New York’s Attempts To Control Private Schools Are Unconstitutional

Courts will not be able to ignore the reality that education is speech and that states are imposing unconstitutional content and viewpoint discrimination.

Elliott Broidy Case Illuminates How Far The Media Will Go To Attack Private Citizens To Get Trump

Elliott Broidy's story is a harrowing warning of the capacity of a hyper-partisan media to be influenced by foreign operatives to attack the president and silence an American citizen.

Why Does ‘Compromise’ On Gun Laws Always Mean Gun Control Wins?

Gun rights defenders are willing to genuinely compromise. But gun control advocates do not negotiate in good faith, creating bad policy with no logical end.

Will The New ‘Little Women’ Make Jo March Into A Man-Hating Feminist?

Only showcasing a feminism that denies a desire for authentic human love feels incomplete to most women. Jo doesn’t have to choose between writing and love.

Here’s What’s Wrong With Treating Schooling Like A Factory Or Garden

Schools aren't simply 'factories' or 'gardens.' Educational philosophy should address the needs of the group as well as their individual humanity.

Dan Crenshaw Talks Social Media, Woke Culture On Joe Rogan’s Podcast

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) appeared on 'The Joe Rogan Experience' podcast in an episode that lasted nearly three hours. They talked about discourse, transgenderism, and more.

Jay Inslee Bows Out Of The 2020 Democratic Primary

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee announced Wednesday, August 21 that he is dropping out of 2020 Democratic presidential primary race.

Gov. Jay Inslee Becomes Third Major Democrat To Drop Out Of Presidential Race

The Washington governor said he isn't ready to endorse any other candidates yet, but he promised to support the eventual Democratic nominee.

Kirsten Gillibrand Defends Her Demand For Al Franken’s Resignation Before Any Evidence Of His Wrongdoing

While speaking on a podcast, Democratic presidential hopeful and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand exemplified her utter lack of respect for due process. 

Trump Is In Major Trouble With Women Voters And It Could Lead To The First Female President

Trump's sinking support doesn't just have the potential to help Democrats retake the White House in 2020. It could also lead to the first female president.

Trump Tells Crowd Of Veterans That He Deserves The Medal Of Honor

Donald Trump isn't even qualified to hold the door for a veteran, much less receive the highest award a military member can receive.

Trump Gets Even Crazier By Threatening To Release Thousands Of ISIS Fighters In Europe

Trump threatened to release thousand of ISIS fighters into Germany, France, and other parts of Europe

Trump Proclaims Himself The Chosen One In Front Of White House Reporters

Trump looked to the sky and proclaimed himself The Chosen One while talking to reporters at the White House.

Trump Admits He Canceled Denmark Trip Because PM Hurt His Feelings

Trump called the female Prime Minister of Denmark nasty and admitted that he canceled his trip to the country because she hurt his feelings.

Podcast: Disney Plus, Superhero Movies, And Quentin Tarantino

Peter Suderman joins The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the future of streaming content, Marvel movies, and the best summer entertainment.

Facebook Audit Results Rile Liberals And Conservatives

Results of a Facebook audit were released Tuesday that found the social media company has “significant work” to do to satisfy concerns from conservatives.

CBO Warns Trump Tariffs Are Hurting The US Economy

The CBO says economic growth is smaller than possible because Trump's tariffs are hurting business investment by creating uncertainty.

Parkland massacre survivors post sweeping gun-control plan ahead of 2020 election

Survivors of the Parkland, Florida, high school massacre on Wednesday released a sweeping gun-control plan that would ban assault-style rifles and take other steps in hopes of halving U.S. firearms deaths and injuries within a decade.

If The Economy Fails, Trump Is Toast As 49% Of His Supporters Would Blame Him For Recession

The White House is panicked over a recession because a new poll found that half of Trump's supporters would blame him if the economy tumbles.

No, America Wasn’t Built On Slavery, But Faith That All Men Are Created Equal

By reframing America’s founding around slavery, the 1619 Project misreads history and the role Americans played in realizing the ideals of the Declaration.

Howard Zinn’s Anti-American Propaganda Takes Over The Smithsonian

'Teach-ins' at the taxpayer-funded Smithsonian and in New York City promise anti-historical indoctrination from socialist Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States.'

Scholastic’s New School Catalog Hawks Books To Saturate Kids With Identity Politics

The world's largest publisher and distributor of books to kids, which hosts the No. 1-visited site for U.S. elementary school teachers, has gone full-on woke. You won't believe the garbage they're selling to public schools.

New Research Suggests Fluoride In Drinking Water Can Reduce Unborn Babies’ Later IQ

Without any known health benefits of fluoride to babies, and with known potential harms, expectant mothers would do well to decrease or limit the amount of fluoride they consume.

The Jury Is Still Out On ‘Righteous Gemstones’

If 'Righteous Gemstones' fails to offer a 'searing commentary' on the nitty-gritty of bad theology or evangelical politics, it'll be just fine—so long as it actually brings the laughs.

As ‘Unplanned’ Releases To Homes, Here’s A Look Behind The Scenes

A biopic about former Planned Parenthood worker Abby Johnson, 'Unplanned' crosses doctrinal divides to convey a powerful pro-life message.

How My Son Got Me Into Gaming

I imagined tossing the baseball with my son. Instead, we play Minecraft, and I love it.

Europe Considers The Nazi Idea Of Requiring Jewish Businesses To Identify Themselves On Labels

The EU may begin targeting businesses in Israel in the name of neutrality, but the ramifications will be anything but neutral.

Stop Believing The Big Lie That Washington Can Solve All Our Problems

Too many think all governing ourselves requires is passing a law. We no longer need to roll up our sleeves and work, bottom-up, to earn a growing economy, a just society, or a stronger nation.

CNN Personality’s Bodyguard Charged With Assaulting A Journalist

CNN personality April Ryan's body guard has been charged with assault for forcibly removing a journalist from an event where Ryan was speaking.

No, CNN, Israel’s Limits On Tlaib’s Entry Are Not A ‘Travel Ban’

CNN’s desire to call travel restrictions on Rep. Rashida Tlaib a ‘travel ban’ despite no such ban evinces how inaccurate CNN’s coverage has become of ‘the Squad’ and Israel.

Ohio’s Breakaway Music Festival Bans Attendees From Bringing Water Bottles And Containers

Festivals usually allow guests to bring Camelbak-style backpacks and water bottles into the concert-grounds upon emptying their contents. Not this time.

Trump’s Approval Rating Is Plummeting As America Heads Toward Recession

Donald Trump and his reckless economic policies are pushing America toward another recession, and the American people are starting to notice.

Trump Cancels Meeting With Denmark PM After Being Told He Can’t Buy Greenland

Something tells me that the prime minister of Denmark has more important things to do than entertain a juvenile president of the United States.

Trump Privately Tells The NRA That He Will Ditch Universal Background Checks

The sellout is complete: Donald Trump will oppose any universal background check legislation that Congress might send to his desk.

The Trump Campaign Can’t Hide Their Utter Terror Over Potentially Facing Biden

The Trump campaign is clearly afraid of facing Joe Biden and the argument comparing Donald Trump to Barack Obama.

Maryland Man Arrested For Threatening To Exterminate Hispanics Thanks Trump For Race War

A Maryland man who was arrested for threatening to exterminate Hispanics thanked God for Donald Trump's presidency, and his oncoming "race war."

Sen. Chris Murphy Exposes The NRA As A Weak and Powerless Fraud

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) explained that Republicans are afraid of the perception of the NRA, but the reality is that the gun lobby is weak and in chaos.

Harry Reid Trashes Progressive Proposals Pushed By 2020 Democrats

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Democrats are heading down the wrong path by pushing progressive policies out of step with the public.

America Cannot Be The ‘United’ States Without Common Goals

Aristotle argues friendships built on pleasure or utility will not last. The same could be said for America's political movements. We need common virtue.

Trump Defeated In Court On Transgender Military Ban

A district court in Maryland has ruled that transgender military service members have legal standing and stopped Trump from blocking judicial review of his trans military ban.

New CNN Poll Qualifies Julián Castro For September Democratic Debate

Former HUD director Julián Castro will appear on stage in the third round of Democratic primary debates on Sept. 12 in Houston. 

Russia to nuclear test ban monitor: Test accident not your business

Russia told an agency that verifies a ban on nuclear tests that a military test accident in the country's north this month was none of its business and that handing it any radiation data was voluntary, Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday.

The Ghost Of John C. Calhoun Haunts Today’s American Left

The irony of the New York Times’ 1619 Project is that it embraces the critique of the American Founding espoused by the leading defender of Southern slavery, Sen. John C. Calhoun.

Why Farmers Aren’t Going To Abandon Trump Over The Trade War

The popular narrative goes that because President Trump launched a trade war against China, China has retaliated by tariffing agriculture products from red states that voted for Trump. False.

The Leaked No-Deal Brexit Document Is A Wake-Up Call For Transparency

Presenting a worst-case scenario resulting from a 'no-deal' Brexit, this document is making waves in the U.K. and will require forthright communication from Boris Johnson's administration.

U.S. History Doesn’t Need To Be ‘Reframed’ Around Identity Politics; It Already Has Been

The myth that students and readers are getting some rose-colored version of American history is nonsense. So what is the 1619 Project really trying to do?

How Publicly Funded Colleges Encourage Dangerous Sex With Porn, Condoms, And Lies

The left’s influence on campus runs deeper than transgender pronouns and hateful bashing of our president. They also normalize sexual behaviors that destroy young men and women.

Here’s How The United States Can Push Back On China’s Foreign Propaganda

With China on the verge of crushing Hong Kong’s freedoms, why do we allow China to influence U.S. public policy through campuses and media?

How Common Core And Screen Overdoses Are Ruining American Kids’ Intelligence

Between ineffective teaching methods at school and an overdose of screen time at home, our children are becoming intellectually deficient. We need to reverse the trends.

A Culture Of Life Requires Better Care For Mothers With Pregnancy Complications

Parents often don't know which hospitals will provide them care during pregnancy complications until it's too late. We need hospital transparency to protect babies and mothers.

Huffington Post Reporter Claims It’s Racist To Criticize Warren, Won’t Say Whether The Senator Is Indian

Huffington Post’s senior political reporter is circling the wagons around Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and slinging arrows at anyone who criticizes the Democratic presidential candidate’s false claims of American Indian heritage.

Why Medicaid Enrollment And Fraud Has Exploded Under Obamacare

Despite its good intentions, Medicaid expansion is proving to be yet another government program laden with waste, fraud, and inefficiency.

New Poll Shows The Democratic Primary Is Still Anybody’s Game

A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows how open the state of the Democratic primary remains with five months to the first ballots cast.

Rachel Maddow Warns Trump And GOP That Blocking Background Checks Will Be Political Suicide

The American people are growing increasingly tired of Republicans refusing to offer anything but empty thoughts and prayers.

Don’t Fall For Omar And Tlaib’s Lies About Israel

Nearly everything Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib said in their two-woman production of 'Israel is Evil' on Monday was untrue.

Eric Swalwell Says ‘Zero Chance’ Moscow Mitch Will Put American Lives Over Russia-NRA Money

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell said there is no chance McConnell will take up a common-sense gun safety bill when Congress returns in September.

Trump Thinks Recessions Can Be Prevented By Just Not Talking About Them

Trump is refusing to acknowledge the possibility that another recession is on the way because he doesn't want to admit his economics policies have flopped.

Trump’s In Big Trouble As His Economy Approval Rating Has Plunged 13 Points In A Year

Trump is in denial about the oncoming recession, but his approval rating with voters on the economy has dropped 13 points in a year.

Trump Moves To Legalize Housing Discrimination Against Women, People Of Color, and The Disabled

The Trump administration is proposing a rule change that would make it virtually impossible to prove housing discrimination against women, people of color, and the disabled.

On Guns, Mueller, and Congress, Kirsten Gillibrand Has No Idea What She’s Talking About

At a Washington Post forum, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. made a plethora of reality-deficient comments, making it obvious she has no idea what she's talking about.

Why You Should Stop Comparing ‘Seinfeld’ And ‘Friends’

'Seinfeld' and 'Friends' are too different to make for an interesting comparison.

New York City Fires Police Officer Who Killed Eric Garner

Daniel Pantaleo was fired from the New York City Police Department Tuesday for his involvement in the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man.

Barr Tries To Pass The Buck For Epstein Sucide By Firing Bureau Of Prisons Leadership

Barr on Monday announced a new leadership team at the federal Bureau of Prisons in a shake-up of the agency in the wake of financier Jeffrey Epstein's apparent suicide inside a federal jail in New York City.

Schumer Blasts Trump For Caving To The NRA On Background Checks

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer called out Trump for doing the same act we've seen before in his cave to the NRA on background checks.

Podcast: Hong Kong Protests, Boris Johnson, And U.S. Missile Defense

SUBSCRIBE TO THE FEDERALIST RADIO HOUR HERE. Rebeccah Heinrichs joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour for a discussion on what exactly is happening with Read More

Deranged Trump Claims Google Rigged The Popular Vote For Hillary Clinton

Trump is now falsely claiming that Google changed millions his votes to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

When It Comes To Buying Greenland, Is The Third Time A Charm? Not Likely

Whether President Trump is serious about wanting to buy Greenland or not, the island's government has made clear it is not for sale.

Poll: Trump appeals to white fears about race will be a tougher sell in 2020

Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric and focus on the grievances of white voters helped him win the 2016 election. But a Reuters analysis of public opinion over the last four years suggests that Trump's brand of white identity politics may be less effective in the 2020 election campaign.

Trump Blows Up His Own Tariff Lie After Talking To Tim Cook

Trump destroyed his own lie that China is paying all the tariffs after talking to Apple's Tim Cook about the cost to US companies.

Dear Lindsey Graham: Be A Man, Not A Meme

Democrats don’t need anything more to stack the courts and execute a soft coup than Lindsey Graham and other ineffective Republicans to stick to seething.

Antifa Versus White Nationalists Is Political Performance Art

Neither Antifa nor their rivals represent any large constituency in America. They are play acting, and we keep watching. What can we learn from it?

Media Won’t Report That Tlaib And Omar’s Israel Trip Was Planned By A Pro-Terrorist Group

The establishment press must be getting quite a crick in its collective neck from having to look away so often from the antisemitic elements of the left, including within the Democratic Party.

When Adults Like Caitlyn Jenner Pursue Transgender Parenting Fantasies, Children Suffer

The best interest of children should be placed above any adult’s self-gratifying desire to experiment with parenthood as the opposite sex.

How The United States Can Support Self-Rule In Hong Kong Without Starting A War

Hong Kongers are fighting for something we Americans know very well: freedom and the right to self-determination. We can help them, and we should.

Canadian Court Bans Lawyer From Referring To Trans Teen As Her Actual Sex

How can the BC Supreme Court assume that 14-year-old 'Maxine' is fully competent to proceed with a course of treatment likely to render her infertile?

Kevin Williamson Fires On Social Media Outrage And ‘Antidiscourse’

In the wake of losing a job over a social media tantrum, writer Kevin Williamson's new book, 'The Smallest Minority,' sets its sights on outrage culture and the results are witty, caustic, and illuminating.

New Paper Highlights Why Trump Should Bring U.S. Troops Home From Afghanistan

Donald Trump remains the first president in 25 years to not have started a new war. As the U.S. nears a deal, he should take this opportunity to cut losses, and bring American troops home.

Why A Classical Education Is Almost Impossible Today

Of course, I'd prefer my child read classic literature and learn history than sit around reading propaganda on an iPad, but we can't return to a classical education in the truest sense of the phrase.

NF Shows How To Be A Christian Rapper Without Being A Christian Rapper

NF realizes that what our society needs is not more little rap songs about Christianity, but more little rap songs by Christians — with their Christianity latent.

From Trump’s Fat To ‘I’m A Mom’: Crazy Reasons Democrats Think They Can Beat Trump

Some Democratic presidential candidates are coming up with some odd reasons they think they are the right person to take on Donald Trump next year. 

Trump Accidentally Admits That Fox News Is White House Propaganda

While talking to reporters, Trump went off on a tangent about Fox News where he accidentally revealed that Fox is propaganda.

Trump Thinks That He Controls The Presidential Debates (He Doesn’t)

Trump is under the false and delusional impression that he makes the rules and controls the general election presidential debates.

While At A Golf Course For The 210th Time, Trump Claims Obama Didn’t Do His Job As President

On his way back from 208th visit as president to one of his golf courses, Donald Trump claimed that Obama didn't do his job as president.

Trump Pathetically Tries To Tweet His Way Out Of A Recession

No recession has replaced no collusion and no obstruction, as Trump is trying to tweet the country out of an oncoming recession.

Poll Shows Trump Has Turned GOP Into The White Nationalist Party

Republican concern about white nationalism has plummeted to being 52 points below that Democrats thanks to President Donald Trump.

Beto O’Rourke Perfectly Explains How Trump Uses Racism And Violence As Distractions

Beto O'Rourke said that Trump tries to distract people from their daily lives with his racist attacks and threats of violence.

Trump Is Ignoring Denmark And Still Trying To Buy Greenland

Trump's top economic adviser Larry Kudlow said that discussions are ongoing, even though Demark is refusing sale Greenland To Trump.

The White House Just Cost Trump The Election By Promising A Strong 2020 Economy

Peter Navarro made a promise that could send Trump to 2020 defeat when said that the economy will be strong in 2020 and beyond.

Pete Buttigieg Makes GOP Nightmares Real By Equating A Vote For Trump To Racism

Pete Buttigieg made a clear argument that people who vote for Trump are looking the other way on racism and giving a racist president 4 more years.

Trump Blames Media Bias Not His Total Failure As President For Bad Polls

Trump claimed that he would have great poll numbers if it wasn't for media bias instead of his failure at every aspect of the presidency.

Democrats Must Resist Recession Narrative and Critique Narrative of Trump’s Economic Success

This week’s stock market antics and the occurrence of an inverted yield curve have provided compelling evidence portending another economic recession. These economic indicators, in addition to spurring stock sell-offs and turbulent market volatility, also sparked a firestorm of debate and commentary regarding how a potential recession would impact Trump’s 2020 re-election bid. The word … Continue reading "Democrats Must Resist Recession Narrative and Critique Narrative of Trump’s Economic Success"

Understanding Trump’s Support for Israel as Part of his Racist, Anti-Semitic Agenda

President Trump, we should know by now, is the master of distraction, making it hard for the news cycle to keep up with his endless string of controversy-inspiring tweets and incendiary behaviors.  As the media gets caught up in dissecting the language and meaning of one text, he is on to something else. It is … Continue reading "Understanding Trump’s Support for Israel as Part of his Racist, Anti-Semitic Agenda"

Trump Has Spent 278 Years Of Presidential Salary On Taxpayer Funded Golf Trips

Trump boasted about donating his presidential salary, but his taxpayer-funded trips to his private golf clubs have cost taxpayers 278.5 years of presidential salary.

Company Made Workers Attend Trump PA Event By Threatening Not To Pay Them

Shell officials in Beaver County, PA gave workers a choice, they could either attend Trump's event or not be paid for the day.

Trump Wants To Declare Antifa A Terrorist Organization To Protect His Racist Mass Shooting Supporters

Trump is trying to distract from white supremacist mass shootings by declaring Antifa a terrorist organization.

Republicans Block The FEC From Calling The FBI About NRA Russian Money Laundering For Trump

Republicans on the Federal Election Commission wouldn't allow the Commission to make a single phone call to the FBI about a potential investigation into NRA Russian money laundering for Trump

Leaked Document Blows The Lid Off GOP Strategy To Blame The Left For Mass Shootings

GOP Memo Mass Shootings

The New York Times Is Clueless About Conservatives

A recently released transcript shows just how biased the New York Times really is and how little they want to do to fix it.

Greenland Crushes Trump’s Dreams By Refusing To Sale

Greenland on Friday dismissed the notion that it might be up for sale after reports that U.S. President Donald Trump had privately discussed with his advisers the idea of buying the world's biggest island.

Twitter Suspends Anthony Scaramucci for calling Trump Fat

Twitter temporarily suspended Anthony Scaramucci for pointing out the fact that Donald Trump is fat.

Tlaib says she won’t visit West Bank under Israel’s oppressive conditions

Rashida Tlaib on Friday rejected Israel's offer to let her travel to the West Bank, saying she would not visit her family after the Israeli government lifted a ban on her entry but imposed "oppressive conditions" to humiliate her.

Trump Attacks One Of His Own Supporters For Being Fat At His Rally

Trump turned on one of his own supporters and humiliated him for being fat when he mistakenly thought he was a protester at his New Hampshire rally.

After ban, Israel permits Rep. Tlaib to make humanitarian visit to family in West Bank

Israel decided on Friday to allow U.S. congresswoman Rashida Tlaib - a critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians - to visit family in the occupied West Bank on humanitarian grounds after barring her from making an official visit to Israel.

I’m A Professor, And I Carry A Gun On Campus. Here’s Why

Even on the most secure college campus, the police response to an active shooter is measured in minutes. But when seconds matter, it is up to students and faculty to defend their own lives.

Study Shows It’s Mathematically Impossible To Fund The Left’s Welfare State By Soaking The Rich

A new study revealed that it is mathematically impossible to pay for Democrats' proposals without dramatically raising taxes on the middle class.

Report: Hyten Accuser Told To Cease Threats And Treat Anger Issues Months Before Sex Claims

Col. Kathryn Spletstoser has attempted to derail the nomination of the general to the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by privately and publicly claiming without evidence that he sexually assaulted her.

How To Help Someone Experiencing A Miscarriage

Miscarriages are very common, but the frequency of the tragedy does not reduce the weight of death. Here is how you can be a support through your friends' grief.

Blaming Every Bad Economic Indicator On The Trade War Just Proves You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About

The global economy isn’t healthy, and everything isn’t hunky dory. But the trade issue is the icing on the cake, not the main story.

Yes, Schools Are Too Girly For Boys. Here’s How To Fix That

Helping restore the lack of masculinity in our society involves recognizing that boys are different than girls and have specific educational needs.

Yes, Immigrants Should Be Less Dependent On U.S. Welfare, And So Should Everyone Else

Immigration regulation that requires work instead of welfare has been a part of our laws for more than a century, and is based on legal theories that predate the founding of the republic.

Why I’m Over ‘Atlas Shrugged,’ And Conservatives Should Be Too

In searching for literary icons to emulate, Republicans would benefit from a little less John Galt and a little more Jean Valjean.

Kevin Williamson’s New Book Is A Call To Arms Against Mob Rule

In his latest book, ‘The Smallest Minority,’ writer Kevin Williamson came to bury mob rule—but he did not go far enough.

Anti-Discrimination Policies Didn’t Help When People Targeted My LGBT Identity At Work

Following the rules, guidelines, and legal processes only disabled me and conditioned me never to speak up again if I found myself in a similar situation.

What America Looked Like When Today’s Top Four Presidential Candidates Were Born In The 1940s

All were born in the same decade: the 1940s. To put their ages into perspective, here are some facts about the years Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Elizabeth Warren were born.

Why Too Many Parents Aren’t Doing Enough Helicopter Parenting

We worry our son will pick up ideas and behaviors we do not support that will someone else will reinforce. So we’re taking an active role in his life, even though it requires more of us.

Rachel Maddow Left Speechless By Trump’s Moronic Idea To Buy Greenland

All of this is completely on-brand for Donald Trump, who is demonstrating – once again – that he has the intellectual capacity of a child.

Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Goes Off On ‘Weak, Small, Petty, Childish’ Trump

Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh went off on Donald Trump for teaming up with Benjamin Netanyahu to ban Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from entering Israel.

Empty Seats In New Hampshire As Trump’s Latest Campaign Rally Flops

Donald Trump often likes to brag about his large crowd sizes, but rally in New Hampshire on Thursday didn't appear to be packed to capacity.

Fox News Poll Shows All Democratic Candidates Surging And Easily Beating Trump In 2020

Right now, American voters seem more than eager to send Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party packing come November 2020.

Rapper Cardi B Shills For Socialism In Newly Released Bernie Sanders Ad

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sat down with rapper Cardi B at a nail salon in Detroit to record an ad for his presidential campaign. 

The Economy’s Sinking, The White House Is Freaking, And Trump’s Only Plan Is Tweeting

The White House is panicking because the economy is weakening faster than expected and Trump has no plan to head off a recession.

Trump Administration Won’t Force Religious Organizations To Choose Between Their Faith And Federal Contracts

This regulation simply clarifies that, when religious employers contract with the federal government, they retain the right to hire employees who support their religious missions

Crime Buddy Netanyahu Helps Trump Spread His Racism With Tlaib and Omar Ban

Netanyahu is openly interfering in the 2020 presidential election by helping Trump spread his racism with his ban of Reps. Tlaib and Omar from visiting Israel.

Sanders Mimics Trump In Starting News Service To Counteract Mainstream Media

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sounded a lot like Donald Trump in Iowa this week going after the mainstream media’s coverage of his campaign.

Israel Bars Visit By Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

Israel will bar a visit by Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who planned to tour the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, the country's deputy foreign minister said.

Jeffrey Epstein autopsy report shows broken neck

The autopsy into financier Jeffrey Epstein, who died in an apparent suicide while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, found his neck had been broken in several places,

Cory Booker proposes office to fight white supremacy

Cory Booker on Thursday said he would create a White House office to combat white supremacy and hate crimes if elected, becoming the latest Democratic presidential candidate to call for action after a racially motivated massacre in Texas.

Max Boot Has The Awful Zealotry Of A Convert

Max Boot isn't just a leftist, he is a convert to leftism -- the most dangerous kind.

Study: More Students Are Graduating College Because It’s Gotten Easier

Why did college graduation rates increase while college students became academically less prepared? A new study concludes it’s probably because colleges have lowered their standards.

Hiding George Washington Won’t Fix History, But This California School Is Trying Anyway

This debacle over historical artwork is a classic left versus left scenario: those valuing freedom of expression over everything else, against those valuing the rights of the offended over all.

If We Want To Help Women, We Should Decriminalize Prostitution

Continuing to incarcerate victims of sex trafficking alongside consensual sex workers is a continuing policy of failure.

Why Do Transgender Users Get Away With What Gets Other People Banned From Twitter?

Should people using social media be forced to act as if biological sex is meaningless? Why can trans people threaten and dox others to no consequences, while others are banned from Twitter for lesser offenses?

It’s Time To Officially Acknowledge That Qatar Is A State Sponsor of Terrorism

For years, Qatar has bankrolled and provided haven to terrorist groups that threaten America’s interests and its allies. Let’s call a spade a spade.

Not Sorry, Boomers: Woodstock Was A Bad Trip

‘What they thought was an alternative society was basically a field full of six-foot-deep mud laced with LSD. If that was the world they wanted to live in, then f--- the lot of them.’

Why The World Needs To Allow Women To Shout Their Adoptions

People often think that if a child is unwanted by a birth mother, they are unloved. But placing a child for adoption is a profoundly loving choice.

Planned Parenthood To Keep Performing Abortions Even If It Costs Them Millions In Taxpayer Funds

Pending a court decision, Planned Parenthood could withdraw from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services's birth control program as early as next week.

The Student Debt You Willingly Took On Is Not My Problem To Solve

Apparently, the majority of Democratic presidential contenders want to parade student debt sob stories around. These stories don't show the full picture.

Another Study Confirms Obamacare Is The Unaffordable Care Act

Despite strong partisanship in the U.S., both sides can agree on something even as controversial as health care: Obamacare has failed to deliver.

What Democrats Really Sound Like In Their ‘How Socialist Can You Get’ Primary Debates

Any similarities to candidate comments made after this article has published is merely evidence of the author’s clairvoyance.

Former Obama Economic Adviser Names Trump The Biggest Risk To The US Economy

Former Obama and Clinton economic adviser Gene Sperling named Donald Trump the biggest risk to the US economy.

Jaws Drop Rachel Maddow Lays Out Mitch McConnell’s Economic Treason

Rachel Maddow explained how Mitch McConnell has allowed Russia to gain an economic foothold in the US so that they can influence US politics from within.

12 Black Elected Officials In Charlotte Receive Trump Inspired Racist Letters

12 elected black officials in Charlotte, NC have received threatening racist letters which invoke the name of Donald Trump.

John Hickenlooper Considering Dropping Out Of Presidential Race, Eyes Senate Seat: Report

2020 Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper is in talks with campaign staff and other Democratic power players about ending his run for the White House to pursue a U.S. Senate seat in Colorado.

Trump Cited As Inspiration For 36 Criminal Violent Acts Or Threats Of Violence

Trump name has been invoked in 36 criminal cases involving violence, threats of violence, or assault, which is 36 more than Obama or Bush.

Mitch McConnell Warned That Voters Will Make Him Pay For Cowardly Inaction On Gun Violence

Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) warned Mitch McConnell that voters are going to make him pay in 2020 for his cowardly inaction on gun violence.

The Latest Threats To U.S. National Security From North Korea, Iran, And Russia

Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi interview national security expert Fred Fleitz on the Federalist Radio Hour.

Wall Street slides as Trump fueled recession fears grow

Wall Street main indexes slid 1.5% on Wednesday, as a closely watched U.S. bond market indicator pointed to a renewed risk of recession following poor economic data from Germany and China.

Did Mark Zuckerberg Lie Under Oath About Facebook Eavesdropping Through Your Phone?

Last April, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Congress the social media giant was "not collecting any information verbally on the microphone," and "does not have contracts with anyone else who is." Now the story is changing.

A$AP Rocky Found Guilty Of Assault, Won’t Serve Further Jail Time

American rapper A$AP Rocky and two of his "crew" members were found guilty on charges of assault in Sweden, but they will not serve time. 

If It Wants To Survive, The NRA Needs To Change

In the 1970s, the NRA changed its mission. If the NRA wants to be as powerful as Democrats claim it is, it’s going to have to change again.

My Son’s Freshman Orientation At Virginia Tech Was Full Of Leftist Propaganda

Now that I have witnessed college propaganda firsthand, I refuse to ignore the indefensible and discriminatory behavior of the liberal campus bullies.

Why The United States Should Treat Immigration like A Job Interview

The United States can continue to be a place that offers haven for true refugees while also being more selective about who we welcome into our society.

America’s Apathy Toward The Hong Kong Protests Is A Crisis Of Confidence

America’s relative silence over the Hong Kong protests and the impending Chinese crackdown is deafening, and telling. It's also dangerous.

How Sicily’s War On The Mob Can Help Baltimore With Controlling Crime

It wouldn't take increased police presence or extra force. Sicily did something right when it empowered witnesses to enforce the law, and it could work in Baltimore too.

California Bans Workplace, School Rules About Curly Hair Because That’s Racist

California should deal with the many real problems plaguing its citizens, not pushing virtue-signaling legislation on hairstyles in the workplace.

Gun Fired Into Office Makes Fourth Attack On ICE In Past Month

On August 13, a man was arrested for allegedly firing shots at two Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices in San Antonio, Texas. 

If You’re Not Grateful To The United States, Why Are You Here?

New York University professor Suketu Mehta recently published a book arguing that 'immigration is a form of reparations' for past American crimes.

Why Harry Reid Is Wrong About Abolishing The Filibuster

Since he exacerbated the Senate’s status as a legislative graveyard, few should trust Harry Reid’s prescription for fixing a self-inflicted problem.

A Giant Leap For Mankind To Mars Requires A Giant Leap For Modern Medicine

Landing humans on Mars has for years been a subject of science fiction, but the effort has since become a tangible goal in the 21st century.

5 Biggest Misconceptions About The Trump Administration’s Record On LGBTQ Issues

If you cut through the false narratives peddled by the media, you’ll find Trump has been one of the greatest presidents for LGBTQ Americans in history.

New 2, 273-Page Regulation From Medicare Illustrates The Problems With Single Payer

Would a centralized federal bureaucracy ensure that all the country’s medical providers get paid the right amount under single payer? Almost surely not.

Pete Buttigieg Rolls Out Plan To Let The Feds Decide Who Gets Internships

If elected president, Pete Buttigieg says he'll increase internships among governmentally protected classes, to include 'rural' and 'minority' applicants.

Trump Is Refusing To Secure U.S. Elections Until Democrats Pass Voter ID Laws

Donald Trump has been beating the voter fraud drum since 2016 when he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by roughly 3 million votes.

Trump Says Obama Is Violating Emoluments Clause Even Though It Doesn’t Apply To Private Citizens

By spewing nonsense about Barack Obama's post-presidency book deal, Donald Trump is trying to distract from his own conflicts of interest.

Another Blue Wave Is Brewing As Trump’s Numbers Collapse In 10 Swing States

It's still early, but Trump's lagging numbers in key parts of the country are setting the stage for another blue wave in 2020.

Trump Doubles Down And Suggests The Clintons Killed Jeffrey Epstein

Trump doubled down on his support for the conspiracy theory that Bill and Hillary Clinton killed Jeffrey Epstein. Trump suggests the Clintons killed Jeffrey Epstein The White House Pool report as provided to PoliticusUSA reported: Asked again if he believed the Clintons had anything to do with Epstein’s death, he said he didn’t know. Then … Continue reading "Trump Doubles Down And Suggests The Clintons Killed Jeffrey Epstein"

Opinion: If You Want To Stop Illegal Immigration, Perp Walk Donald Trump

For all the bellyaching about undocumented immigrants, we can solve the problem if we perp walk Donald Trump and other CEO’s who benefit the most from their labor. Donald Trump doesn’t like it when he’s called a racist. We’ve seen him deny it – even trying to argue with a straight face that he’s the … Continue reading "Opinion: If You Want To Stop Illegal Immigration, Perp Walk Donald Trump"

Trump Caves To Business Pressure And Delays Apple Tax Tariff Until December

The Trump administration on Tuesday delayed imposing a 10% import tariff on laptops, cell phones, video game consoles and some other products made in China that had been scheduled to start next month, in an abrupt pull-back from a hardline stance on Chinese trade.

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? 2020 Democrats Come Up Short In Masculinity

Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke can’t change a tire, and Montana Governor Steve Bullock can’t use a grill. No man cards for them.

Tom Steyer Is On The Verge Of Qualifying For Next Democratic Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer announced that he has reached the donor threshold to qualify for the September Democratic debate. Tom Steyer tweeted: I'm thrilled to announce that today we've reached the required 130,000 individual donors to appear in September's debate. Just one more qualifying poll stands between us and that stage! Thanks to all … Continue reading "Tom Steyer Is On The Verge Of Qualifying For Next Democratic Debate"

Pete Buttigieg unveils $80 billion plan to bring internet to all rural Americans

Pete Buttigieg unveiled an ambitious plan on Tuesday to transform the economy of rural America, including spending $80 billion to provide high-speed internet and $50 billion over a decade to help farmers combat climate change.

Does The Statue Of Liberty Poem Invalidate U.S. Borders Or Require Giving Welfare To Non-Citizens?

Ken Cuccinelli announced a change Monday that will deny green cards for immigrants on Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers, and other public welfare.

Why Mass Illegal Immigration Probably Costs More Than You’ve Been Told

Illegal immigration may look good for the economy on the surface, but a deeper look reveals exorbitant costs that disproportionately hurt some of the worst-off in America.

Study: Medicare For All Would Require Huge Tax Hikes On The Middle Class

The study estimates Americans earning $50,000–$74,999 would likely need to pay on average $7,773 to $9,171 more in new taxes every year to pay for Medicare for All's socialized care.

We Need Christian Nationalism Because Religious Neutrality Has Failed

Our religious liberty never proceeded from attempts at religious neutrality. It came precisely from the privileged position that Christianity has historically held in America and in the West.

8 Back-to-School Books To Protect Students Against Leftist Brainwashing

As high school and college students prepare to head back to school, they’re set to enter a lion’s den of anti-American, leftist indoctrination. Here are eight books conservative students need to balance their politicized fare.

8 Ways Students’ Tech Addiction Is Ruining College

Back-to-school season is a good time to take a hard look at device addiction and plan some changes for the new school year — ghost your screens and take back your life.

Hawley’s SMART Act Is The Beginning Of The Revolt Against Big Tech

Sen. Josh Hawley’s SMART Act is a shift away from merely writing and ranting about Big Tech. It represents a legislative plunge, a first attempt to regulate the heretofore unregulated.

Everything You Never Needed To Know About Miley Cyrus’s Breakup With Liam Hemsworth For Brody Jenner’s Ex

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are separated. Brody Jenner and Kaitlyn Carter are, too. What's going on with Cyrus and Carter?

Sarah Silverman Fired For Past Blackface, Ralph Northam Remains In Office

Sarah Silverman was just fired from an upcoming movie for appearing in blackface in a sketch on 'The Sarah Silverman Show' from 2007.

Why Tarantino’s ‘Once Upon A Time’ Is A Tribute To Masculine Heroism

At least Tarantino has his characters worshiping at the right altar: the classic Hollywood films of a bygone era that celebrated the virtues of heroism and doing the right thing, even in the face of danger.

Why Very Few Hungarians Are Likely To Get $30,000 For Having Three Kids

Hungary is giving couples $30,000 to have three children. But this Potemkin pronatalism isn't going to increase Hungary’s birth rate.

Nursing Home Resident Obliterates Kamala Harris: ‘Leave Our Health Care System Alone’

During a campaign visit to a nursing home, presidential candidate Kamala Harris was pulled aside by an elderly woman who takes a dim view of Democrats' proposals to socialize U.S. health care. 

5 Key Transitional Pieces You Can Wear Now Through November

Here are a few ideas for pieces you can buy for now, but lend themselves perfectly to the autumn weather we know is just around the corner.

Rachel Maddow Calls Out Trump For Destroying The American Dream With New Immigration Rule

It's clear that Donald Trump doesn't believe in the American story because he's never had to actually live it a single day of his life.

The MAGA Agenda Collapses As 72% Of Americans Oppose Trump’s Immoral Immigration Policies

According to a Pew Research Center survey, 72 percent of the country supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Plan On Letting Background Checks Pass The Senate

The further we get away from the shooting massacres in El Paso and Dayton, the more it looks like McConnell is just hoping to run out the clock.

Trump Has Run Up A Bigger Deficit In Less Than Three Years Than Obama’s Entire Second Term

It hasn't even been a full fiscal year, and Trump's deficit spending in 2019 has already blown through last year's total.

Elon Musk Endorses Andrew Yang For President

Andrew Yang scored a major endorsement this weekend from fellow tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal who now leads SpaceX and Tesla.

Gen Z Conservatives Are Fighting Climate Change With Conservationism — And Capitalism

Twenty-four young conservatives came forward to share how they are trying to combat the narrative that all Republicans are against climate change.

MSNBC Panelist On Most White People: ‘Destroy Them’

In a Sunday segment on MSNBC, Elie Mystal called for the majority of white people in America to be destroyed.

Trump Gets More Racist With Move To Take Food Stamps And Housing Away From LEGAL Immigrants

The Trump administration has announced a new rule that will punish legal immigrants who use food or housing assistance.

Hemingway And Harsanyi: Epstein Conspiracies, 2020 Dems, And Pronouns

On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi break down support for various Democratic candidates.

Democrats Admit That Don McGahn Testimony Is Part Of Trump Impeachment

House Judiciary Democrats argued in court that the need former White House counsel Don McGahn's testimony as part of their impeachment investigation.

William Barr Ripped For Bungling Jeffrey Epstein’s Federal Custody

Frank Figliuzzi said that Attorney General William Barr bungled Jeffrey Epstein's federal custody, but not having him secured at the highest level.

The Poetic Justice Of Epstein’s Demise

Though it is frustrating not knowing what secrets went to his grave, the terror that Jeffrey Epstein felt was exactly what he deserved.

Anthony Scaramucci Warns That Trump Will Turn On Every American

Former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci has dumped Trump over his racism and is warning every American that Trump will turn on his country.

Actually, Joe Biden, Flamethrowers Are Legal In All 50 States

‘You're not allowed to own a bazooka, you can't own a flamethrower,’ says Democrat Joe Biden. False. Flamethrowers are legal, and they’re spectacular.

6 Ways Bill Clinton Is Lying About His Assault Weapons ‘Ban’

The habitually dishonest Bill Clinton is mischaracterizing his ‘ban’ to help Democrats impose one with far more severe consequences.

U.S. Forces Parents Away From Adopted Children For As Long As Two Years

Luke and Brittney Stasi appear to have been victims of an unannounced policy change at the U.S. State Department keeping parents from bringing their adopted children home. Will Congress act?

No, President Trump Should Not Commute Rod Blagojevich’s Corruption Sentence

Trying to shake down a racetrack investor is not politics as usual; it is attempted extortion. Trying to shake down a children’s hospital is not logrolling; it is the Chicago Way.

Why The Most Likely Explanation For Epstein’s Death Is Suicide By Negligence

I think at the end of the day we will all learn that alleged child rapist Jeffrey Epstein was able to kill himself because of gross incompetence. Here’s why.

Why The Jeffrey Epstein Investigation Must Not End With His Death

Unthinking respect for authority, Albert Einstein said, is the greatest enemy of truth. Journalists should bring back that spirit of skepticism and get to the bottom of the Epstein death.

Here’s Why Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Will Not Work At All

Warren’s wealth tax includes the flaw of many of the left’s grand plans in that it presumes no negative consequences will follow — but of course they will.

To Deliver Brexit, Boris Johnson Must Defeat The UK’s Socialists

By appointing Dominic Cummings, the 'Batman,' as his most senior adviser, Johnson showed he is committed to delivering Brexit. But their villain awaits.

Why China Is Feeling Internal Pressure To Keep Raising The Trade War Stakes

The ongoing economic brinkmanship between China and the United States is hurting all parties involved, yet no one is happy with the status quo.

House Democrats Refuse To Request IRS Audit Of Biden’s ‘Questionable’ Tax Returns

The release of the 2020 Democratic front-runner’s financial documents show Joe Biden used a tax loophole to avoid paying as much as $500,000 in taxes.

Auditors Find 84,000 Duplicate Voter Records On California’s Rolls

California's attempts to automate voter registration through visits to its Department of Motor Vehicles produced 84,000 duplicate voter records, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Tom Steyer’s Presidential Campaign Discredits His Drive To Impeach President Trump

Billionaire Democratic Party donor Tom Steyer made himself a household name with his crusade to impeach President Trump. But that’s strangely not at the forefront of his presidential bid.

‘Dora And The Lost City of Gold’ Could Have Been Way Worse

The new 'Dora the Explorer' film turned out to be a cute live-action kids movie, considering it derived from the most annoying animated show ever made.

Fears rise that Trump’s trade war is leading to recession

Goldman Sachs Group Inc said on Sunday that fears of the U.S.-China trade war leading to a recession are increasing and that Goldman no longer expects a trade deal between the world's two largest economies before the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Trump Is Infuriated And Broken Over Being Called A Racist

Trump is reportedly infuriated and vexed because he doesn't know how to respond to being called racist after he makes racist statements.

Joe Biden Vows To Ban Assault Weapons If Elected President

Former vice president Joe Biden is vowing to ban assault weapons and expand background checks if he is elected president in 2020. Biden wrote in a New York Times op-ed: Nearly 70 percent of the American public support a ban on assault weapons — including 54 percent of Republicans. When you have that kind of … Continue reading "Joe Biden Vows To Ban Assault Weapons If Elected President"

Trump Hides From Reporters And Ignores Question On Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy Retweet

Trump and his advisers are hiding from reporters and refusing to answer their questions about his retweet of a Jeffrey Epstein death conspiracy theory.

Fear Grips The GOP As Iowa Conservative Voters Say They Can’t Vote For Trump

A family of conservative Iowa voters was interviewed at the state fair, and two of the three explained why they can’t vote for Trump in 2020. Video: This clip of a conservative mother and daughter explaining why they can't vote for Trump in Iowa should have Republicans scared. — Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) August … Continue reading "Fear Grips The GOP As Iowa Conservative Voters Say They Can’t Vote For Trump"

Kellyanne Conway Blames Obama and Pelosi For Trump Inspired Mass Shootings

Kellyanne Conway tried to blame Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi for the mass shootings that have been inspired by Trump's rhetoric.

Kamala Harris Jolts America By Labeling Trump A Domestic Terrorist

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said that Donald Trump is running a campaign of domestic terrorism against minorities in America.

Beto O’Rourke Blasts Trump For Using Jeffrey Epstein Conspiracy To Distract From Mass Shooting He Inspired

Beto O'Rourke responded to Trump pushing a Jeffrey Epstein suicide conspiracy theory by calling it Trump's effort to distract from the mass shooting that he inspired.

Democratic presidential contenders demand action on guns

Democratic presidential contenders urged Congress on Saturday to take action to curb gun violence in the wake of mass shootings last weekend in Texas and Ohio that left 31 dead.

Elizabeth Warren Has A Plan To Beat Mitch McConnell’s Gun Reform Obstruction

Elizabeth Warren pledged on Saturday to use executive powers to curb gun violence if she wins the White House as fellow Democratic candidates prepared to demand gun safety reforms at an Iowa forum.

Castro Tweet Controversy Reveals Fundamental Threat to Democracy, even from the Press

Back in the day, during the Reagan era, New York Democrat and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan termed the GOP the “party of ideas” because of their growing reputation for intellectual prowess. At the 2016 Republican National Convention, despite all indications to the contrary, self-proclaimed idea-man Paul Ryan kept this illusion alive, declaring, “It still comes … Continue reading "Castro Tweet Controversy Reveals Fundamental Threat to Democracy, even from the Press"

Kamala Harris Draws Massive Crowd At Iowa State Fair

In what could be a sign of growing momentum, Sen. Kamala Harris drew a huge crowd to her soapbox speech at the Iowa State Fair.

Bridging Rural/Urban Divide Key for Democrats in 2020 and for Exposing Trump Failures

Just yesterday I attended a fair in Port Oneida, Michigan celebrating rural culture. While the focus on Michigan, when it comes to economic matters, tends to be on the manufacturing sector, largely, of course, because of the dominance of the auto industry, the importance of the rural economy and population loom large, not just in … Continue reading "Bridging Rural/Urban Divide Key for Democrats in 2020 and for Exposing Trump Failures"

Republicans Terrfied As Red State Suburban Voters Are Ready To Wipe Out Trump

Terror is growing the Republican Party as red-state suburban voters are tired of Trump and gun violence and ready to wipe out the GOP.

Trump Does Racist Japanese And Korean Accents For Guests At Fundraiser

Trump mocked the leaders of Japan and South Korea with racist fake accents during a fundraiser where he praised Kim Jong-un.

Republicans Go Insane And Say Epstein’s Suicide Means Dems Should End The Russia Investigation

Republicans are desperate to end any type of investigations into this morally bankrupt president, but this might not be the best strategy.

Unsealed Documents Show Epstein Recruited At Least One Victim At Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Resort

Trump has repeatedly tried to distance himself from Epstein, but the more information we learn, the more the two men seemed to be kindred spirits.

Trump Trashes U.S. Military After Receiving Another Love Letter From Kim Jong Un

Time and again, Trump has shown that he is happy to sell out America just for the chance to buddy up with strongmen like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Child sex trafficker and Trump pal Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide

By Jan Wolfe (Reuters) – Jeffrey Epstein, the U.S. financier facing federal sex trafficking charges, committed suicide on Friday night in his lower Manhattan jail cell, several U.S. media outlets reported on Saturday. Epstein, who was arrested on July 6, had pleaded not guilty to charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls as … Continue reading "Child sex trafficker and Trump pal Jeffrey Epstein dies by suicide"

Elizabeth Warren Tries To Court Rural Voters Skeptical Of Urban Elites With Sweeping Broadband Proposal

Though Warren's proposal for broadband internet access in rural communities might have some appeal to those voters, her identification as a socialist “pales in comparison.”

Trump Calls Hollywood Racist And Suggests Movie Censorship

Trump called Hollywood racist and suggested that the government should not allow Hollywood to make movies that are "unfair" to conservatives.

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting At Missouri Walmart

An off-duty firefighter carrying his own concealed weapon held the armed suspect at gunpoint until police arrived.

Out Of His Mind Trump Claims Joe Biden Is Too Crazy To Be President

Trump main argument after a recent Biden gaffe in Iowa is that the former vice president is too crazy to be president.

Progressive Pushback Against NYT, The Bigness Of Tech, And Taylor Swift

On the Federalist Radio Hour: The growing political fight against Silicon Valley, why progressives increasingly hate the media, and the banal Taylor Swift.

Trump’s Terrible Ideas About Mass Shootings Are Coming Directly From The NRA

Trump on Friday said he has been speaking with the National Rifle Association to ensure that the gun lobby's "very strong views" are considered as congressional leaders weigh possible gun legislation after two weekend mass shootings.

Watch The New Mini-Doc That Takes Down ‘Chapo Trap House’

It's a wonderful introduction to the slop these three and their minions have been spewing on the internet for three years now in the podcast 'Chapo Trap House.'

ICE Workplace Raids Unmask Our Broken Immigration System

Immigration hardliners need to confront an awkward reality: mass illegal immigration is driven by big business, and it indirectly benefits us all.

If Mass Shootings To Provoke Political Panic Catch On, We’re In Serious Trouble

Most mass murderers aren't ideologues. But a broadening acceptance of the murderous form of accelerationism could change that.

If You Believe Trans Ideology, Forcing Women To Wax Men’s Genitals Is Logical

You can’t write out a clear statement about why Jessica Yaniv is wrong without some recognition, no matter how indirect, of his male sex. That’s the point, and it always was.

Here’s Your Guide To Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Lawsuit Demanding His Job Back

Disgraced Trump investigator Peter Strzok probably won’t get tossed out of court right away. But once litigation proceeds, Strzok’s claims will be on shaky grounds.

The Far-Reaching Implications Of The New York Times’ Headline Swap

When The New York Times changed its front-page headline on the president's Tuesday address, the paper made an important concession.

How This Auschwitz Victim Rose Above Identity Politics To Find Life’s True Meaning

Edith Stein's story appears ripe for appropriation as a cudgel with which to beat traditional ideas regarding God, politics, and gender. But she chose an approach other than resentment and anger.

The Well Funded Environmental Extremists Of The Sunrise Movement Are Gaining Within The Left

The theatrics of the XR and Sunrise activists are anything but spontaneous, relying on an emotional appeal through impressionable youth. And mammoth moneybags are fueling it.

China’s Currency Devaluation Will Hurt China More Than It Hurts The United States

What China did this week is the strongest counteraction it has taken so far in its ongoing trade war. It might have achieved the desired effect of causing market panic, but it will end up hurting China the most.

‘The Hunt’ Shows Liberals Murdering Conservatives. Do We Really Need That Right Now?

This week's tragic shootings reportedly have Universal 're-evaluating its strategy' for 'The Hunt,' which depicts elites hunting 'MAGA types' for sport.

Examining The Book Harper Lee Never Wrote

Casey Cep's new true crime work, 'Furious Hours,' explores a lurid 1977 southern murder trial that almost inspired Harper Lee to write another book—but Cep's pretentious account leans heavily on inaccurate and unflattering Southern stereotypes.

Joe Biden Endorses Ocasio-Cortez’s Support For ‘Truth Over Facts’

Joe Biden adopted U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) view of disregarding facts in the name of feelings on Thursday at the Iowa State Fair.

Victoria’s Secret Executive Departs After Company Hires Trans Model

The famous lingerie brand should not have given in to the woke mob following criticism that they didn’t have enough men on their catwalks.

Rachel Maddow Calls Trump’s Response To El Paso A Dark Stain On American History

The El Paso terrorist attack itself is a dark moment in American history. Donald Trump's shameful response made it much darker.

Trump’s Own Staff Admit That His Trips To El Paso And Dayton Were Massive Failures

Trump is fuming over the coverage of his photo ops, and his aides are saying that the visits did not go well. They say the president is to blame for that.

New Documents Released: Notes From FBI Interviews With DOJ Official Bruce Ohr

The FBI released 34 pages of notes, known as "302s," of its interviews with Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who met with Christopher Steele.

Joe Biden Shreds Breitbart Host Who Got In His Face To Defend Trump’s Racism

Former Vice President Joe Biden had no patience for anyone defending Trump's disgusting response to the hate in Charlottesville.

Mitch McConnell Refuses To Say Whether He’ll Allow A Vote On Expanded Background Checks

The Senate majority leader refused to say whether he would support legislation to tighten background checks on gun sales.

Fitness Centers SoulCycle and Equinox Respond To Boycott Calls Following Owner’s Support For Trump

Luxury fitness companies SoulCycle and Equinox Fitness responded to calls for people boycotting their workout studios Wednesday after news surfaced that the owner of the two companies would be hosting a high-dollar fundraiser for President Donald Trump.

Beto O’Rourke: ‘This Country Has Been Racist As Long As It’s Been A Country’

"[Trump] is certainly fanning the flames. He is certainly making violence like this more possible and more real until we change course," O'Rourke said.

First Post-Debate Polls Show Biden Leading, Harris Sinking, And Warren Rising

California Sen. Kamala Harris took the biggest hit in the post-debate polls, following an attack on her record as the largest state's attorney general.

Trump Turns Dayton And El Paso Mass Shootings Into A Campaign Ad

Trump used taxpayer money and resources to travel to Dayton ad El Paso so that he could use mass shooting tragedies as props for a campaign ad.

Fox News Goes Full Blown Racist With Lie That Blacks Commit More Hate Crimes Than Whites

Trump's racism is being spread via Fox News as the network falsely claimed that African-Americans commit more hate crimes than white people.

Trump visits mass shooting victims; protesters shout ‘Do something!’

Trump met victims and first responders from last weekend's deadly shootings in Texas and Ohio on Wednesday, as chanting protesters accused him of inflaming tensions with anti-immigrant and racially charged rhetoric.

We Killed God, Family, And Community — And Now It’s Killing Us

We have discarded social institutions that have helped people understand their value and place in the world for thousands of years. And their decline is not just mirrored in the rise of mass shootings.

We Don’t Need Red Flag Laws, We Need More Good Americans To Get Guns

It isn’t time for red flag laws. It isn’t time for raising the age to buy a weapon. The time has come for you to purchase a weapon and start taking responsibility for your own life.

‘White Supremacy’ Report The Left Is Using To Attack Tucker Carlson Actually Reinforces His Point

Many pundits are condemning Tucker Carlson for saying white supremacy is not a major U.S. problem. And the report many of them are relying on actually shows he’s right.

Tucker Carlson Isn’t Wrong About White Supremacy

Tucker Carlson is under fire for saying something blatantly true: that American society is not facing a crisis of white supremacy.

Yes, The Supreme Court Should Overturn Precedent Sometimes

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas doesn't want to set fire to the rule of law. He simply wants to let the Constitution, the real Constitution, once again be what it claims to be — the supreme law of the land.

Shootings Are Not About Gun Control Or White Supremacy. Just Ask Chicago

The real issue at the heart of these mass shootings lies with the pain the men who commit these acts are feeling.

Study: Transgender Male Athletes Keep Physical Advantages Even After Female Hormone Injections

Essentially, this study concludes that men who 'transition' by taking testosterone suppressants can rejuvenate whatever muscle mass, strength, and power they may lose initially through proper training.

Denise Richards Is The ‘Real Housewives’ Rookie Of The Year

It is imperative that Denise Richards return to the 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.'

A Close Reading Of Federalist No. 10 Shows John Locke Doesn’t Have A Lock On The Founders

An investigation of those who made an impression on James Madison reveals the forgotten impact of two Founding Era philosophers: David Hume, and Adam Smith.

Here’s Why Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Is Completely Unconstitutional

Warren, a Harvard law professor, understands the difference between direct taxes and indirect taxes, but she’s counting on the people not to pay attention.

Why You Can’t Have Cultural Diversity Without Cultural Distinctions

The achievement of diversity involves a paradox that no one in the multiculturalism crowd appears to have considered.

NCAA Players Already Get Paid. It’s Called Free Tuition

Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang released his newest policy proposal: to force the NCAA to pay student athletes.

Democrats sue to compel ex-White House counsel McGahn’s testimony in Trump-Russia probe

he Democratic-led U.S. House Judiciary Committee asked a federal court on Wednesday to compel former White House Counsel Don McGahn to testify about President Donald Trump's alleged efforts to impede the federal probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Rachel Maddow Points Out That Mentally Gone Trump Made El Paso Hospital Visit All About Himself

Rachel Maddow pointed out that Trump and the White House hyped the hospital visit to El Paso shooting victims, and then Trump made the visit all about himself.

Beto O’Rourke Drops A Truth Bomb By Comparing Trump To Nazis

Beto O'Rourke went there on Wednesday night and compared Trump and his supporters to the Nazis and Germany.

Trump And McConnell’s Talking Point Destroyed As 70% Want Assault Weapons Ban

Trump and McConnell have been saying that the appetite is not there for action on assault weapon, but a new poll reveals that 70% of Americans and 54% of Republicans want assault weapons banned.

The Slow But Gratifying Death Of A Silver Jew

David Berman, poet and musician best known for playing with the Silver Jews died this week at the age 52. David Harsanyi interviewed him in 2001.

Podcast: Conservatives In Cities, Crime, And Ross Perot

On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, Ben Domenech chats with City Journal Managing Editor Paul Beston.

Puerto Rico Supreme Court rules new governor must step down

The Puerto Rico Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that last week's swearing in of Pedro Pierluisi as governor was unconstitutional and that he must leave office later in the day.

Protesters Outnumber Trump Supporters Roughly 100 to 6 At Site of Dayton Mass Shooting

Trump has not been greeted with open arms in Dayton. At the site of the mass shooting, protesters outnumbered Trump supporters roughly 100 to 6.

Irish Leaders Call On Youth Party Leader To Resign For Attending American Conservative Conference

An Irish member of the European Parliament is calling on the Fine Gael Party youth wing leader to resign for attending an American conservative conference.

Trump Shows His Terror After Joe Biden Calls Out His Racism

Trump called Joe Biden incompetent and showed how scared he is of the former vice president after Biden called him out on his racism.

Trump Calls Visiting El Paso and Dayton After Mass Shootings A Terrific Opportunity

Trump made his photo-op intentions clear when he called visiting El Paso and Dayton after mass shootings a terrific opportunity.

Elizabeth Warren outlines $85 billion rural broadband plan

Elizabeth Warren outlined on Wednesday her plan to bring high-speed internet to rural and Native American communities through an $85 billion federal grant program.

The Trade War Isn’t The Only Reason For The Dow’s Big Drop

Don’t listen to the left scream that tax cuts caused a slowdown, and don’t listen to the supply siders who say tax cuts would be working great, were it not for tariffs.

If Gun Controllers Followed Their Own Logic, They’d Support Banning Alcohol And Cigarettes, Too

If gun control advocates are really worried about fatality numbers, restrictive firearm policies are not the place to start.

7 Times Joe Scarborough Helped Donald Trump Win

Joe Scarborough tweeted that any business that funds Trump is complicit with white supremacy. Yet his own show hosted Trump multiple times, giving Trump millions in free advertising.

After Appellate Victory, Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times Goes Forward

The unanimous decision greatly increases the odds a jury will hear Sarah Palin’s claim that the Times acted with actual malice by linking her to an assassination attempt on a congresswoman.

After Democrat Pushback, New York Times Switches Headline To One Slamming Trump

The New York Times has announced to the world it thinks it unacceptable to publish a news headline without also signaling the paper’s institutional disapproval of President Trump.

Why Going After Guns And Everything Labeled White Supremacy Won’t Solve Shootings

For those serious about saving lives, white nationalism needs to mean something more than just distasteful opinions, and mass shootings must remain within the context of the larger problem of gun violence.

After Shootings, 2020 Democrats Race Further To The Left On Gun Confiscation

2020 Democrats were quick to call for new gun laws in the aftermath of back-to-back shootings over the weekend that reignited agitation against lawfully owned guns.

WATCH: Angela Stanton-King’s Pro-Life Instagram: ‘No Way I Will Ever Support Any Party That Believes In Aborting Our Future’

Angela Stanton-King posted a personal statement against abortion to Instagram, arguing she could never support the Democratic Party.

‘Hobbs And Shaw’ Is A Wild, Ridiculous Summer Ride Worth Taking

If you go into 'Hobbs and Shaw' expecting anything other than a goofy, over-the-top action film, then you will be gravely disappointed.

Marshawn Lynch Was Right To Yell At A Lazy Football Camp Kid

Lynch has worked hard to get where he is in life, and for him not to carry that with him while volunteering to teach young men the game he loves would be a great disservice to them.

Here’s Your Non-Hysterical Guide To The Science Required To Address Climate Change

If climate alarmists would stop with their apocalyptic predictions, we could do a lot to mitigate the changing climate and solve our energy problems.

What ‘Star Trek: Deep Space 9’ Teaches Us About Religion And Violence

'Star Trek' forces us to ponder: what do freedom fighters do once they get the freedom to which they bent all their efforts?

‘Tell Him Not To Come Here’: El Paso Shooting Victims Urge Trump To Stay Away

If Donald Trump had an ounce of compassion for the people of El Paso, he would stay away from their city and let them recover.

Tucker Carlson Calls White Supremacist Terrorism A Hoax ‘Just Like Russia’

Tucker Carlson has made a fortune spewing white nationalist venom on his prime-time cable program – and he knows the president is watching.

Mayor Pete To Trump: It Takes More Than Hollow Teleprompter Speeches To Fix Gun Violence

This president can stand in front of a teleprompter and read as many scripts as he wants, but the American people know who the real Donald Trump is.

Trump Refuses To Take Phone Call From El Paso Congresswoman, Claims He Is ‘Too Busy’

On Tuesday, Donald Trump said he was too busy to take a call from Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar, the congresswoman who represents El Paso.

Twitter Hashtag Endorses Violence Against Mitch McConnell

Liberal members of the media are using the Twitter hashtag #MassacreMoscowMitch, endorsing violence against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Sen. Pat Toomey Refuses To Stop Mass Shootings Because Assault Weapons Are Popular

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) said that he will oppose legislation banning the guns that allow mass shooters to kill more people because assault weapons are popular.

Joe Biden Calls On America To Fire White Nationalist Trump

In a Noticias Telemundo exclusive interview, Joe Biden argued that Trump should be fired by the voters for legitimizing white supremacy.

Opinion: Inciting Hatred Ought to Be an Impeachable Offense

[Where indicated, this article includes opinion by Tobias J. Grant, legal analyst at PoliticusUSA] If a president incites one group of Americans to hate another group of Americans, it ought to be an impeachable offense. No matter what your views on the size of government may be, surely we can agree that a President must … Continue reading "Opinion: Inciting Hatred Ought to Be an Impeachable Offense"

Mike Gravel Throws Support Behind Bernie Sanders

Former Sen. Mike Gravel, who ended his presidential campaign last week, has announced his support for Sen. Bernie Sanders for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

Beto O’Rourke Endorses Australian-Style Mandatory Gun Buyback Program

The 2020 presidential candidate endorsed a federal mandatory gun buyback program after back-to-back weekend shootings in Ohio and Texas that left 31 dead.

Paranoid Trump With No Evidence Accuses Google Of Illegally Sabotaging His Campaign

Trump on Tuesday stepped up his accusations against Google, claiming without offering evidence that the technology company worked to subvert his 2016 presidential campaign and warning he was watching it "very closely" ahead of the 2020 election.

Why Red Flag Laws Are Not A Good Solution To Mass Shootings

Do you feel comfortable giving up a cornerstone of our republic for a safety dependent upon enforcement by a government that has failed at this before?

No, White Supremacy Is Not A Crisis

Tragic shootings by white supremacists must not convince us that America is on the wrong track, or that we must surrender liberty.

No, Anti-Terrorism Efforts Haven’t Hampered Investigations Of White Supremacists

The Democrat narrative that President Trump suppressed national investigative efforts that would hurt his friends and supporters in the white supremacy movement is flat-out false.

7 Reasons More People Should Concealed Carry

Police and security are the ideal intermediaries, but personal safety cannot be entirely entrusted to others. It is time for good citizens to responsibly conceal a firearm.

Florida Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of A 24-Hour Abortion Waiting Period

Last week, a Florida appeals court reversed a ruling that declared a 24-hour waiting period for abortion unconstitutional. Will Florida be the 35th state to require a 24-hour waiting period?

As Nation Mourns Shootings In El Paso And Dayton, Chicago Sees Most Violent Weekend Of Year

Fifty-five people were wounded by gunfire in Chicago this weekend, with seven killed in what became the most violent weekend for the Windy City this year.

What Would It Look Like To Replace U.S. Foreign Intervention With Something Smarter?

A plucky new think tank takes the fight to the foreign policy ‘blob’ and promotes policies of retrenchment, realism, and restraint.

No, Elizabeth Warren Is Not To Blame For The Dayton Shooting

The shooter's politics do not matter, and the only thing Warren is guilty of is politicizing a tragedy.

Hawley’s War On Tech Is Not To Destroy It, But To Tame It

While Sen. Josh Hawley is taking on Big Tech, his proposals provide a framework for technological responsibility, not a battle plan to destroy technology.

Watch For Democrats To Completely Ignore RBG’s Warning Against Court Packing

Ginsburg’s advice against such schemes was sound, but her liberal fans will stop at nothing should they get the chance to change the Supreme Court.

Top 10 Responses When Strangers Pregnancy-Shame You

If you’ve had this happen to you, whether it’s baby No. 1 or baby No. 10, and wondered how to handle the comments with a little more grace and humor, wonder no more.

These Philosophers’ Conversion To Christianity Can Teach Partisans How To Talk To Each Other

Instead of assuming the worst in our ideological opponents and talking past each other, we should allow for the possibility that we may be wrong.

The El Paso Terrorist’s Manifesto Is Basically A ‘Cut And Paste’ Of Trump’s Twitter Feed

The dangerous, racist rhetoric that Trump spews on a daily basis on social media or at his rallies used to be reserved for the dark fringes of society.

Beto O’Rourke Tells Media To Stop Asking If Trump’s Racist: ‘You Know The President Is Racist’

Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke told the media on Monday to stop asking the question that has an obvious answer: Is Donald Trump a racist?

The NRA Has Thrown $1.6 Million At Mitch McConnell To Block Expanded Background Checks

$1.6 million can buy a lot in Washington, and the Republican majority leader in the Senate appears to be one of those things up for sale.

Kamala Harris Rips Into Trump For Golfing While Blood Spilled On American Streets

Harris ripped into Donald Trump on Monday for his complete leadership failure following the mass shooting attacks over the weekend.

Top Democrats Call For Senate Vote On Gun Reform Bills

Top Democrats are calling on Mitch McConnell to cancel the Senate's August recess in light of the two mass shootings that occurred this week.

‘Do Something!’ Is Not Going To Stop Mass Shooters

Those who demand we #dosomething have no plan to protect innocent men, women, and children from mass shootings. They have a hashtag to placate voters.

Sanders And Warren May Sound Identical, But Their Supporters Are Very Different

The two candidates cater to different voters, who have not said they would support one or the other if their preferred progressive senator dropped out.

Pelosi and Schumer Slam Cowards Trump And McConnell For Refusing To Support Gun Bill

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer called out Trump and Mitch McConnell for refusing to support a bill to expand background checks for gun purchases.

Trump Is So Mentally Gone That He Called Dayton, Toledo In Mass Shooting Speech

Trump is so out of it that he couldn't even get the city in Ohio correct where one of the weekend's mass shootings took place.